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Resusc Plus ; 19: 100711, 2024 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39113757


Aim: The aim of our study was to explore the effect of nomination-based social-media campaign and CPR-skill-booth on change in knowledge as well as hands-only CPR skills among young adults. Methods: A quasi-experimental study was conducted in two non-healthcare-stream colleges, one intervention and other control arm. After baseline evaluation of CPR knowledge in both colleges, a 4-week nomination-based social media campaign '#CPR challenge' was rolled out in the intervention arm which included a CPR-skill-booth that was setup for one hour every day to train interested participants in CPR. The participants were encouraged to share the same on their social media handles and data of self-reported metrics were collected. A post-intervention assessment was conducted in both arms, to assess knowledge and its translation to hands-only-CPR skills using qCPR mannequin and qCPR app® for objective assessment. Results: A total of 690 assessments were done; Intervention arm (pre-intervention-214, post intervention -155) and control arm (pre-intervention -157, post-intervention -134). The baseline knowledge scores were comparable in both groups. Knowledge score doubled in the intervention arm, (p < 0.001) from a median value of 29% (IQR:14 - 43) in the pre-intervention-cohort to 57% (IQR:29 - 71) in the post-intervention-cohort. Median CPR-skill-score was higher in the intervention arm 67.5(IQR:39-92) in comparison to control arm 21 (IQR:1-53) (p < 0.001). In terms of social media engagement, 50% of participants had watched the videos and 40.6% attended the CPR-skill-booth. Conclusion: Strategies such as a nomination-based social media campaign can improve the awareness, knowledge and also skills regarding hand-only CPR.

Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci ; 18(1)2023 11 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37978845


In the current study, we combined sociometric nominations and neuroimaging techniques to examine adolescents' neural tracking of peers from their real-world social network that varied in social preferences and popularity. Adolescent participants from an entire school district (N = 873) completed peer sociometric nominations of their grade at school, and a subset of participants (N = 117, Mage = 13.59 years) completed a neuroimaging task in which they viewed peer faces from their social networks. We revealed two neural processes by which adolescents track social preference: (1) the fusiform face area, an important region for early visual perception and social categorization, simultaneously represented both peers high in social preference and low in social preference; (2) the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), which was differentially engaged in tracking peers high and low in social preference. No regions specifically tracked peers high in popularity and only the inferior parietal lobe, temporoparietal junction, midcingulate cortex and insula were involved in tracking unpopular peers. This is the first study to examine the neural circuits that support adolescents' perception of peer-based social networks. These findings identify the neural processes that allow youths to spontaneously keep track of peers' social value within their social network.

Comportamento do Adolescente , Hierarquia Social , Humanos , Adolescente , Grupo Associado , Instituições Acadêmicas , Rede Social
JMIR Pediatr Parent ; 6: e44849, 2023 Nov 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37991813


BACKGROUND: Social network interventions are an effective approach to promote physical activity. These interventions are traditionally designed using self-reported peer nomination network data to represent social connections. However, there is unexplored potential in communication data exchanged through web-based messaging apps or social platforms, given the availability of these data, the developments in artificial intelligence to analyze these data, and the shift of personal communication to the web sphere. The implications of using web-based versus offline social networks on the effectiveness of social network interventions remain largely unexplored. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to investigate the differences in the impact of social network interventions on physical activity levels (PALs) between networks derived from web-based communication and peer nomination data. METHODS: We used the data on sociometric questionnaires, messages from a web-based communication app, and PAL (number of steps per day) of 408 participants in 21 school classes. We applied social network analysis to identify influential peers and agent-based modeling to simulate the diffusion of PAL and explore the impact of social network interventions on PAL among adolescents in school classes. Influential peers (n=63) were selected based on centrality measures (ie, in-degree, closeness, and betweenness) to spread the intervention. They received health education, which increased their PAL by 17%. In sensitivity analyses, we tested the impact of a 5%, 10%, and 20% increase in PAL among influential peers. RESULTS: There was a 24%-27% overlap in selected influential peers between the 2 network representations. In general, the simulations showed that interventions could increase PAL by 5.0%-5.8% within 2 months. However, the predicted median impact on PAL was slightly higher in networks based on web-based communication data than peer nomination data for in-degree (5.7%, IQR 5.5%-6.1% vs 5.5%, IQR 5.2%-5.8%; P=.002), betweenness (5.6%, IQR 5.4%-5.9% vs 5.0%, IQR 4.7%-5.3%; P<.001), and closeness centrality (5.8%, IQR 5.6%-6.1% vs 5.3%, IQR 5.0%-5.6%; P<.001). A large variation in impact was observed between school classes (range 1.5%-17.5%). Lowering the effectiveness of health education from 17% to 5% would reduce the overall impact of the social network intervention by 3-fold in both networks. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings showed that network interventions based on web-based communication data could increase PAL. Web-based communication data may therefore be a valuable addition to peer nomination data for future social network intervention design. Artificial intelligence methods, including agent-based modeling, can help to design these network interventions and provide insights into the role of network characteristics in their effectiveness.

