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Rev Sci Tech ; 43: 177-188, 2024 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39222099


Food systems comprise interconnected webs of processes that together transform inputs (land, labour, water, nutrients and genetics, to mention just a few) into outputs such as nutrition and revenue for human societies. Perfect systems do not exist; rather, global food systems operate in the presence of hazards, biotic and abiotic alike, and under the constraint of limited resources to mitigate these hazards. There are, therefore, inefficiencies in these systems, which lead to losses in terms of monetary, nutritional, health and environmental values and create additional negative externalities in the health, social and environmental spaces. Health hazards in the food system do not respect arbitrary distinctions between the crop and livestock sectors, which are highly interconnected. These linkages exist where one sector provides inputs to another or through substitution effects where supply in one sector influences demand in another. The One Health approach advocates investigating the intersectoral hazards in a highly interdisciplinary manner. This article provides a conceptual framework for integrating the methodologies developed by the Global Burden of Crop Loss and Global Burden of Animal Diseases initiatives to generate burden estimates for hazards in food systems that better account for interconnectivity and foster an improved understanding of food systems that is aligned with the interdisciplinary nature of the One Health approach. A case study related to maize and poultry sector linkages in the wider context of public and environmental health is presented.

Les systèmes alimentaires sont des réseaux de processus interconnectés qui concourent à transformer des intrants (terre, main-d'oeuvre, eau, nutriments et génétique, pour n'en mentionner que quelques-uns) en extrants tels que des aliments et des revenus pour les sociétés humaines. Il n'existe pas de système parfait ; les systèmes alimentaires mondiaux sont exposés en permanence à des dangers de nature tant biotique qu'abiotique et contraints par les ressources limitées consacrées à l'atténuation de ces dangers. Les problèmes d'efficacité sont donc inéluctables ; ils entraînent des pertes de valeur tant monétaire que nutritionnelle, sanitaire et environnementale, et génèrent de nouvelles externalités négatives dans le domaine de la santé ainsi que dans l'espace social et dans l'environnement. Les dangers sanitaires présents dans le système alimentaire ignorent les distinctions arbitraires entre les secteurs agricole et d'élevage, lesquels sont fortement interconnectés. Ces liens se manifestent lorsqu'un secteur fournit des intrants à l'autre et, par l'effet de substitutions, lorsque l'offre dans un secteur influence la demande dans l'autre. L'approche " Une seule santé " préconise d'adopter une méthode fondée sur l'interdisciplinarité pour enquêter sur les dangers intersectoriels. Les auteurs décrivent le cadre conceptuel de l'intégration des méthodes des initiatives " Fardeau mondial des pertes agricoles " et " Impact mondial des maladies animales " dans le but de produire des estimations de la charge induite par les dangers des systèmes alimentaires qui prennent davantage en compte leur inter-connectivité et donnent lieu à une meilleure compréhension des systèmes alimentaires, en cohérence avec le caractère interdisciplinaire de l'approche " Une seule santé ". Est également présentée une étude de cas portant sur les liens entre la culture du maïs et l'élevage de volailles dans le contexte plus large de la santé publique et environnementale.

Los sistemas alimentarios comprenden redes interconectadas de procesos que, conjuntamente, transforman insumos (tierra, mano de obra, agua, nutrientes y genética, por mencionar solo algunos) en productos como alimentos e ingresos para las sociedades humanas. No existen sistemas perfectos; más bien, los sistemas alimentarios mundiales funcionan en un entorno de peligros, tanto bióticos como abióticos, y con las restricciones impuestas por los limitados recursos disponibles para mitigarlos. En estos sistemas se observan, por tanto, ineficiencias, que provocan pérdidas en términos monetarios, nutricionales, sanitarios y ambientales y que crean externalidades negativas adicionales en los ámbitos sanitario, social y ambiental. Los peligros para la salud en los sistemas alimentarios no atienden a distinciones arbitrarias entre los sectores agrícola y ganadero, que están muy interconectados. Estos vínculos surgen cuando un sector proporciona insumos a otro o a través de efectos de sustitución en los que la oferta de un sector influye en la demanda de otro. El enfoque de "Una sola salud" aboga por investigar los peligros intersectoriales de manera eminentemente interdisciplinaria. En este artículo se ofrece un marco teórico para la integración de las metodologías desarrolladas por las iniciativas dedicadas al impacto global de las pérdidas de cosechas y al impacto global de las enfermedades animales a fin de obtener estimaciones de los peligros en los sistemas alimentarios que tengan más en cuenta la interconexión y fomenten una mejor comprensión de los sistemas alimentarios acorde con el carácter interdisciplinario del enfoque de "Una sola salud". En este sentido, se presenta un estudio de caso relacionado con los vínculos entre los sectores del maíz y las aves de corral en el contexto más amplio de la salud pública y ambiental.

