PURPOSE: The volume of the vitreous chamber varies with the size of the eye. The space created in the vitreous cavity by a vitrectomy is called the vitrectomized space. The volume of the vitrectomized space is strongly correlated with the axial length of the eye. This study aims to present guidelines for estimating the using participants stratified by axial length, sex, and history of cataract surgery. METHODS: This retrospective, observational, cross-sectional study included 144 randomly selected participants who underwent vitrectomies between 2013 and 2023. Before surgery, the axial lengths of participants' eyes were measured using optical biometrics. The axial lengths of the eyes in our sample were between 20-32 mm. In all cases, a complete vitrectomy was performed, followed by complete fluid-air exchange and injection of a balanced saline solution. The volume infused was recorded. RESULTS: The median (interquartile range; range) volume of the vitrectomized space was 6.1 (3.8; 3.1-11.3) mL in men and 6.1 (3.3; 3.2-11.2) mL in women (p = 0.811). The median volume of the vitrectomized space was 5.9 (3.6; 3.1-11.2) mL in patients with phakic lenses and 6.25 (3.6; 3.3-11.3) mL in those with pseudophakic lenses (p=0.533). A positive correlation was found between the axial length and the volume of the vitrectomized space in this sample (r=0.968; p<0.001). In a cubic polynomial regression, the coefficient of determination was 0.948. Similar results were observed in both sexes and in both phakic and pseudophakic patients. The estimated cubic polynomial regression equation for this sample was VVS = 0.000589052857847605 × AL 3 - 0.025114926401582700 × AL 2 + 0.685961117595624000 × AL - 5.088226672620790000. CONCLUSION: We developed this axial length estimation of the volume of vitrectomized space as a guideline for the determination of vitrectomized space volume using axial length.
Comprimento Axial do Olho , Biometria , Vitrectomia , Humanos , Feminino , Masculino , Estudos Transversais , Vitrectomia/métodos , Estudos Retrospectivos , Comprimento Axial do Olho/anatomia & histologia , Comprimento Axial do Olho/diagnóstico por imagem , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Biometria/métodos , Corpo Vítreo/cirurgia , Extração de Catarata/métodos , Fatores Sexuais , AdultoRESUMO
A 5-year-old female capybara, conditioned ex situ before mating, was monitored by ultrasound to establish prenatal growth and assess fetal echo-biometric variables. The records were taken twice weekly until delivery (i.e., 5 months). The measurements included gestational sac width (GSW), gestational sac height (GSH), gestational sac length (GSL), crown-rump length (CRL), trunk diameter (TD), heart major axis (HMA), biparietal diameter (BDP), and femur length (FL). The gestational sacs were detected on the 25th day after mating (DAM), embryos appeared on the 42nd DAM, and the parturition of four healthy offspring occurred three days after reaching averages of 30.74 cm (CRL), 8.65 cm (TD), 5.37 cm (HMA), and 6.08 cm (BDP). For initial pregnancy and fetal growth, GSL and BDP seem to be the best measurements. The formulas shown here can be a reference for gestational age estimation. This longitudinal study shows that ultrasonography is helpful for early pregnancy diagnosis and gestational age determination in capybaras.
Ultrassonografia Pré-Natal , Feminino , Animais , Gravidez , Ultrassonografia Pré-Natal/veterinária , Idade Gestacional , Gravidez Múltipla , Estatura Cabeça-Cóccix , Biometria , Desenvolvimento FetalRESUMO
This study evaluated the use of the essential oil of Lippia origanoides (EOLO) as an anesthetic for juvenile pacu, Piaractus mesopotamicus. Two experiments were performed. In Experiment I, anesthetic induction and recovery times and ventilatory frequency (VF) were determined for fish (n= 48; 29.94 ± 6.69 g) exposed to different EOLO concentrations [0 (control - 4000 µL alcohol L-1), 25, 50, 100, 200 and 400 µL L-1]. From the responses obtained in Experiment I, the EOLO concentrations of Experiment II (n= 36; 29.25 ± 5.90 g) were determined, which evaluated the effects of 0 (control - 2000 µL alcohol L-1), 50 (outside recommended induction and recovery times) and 200 µL L-1 (within recommended induction and recovery times) by analyzing immunohematological and biochemical parameters at different collection times (1 h and 24 h post-induction). Fish survival was 100% in both experiments. The EOLO concentration of 25 µL L-1 was not able to induce deep anesthesia in the animals, while the concentration of 200 µL L-1 showed induction and recovery times within the range indicated for fish and was efficient at reducing VF during induction. No differences were observed in immunohematological and biochemical parameters among concentrations, but differences were observed in comparisons between collection times. Nonetheless, blood variables returned to levels considered normal for the species in approximately 24 hours. Therefore, an EOLO concentration of 200 µL L-1 can be considered safe for use prior to biometric management of P. mesopotamicus.
