This contribution considers proto-cell structures associated with asymmetries, mainly gravity, in the framework of reaction-diffusion. There are equivalent solutions for defined morphogen parameters in the equations that allow for defining proto-tissue complexity and configurational entropy. Using RNA data, improvements to the complexity and entropy due to the Earth's gravity are presented. The theoretical proto-tissues complexity estimation, as a function of arbitrary surface gravity, is likewise proposed. In this sense, hypothetical aggregates of proto-cells on Mars would have a lower complexity than on Earth, which is equally valid for the Moon. Massive planets, or exoplanets like BD+20594b, could have major proto-tissue complexity and, eventually, rich biodiversity.
La vida está basada en elementos químicos que en su mayoría tienen su origen en el interior estelar. Luego las moléculas orgánicas se forman en el medio interestelar y pueden terminar en planetas aptos para la creación y prosperidad de la vida. Los planetas extrasolares, ahora detectados por los astrónomos, son bastante abundantes, pero aun así la vida extraterrestre parece ser escasa o al menos lo es la vida compleja. Un auténtico enigma es el hecho de que aun no se haya hecho contacto con civilizaciones extraterrestres.
Life is based on elements that have their origins within the centers of stars. Then organic molecules are formed in the interstellar medium. They can make part of planets some of them appropriate for the origin and prosperity of life. Extrasolar planets are currently discovered and observed by astronomers and are abundant, but extraterrestrial life or at least complex life seems to be scarce.