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Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1411804


El Síndrome de Treacher Collins (STC) es una enfermedad congénita del desarrollo craneofacial, siendo una complicación frecuente la obstrucción de la vía aérea. Objetivo: Describir clínicamente tres casos de STC y sus hallazgos polisomnográficos. Diseño: Estudio observacional, descriptivo y retrospectivo. Revisión de fichas clínicas y polisomnografías (PSG). Resultados: Se incluyeron tres pacientes con STC, de 1, 17 y 20 años, dos hombres. Todos presentaron malformaciones faciales compatibles con el STC. El paciente menor tuvo apneas desde el nacimiento. En las PSG, todos presentaron eficiencia del sueño disminuida e índice de microdespertares aumentado. Solo un paciente tuvo diagnóstico de Síndrome de Apnea/Hipoapnea Obstructiva del Sueño (SAHOS) severo. Conclusiones: Aún cuando las anomalías craneofaciales no difirieron entre los pacientes, hubo sólo un caso de SAHOS severo. Las otras alteraciones descritas en la PSG afectan la calidad de vida, siendo relevante la búsqueda activa de trastornos respiratorios del sueño en estos pacientes.

Treacher Collins Syndrome (STC) is a congenital craniofacial disorder, being the airway obstruction a frequent complication. Objective: To describe clinical and polysomnographic findings of three cases with STC. Methods: An observational, descriptive and retrospective study. Review of clinical records and nocturnal polysomnography was carried out. Results: Three patients with STC were included of 1, 17 and 20 years old, two were males. All of them with facial malformations compatible with STC. Only the youngest presented apneas since birth. All patients had decreased sleep efficiency and increased arousal index. Only one patient presented with severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS). Conclusions: Despite the fact that all the patients had similar craniofacial anomalies, only one presented with severe OSAS. The other abnormalities described in the polysomnography affect the quality of life, being relevant performing an active screening of breathing-related sleep disorders in these patients.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Lactente , Adolescente , Transtornos do Sono-Vigília/diagnóstico , Transtornos do Sono-Vigília/etiologia , Polissonografia/métodos , Disostose Mandibulofacial/complicações , Fenótipo , Estudos Retrospectivos , Apneia Obstrutiva do Sono/etiologia
Rev. ADM ; 77(4): 222-226, jul.-ago. 2020. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1130183


Introducción: La disostosis cleidocraneal es un trastorno genético raro con patrón hereditario. Sus rasgos patognomónicos son la aplasia clavicular, fontanelas y suturas abiertas, múltiples anomalías dentales. Su origen se relaciona con alteraciones en el gen RUNX2, importante para la síntesis de CBFA1, que a su vez funciona como un conformador óseo y un diferenciador de osteoblastos. Caso clínico: Paciente de 11 años con características clínicas de CCD, se corroboran los antecedentes genéticos hereditarios y alteraciones dentales relacionados con disostosis cleidocraneal. Resultado: A tres años de tratamiento se observa mejor definición facial, la erupción de piezas permanentes retenidas y mejor función masticatoria. Conclusión: Mejorar la calidad de vida del paciente con tratamientos interceptivos y el conocimiento de las alteraciones causadas por el síndrome, así como el trabajo interdisciplinario (AU)

Introduction: Cleidocranial dysostosis is a rare genetic disorder with a hereditary pattern. Its pathognomonic features are clavicular aplasia, fontanelles and open sutures, multiple dental anomalies. Its origin is related to alterations in the RUNX2 gene, important for the synthesis of CBFA1, which in turn functions as a bone conformer and an osteoblast differentiator. Clinical case: Patient with eleven years old with clinical characteristics of CCD, hereditary genetic background, and dental alterations related to cleidocranial dysostosis are corroborated. Result: After three years of treatment, the facial definition is better, the eruption of permanent pieces retained and better chewing function. Conclusion: Improve the quality of life of the patient with interceptive treatments and the knowledge of the alterations caused by the syndrome, as well as the interdisciplinary work (AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Criança , Ortodontia Interceptora , Anormalidades Dentárias/terapia , Displasia Cleidocraniana/terapia , Doenças Genéticas Inatas , Equipe de Assistência ao Paciente , Qualidade de Vida , Faculdades de Odontologia , Erupção Dentária , México
Pediátr. Panamá ; 49(1): 17-20, 01 april 2020.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1123255


El síndrome de Goldenhar es una condición rara cuya etiología aún no se ha establecido, forma parte de las anomalías del primer y segundo arco branquial, caracterizándose por una variedad de anomalías que involucran estructuras craneofaciales, vértebrales, órganos internos y generalmente ocurre de manera unilateral. A continuación se describe el caso de un neonato con microsomía hemifacial, microtia, apéndice preauricular e hipoplasia de pabellón auricular. Los diversos aspectos de esta enfermedad rara se han discutido con énfasis en el diagnóstico oportuno y el enfoque multidisciplinario para manejarla.