Anestésicos , Lippia , Óleos Voláteis , Animais , Óleos Voláteis/farmacologia , Lippia/química , Anestésicos/farmacologia , Anestésicos/administração & dosagem , Período de Recuperação da Anestesia , Taxa Respiratória/efeitos dos fármacos , Taxa Respiratória/fisiologia , Biometria , Fatores de TempoRESUMO
PURPOSE: To describe the accuracy of monofocal intraocular lens power calculation in patients with keratoconus using total keratometry (TK) and standard keratometry (K) with conventional and keratoconus-modified formulas. SETTING: Asociación Para Evitar la Ceguera en México, Mexico City, Mexico. DESIGN: Observational, retrospective, non-randomized, comparative study. METHODS: Biometric data from IOL Master 700 and postoperative refraction were collected from patients with keratoconus who had undergone cataract surgery. Predicted refraction of each patient was calculated using K and TK with the following formulas: SRK/T, Barrett Universal II, Panacea, Kane, Kane keratoconus, and Barrett True-K keratoconus (predicted and measured posterior corneal astigmatism [PCA]). Refractive prediction error, mean absolute error, trimmed mean, median absolute error, standard deviation, and percentage of eyes within ± 0.50 D, ± 1.00 D, ± 1.50 D, ± 2.00, and > 2.00 D were determined. RESULTS: 55 keratoconic eyes of 40 patients were included. RPE in patients with keratoconus was < 1.00 D with all formulas. Barrett True-K keratoconus with predicted PCA registered the lowest MAE and MedAE. All formulas showed a discrete increase in myopic error percentage when calculations were performed using TK as opposed to K. CONCLUSIONS: Barrett True-K for keratoconus showed the highest accuracy, closely followed by Kane KC. BTK KC pPCA or mPCA with standard keratometries could serve as the primary choice in eyes with keratoconus and steepness < 60 D. In the absence of keratoconus-modified formulas, TK input in conventional formulas improves the prediction outcome.
Biometria , Córnea , Ceratocone , Lentes Intraoculares , Refração Ocular , Humanos , Ceratocone/diagnóstico , Ceratocone/fisiopatologia , Estudos Retrospectivos , Masculino , Feminino , Refração Ocular/fisiologia , Biometria/métodos , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto , Córnea/patologia , Córnea/fisiopatologia , Acuidade Visual , Óptica e Fotônica , Topografia da Córnea/métodos , Idoso , Reprodutibilidade dos TestesRESUMO
In this study, we compared the efficacy of geometric morphometric techniques, including outlines and landmark-based approaches, to support the differentiation of Trichodina bellottii from three co-occurring killifish species. Both methods were able to differentiate trichodinids from different host species. However, discriminat analyses and MANOVA results based on landmarks had greater accuracy possibly because these analyses only provide information on certain points defined by the researcher, while the analyses based on outlines take into account points with less taxonomic information.
Fundulidae , Animais , Fundulidae/parasitologia , Fundulidae/anatomia & histologia , Oligoimenóforos/classificação , Oligoimenóforos/citologia , Biometria/métodos , Doenças dos Peixes/parasitologiaRESUMO
PURPOSE: To compare the refractive prediction error of Hill-radial basis function 3.0 with those of 3 conventional formulas and 11 combination methods in eyes with short axial lengths. METHODS: The refractive prediction error was calculated using 4 formulas (Hoffer Q, SRK-T, Haigis, and Hill-RBF) and 11 combination methods (average of two or more methods). The absolute error was determined, and the proportion of eyes within 0.25-diopter (D) increments of absolute error was analyzed. Furthermore, the intraclass correlation coefficients of each method were computed to evaluate the agreement between target refractive error and postoperative spherical equivalent. RESULTS: This study included 87 eyes. Based on the refractive prediction error findings, Hoffer Q formula exhibited the highest myopic errors, followed by SRK-T, Hill-RBF, and Haigis. Among all the methods, the Haigis and Hill-RBF combination yielded a mean refractive prediction error closest to zero. The SRK-T and Hill-RBF combination showed the lowest mean absolute error, whereas the Hoffer Q, SRK-T, and Haigis combination had the lowest median absolute error. Hill-radial basis function exhibited the highest intraclass correlation coefficient, whereas SRK-T showed the lowest. Haigis and Hill-RBF, as well as the combination of both, demonstrated the lowest proportion of refractive surprises (absolute error >1.00 D). Among the individual formulas, Hill-RBF had the highest success rate (absolute error ≤0.50 D). Moreover, among all the methods, the SRK-T and Hill-RBF combination exhibited the highest success rate. CONCLUSIONS: Hill-radial basis function showed accuracy comparable to or surpassing that of conventional formulas in eyes with short axial lengths. The use and integration of various formulas in cataract surgery for eyes with short axial lengths may help reduce the incidence of refractive surprises.
