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BMC Public Health ; 25(1): 145, 2025 01 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39806340


INTRODUCTION: Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine uptake in the French Caribbean has remained below 25% since introduction in 2007, which is well behind national and international targets. Using a discrete choice experiment (DCE), we explored parental preferences around HPV vaccination and optimized communication content in a sample of parents of middle-school pupils in Guadeloupe. METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional survey in public and private middle age schools in Guadeloupe in June 2023 using an online questionnaire. Across a series of nine hypothetical scenarios, participants were asked to decide to vaccinate or not and how certain they were about this choice. Scenarios differed by five attributes (diseases characteristics, vaccine safety, health professionals or institutions promoting vaccination, social conformity and optimal vaccination age). We used random effect logit and linear regression models to estimate the effects of attribute levels on vaccine acceptance and vaccine eagerness. RESULTS: A total of 389 parents out of the 23,184 pupils' parents completed the DCE survey. The attributes with a significant effect size on theoretical vaccine acceptance were "social conformity" and "optimal vaccination age". Overall, the odds of scenarios stating high vaccine coverage in adolescents were at least 1.8 (95% CI: 1.2-2.6) times more likely to yield theoretical vaccine acceptance compared to a low vaccine uptake reference. The odds of providing scientific explanation along with age yielded theoretical vaccination acceptance respectively up to 3.2 times higher (95% CI: 1.7 to 6.1) in parents reporting an un vaccinated child and not intention to vaccinate. For vaccine eagerness, we observe significant positive effects of communication content overall when stating high vaccination uptake in adolescents or scientific evidence along with age or mentioning cancer prevention. Parents always refusing vaccination remained unsensitive to communication contents. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: These original DCE results highlighted the need for tailoring specific HPV vaccination promotion communication in a French Caribbean setting. Contextual features such as sexuality concerns as regard to age and peers' adhesion to vaccination have to be thoroughly considered. The nationwide HPV vaccination campaign in middle schools should adapt communication in order to raise HPV vaccine uptake in the French Caribbean.

Infecções por Papillomavirus , Vacinas contra Papillomavirus , Pais , Humanos , Pais/psicologia , Feminino , Vacinas contra Papillomavirus/administração & dosagem , Masculino , Estudos Transversais , Infecções por Papillomavirus/prevenção & controle , Adolescente , Adulto , Guadalupe , Inquéritos e Questionários , Comportamento de Escolha , Promoção da Saúde/métodos , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Criança , Vacinação/psicologia , Vacinação/estatística & dados numéricos , Comunicação , Papillomavirus Humano
Nutrients ; 16(21)2024 Oct 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39519583


BACKGROUND: Determinants and motives related to food selection have evolved in a globalized and changing world. The traditional and useful Food Choice Questionnaire (FCQ), created in 1995, needs to be updated, adapted to new scenarios, and validated. OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to: (1) assess face validity (FV) of the original 36-item FCQ, (2) generate an Updated-FCQ (U-FCQ) and assess its content validity (CV) (instrument suitability), and (3) evaluate its construct validity and reliability in a Spanish-speaking population from Mexico. METHODS: FV involved a panel of nutrition professionals (NPs) rating the original items' clarity, relevance, specificity, and representativeness. A literature review process updated the FCQ by adding new items. CV with a second NP panel allowed calculating content validity ratio (CVR). Construct validation was performed via exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis (EFA-CFA). Internal consistency through Cronbach's alpha (CA) and test-retest reliability via intra-class correlation (ICC) were assessed. RESULTS: The FV (n = 8) resulted in the modification of 11 original items. The literature review added 36 new items (15 from previous adaptations and 21 original items). The CV (n = 13) identified nine items (non-acceptable CVR), prompting reformulation of seven and removal of two. The NPs' feedback added six new items. The EFA-CFA (n = 788) developed a 75-item U-FCQ with eight dimensions: sensory appeal, mood, health and nutritional content, price, food identity, environmental and wildlife awareness, convenience, and image management. CA ranged from 0.74-0.97 (good-excellent) and ICC from 0.51-0.78 (moderate-good). CONCLUSIONS: This study provides a useful instrument for the assessment of food choices and lays the groundwork for future cross-cultural comparisons, expanding its applicability in wider settings.