Goldenhar syndrome is a rare condition whose etiology has not yet been established, is part of the anomalies of the first and second branchial arch, characterized by a variety of abnormalities involving craniofacial structures, vertebrae, internal organs and usually occurs unilaterally. The following describes the case of a neonate with hemifacial microsomy, microtia, preauricular appendix and hypoplasia of the auricular pavilion. The various aspects of this rare disease have been discussed with emphasis on timely diagnosis and the multidisciplinary approach to managing it.

Rev. cuba. ortop. traumatol ; 33(2): e167, jul.-dic. 2019. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1126736


RESUMEN El síndrome de Scheuthauer Marie Sainton es una enfermedad poco frecuente, que sigue un patrón de herencia autosómico dominante con expresividad variable. Se presenta paciente masculino de 74 años de edad, nacido por parto distócico (cesárea) producto a una desproporción cefalopélvica materna. Acudió a la consulta de Medicina General Integral, del Policlínico Docente "Efraín Mayor Amaro", municipio Cotorro, La Habana, con tos y secreción nasal. Se interpretó como un catarro común para lo cual se le indicó abundantes líquidos, analgésicos, antihistamínicos y vitamina C. En el examen físico se constató que el paciente padecía del síndrome de Scheuthauer Marie Sainton, pues tenía ausencia de ambas clavículas, deformidades óseas y anomalías dentales; además, se detectó tórax acampanado, el cual es evidente en el período de recién nacido. Para el tratamiento de esta enfermedad, el paciente fue remitido a la consulta de estomatología. Desde el punto de vista óseo, no se realizó ninguna cirugía correctora a voluntad del paciente(AU)

ABSTRACT Scheuthauer Marie Sainton syndrome is a rare disease that follows an autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance with variable expressivity. We report a case of a 74-year-old male patient, who was born by dystocic delivery (cesarean section) due to maternal cephalopelvic disproportion. He went to the Comprehensive General Medicine consultation at Efraín Mayor Amaro Teaching Community Clinic, Cotorro municipality, Havana, with a cough and runny nose. It was interpreted as a common cold and he was prescribed abundant fluids, analgesics, antihistamines and vitamin C. On physical examination it was found that the patient suffered from Scheuthauer Marie Sainton syndrome, as he had absence of both clavicles, bone deformities and dental abnormalities. In addition, he was noticed to have flared chest, which is evident in the newborn period. The patient was referred to the stomatology consultation for the treatment of this disease. No corrective bone surgery was performed at the patient's discretion(AU)

RÉSUMÉ Le syndrome de Scheuthauer-Marie-Sainton est une maladie peu fréquente, qui suit un modèle de transmission autosomique dominante à expression variable. Un patient âgé de 74 ans, né par accouchement dystocique (césarienne) dû à une disproportion céphalo-pelvienne maternelle, est présenté. Du fait de la toux et des sécrétions nasales, il est allé à la consultation de médecine générale intégrale, de la polyclinique universitaire Efrain Mayor Amaro, dans la municipalité de Cotorro, à La Havane. Un rhume a été considéré, c'est pourquoi on lui a indiqué de prendre des boissons en abondance, et prescrit des analgésiques, des antihistaminiques et de la vitamine C. Dans l'examen physique, on a pu constater que le patient était atteint de syndrome de Scheuthauer-Marie-Sainton, caractérisé par l'absence complète des clavicules, des difformités osseuses et des anomalies de la denture ; on a aussi trouvé un thorax évasé, très évident chez le nouveau-né. Pour le traitement de cette maladie, le patient a été dirigé à la consultation de stomatologie. Du point de vue osseux, aucune chirurgie de correction n'a été effectuée en respectant la volonté du patient(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Idoso , Displasia Cleidocraniana/diagnóstico por imagem
Rev. chil. anest ; 48(2): 123-128, 2019. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1451690


INTRODUCTION: Treacher Collins syndrome is a rare disorder of the craniofacial development that constitutes a challenge for anesthesiologists, since it represents a difficult airway in the majority of cases. The main objective of this article is to provide a bibliographic review about how the airway management of patients with Treacher Collins syndrome has been managed. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A literature review was carried out in the following databases: PubMed, EMBASE and ScienceDirect. DISCUSSION: The factors that increase the risk of difficult airway in these patients are presented as well as the strategies to handle it. CONCLUSION: The Treacher Collins syndrome presents a high risk of difficult airway, therefore careful planning of airway management is mandatory and there are different strategies to handle it.