Comprimento Axial do Olho , Extração de Catarata , Erros de Refração , Humanos , Erros de Refração/fisiopatologia , Extração de Catarata/métodos , Feminino , Inteligência Artificial , Masculino , Idoso , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Acuidade Visual/fisiologia , Refração Ocular/fisiologia , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Biometria/métodosRESUMO
This document on myopia control is derived from a compilation of medical literature and the collective clinical expertise of an expert committee comprising members from the Brazilian Society of Pediatric Ophthalmology and the Brazilian Society of Contact Lenses and Cornea. To manage myopia in children, the committee recommends corneal topography and biannual visits with cycloplegic refraction, along with annual optical biometry. For fast-progressing myopia, biannual biometry should be considered. Myopic progression is defined as an annual increase in spherical equivalent greater than 0.50 D/year or in axial length greater than 0.3 mm (until 10 years old) or 0.2 mm (above 11 years). The proposed treatments for myopia progression include environmental control, low concentration atropine, defocus glasses, contact lenses, or Ortho-K lenses, and combinations of these methods may be necessary for uncontrolled cases. Treatment should be sustained for at least 2 years. This document serves as a comprehensive guideline for diagnosing, treating, and monitoring pre-myopic and myopic children in Brazil.
Progressão da Doença , Miopia , Humanos , Criança , Miopia/prevenção & controle , Miopia/terapia , Brasil , Refração Ocular/fisiologia , Topografia da Córnea/métodos , Biometria/métodosRESUMO
The biometric differences between fruits and seeds are useful characteristics that can provide important data for the investigation and preservation of the species and may be linked to environmental and genetic influences. In this sense, considering the importance of this species and the need for conservation, the objective was to carry out physical characterization of the fruits and seeds of Hymenaea martiana as well as to determine the seed imbibition curve. The experiment was conducted at the Seed Analysis Laboratory at the Agricultural Sciences Center at the Federal University of Paraíba in Areia, PB. The evaluations carried out were as follows: biometry of fruits and seeds, number of seeds per fruit, colorimetry of fruits and seeds, percentage of damaged seeds, weight of a thousand seeds, seed water content, mass and imbibition curve. The biometric data were subjected to descriptive analysis to determine the minimum, maximum, average value, standard deviation, asymmetry, and kurtosis of the fruits and seeds. In terms of the biometric characteristics of the fruits and seeds of H. martiana, there was a marked variation, with average fruit lengths of 90.28 mm, widths of 46.83 mm, thicknesses of 34.69 mm, weights of 65.86 g and four seeds per fruit. The average length, width, thickness and weight of the seeds were 23.75 mm, 18.34 mm, 12.71 g and 4.13 g, respectively. The fruits were darker than the seeds, and both the fruits and seeds had red tones. Compared with nonscarified seeds, scarified seeds absorb a greater amount of water.
Biometria , Frutas , Hymenaea , Sementes , Sementes/anatomia & histologia , Frutas/anatomia & histologia , Hymenaea/anatomia & histologia , Hymenaea/classificação , Hymenaea/químicaRESUMO
We introduce a new modelling for long-term survival models, assuming that the number of competing causes follows a mixture of Poisson and the Birnbaum-Saunders distribution. In this context, we present some statistical properties of our model and demonstrate that the promotion time model emerges as a limiting case. We delve into detailed discussions of specific models within this class. Notably, we examine the expected number of competing causes, which depends on covariates. This allows for direct modeling of the cure rate as a function of covariates. We present an Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm for parameter estimation, to discuss the estimation via maximum likelihood (ML) and provide insights into parameter inference for this model. Additionally, we outline sufficient conditions for ensuring the consistency and asymptotic normal distribution of ML estimators. To evaluate the performance of our estimation method, we conduct a Monte Carlo simulation to provide asymptotic properties and a power study of LR test by contrasting our methodology against the promotion time model. To demonstrate the practical applicability of our model, we apply it to a real medical dataset from a population-based study of incidence of breast cancer in São Paulo, Brazil. Our results illustrate that the proposed model can outperform traditional approaches in terms of model fitting, highlighting its potential utility in real-world scenarios.