Scand J Psychol ; 64(1): 40-52, 2023 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35938836


Peer status - the regard other group members have of an individual - is fundamental for youth development. Different research traditions developed independent theoretical frameworks conceiving the dimensions underlying social status, and this led to identifying a variety of peer status prototypes. In this work, we explored whether a classification based on the four dimensions of popularity, aggression, dislike, and victimization could integrate the scattered peer status profiles found in the different traditions. A latent profile analysis on 16,224 European students identified the peer status prototypes of popular, bullies, disliked, victims, and average students. Both the peer- and self-reported correlates supported that the five profiles accounted for the large variety of the students' profiles in the literature. These findings suggest that the adoption of a multidimensional approach supported by advanced statistical procedures could identify students' peer status profiles more effectively, replacing classifications based on cutoffs, and leading to a unified students' classification.

Bullying , Vítimas de Crime , Adolescente , Humanos , Grupo Associado , Agressão , Estudantes , Autorrelato , Relações Interpessoais
J Adolesc ; 94(3): 477-487, 2022 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35390191


INTRODUCTION: Self-control predicts academic achievement and social outcomes in adolescents. Despite the increased role of peers in the lives of adolescents, little is known about whether peers' views of an individual's self-control have predictive validity for academic and social outcomes. METHOD: In a longitudinal study involving over 1500 adolescents (Mage = 13.74), we examined whether peer nomination of self-control provides incremental predictive validity over and above self-reports for rank-order changes in academic achievement and friendship (i.e., the total number of nominations received as a best friend). To do so, we followed 8th graders through the 9th grade, measuring self-reported self-control (academic vs. social), peer-nominated self-control (academic vs. social), grade point average, and friendship. RESULTS: Peer-nominated academic self-control predicted rank-order changes in grade point average and peer-nominated interpersonal self-control predicted rank-order changes in friendship over and above self-reported academic and interpersonal self-control. CONCLUSION: Our findings demonstrate the predictive utility of peer nominations in research on self-control.

Sucesso Acadêmico , Autocontrole , Adolescente , Amigos , Humanos , Relações Interpessoais , Estudos Longitudinais , Grupo Associado
aSEPHallus ; 16(32): 148-165, maio2021-out.2021.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1342721


Procuramos debater algumas perspectivas da clínica contemporânea e do campo da psicopatologia no contexto do laço social hoje, tomando como base as mudanças conceituais em Jacques Lacan sobre o Nome-doPai e as incidências sobre a noção de suplência no seu último ensino. Entendemos que a renovação da clínica em Lacan revigora a psicopatologia na lógica borromeana e orienta a prática do psicanalista na clínica do Real.

Clinique, psychopathologie et lien social aujourd'hui: On cherche à débattre de certaines perspectives de la clinique contemporaine et du domaine de la psychopathologie dans le contexte du lien social aujourd'hui. On l'examine à partir des changements conceptuels de Jacques Lacan autour du Nom-du-Père et des incidences sur la notion de suppléance dans ses dernières études. On comprend que la rénovation de la clinique de Lacan revigore la psychopathologie dans la logique borroméenne et guide la pratique du psychanalyste dans la clinique du Réel.