INTRODUCCIÓN: El síndrome de Treacher Collins (STC) es un trastorno inusual del desarrollo craneofacial que constituye un reto para el anestesiólogo, ya que éste condiciona la condición de vía aérea difícil en la mayoría de los casos. El objetivo principal de este artículo es realizar una revisión bibliográfica de cómo se han manejado casos de vía aérea difícil ligados al síndrome de Treacher Collins. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Se realizó una revisión de la literatura disponible en las siguientes bases de datos: PubMed, EMBASE y ScienceDirect. DISCUSIÓN: Se presentan los factores que aumentan el riesgo de vía aérea difícil en estos pacientes, así como las estrategias para manejarla. CONCLUSIÓN: El síndrome de Treacher Collins presenta un alto riesgo de vía aérea difícil, por lo tanto, es obligatoria la planificación cuidadosa de la misma, contando con diferentes estrategias para manejarla.

Humanos , Manuseio das Vias Aéreas/métodos , Anestesia , Disostose Mandibulofacial/complicações , Broncoscopia/métodos , Máscaras Laríngeas
Rev. Soc. Bras. Clín. Méd ; 16(4): 232-234, out.-dez. 2018.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1025921


A síndrome de Treacher Collins é uma patologia rara, com gene causador mapeado no braço longo do cromossomo cinco (5q31. 3-q33.3). Conhecida como disostose craniofacial, apresenta-se com hipoplasia malar, hipoplasia mandibular e malformações do pavilhão auricular. Tal condição representa previsão de dificuldade para o ato anestésico de intubação, necessitando de avaliação pré-operatória minuciosa e cuidado intensivo no perioperatório. A anestesia geral costuma ser realizada por indução de anestésicos inalatórios, uma vez que crianças submetidas a procedimentos cirúrgicos são não cooperativas, além de haver dificuldade de se obter acesso venoso. Assim, objetiva-se relatar caso de via aérea de intubação difícil em paciente com síndrome de Treacher Collins, correlacionando às manifestações clínicas, ao diagnóstico e ao tratamento cirúrgico, e revisando a literatura sobre o tema. Relatamos um caso cuja singularidade reside no manejo anestésico diferente dos executados em outros centros médicos, ao abordar pacientes com previsão de via aérea difícil. Ao invés de se utilizar máscara laríngea ou intubação com laringoscópio óptico, procedeu-se a: indução inalatória, sedação sem abolir respiração espontânea, visualização das estruturas para introdução do tubo endotraqueal (Cormack 3), acesso venoso, intubação orotraqueal e, posteriormente, indução anestésica e bloqueio neuromuscular. Julgamos importante divulgar tal relato para expor alternativas na indisponibilidade de certos dispositivos, como o fibroscópio. A técnica de intubação sem máscara laríngea ou fibroscópio em pacientes com síndrome craniofacial pode ocorrer sem intercorrências com a estratégia de não abolir a respiração do paciente, porém com leve sedação, devido à não cooperação e à dificuldade de se obter acesso venoso em crianças. (AU)

Treacher Collins syndrome is a rare disease with the culprit gene mapped on the distal long arm of chromosome five (5q31. 3-q33.3). It is known as craniofacial dysostosis, and presents with malar hypoplasia, mandibular hypoplasia, and pinnae malformations. Such condition represents expected difficult airway intubation during anesthesia, requiring detailed preoperative evaluation, and intensive perioperative care. General anesthesia is usually performed through inhaling anesthetics because children undergoing surgical procedures are not cooperative, and their venous access is difficult. Thus, the aim of the study is to report a case of difficult airway intubation in a patient diagnosed with Treacher Collins syndrome, correlating clinical manifestations, diagnosis e surgical treatment, and reviewing the literature on the subject. We report a case that is unique because the anesthetic management is different from what has been done in other medical centers, since it manages patients with expected difficult airway. Instead of using a laryngeal mask airway (LMA) device or a flexible optical intubation (FOI), an inhaling induction was performed, with preserved spontaneous breathing sedation, and visualization of the structures to receive the endotracheal tube (Cormarck 3), venous access, orotracheal intubation and then, anesthetic induction and neuromuscular block. We consider it important to share this report to give alternatives when some devices, such as the fiberscope, are not available. The intubation technique without laryngeal mask airway device or fiberscope in patients with craniofacial syndrome may take place with no complications, when the patient's spontaneous breathing is not aborted, but with light sedation, because of children's noncooperation, and difficulty venous access. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Criança , Intubação/métodos , Disostose Mandibulofacial/cirurgia , Zigoma/anormalidades , Orelha/anormalidades , Orelha/cirurgia , Anestesiologistas , Intubação/normas , Anestesia/métodos , Anestesia/normas , Disostose Mandibulofacial/complicações , Micrognatismo/etiologia
Repert. med. cir ; 27(3): 173-176, 2018. ilus.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-982013