Preferências Alimentares , Humanos , México , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Inquéritos e Questionários/normas , Preferências Alimentares/psicologia , Feminino , Adulto , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto Jovem , Comportamento de Escolha , Psicometria , Idioma , Adolescente
Soc Sci Med ; 363: 117380, 2024 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39561432


This article sets out to explore the dilemmas present in the reproductive practices of people affected by rare hereditary diseases, focusing on the use of diagnostic tests and the practice of genetic counselling in Brazil. The development of technologies capable of mapping 'genetic flaws' prior to conception or in prenatal consultations has led researchers to consider how these technologies may be shaping contemporary subjectivities related to kinship and guiding reproductive decisions based on knowledge of our 'genetic heritage.' Genetic counselling has emerged in this setting as a modality of health knowledge and information capable of assisting people, especially women, in their reproductive choices. In Brazil, access to these technologies and their use has proven to be unequal and heterogeneous. I argue that the idea of 'choice' that permeates genetic counselling needs to be problematized by considering the social, cultural, economic, affective and moral frameworks in which women are inserted and that inform and/or determine their reproductive decisions. Based on this premise, I analyse how families 'at risk' of rare hereditary diseases deal with the idea of 'genetic inheritance' in relation to the 'wish to have children', and the impasses surrounding the idea of 'informed choice' when we evaluate this rhetoric in the context of the shortfalls in access to healthcare and the limits to reproductive justice in Brazil.

Aconselhamento Genético , Doenças Raras , Humanos , Doenças Raras/genética , Feminino , Brasil , Tomada de Decisões , Doenças Genéticas Inatas , Comportamento de Escolha , Testes Genéticos/métodos
Anim Cogn ; 27(1): 72, 2024 Nov 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39485623


Rats and pigeons have shown striking differences in their behavior in the suboptimal choice procedure: while pigeons show a strong and consistent preference for the discriminative alternative, most studies performed with rats have found optimal preferences, and in the cases in which suboptimal preferences have been reported, those results have not been replicated. Currently, there is no consensus about the reasons for these discrepant results between species, but different explanations have been proposed either with an empirical base or exclusively in theoretical terms. In the latter category it has been proposed that the discrepancy might have arisen because of differences in the relationship between the natural foraging response of each species, and the response required in the laboratory. For analyzing this possibility, we conducted two experiments carried out within a maze that was specifically designed to allow rats to display behaviors related to their natural foraging. In experiment 1, we explored rats' preferences when facing a discriminative alternative with probability of reinforcement (p) = 0.5, and a non-discriminative alternative with p = .75. In experiment 2, we evaluated preferences when the discriminative alternative had p = .20 and the non-discriminative had p = .50, rats were evaluated in a closed economy, with longer terminal links, and were allowed to escape from the outcome found. In both studies, rats showed a strong preference for the non-discriminative alternative and showed very high levels of discrimination between the positive and the negative outcomes of the discriminative alternative.

Comportamento de Escolha , Animais , Ratos , Masculino , Aprendizagem em Labirinto , Aprendizagem por Discriminação , Reforço Psicológico
Appetite ; 203: 107698, 2024 Dec 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39368782


Menu labeling is a strategy to promote healthier food choices in restaurants. This study aimed to analyze the influence of a qualitative menu labeling on the healthfulness of diners' food choices in self-service buffet restaurants. A controlled quasi-experiment comparing parallel groups at baseline and intervention periods was conducted in a control restaurant and an intervention restaurant. Qualitative labels provided information on the name and ingredients list of the dish, highlighting the use of organic vegetables. The same food menu was served in both restaurants. Menu labeling was implemented at the intervention restaurant for six dishes each day, three considered healthier and three less healthy. Dishes were weighed at the beginning and at the end of the service to estimate the average portion size (g) of diners, during five consecutive days at baseline and intervention. Diners who had lunch at the intervention restaurant were invited to participate in a survey on the use of menu labels. Of the 153 interviewed diners, 31% reported noticing menu labels. Of these, 57% said menu labeling had influenced their food choices at the restaurant. No changes in portion sizes were observed between baseline and intervention periods within control and intervention restaurants. However, it was found that the provision of qualitative menu labeling sparked the interest of restaurant managers in improving meal quality and modifying recipes to eliminate ultra-processed ingredients. Thus, the implementation of the proposed menu labeling model can promote healthier food choices through the reformulation of culinary recipes. However, it is essential to adopt strategies to enable its direct impact.