Clinic, psychopathology and social bond today: In this study, we discussed some perspectives of contemporary clinic and psychopathology field in the current social bond context, based on Jacques Lacan's concept changes regarding the Name-of-The-Father and the incidences of s replacement notion in his last teaching. We understand that clinic reformulation in Lacan invigorates the field of psychopathology in Borromean logic and guides psychoanalysts' practices in the clinic of the real.

Psicanálise , Psicopatologia
Mental ; 13(23): 25-37, jan.-jun. 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1351111


O artigo surge de uma pesquisa, de viés psicanalítico, desenvolvida no programa de pós-graduação em Psicologia, que investiga a indagação formulada por Lacan, ao abordar em O Seminário XX, Mais, Ainda, o gozo feminino e a nominação Deus. O Deus freudiano ao ser interpretado, pela psicanálise, enquanto neurose universal da humanidade é franqueado enquanto Objeto a na clínica lacaniana. Há uma distinção importante no contexto epistemológico de Freud e Lacan que configura suas elaborações dos enunciados religiosos. Em duas partes, o autor faz, na primeira, uma leitura do que ele chama de contingência Deus e a religião nos ensaios de Freud, para situar seu modo de lidar com a emergência do Deus-Pai na clínica. E, num segundo momento, bordeja-se a inovação de Lacan, no seu último ensino, percebendo a face Deus como um dito que recobre o real de um gozo Outro.

The article arises from a research, psychoanalytic bias, which investigates the question formulated by Lacan, when discussing feminine enjoyment and the nomination of God in The Seminar XX. The Freudian God, being deposed by psychoanalysis, as the universal neurosis of humanity, is granted as an Object in the Lacanian clinic. There is an important distinction in the epistemological context of Freud and Lacan that configures his elaborations of the religious statements. In two parts, the author makes a first reading of what he calls contingency God and religion in Freud's essays, to situate his way of dealing with the emergence of the Father-God in the clinic. And, in a second moment, Lacan's innovation is bordered on in his last teaching, perceiving the face God as a saying that covers the real of an Other enjoyment.

El artículo surge de una búsqueda, de sesgo psicoanalítico, que investiga la indagación formulada por Lacan, al abordar en El Seminario XX, Más Aún, el goce femenino y la nominación Dios. El Dios freudiano al ser interpretado, por el psicoanálisis, mientras neurosis universal de la humanidad es franqueado como Objeto a en la clínica lacaniana. Hay una distinción importante en el contexto epistemológico de Freud y Lacan que configura sus elaboraciones de los enunciados religiosos. En dos partes, el autor hace, en la primera, una lectura de lo que él llama la contingencia Dios y la religión en los ensayos de Freud, para situar su modo de enfrentarse con la emergencia del Dios-Padre en la clínica. Y, en un segundo momento, se bordea la innovación de Lacan, en su última enseñanza, percibiendo la cara Dios como un dicho que recubre el real de un goce Otro.

Rev. univ. psicoanál ; (21): 213-226, mar. 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1399905


Suele confundirse a la Identidad con la mismidad. El desafío de este trabajo es poner en tensión el concepto de la identidad a partir de la instauración del Derecho a la Identidad, en torno al caso argentino de apropiación de niños e identidades, leyendo desde su antecedente jurídico el Derecho a la Identidad Personal, como se consigue en la actualidad, convivir con la diferencia, con la otredad sin reducir a la identidad a lo mismo, sino al modo en que cada uno puede reconocerse a partir del modo en que ese deseo del Otro lo habita y, a su vez, lo nómina

Identity is often confused with selfhood. The purpose of this work is to put in tension the concept of identity from the establishment of the Right to Identity, around the argentine case of appropriation of children and identities, reading from it´s legal antecedent the Right to Personal Identity, as is currently achieved, living with difference, with otherness without reducing it to identity to the self, but to the way in which each one can be recognized from the way in which that desire of the Other inhabits him and, in turn, nominates him

Humanos , Criança , História do Século XX , Criança , Roubo de Identidade , Ética
J Adolesc ; 87: 86-97, 2021 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33545582