El síndrome de Jarcho-Levin es una rara entidad heterogénea caracterizada por dismorfia facial, extremidades de tamaño normal con cuello y tronco corto, múltiples anomalías vertebrales en todos los niveles de la columna vertebral y defectos costales. El síndrome se ha clasificado en 2 fenotipos clínicos principales, según la extensión y distribución de las anomalías esqueléticas, el patrón de herencia y el pronóstico. El diagnóstico ecográfica prenatal se caracteriza por la presencia de costillas desplegadas a partir de cuerpos vertebrales torácicos fusionados. Debido a la rareza de esta condición, existe un número limitado de informes en la literatura científica y muy pocos se diagnostican prenatalmente. Es un caso de síndrome de Jarcho-Levin en una mujer de 16 años con embarazo de 31 semanas y sin antecedentes patológicos prominentes. La ecografía reveló feto único con datos biométricos compatibles con 27 semanas. Se observó columna vertebral acortada con deformidad extrema y escoliosis moderada, canal medular ancho, segmentación de cuerpos vertebrales en las áreas torácicas y lumbares inferiores, aumento de la distancia intervertebral con tórax corto y estrecho, cuello corto hiperflexionado y occipucio que parecía fusionarse con las vértebras cervicales. Se realizó cesárea debido a sufrimiento fetal agudo, obteniendo recién nacido masculino. El examen físico mostró circunferencia cefálica normal, tórax corto, cuello corto y rígido, cifoescoliosis torácica con restricción del patrón respiratorio y abdomen abultado. No se observaron alteraciones faciales o craneales. Después de 4 días, el recién nacido muere debido a falla respiratoria aguda.

The Jarcho-Levin syndrome is a rare heterogeneous entity characterized by facial dysmorphism, short-neck, short-trunk, normal sizes limbs, with multiple vertebral anomalies at all levels of the vertebral column and ribs defects. The syndrome has been classified into 2 major clinical phenotypes, based on the extent and distribution of skeletal anomalies, the pattern of inheritance and the prognosis. The prenatal sonographic appearance is characterized by the presence of fanned-out ribs from fused thoracic vertebral bodies. Due to the rarity of this condition, there are a limited number of reports in the scientific literature and very few are diagnosed prenatally. We report a case of Jarcho-Levin syndrome in a 16-year-old pregnant woman with a 31 weeks pregnancy and no prominent pathological history. Ultrasound revealed a single fetus with biometrics compatible with 27 weeks. We found shortened vertebral column with extreme deformity and moderate scoliosis, wide medullary canal, segmentation of vertebral bodies in the lower thoracic and lumbar areas, increased intervertebral distance with the short and narrow thorax, hyper flexed short neck and occiput appeared to merge with the cervical vertebrae. Cesarean section was performed at term due to acute fetal distress, resulting in a newborn male birth. Physical examination showed normal cephalic circumference, short thorax, short and rigid neck, thoracic kyphoscoliosis with restriction of the respiratory pattern, bulging abdomen. No facial or cranial alterations were observed. After 4 days the newborn dies due to acute respiratory failure.

Humanos , Feminino , Adolescente , Disostoses , Diagnóstico Pré-Natal , Anormalidades Congênitas , Ultrassonografia , Feto
Rev Esp Anestesiol Reanim ; 64(4): 233-236, 2017 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28094032


Neonates and small infants with syndromes characterized by the presence of craniofacial abnormalities may represent great challenges regarding the management of the airway. We describe the case of a 9-day-old neonate with Treacher Collins syndrome, in which a laryngeal mask was essential to improve the airway obstruction, ventilate the patient and serve as an airway conduit for a fiberoptic intubation. By presenting this case, we intend to show that in neonates with Treacher Collins syndrome, in whom difficulties ventilation and intubation are expected, a thoughtful airway management planning is mandatory.

