Seeds of Bauhinia forficata species were submited to biochemical characterization concerning fatty acids analysis, protein fractionization, and hemaglutinanting activity. The seed elementary analysis showed a high protein and lipids contents with 21.24% and 19.45% respectively. The more abundant fatty acid was linoleic acid with 46.47% of the lipidic fraction. With the exception of prolamins, the different proteic fractions (albumin, globulins, acid and basic glutelins) showed hemaglutinanting activity against rabbit red cells no treated and treated with proteolitic enzymes. The fraction acid glutelin showed the higher specific hemaglutinanting activity (1072.25 UH/mg P) against rabbit blood pre-treated with trypsin. Glutamin (16.20%) and Valin (11.07%) were the more abundant amino acids in the seeds. Therefore, B. forficata represent a possible optional source of food because exhibit a high energetic values.