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CoDAS ; 36(5): e20240009, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564378


ABSTRACT Purpose The study aimed to identify (1) whether the age and gender of listeners and the length of vocal stimuli affect emotion discrimination accuracy in voice; and (2) whether the determined level of expression of perceived affective emotions is age and gender-dependent. Methods Thirty-two age-matched listeners listened to 270 semantically neutral voice samples produced in neutral, happy, and angry intonation by ten professional actors. The participants were required to categorize the auditory stimulus based on three options and judge the intensity of emotional expression in the sample using a customized tablet web interface. Results The discrimination accuracy of happy and angry emotions decreased with age, while accuracy in discriminating neutral emotions increased with age. Females rated the intensity level of perceived affective emotions higher than males across all linguistic units. These were: for angry emotions in words (z = -3.599, p < .001), phrases (z = -3.218, p = .001), and texts (z = -2.272, p = .023), for happy emotions in words (z = -5.799, p < .001), phrases (z = -4.706, p < .001), and texts (z = -2.699, p = .007). Conclusion Accuracy in perceiving vocal expressions of emotions varies according to age and gender. Young adults are better at distinguishing happy and angry emotions than middle-aged adults, while middle-aged adults tend to categorize perceived affective emotions as neutral. Gender also plays a role, with females rating expressions of affective emotions in voices higher than males. Additionally, the length of voice stimuli impacts emotion discrimination accuracy.

CoDAS ; 35(2): e20210062, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1421281


ABSTRACT Purpose to investigate prosodic boundary effects on the comprehension of attachment ambiguities in Brazilian Portuguese and to test two hypotheses relying on the notion of boundary strength: the absolute boundary hypothesis (ABH) and the relative boundary hypothesis (RBH). Manipulations of prosodic structure influence how listeners interpret syntactically ambiguous sentences. However, the role of prosody in spoken language comprehension of sentences has received limited attention in languages other than English, particularly from a developmental perspective. Methods Twenty-three adults and 15 children participated in a computerized sentence comprehension task involving syntactically ambiguous sentences. Each sentence was recorded in eight different prosodic forms with acoustic manipulations of F0, duration and pause varying the boundary size to reflect predictions of the ABH and RBH. Results Children and adults differed in how prosody influenced their syntactic processing and children were significantly slower than adults. Results indicated that interpretation of sentences varied according to their prosodic forms. Conclusion Neither the ABH or the RBH explained how children and adults who speak Brazilian Portuguese use prosodic boundaries to disambiguate sentences. There is evidence that the way prosodic boundaries influence disambiguation varies cross-linguistically.

RESUMO Objetivo investigar os efeitos de fronteiras prosódicas na compreensão de ambiguidades sintáticas no português brasileiro além de testar duas hipóteses baseadas na noção de intensidade de fronteira: a hipótese de fronteira absoluta (ABH) e a hipótese de fronteira relativa (RBH). Manipulações da estrutura prosódica influenciam como os ouvintes interpretam frases sintaticamente ambíguas. No entanto, o papel da prosódia na compreensão da linguagem oral tem recebido atenção limitada em línguas além do inglês, particularmente do ponto de vista do desenvolvimento. Método Vinte e três adultos e 15 crianças participaram de uma tarefa computadorizada de compreensão de frases envolvendo frases sintaticamente ambíguas. Cada frase foi gravada em oito formas prosódicas diferentes com manipulações acústicas de F0, duração, e pausa, variando o tamanho da fronteira prosódica de modo a transparecer as previsões da ABH e RBH. Resultados Crianças e adultos diferiram em como a prosódia influenciou o processamento sintático; as crianças foram significativamente mais lentas que os adultos. Os resultados indicaram que a interpretação das frases variou de acordo com suas formas prosódicas. Conclusão Nenhuma das hipóteses (ABH ou RBH) explica como crianças e adultos falantes do Português brasileiro utilizam as fronteiras prosódicas para desambiguar frases. Há evidências de que a maneira com a qual os limites prosódicos influenciam a desambiguação de frases varia entre os idiomas.

Front Psychol ; 13: 963666, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36483712


An ironic statement transmits the opposite meaning to its literal counterpart and is one of the most complex communicative acts. Thus, it has been proposed to be a good indicator of social communication ability. Prosody and facial expression are two crucial paralinguistic cues that can facilitate the understanding of ironic statements. The primary aim of this study was to create and evaluate a task of irony identification that could be used in neuroimaging studies. We independently evaluated three cues, contextual discrepancy, prosody and facial expression, and selected the best cue that would lead participants in fMRI studies to identify a stimulus as ironic in a reliable way. This process included the design, selection, and comparison of the three cues, all of which have been previously associated with irony detection. The secondary aim was to correlate irony comprehension with specific cognitive functions. Results showed that psycholinguistic properties could differentiate irony from other communicative acts. The contextual discrepancy, prosody, and facial expression were relevant cues that helped detect ironic statements; with contextual discrepancy being the cue that produced the highest classification accuracy and classification time. This task can be used successfully to test irony comprehension in Spanish speakers using the cue of interest. The correlation of irony comprehension with cognitive functions did not yield consistent results. A more heterogeneous sample of participants and a broader battery of tests may be needed to find reliable cognitive correlates of irony comprehension.