Obstrução das Vias Respiratórias/etiologia , Obstrução das Vias Respiratórias/terapia , Máscaras Laríngeas , Disostose Mandibulofacial/complicações , Humanos , Recém-Nascido , Masculino
Rev. colomb. anestesiol ; 45(supl.1): 26-30, Jan.-June 2017. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-900390


Introduction: Parry-Romberg Syndrome is a rare degenerative disease characterized by unilateral atrophy affecting the skin, connective tissue, muscle and bone. The end result is facial asymmetry associated with other skin, dental, visual, cardiovascular, and neurological disorders. Clinical findings, diagnostic evaluation and interventions: The case of a patient with Parry-Romberg Syndrome programmed for frontonasal flap remodeling is discussed. The patient's history includes trigeminal neuralgia, epilepsy, and two previous surgical interventions. Uneventful endotracheal intubation with the Glideoscope® video laryngoscope was performed, upon adequate pre-oxygenation followed by anesthetic induction. Conclusion: The phenotypical characteristics of Parry Romberg Syndrome are severe facial hemiatrophy and craniofacial anomalies that require careful preoperative evaluation and management of a potentially difficult airway. Consequently, the use of video laryngoscopes is a first-line approach. Due to the syndrome's associated disorders, it is essential to maintain hemodynamic stability and prevent any potential seizures.

Introducción: El Síndrome de Parry-Romberg es una enfermedad degenerativa poco común, caracterizada por una atrofia unilateral que afecta la piel, el tejido conjuntivo, el músculo y el hueso. El resultado final es una asimetría facial cursando con otras alteraciones cutáneas, dentales, oculares, cardiovasculares y neurológicas. Hallazgos clínicos, evaluación diagnóstica e intervenciones: Presentamos un caso de un paciente con Síndrome de Parry-Romberg programado para remodelación de colgajo frontonasal. Entre sus antecedentes destacan neuralgia del trigémino, epilepsia y dos intervenciones quirúrgicas previas. Tras una adecuada preoxigenación y posterior inducción anestésica, se realiza una intubación endotraqueal sin incidencias mediante el videolaringoscopio Glideoscope®. Conclusión: El Síndrome de Parry Romberg presenta como características fenotípicas hemiatrofia facial grave y anomalías craneofaciales, que requieren una cuidadosa evaluación preoperatoria y el manejo de una vía aérea potencialmente difícil. Es por esto que los videolaringoscopios resultan una alternativa de primera línea. Debido a sus trastornos asociados, es esencial mantener la estabilidad hemodinámica y la prevención de posibles crisis convulsivas.

Bol. méd. Hosp. Infant. Méx ; 73(4): 256-267, jul.-ago. 2016. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-951234


Resumen: Introducción: Las malformaciones congénitas vertebrales y costales concomitantes comprenden un grupo heterogéneo de enfermedades denominadas disostosis espondilocostal. Tienen en común la alteración del desarrollo o morfología de las estructuras vertebrales y de la caja torácica con una expresividad variable: desde la deformidad leve sin consecuencias funcionales hasta lesiones que amenazan la vida. Se presenta el caso de una niña con disostosis espondilocostal y colangitis aguda. Caso clínico: Paciente de sexo femenino de 13 meses de edad con desnutrición severa y antecedente de hidrocefalia y mielomeningocele quien ingresa al servicio de Urgencias por presentar dificultad respiratoria progresiva y fiebre. En la evaluación se encontraron malformaciones costovertebrales y colangitis aguda. Conclusiones: Las anormalidades costales complejas consisten en malformaciones de la pared torácica sin un patrón determinado y son extremadamente raras. Cuando se presentan al mismo tiempo que las malformaciones vertebrales, puede considerarse como síndrome de disostosis espondilocostal ligado a herencia autosómica recesiva. El diagnóstico es clínico-radiográfico. La identificación de la disostosis espondilocostal y las complicaciones relacionadas con sus causas genético-moleculares implican un reto para el pediatra y el equipo multidisciplinario que los trata a lo largo de su vida.