Biometria , Neoplasias da Mama , Modelos Estatísticos , Neoplasias da Mama/epidemiologia , Neoplasias da Mama/terapia , Humanos , Biometria/métodos , Feminino , Método de Monte Carlo , Funções Verossimilhança , Análise de Sobrevida , AlgoritmosRESUMO
The growth hormone (GH) gene plays a vital role in regulating animal metabolism and body size, making it a potential candidate for influencing livestock performance. This study aimed to investigate the polymorphisms within the GH gene and their associations with 10 biometric traits in the Sumbawa cattle population of Indonesia. Biometric trait data and blood samples were collected from 112 Sumbawa cattle individuals, and their GH gene sequences were analyzed using two sets of primers for amplification. Seven single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were identified in the GH gene: g.442C>T, g.446G>C, g.558C>T, g.649C>A, g.1492C>A, g.1510C>A, and g.1578G>A. All SNPs were located in the intronic region except for SNP g.558C>T, which was found in the coding sequence (CDS) region. The SNP g.558C>T is classified as a synonymous variant. Haplotype analysis revealed a strong linkage disequilibrium between SNPs g.558C>T and g.649C>A. Distributions of genotypes and alleles of all SNPs were in agreement with the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (p > 0.05, χ2 < 15.56), except for SNPs g.446G>C and g.1492C>A. The association study showed that the SNP g.442C>T significantly (p < 0.05) affected HL, BL, SH, and PH traits in Sumbawa cattle. Additionally, the g.446G>C and g.558C>T were also found to be associated with PH and CC traits, respectively. The polymorphisms detected in the GH gene could have implications for selection programs to enhance desired biometric traits in Sumbawa cattle. Improving livestock productivity can be done by understanding genetic diversity and its relationship with phenotypic characteristics.
Genótipo , Hormônio do Crescimento , Polimorfismo de Nucleotídeo Único , Animais , Bovinos/genética , Hormônio do Crescimento/genética , Hormônio do Crescimento/sangue , Indonésia , Frequência do Gene/genética , Desequilíbrio de Ligação/genética , Fenótipo , Haplótipos , Feminino , Masculino , BiometriaRESUMO
Estimating the parturition date in dogs is challenging due to their reproductive peculiarities that. Ultrasonographic examination serves as a tool for studying embryo/foetal biometry and estimating the time of parturition by measuring foetal and extra-foetal structures. However, due to reproductive differences among various dog breeds, such estimates may have a non-significant pattern, representing inaccuracies in the estimated date of birth. This study aimed to monitor pregnant Toy Poodle bitches and establish relationships between ultrasonographically measured foetal and extra-foetal dimensions and the remaining time until parturition. Eighteen pregnant Toy Poodle bitches were subjected to weekly ultrasonographic evaluations and measurements of the inner chorionic cavity diameter, craniocaudal length (CCL), biparietal diameter (BPD), diameter of the deep portion of diencephalo-telencephalic vesicle (DPTV), abdominal diameter, thorax diameter (TXD), placental thickness and the renal diameter (REND). These parameters were retrospectively correlated with the date of parturition and linear regressions were established between gestational measurements and days before parturition (DBP). All analyses were conducted using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (IBM® SPSS®) program at a 5% significance level. The foetal measurements that showed a high correlation (r) and reliability (R2) with DBP were BPD [(DBP = [15.538 × BPD] - 39.756), r = .97 and R2 = .93], TXD [(DBP = [8.933 × TXD] - 32.487), r = .94 and R2 = .89], DPTV [(DBP = [34.580 × DPTV] - 39.403), r = .93 and R2 = .86] and REND [(DBP = [13.735 × REND] - 28.937), r = .91 and R2 = .82]. This statistically validates the application of these specific formulas to estimate the parturition date in Toy Poodle bitches.
Parto , Ultrassonografia Pré-Natal , Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Cães/embriologia , Ultrassonografia Pré-Natal/veterinária , Biometria , Feto/anatomia & histologia , Feto/diagnóstico por imagem , Estudos Retrospectivos , Placenta/diagnóstico por imagem , Placenta/anatomia & histologia , Embrião de Mamíferos/fisiologia , Idade GestacionalRESUMO
We introduce a new class of zero-or-one inflated power logit (IPL) regression models, which serve as a versatile tool for analyzing bounded continuous data with observations at a boundary. These models are applied to explore the effects of climate changes on the distribution of tropical tuna within the North Atlantic Ocean. Our findings suggest that our modeling approach is adequate and capable of handling the outliers in the data. It exhibited superior performance compared to rival models in both diagnostic analysis and regarding the inference robustness. We offer a user-friendly method for fitting IPL regression models in practical applications.
Clima Tropical , Atum , Animais , Modelos Logísticos , Oceano Atlântico , Biometria/métodosRESUMO
SUMMARY: The study of the shape variation in geometric morphometrics has an important limitation known as the Pinocchio effect. The Pinocchio effect produces artifactual variances of the landmarks and implies that it is not possible to know the morphological change structure of an object, other than by dividing the landmark sets and then comparing them. This, however, involves making prior assumptions about the pattern of variation of an object. In this study, we provide a code in R to iterate over a complete set of landmarks and test all possible combinations of landmarks until deliver those landmarks associated with the largest to the smallest morphological changes. We tested this on a sample of 28 landmarks in 143 3D models of human skulls. The results indicated that this process can result in a pooled variance of a subset of landmarks that is an order of magnitude larger than that of several other regions of the skull. This method makes it possible to describe the pattern of variation of any 2D or 3D object represented by fixed landmarks, to distinguish the shape features that have more morphological dispersion, and to avoid any aprioristic assumptions about how the morphological changes of an object behave.
