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Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 76(1)feb. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565450


Introducción: describir caso infrecuente de tumor glómico pulmonar que compromete tráquea y bronquio principal derecho con síntomas respiratorios. Los tumores glómicos (GT) de la tráquea son una enfermedad infrecuente, se originan a partir de células musculares lisas modificadas. Los pacientes presentan síntomas inespecíficos como tos, disnea o hemoptisis. Se han reportado tratamientos quirúrgicos, incluyendo toracotomía y resección por fibrobroncoscopia. No hay duda de que la cirugía es el tratamiento de elección, sin embargo, pocos estudios han evaluado el tratamiento ideal para los (GT) traqueales. Caso Clínico: Describimos un caso de (GT) originado en la vía aérea, mujer de 62 años que presentó tos y expectoración durante 7 días, había sido diagnosticada de tumor endotraqueal por tomografía computada. La resección tumoral se intentó mediante broncoscopía, pero presentó bordes positivos, por lo que se realizó resección traqueal quirúrgica y anastomosis. La paciente logró buenos resultados y no se observó recurrencia en un seguimiento de 10 meses. Este es el tercer informe de (GT) originado en vía aérea (tráquea y bronquio principal derecho).

Introduction: Glomus tumors (GTs) of the trachea are a rare soft tissue disease, originating from modified smooth muscle cells. Patients are usually presented with nonspecific symptoms such as cough, dyspnea or hemoptysis. Surgical treatment has been reported, including thoracotomy and bronchoscopic electrocautery, there is no doubt that surgery is the treatment of choice, however few studies have evaluated the ideal treatment for tracheal GTs. Case Report: We describe a case of glomus tumor originated at large airway, a 62-year-old woman who presented with cough, and expectoration for 7 days, had been diagnosed as having a tracheal tumor by thoracic computed tomography. Tumor resection was attempted by fiberoptic bronchoscopy but there were positive edges, therefore surgical tracheal resection and anastomosis were performed. The patient achieved good results and no recurrence was observed during a 10-month follow-up. This is the third report of glomus tumor of the tracheal originated at large airway (trachea and right main bronchus).

Rev. argent. cir ; 115(4): 386-390, dic. 2023. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559255


RESUMEN Los tumores glómicos (TG) son neoplasias vasculares benignas de tejidos blandos en zonas acrales periféricas. La mayoría de los TG intraabdominales se producen en el estómago; su presentación intestinal es de muy baja incidencia. Se presenta el caso de una mujer de 26 años, que consultó por dolor abdominal crónico de baja intensidad en región umbilical sin otra signo sintomatología. Se completó su estudio imagenológico y se detectó una lesión abdominopélvica heterogénea con componente sólido vascularizado, y líquido con proyecciones papilares. El informe de la patología de la pieza quirúrgica arrojó el diagnóstico de TG de intestino delgado. Se realizó una consulta que demuestra su baja incidencia: afecta a personas entre 26 y 88 años de ambos sexos en igual proporción, sin una distribución geográfica predominante. Los TG deben considerarse como un raro diagnóstico diferencial ante tumores del intestino delgado (ID).

ABSTRACT Glomus tumors (GTs) are benign vascular neoplasms of soft tissues that occur in peripheral acral areas. Most intra-abdominal GTs develop in the stomach; the incidence of intestinal presentation is very low, We report the case of a 26-year-old female patient with chronic mild pain in the umbilical region with no other symptoms or signs. The imaging tests demonstrated a heterogeneous abdominopelvic mass with a solid vascularized component, and a cystic component with papillary projections. The pathology examination of the surgical specimen reported the diagnosis of GT of the small bowel (SB). We conducted a review of the literature and found their low incidence, affecting both men and women between 26 and 88 years without a predominant geographic distribution. Glomus tumors should be considered as a rare differential diagnosis in the presence of small SB tumors.

Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 83(2): 171-175, jun. 2023. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515476


Presentamos el caso clínico de una mujer de 58 años que consulta por episodios de epis-taxis autolimitadas por fosa nasal derecha asociados a hipersensibilidad al manipular dicha fosa nasal. A la exploración se evidenció en el septum nasal una lesión mucosa nodular, de consistencia dura y aspecto violáceo. Se llevó a cabo exéresis de la misma por vía endonasal, con resultado histopatológico de tumor glómico (TG) del septum nasal. El TG es una neoplasia benigna perivascular, derivada de las células musculares lisas presentes en el cuerpo glómico; estructura con función termorreguladora, formada por un shunt entre arteriolas y vénulas, sin presencia de red capilar. Los cuerpos glómicos están presentes, mayoritariamente, en extremidades (lecho ungueal). Los tumores glómicos son, verdaderamente, excepcionales en el área ORL, existiendo sólo una treintena de casos publicados hasta la fecha a nivel nasosinusal. La mayoría de casos se presentan entre la 5ᵃ y 6ᵃ década de la vida y más, frecuentemente, en mujeres. Plantea diagnóstico diferencial, fundamentalmente, con dos entidades: el paraganglioma (con el que no debe ser confundido desde el punto de vista terminológico ni histológico), y con el tumor fibroso solitario (antiguo hemangiopericitoma). El comportamiento es benigno y el tratamiento es la cirugía