Front Comput Neurosci ; 16: 1022787, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36465969


Artificial voices are nowadays embedded into our daily lives with latest neural voices approaching human voice consistency (naturalness). Nevertheless, behavioral, and neuronal correlates of the perception of less naturalistic emotional prosodies are still misunderstood. In this study, we explored the acoustic tendencies that define naturalness from human to synthesized voices. Then, we created naturalness-reduced emotional utterances by acoustic editions of human voices. Finally, we used Event-Related Potentials (ERP) to assess the time dynamics of emotional integration when listening to both human and synthesized voices in a healthy adult sample. Additionally, listeners rated their perceptions for valence, arousal, discrete emotions, naturalness, and intelligibility. Synthesized voices were characterized by less lexical stress (i.e., reduced difference between stressed and unstressed syllables within words) as regards duration and median pitch modulations. Besides, spectral content was attenuated toward lower F2 and F3 frequencies and lower intensities for harmonics 1 and 4. Both psychometric and neuronal correlates were sensitive to naturalness reduction. (1) Naturalness and intelligibility ratings dropped with emotional utterances synthetization, (2) Discrete emotion recognition was impaired as naturalness declined, consistent with P200 and Late Positive Potentials (LPP) being less sensitive to emotional differentiation at lower naturalness, and (3) Relative P200 and LPP amplitudes between prosodies were modulated by synthetization. Nevertheless, (4) Valence and arousal perceptions were preserved at lower naturalness, (5) Valence (arousal) ratings correlated negatively (positively) with Higuchi's fractal dimension extracted on neuronal data under all naturalness perturbations, (6) Inter-Trial Phase Coherence (ITPC) and standard deviation measurements revealed high inter-individual heterogeneity for emotion perception that is still preserved as naturalness reduces. Notably, partial between-participant synchrony (low ITPC), along with high amplitude dispersion on ERPs at both early and late stages emphasized miscellaneous emotional responses among subjects. In this study, we highlighted for the first time both behavioral and neuronal basis of emotional perception under acoustic naturalness alterations. Partial dependencies between ecological relevance and emotion understanding outlined the modulation but not the annihilation of emotional integration by synthetization.

Interdisciplinaria ; 39(3): 121-135, oct. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430572


Resumen La fluidez ha sido considerada como uno de los factores relevantes que interviene en la comprensión lectora. Actualmente se incluye en la fluidez, además de la velocidad y la precisión, la prosodia como uno de los componentes que actúa de forma preponderante en la construcción del significado de la lectura. El propósito de este estudio fue realizar una revisión sistemática y un metaanálisis para determinar, por un lado, la situación de la agenda investigativa en la materia y, por el otro, mensurar la magnitud de la relación entre prosodia y comprensión lectora en alumnos hablantes nativos del español. Se realizó para ello un rastreo bibliográfico en las bases de datos Dialnet, Redalyc, SciELO, ERIC, Scopus y PubMed, sin restricciones temporales. En la revisión sistemática se incluyeron 18 estudios. Con los estudios correlacionales (n = 12) se llevó a cabo un metaanálisis multinivel, en el que se examinaron 59 coeficientes de correlación. El análisis mostró una asociación significativa entre prosodia y comprensión lectora (t(58) = 9.77, p < .001) con un efecto moderado de .46 (Z de Fisher = .49 [95 % CI = .39, .59]). Ni el nivel escolar al que asisten los alumnos (primario o secundario), ni el nivel en el que se evaluó la comprensión (oración o texto) moderaron la relación entre las variables. En suma, los resultados sostienen que las habilidades prosódicas contribuyen al procesamiento semántico de las oraciones y textos en español, más allá del nivel educativo del que se trate.