Abstract: Background: Congenital malformations of the chest wall comprise a heterogeneous group of diseases denominated spondylocostal dysostosis. They have in common developmental abnormalities in the morphology of the structures of the chest and vertebrae with a broad characterization: from mild deformity without functional consequences to life-threatening injuries. We present the case of a girl with spondylocostal dysostosis and acute cholangitis. Clinical case: A 13-month-old girl with severe malnutrition, history of hydrocephalus and myelomeningocele at birth was admitted in the emergency pediatric room with fever and progressive respiratory distress. Clinical assessment revealed ribs and vertebral malformations and acute cholangitis. Conclusions: Complex rib abnormalities consist in deformities of the chest wall, which do not have a specific pattern and are extremely rare. When they are associated with myelomeningocele and hydrocephalus they may be considered as autosomal recessive inheritance spondylocostal dysostosis. The diagnosis is established by clinical assessment and X-rays. Spondylocostal dysostosis identification and complications related to their genetic and molecular causes are still a challenge for clinical pediatricians and the multidisciplinary medical team who treats these patients throughout lifetime.

Rev. cienc. med. Pinar Rio ; 20(4): 165-169, jul.-ago. 2016. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-830244
Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 15(3): 408-417, mayo.-jun. 2016. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | CUMED | ID: cum-68456


Introducción: El Síndrome de Treacher Collins es un desorden genético del desarrollo craneofacial caracterizado por una displasia otomandibular simétrica y bilateral, asociado a diversas anomalías de cabeza y cuello, pero sin afectación de las extremidades. Su expresividad clínica es muy variable, oscilando la incidencia entre 1 en 25 000 y 1 en 70 000 recién nacidos vivos. En la literatura nacional revisada solo se encontraron publicados dos casos: uno, en 1962 y otro, en 2007, pero no se halló ningún reporte sobre familias cubanas afectadas. Objetivo: Presentar un caso perteneciente a una familia cubana con Síndrome de Treacher Collins. Presentación del caso: Paciente masculino de 22 años con antecedentes familiares de padre y hermana con Treacher Collins, quien acude a consulta solicitando un posible tratamiento estético. Al examen físico se constató dismorfismo facial típico consistente en: fisuras palpebrales inclinadas hacia abajo, microftalmía, depresión del contorno orbitario, hipoplasia e implantación baja de los pabellones auriculares, micrognatia, hipoplasia de tejidos blandos faciales, y ausencia de pestañas en el tercio externo de los párpados inferiores. Las extremidades, el peso y la apertura bucal del paciente no mostraron alteraciones. Estas malformaciones fueron corroboradas por tomografía computarizada, donde además se detectó aracnoidocele intraselar, y falta de neumatización de celdas mastoideas y seno esfenoidal. El ultrasonido abdominal, el ecocardiograma, la radiografía anteroposterior de tórax y columna resultaron normales. Conclusiones: Pese a que el síndrome de Treacher Collins es una rara enfermedad congénita, es importante conocerlo para poder hacer un diagnóstico correcto y temprano, que permita ofrecerle al paciente un tratamiento multidisciplinario oportuno(AU)

Introduction: Treacher Collins syndrome is a genetic disorder of craniofacial development, characterized by a bilateral symmetrical otomandibular dysplasia associated with various abnormalities of the head and neck, with no extremities affection. Its clinical expression is very variable, with a range of occurrence between 1 in 25,000 and 1 in 70,000 live births. Only were found two cases after a review of national published literature, one in 1962 and the other one in 2007; no report of incidence on Cuban families was found. Objective: To present a case study of a Cuban family with Treacher Collins syndrome. Case presentation: Male patient 22 year old with father and sister afflicted with Treacher Collins syndrome, arriving to a consulting room seeking for an aesthetic treatment. After physical examination was confirm a typical facial dimorphism consisting of: downward slant palpebral fissures, microphthalmia, orbital edge depression, hypoplasia and ears low implantation, micrognathia, facial soft tissue hypoplasia and absence of eyelashes in the inferior lids external third. Patient extremities, weight and mouth opening showed no abnormalities. These malformations were confirmed by means of a computerized tomography, also was detected an intrasellar arachnoidocele, and lack of pneumatization of mastoid and sphenoid sinus cells. Abdominal ultrasound, echocardiogram, chest and antero-posterior spine radiography were normal. Conclusions: Although the Treacher Collins syndrome is a rare congenital disease, it is important to know it in order to make a correct and early diagnosis, bringing to the patient an opportune and multidisciplinary treatment(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto Jovem , Disostose Mandibulofacial/diagnóstico , Disostose Mandibulofacial , Disostose Mandibulofacial/cirurgia , Disostose Mandibulofacial
Bol Med Hosp Infant Mex ; 73(4): 256-267, 2016.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29421389


