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Arch Microbiol ; 207(1): 16, 2024 Dec 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39692889


This work aimed to get compost with cellulose-rich residues for Pycnoporus sanguineus basidiocarp production. Two isolates of P. sanguineus (Ps08 and Ps14) were grown in polypropylene bags containing sawdust of Eucalyptus sp. and rice bran in rates of zero, 5% and 20%, and humidity of 75%. We used two granulometries of sawdust, less than 500 µm and between 500 and 841 µm, compress to get a density of 0.5 g mL-1. Basidiocarps were harvested at 90 and 180 days of incubation, evaluating quantity, diameter, fresh and dry masses and production of the pigment cinnabarin. For the variable granulometry, there was an effect only for the isolate Ps14, which produced basidiocarps with diameters 14.65 mm in granulometry less than 500 µm and 8.56 in granulometry 500-841 µm, however, comparing the isolates, Ps08 produced larger basidiocarps, with an average diameter of 36.99 mm while 11.60 mm for Ps14. Only the isolate Ps08 responded in a dose-dependent manner to rice bran concentrations. As for the fresh mass of basidiocarps, in both harvests the isolate Ps08 presented higher values than the isolate Ps14 in the first and second harvests, in the granulometry less than 500 µm. The cinnabarin content of Ps14 isolate was higher than Ps08, with values of 0.67 e 0.43 mg mL-1, respectively, in the granulometry 500-841 µm, with a tendency to increase in cinnabarin content with higher additions of rice bran. Thus, it was possible to produce basidiocarps of P. sanguineus in an axenic way using cellulosic residues supplemented with rice bran.

Compostagem , Oryza , Pycnoporus , Pycnoporus/metabolismo , Eucalyptus , Carpóforos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Madeira/química , Solo/química , Microbiologia do Solo , Celulose/metabolismo
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;72(1): e57898, ene.-dic. 2024. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1583386


Abstract Introduction: Hermetia illucens is a fly found worldwide in tropical and temperate regions that feeds on decaying organic matter in its larval stage, which makes them useful to accelerate composing processes. Bacterial component on the larval guts that helps to degrade organic matter is well studied, however fungal communities information is more scarse, specially in tropical regions. Objective: To determine fungal communities in the gut of H. illucens larvae naturally occurring during urban composting processes in a tropical region. Methods: ITS sequencing was employed to characterize fungal communities present in H. illucens larval gut. Results: The analysis of amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) unveiled a notable dominance of Saccharomycetales, being yeasts of the genus Pichia the most abundant. Other relatively abundant yeasts were Candida and Galactomyces and the genus Archaeospora from Archaeosporales. The last two groups not being reported in H. illucens before. Conclusions: Yeasts of the genus Pichia are the most abundant group, this result is in concordance with previous studies which suggest a stable insect-yeast relation. The description of previously unreported fungal groups highlights the importance of continuing to explore the mycobiome dynamics of this larva. This study offers insight into the mycobiome of naturally occurring H. illucens larvae in a tropical region.

Resumen Introducción: Hermetia illucens se distribuye mundialmente en regiones tropicales y templadas. En su estado larval se alimenta de materia orgánica en descomposición, lo que las hace útiles para acelerar los procesos de compostaje. Se han realizado diversos estudios sobre el componente bacteriano de los intestinos de las larvas que ayuda a degradar la materia orgánica, sin embargo, información sobre las comunidades de microhongos es más escasa, especialmente en regiones tropicales. Objetivo: Determinar el micobioma presente en los intestinos de las larvas de H. illucens que se desarrollaron naturalmente en compostajes urbanos en una región tropical. Métodos: Se realizó secuenciación ITS para caracterizar las comunidades de microhongos presentes en el intestino de las larvas. Resultados: El análisis de variantes de secuencia de amplicones (ASV) reveló una notable dominancia de Saccharomycetales, siendo las levaduras del género Pichia las más abundantes. Otras levaduras relativamente abundantes fueron Candida y Galactomyces y el género Archaeospora de Archaeosporales. Los dos últimos grupos no han sido reportados previamente en H. illucens. Conclusión: Determinamos que las levaduras del género Pichia son el grupo más abundante. Este resultado concuerda con estudios previos, lo que sugiere una relación estable entre estos dos organismos. La descripción de grupos de hongos no reportados previamente resalta la importancia de continuar explorando la dinámica del micobioma de esta larva. Este estudio proporciona información sobre el micobioma de las larvas de H. illucens que se presentan naturalmente en una región tropical.