INTRODUCTION: Student-teacher relationships have been shown to influence bullying-related behaviors in students. In this study we considered the moderating role of student-teacher conflict and students' social status in the classroom and involvement in bullying behaviors and peer victimization. METHODS: Sample consisted of 1742 students (47.2% females, mean age = 10.79; SD = 1.36; range = 8-14) clustered in 113 classrooms, of which 1017 (58.4%) attended primary schools and 725 (41.6%) attended lower secondary schools. We implemented a series of multilevel analyses aimed at determining the role of student-teacher conflict, and students' social status among classroom peers (i.e., average, popular, rejected, neglected, and controversial statuses), as well their interaction, in influencing verbal, physical, and social forms of bullying and victimization at school. RESULTS: Student-teacher conflict had a significant positive effect on all bullying and victimization variables. Regarding students' social status, rejected students showed increased bullying and victimization when compared with average students, except in social bullying. Significant interactions emerged indicating that a highly conflictual student-teacher relationship exacerbated bullying behaviors and the risk of victimization among rejected students. Additionally, popular students who had conflictual relationship with their teachers were more likely to engage in physical bullying then average students. CONCLUSIONS: Our study suggests the importance of low conflictual student-teacher relationships in acting as a buffer for aggressive student-student interactions in the classroom, especially when these interactions involve students rejected by their classroom peers.

Bullying , Vítimas de Crime , Criança , Feminino , Humanos , Relações Interpessoais , Masculino , Grupo Associado , Distância Psicológica , Professores Escolares , Instituições Acadêmicas , Estudantes
Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry ; 30(4): 579-589, 2021 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32388625


The prevalence of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) was studied in children in the County of Gipuzkoa (Basque Country, Spain) as part of the European Union's Autism Spectrum Disorder in Europe project (ASDEU- ). To identify cases in a total community sample of 7- to 9-year-old pupils (N = 14,734), a multistage approach was adopted: in the first stage, a teacher nomination (TN) form was completed by school teachers; and in the second stage, all families with a child nominated by their teachers were invited to complete the Social Communication Questionnaire (SCQ). A total of 108 (59%) schools participated fully, yielding a final sample of 9177 of 14.734 (61.9%) pupils. A total of 212 (2.3%) children were nominated via the TN form, and of these, 105 (49.5%) returned the completed SCQ. Twenty-five (23.8%) cases with SCQ scores ≥ 15 were invited to undergo a free clinical assessment, and 10 (40%) new cases of ASD were identified. The prevalence estimate included the 55 cases already being supported by the Gipuzkoa's only ASD association, the Gipuzkoa Autism Society (Asociación Guipuzcoana de Autismo/GAUTENA)), as well as the 10 new subjects identified by the ASDEU field diagnostic process. A sensitivity analysis was performed to estimate new potential ASD cases among the non-participant schools, leading to a final figure of 87 cases of ASD in this age-bracket at the date of the study. This global probabilistic estimate, including non-participating schools, would thus provide a population prevalence of 0.59% (95% CI 0.48-0.73), a result lower than those reported by some other studies. Attrition rates in cross-sectional studies are challenging and support the need for developing longitudinal ASD incidence surveillance study areas (ASD observatories).

Transtorno do Espectro Autista/epidemiologia , Criança , Estudos Transversais , Feminino , Humanos , Estudos Longitudinais , Masculino , Prevalência , Espanha
Z Literaturwissenschaft Linguist ; 51(3): 529-559, 2021.
Artigo em Alemão | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38624921


With the arrival of the coronavirus in Europe in early 2020, situation reports by the state health institutions - the Robert Koch-Institut and the Direction générale de la santé - begin in Germany and France at relatively the same time. These oral presentations by experts serve both to describe the current spread of the virus and to justify the measures that need to be taken. This article examines a number of situation reports from both countries with regard to similarities and differences at the linguistic level. In addition to the communicative acts of describing and interpreting the situation, arguing for measures, and giving recommendations and orders, the newly emerging lexis for naming the virus and the masks will be examined. The comparison of German and French text excerpts shows that the two events, which take place in parallel but independently from each other, have numerous similarities. Differences that can be shown concern, in the field of measures and appeals, the diverging political function of the two health institutes, with a rather advisory role of the Robert Koch-Institut compared to the Direction générale de la santé as part of the Ministry of Health and thus as the stronger political decision-maker.

Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 41: e221899, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1340426


Resumo O objetivo deste trabalho é discutir as possíveis transformações das representações sociais sobre a loucura que circulam em um jornal impresso brasileiro, tomando como marco a Reforma Psiquiátrica Brasileira. Foram analisadas 1.385 matérias publicadas em formato eletrônico no período de janeiro de 1978 a dezembro de 2015, que tinham como tema central a loucura. As matérias foram analisadas por meio do software IRAMUTEQ, a partir de três corpora, cada um dos quais foi analisado separadamente e gerou um dendrograma de Classificação Hierárquica Descendente. A análise dos resultados nos permitiu verificar os movimentos de mudança e resistência das representações sociais ao longo do tempo. Os diversos nomes atribuídos à figura do louco sofreram mudanças no período analisado, de forma que algumas categorias foram mais suavizadas do que outras. Destaca-se a dinâmica social que levou a uma mudança e a forma como essa mudança foi incorporada, reorganizada e ressignificada sem provocar ruptura. Do ponto de vista metodológico, os dados dessa pesquisa nos chamam a atenção para as escolhas de descritores realizadas no percurso do trabalho e as consequências dessas escolhas nos resultados obtidos.(AU)

Abstract Based on the Brazilian Psychiatric Reform, this work aims to discuss possible transformations in the social representations of madness in a Brazilian printed newspaper. To this end, 1.385 media articles addressing the theme of madness published in electronic format from January 1978 to December 2015 were separately analyzed using three corpora with the support of IRAMUTEQ software, generating three dendrograms of different hierarchical classification. The results allow us to verify the changes and resistance movements of the social representations over time. Throughout the analyzed period, the several names attributed to the figure of the madman have undergone changes, with some categories having been softened more than others. This work highlights the social dynamics driving a change and the means through which it is incorporated, reorganized, and reframed without causing a rupture. From a methodological point of view, this research data call attention to the choices of descriptors and their consequences on the obtained results.(AU)

Resumen El objetivo de este trabajo es discutir las posibles transformaciones en las representaciones sociales que circulan en un periódico impreso brasileño sobre la locura, tomando como marco la Reforma Psiquiátrica Brasileña. Se analizaron 1.385 materias publicadas electrónicamente en el período de enero de 1978 a diciembre de 2015, cuyo tema central fue la locura. Las materias fueron analizadas con el apoyo del software Iramuteq a partir de tres corpus, analizados separadamente, lo que generó tres dendrogramas de la Clasificación Jerárquica Descendente. El análisis de los resultados nos permitió verificar los movimientos de cambio y resistencia de las representaciones sociales a lo largo del tiempo. Los distintos nombres atribuidos a la figura del loco a lo largo de los años han sufrido cambios, habiéndose suavizado algunas categorías más que otras. Se señalan las dinámicas sociales que propiciaron el cambio y la forma en que ese cambio se está incorporando, reorganizando y reformulando sin provocar una ruptura. Desde un punto de vista metodológico, los datos de esta investigación llaman nuestra atención sobre las elecciones de descriptores realizadas en el curso del trabajo y las consecuencias de estas elecciones sobre los resultados obtenidos.(AU)

Humanos , Psiquiatria , Psicologia Social , Designação de Pessoal , Meios de Comunicação de Massa , Transtornos Mentais , Medicina Social , Sistema Único de Saúde , Saúde Mental , Psiquiatria Comunitária , Assistência Integral à Saúde , Atenção à Saúde , Interação Social , Política de Saúde , Direitos Humanos , Institucionalização
Society ; 57(6): 662-668, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33424055


We illuminate the dynamics of primary campaigns by looking at how individuals changed their candidate support, favorability and viability within a crucial state in the 2020 primary. Via a multi-wave survey of likely primary voters in Michigan, we show that Joe Biden's comeback win was due primarily to the change in perception of his viability following South Carolina and Super Tuesday, especially among the more moderate portion of the Democratic electorate. In subsequent county-level analyses we find that the difference between Bernie Sanders's win in 2016 and loss in 2020 was more a function of changes in the Democratic primary electorate than in his appeal. Our work suggests that gains in viability do not benefit all candidates equally. Moreover, viability can be generated later in the schedule than previously thought and to decisive ends. We consider the implications of our findings for understanding Michigan's outcome in November.