BACKGROUND: Congenital malformations of the chest wall comprise a heterogeneous group of diseases denominated spondylocostal dysostosis. They have in common developmental abnormalities in the morphology of the structures of the chest and vertebrae with a broad characterization: from mild deformity without functional consequences to life-threatening injuries. We present the case of a girl with spondylocostal dysostosis and acute cholangitis. CLINICAL CASE: A 13-month-old girl with severe malnutrition, history of hydrocephalus and myelomeningocele at birth was admitted in the emergency pediatric room with fever and progressive respiratory distress. Clinical assessment revealed ribs and vertebral malformations and acute cholangitis. CONCLUSIONS: Complex rib abnormalities consist in deformities of the chest wall, which do not have a specific pattern and are extremely rare. When they are associated with myelomeningocele and hydrocephalus they may be considered as autosomal recessive inheritance spondylocostal dysostosis. The diagnosis is established by clinical assessment and X-rays. Spondylocostal dysostosis identification and complications related to their genetic and molecular causes are still a challenge for clinical pediatricians and the multidisciplinary medical team who treats these patients throughout lifetime.

Acta Otorrinolaringol Esp ; 67(3): 142-7, 2016.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26025357


OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to assess the main ear malformations, hearing loss and auditory rehabilitation in children with Treacher Collins syndrome. METHODS: We performed a retrospective study of 9 children with Treacher Collins syndrome treated in a central hospital between January 2003 and January 2013. RESULTS: This study showed a high incidence of malformations of the outer and middle ear, such as microtia, atresia or stenosis of the external auditory canal, hypoplastic middle ear cavity, dysmorphic or missing ossicular chain. Most patients had bilateral hearing loss of moderate or high degree. In the individuals studied, there was functional improvement in patients with bone-anchored hearing aids in relation to conventional hearing aids by bone conduction. CONCLUSIONS: Treacher Collins syndrome is characterized by bilateral malformations of the outer and middle ear. Hearing rehabilitation in these children is of utmost importance, and bone-anchored hearing aids is the method of choice.

Orelha Externa/anormalidades , Orelha Média/anormalidades , Auxiliares de Audição , Perda Auditiva Bilateral/genética , Perda Auditiva Condutiva/genética , Disostose Mandibulofacial/complicações , Adolescente , Criança , Pré-Escolar , Desenho de Equipamento , Feminino , Perda Auditiva Bilateral/reabilitação , Perda Auditiva Condutiva/reabilitação , Humanos , Lactente , Recém-Nascido , Masculino , Penetrância , Estudos Retrospectivos , Adulto Jovem
Rev cien med habana ; 21(2)may.-ago. 2015. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | CUMED | ID: cum-66853


El Síndrome Treacher-Collins es un trastorno craneofacial congénito que se produce por la mutación del gen TCOF1, localizado en el cromosoma 5q31-33. Se caracteriza por malformaciones mandibulofaciales, donde se destacan la micrognatia severa, macrostomia y microtia de grado variable. La forma de herencia predominante es la autosómico dominante, aunque se han reportado casos autosómicos recesivos y mutaciones de novo. Se presenta este caso teniendo en cuenta lo poco frecuente de este síndrome malformativo, con el objetivo de destacar la importancia del método clínico como forma de diagnóstico eficaz, al presentarse un recién nacido con malformaciones severas es necesario diagnosticar oportunamente la afección que presenta para ejecutar intervención multidisciplinaria que requiera y brindar un adecuado asesoramiento genético a la familia(AU)

Treacher-Collins Syndrome is a craneal facial congenital disorder that is produced by the mutation of the TCOF1 gen, localized in the 5q31-33 chromosome. It is characterized by mandibular facial malformations, where severe micrognaty, macrostomy and microty of variable grade are relevant. The predominant inherited way is the dominant autonomics, although autonomics recessive cases and novo mutations have been reported. This case is presented taking into consideration that this malformation syndrome is not frequent, with the objective to emphasize the importance of the clinical method as a good diagnostic way, when a newborn was presented with severe malformations it is necessary to diagnose the affection that he/she presents early to execute the required multidisciplinary intervention and give an adequate genetic recommendation to the family(AU)

Masculino , Recém-Nascido , Disostose Mandibulofacial , Anormalidades Craniofaciais , Zigoma
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 9(1): 153-158, Apr. 2015.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-747492