Doenças dos Animais , Produtos Agrícolas , Abastecimento de Alimentos , Animais , Humanos , Doenças dos Animais/epidemiologia , Doenças dos Animais/prevenção & controle , Saúde Global , Aves Domésticas , Saúde Única
One Health Outlook ; 6(1): 16, 2024 Sep 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39218964


BACKGROUND: Persistent challenges of fragmented, food safety management in low- and middle-income countries underscore the need for more robustly coordinated mechanisms. National food safety technical working groups, operating under a One Health framework, offer potential in streamlining coordination efforts to effectively address these challenges. However, more clarity regarding their formation and functioning is important for understanding how to best establish and support such groups. The aim of this study is to systematically document the development process of established groups in Vietnam and Ethiopia. METHODS: We assess the process used to establish and support the technical working groups against six critical success factors for multisectoral collaboration: drive change, define, design, realise, relate, and capture success. To do so, we review meeting minutes, Terms of Reference, and other related publications. RESULTS: The analysis underscores the importance of financial and technical support by development partners in initiating working groups while also highlighting the challenge posed by the absence of legal frameworks to secure government commitment. Embedding the technical working groups within existing government structures - such as One Health platforms - from the outset could help to ensure the active participation and sustainability of such groups. CONCLUSION: Both Vietnam and Ethiopia have established operational and institutionalized technical working groups to bolster national food safety efforts under a One Health framework. The approaches employed in these countries could serve as valuable models for others seeking to establish comparable multisectoral collaborative mechanisms to address emerging health risks.

AIMS Microbiol ; 10(3): 468-488, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39219759


Infections caused by bacteria originating from tainted food sources are a widespread concern due to their large economic impact and detrimental effects on public health. We aimed to explore literature focusing on the presence of Salmonella in the food supply chains of Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries and to provide an overview of available information concerning health-related issues and the status of salmonellosis in humans in GCC countries. The reviewed evidence underscored a gap in our comprehensive understanding of the prevalence of Salmonella in the food supply of GCC countries. Molecular characterization efforts to pinpoint the sources of Salmonella in these nations were limited. Surveys targeting Salmonella in the food supply of GCC countries have been infrequent. While qualitative data indicated the presence or absence of Salmonella, there was a noticeable lack of quantitative data detailing the actual quantities of these bacteria in chicken meat supplies across GCC countries. Although reports regarding Salmonella in animal-derived foods were common, the literature highlighted in this review emphasized the persistent challenge that Salmonella pose to food safety and public health in GCC countries. Addressing this issue requires concerted efforts to enhance surveillance, improve control measures, and promote greater awareness among stakeholders in the food supply chain.

Rev Sci Tech ; 43: 79-86, 2024 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39222109


Quantifying the impact of poor animal health outcomes on human health represents a complex challenge. Using the disability-adjusted life year (DALY) metric as an endpoint, this article discusses how animal health outcomes can impact humans through three key processes: directly through zoonotic disease, indirectly via changes in yields and their impacts on nutrition and wealth, and finally, through indirect features associated with the agricultural industry, such as pharmaceuticals and climate change. For each process, the current state of the art and feasibility of global DALY-associated estimates are discussed. Existing frameworks for zoonoses already consider some key pathogens; ensuring completeness in the pathogens considered and consistency in methodological decisions is an important next step. For diet, risk factor frameworks enable a calculation of attributable DALYs; however, significant economic methodological developments are needed to ensure that local production changes are appropriately mapped to both local and global changes in dietary habits. Concerning wealth-related impacts, much work needs to be done on method development. Industry-related impacts require a focus on key research topics, such as attribution studies for animal antimicrobial resistance contributing to human outcomes. For climate change, a critical next step is identifying to what extent associated industry emissions are amenable to change should animal health outcomes improve. Allocation of finite funds to improve animal health must also consider the downstream impact on humans. Leveraging DALYs enables comparisons with other human health-related decisions and would represent a transformative way of approaching animal health decision-making should the obstacles in this article be addressed and new methods be developed.