Abstract Fluency has been considered one of the relevant factors involved in reading comprehension, by providing a bridge between decoding and comprehension. At present, fluency includes, alongside rate and accuracy, prosody as one the parts which plays a preponderant role in the construction of meaning during the reading process. Prosodic reading is the use of oral language features when reading a text, such as pausing, stress and intonation, in order that the text will be read aloud with the tonal and rhythmic characteristics of speech. Furthermore, prosodic reading makes it possible to organize word sequences into syntactically cohesive units of meaning. The aim of this study was to conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis, firstly, in order to determine the situation of research articles which enquire into the relation between prosody and reading comprehension, and secondly, to measure the significance of that relation in students who are native speakers of Spanish. To that end, a bibliographic search was performed without time restrictions in the following databases: Dialnet, Redalyc, SciELO, ERIC, Scopus and PubMed. The systematic review included 18 studies. The qualitative synthesis showed four categories of articles: (1) validation studies of instruments to assess reading fluency; (2) intervention studies on different prosodic aspects and enquiries into their impact on reading comprehension; (3) comparisons of good and poor comprehenders; and (4) correlational studies. A multilevel meta-analysis was performed in the correlational studies (n = 12), examining 59 correlation coefficients. The analysis showed a significant association between reading comprehension and prosody (t(58) = 9.77, p < .001) with a moderate effect of .46 (z = .49 [95 % CI = .39, .59]). Once outlier values had been removed, no variation was found in the size of the estimated effect (r = .46). Two additional models were adjusted, including as moderating variables, respectively, the type of assessment performed on comprehension (sentence or text level) and the educational level (primary or secondary). The results obtained from these models suggest the association between comprehension and prosody is neither moderated by the type of assessment carried out (F(1, 57) = 1.51, ρ = .22), nor by the educational level (F(1, 57) = 0.10, ρ = .75). In summary, the meta-analysis showed a moderate relation between prosody and reading comprehension. These relations continued beyond the level at which the latter variable (sentence or text) was examined, and throughout the school trajectory. In other words, and in contrast to other aspects of fluency, such as accuracy and rate, prosody seems to maintain its contribution to comprehension. In sum, the findings support the claim that suprasegmental skills, both at lexical level (i. e. the skills related to the identification, stress and manipulation of stressed syllables in words) and at metrical level (the capabilities responsible for processing intonation, rhythm and pausing when reading), contribute to the semantic processing of sentences and texts in Spanish, regardless of the educational level under analysis. These results should be moderated given the limited number of studies found and the smaller amount of research carried out at secondary school level. In spite of these limitations, the relationships observed among the variables studied support the importance of prosodic reading to psychoeducational diagnosis and intervention in reading comprehension, and they provide significant background for future research.

Brain Sci ; 12(4)2022 Mar 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35447989


This study examines the neural dynamics underlying the prosodic (duration) and the semantic dimensions in Spanish sentence perception. Specifically, we investigated whether adult listeners are aware of changes in the duration of a pretonic syllable of words that were either semantically predictable or unpredictable from the preceding sentential context. Participants listened to the sentences with instructions to make prosodic or semantic judgments, while their EEG was recorded. For both accuracy and RTs, the results revealed an interaction between duration and semantics. ERP analysis exposed an interactive effect between task, duration and semantic, showing that both processes share neural resources. There was an enhanced negativity on semantic process (N400) and an extended positivity associated with anomalous duration. Source estimation for the N400 component revealed activations in the frontal gyrus for the semantic contrast and in the parietal postcentral gyrus for duration contrast in the metric task, while activation in the sub-lobar insula was observed for the semantic task. The source of the late positive components was located on posterior cingulate. Hence, the ERP data support the idea that semantic and prosodic levels are processed by similar neural networks, and the two linguistic dimensions influence each other during the decision-making stage in the metric and semantic judgment tasks.

Front Psychiatry ; 12: 628397, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33841202


Videotape recordings obtained during an initial and conventional psychiatric interview were used to assess possible emotional differences in facial expressions and acoustic parameters of the voice between Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) female patients and matched controls. The incidence of seven basic emotion expressions, emotional valence, heart rate, and vocal frequency (f0), and intensity (dB) of the discourse adjectives and interjections were determined through the application of computational software to the visual (FaceReader) and sound (PRAAT) tracks of the videotape recordings. The extensive data obtained were analyzed by three statistical strategies: linear multilevel modeling, correlation matrices, and exploratory network analysis. In comparison with healthy controls, BPD patients express a third less sadness and show a higher number of positive correlations (14 vs. 8) and a cluster of related nodes among the prosodic parameters and the facial expressions of anger, disgust, and contempt. In contrast, control subjects showed negative or null correlations between such facial expressions and prosodic parameters. It seems feasible that BPD patients restrain the facial expression of specific emotions in an attempt to achieve social acceptance. Moreover, the confluence of prosodic and facial expressions of negative emotions reflects a sympathetic activation which is opposed to the social engagement system. Such BPD imbalance reflects an emotional alteration and a dysfunctional behavioral strategy that may constitute a useful biobehavioral indicator of the severity and clinical course of the disorder. This face/voice/heart rate emotional expression assessment (EMEX) may be used in the search for reliable biobehavioral correlates of other psychopathological conditions.

