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Materials (Basel) ; 17(3)2024 Jan 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38591410


Natural monoclinic zirconia (baddeleyite) was irradiated with 340 MeV Au ions, and the irradiation-induced nanostructures (i.e., ion tracks and nanohillocks) were observed using transmission electron microscopy. The diameter of the nanohillocks was approximately 10 nm, which was similar to the maximum molten region size calculated using the analytical thermal spike model. Ion tracks were imaged as strained regions that maintained their crystalline structure. The cross-sections of most of the ion tracks were imaged as rectangular contrasts as large as 10 nm. These results strongly indicated that the molten region was recrystallized anisotropically, reflecting the lattice structure. Furthermore, low-density track cores were formed in the center of the ion tracks. The formation of low-density track cores can be attributed to the ejection of molten matter toward the surface. A comparison of the ion tracks in the synthetic zirconia nanoparticles and those in larger natural zirconia samples showed that the interface between the strained track contrast and the matrix was less clear in the former than in the latter. These findings suggest that the recrystallization process was affected by the size of the irradiated samples.

Materials (Basel) ; 16(4)2023 Feb 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36837021


In the present study we investigated the nanostructuring processes in locally suspended few-layer graphene (FLG) films by irradiation with high energy ions (Xe, 26-167 MeV). For such an energy range, the main channel of energy transfer to FLG is local, short-term excitation of the electronic subsystem. The irradiation doses used in this study are 1 × 1011-5 × 1012 ion/cm2. The structural transformations in the films were identified by Raman spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Two types of nanostructures formed in the FLG films as a result of irradiation were revealed. At low irradiation doses the nanostructures were formed preferably at a certain distance from the ion track and had the form of 15-35 nm "bunches". We assumed that the internal mechanical stress that arises due to the excited atoms ejection from the central track part creates conditions for the nanodiamond formation near the track periphery. Depending on the energy of the irradiating ions, the local restructuring of films at the periphery of the ion tracks can lead either to the formation of nanodiamonds (ND) or to the formation of AA' (or ABC) stacking. The compressive strain value and pressure at the periphery of the ion track were estimated as ~0.15-0.22% and ~0.8-1.2 GPa, respectively. The main novel results are the first visualization of ion tracks in graphene in the form of diamond or diamond-like rings, the determination of the main condition for the diamond formation (the absence of a substrate in combination with high ion energy), and estimates of the local strain at the track periphery. Generally, we have developed a novel material and have found how to control the film properties by introducing regions similar to quantum dots with the diamond interface in FLG films.

Nanotechnology ; 33(23)2022 Mar 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35213855


A single crystal of SrTiO3doped with 0.5 wt% niobium (Nb-STO) was irradiated with 200 MeV Au32+ions at grazing incidence to characterize the irradiation-induced hillock chains. Exactly the same hillock chains are observed by using atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to study the relation between irradiation-induced change of surface topography and corresponding material property changes. As expected, multiple hillocks as high as 5-6 nm are imaged by AFM observation in tapping mode. It is also found that the regions in between the adjacent hillocks are not depressed, and in many cases they are slightly elevated. Line-like contrasts along the ion paths are found in both AFM phase images and SEM images, indicating the formation of continuous ion tracks in addition to multiple hillocks. Validity of preexisting models for explaining the hillock chain formation is discussed based on the present results. In order to obtain new insights related to the ion track formation, cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy (TEM) observation was performed. The ion tracks in the near-surface region are found to be relatively large, whereas buried ion tracks in the deeper region are relatively small. The results suggest that recrystallization plays an important role in the formation of small ion tracks in the deep region, whereas formation of large ion tracks in the near-surface region is likely due to the absence of recrystallization. TEM images also show shape deformation of ion tracks in the near-surface region, suggesting that material transport towards the surface is the reason for the absence of recrystallization.

J Appl Crystallogr ; 49(Pt 5): 1704-1712, 2016 Oct 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27738417


Nanostructuring of surfaces and two-dimensional materials using swift heavy ions offers some unique possibilities owing to the deposition of a large amount of energy localized within a nanoscale volume surrounding the ion trajectory. To fully exploit this feature, the morphology of nanostructures formed after ion impact has to be known in detail. In the present work the response of a rutile TiO2 (001) surface to grazing-incidence swift heavy ion irradiation is investigated. Surface ion tracks with the well known intermittent inner structure were successfully produced using 23 MeV I ions. Samples irradiated with different ion fluences were investigated using atomic force microscopy and grazing-incidence small-angle X-ray scattering. With these two complementary approaches, a detailed description of the swift heavy ion impact sites, i.e. the ion tracks on the surface, can be obtained even for the case of multiple ion track overlap. In addition to the structural investigation of surface ion tracks, the change in stoichiometry of the rutile TiO2 (001) surface during swift heavy ion irradiation was monitored using in situ time-of-flight elastic recoil detection analysis, and a preferential loss of oxygen was found.

Sensors (Basel) ; 8(10): 6355-6370, 2008 Oct 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27873874


The current/voltage characteristics of mixed (ion+electron) conductor-based 'TEMPOS' (Tunable Electronic Material with Pores in Oxide on Silicon) structures are reported. TEMPOS are novel electronic MOS-like structures having etched swift heavy ion tracks (i.e., nanopores) in the dielectric layer filled with some conducting material. The three contacts (two on top and one on the bottom), which resemble the classical bipolar or field effect transistor arrangements are, in principle, interchangeable when the overall electrical resistance along the tracks and on the surface are similar. Consequently, three configurations are obtained by interchanging the top contacts with the base contact in electronic circuits. The current/voltage characteristics show a diode like behaviour. Impedance measurements have been made for TEMPOS structures with tracks filled with ion conductors and also mixed conductors to study the ammonia sensing behaviour. The impedance has been found to be a function of frequency and magnitude of the applied signal and concentration of the ammonia solution. This is attributed to the large number of charge carriers (here protons) available for conduction on exposure to ammonia and also to the large surface to volume ratio of the polymer composites embedded in the ion tracks. The measurement of both, the real and imaginary parts of impedance allows one to enhance the detection sensitivity greatly.