La quantification de l'impact des problèmes de santé animale sur la santé humaine constitue un défi d'une grande complexité. En se servant de l'indicateur des années de vie ajustées sur l'incapacité (DALY) comme critère d'évaluation, les auteurs examinent trois processus essentiels illustrant l'impact que la situation zoosanitaire peut avoir sur la santé humaine : impact direct résultant des maladies zoonotiques, impact indirect résultant des mauvaises performances des animaux et de leurs conséquences sur la nutrition et la création de richesses, et enfin, effets indirects résultant de facteurs en lien avec le secteur agricole, par exemple l'utilisation de produits pharmaceutiques et le changement climatique. Pour chacun de ces processus, les auteurs font le point sur l'état actuel des connaissances et sur l'applicabilité des évaluations mondiales basées sur l'indicateur DALY. Les cadres existants relatifs aux zoonoses recouvrent déjà certains agents pathogènes majeurs ; la prochaine étape importante consistera à assurer une couverture complète des agents pathogènes et à veiller à la cohérence des décisions méthodologiques. S'agissant de l'alimentation, les cadres basés sur l'analyse des facteurs de risque permettent de calculer les DALY imputables à l'alimentation ; toutefois, d'importantes avancées méthodologiques sur les aspects économiques de cette corrélation seront nécessaires pour s'assurer que tout changement intervenant localement en matière de production animale est correctement mis en correspondance avec les modifications des habitudes alimentaires dans ce même contexte local mais aussi à l'échelle mondiale. S'agissant des impacts liés à la création de richesses, il reste beaucoup à faire dans le domaine méthodologique. La détermination des impacts liés aux filières d'élevage requiert des travaux axés sur des sujets précis, par exemple des études visant à déceler les sources de la résistance aux agents antimicrobiens qui contribuent à l'apparition d'antibiorésistances chez l'être humain. Enfin, pour ce qui concerne le changement climatique, une étape cruciale consistera à déterminer dans quelle mesure les émissions associées à l'élevage sont susceptibles de changer en cas d'amélioration de la situation zoosanitaire. Dans un contexte de ressources limitées, l'affectation de fonds à l'amélioration de la santé animale doit également prendre en compte l'impact en aval sur la santé humaine. L'utilisation de l'indicateur DALY permet des comparaisons avec d'autres décisions de santé publique et représenterait une approche transformative de la prise de décision en santé animale, dès lors que les obstacles mentionnés dans cet article sont surmontés et que de nouvelles méthodes sont mises au point.

Cuantificar el impacto de una mala sanidad animal en la salud humana es un desafío complejo. Utilizando el parámetro de años de vida ajustados en función de la discapacidad (AVAD o DALY) como criterio de valoración, en este artículo se examina cómo la sanidad animal puede repercutir en los seres humanos a través de tres procesos clave: directamente, a través de las zoonosis; indirectamente, a través de cambios en los rendimientos y sus repercusiones en la nutrición y la riqueza; y, por último, a través de factores indirectos asociados a la industria agropecuaria, como los fármacos y el cambio climático. Para cada uno de estos procesos, se examinan el estado actual y la viabilidad de estimar AVAD a escala mundial. Los marcos existentes para la zoonosis ya tienen en cuenta algunos patógenos claves; garantizar la exhaustividad de los patógenos considerados y la coherencia en las decisiones metodológicas es un próximo paso importante. En lo que respecta a la alimentación, aunque los marcos de factores de riesgo permiten calcular los AVAD atribuibles, se necesitan importantes avances metodológicos en el ámbito económico para asegurar que los cambios en la producción local se correspondan adecuadamente con los cambios locales y mundiales en los hábitos alimentarios. En cuanto a las repercusiones en la riqueza, queda mucho trabajo por hacer en el desarrollo de métodos. Para abordar las repercusiones relacionadas con la industria, es necesario centrarse en temas clave de investigación, como los estudios de atribución relativos al impacto en la salud humana de la resistencia a los antimicrobianos en los animales. En lo que se refiere al cambio climático, un próximo paso crucial es determinar en qué medida las emisiones de la industria podrían cambiar, en función de la mejora de los resultados en materia de sanidad animal. Al asignar fondos limitados para la mejora de la sanidad animal también se deben tener en cuenta las repercusiones correspondientes en los seres humanos. Utilizar los AVAD permite hacer comparaciones con otras decisiones importantes relacionadas con la salud humana y representaría una forma transformadora de enfocar la toma de decisiones en materia de sanidad animal, en caso de que se aborden los obstáculos presentados en ese artículo y se desarrollen nuevos métodos.

