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J Fish Biol ; 2024 Jun 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38859548


The disturbance of marine organism phenology due to climate change and the subsequent effects on recruitment success are still poorly understood, especially in migratory fish species, such as the Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus; Clupeidae). Here we used the commercial catch data from a local fisher over a 50-year period (1971-2020) to estimate western Baltic spring-spawning (WBSS) herring mean arrival time Q50 (i.e., the week when 50% of the total fish catches had been made) at their spawning ground within the Kiel Fjord, southwest Baltic Sea, and the duration of the spawning season for each year. The relationship between the seawater temperature in the Kiel Bight and other environmental parameters (such as water salinity, North Atlantic and Atlantic multidecadal oscillations) and Q50 was evaluated using a general linear model to test the hypothesis that fish arrived earlier after warm than cold winters. We also estimated the accumulated thermal time to Q50 during gonadal development to estimate the effects of seawater temperature on the variations of Q50. The results of this study revealed a dramatic decrease in herring catches within the Kiel Fjord since the mid-1990s, as documented for the whole southwestern Baltic Sea. Warmer winter seawater temperature was the only factor related to an earlier arrival (1 week for one January seawater temperature degree increase) of herring at their spawning ground. The relationship was found for the first time on week 52 of the year prior to spawning and was the strongest (50% of the variability explained) from the fourth week of January (8 weeks before the mean Q50 among the studied years). A thermal constant to Q50 (~316°C day) was found when temperatures were integrated from the 49th week of the year prior to spawning. These results indicate that seawater temperature enhanced the speed of gonadal maturation during the latest phases of gametogenesis, leading to an early fish arrival under warm conditions. The duration of the spawning season was elongated during warmer years, therefore potentially mitigating the effects of trophic mismatch when fish spawn early. The results of this study highlight the altering effects of climate change on the spawning activity of a migratory fish species in the Baltic Sea where fast global changes presage that in other coastal areas worldwide.

Plants (Basel) ; 11(9)2022 Apr 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35567180


Climate change (CC) is a global threat to the agricultural system. Changing climatic conditions are causing variations in temperature range, rainfall timing, humidity percentage, soil structure, and composition of gases in environment. All these factors have a great influence on the phenological events in plants' life cycle. Alternation in phenological events, especially in crops, leads to either lower yield or crop failure. In light of respective statement, the present study is designed to evaluate the climatic impacts on two heat-resistant wheat varieties (Sialkot-2008 and Punjab-2018). During the study, impacts of CC on wheat phenology and annual yield were predicted considering six climatic factors: maximum temp, minimum temperature, precipitation, humidity, soil moisture content, and solar radiation using two quantitative approaches. First, a two-year field experimental plot was set up at five different sites of study-each plot a bisect of two sites. Phenological changes of both varieties were monitored with respect to climatic factors and changes were recorded in a scientific manner. Secondly, experimental results were compared with Global climate models (GMC) models with a baseline range of the past 40 years (1970-2010) and future fifty years (2019-2068) under Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) 8.5 model analysis. Field experiment showed a (0.02) difference in maximum temperature, (0.04) in minimum temperature, (0.17) in humidity, and about (0.03) significant difference in soil moisture content during 2019-2021. Under these changing climatic parameters, a 0.21% difference was accounted in annual yield. Furthermore, the results were supported by GMC model analysis, which was analyzed by Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer (DSSAT) model. Results depicted that non-heat-resistant wheat varieties could cause up to a 6~13% reduction in yield during future 50 years (2019-2068)) compared with the last 40 years (1970-2010). A larger decline in wheat grain number relative to grain weight is a key reducer of wheat yield, under future climate change circumstances. Using heat-tolerant wheat varieties will not only assist to overcome this plethora but also provide a potential increase of up to 7% to 10% in indigenous environment. On the other hand, it was concluded that cultivating these heat-resistant varieties that are also ripening late culminates into enhanced thermal time chucks during the grain-filling period; hence, wheat yield will increase by 8% to 12%. In changing climatic conditions and varieties, 'Punjab-2018' will be the better choice for peasants and farm-land owners to obtain a better yield of wheat to cope with the necessities of food on the domestic and national level.