We present the clinical case of a 58-year-old woman who consulted for episodes of self-limited epistaxis in the right nostril associated with hypersensitivity to manipulation of this nostril. Examination revealed a nodular mucosal lesion in the nasal septum, with a hard consistency and purplish appearance. The lesion was excised endonasally, with histopatho-logical result of a glomus tumor (GT) of the nasal septum. The GT is a benign perivascular neoplasm, derived from smooth muscle cells present in the glomus body; structure with thermoregulatory function, formed by a shunt between arterioles and venules, without the presence of capillary network. Glomus bodies are mostly present in the extremities (nail bed). Glomus tumors are truly exceptional in the ENT area, with only about thirty cases published to date at the nasosinusal level. Most cases occur between the 5th and 6th decade of life and more frequently in women. It raises differential diagnosis fundamentally with two entities: paraganglioma (with which it should not be confused from the terminological or histological point of view) and with solitary fibrous tumor (former hemangiopericytoma). The behavior is benign and the treatment is surgery.

Humanos , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Neoplasias Nasais/diagnóstico , Tumor Glômico/diagnóstico , Septo Nasal/patologia , Neoplasias Nasais/patologia , Tumor Glômico/patologia
Rev. colomb. cir ; 38(2): 357-362, 20230303. fig
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1425216


Introducción. Los tumores glómicos provienen de los cuerpos glómicos, que son estructuras con función de termorregulación y se encuentran distribuidas por todo el cuerpo humano, principalmente a nivel distal de las extremidades, donde es común encontrar lesiones características, aunque hay reportes de casos que se presentaron como neoformación en localizaciones más inusuales. Su etiología aun es desconocida. No se sospechan en muchos pacientes y el diagnostico se realiza de manera incidental, por estudios imagenológicos o anatomopatológicos. Caso clínico. Paciente femenina de 66 años, con presencia de tumor glómico en vía aérea, diagnosticado por histopatología e inmunohistoquímica, que fue sometido a resección quirúrgica, con buena evolución posterior. Discusión. Esta presentación atípica de tumor glómico en vía aérea se manifiesta principalmente con síntomas y signos relacionados con obstrucción de la vía aérea. El manejo oportuno es primordial y el diagnóstico definitivo es por histopatología e inmunohistoquímica, donde se observan las características de las células glómicas, estructuras vasculares, músculo liso y la positividad en la inmunotinción de marcadores como actina del músculo liso, CD34, y actina específica del músculo, entre otras. Conclusión. Los tumores glómicos son neoformaciones benignas raras, con presentación más común en zonas distales. Su aparición depende de factores intrínsecos y extrínsecos de los pacientes. Su tasa de recidiva es muy baja en comparación de otros tumores

Introduction. Glomus tumors originate from glomus bodies, which are structures with thermoregulatory function and are distributed throughout the human body, mainly at the distal level of the extremities where it is common to find these characteristic lesions. Although, there are case reports of neoformation presentations with more unusual locations. Their etiology is still unknown. Many times when there is evidence of lesions in atypical areas they are not suspected in many patients and the diagnosis is made incidentally by imaging and/or anatomopathological studies. Clinical case. A 66-year-old female patient with the presence of a glomus tumor in the airway diagnosed by histopathology and immunohistochemistry, underwent surgical resection and presented good evolution after surgery. Discussion. This atypical presentation of glomus tumor in the airway presents mainly with symptoms and signs related to airway obstruction. Timely management is paramount in these patients, and the definitive diagnosis is by histopathology and immunohistochemistry where the presence of the characteristics of glomus cells, vascular structures, smooth muscle and immunostaining positivity towards some markers such as smooth muscle actin, CD34, muscle specific actin, among others, are seen. Conclusion. This type of tumors are rare benign neoformations, with common presentations in distal areas. Their appearance depends on intrinsic and extrinsic factors of the patients and their recurrence rate is very low compared to other tumors

Humanos , Neoplasias da Traqueia , Imuno-Histoquímica , Tumor Glômico , Traqueia , Biópsia , Manuseio das Vias Aéreas
Gac. méd. boliv ; 45(1)2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385011