Animais , Pichia/fisiologia , Larva/fisiologia , Compostagem , Micobioma
Braz J Biol ; 84: e286195, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39570158


The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of using composted sludge as a fertilizer for lawns in urban conditions. An experiment to study the effect of different doses of sludge compost on the productivity of lawn grass mixture biomass (Rheigras lolilum perenne, Festuca rubra, Festuca arunnacea) and soil properties was conducted at the experimental site of S. Seifullin Kazakh State Agrotechnical University, Astana, Kazakhstan. Three doses of sludge were selected: 5, 10, and 15 t/ha. As a result of the experiment, it was found that the greatest biomass of the lawn was obtained when a compost dose of 15 t/ha was applied. In that case, an increase in the activity of soil enzymes and the phosphorus and nitrates content in the soil was observed. The authors formulated a recommendation to use a dose of 10 t/ha of sediment for fertilizer, as this helps to improve soil quality and increase yields. Compost made of sludge increased the content of available phosphorus in the surface layer of the soil (0-20 cm) by 200-300%, and the nitrate content increased by 180-300% compared to the control variant. However, the content of exchangeable potassium changed slightly (5-19%).

Biomassa , Compostagem , Fertilizantes , Esgotos , Fertilizantes/análise , Esgotos/análise , Compostagem/métodos , Fósforo/análise , Poaceae , Solo/química , Cazaquistão , Cidades
Environ Geochem Health ; 46(11): 478, 2024 Oct 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39412703


Anthropogenic activities, encompassing vast agricultural and industrial operations around the world, exert substantial pressure on the environment, culminating in profound ecological impacts. These activities exacerbate soil contamination problems with pollutants such as mercury (Hg) and chlorpyrifos (CPF) that are notable for their widespread presence and detrimental effects. The objective of this study is to evaluate the phytoremediation potential of Phaseolus vulgaris L., augmented with various combinations of biochar, mycorrhizal, and compost amendments, as a sustainable alternative for the remediation of soils contaminated with Hg and CPF. For this purpose, soil from a mining area with mercury contamination has been taken, to which CPF has been added in different concentrations. Then, previously germinated Phaseolus vulgaris L. seedlings with an average height of 10 cm were planted. Electrical conductivity, pH, organic matter, CPF, and Hg, as well as seedling growth parameters, have been evaluated to determine the processes of absorption of soil contaminants into the plant. A combination of biochar with mycorrhiza has been found to be an optimal choice for CPF and Hg remediation. However, all amendments have proven to be efficient in the remediation processes of the tested contaminants.

Biodegradação Ambiental , Carvão Vegetal , Clorpirifos , Compostagem , Mercúrio , Micorrizas , Phaseolus , Poluentes do Solo , Carvão Vegetal/química , Phaseolus/metabolismo , Poluentes do Solo/metabolismo , Mercúrio/metabolismo , Micorrizas/metabolismo , Clorpirifos/metabolismo , Solo/química , Plântula/metabolismo
Environ Monit Assess ; 196(11): 1093, 2024 Oct 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39436501


Compost reactors, commonly used in experiments, industrial assays, and home residue treatment systems, have the potential to facilitate composting. Challenges persist in the realm of small-scale composting, encompassing facets such as temperature monitoring, homogenization of the compost mass, management of moisture with the control of leachate generation, and integration with a renewable energy source. This study assesses a pioneering composter prototype endowed with essential features to ensure a pragmatic and secure composting process. This includes the facilitation of remote access to temperature data via Bluetooth and a mobile application. Across successive trials, the scrutinized composter prototype consistently yielded reproducible outcomes, exhibiting a coefficient of variation below 25% for the majority of appraised parameters. In comparison to a conventional reactor, the decomposing residue mixture within the examined prototype manifested elevated temperatures (p < 0.05). Moreover, the tested prototype demonstrated C/N ratio lower than 20/1 within 45 days, a higher final nitrogen concentration, and enhanced germination of seeds that served as phytotoxicity bioindicators. Notably, the prototype needed 46.6% less space, offering improved leachate control, three times faster turning time, temperature monitoring, and reduced fly attraction.