Tempo psicanál ; 51(2): 103-120, jul.-dez. 2019. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1094536


Desenvolvemos a tese de que há ao menos duas proposições do psicanalista J. Lacan quanto à teoria da nominação. Nós a localizamos a partir da análise de dois paradigmas extraídos dos mitos freudianos de "Totem e tabu" e de "Moisés e o monoteísmo". Uma primeira teoria calcada na premissa de que o ato funda a condição do nome, a partir do assassinato do pai como elemento de regulação e referência. E outra de que, diante do impossível de assimilar, é preciso a invenção de um nome, a partir do qual se orienta um sujeito ou um povo. As consequências extraídas dos dois paradigmas dizem respeito ao sujeito e ao laço social, conformando modos políticos e subjetivos diferenciados de racionalidade discursiva e de operacionalidade subjetiva.

We develop the thesis that there are two propositions of the psychoanalyst J. Lacan on the theory of nomination. We have located it from the analysis of two paradigms extracted from the Freudian myths of "Totem and Taboo" and of "Moses and Monotheism". One first theory based on the premise that the act founds the condition of the name, from the murder of the primeval father as an element of regulation and reference. And another theory that, in the face of the impossibility of assimilating, it is necessary to invent a name, from which a subject or a people is oriented. The consequences derived from the two paradigms relate to the subject and to the social bond, conforming different political and subjective modes of discursive rationality and subjective operability.

Nous avons développé la thèse qu'il y a au moins deux propositions du psychanalyste J. Lacan sur la théorie de la nomination. Nous l'avons localisé à partir de l'analyse de deux paradigmes extraits des mythes freudiens de "Totem et Tabou" et de "Moïse et Monothéisme". Une première théorie basée sur la prémisse que l'acte fonde la condition du nom, du meurtre du père comme élément de régulation et de référence. Et une autre est que, face à l'impossibilité de l'assimilation, l'invention d'un nom est nécessaire pour orienter soit un sujet soit un peuple. Les conséquences dérivées des deux paradigmes concernent le sujet et le lien social, conforment différents modes politiques et subjectifs de rationalité discursive et d'opérabilité subjective.

Ágora (Rio J. Online) ; 22(3): 299-308, set.-dez. 2019.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1043572


RESUMO: O artigo investiga a relação entre nomeação e herança a partir da constatação lacaniana de que o sobrenome é símbolo do quinhão ao qual o sujeito tem acesso: o pecado dos pais tal como Kierkegaard o designa. Ao examinar a nomeação e o pecado herdado em Kierkegaard à luz da psicanálise, observamos aproximações entre esses elementos que podem atravessar o engajamento do sujeito com a sua história e o modo como se autoriza a ser chamado filho de.

Abstract: This study discusses the relation between nomination and inheritance starting from the Lacanian observation that the surname is a symbol of the legacy to which the subject has access: the parent's sin as Kierkegaard designates it. When examining, in the light of psychoanalysis, the nomination and ancestral sin in Kierkegaard, we observe approximations between these elements that can permeate the subject engagement with his history and the way he authorizes himself to be called son of.