Front Hum Neurosci ; 15: 626146, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33716696


Socio-emotional impairments are key symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorders. This work proposes to analyze the neuronal activity related to the discrimination of emotional prosodies in autistic children (aged 9 to 11-year-old) as follows. Firstly, a database for single words uttered in Mexican Spanish by males, females, and children will be created. Then, optimal acoustic features for emotion characterization will be extracted, followed of a cubic kernel function Support Vector Machine (SVM) in order to validate the speech corpus. As a result, human-specific acoustic properties of emotional voice signals will be identified. Secondly, those identified acoustic properties will be modified to synthesize the recorded human emotional voices. Thirdly, both human and synthesized utterances will be used to study the electroencephalographic correlate of affective prosody processing in typically developed and autistic children. Finally, and on the basis of the outcomes, synthesized voice-enhanced environments will be created to develop an intervention based on social-robot and Social StoryTM for autistic children to improve affective prosodies discrimination. This protocol has been registered at BioMed Central under the following number: ISRCTN18117434.

Lang Speech ; 64(1): 3-23, 2021 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31957542


This paper presents the results of three perceptual experiments investigating the role of auditory and visual channels for the identification of statements and echo questions in Brazilian Portuguese. Ten Brazilian speakers (five male) were video-recorded (frontal view of the face) while they produced a sentence ("Como você sabe"), either as a statement (meaning "As you know.") or as an echo question (meaning "As you know?"). Experiments were set up including the two different intonation contours. Stimuli were presented in conditions with clear and degraded audio as well as congruent and incongruent information from both channels. Results show that Brazilian listeners were able to distinguish statements and questions prosodically and visually, with auditory cues being dominant over visual ones. In noisy conditions, the visual channel improved the interpretation of prosodic cues robustly, while it degraded them in conditions where the visual information was incongruent with the auditory information. This study shows that auditory and visual information are integrated during speech perception, also when applied to prosodic patterns.

Estimulação Acústica/métodos , Expressão Facial , Fonética , Estimulação Luminosa/métodos , Percepção da Fala/fisiologia , Adulto , Brasil , Sinais (Psicologia) , Feminino , Humanos , Idioma , Masculino
Psicol. USP ; 32: e210047, 2021.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1346776


Resumo Este artigo, de natureza teórico-metodológica, discute a relação entre prosódia e compreensão leitora a partir de dois enfoques. O primeiro trata dos diferentes recursos metodológicos adotados na investigação dessa complexa relação, e o segundo versa sobre a controvérsia existente quanto à maneira como se configura essa relação. Reflexões como essas permitem aprofundar o conhecimento acerca das características dos diferentes recursos metodológicos adotados na investigação de dado fenômeno, assim como contribuem para esclarecer controvérsias em determinado campo do conhecimento, como é o caso da relação entre prosódia e compreensão leitora, tema ainda aberto a muitas interpretações. As discussões tomam por base pesquisas realizadas com crianças matriculadas no ensino fundamental.

Abstract This theoretical and methodological study discusses the relationship between prosody and reading comprehension from two different approaches: 1) the different methodological resources adopted to investigate this complex relationship; 2) the existing controversy on how this relationship is configured. Reflections such as these allow for an in-depth knowledge on the characteristics of the different methodological resources used to study a given phenomenon and to clarify controversies in certain fields of knowledge, such as the prosody-reading comprehension relationship, a topic still open to different interpretations. The discussions presented here are based on research carried out with elementary school children.

Resumen Este artículo, de carácter teórico-metodológico, analiza la relación entre la prosodia y la comprensión lectora desde dos enfoques. El primer enfoque aborda los diferentes recursos metodológicos adoptados en la investigación de esta compleja relación, mientras que el segundo plantea la controversia existente sobre cómo se configura esta relación. Estas reflexiones nos permiten profundizar nuestro conocimiento acerca de las características de diferentes recursos metodológicos adoptados en la investigación de un fenómeno dado; también contribuye a esclarecer controversias en determinados campos del conocimiento, como la relación entre prosodia y comprensión lectora, tema que aún permanece abierto a diversas interpretaciones. Las discusiones que aquí se presentan están basadas en investigaciones realizadas con niños de escuela primaria.

Résumé Cet étude théorico-méthodologique traite de la relation entre la prosodie et la compréhension en lecture à partir de deux approches différentes: 1) les différentes ressources méthodologiques adoptées pour étudier cette relation complexe; 2) la controverse existante sur la façon dont cette relation est configurée. De telles réflexions permettent d'approfondir la connaissance des caractéristiques des différentes ressources méthodologiques adoptées pour étudier un phénomène donné et de clarifier les controverses dans certains domaines de savoir, comme la relation prosodie-compréhension en lecture, un sujet encore ouvert à différentes interprétations. Les discussions présentées ici sont basées sur des recherches menées auprès d'enfants de l'école primaire.