Mudança Climática , Zoonoses , Animais , Humanos , Agricultura , Anos de Vida Ajustados por Deficiência , Saúde Global , Efeitos Psicossociais da Doença , Doenças dos Animais/prevenção & controle , Doenças dos Animais/epidemiologia , Doenças dos Animais/economia
One Health ; 19: 100871, 2024 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39224765


The rise of African trypanocide resistance (ATr) is influenced by various factors such as evolutionary changes in the pathogen, the presence of resistance genes in the population, poor policy decisions, limited private-public partnerships to engage local communities, and insufficient funding for the development of new drugs over the past sixty years. These challenges have been exacerbated by the inadequate implementation of drug liberalization policies in the mid 20th century, leading to poor pharmacovigilance practices for veterinary drugs in low and middle income countries (LMICs). One health (OH), a disease management framework, provides practical solutions for addressing ATr, drawing on its success in managing previous epidemics like avian influenza in 2004 and the recent COVID-19 pandemic, where institutional collaborations were rapidly established. To combat ATr, OH initiatives involving both international and local partners at the policy and grassroots levels are crucial to generate community interest. The importance of political commitment, media involvement, and nongovernmental organizations cannot be overstated, as they are essential for resource mobilization and long-term sustainability in LMICs.

SAGE Open Med ; 12: 20503121241275230, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39224895


Introduction: Contact with pets within healthcare settings is considered worldwide an added value to assistance both in the case of animal-assisted interventions and also when pets are visiting hospitalized owners, due to the special emotional relationship between them and their pets. The goal of this work was to analyze local experiences on access of pets to healthcare facilities using a survey sent to doctors, veterinarians, and students in the region of Sardinia (Italy). Methods: The online survey consisted of 17 questions, with the objective to evaluate knowledge and interest of study participants on some aspects of human-animal interaction with particular reference to potential access of pets to hospitals facilities and nursing homes and to promote an initial social judgment in the medical and healthcare environment. A total of 2484 subjects were invited to participate to the survey through an email explaining the purpose of the study. Statistical analysis on the survey results was conducted by comparing the characteristics of respondents with their answers to animal-assisted-intervention-related questions. Results: Results showed that over 70% of the participants owned an animal; almost 80% of responses showed that survey participants were in favor of animal presence in hospitals; furthermore, the responses showed how the concept of One Health seems not only scarcely established, but also barely known. The large majority of respondents (over 80%) positively responded on questions around the role of animals as co-therapists. Conclusions: On the one hand, this study showed lack of knowledge on the concept of One Health, whose essence is too often unknown and, on the other hand, it confirmed that women may be more inclined to show empathy and sensitivity toward animals. Regarding the profession, students seem more concerned about the introduction of animals into hospitals than healthcare workers.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39207613


This work presents an integrated overview of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons' (PAHs) ubiquity comprising environmental contamination in the air, aquatic ecosystems, and soils; characterizes the contamination in biota; and identifies main biomonitors and human exposure to PAHs and associated health risks. Urban centers and industrial areas present increased concentrations in the air (1344.4-12,300 versus 0.03-0.60 ng/m3 in industrial/urban and rural zones) and soils (0.14-1.77 × 106 versus 2.00-9.04 × 103 versus 1.59-5.87 × 103 ng/g in urban, forest, and rural soils), respectively. Increased concentrations were found in coastal zones and superficial waters as well as in sediments (7.00 × 104-1.00 × 109 ng/g). Benzo(a)pyrene, a carcinogenic PAH, was found in all environmental media. Mosses, lichens, tree leaves, bivalves, cephalopods, terrestrials' snails, and honeybees are good biomonitors of biota contamination. More studies are needed to improve characterization of PAHs' levels, distribution, and bioaccumulation in the environmental media and assess the associated risks for biota and human health. Actions and strategies to mitigate and prevent the bioaccumulation of PAHs in the environment and trophic chains toward the WHO's One-Health Perspective to promote the health of all ecosystems and human life are urgently needed.

Antimicrob Resist Infect Control ; 13(1): 94, 2024 Aug 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39210436


BACKGROUND: Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) poses a significant global health threat, particularly in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Self-treatment with antibiotics, the practice of using antibiotics without professional guidance, is often considered an important contributor to the emergence and spread of AMR. METHOD: This study investigated the drivers of self-treatment in three common types of agricultural communities in northern Tanzania. The research employed a comprehensive array of methods, including cross-sectional surveys (n = 790), interviews (n = 30) and observations (n = 178) targeting both antibiotic (human and animal) providers and users (patients and farmers). Qualitative interview data were analysed using a coding and association matrix, while descriptive analyses were performed on survey and observation data. RESULTS: Self-treatment with antibiotics was highly prevalent in all communities. Between 41.0% (self-reported) and 60.3% (observed) of human antibiotics were obtained without a prescription and we observed that veterinary antibiotics were regularly purchased in retail shops without referral by a professional. Structural deficiencies in the healthcare system drove this practice: limited access to healthcare facilities, medication stockouts and prolonged waiting times were identified as key factors. The absence of safety nets like insurance schemes further contributed to self-medication. Retail shops offered a convenient and cost-effective alternative when antibiotics were inaccessible or unaffordable. Notably, informal networks comprising treatment vendors, friends or neighbours, as well as personal experiences played a crucial role in guiding individuals in their self-treatment decisions by providing advice on treatment choice and modalities. CONCLUSIONS: Addressing self-treatment requires a multi-faceted approach. Improving the availability and accessibility of antibiotics, enhancing healthcare services and involving retail vendors in antibiotic stewardship are essential. Structural issues like access to diagnostics and medicines must be tackled, alongside reducing barriers and incentivising individuals to use professional healthcare services. Training retail vendors to sell specific first-line antibiotics over the counter with guidance on appropriate usage should be considered. Such bottom-up interventions will enable sustainable promotion of responsible antibiotic use, mitigating AMR emergence and securing a healthier future for all.