Resumen Los paragangliomas (cuerpo carotideo) son tumores benignos de alta vascularización ubicados en la región de los quimiorreceptores del cuerpo carotideo. Respecto a su localización, el glomus carotídeo, es del 0,01% en relación a los otros tumores de tipo paranganglioma, se observa con mayor incidencia en habitantes de lugares de altitud, más frecuente en sexo femenino. Clínicamente se presenta como una tumoración en región cervical de progresivo crecimiento, indoloro y con frémito. Dentro de los exámenes de gabinete auxiliares para diagnóstico, estan: la Ecografia Doppler, la Tomografía Axial Computarizada, la Resonancia Magnética y la Arteriografía. La técnica quirúrgica más frecuente para abordar este tumor es la disección subadventicial. Presentamos el caso clínico de una mujer de 57 años con tumor cervical, que fue intervenida quirúrgicamente, previo exámenes de laboratorio y gabinete, para la resección total del tumor y posterior estudio anatomo-patológico que reportó: paraganglioma de cuerpo carotideo.

Abstract Paragangliomas (carotid body) are benign tumors with high vascularization located in the region of the carotid body chemoreceptors. Regarding its location, the carotid glomus is 0.01% in relation to other paranganglioma type tumors, it is observed with higher incidence in high altitude populations, more frequent in females. Clinically it presents as a tumor in the cervical region of progressive growth, painless and with fremitus. Among the auxiliary tests for diagnosis are: Doppler Ultrasound, Computerized Axial Tomography, Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Arteriography. The most frequent surgical technique to address this tumor is subadventitial dissection. We present the clinical case of a 57-year-old woman with a cervical mass, who underwent surgery, after preliminary laboratory tests, for total resection with subsequent anatomo-pathological study that reported: paraganglioma of the carotid body.

Rev. colomb. gastroenterol ; 36(4): 463-472, oct.-dic. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360970


Resumen Introducción: la patología gástrica es excepcionalmente benigna, se registra a nivel mundial un porcentaje de aparición de las mismas del 0,005 %-4 %. Además de lo anterior, suele plantearse como primer diagnóstico diferencial un carcinoma gástrico, por lo que la mayoría de los pacientes termina en un procedimiento quirúrgico mayor. El objetivo de este estudio fue describir una serie de casos registrados en una institución de alta complejidad, así como la revisión de la literatura al respecto del tema. Pacientes y métodos: se realizó la revisión de las bases de datos del servicio de cirugía general de la Clínica Universitaria Colombia y se encontraron 4 tumores gástricos de presentación inusual, de los cuales se hizo revisión de la historia clínica y las imágenes disponibles (diagnósticas y de las piezas de cirugía). Resultados: en la revisión de la base de datos, se encontraron 4 casos, 2 de sexo femenino y 2 de sexo masculino, con una media de edad de 51 años (26-75 años). El 100 % de los pacientes tenía una lesión en la región antral y solo uno de ellos tenía una segunda lesión a nivel prepilórico. La totalidad de los pacientes fue llevada a gastrectomía subtotal con reconstrucción en Y de Roux por abordaje laparoscópico y la media de estancia hospitalaria fue de 3,5 días (2-6 días). Conclusión: para determinar la mejor opción de tratamiento en general en pacientes con lesiones gástricas siempre hay que considerar tanto las características endoscópicas y endosonográficas como las histológicas.

Abstract Introduction: Gastric pathology is exceptionally benign with a percentage of appearance between 0.005% - 4% worldwide. Moreover, gastric carcinoma is often suggested as the first differential diagnosis and for that reason, the outcome for a vast majority of admitted patients is a major surgical procedure. This study aims to describe a series of cases recorded in a high complexity medical institution and to carry out a literature review related to that subject. Patients and Methods: Databases from the general surgery service of the Clínica Universitaria Colombia were reviewed, and four unusual gastric tumors were found. A review of the related medical records and available images (diagnostic images and surgical elements) was performed. Results: After the database review, four cases were found: two female cases and two male cases, with a mean age of 51 years (26-75 years). All the patients had lesions in the antrum area and only one of them has an additional lesion in the prepyloric region. All patients were treated with a laparoscopic subtotal gastrectomy with Roux-en-Y reconstruction and the mean length of hospital stay was 3.5 days (2-6 days). Conclusion: It is required to consider the endoscopic, endosonographic, and histological examinations and their features to determine the best treatment for patients with gastric lesions.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Pâncreas , Carcinoma , Tumor Glômico , Cistadenoma , Leiomioma , Neoplasias , Pacientes , Cirurgia Geral , Prontuários Médicos , Diagnóstico Diferencial , Gastrectomia , Literatura
Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 80(3): 334-343, set. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1144898