Ensino Fundamental e Médio , Compreensão , Leitura , Aprendizagem
Prensa méd. argent ; Prensa méd. argent;105(9 especial): 628-633, oct 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1046836


The article reveals the features of the study and development of the tempo-rhythmic speech components of children with disabilities as exemplified by preschool children with a stutter. The article describes the course and methods of an ascertaining experiment to identify the initial state of the tempo-rhythmic speech components of children with stuttering. Games and tasks, with the help which it is possible to determine the state of the tempo and rhythm of children's speech, are offered and the obtained results are described. The stages of correctional work with children on the development of the tempo-rhythmic speech components of children with stuttering are given.

Humanos , Pré-Escolar , Criança , Fala , Fonoterapia/métodos , Gagueira/etiologia , Tempo , Métodos Epidemiológicos , Crianças com Deficiência/reabilitação , Jogos Experimentais
Front Hum Neurosci ; 12: 92, 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29593517


Drug resistant epilepsy is one of the most complex, multifactorial and polygenic neurological syndrome. Besides its dynamicity and variability, it still provides us with a model to study brain-behavior relationship, giving cues on the anatomy and functional representation of brain function. Given that onset zone of focal epileptic seizures often affects different anatomical areas, cortical but limited to one hemisphere, this condition also let us study the functional differences of the left and right cerebral hemispheres. One lateralized function in the human brain is emotional prosody, and it can be a useful ictal sign offering hints on the location of the epileptogenic zone. Besides its importance for effective communication, prosody is not considered an eloquent domain, making resective surgery on its neural correlates feasible. We performed an Electronic databases search (Medline and PsychINFO) from inception to July 2017 for studies about prosody in epilepsy. The search terms included "epilepsy," "seizure," "emotional prosody," and "vocal affect." This review focus on emotional prosody processing in epilepsy as it can give hints regarding plastic functional changes following seizures (preoperatively), resection (post operatively), and also as an ictal sign enabling the assessment of dynamic brain networks. Moreover, it is argued that such reorganization can help to preserve the expression and reception of emotional prosody as a central skill to develop appropriate social interactions.

CoDAS ; 30(1): e20170034, 2018. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1039590


RESUMO Objetivo Caracterizar a variação melódica e a velocidade de leitura, comparando-as e verificando se há evolução de acordo com o avanço da escolaridade. Método Foi analisada a leitura de 78 escolares do 2° ao 5° ano do Ensino Fundamental I, por meio do Praat, por meio da análise dos parâmetros de variação melódica (F0) e velocidade de leitura (Duração) e foram realizadas medidas estatísticas (média e desvio padrão) e o teste de student (com nível de significância de 5%). Resultados Foi possível observar que a variação melódica e a velocidade de leitura tendem a aumentar com o desenvolvimento da escolaridade, especialmente para o quinto ano. Conclusão A variação melódica aumenta de acordo com o avanço da escolaridade, assim como a velocidade de leitura, sendo maiores os resultados para o quinto ano. Verificou-se que a análise de leitura do primeiro minuto seria necessária para a análise da velocidade de leitura de textos, não sendo necessária a análise do texto completo.

ABSTRACT Purpose Characterize and compare melodic variation and reading speed and verify their evolution throughout the development of schooling. Methods The reading of 78 Elementary School (2nd to 5th grade) students was analyzed using the Praat program with regards to the parameters of melodic variation (F0) and reading speed (Duration). Statistical measures (mean and standard deviation) were taken and the Student´s t-test was applied at significance level of 5%. Results Melodic variation and reading speed increased as schooling progressed, especially during 5th grade. Conclusion Melodic variation increases as schooling progresses, mainly during 5th grade. First minute of reading analysis is sufficient to assess reading speed, not being necessary to analyze the full text.

Humanos , Criança , Leitura , Fala/fisiologia , Estudantes , Compreensão , Avaliação Educacional , Idioma
Liberabit ; 23(2): 211-232, jul.- dic. 2017. tab, ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-884374


El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar patrones de disociación entre el procesamiento de prosodia lingüística y emocional con el fin de analizar la independencia funcional entre ambos. Se realizó un estudio con un diseño de múltiples casos únicos de 17 pacientes con lesiones del hemisferio derecho debidas a accidente cerebro vascular. Se analizaron los perfiles de alteración/ conservación de la capacidad para procesar ambos tipos de prosodia con cuatro pruebas de comprensión y repetición de prosodia emocional y lingüística, y se comparó el rendimiento de cada paciente con un grupo control sano. Los resultados mostraron rendimiento disociado entre prosodia emocional y lingüística en la habilidad de comprensión prosódica en 3/17 pacientes y no se hallaron disociaciones dobles. El hallazgo de distintos patrones de alteración/conservación entre prosodia lingüística y emocional, tanto en la habilidad para comprender como para repetir prosodia, es evidencia que apoya el supuesto de independencia funcional entre los procesamientos de ambos tipos de prosodia.