Agricultura , Antibacterianos , Automedicação , Tanzânia , Humanos , Antibacterianos/uso terapêutico , Estudos Transversais , Automedicação/estatística & dados numéricos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Fazendeiros , Inquéritos e Questionários , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Animais
Front Public Health ; 12: 1376609, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39211902


The exposome approach, emphasizing lifelong environmental exposures, is a holistic framework exploring the intricate interplay between genetics and the environment in shaping health outcomes. Complementing this, the one health approach recognizes the interconnectedness of human and ecological health within a shared ecosystem, extending to planetary health, which encompasses the entire planet. Integrating Disease Surveillance Systems with exposome, one health, and planetary health signifies a paradigm shift in health management, fostering a comprehensive public health framework. This publication advocates for combining traditional health surveillance with exposome and one health/planetary health approach, proposing a three-step approach: ecological analysis, territorial intervention in identified issues, and an analytical phase for assessing interventions. Particularly relevant for Latin American countries facing a double burden of diseases, integrating the exposome into traditional health surveillance proves cost-effective by leveraging existing data and environmental measurements. In conclusion, the integration of exposome and one health approaches into traditional health surveillance presents a robust framework for monitoring population health, especially in regions like Latin America with complex health challenges. This innovative approach enables tailored interventions, disease outbreak predictions, and a holistic understanding of the intricate links between human health and the environment, offering substantial benefits for public health and disease prevention despite existing challenges.

Expossoma , Saúde Única , Humanos , América Latina , Exposição Ambiental/prevenção & controle , Saúde Pública , Vigilância da População/métodos
Front Public Health ; 12: 1375424, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39145181


In recent years, the concept of One Health (OH) has arisen as an approach that helps to catalyze the creation of transdisciplinary teams needed for surveillance and investigation of emerging disease dynamics. Besides a wealth of descriptions of what the OH approach encompasses, a dearth of information is available regarding the training of individuals in OH competencies. In 2019, the Nigerian Center for Disease Control developed an OH strategic plan to meet the country's human, animal, and environmental health challenges. In response to the demand for clinicians, scientists, climatologists, conservationists, and environmentalists, who have expertise in environment, human, plant, and animal health to work collaboratively in addressing OH challenges in Nigeria. An interprofessional group of faculty from the University of Texas Medical Branch, the University of Jos, and the National Veterinary Research Institute convened to develop a novel OH course 'entitled 'One Health for Translational Team Science. The objective of the course was to explore the evolution of an emerging epidemic, capitalizing on various learning environments, including animal, environmental, human, and public health perspectives. The 6-week course comprised of three parts: 2-weeks virtual part of case-based group discussions focusing on animal and environmental aspects, 2 weeks of individual field experiences, and a final virtual part focusing on human health. Pedagogical tools used were: case-based group discussions, breakout group presentations, role-play activities, field project write-up, peer evaluation, group writing assignments, and weekly reflections with the goal of working in teams to develop and practice the fundamental leadership and management skills in addressing emerging public health challenges. Post-course evaluations showed that all participants felt more confident identifying and practicing the necessary attitudes and skills to participate effectively in the evaluation of an outbreak. Furthermore, the roles, responsibilities, and "One Health ways of thinking" for the various disciplines and professions involved in improving global health were articulated and identified.