Resumen El paraganglioma (PG) es una neoplasia infrecuente originada de las células paraganglionares, embriológicamente derivadas de la cresta neural. Se localizan en la cabeza, base de cráneo, cuello, mediastino, abdomen y pelvis. La mayor parte de los PG muestran un curso clínico benigno, sin embargo, algunos casos pueden mostrar un comportamiento biológico agresivo con invasión local y metástasis a distancia. Un avance significativo en patología molecular ha sido el reconocimiento que el 30%-40% de estas neoplasias presentan alteraciones genéticas. Se han descrito más de 45 genes involucrados, incluyendo mutaciones de la línea germinal succinato deshidrogenasa. Actualmente se recomienda hacer test genético a todos los portadores de PG incluyendo los de presentación esporádica. El PG más frecuente se ubica en la glándula suprarrenal llamado feocromocitoma. El diagnóstico definitivo se realiza con histología, sin embargo, el estudio imagenológico puede entregar una aproximación diagnóstica certera. Debido a la aceptación actual que todos los PG tienen potencial metastásico, el concepto de PG benigno y maligno ha cambiado a uno de estimación de riesgo de metástasis, aunque no existe un esquema único aceptado para tal efecto. El tratamiento considera la cirugía, la radioterapia, la observación y terapias combinadas. Dado el lento crecimiento de este tipo de neoplasia y las potenciales complicaciones de la terapia quirúrgica, la observación es una opción especialmente para pacientes añosos dejando las otras opciones para pacientes más jóvenes. En este trabajo se presenta un caso de paraganglioma yugular bilateral gigante tratado con radioterapia de intensidad modulada incluyendo una revisión bibliográfica pertinente.

Abstract Paraganglioma (PG) is a rare neoplasm derived from paraganglionic cells of the neural crest. They are located in the head, skull base, neck, mediastinum, abdomen and pelvis. Most PGs show a benign clinical course, however, some cases may show aggressive biological behavior with local invasion and distant metastasis. A significant advance in molecular pathology has been the recognition that 30%-40% of these neoplasms present genetic alterations; more than 45 genes have been described, including mutations of the germline succinate dehydrogenase. Currently it is recommended to make genetic test to all patients with PG, including sporadic presentation. The most frequent PG is located in the adrenal gland called pheochromocytoma. The definitive diagnosis is made with histology; however, the imaging study can provide an accurate diagnostic approach. It is now accepted that all PG have a metastatic potential, therefore the concept of benign or malignant has been changed to a metastasis risk stratification approach however no single scheme is been widely used. The treatment considers surgery, radiotherapy, observation and combination therapies. Given the slow growth of this type of neoplasia and the potential complications of surgical therapy, observation is an option especially for elderly patients leaving the other options for younger patients. In this work we present a case of giant bilateral jugular paraganglioma treated with intensity modulated radiation therapy, including a pertinent literature review.

Humanos , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Paraganglioma/patologia , Tumor do Glomo Jugular/patologia , Pescoço/patologia , Paraganglioma/diagnóstico por imagem , Tumor do Glomo Jugular/genética , Tumor do Glomo Jugular/radioterapia , Tumor do Glomo Jugular/terapia , Tumor do Glomo Jugular/diagnóstico por imagem , Neoplasias de Cabeça e Pescoço/patologia , Metástase Neoplásica
Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 80(2): 166-171, jun. 2020. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1115831


El tumor glómico es una neoplasia vascular originada de las células del músculo liso del componente neuromioarterial, responsable del control del flujo sanguíneo microvascular. Representa el 1,6% de todos los tumores de tejidos blandos, localizándose principalmente en la zona subungüeal y clínicamente muy doloroso. Su diagnóstico puede ser tardío debido a su pequeño tamaño, manifestaciones clínicas inespecíficas y localizaciones anatómicas inusuales. El tratamiento principalmente es quirúrgico, el cual es curativo, permitiendo además la confirmación histopatológica. Se presenta el reporte de caso de una paciente de 13 años de edad con un tumor glómico de localización inusual en mucosa bucal.

The glomus tumor is a vascular neoplasm originating from smooth muscle cells of neuromyoarterial component, responsible for the control of microvascular blood flow. It represents 1.6% of all soft tissue tumors, being located mainly in the subungual area and clinically very painful. Diagnosis may be delayed because of their small size, nonspecific clinical manifestations and unusual anatomical locations. Treatment is primarily surgical, which is healing, also allowing the histopathologic confirmation. The case report of a 13-year-old patient with an unusual-located glomus tumor in the oral mucosa is presented.