El estudio de la variación de la forma en morfometría geométrica tiene una limitación importante conocida como efecto Pinocho. El efecto Pinocho produce variaciones artefactos de los puntos de referencia e implica que no es posible conocer la estructura del cambio morfológico de un objeto, salvo dividiendo los conjuntos de puntos de referencia y luego comparándolos. Sin embargo, esto implica hacer suposiciones previas sobre el patrón de variación de un objeto. En este estudio, proporcionamos un código en R para iterar sobre un conjunto completo de puntos de referencia y probar todas las combinaciones posibles de puntos de referencia hasta entregar aquellos puntos de referencia asociados con los cambios morfológicos más grandes a los más pequeños. Probamos esto en una muestra de 28 puntos de referencia en 143 modelos 3D de cráneos humanos. Los resultados indicaron que este proceso puede dar como resultado una variación combinada de un subconjunto de puntos de referencia que es un orden de magnitud mayor que el de varias otras regiones del cráneo. Este método permite describir el patrón de variación de cualquier objeto 2D o 3D representado por puntos de referencia fijos, distinguir las características de forma que tienen más dispersión morfológica y evitar suposiciones apriorísticas sobre cómo se comportan los cambios morfológicos de un objeto.
Humanos , Pontos de Referência Anatômicos , Anatomia/instrumentação , BiometriaRESUMO
PURPOSE: To describe the biometric and corneal characteristics of patients with Marfan Syndrome (MFS) and ectopia lentis. STUDY DESIGN: Observational, descriptive, prospective study. Subjects Individuals with MFS with ectopia lentis (EL). METHODS: Fourty-four eyes of 23 patients underwent Scheimpflug analysis using the Pentacam (Oculus, Wetzlar, Germany), axial length (AL) using the IOL master 700 (Carl Zeiss AG, Oberkochen, Germany), endothelial cell count (ECC) using the CEM-350 (NIDEK, Maihama, Japan) and corneal biomechanics evaluation with the Ocular Response Analyzer: ORA (Reichert Ophthalmic Instruments, Buffalo, New York, USA) and Corvis (Oculus, Wetzlar, Germany). Statistical analysis was performed using IBM SPSS Statistics 25.0. RESULTS: The direction of lens subluxation was most frequently supero-nasal 40.9% (18/44). Mean keratometry (Km) was 40.22±1.76 Diopters (D); mean corneal astigmatism was 1.68±0.83 D; total corneal aberrometric root mean square (RMS) was 2.237±0.795µm; higher-order aberrations (HOAs) RMS were 0.576±0.272µm; mean AL was 25.63±3.65mm; mean ECC was 3315±459cell/mm2; mean CBI was 0.13±0.24, mean TBI was 0.31±0.25, mean posterior elevation was 4.3±4.5µm; mean total corneal densitometry was 16.0±2.14 grayscale units (GSU). CONCLUSION: Increased axial length, flatter and thicker corneas with higher regular astigmatism, normal densitometry, normal corneal biomechanical indices and normal posterior elevation were observed in Marfan patients with EL.
Astigmatismo , Ectopia do Cristalino , Síndrome de Marfan , Humanos , Biometria , Córnea/diagnóstico por imagem , Ectopia do Cristalino/diagnóstico , Ectopia do Cristalino/epidemiologia , Ectopia do Cristalino/etiologia , Síndrome de Marfan/complicações , Síndrome de Marfan/diagnóstico , Estudos Prospectivos , Acuidade VisualRESUMO
The Peruvian amazon is very diverse in native forestry species, the Guazuma crinita "Bolaina" being one of the most planted species in the country; however, little or no information about soil requirements and nutrient demands is known. The objective of this work was to assess the general conditions of soil fertility, biomass and macro- and micronutrient amounts in high-productivity Guazuma crinita plantations. Fields of high yielding Bolaina of different ages (1-10 years) were sampled in two regions. Soil and plant samples were collected in each field and biometric measurements of fresh weight, diameter at breast height and height were performed. For soil and plant analysis, both macro- (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S) and micronutrients (B, Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn) were determined. Finally, allometric equations were constructed for biometric and nutrient amounts. This study is the first to assess and model macro- and micronutrient amounts in the productive cycle in this species, which grows in fertile soils. In the case of biometric equations, the logarithmic and logistic models performed better. For nutrient amounts, this species followed a pattern of Ca > N > K > P > S > Mg for macronutrients and Fe > B > Mn > Zn > Cu for micronutrients. The best prediction models for nutrients were the square root and logistic models.