Comportamento de Escolha , Rotulagem de Alimentos , Preferências Alimentares , Tamanho da Porção , Restaurantes , Humanos , Rotulagem de Alimentos/métodos , Preferências Alimentares/psicologia , Masculino , Adulto , Feminino , Dieta Saudável , Refeições , Adulto Jovem , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Verduras
Sci Rep ; 14(1): 25064, 2024 10 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39443587


Ayahuasca has been proposed as a treatment for substance use disorders. However, because of its hallucinogenic properties, studies investigating its abuse potential are needed. The aim of the present study was to investigate voluntary ayahuasca drinking in male mice using a two-bottle choice procedure. Male mice were exposed to two bottles, one of water and one of ayahuasca (0.01, 0.03 or 0.1 mg/ml), for 15 h/day, under 3 protocols (acquisition): (1) every other day access; (2) access every 3 days; (3) access every 5 days. Animals were then submitted to a 14-day drug-free period, followed by 3 re-exposure phases (same conditions as during acquisition), with 7 drug-free days between each. Regardless of the ayahuasca concentration, animals showed a preference for ayahuasca over water when exposed to ayahuasca every other day during the acquisition and re-exposure phases. Extending the period between ayahuasca exposures changed the expression of ayahuasca preference, with the longest break (every 5 days) being associated with preference for water over ayahuasca (i.e., ayahuasca aversion), an effect that was more predominantly observed at higher ayahuasca concentrations. A significant interaction was observed between frequency of exposure to ayahuasca and ayahuasca concentration for total ayahuasca intake during the later re-exposure phase. Our findings show that both the frequency of exposure and the ayahuasca concentration are critical when determining ayahuasca preference in a two-bottle choice model in mice, which can help guide therapeutic/ritualistic ayahuasca use.

Banisteriopsis , Comportamento de Escolha , Alucinógenos , Animais , Masculino , Camundongos , Banisteriopsis/química , Comportamento de Escolha/efeitos dos fármacos , Alucinógenos/farmacologia , Ingestão de Líquidos/efeitos dos fármacos , Extratos Vegetais/farmacologia
Cell Rep ; 43(10): 114838, 2024 Oct 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39395166


The nucleus accumbens shell (NAcSh) integrates reward information through diverse and specialized neuronal ensembles, influencing decision-making. By training rats in a probabilistic choice task and recording NAcSh neuronal activity, we found that rats adapt their choices based solely on the presence or absence of a sucrose reward, suggesting they build an internal representation of reward likelihood. We further demonstrate that NAcSh ensembles dynamically process different aspects of reward-guided behavior, with changes in composition and functional connections observed throughout the reinforcement learning process. The NAcSh forms a highly connected network characterized by a heavy-tailed distribution and the presence of neuronal hubs, facilitating efficient information flow. Reward delivery enhances mutual information, indicating increased communication between ensembles and network synchronization, whereas reward omission decreases it. Our findings reveal how reward information flows through dynamic NAcSh ensembles, whose flexible membership adapts as the rat learns to obtain rewards (energy) in an ever-changing environment.

Neurônios , Núcleo Accumbens , Recompensa , Núcleo Accumbens/fisiologia , Animais , Neurônios/fisiologia , Ratos , Masculino , Comportamento de Escolha/fisiologia
Int Breastfeed J ; 19(1): 63, 2024 Sep 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39261855


BACKGROUND: Despite the many benefits of exclusive breastfeeding to infants and mothers, only 33% of Jamaican infants are exclusively breastfed up to the recommend six months. This study was conducted to identify factors affecting mothers' feeding choices focusing on barriers to exclusive breastfeeding of infants six weeks to less than six months old. METHODS: A qualitative study consisting of four focus group discussion sessions was conducted among 22 mothers attending postnatal clinics in western Jamaica from May to August 2016. The transcripts were coded by three independent coders and content analysis conducted to generate themes. RESULTS: Four themes were identified namely, perceived advantages of breastfeeding centered mainly on the benefits of breastfeeding for the infant and mother, perceived barriers of breastfeeding highlighting physical pain and fatigue, supplementing culturally acceptable complementary foods and herbal remedies, and cultural norms including perception of how breastfeeding affects a woman's body, societal sources of breastfeeding information, satiation of infants, and family and other support. Mothers overwhelmingly agreed that breastfeeding was inexpensive, allowed them to bond with their infants and was good for the overall health and intellectual development of the infants. They identified painful nipples, engorged breasts, lack of sleep, physical exhaustion and pressure to return to work as barriers to breastfeeding. Mothers named a number of complementary foods, such as pumpkin, carrots, potato, banana, and chocho (Chayote), that were culturally accepted for feeding infants in Jamaica and discussed herbs that were considered to aid in infants' nutrition and overall health. Other cultural factors that were noted to influence exclusive breastfeeding were mothers feeling that breastfeeding would help their bodies, especially their bellies, go back to their pre-maternity figure, sources of breastfeeding information in the society including the internet, belief that breast milk alone does not satisfy babies, and family and other support. CONCLUSION: Mothers in this study identified unique challenges to exclusive breastfeeding that if addressed, would help to increase exclusive breastfeeding so that the World Health Organization's exclusive breastfeeding recommendations can be achieved.