Humanos , Feminino , Adolescente , Neoplasias Bucais/patologia , Tumor Glômico/patologia , Neoplasias Bucais/diagnóstico , Tumor Glômico/diagnóstico , Mucosa Bucal/patologia
Surg. cosmet. dermatol. (Impr.) ; 12(4 S2): 228-231, fev.-nov. 2020.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1368000


Neurofibromatose tipo I (NF1) é uma doença autossômica dominante, com incidência de 1/2.500-3.000 nascimentos e prevalência de aproximadamente 1/4.000-5.000 indivíduos; é causada por mutações genéticas no gene NF1, que afetam tecidos neurais e cutâneos. Tumor glômico é uma neoplasia benigna originada do glomo, uma estrutura neuromioatrial da pele presente nas pontas dos dedos e envolvida na termorregulação. São considerados historicamente tumores isolados esporádicos, porém existem estudos que comprovam sua relação com a neurofibromatose tipo I. Pacientes com neurofibromatose tipo 1 devem ser investigados. O relato de caso fornece suporte adicional à noção de que NF1 tem um risco associado a múltiplos tumores glômicos.

Neurofibromatosis type I (NF1) is an autosomal dominant disease, with an incidence of 1/2,500-3,000 births and a prevalence of approximately 1/4,000-5,000 individuals. Genetic mutations in the NF1 gene cause it, affecting neural and skin tissues. Glomus tumor is a benign neoplasm originating from the glomus, a neuromyoatrial structure of the skin present at the fingertips and involved in thermoregulation. The literature historically considered these tumors isolated and sporadic, but some studies have proved a relationship with neurofibromatosis type I. Thus, patients with neurofibromatosis type 1 should be investigated. The case report provides additional support for the notion that NF1 has a risk associated with multiple glomus tumors.

J. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab. (Online) ; 55(1): 114-117, Jan.-Feb. 2019. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1002366


ABSTRACT The glomus tumor is a rare benign soft tissue tumor. We report a case of a 45-year-old male patient who presented with a painful mass in the abdominal wall. The patient underwent total tumor resection and the anatomical pathology diagnosis was of glomus tumor. The glomus tumor presents differential diagnosis of carcinoid tumor, hemangiopericytoma and vascular leiomyoma.

RESUMEN El tumor glómico es un tumor raro y benigno de tejidos blandos. Se presenta el caso de un paciente de 45 anos, con el hallazgo de un nódulo doloroso en la pared abdominal. Se realizó una resección completa de la lesión y el diagnóstico por anatomia patológica fue de tumor glómico. El diagnóstico diferencial del tumor glómico se plantea con tumor carcinoide, hemangiopericitoma y leiomioma vascular.

RESUMO O tumor glômico é um tumor raro e benigno de tecidos moles. Relatamos o caso de um paciente do sexo masculino, 45 anos, que apresentava nódulo doloroso na parede abdominal. Foi realizada a ressecção total do tumor; o diagnóstico anatomopatológico foi de tumor glômico. Este apresenta diagnóstico diferencial, com tumor carcinoide, hemangiopericitoma e leiomioma vascular.

Rev. méd. Minas Gerais ; 27: [1-5], jan.-dez. 2017.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-980329


O tumor do corpo carotídeo (TCC) é uma neoplasia rara, mas entre os paragangliomas é o mais freqüente, com incidência de 1: 1.170.000. Desenvolve-se na adventícia do vaso, próximo à bifurcação carotídea, afetando principalmente indivíduos entre a quarta e a quinta décadas de vida. É um tumor de crescimento lento, geralmente benigno e unilateral, e 10% deles são familiares. Em cerca de 5% dos casos, a lesão é bilateral, atingindo 32% se autossômica dominante. Podem ser assintomáticos até se manifestarem como uma massa cervical pulsante, de crescimento lento, indolor, na região lateral do pescoço, próximo ao ângulo da mandíbula. A TCC pode causar rouquidão e dificuldade de deglutição por compressão extrínseca e também síndrome do corpo carotídeo hipersensível (SCCHS). Esta síndrome é conseqüência da hiperestimulação dos barorreceptores, causando hipotensão postural, acompanhada de diaforese, pré-síncope ou síncope. Neste relato descrevemos uma paciente de 17 anos com TCC familiar e SCCHS, diagnosticada e tratada com sucesso, evoluindo sem seqüelas e assintomática. (AU)