Humanos , Testamentos , Socialismo Nacional , Nomes , Família
Work ; 64(3): 531-544, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31658086


BACKGROUND: Control selection in heavy machinery may be a problem due to the poor compatibility of the commonly-used single line of vertical levers for controls. OBJECTIVE: This study examined the effects of control arrangements on directional compatibility and participant responses in terms of choice/function of controls. METHODS: We investigated experimentally, for a number of new designs of control arrangements, the selection of controls for requested functions of four different machines: fork lift trucks, excavators, tower cranes, and telescopic cranes. Control arrangements were designed with different levels of directional compatibility and participants were requested to nominate which control was related to each of the machine motions and to make ratings of certainty of response. A second part required participants to rank the various control arrangements in terms of their compatibility. RESULTS: The in-line control arrangement was worst for each machine and increased directional compatibility improved the stereotype strength, certainty of response and ranking of control arrangement. CONCLUSIONS: Directional compatibility is the main factor in the design of control/machine output arrangements due to its effect on stereotype strength and correct selection of control of a given function.

Indústria da Construção/instrumentação , Sistemas Homem-Máquina , Desenho de Equipamento , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Análise e Desempenho de Tarefas , Adulto Jovem
Tempo psicanál ; 51(1): 38-74, jan.-jun. 2019. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1043447


Neste trabalho, abordamos os relatos autobiográficos escritos em redes sociais por Daniela Andrade, mulher transexual e militante, a fim de extrair o que ela pode nos ensinar acerca da transexualidade como possibilidade de amarração nodal do sujeito. Partindo da forma como ela organiza discursivamente sua experiência, recorrendo à distinção entre identidade de gênero, papel de gênero, anatomia e orientação sexual, levantaremos a hipótese de que esse saber sobre o gênero lhe permite fazer-se um nome próprio ("Daniela Andrade") ao eleger, no Simbólico, o significante "mulher trans" para representá-la frente ao Outro. Assim, pela via de uma nominação simbólica, Daniela alcança uma forma de operar a reescrita de seu gozo pela invenção singular de um nome próprio, ao construir uma solução transexual sinthomática no campo do Simbólico, manobra que corrige o duplo lapso nodal entre seu corpo (I) e o desejo do Outro (S).

In this work, we consider the autobiographical narratives written by Daniela Andrade, a militant and transsexual woman, in order to extract what she can teach us about transsexuality as a possibility of making a subjective tie. Drawing upon the way she organizes her experience discursively, recurring to the distinction between gender identity, gender role, anatomy, and sexual orientation, we will raise the hypothesis that such differentiation permits her making herself a proper name ("Daniela Andrade") by electing, in the Symbolic, the signifier "trans woman" to represent her in front of the Other. Thus, by means of a symbolic nomination, Daniela finds a way to operate the rewriting of her jouissance through the invention of a proper name, making up a transsexual sinthomatic solution in the Symbolic, which corrects the double nodal lapse between her body (I) and the desire of the Other (S).

En este trabajo, abordamos los relatos autobiográficos escritos en redes sociales por Daniela Andrade, una mujer transexual y militante, a fin de extraer lo que ella puede nos enseñar acerca de la transexualidad como posibilidad de enlazamiento subjetivo. Partiendo de la forma como ella organiza discursivamente su experiencia, recurriendo a la distinción entre identidad de género, papel de género, anatomía y orientación sexual, levantaremos la hipótesis de que ese saber sobre el género le permite hacerse un nombre propio ("Daniela Andrade"), cuando elige en el Simbólico el significante "mujer trans" para representarla frente al Otro. Así, por la vía de una nominación simbólica, Daniela alcanza una forma de operar la reescrita de su goce por la invención de un nombre propio, construyendo una solución transexual sinthomática en el campo del Simbólico, que corrige el doble lapsus nodal entre su cuerpo (I) y el deseo del Otro (S).

Ágora (Rio J. Online) ; 22(1): 63-74, jan.-abr. 2019. graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-986224


RESUMO: Este artigo buscou verificar o evento da paternidade como possibilidade propiciadora de amarração dos registros Real, Simbólico e Imaginário para adolescentes, por meio do quarto elo do nó borromeano. Buscou-se analisar um caso clínico sob a ótica da topologia lacaniana, visando acompanhar o movimento sincrônico/diacrônico de sua subjetividade e relacioná-lo à paternidade. Esta análise evidenciou que a circunstância propiciada pela paternidade permitiu ao jovem passar do Pai traumático ao Pai sintoma, por meio da entrada em um dispositivo discursivo e inventar novas maneiras de amarrar sua subjetividade, vindo a demonstrar que a paternidade pode assumir uma posição de nominação na vida do adolescente.