Genetic disorders occur by excess or absence of chromosomal material, and the consequence of these changes is reflected in morphological and physiological changes. Autosomal disorders, which have dominant inheritance, as cleidocranial dysostosis, Craniofacial syndrome Apert, Treacher Collins and Achondroplasia have peculiar and similar characteristics. Because of their implications in the dental field, the aim of this review is to report on dysostoses, through exposure of general clinical factors and highlighting the signs in the oral cavity. Articles were selected from Lilacs, PubMed and Bireme databases, included in the year 2007­2014, and the keywords were: cleidocranial dysplasia, craniofacial dysostosis, mandibulofacial dysostosis, dysostosis and oral. Alterations of maxillofacial bones and craniofacial are well documented in the literature, but studies reporting an association between treatment odontologic and dysostoses are scarce. In conclusion, Oral pathological manifestations developed cause difficulty in speech, chewing, breathing, social involvement, and in a general perspective, psychological impairment and physical limitations.

Las enfermedades genéticas se producen debido a un exceso o ausencia de material cromosómico, y la consecuencia de estos cambios se refleja en los cambios morfológicos y fisiológicos. Trastornos autosómicos dominantes que tienen herencia dominante, como la disostosis cleidocraneal, el síndrome craneofacial de Apert, Treacher Collins y acondroplasia tiene características peculiares y similares. Debido a sus implicaciones en el campo de la odontología, el objetivo de esta revisión es hablar, a través de la exposición de los factores clínicos y generales, destacando los signos en la cavidad oral. Se seleccionaron los artículos de las bases de datos Lilacs, PubMed y BIREME, incluyendo los años 2007-2014, y las palabras clave fueron: displasia cleidocraneal, craneofacial mandibulofacial disostosis, disostosis y oral. Los cambios de huesos maxilofaciales y craneofaciales están bien documentados en la literatura, pero los estudios que informaron una asociación entre el tratamiento dental y disostosis son escasos. En conclusion, las manifestaciones orales son causas de dificultades del habla, masticación, respiración y la participación social.

Humanos , Displasia Cleidocraniana/genética , Disostose Craniofacial/genética , Manifestações Bucais , Disostose Mandibulofacial/genética
Rev. medica electron ; 36(2): 211-216, mar.-abr. 2014.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-711082


El síndrome de Treacher Collins es también conocido como síndrome de Berry-Franceschetti-Klein o Franceschetti-Zwahlen-Klein. Disostosis mandibulofacial o síndrome del primer arco, se corresponde con un desorden autosómico dominante del desarrollo craneofacial, y puede mostrar innumerables manifestaciones clínicas. En el caso presentado se pudieron observar múltiples malformaciones craneofaciales así como una severa escoliosis, atresia del conducto auditivo externo, papilomas preauriculares bilaterales y polidactilia preaxial en la mano derecha.

Treacher-Collin syndrome, also known as Berry-Franceschetti-Klein or Franceschetti-Zwahlen-Klein, mandibulo-facial dysostosis or first arc syndrome, is a dominant autosomic disorder of the craniofacial development and may have innumerous clinical manifestations. In the case we present with this syndrome, we observed multiple craniofacial malformations, and also a severe scoliosis, external auditive duct atresia, bilateral preauricular papilomas and right hand pre axial polydactilia.

Rev. medica electron ; 36(2)mar.-abr. 2014. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | CUMED | ID: cum-56125


El síndrome de Treacher Collins es también conocido como síndrome de Berry-Franceschetti-Klein o Franceschetti-Zwahlen-Klein. Disostosis mandibulofacial o síndrome del primer arco, se corresponde con un desorden autosómico dominante del desarrollo craneofacial, y puede mostrar innumerables manifestaciones clínicas. En el caso presentado se pudieron observar múltiples malformaciones craneofaciales así como una severa escoliosis, atresia del conducto auditivo externo, papilomas preauriculares bilaterales y polidactilia preaxial en la mano derecha(AU)

Treacher-Collin syndrome, also known as Berry-Franceschetti-Klein or Franceschetti-Zwahlen-Klein, mandibulo-facial dysostosis or first arc syndrome, is a dominant autosomic disorder of the craniofacial development and may have innumerous clinical manifestations. In the case we present with this syndrome, we observed multiple craniofacial malformations, and also a severe scoliosis, external auditive duct atresia, bilateral preauricular papilomas and right hand pre axial polydactilia(AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Gravidez , Recém-Nascido , Disostose Mandibulofacial/diagnóstico , Assimetria Facial , Escoliose/diagnóstico , Meato Acústico Externo/anormalidades , Polidactilia/diagnóstico , Relatos de Casos