Carotid body tumor (CBT) is a rare neoplasm, but among paragangliomas it is the most frequent, with an incidence of 1: 1,170,000. It develops in the adventitia of the vessel, near the carotid bifurcation, affecting mainly individuals between the fourth and fifth decades of life. It is a slow-growing tumor, usually benign and unilateral, and 10% of them are familial. In about 5% of the cases, the lesion is bilateral, reaching 32% if it is autosomal dominant. They may be asymptomatic until they manifest as a slowly growing, painless, pulsatile cervical mass in the lateral region of the neck, near the angle of the mandible. CBT can cause hoarseness and difficulty of swallowing by extrinsic compression and also hypersensitive carotid body syndrome (SCCHS). This syndrome is a consequence of hyperstimulation of the baroreceptors, causing postural hypotension, accompanied by diaphoresis, pre-syncope or syncope. In this case report we describe a 17-year-old patient with familial CBT and SCCHS, diagnosed and treated successfully, evolving without sequelae and asymptomatic. (AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Adolescente , Paraganglioma/terapia , Síncope/terapia , Tumor do Corpo Carotídeo/terapia , Paraganglioma , Tumor do Corpo Carotídeo , Tumor Glômico
Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 76(3): 301-307, dic. 2016. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-845630


El glomangiopericitoma es un tumor nasosinusal extremadamente raro, más frecuente en pacientes de edad avanzada y en mujeres. Si bien su etiopatogenia es desconocida, se reconocen ciertos factores predisponentes tales como hipertensión arterial, embarazo, trauma y uso de corticoides. Para su diagnóstico, resulta necesario recurrir tanto a estudio por imágenes como a la histología y técnicas de inmunohistoquímica. Microscópicamente se caracteriza por un prominente crecimiento perivascular de células uniformes ovales o fusiformes, dispuestas en fascículos cortos intercalados con capilares de diámetros variables ramificados en "asta de ciervo" y presenta inmuno-rreactividad positiva para actina, factor XIII-A y vimentina principalmente. Clínicamente este tumor presenta un comportamiento generalmente benigno, pero con una elevada tasa de recurrencia. Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 71 años, con antecedentes de hipertensión arterial, que acudió a nuestro centro por rinorrea purulenta y epistaxis unilateral derecha de 5 años de evolución. Al examen se observa masa polipoidea en fosa nasal derecha con abundante vascularización, sin otros hallazgos al examen físico. La lesión es resecada en su totalidad mediante cirugía endoscópica. El estudio histológico e inmunohistoquímico son compatibles con glomangiopericitoma. La paciente evoluciona con remisión de su sintomatología y a los dos meses desde la resección no ha presentado evidencias de recurrencia.

Glomangiopericytoma is an extremely rare sinonasal tumor, more common among elderly and women. Although its etiology and pathogeny are unknown, there are certain predisposing factors, such as arterial hypertension, pregnancy, trauma and corticosteroids. To diagnose this tumor, it is necessary imaging, histopathologic and inmunohistochemical studies. At the microscopic study, it is characterized by a prominent perivascular growth of oval-shaped or fusiform cells, arranged in short fascicles separated by capillary vessels of variable diameters, with staghorn-like ramifications, and lmmunohistochemistry positive mainly for actin, XIII-A factor and vimentin. Clinically, this tumor has a generally benign behavior, but with high recurrence percentage. We present the case of a 71 years old woman, with history of hypertension, who present in our center with a 5 years history of purulent rhinorrhea and right unilateral epistaxis, at the physical exam there is a polypoid mass in the right nasal fossa with rich vascularization, with no other findings. This tumor was resected entirely with endoscopic surgery. Histology and immunohistochemistry were compatible witch gomangiopericytoma. The patient evolve with remission of her symptoms and with no signs of recurrence at two-month follow-up.

Humanos , Feminino , Idoso , Hemangiopericitoma/diagnóstico , Hemangiopericitoma/cirurgia , Neoplasias dos Seios Paranasais/diagnóstico , Neoplasias dos Seios Paranasais/cirurgia
Surg. cosmet. dermatol. (Impr.) ; 8(2): 110-113, Abr.-Jun. 2016. graf
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS, Sec. Est. Saúde SP, CONASS, SESSP-ILSLPROD, Sec. Est. Saúde SP, SESSP-ILSLACERVO, Sec. Est. Saúde SP | ID: biblio-868251


Introdução: O tumor glômico é neoplasia benigna e rara que se apresenta como nódulo solitário e doloroso de localização principalmente subungueal. Apresenta manifestações clínicas características como dor paroxística e sensibilidade à pressão local e ao frio. Objetivo: Realizar levantamento clinicoepidemiológico dos tumores glômicos diagnosticados em unidade de referência em 16 anos. Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo analisando dados clínicos e epidemiológicos de 15 pacientes com diagnóstico de tumor glômico confirmado pelo laudo histopatológico no período de 2000 a 2016. Foram avaliados dados como idade, sexo, localização do tumor, sintomas associados, duração dos sintomas até o diagnóstico, apresentação clínica, tipo histológico e recidiva após a cirurgia. Resultados: Foram diagnosticados 15 casos, em 11 mulheres (73,3%) e quatro homens (26,7%). A média de idade foi 63 anos. A localização mais frequente foi a região subungueal. O tempo médio da duração dos sintomas até o diagnóstico foi de oito anos. Conclusões: Neste estudo, o número de casos de tumor glômico oscilou ao longo desses 16 anos, com média de 0,9 caso/ano. Observou-se maior prevalência em mulheres com mais de 60 anos, na região subungueal e do subtipo histológico glômico sólido.