Oligoelementos , Árvores , Solo , Oligoelementos/análise , Micronutrientes , Nutrientes , BiometriaRESUMO
ABSTRACT Objective To evaluate intraocular lens power calculation and postoperative refractive errors in patients with high myopia undergoing cataract surgery, comparing predicted target refraction and actual postoperative refraction measured 30 days after surgery with SRK/T formula. Methods This retrospective analysis comprised 39 eyes of 31 patients undergoing cataract surgery through phacoemulsification with in-the-bag IOL implantation. Axial length was measured by partial coherence interferometry or immersion ultrasound biometry, with measurements greater than 26 mm and preoperative myopia greater than -6.0 D Manifest refraction was performed at the 1-month postoperative visit, and the spherical equivalent was analyzed. Results After analysis of 39 eyes of 31 patients undergoing cataract surgery with a mean axial length of 30.4 (standard deviation of 2.2) mm, the mean preoperative refractive spherical equivalent was -15.6 (standard deviation of 7.6) D, ranging from -24.0 to -13.4 D. At 30 days postoperatively, the mean spherical equivalent was -0.35 (standard deviation of 1.1) D, ranging from -2.4 to 2.50 D. Conclusion We encountered a correlation between the absolute refractive error and the dioptric power of the intraocular lens. Against expectations, in our study, ultrasound biometry yielded better results than the optical biometer device, probably due to the small number of patients undergoing optical biometry, suggesting that well-performed immersion biometry can still produce satisfactory results.
RESUMO Objetivo Avaliar os cálculos de potência da lente intraocular e os erros refrativos pós-operatórios em pacientes com alta miopia submetidos à cirurgia de catarata, comparando a refração-alvo prevista e a refração pós-operatória real medida 30 dias após a cirurgia com a fórmula SRK/T. Métodos Esta análise retrospectiva incluiu 39 olhos de 31 pacientes com cirurgia de catarata de facoemulsificação não complicada com implantação de lente intraocular na bolsa. Os comprimentos axiais foram medidos por biometria de coerência óptica ou ultrassônica (imersão), com medidas de axial length (AL) maiores que 26 mm em pacientes com miopia maior que -6.0 D. A refração manifesta foi realizada na consulta pós-operatória de 1 mês, e o equivalente esférico foi analisado. Resultados Após análise de 39 olhos de 31 pacientes submetidos à cirurgia de catarata com AL médio de 30,4 (desvio-padrão de 2,2) mm, o equivalente esférico refrativo médio pré-operatório foi de -15,6 (desvio-padrão de 7,6) D, variando de -24,0 a -13,4 D. Aos 30 dias de pós-operatório, o equivalente esférico médio foi de -0,35 (desvio-padrão de 1,1) D, variando de -2,4 a 2,50 D. Conclusão Encontramos uma correlação entre o erro refrativo absoluto e o poder dióptrico da lente intraocular. Contrariando as expectativas, em nosso estudo, a biometria ultrassônica apresentou melhores resultados que o biômetro óptico, provavelmente devido ao pequeno número de pacientes submetidos à biometria óptica, sugerindo que a biometria de imersão bem executada ainda pode produzir resultados satisfatórios.
Humanos , Erros de Refração , Biometria/métodos , Facoemulsificação/métodos , Miopia , Refração Ocular/fisiologia , Estudos Retrospectivos , Implante de Lente Intraocular , Comprimento Axial do Olho , Internato e Residência , Lentes IntraocularesRESUMO
Determination of live weight, which is one of the most important features that determine meat production, is a very important issue for herd management and sustainable livestock. In this context, the necessity of finding alternative methods has emerged, especially in rural conditions, due to the difficulties to be experienced in finding the weighing tool. Especially for conditions with no weighing tool, it has been tried to establish relations between the information obtained from body measurements and live weight. Since these studies will differ from species to species and breed to breed, the need for new studies is extremely high. For this aim, it is to evaluate the body measurement information obtained with the present study using several statistical approaches. To implement this aim, several data mining and machine learning algorithms such as multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS), classification and regression tree (CART), and support vector machine regression (SVR) algorithms were used for training (70%) and test (30%) sets. To predict final body weight, 280 hair sheep breeds (162 female and 118 male) ranging from 2 months to 3 years were used with different data mining and machine learning approaches. Various goodness-of-fit criteria were used to evaluate the performances of the aforementioned algorithms. Although the MARS and SVR algorithms gave the same and highest results in terms of R2 and r values for both the train and the test sets, the SVR algorithm is one of the methods to be recommended as a result of this study, especially when other goodness-of-fit criteria are evaluated. In conclusion, the usage of SVR algorithms may be a useful tool of machine learning approaches for detecting the hair sheep breed standards and may contribute to increasing the sheep meat quality in Mexico.