The goal of this study was to evaluate dissociation patterns between processing of linguistic prosody and emotional (or affective) prosody, in order to analyze the functional independence between them. We carried out a multiple single-cases study of 17 patients with right hemisphere lesions due to stroke. The alteration / conservation profiles of the ability to process both types of prosody were analyzed with four tasks of comprehension and repetition of emotional and linguistic prosody. The performance of each patient was compared with a healthy control group. The results showed a dissociated performance between emotional and linguistic prosody in prosodic comprehension in 3/17 patients, and no double dissociations were found. Finding different patterns of alteration / conservation between linguistic and emotional prosody, both in the ability to understand and to repeat prosody, supports the assumption of functional independence between processing of both types of prosody.

Rev Colomb Psiquiatr ; 44(1): 13-9, 2015.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26578214


UNLABELLED: Patients with schizophrenia and Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD) in their linguistic variants share some language characteristics such as the lexical access difficulties, disordered speech with disruptions, many pauses, interruptions and reformulations. For the schizophrenia patients it reflects a difficulty of affect expression, while for the FTD patients it reflects a linguistic issue. METHODS: This study, through an analysis of a series of cases assessed Clinic both in memory and on the Mental Health Unit of HUSI-PUJ (Hospital Universitario San Ignacio), with additional language assessment (analysis speech and acoustic analysis), present distinctive features of the DFT in its linguistic variants and schizophrenia that will guide the specialist in finding early markers of a differential diagnosis. RESULTS: In patients with FTD language variants, in 100% of cases there is a difficulty understanding linguistic structure of complex type; and important speech fluency problems. In patients with schizophrenia, there are significant alterations in the expression of the suprasegmental elements of speech, as well as disruptions in discourse. CONCLUSIONS: We present how depth language assessment allows to reassess some of the rules for the speech and prosody analysis of patients with dementia and schizophrenia; we suggest how elements of speech are useful in guiding the diagnosis and correlate functional compromise in everyday psychiatrist's practice.

Demência Frontotemporal/complicações , Esquizofrenia/complicações , Distúrbios da Fala/etiologia , Compreensão , Diagnóstico Diferencial , Demência Frontotemporal/fisiopatologia , Humanos , Esquizofrenia/fisiopatologia , Distúrbios da Fala/diagnóstico , Medida da Produção da Fala/métodos
Rev. colomb. psiquiatr ; 44(1): 13-19, ene.-mar. 2015. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-770883


La esquizofrenia y la demencia frontotemporal (DFT) variante lingüística comparten características de lenguaje tales como la dificultad para acceder al léxico, la desorganización del discurso con múltiples interrupciones, reformulaciones, pausas y retractaciones. En el caso de los pacientes esquizofrénicos, estas dificultades revelan fallas para expresar el afecto, mientras que en los pacientes con DFT variante lingüística refleja un problema lingüístico. Métodos: El presente estudio, a través de un análisis de una serie de casos valorados tanto en la Clínica de memoria como en la Unidad de Salud Mental del HUSI-PUJ (Hospital Universitario de San Ignacio), con evaluación lingüística adicional (análisis de discurso y análisis acústico), presenta características distintivas de la DFT en sus variantes lingüísticas y la esquizofrenia que permiten guiar al especialista en la búsqueda de marcadores tempranos de un diagnóstico diferencial. Resultados: En el 100%de los pacientes con DFT variante lingüística, hay dificultades para comprender estructuras lingüísticas de tipo complejo e importantes problemas de fluidez del discurso. En los pacientes con esquizofrenia se encuentran importantes alteraciones en la expresión de los elementos suprasegmentales del habla e interrupciones en el discurso. Conclusiones: Se presenta como una evaluación lingüística en profundidad permite revaluar algunas de las modalidades de valoración del discurso y la prosodia de los pacientes con demencia y esquizofrenia; indica que algunos elementos del discurso son útiles para orientar el diagnóstico y correlacionar el deterioro funcional en la cotidianidad de la práctica del psiquiatra.