Introduction: Glomus tumor is a benign and rare neoplasm that appears as solitary and painful nodule, mainly subungual. It presents characteristic clinical manifestations such as paroxysmal pain and sensitivity to local pressure and to cold. Objective: To conduct a clinical epidemiological survey of glomus tumors diagnosed in a reference unit in 16 years. Methods: Retrospective study assessing clinical and epidemiological data of 15 patients with glomus tumor confirmed by histopathological report from 2000 to 2016. Data on age, gender, tumor location, associated symptoms, duration of symptoms until diagnosis, clinical presentation, histological type and recurrence after surgery were analysed. Results: Fifteen cases were diagnosed, 11 in women (73.3%) and four in men (26.7%). Mean age was 63 years. The most frequent location was the subungual region. Mean duration of symptoms until diagnosis was 8 years. Conclusions: In this study, the number of cases of glomus tumor fluctuated throughout these 16 years, with a mean of 0.9 cases/year. A higher prevalence in women over 60 years, subungual region location and solid glomus histologic subtype was observed.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Tumor Glômico/diagnóstico , Estudos Epidemiológicos , Estudos Retrospectivos , Hospitais de Dermatologia Sanitária de Patologia Tropical
Cir Cir ; 83(4): 319-23, 2015.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26183025


BACKGROUND: Glomus tumours are neoplasms arising from cells of the neuromyoarterial glomus bodies, which almost always occur in a subungual location. A lung location is extremely rare, with few cases reported in the literature. CLINICAL CASE: The case is presented of a 33 year-old male, with non-productive cough, dyspnoea at rest, intermittent fever, and mild pain in rib cage. A chest radiograph showed a consolidation in the left lung, and computed tomography revealed a lesion in the hilum that extended to the bronchus of the lingula obstructing, and causing post-obstructive pneumonia. A biopsy was obtained by rigid bronchoscopy biopsy, which showed a well circumscribed tumour constituted by intermediate-sized cells, and abundant cytoplasm that are arranged in a pattern surrounding numerous thin-walled blood vessels, with no pleomorphism, significant mitotic activity or necrosis. Immunohistochemistry revealed diffuse positivity with smooth muscle actin, vimentin, caldesmon; focal reactivity with desmin and CD117, CD34 highlights the vascular pattern. Ki67 proliferation rate was 1%. Synaptophysin, EMA and cytokeratin cocktail were negative, making the diagnosis of glomus tumour. CONCLUSIONS: Glomus tumours are rare neoplasms that usually appear in the dermis and subcutaneous tissue, where it is common to find glomus bodies. Occasionally glomus tumours can occur in extra-cutaneous sites such as the gastrointestinal tract, bone and respiratory system, with this case being a new case of rare lung location.

Tumor Glômico , Neoplasias Pulmonares , Adulto , Tumor Glômico/diagnóstico , Tumor Glômico/cirurgia , Humanos , Neoplasias Pulmonares/diagnóstico , Neoplasias Pulmonares/cirurgia , Masculino
Medisan ; 17(5): 857-861, mayo 2013.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-677575


Se describe el caso clínico de un paciente de 61 años de edad, atendido en la consulta de Ortopedia y Traumatología del Hospital General Docente "Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso" de Santiago de Cuba, por presentar aumento de volumen en el grueso artejo derecho desde hacía más de un año, con elevación y deformidad de la uña, lo cual dificultaba el uso del calzado. Se realizó la exéresis de la uña y de los 2 tercios distales de la falange distal del grueso artejo. Los resultados de los exámenes complementarios efectuados y la evaluación histológica informaron que se trataba de un tumor glómico sin evidencias de malignidad. A los 30 días habían desaparecido completamente las molestias, de manera que se incorporó a sus actividades laborales habituales.

The case report of a 61 year-old patient is described, who was attended in Orthopedics and Traumatology Department of "Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso" General Teaching Hospital of Santiago de Cuba, due to an increased volume in the right great toe for over a year, with elevation and deformity of the nail, which prevented him from wearing shoes. Exeresis of the nail and the distal two thirds of the distal phalanx of great toe was performed. The results of complementary tests and histological evaluation revealed a glomus tumor with no evidence of malignancy. At 30 days discomfort had completely disappeared, so that he returned to his usual working activities.