Saúde Única , Nigéria , Humanos , Currículo , Relações Interprofissionais , Política de Saúde , Comportamento Cooperativo
Vet Res Commun ; 2024 Aug 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39158807


Antimicrobial-resistant Escherichia coli is a global health challenge from a One Health perspective. However, data on its emergence in the Caatinga biome are limited. This biome is exclusive to the Brazilian Northeast and offers unique epidemiological conditions that can influence the occurrence of infectious diseases and antimicrobial resistance. In this study, the carriage proportion, antimicrobial susceptibility, and population structure of cephalosporin-resistant E. coli were assessed in 300 cloacal swab samples of free-range chickens from three Brazilian states covered by the Caatinga biome. The results showed that 44 (14.7%) samples were positive for cephalosporin-resistant E. coli, and Paraíba state had the highest frequency of isolates (68.2%). Genes encoding cephotaximase-Munich or ampicillin class C (AmpC) enzymes were identified in 30 (68.2%) and 8 (18.2%) isolates, respectively, comprising 31 E. coli isolates. Overall, molecular typing by genome restriction using XbaI endonuclease followed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis revealed four clusters from two properties of Paraíba state composed by extended-spectrum ß-lactamase-producing and AmpC-producing E. coli carrying blaCTX-M-1-like and blaMIR-1/ACT-1 genes and belonging to different phylogenetic groups. There is a need to control antimicrobial resistance while taking into account the genetic diversity of the strains and their implications for animal and public health, especially in free-range chickens reared in the Brazilian Caatinga biome.

Front Vet Sci ; 11: 1423501, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39135900


Extreme weather events such as floods, bushfires, cyclones, and drought, are projected to increase in eastern Australia. Understanding how these events influence the combined, sustainable well-being of humans, animals, and ecosystems - that is One Health - will enable development of transdisciplinary and ultimately more effective interventions. A scoping review was conducted to explore the research associated with the effects of extreme weather events in eastern Australia using a One Health lens, specifically identifying the type of extreme weather events studied, the research conducted in the context of One Health, and gaps to inform improved One Health implementation. The review followed JBI guidelines (based on PRISMA). Eligible research was peer-reviewed, in English, and published since 2007, in which primary research studies investigated the impact of extreme weather events in eastern Australia on at least two of ecosystems, human health, and animal health. Using structured search terms, six databases were searched. Following removal of duplicates, 870 records were screened by two reviewers. Eleven records were eligible for data extraction and charting. The scope of extreme weather events studied was relatively limited, with studies in flood and bushfire settings predominating, but relatively little research on cyclones. Major health themes included more than the impact of extreme weather events on physical health (zoonotic and vector-borne diseases) through investigation of social well-being and mental health in the context of the human-animal bond in evacuation behaviors and drought. Research gaps include studies across a broader range of extreme weather events and health topics, as well as a more comprehensive approach to including the impacts of extreme weather events on all three domains of One Health. The limited research focus inevitably translates to limited recommendations for policy, planning and response to manage extreme weather event emergencies. Given the expected increase in frequency of these events, there is a critical need for more comprehensive primary research to better identify strategies and facilitate implementation of One Health promotion for improved outcomes in extreme weather event emergencies.

Sci Total Environ ; 951: 175471, 2024 Aug 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39137839


Significant quantities of salmon are processed daily in the industry's indoor facilities. Occupational exposure contributes to an individual's exposome. The aim of this study is to obtain knowledge about potential exposure to viable airborne species of bacteria and fungi as related to workstations in the salmon processing industry. The study was conducted in nine salmon plants along the Norwegian coast over one or two days with a one-year interval. The MAS100 was used for sampling and MALDI-TOF MS for species identification. The geometric mean concentrations of bacteria and fungi were 200 CFU/m3 and 50 CFU/m3, respectively, with the highest concentrations of bacteria found in slaughtering areas and fungi in trimming of fillets. In total 125 gram-negative and 90 gram-positive bacterial and 32 different fungal species were identified. Some genera were represented by several species e.g. Chryseobacterium (15 species), Flavobacterium (13 species), Microbacterium (12 species), Pseudomonas (37 species), and Psychrobacter (13 species). Risk class 2 (RC2, human pathogens) were found in all types of workstations and plants. Seventeen bacterial species belong to RC2, some were fish pathogens, food spoilage bacteria, or species causing foodborne disease. Among fungi, Aspergillus nidulans was frequently detected across different workstations and plants. In conclusion, bacterial and fungal concentrations were low. Fish and sea-related bacteria were found along the salmon processing line. Bacterial concentrations and species compositions differ between workstations. No particular bacterial or fungal species constituted a large fraction of all airborne species. Based on the presence of human pathogens, using protective gloves is important for the workers. The presence of human and fish pathogens and food spoilage bacteria reveals air as a transmission route for bacteria, potentially affecting workers, consumers, fish, and hygiene of processing equipment. To limit the spread of these bacteria an interdisciplinary cooperation with a One Health perspective may be relevant.