Aleitamento Materno , Grupos Focais , Mães , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Humanos , Aleitamento Materno/psicologia , Jamaica , Feminino , Adulto , Lactente , Recém-Nascido , Mães/psicologia , Adulto Jovem , Masculino , Comportamento de Escolha , Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Prática em Saúde
J Exp Anal Behav ; 122(3): 309-321, 2024 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39344222


This study investigated a three-choice matching-to-sample procedure with an observing-response requirement to induce select and reject control during baseline training and examined their effects on the formation of equivalence classes. The study involved four girls, aged 8 to 10 years, who participated in a computer-based task that alternated between conditions designed to induce select and reject control by requiring observing responses to display the stimuli. In the select-control condition, the correct stimulus was revealed first on at least 75% of the trials, increasing the likelihood of selecting the correct stimulus without seeing the incorrect ones. In contrast, in the reject-control condition, the correct stimulus was revealed third on at least 75% of the trials, forcing the display of both incorrect stimuli. This procedure successfully generated both select and reject control, which increased progressively with the accuracy during baseline training trials. Select control was more prominent than reject control, but both led to the formation of equivalence classes. This finding suggests that reject control does not hinder control by the correct stimulus.

Comportamento de Escolha , Humanos , Feminino , Criança , Aprendizagem por Discriminação
Appetite ; 203: 107652, 2024 Dec 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39241832


Food choice is a complex function of preferences and combines a myriad of food-related factors, such as biological, economic, physical, social, and psychological determinants. People's food choices directly affect their health and can have both positive and negative outcomes. For instance, the pandemic may have presented an opportunity to cook more at home, eventually resulting in dietary benefits, health improvements, and reduced stress. Conversely, adverse behavioral, psychological, and physical outcomes, such as overeating, have also been associated with stressful situations. Therefore, the aim of this study is twofold: first, to propose "cooking readiness" as a higher-order construct, in which 'food literacy' and 'cooking skills' correspond to the capability, 'cooking attitudes' reflect the motivation, and the variable 'COVID-19 restrictions' represent the opportunity for consumers to cook and consume healthier food at home. Furthermore, as the pandemic scenario was imposed and caused changes in mental health and emotional mood, the second objective is to explore the relationship between cooking readiness and stress levels in consumers' choices for nutritionally recommended (or non-recommended) food. Cross-country data (Brazil, Denmark) from 1074 consumers was analyzed using structural equation modeling. This study confirms cooking readiness as a higher-order construct, integrating food literacy, cooking skills, and cooking attitudes with pandemic-induced opportunities. Cooking readiness is crucial in promoting healthier eating habits, particularly in Brazil. The stronger tradition of healthier eating in Denmark may mitigate the impact of cooking readiness on reducing non-recommended food consumption. The varying effects of stress on food choices between the two countries underscore the need for tailored public health strategies that consider cultural differences and existing dietary habits. Promoting cooking skills and food literacy, particularly in times of crisis, can be instrumental in supporting healthier food choices and improving public health.

COVID-19 , Comportamento de Escolha , Culinária , Dieta Saudável , Preferências Alimentares , Estresse Psicológico , Humanos , Culinária/métodos , Feminino , Preferências Alimentares/psicologia , Masculino , COVID-19/psicologia , COVID-19/prevenção & controle , Adulto , Estresse Psicológico/psicologia , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Dieta Saudável/psicologia , Brasil , Dinamarca , Letramento em Saúde , Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Prática em Saúde , Adulto Jovem , Comportamento do Consumidor , Pandemias , Adolescente
Sci Rep ; 14(1): 18711, 2024 08 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39134609


Humans exhibit consistent color preferences that are often described as a curvilinear pattern across hues. The recent literature posits that color preference is linked to the preference for objects or other entities associated with those colors. However, many studies examine this preference using isoluminant colors, which don't reflect the natural viewing experience typically influenced by different light intensities. The inclusion of random luminance levels (luminance noise) in chromatic stimuli may provide an initial step towards assessing color preference as it is presented in the real world. Employing mosaic stimuli, this study aimed to evaluate the influence of luminance noise on human color preference. Thirty normal trichromats engaged in a two-alternative forced-choice paradigm, indicating their color preferences between presented pairs. The chromatic stimuli included saturated versions of 8 standard hues, presented in mosaics with varying diameters under different luminance noise conditions. Results indicated that the inclusion of luminance noise increased color preference across all hues, specifically under the high luminance noise range, while the curvilinear pattern remained unchanged. Finally, women exhibit a greater sensitivity to the presence of luminance noise than men, potentially due to differences between men and women in aesthetic evaluation strategies.