Rev. medica electron ; 35(1): 38-44, ene.-feb. 2013.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-665722


El tumor glómico es un tumor mesenquimatoso tipo vascular benigno. Se origina de la modificación de las células de músculo liso del cuerpo gnómico, que son comúnmente observados en el dermis o en tejido células subcutáneo. Su aparición es rara en el tracto gastrointestinal. Se presentó el caso de un paciente masculino de 62 años de edad que acude por acidez y dolor en epigastrio al que se le realiza endoscopia con hallazgo de masa tumoral de 3 cm cubierto por mucosa sana localizado en cara posterior de cuerpo gástrico. Fue realizado estudio de rayos X contrastado, biopsia por ponchamiento y, posteriormente, gastrectomía subtotal. El estudio histopatológico demostró un tumor glómico gástrico, se le concluyó su estudio con la aplicación de inmunohistoquimica. Por las dificultades para su diagnóstico preoperatorio y constituir el estudio histopatológico la única forma de determinar la naturaleza de esta lesión submucosa gástrica con sus características típicas, se decidió presentar este caso, posiblemente el primero diagnosticado en Cuba.

The glomic tumor is mesenchymal tumor of benign vascular type. It arises from the modification of the cells of the plain muscles of the gnomic body, commonly observed in the dermis or in subcutaneous cellular tissues. It is rarely found in the gastrointestinal tract. We presented the case of a male patient, aged 62 years, who assisted the consultation because of sourness and epigastrium pain. As a result of an endoscopy we found a 3 cm tumoral mass covered by healthy mucous located on the back side of the gastric body. A contrasted X-rays study, a biopsy by puncture, and a subtotal gastrectomy were carried out. The histopathologic study showed a glomic gastric tumor, and its study was ended with the application of immunohistochemistry. Because of the difficulties for its pre surgical diagnosis, and because the histopathologic study is the unique form of determining the nature of this gastric submucous lesion with its typical characteristics, we decided to present this case, probably the first one diagnosed in Cuba.

J. vasc. bras ; 11(4): 320-323, out.-dez. 2012. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-659728


Os autores relatam um caso de tumor glômico em ramo da artéria radial que irriga o polegar direito, com história clínica de 4 meses. O doente referia o aparecimento de tumoração de aproximadamente 2,0 centímetros na região interdigital, entre o primeiro e o segundo quirodactilos da mão direita, sobre o músculo flexor curto do polegar, extremamente dolorosa e com dor em progressão. Os exames com aparelho de Doppler bidirecional e o eco-color-Doppler apresentaram, como diagnóstico presuntivo, malformação arteriovenosa, pelo turbilhonamento do fluxo e ausência de estenoses. A tumoração foi retirada por cirurgia aberta e encaminhada para exame histopatológico, com diagnóstico de glomangioma. Este relato descreve uma doença arterial pouco frequente, que causa extremo desconforto ao seu portador, mas que é solucionada pela exerese cirúrgica, sem sequelas.

We report on a case of glomus tumor in the branch of the radial artery of the right thumb. The tumor had a 4-year clinical history. The patient reported the development of a 2.0-cm tumor in the interdigital region between the first and second fingers of the right hand on the short flexor muscle of thumb. The patient also complained of severe and progressive pain. Tests using bidirectional Doppler and echo-color-Doppler revealed a presumptive diagnosis of arteriovenous malformation based on the turbulence of the flow and absence of stenosis. The tumor was removed by open surgery and sent for histopathological examination, which showed a diagnosis of glomangioma. The present report describes a rare arterial disease causing extreme discomfort to the patient, which may be treated with surgical resection without sequelae.

Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Doença Arterial Periférica/terapia , Tumor Glômico/cirurgia , Doenças Vasculares Periféricas/terapia , Doenças Vasculares Periféricas
An. bras. dermatol ; An. bras. dermatol;87(3): 475-476, May-June 2012. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-638542


The glomus tumor is an uncommon benign neoplasm of glomus cells. In the majority of the cases it is presented as a solitary painful papule in the subungual region. We report a rare case of a patient with two individual synchronous glomus tumors under the nail bed of the same finger.

O tumor glômico é uma neoplasia benigna de células glômicas. Na maioria dos casos se apresenta como uma pápula solitária dolorosa na região subungueal. Relatamos o caso raro de um paciente com dois tumores glômicos sincrônicos sob o leito ungueal do mesmo dedo.

Adulto , Humanos , Masculino , Tumor Glômico/patologia , Doenças da Unha/patologia , Neoplasias Primárias Múltiplas/patologia , Neoplasias Cutâneas/patologia , Dedos