Emerg Infect Dis ; 30(10)2024 Aug 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39141926


Monkeypox virus (MPXV) is zoonotic and capable of infecting many mammal species. However, whether common companion animals are susceptible to MPXV infection is unclear. During July 2022-March 2023, we collected animal and environmental swab samples within homes of confirmed human mpox case-patients and tested for MPXV and human DNA by PCR. We also used ELISA for orthopoxvirus antibody detection. Overall, 12% (22/191) of animal and 25% (14/56) of environmental swab samples from 4 households, including samples from 4 dogs and 1 cat, were positive for MPXV DNA, but we did not detect viable MPXV or orthopoxvirus antibodies. Among MPXV PCR-positive swab samples, 82% from animals and 93% the environment amplified human DNA with a statistically significant correlation in observed cycle threshold values. Our findings demonstrate likely DNA contamination from the human mpox cases. Despite the high likelihood for exposure, however, we found no indications that companion animals were infected with MPXV.

Bioscience ; 74(7): 440-449, 2024 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39156613


Understanding the magnitude of biosecurity risks in aquatic environments is increasingly complex and urgent because increasing volumes of international shipping, rising demand for aquaculture products, and growth in the global aquarium trade, are accelerating invasive alien species spread worldwide. These threats are especially pressing amid climate and biodiversity crises. However, global and national biosecurity systems are poorly prepared to respond because of fragmented research and policy environments, that often fail to account for risks across sectors or across stakeholder needs and fail to recognize similarities in the processes underpinning biological invasions. In the present article, we illustrate the complex network of links between biosecurity threats across human, animal, plant, and environment sectors and propose a universal approach to risk assessment. One Biosecurity is a holistic, interdisciplinary approach that minimizes biosecurity risks across human, animal, plant, algal, and ecosystem health and is critical to reduce redundancy and increase cross-sectoral cohesion to improve policy, management, and research in aquatic biosecurity.

One Health Outlook ; 6(1): 17, 2024 Aug 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39138554


BACKGROUND: One Health (OH) is defined as a unifying approach aiming to sustainably balance and optimise the health of people, animals and the ecosystem. It recognises that the health of humans, animals (both domestic and wild), plants and the wider ecosystem are both interdependent and linked. As a concept, it aims to address complex problems requiring input from multiple disciplines. Suitable issues for OH approaches typically include global issues which can widely impact not only the health of humans and animals, but also have a significant environmental impact. Examples include emerging zoonotic diseases and antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Interpretations and use of the term OH differ in the literature and have the potential to dilute its impact. The meaning of OH among the research community has evolved over time. Here, we collate the OH relevant literature from the last two decades, identifying major themes and trends and considering how OH has been embraced differently across various geographical regions. METHODS AND RESULTS: Bibliographic databases were searched using the term "One Health" AND ("Veterinary" OR "Animal") AND ("Medicine" OR "Human") AND ("Environment" OR "Ecosystem") during the period between 1980 and 2022. Data analysis and narrative synthesis identified themes, similarities, and differences within literature. Web of Science and PubMed returned 948 and 1250 results for the period mentioned above. The predominant literature focused on human health, with veterinary health second, although often to benefit human health. It was found that OH is often utilised as a public health approach, generally towards the end of disease surveillance and control. Interestingly, while authors from low- and middle-income countries were well-represented within studies using the term OH, they were less well-represented as corresponding authors. CONCLUSIONS: The predominant focus of the literature was on human and veterinary health, implying OH approach is human-orientated, despite its suggestion that all domains share a common 'health'. Potential improvement to OH could be achieved through greater incorporation of the environmental and social sciences for a more encompassing approach.

One Health ; 19: 100865, 2024 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39185352


The USDA/ARS-National Disease Center (NADC) will celebrate its 65th anniversary of existence in November 2026. NADC continues as one of the world's premier animal health research centers conducting basic and applied research on endemic diseases with economic impact on U.S. livestock and wildlife. This research center also supports a program studying important food safety pathogens such as Salmonella, E. coli and Campylobacter. NADC has contributed significantly to the elimination of a few diseases, notably hog cholera and milk fever, and made progress in reducing the impact of many other animal diseases through vaccines, therapies and managerial recommendations. Despite nearly 65 years of targeted research on these diseases and much progress, some of these continue to persist. The reasons for such persistence varies for each disease condition and they are often multifactorial involving host susceptibility, virulence and even environmental conditions. Individually and in aggregate, these disease conditions have a massive economic impact and can be devasting to animal producers, owners and individuals that become infected through zoonotic disease agents such as tuberculosis, leptospirosis and avian influenza. They also diminish the health, well-being and welfare of affected animals, which directly affects the food supply. The NADC is using all available technologies including genomic, biochemical, reverse genetics, and vaccine trials in the target host to combat these significant diseases. We review the progress and reasons for persistence of selected diseases and food safety pathogens as well as the progress and potential outcomes should research and programmatic plans to eliminate these disease conditions cease.