Patients with schizophrenia and Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD) in their linguistic variants share some language characteristics such as the lexical access difficulties, disordered speech with disruptions, many pauses, interruptions and reformulations. For the schizophrenia patients it reflects a difficulty of affect expression, while for the FTD patients it reflects a linguistic issue. Methods: This study, through an analysis of a series of cases assessed Clinic both in memory and on the Mental Health Unit of HUSI-PUJ (Hospital Universitario San Ignacio), with additional language assessment (analysis speech and acoustic analysis), present distinctive features of the DFT in its linguistic variants and schizophrenia that will guide the specialist in finding early markers of a differential diagnosis. Results: In patients with FTD language variants, in 100% of cases there is a difficulty understanding linguistic structure of complex type; and important speech fluency problems. In patients with schizophrenia, there are significant alterations in the expression of the suprasegmental elements of speech, as well as disruptions in discourse. Conclusions: We present how depth language assessment allows to reassess some of the rules for the speech and prosody analysis of patients with dementia and schizophrenia; we suggest how elements of speech are useful in guiding the diagnosis and correlate functional compromise in everyday psychiatrist's practice.

Humanos , Demência Frontotemporal/complicações , Esquizofrenia/complicações , Distúrbios da Fala/etiologia , Compreensão , Diagnóstico Diferencial , Demência Frontotemporal/fisiopatologia , Esquizofrenia/fisiopatologia , Distúrbios da Fala/diagnóstico , Medida da Produção da Fala/métodos
Psico USF ; 19(3): 467-475, set.-dez. 2014.
Artigo em Português | Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: psi-62593


A fluência na leitura vem recebendo considerável atenção nas pesquisas estrangeiras, mas ainda é pouco estudada no Brasil. O presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar a literatura recente sobre a fluência, discutindo seus componentes, desenvolvimento e relações com a compreensão da leitura. As pesquisas analisadas deixam evidente que a fluência é uma habilidade essencial, presente em todos os bons leitores, e merece a atenção dos pesquisadores pelas relações que estão sendo estabelecidas entre ela e a compreensão de texto. São feitas algumas considerações sobre as implicações do modelo teórico para a prática em sala de aula.(AU)

Reading fluency has received considerable attention in foreign studies but is still little studied in Brazil. The present study aimed to analyze the recent literature on fluency, discussing its components, development and relationships with reading comprehension. Studies analyzed shows clearly that fluency is an essential skill, present in all good readers and deserves the attention of researchers due to the relations being established between it and the text comprehension. Some thoughts on the implications of the theoretical model for classroom practice were made.(AU)

La fluidez en la lectura ha recibido considerable atención en los estudios extranjeros, pero aún está poco estudiada en Brasil. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar la literatura reciente sobre la fluidez, la discusión de sus componentes, y el desarrollo delas relaciones con la comprensión de lectura. Todos los estudios analizados muestran claramente que la fluidez es una habilidad esencial, presente en todos los buenos lectores y merece la atención de los investigadores debido a las relaciones que se establecen entre éste y la comprensión de textos. Hacemos algunas reflexiones sobre las implicaciones del modelo teórico para la práctica en el aula.(AU)

Leitura , Compreensão , Aptidão , Literatura de Revisão como Assunto
Rev. chil. neuropsicol. (En línea) ; 9(1/2): 21-24, jul.-dic.2014.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-783427


La relación entre la música y el lenguaje ha sido ampliamente estudiada desde diversas perspectivas y en general se atribuyen a la música efectos sobre los procesos cognitivos, aunque no queda claro el porqué de dichos efectos, encontrando relaciones específicas con otros aspectos como la prosodia, la memoria, la percepción tonal, a lo cual se agrega que ambos procesos comparten características fonético-fonológicas y visuales que se encuentran alojados en estructuras cerebrales compartidas. El presente artículo es un estudio documental, a partir de estudios neurocientíficos, evolutivos y psicológicos que tiene como objetivo analizar las relaciones neuro-anatómicas, fonológicas y visuales del procesamiento del lenguaje que intervienen en la música, buscando conocer si existen vías compartidas, producto del proceso evolutivo que expliquen el desarrollo del proceso de la lecto-escritura, y su relación con características musicales y con ello reconocer los efectos cognitivos de la música sobre los procesos lingüísticos con una base neurocognitiva. Para ello se analiza en primer lugar la relación entre la música y el lenguaje como antecedente acústico a la representación visual del lenguaje. La conclusión es que el procesamiento acústico del ambiente dio paso tanto al lenguaje como a la música, generando estructuras complejas, pero debido a la necesidad de representación gráfica y con fines prácticos, se desarrollaron alfabetos distintos, aunque bajo los mismos principios, lo cual permite comprender el porqué las vías neuronales se comparten tanto en los procesos lingüísticos como en la música, por lo que se encuentran relaciones estrechas en su desarrollo a nivel cerebral...