Percepção de Cores , Estimulação Luminosa , Humanos , Feminino , Masculino , Percepção de Cores/fisiologia , Adulto , Adulto Jovem , Comportamento de Escolha/fisiologia , Luz , Cor
Int J Med Inform ; 191: 105589, 2024 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39137666


BACKGROUND: Digital interventions are becoming increasingly popular in rehabilitation. Understanding of device features which impact clinician adoption and satisfaction is limited. Research in the field should be conducted across diverse settings to ensure digital interventions do not exacerbate healthcare inequities. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to understand rehabilitation clinicians' preferences regarding device attributes and included a cross-cultural comparison. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Choice experiment methodology (best-worst scaling) was used to survey rehabilitation clinicians across Australia and Brazil. Participants completed 10 best-worst questions, choosing the most and least important device attributes from subsets of 31 attributes in a partially balanced block design. Results were analysed using multinomial models by country and latent class. Attribute preference scores (PS) were scaled to 0-100 (least to most important). RESULTS: A total of 122 clinicians from Brazil and 104 clinicians from Australia completed the survey. Most respondents were physiotherapists (83%) working with neurological populations (51%) in the private/self-employed sector (51%) who had experience using rehabilitation devices (87%). Despite preference heterogeneity across country and work sector (public/not-for-profit versus private/self-employed/other), clinicians consistently prioritised patient outcomes (PS 100.0, 95%CI: 86.2-100.0), patient engagement (PS 93.9, 95%CI: 80.6-94.2), usability (PS 81.3, 95%CI: 68.8-82.5), research evidence (PS 80.4, 95%CI: 68.1-81.7) and risk (PS 75.7, 95%CI: 63.8-77.3). In Australia, clinicians favoured device attributes which facilitate increased therapy dosage (PS 79.2, 95%CI: 62.6-81.1) and encourage patient independent practice (PS 66.8, 95%CI: 52.0-69.2). In Brazil, clinicians preferred attributes enabling device use for providing clinical data (PS 67.6, 95%CI: 51.8-70.9) and conducting clinical assessments (PS 65.6, 95%CI: 50.2-68.8). CONCLUSION: Clinicians prioritise patients' needs and practical application over technical aspects of digital rehabilitation devices. Contextual factors shape clinician preferences rather than individual clinician characteristics. Future device design and research should consider preferences and influences, involving diverse stakeholders to account for context-driven variations across cultures and healthcare settings.

Comparação Transcultural , Humanos , Brasil , Austrália , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Inquéritos e Questionários , Reabilitação , Atitude do Pessoal de Saúde , Fisioterapeutas , Comportamento de Escolha
Prev Med ; 187: 108087, 2024 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39097006


OBJECTIVE: The World Health Organization recommends using health-risk warnings on alcoholic beverages. This study examines the impact of separate or combined warning labels for at-risk groups and the general population on alcohol purchase decisions. METHODS: In 2022, 7758 adults who consumed alcohol or were pregnant/lactating women (54.0 % female, mean age = 40.6 years) were presented with an online store's beverage section and randomly assigned to one of six warning labels in a between-subjects experimental design: no-warning, pregnant/lactating, drinking-driving, general cancer risk, combined warnings, and assorted warnings across bottles. The main outcome, the intention to purchase an alcoholic vs. non-alcoholic beverage, was examined with adjusted risk differences using logistic regressions. RESULTS: Participants exposed to the general cancer risk warning decreased their alcoholic choices by 10.4 percentage points (pp.) (95 % CI [-0.139, -0.069], p < 0.001, OR = 0.561), while those in the pregnancy/lactation warning condition did it by 3.8 pp. (95 % CI [-0.071, -0.005], p = 0.025, OR = 0.806). The driving-drinking warning had no significant effect. Participants exposed to the combined warnings label, or the assorted warnings reduced alcohol purchase decisions by 6.1 pp. (95 % CI [-0.095, -0.028], p < 0.001, OR = 0.708) and 4.3 pp. (95 % CI [-0.076, -0.010], p = 0.011, OR = 0.782), respectively. Cancer warning outperformed other labels and was effective for subgroups such as pregnant/lactating women, young adults, and low-income individuals. CONCLUSIONS: General cancer risk warnings are more effective at reducing alcohol purchase decisions compared to warning labels for specific groups or labels using multiple warnings. In addition to warning labels, other policies should be considered for addressing well-known alcohol-related risks (e.g., drinking and driving).

