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Front Psychol ; 15: 1414455, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38979078


Introduction: The overvaluation of weight and shape is a diagnostic criterion in eating disorders, except in binge eating disorder (BED), where it has received less attention. This aspect is also not usually analyzed in people with overweight or obesity without an eating disorder. This research aims to identify the indicators of symptomatology, as well as those of self-construction and cognitive structure, that are associated with overvaluation in obesity, either alone or in conjunction with BED. Method: A sample of 102 overweight or obese participants was accessed. The sample was divided into four groups: one without overvaluation or BED (n = 33); a second with overvaluation and without BED (n = 21); a third with BED, but without overvaluation (n = 15), and a fourth with BED and overvaluation (n = 33). The groups completed instruments regarding eating symptomatology, anxiety, depression, and stress. In addition, they were administered the Repertory Grid Technique, a semi-structured interview to evaluate the cognitive structure involved in the construal of the self and others. Results: The factors of overvaluation and the presence of BED independently explained eating symptomatology, and the latter also showed a tendency to influence anxiety, depression, and stress. In terms of cognitive structure, weight polarization was explained by overvaluation, while BED was associated with a high presence of cognitive conflicts. In self-construction, BED was the factor that explained the differences, particularly in Self-Ideal discrepancy. Discussion: The results highlight the importance of overvaluation in obesity, even in the absence of BED. Its evaluation and treatment are recommended. Furthermore, in the case of BED, it is also advisable to evaluate the overvaluation of weight and shape since it can be a severity specifier.

Pensam. psicol ; 13(1): 81-92, ene.-jun. 2015. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: lil-752910


Objetivo. Mostrar la relación entre la metáfora y la realidad psíquica en un grupo de 10 mujeres que participaron de un programa de formación para ser maestras de primera infancia, en una institución educativa pública de la ciudad de Cali. Método. Las participantes elaboraron metáforas a partir de recuerdos de eventos con sus propias maestras en la infancia. Se hizo un análisis psicoanalítico de la relación entre las metáforas, los recuerdos evocados y la realidad psíquica subyacente de cada participante. Resultados. Se encontró que en este grupo de maestras prevalecen características anales agresivas en las relaciones con los objetos internos, lo que corresponde a una etapa preedípica del desarrollo, la cual está estrechamente relacionada con el control y la norma, temas fundamentales en la educación infantil. Conclusión. Finalmente, se concluye que los valores y las identificaciones del maestro inciden en el ejercicio de su función, así como en el desarrollo socioemocional de los niños que tienen a su cargo.

Objective. The aim of this paper is to explore the relationship between metaphors and psychic reality among 10 preschool female teachers who took part in a formation program for nursery education in a public institution of Cali city. Method. They were asked to construct metaphors from the memory of events with their own childhood teachers. The relationship between metaphors, evoked by memories, and the underlying psychic reality of each participant was the subject of psychoanalytic analysis. Results. It was found that in this group of teachers, aggressive anal characteristics in their relationships with internal objects were prevalent; these correspond to a pre-oedipal stage of development, which is related to control regulation and with norms, fundamental themes in nursery education. Conclusion. Finally, it was concluded that teachers' values and identifications affect their functions, and thereby the socio-emotional development of the children they work with. The results are discussed based on their potential impact on teaching functions.

Escopo. Apresentar a relação entre a metáfora e a realidade psíquica num grupo de 10 mulheres que participaram de um programa de formação para ser maestras de primeira infância, numa instituição educativa pública da cidade de Cali. Metodologia. As participantes elaboraram metáforas a partir de lembranças de eventos com suas próprias maestras na infância. Foi realizado uma análise psicanalítica da relação entre metáforas, as lembranças evocadas e a realidade psíquica subjacente de cada participante. Resultados. Foi achado que neste grupo de maestras prevalecem características anais agressivas nas relações com os objetos internos, o que corresponde a uma etapa edípica do desenvolvimento, que está estreitamente relacionado com o controle e a norma, temas fundamentais na educação infantil. Conclusão. Finalmente, a conclusão é que os valores e as identificações do maestros incidem no exercício de sua função, assim como no desenvolvimento sócio-emocional das crianças que tem baixo seu cargo.

Humanos , Conflito Psicológico , Psicanálise , Educação , Professores Escolares
Rev. crim ; 52(2): 99-112, jul.-dic. 2010.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-707506


Dado que el conflicto interno en Colombia ha sido una situación permanente desde la época de la Independencia, es importante analizar otras experiencias en la región, que permitan entender aún más las causas de este flagelo en Colombia. Para tal fin se recurrió a la perspectiva de la violencia, su monopolio, y los procesos de formación del Estado-nación moderno. La metodología empleada parte del análisis y la discusión de los postulados de autores clásicos y contemporáneos. Así mismo, se consideró el fenómeno de la formación del Estado-nación en Latinoamérica, con especial atención en el papel de las Fuerzas Militares y su tendencia hacia la autonomía. Se consideran las tipicidades de la región, tales como el tipo de guerra predominante, el rol de las élites regionales y su relación con el poder central, entre otros. Los resultados indican que estas tipicidades, de acuerdo con los autores estudiados, dieron lugar a la formación de Estados débiles, sin clara distinción entre los roles de las Fuerzas Militares y la Policía, y sin una definición clara de ciudadanía. A partir de estos planteamientos, se concluye que es necesario y urgente realizar nuevas investigaciones, las cuales permitan entender las relaciones de poder, autonomía y roles desde la perspectiva de la guerra y del monopolio de la violencia en Colombia, y que ayuden a encontrar una salida al ya complejo conflicto interno del país, teniendo en cuenta los procesos de formación de un Estado-nación desde la violencia.

Because the Colombian internal conflict has been a permanent and still ongoing situation since the times of the Independence, analyzing other experiences in the region is important in order to reach deeper understanding of the causes of this adversity in Colombia. For this purpose, resorting to the perspective of violence, its monopoly, and the modern Nation-State shaping processes has been necessary. The methodology used comes from analysis and discussion of classic and modern authors’ postulates. Likewise, the Nation-State shaping conjuncture taking place in Latin America was considered, with special attention given to the role of the Military Forces and their inclination to autonomy. Typicities of the region were also taken into account, such as the predominant type of war, the role of regional elites and their relationship with central power, among others. Results indicate that, according to the authors reviewed, these typicities have given rise to the shaping of weak States with no clear distinction between Military Forces and Police roles, and with an unclear definition of citizenship. Taking these approaches as a starting point, the conclusion is that carrying out further investigations and research is necessary and urgent since they may help understand the relations among power, autonomy and roles from the perspective of war and monopoly of violence in Colombia, and find a way out for this already too long and too complex internal conflict in the country by taking into account the Nation-State shaping processes out of violence.

Humanos , Estado , Violência/história , Violência/legislação & jurisprudência