The relationship between music and language has been extensively studied from different perspectives, and generally have been attributed effects of music on cognitive processes, although it is unclear why these effects are produced, more than finding specific relations with other aspects such as prosody, memory, tonal perception, which is added that both processes share phonetic- phonological and visual features that are hosted on brain structures. This article is a documentary study from neuroscientists, evolutionary and psychological studies, to analyse the neuro - anatomical and visual - phonological processing relationships with the music shared with language, seeking to know if there are common pathways, product of the evolutionary practice of reading and writing, and their relationship to musical characteristics which can allow to recognize cognitive effects of music on language processes with neurocognitive basis to recognize a clear relationship between music and language as acoustic background to the visual representation of language. The conclusion is that acoustic environmental processing ushered in both language and music, creating complex structures due to the need for graphical representation for practical purposes, human beings developed different alphabets, but under the same principles that allow us to understand why the neural pathways are shared both linguistic processes like music, are close relationships in their development in the brain...

Humanos , Neurociência Cognitiva , Idioma , Música/psicologia , Leitura
Psico USF ; 19(3): 467-475, set.-dez. 2014.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-732665


A fluência na leitura vem recebendo considerável atenção nas pesquisas estrangeiras, mas ainda é pouco estudada no Brasil. O presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar a literatura recente sobre a fluência, discutindo seus componentes, desenvolvimento e relações com a compreensão da leitura. As pesquisas analisadas deixam evidente que a fluência é uma habilidade essencial, presente em todos os bons leitores, e merece a atenção dos pesquisadores pelas relações que estão sendo estabelecidas entre ela e a compreensão de texto. São feitas algumas considerações sobre as implicações do modelo teórico para a prática em sala de aula...

Reading fluency has received considerable attention in foreign studies but is still little studied in Brazil. The present study aimed to analyze the recent literature on fluency, discussing its components, development and relationships with reading comprehension. Studies analyzed shows clearly that fluency is an essential skill, present in all good readers and deserves the attention of researchers due to the relations being established between it and the text comprehension. Some thoughts on the implications of the theoretical model for classroom practice were made...

La fluidez en la lectura ha recibido considerable atención en los estudios extranjeros, pero aún está poco estudiada en Brasil. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar la literatura reciente sobre la fluidez, la discusión de sus componentes, y el desarrollo delas relaciones con la comprensión de lectura. Todos los estudios analizados muestran claramente que la fluidez es una habilidad esencial, presente en todos los buenos lectores y merece la atención de los investigadores debido a las relaciones que se establecen entre éste y la comprensión de textos. Hacemos algunas reflexiones sobre las implicaciones del modelo teórico para la práctica en el aula...

Humanos , Aptidão , Compreensão , Leitura , Literatura de Revisão como Assunto
Gerais (Univ. Fed. Juiz Fora) ; 4(2): 242-252, dez. 2011. tab
Artigo em Português | Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: psi-68525


Uma lesão de hemisfério direito pode gerar alterações comunicativas, comprometendo habilidades dos processamentos discursivo, pragmático-inferencial, léxico-semântico e prosódico (nos níveis compreensivo e expressivo). Uma das sequelas que vem sendo estudadas é a disprosódia. No entanto, o conhecimento sobre os instrumentos de avaliação para seu diagnóstico ainda é restrito. Este artigo visa a apresentar uma revisão sistemática sobre os instrumentos de avaliação da prosódia emocional em estudos de pessoas com lesão de hemisfério direito. Fez-se uma busca de resumos nas bases SciELO, LILACS e PubMed, com as palavras-chave "hemisfério", "direito", "prosódia" e "emocional". Encontraram-se 14 estudos apenas na base PubMed. A maioria utiliza tarefas experimentais, com pouca frequência de testes padronizados, sendo que seis investigações tiveram a participação de um mesmo pesquisador. Ressalta-se o caráter relativamente recente e incipiente dos estudos internacionais sobre a avaliação de déficits prosódicos após lesão cerebral direita, havendo uma importante lacuna nacional nessa área de diagnóstico neuropsicológico(AU)

A right hemisphere brain damage can cause communicative impairments, compromising skills in discursive, pragmatic-inferential, lexical-semantic, and prosodic (at the comprehensive and expressive levels) processing. One of the sequelae which has been studied is dysprosody. However , the knowledge of the assessment instruments for its diagnosis is yet uncertain. The aim of this article is to present a systematic review on the emotional prosody assessment instruments in studies of people with right hemisphere brain damage. Abstracts were searched for in SciELO, Lilacs and PubMed databases, using the keywords "right", "hemisphere", "emotional" and "prosody". 14 studies were found only in Medline database. Most of them use experimental tasks, with standardized tests being less frequent, and six investigations were conducted by the same researcher. The relatively recent and incipient nature of the international studies on the assessment of prosodic deficits after right hemisphere brain damage must be highlighted, as well as an important national gap in this field of neuropsychological diagnosis(AU)