Consumo de Bebidas Alcoólicas , Bebidas Alcoólicas , Rotulagem de Produtos , Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Masculino , Consumo de Bebidas Alcoólicas/prevenção & controle , Chile , Gravidez , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Comportamento de Escolha
Soc Sci Med ; 354: 117069, 2024 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38971045


BACKGROUND: Despite progress made by many countries on the adoption of plain tobacco packaging laws over the last years, low- and middle-income countries, with a large supply of loose cigarettes via informal vendors, remain far behind. AIM: To study the potential effectiveness of plain tobacco packaging and dissuasive cigarette sticks, via willingness-to-pay estimates, when illicit cigarette options are available. METHODS: We conducted a discrete choice experiment (DCE) in which respondents chose licit and illicit products with three attributes: packaging (standard vs. plain packaging), stick design (branded stick vs. stick with warning), and price level. The sample, collected on 12/2021, consisted of 1761 respondents from an internet panel involving smokers and nonsmokers. Conditional logit and latent class models were used to estimate the willingness-to-pay (WTP) to avoid restrictive packaging elements. RESULTS: Nonsmokers are willing to pay USD $5.63 for a pack of cigarettes to avoid plain packaging, which is higher than the actual commercial price of illicit cigarettes (USD $2.40). The WTP increases to USD $12.14 in the presence of illicit alternatives. Smokers are also willing to pay to avoid illicit options, which they also deem riskier, and the presence of such options increases the WTP to avoid plain packaging. However, nonsmokers do not perceive the illicit option as riskier. The dissuasive stick (stick with warning) does not affect perceptions of risk and plays a small role in terms of choice for both smokers and nonsmokers. CONCLUSIONS: Even in the presence of illicit tobacco alternatives, plain packaging seems to be as effective in reducing the attractiveness of tobacco products in Colombia as in other countries that have already adopted it. Given conflicting results on the case for dissuasive sticks, there is a need for more research.

Comportamento de Escolha , Rotulagem de Produtos , Embalagem de Produtos , Produtos do Tabaco , Humanos , Colômbia , Masculino , Feminino , Embalagem de Produtos/métodos , Embalagem de Produtos/legislação & jurisprudência , Adulto , Rotulagem de Produtos/métodos , Rotulagem de Produtos/legislação & jurisprudência , Produtos do Tabaco/economia , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Comércio , Adolescente , Fumar/psicologia , Adulto Jovem
Pharmacoeconomics ; 42(9): 1047-1063, 2024 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38954389


INTRODUCTION: The EQ-5D-Y-3L is a generic measure of health-related quality of life in children and adolescents. Although the Brazilian-Portuguese EQ-5D-Y-3L version is available, there is no value set for it, hampering its use in economic evaluations. This study aimed to elicit a Brazilian EQ-5D-Y-3L value set based on preferences of the general adult population. METHODS: Two independent samples of adults participated in an online discrete choice experiment (DCE) survey and a composite time trade-off (cTTO) face-to-face interview. The framing was "considering your views for a 10-year-old child". DCE data were analyzed using a mixed-logit model. The 243 DCE predicted values were mapped into the observed 28 cTTO values using linear and non-linear mapping approaches with and without intercept. Mapping approaches' performance was assessed to estimate the most valid method to rescale DCE predicted values using the model fit (R2), Akaike Information Criteria (AIC), root mean squared error (RMSE), and mean absolute error (MAE). RESULTS: A representative sample of 1376 Brazilian adults participated (DCE, 1152; cTTO, 211). The linear mapping without intercept (R2 = 96%; AIC, - 44; RMSE, 0.0803; MAE, - 0.0479) outperformed the non-linear without intercept (R2 = 98%; AIC, - 63; RMSE, 0.1385; MAE, - 0.1320). Utilities ranged from 1 (full health) to - 0.0059 (the worst health state). Highest weights were assigned to having pain or discomfort (pain/discomfort), followed by walking about (mobility), looking after myself (self-care), doing usual activities (usual activities), and feeling worried, sad, or unhappy (anxiety/depression). CONCLUSION: This study elicited the Brazilian EQ-5D-Y-3L value set using a mixed-logit DCE model with a power parameter based on a linear mapping without intercept, which can be used to estimate the quality-adjusted life-years for economic evaluations of health technologies targeting the Brazilian youth population.