Biometria , Carneiro Doméstico , Ovinos , Animais , Algoritmos , Mineração de Dados , Aprendizado de Máquina , Peso CorporalRESUMO
Objetivo: Determinar las modificaciones biométricas en pacientes miopes con implante de la lente fáquica ACRIOL 128. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio transversal con 31 ojos (17 pacientes) con alta miopía tratados con implante de lente fáquica ACRIOL 128, entre septiembre 2016 y febrero 2019, los cuales tenían mediciones biométricas preoperatorias con el sistema IOL Master 3.0.2 y estabilidad refractiva posoperatoria (≤ 0,5 dioptrías) después de los tres meses del implante. Se les efectuaron las mediciones posoperatorias con el propio IOL Master 3.0.2 en modo lente fáquica y con el sistema Scheimpflug Pentacam AXL para compararlas, mediante la prueba t para datos pareados, con una significación del 95 por ciento. Resultados: La edad promedio fue de 29,82 ± 5,99 años, el 82,4 por ciento del sexo femenino. El equivalente esférico preoperatorio medio fue de -12,00 ± 4,10 dioptrías. La diferencia de longitud axial y profundidad de la cámara anterior en milímetros entre el pre- y posoperatorio fue significativa con IOL Master 3.0.2 (0,13 ± 0,33 y -0,08 ± 0,17) y Pentacam AXL (0,12 ± 0,32 y -0,10 ± 0,24), respectivamente. Sin embargo, las posoperatorias entre ambos equipos no fueron significativas (p>0,05) para estas variables, pero sí para las queratometrías. Conclusiones: El implante de la lente fáquica ACRIOL 128 modifica la medición de la longitud axial y la profundidad de la cámara anterior. El IOL Master 3.0.2 y el Pentacam AXL ofrecen mediciones de longitud axial y profundidad de cámara anterior posoperatorias similares, no así para las queratometrías(AU)
Objective: To determine the biometric modifications in myopic patients with ACRIOL 128 phakic lens implantation. Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed on 31 eyes (17 patients) with high myopia treated with ACRIOL 128 phakic lens implant, between September 2016 and February 2019, which had preoperative biometric measurements with the IOL Master 3.0.2 system and postoperative refractive stability (≤ 0.5 diopters) after three months of implantation. Postoperative measurements were performed with the IOL Master 3.0.2 in phakic lens mode and with the Scheimpflug Pentacam AXL system for comparison, using the t-test for paired data, with 95% significance. Results: The average age was 29.82 ± 5.99 years, 82.4por ciento female. The mean preoperative spherical equivalent was -12.00 ± 4.10 diopters. The difference in axial length and anterior chamber depth in millimeters between pre- and postoperative was significant with IOL Master 3.0.2 (0.13 ± 0,33 and -0.08 ± 0.17) and Pentacam AXL (0.12 ± 0.32 and -0.10 ± 0.24), respectively. However, postoperative between the two teams were not significant (p > 0.05) for these variables but significant for keratometries. Conclusions: Implantation of the ACRIOL 128 phakic lens modifies the measurement of axial length and anterior chamber depth. The IOL Master 3.0.2 and Pentacam AXL provide similar postoperative axial length and anterior chamber depth measurements, but not for keratometries(AU)
Humanos , Biometria/métodos , Lentes Intraoculares FácicasRESUMO
Fundamento: Predecir el recién nacido grande para la edad gestacional es una acción de salud que necesita de herramientas tecnológicas de probada eficiencia. Objetivo: Determinar la capacidad predictiva del diámetro biparietal en los recién nacidos grandes para la edad gestacional. Metodología: Estudio de cohorte retrospectivo que incluyó 1959 gestantes cubanas con embarazo simple con captación y término del embarazo entre enero del 2009 y diciembre de 2017. En cada trimestre de gestación se compararon las condiciones tróficas adecuado para la edad gestacional (AEG) y grandes para la edad gestacional (GEG) mediante estadígrafos de tendencia central (media) y de dispersión (rango, desviación estándar) correspondientes al diámetro biparietal. Se calculó además el intervalo de confianza (IC) de 95 % para la diferencia de medias del diámetro biparietal. Asimismo, se realizó un análisis de curvas ROC para determinar si el diámetro biparietal y el peso fetal predicen la condición trófica grande para la edad gestacional en el segundo y tercer trimestre de gestación. Los datos fueron recogidos del libro registro de genética del área de salud. Resultados: El diámetro biparietal en el segundo y tercer trimestre de gestación tuvo un área bajo curva de 0.60 (IC 95 %: 0.54-0.65) y 0.59 (IC 95 %: 0.54-0.64) respectivamente. Los puntos de corte establecidos (T2: 56.55 mm, T3: 81.55 mm) tienen una especificidad y exactitud superior al 78 %. Conclusiones: El diámetro biparietal y los modelos de regresión de Shepard y de Hadlock V mostraron capacidad para discriminar el nacimiento grande para la edad gestacional del adecuado para la edad gestacional, a partir del segundo trimestre de gestación siendo más eficaces en el tercero.