Abstract: This paper aims to verify the event of paternity as a possibility of a Real, Symbolic and Imaginary mooring for teenagers through the fourth link of the Borromean knot. A clinical case was analysed from the perspective of Lacanian topology, aiming to follow the synchronic and diachronic movements of its subjectivity and relate them to paternity. This analysis showed that the circumstances brought about by parenthood allowed the adolescent to cross over traumatic Father to the symptom Father, through the entry into a discursive device and invent new ways to tie its subjectivity, coming to show that parenting can take a nomination position for the life of the teenager.

Humanos , Adolescente , Paternidade , Psicanálise , Adolescente
Anat Sci Educ ; 12(1): 20-31, 2019 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29569347


This article explores the assessment of professionalism within a cohort of medical students during a sequential 13-week medical school histology and anatomy course. Across seven data points, students were asked to identify a professionalism role model from amongst their peers and to score Likert-structured rationales for their decision. Based on density scores, an initial social network analysis identified six peer-nomination "stars." However, analysis of these stars revealed considerable variability and random-like "noise" in both the nomination and explanation data sets. Subsequent analyses of both data sets explored the possibility of underlying patterns in this noise using tests of reliability, principal components factor analysis, and fixed-effects regression analysis. These explorations revealed the presence of two dimensions (professional vs. supportive) in how students sought to explain their nomination decisions. Although data variability remained quite high, significantly less variability was present in the professional than in the supportive dimension, suggesting that academic helpfulness rationales are both empirically distinct and more mutable than rationales grounded in professionalism-related factors. In addition, data showed that the greater the stability in one's choice of a professionalism role model nomination over the T1-T7 data periods, the more stable one's reasons for that nomination-both for professionalism and supportive dimensions. Results indicate that while peer assessment of professionalism by first-year medical students may not be very reliable, students can differentiate between more personal and professional factors, even at this early stage in their professional development. Formal instruction within the pre-clinical curriculum should recognize and address this distinction. Anat Sci Educ. © 2018 American Association of Anatomists.

Anatomia/educação , Avaliação Educacional/métodos , Revisão por Pares , Profissionalismo , Estudantes de Medicina/psicologia , Análise por Conglomerados , Estudos de Coortes , Currículo , Educação de Graduação em Medicina/ética , Educação de Graduação em Medicina/estatística & dados numéricos , Humanos , Liderança , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Rede Social , Estudantes de Medicina/estatística & dados numéricos , Inquéritos e Questionários/estatística & dados numéricos
Chinese Journal of Plastic Surgery ; (6): 1012-1018, 2019.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM (Pacífico Ocidental) | ID: wpr-796700


Objective@#To summarize and update the terminology of the lip and perioral morphological aesthetic subunits and aesthetic landmarks in the domestic medical aesthetics field.@*Methods@#36 English literatures, 13 Chinese literatures, 3 foreign academic compositions, 2 domestic academic compositions, 1 domestic medical aesthetics textbook, and 14 websites of the medical aesthetic field have been included. We summarized the commonly seen terminology of the lip and perioral morphological aesthetic subunits and aesthetic landmarks. Moreover, for the aesthetic subunits and aesthetic landmarks which are commonly used in clinical practice but have not yet been named in Chinese term are named following the current Chinese terminology rule. We summarized not only the terminology of lips but also the anatomical acknowledge of the commonly used aesthetic subunits.@*Results@#There are 17 standard nomenclatures for aesthetic subunits, 8 standard nomenclatures with abbreviations for aesthetic surface landmarks, 20 standard terms for aesthetic measurement and distance. Moreover, we named 5 aesthetic subunits and 6 aesthetic surface landmarks for which there are no standard Chinese medical terms.@*Conclusions@#The standard terminology for the aesthetic subunits and landmarks is the foundation for the lip and perioral measurement and evaluation. Besides, it also provides a reference basis for the development of lip cosmetic and perioral rejuvenation treatment programs.