Qualidade de Vida , Humanos , Brasil , Feminino , Masculino , Adulto , Inquéritos e Questionários , Adolescente , Comportamento de Escolha , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto Jovem , Criança , Nível de Saúde
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38917880


BACKGROUND: The impulsive choice is characterized by the preference for a small immediate reward over a bigger delayed one. The mechanisms underlying impulsive choices are linked to the activity in the Nucleus Accumbens (NAc), the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), and the dorsolateral striatum (DLS). While the study of functional connectivity between brain areas has been key to understanding a variety of cognitive processes, it remains unclear whether functional connectivity differentiates impulsive-control decisions. METHODS: To study the functional connectivity both between and within NAc, OFC, and DLS during a delay discounting task, we concurrently recorded local field potential in NAc, OFC, and DLS in rats. We then quantified the degree of phase-amplitude coupling (PAC), coherence, and Granger Causality between oscillatory activities in animals exhibiting either a high (HI) or low (LI) tendency for impulsive choices. RESULTS: Our results showed a differential pattern of PAC during decision-making in OFC and NAc, but not in DLS. While theta-gamma PAC in OFC was associated with self-control decisions, a higher delta-gamma PAC in both OFC and NAc biased decisions toward impulsive choices in both HI and LI groups. Furthermore, during the reward event, Granger Causality analysis indicated a stronger NAc➔OFC gamma contribution in the HI group, while the LI group showed a higher OFC➔NAc gamma contribution. CONCLUSIONS: The overactivity in NAc during reward in the HI group suggests that exacerbated contribution of NAcCore can lead to an overvaluation of reward that biases the behavior toward the impulsive choice.

Tomada de Decisões , Desvalorização pelo Atraso , Comportamento Impulsivo , Núcleo Accumbens , Córtex Pré-Frontal , Recompensa , Animais , Núcleo Accumbens/fisiologia , Desvalorização pelo Atraso/fisiologia , Masculino , Tomada de Decisões/fisiologia , Ratos , Córtex Pré-Frontal/fisiologia , Comportamento Impulsivo/fisiologia , Comportamento de Escolha/fisiologia
Food Res Int ; 189: 114515, 2024 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38876601


Culture is a well-known driver of food choices, and therefore, it could also impact food pairing preferences. Food pairing has been studied from different approaches; however, little cross-cultural research has been done. This work explored food and beverage pairing using projective mapping (PM) to create maps of food-beverage combinations. Four countries (Mexico, Argentina, France, and Norway), thirty foods, and six beverages were selected. PM was carried out through an online study in each country. Participants were asked to map foods together with beverages following the instruction that foods and beverages closer together represented a good combination. The coordinates of each product were analyzed through Multiple Factorial Analyses (MFA) by countries. The first four factors of each MFA were used to perform RV coefficients to test similarities in food-beverage pairings between the countries. Finally, a k-means clustering was performed on the beverage coordinates of each MFA. PM provided maps representing food and beverage pairings for each country in which the proximity between food-beverages represented a good combination according to consumers. RV coefficients between countries were low, showing that food-beverage pairings were not similar across countries, evidencing the cultural effect in food-drink combinations. Results from the k-means clustering showed some similarities and differences between countries. In general, the food-beverage pairing was effectively explored with PM, from which several differences and similarities were found within cultures.

Bebidas , Comparação Transcultural , Preferências Alimentares , Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Masculino , Noruega , México , França , Adulto Jovem , Argentina , Comportamento de Escolha , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Comportamento do Consumidor , Alimentos , Adolescente
Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act ; 21(1): 64, 2024 Jun 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38877496


BACKGROUND: Front-of-package nutritional warning labels (WLs) are designed to facilitate identification and selection of healthier food choices. We assessed self-reported changes in purchasing different types of unhealthy foods due to WLs in Mexico and the association between the self-reported reductions in purchases of sugary beverages and intake of water and sugar-sweetened beverages. METHODS: Data came from 14 to 17 year old youth (n = 1,696) and adults ≥ 18 (n = 7,775) who participated in the Mexican arm of the 2020-2021 International Food Policy Study, an annual repeat cross-sectional online survey. Participants self-reported whether the WLs had influenced them to purchase less of each of nine unhealthy food categories due to WLs. Among adults, a 23-item Beverage Frequency Questionnaire was used derive past 7-day intake of water and sugary beverages analyzed to determine the relationship between self-reported reductions in purchasing sugary drinks due to the WLs. Multilevel mixed-effects logistic regression models were fitted to estimate the percentage of participants who self-reported reducing purchases within each food group, and overall. Sociodemographic characteristics associated with this reduction were investigated as well. RESULTS: Overall, 44.8% of adults and 38.7% of youth reported buying less of unhealthy food categories due to the implementation of WL, with the largest proportion reporting decreased purchases of cola, regular and diet soda. A greater impact of WLs on the reported purchase of unhealthy foods was observed among the following socio-demographic characteristics: females, individuals who self-identified as indigenous, those who were overweight, individuals with lower educational levels, those with higher nutrition knowledge, households with children, and those with a significant role in household food purchases. In addition, adults who reported higher water intake and lower consumption of sugary beverages were more likely to report reduced purchases of sugary drinks due to the WLs. Adults who reported greater water intake and lower sugary beverages intake were significantly more likely to report buying fewer sugary drinks due to the WLs. CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest that implementation of WLs has reduced perceived purchases of unhealthy foods in Mexico. These results underscore the potential positive impact of the labeling policy particularly in subpopulations with lower levels of education and among indigenous adults.