Background: Predicting large for gestational age newborns is a medical action that requires technological tools with proven efficiency. Objective: To determine the predictive ability of biparietal diameter in large newborns for gestational age. Methodology: Retrospective cohort study that included 1959 Cuban pregnant women with a singleton pregnancy, with recruitment and pregnancy term between January 2009 and December 2017. In each gestational trimester, trophic conditions appropriate for gestational age (GAW) were compared and large for gestational age (GA) using central tendency (mean) and dispersion (range, standard deviation) statistics corresponding to the biparietal diameter. The 95% confidence interval (CI) for mean biparietal diameter difference was also calculated. In addition, an analysis of ROC curves was performed to determine if biparietal diameter and fetal weight predict large trophic condition for gestational age in the second and third gestational trimester. Data were gathered from the health area genetics registry book. Results: Biparietal diameter in the second and third trimester of gestation had an area under curve of 0.60 (95% CI: 0.54-0.65) and 0.59 (95% CI: 0.54-0.64) respectively. The established cut-off points (T2: 56.55 mm, T3: 81.55 mm) have a specificity and accuracy greater than 78%. Conclusions: Biparietal diameter and the Shepard and Hadlock V regression models showed ability to discriminate large for gestational age birth from adequate for gestational age birth from the second trimester of gestation onward, being more effective in the third trimester.
Terceiro Trimestre da Gravidez , Biometria , Idade Gestacional , Peso FetalRESUMO
Fundamento: Las alteraciones del estado nutricional materno generalmente se relacionan con desviaciones del crecimiento fetal, que pueden detectarse por los parámetros biofísicos fetales e identifican la posible condición trófica al nacer. Objetivo: Determinar la posible relación entre los parámetros biométricos fetales, la condición trófica al nacer y el producto de acumulación de los lípidos. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio transversal en el Policlínico Chiqui Gómez Lubian del municipio Santa Clara, durante el año 2019, en una población de 253 gestantes normopeso supuestamente sanas al inicio de la gestación. La muestra no probabilística fue de 144 gestantes. Las variables de estudio fueron: producto de acumulación de los lípidos, biometría fetal y condición trófica al nacer. Se utilizaron métodos teóricos, empíricos y estadísticos. Resultados: En el segundo trimestre ningún parámetro biométrico coincidió con la condición al nacer de pequeño, mientras que para el grande coincidieron las circunferencias cefálica y abdominal. En el tercer trimestre la longitud del fémur y la circunferencia abdominal coinciden en la identificación del pequeño y del grande. El PAL se correlacionó con la circunferencia abdominal del tercer trimestre y con el peso al nacer; presentando mayor frecuencia de valores en el tercer tertil para los nacimientos grandes. Conclusiones: La circunferencia abdominal fue el parámetro biométrico con mayor coincidencia con la condición trófica al nacer, la que se asoció con valores en el tercer tertil del PAL para la detección de nacimientos grandes, relacionándose el fenotipo normopeso metabólicamente obeso con el crecimiento fetal por exceso.
Background: Maternal nutritional status disorders are usually related to fetal growth deviations, which can be detected by fetal biophysical parameters and identify the possible trophic condition at birth. Objective: To determine the possible relationship between fetal biometric parameters, the birth trophic state and lipid accumulation product. Methodology: A cross-sectional study was conducted at the Chiqui Gómez Lubian Polyclinic in Santa Clara municipality, during 2019, in a population of 253 normal-weight pregnant women who were apparently healthy at the beginning of their gestation. The non-probability sample was made up of 144 pregnant women. Study variables were: lipid accumulation product, fetal biometry and trophic condition at birth. Theoretical, empirical and statistical methods were used. Results: In the second trimester, none of the biometric parameters matched the condition at birth as a small child, while in the large one the head and abdominal circumferences matched. In the third trimester, femoral length and abdominal circumference coincide in identifying the small one and the large one. LAP correlated with third trimester abdominal circumference and birth weight, presenting higher frequency of values in the third tertile for large births. Conclusions: Abdominal circumference was the biometric parameter with the highest coincidence with trophic condition at birth, associated with values in the third tertile of the LAP for detecting large births, relating the metabolically obese normal weight phenotype with excessive fetal growth.