J Anim Ecol ; 2024 Aug 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39189422


The last few years have seen a surge of interest from field ecologists and evolutionary biologists to study neoplasia and cancer in wildlife. This contributes to the One Health Approach, which investigates health issues at the intersection of people, wild and domestic animals, together with their changing environments. Nonetheless, the emerging field of wildlife cancer is currently constrained by methodological limitations in detecting cancer using non-invasive sampling. In addition, the suspected differential susceptibility and resistance of species to cancer often make the choice of a unique model species difficult for field biologists. Here, we provide an overview of the importance of pursuing the study of cancer in non-model organisms and we review the currently available methods to detect, measure and quantify cancer in the wild, as well as the methodological limitations to be overcome to develop novel approaches inspired by diagnostic techniques used in human medicine. The methodology we propose here will help understand and hopefully fight this major disease by generating general knowledge about cancer, variation in its rates, tumour-suppressor mechanisms across species as well as its link to life history and physiological characters. Moreover, this is expected to provide key information about cancer in wildlife, which is a top priority due to the accelerated anthropogenic change in the past decades that might favour cancer progression in wild populations.

Heliyon ; 10(15): e35878, 2024 Aug 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39170164


The imprudent use of antibiotics increases the environmental microflora's resistance to various drugs, particularly antibiotics. Prescription data is crucial for understanding antibiotic usage frequency and dosage. This health-focused study aims to analyze antibiotic prescription patterns in human and veterinary practices to identify emerging trends in environmental antibiotic resistance. For this survey, A total of 6550 prescriptions were randomly collected from hospitals and pharmacies in Mymensingh sadar upazila, Bangladesh, between August and October 2022. Of these, 5123 (78 %) were for human cases and 1427 (22 %) for veterinary purposes. Photos of the prescriptions were taken and analyzed to understand prescribing habits. Additionally, 30 water samples from rivers, ponds, sewage, and households in Mymensingh City Corporation were collected to assess environmental antibiotic levels and resistance patterns of microorganisms. The analysis showed that Cephalosporins were the most prescribed antibiotics, found in 570 (56.27 %) of human prescriptions and 230 (42.99 %) of veterinary prescriptions. Aminoglycosides had the lowest frequency, with 13 (1.2 %) for humans and 46 (8.6 %) for animals. Macrolides (12.24 %), carboxylic acids (1.87 %), and rifamycins (1.28 %) were only found in human prescriptions, while sulfa drugs (10.84 %), tetracyclines (5.42 %), and combinations of antibiotics (14.77 %) were only in animal prescriptions. Quinolones were prescribed 4.06 times more for humans, while aminoglycosides were used 3.54 times more for animals. Environmental samples showed E. coli had the highest resistance (MAR Value: 0.625) against eight antibiotics. This study illuminates the human-animal prescription patterns that are influenced by environmental factors which drive antibiotic stewardship in Bangladesh. It is imperative for practitioners to exercise caution and adhere to guidelines when prescribing antibiotics, both in human and veterinary practices, given the alarming trend of antibiotic resistance. Additionally, measures must be taken to restrict the influx of antibiotics residue into the environment.

Prev Vet Med ; 232: 106314, 2024 Aug 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39173212


Bovine Tuberculosis (bTB), caused by Mycobacterium bovis, is a neglected zoonotic disease primarily associated with cattle. The incidence of bTB is highest in low-income settings with high cattle density and unpasteurised dairy consumption. Smallholder dairy farming has steadily grown in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) with limited professional support for adequate bTB surveillance and risk mitigation. Several studies have explored the knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) of milk value chain stakeholders towards bTB in LMICs, but this evidence has not been collated and synthesised. We conducted a systematic review to determine what is known, believed, and done in relation to bTB among dairy producers and consumers in LMICs. We performed a systematic search of studies in OVID Medline, Scopus and CABI on 11 September 2023. KAP data were summarised using narrative synthesis and forest plots. We retrieved 2763 articles, retaining 51 for the review. Only studies from Africa (n = 38) and Asia (n = 13) met the eligibility criteria. Most populations reported awareness of human tuberculosis and knew it could be treated, but there was limited awareness of bTB and its zoonotic potential. Knowledge of bTB transmission routes and bTB mitigation varied across populations, and risky practices were also variable. Inconsistencies in study design and survey tools suggest some results may have a mid- to high-risk of bias. Awareness of bTB is surprisingly low among African and Asian populations with high bTB exposure risk, possibly due to the long-standing divide between animal and human health messages that has obscured the One Health implications of bTB. Addressing bTB in LMICs requires a structural One Health approach and standard KAP survey tools to adequately explore the socio-cultural, political, and economic processes and drivers favouring bTB spread and persistence.