Comportamento do Consumidor , Rotulagem de Alimentos , Preferências Alimentares , Autorrelato , Bebidas Adoçadas com Açúcar , Humanos , Adolescente , Masculino , Feminino , México , Adulto , Estudos Transversais , Adulto Jovem , Comportamento de Escolha , Política Nutricional , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Dieta Saudável/estatística & dados numéricos
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38705006


OBJECTIVES: To assess women's contraceptive preferences in the immediate postpartum period and identify factors associated with use of their desired contraceptive method six months later. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This prospective cohort study included women ≤48 h after delivery at a single public Brazilian hospital. The women's interview took place in two different momentsbefore hospital discharge (in-person interview) and six months after delivery (by telephone contact). For data collection and management, we used the REDCap electronic tool. Univariate and multivariate analyses (unadjusted and adjusted Odds Ratio and 95 % confidence intervals) were used to identify factors associated with higher use of their desired contraceptive method six months after delivery. RESULTS: A total of 294 women (166 adolescents) were included. Initial contraceptive preferences were especially intrauterine devices (IUDs) (39.1 %), implants (33.0 %) and injectable hormonal contraceptives (17.0 %). Six months later, 42.5 % (n = 125) were using their desired contraceptive method. Younger age, white race and contraceptive initiation prior to hospital discharge were associated with use of their desired contraceptive at six months. CONCLUSION: Long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) methods were the most desired contraceptives among women after delivery. Providing and initiating free contraception prior to discharge from a birthing unit is important with regard to use of their desired method.

Comportamento Contraceptivo , Período Pós-Parto , Humanos , Feminino , Estudos Prospectivos , Adulto , Adolescente , Adulto Jovem , Comportamento Contraceptivo/estatística & dados numéricos , Brasil , Anticoncepção/métodos , Anticoncepção/estatística & dados numéricos , Dispositivos Intrauterinos/estatística & dados numéricos , Comportamento de Escolha , Contracepção Reversível de Longo Prazo/estatística & dados numéricos
Appetite ; 199: 107379, 2024 08 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38703791


The rapid demographic transition in developing countries has always posed a challenge for the social and economic policies of these nations. The increase in longevity poses new challenges for understanding dietary consumption among different age groups at the old age population. The aim of this study was to evaluate the reasons for food choice and the composition of nutritional intake of older adults and its relationship to individual characteristics. Community-living older adults aged 60 and older were interviewed in their homes at the southeastern region of Brazil, between December 2021 and February 2022. The Food Choice Questionnaire and a Food Frequency Questionnaire were administered to obtain data on the reasons for food choice and nutritional intake. A structured interview was employed to gather information on individual characteristics. 168 older adults (mean age of 72.6 ± 8.9; 69.6% women) participated. The reasons for food choice differed significantly, with weight control being one of the least important and health being one of the most important. But older adults aged 80 and over valued the health criterion less than younger participants (60-69 years old). The intake of macronutrients and energy were below nutritional recommendations. Carbohydrate consumption was positively correlated with the mood motive. There was a relationship between the reasons for choosing food and/or the components of nutritional intake with: gender, age, living with a partner, self-report of depression/anxiety, self-perception of health and nutritional status anthropometric. The results are important to be considered in prevention policies and clinical-nutritional management, with special attention to the oldest-old.

Comportamento de Escolha , Preferências Alimentares , Humanos , Feminino , Brasil , Masculino , Idoso , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Preferências Alimentares/psicologia , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Dieta , Inquéritos e Questionários , Estado Nutricional , Ingestão de Energia , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Fatores Sociodemográficos , Nível de Saúde , Estudos Transversais