Compostagem , Aplicativos Móveis , Reciclagem , Temperatura , Compostagem/métodos , Reciclagem/métodos , Monitoramento Ambiental/métodos , Solo/química
Sci Total Environ ; 955: 176763, 2024 Dec 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39393684


Evaluating compostability is increasingly essential for proving commercial bio-based cutlery or packaging since these materials must biodegrade under controlled conditions quickly. Utensils for eating represent Mexico's most popular consumer single-use materials, and Mexican regulations based on biodegradation or compostability are still vague and lack scientific evaluations. This study analyzed three bio-based polymeric materials (bags, dishes, and forks) from commercial brands following Mexican regulations and using various analytical techniques to verify their biodegradability and compostability. First, weight loss measurements, stress-strain tests, and topographic imaging were applied for preliminary observations at the macro scale up to 90 days of compostability. Besides, spectroscopy, microscopy, and thermal techniques indicate changes and behavior of the bio-based materials depending on the composition. The results suggest that bags exhibited the highest decomposition rate (80 %) compared to dishes and forks. Similarly, mechanical resistance indicates a reduction of 62 % for bags, 30 % for dishes, and almost none for forks. Texture image analysis revealed that the complexity and roughness of the materials increased over time, correlating with the physical changes observed. These results indicate minimal surface topography changes and higher stiffness for dishes and forks, indicating low biodegradability. SEM images supported these findings, showing surface degradation in bags and dishes but not in forks. FTIR and XRD analyses confirmed the presence of polyamide (bags) and polypropylene (dishes and forks). These results reduce biodegradation and differ from the claims made by manufacturers. The thermal analysis found similar results, indicating that the materials' thermal stability decreased after degradation, which is related to lower biodegradability and compostability. Overall, the study concluded only bags meet the criteria for compostability in national regulations. However, dishes and forks made of petroleum-derived polymers have higher resistance to natural and microbial degradation.

Plásticos Biodegradáveis , Biodegradação Ambiental , Compostagem , México , Plásticos
Braz J Biol ; 84: e283287, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39383408


The increase in fertilizer prices was 20% after the pandemic, which increased the cost of crop production in Peru. For this reason, research was conducted on the analysis of the chemical and biological characteristics and their relationship with the yield of radish nourished with compost based on plant residues. The objective was to analyze the chemical and biological characteristics and their relationship with the yield of radish nourished with vegetable waste-based compost. It is based on the methodology applied with an experimental approach; therefore, the statistical model of the Completely Randomized Block Design was used, which consisted of 3 blocks and 5 treatments that were T1 with 0, T2 with 4, T3 with 6, T4 with 8 and T5 with 10 t/ha of compost based on vegetable residues, and the doses were applied 14 days after sowing. Physical characteristics (total plant length, plant weight, bulb equatorial diameter and marketable yield), nutrient concentrations (nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, molybdenum, iron, manganese, copper, zinc, boron, chlorides and sodium) in leaves and stomata density were evaluated. The results determined that T5 stood out in total plant length with 28.07 cm, plant weight with 75 g, bulb equatorial diameter with 4.52 cm and commercial yield with 22.53 t/ha. In the total contribution of nitrogen in relation to yield with 300.44 kg/ha. Profitability with 186.8%. Quantification of stomata per treatment with 598 stomata/mm2 and concentration of nutrients in leaves at T3 with nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium. It concludes that T5, which has an adequate concentration of nutrients in leaves such as magnesium, manganese, zinc and stomata density of 598 stomata/mm2 influenced optimal biochemical reactions that resulted in the highest yield with 22.53 t/ha, differing by 31.38% in relation to T1.

Compostagem , Fertilizantes , Raphanus , Raphanus/química , Raphanus/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Fertilizantes/análise , Solo/química
Chemosphere ; 365: 143264, 2024 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39236926


The aim of this study was to formulate novel biomixtures with the ability to dissipate globally used pesticides. For this, an effective stabilization of two wastes, poultry litter and activated sewage sludge, was achieved through a combination of composting and vermicomposting, with the aid of the earthworm Eisenia fetida. Hence, two different mixtures were prepared combining the wastes with and without the addition of sewage sludge, and their physicochemical and microbiological characterization was examined during both processes. Earthworms reproduction was promoted by more than fourteen times the initial number of individuals introduced. This step made it possible to obtain substrates rich in organic matter, stable and non-pathogenic. The resulting vermicomposted substrates (V-C1 and V-C2) were used to produce two different biomixtures with wheat stubble (WS) and soil (S): SWSV-C1 and SWSV-C2, and they were tested for the remediation of a solution of five pesticides (2,4-D, cypermethrin, imidacloprid, acetochlor and dimethoate) in a 119-days assay. Comparisons were made with a WS-only biomixture (SWS) and a soil control. All biomixtures were more successful in dissipating the pesticides than soil; 2,4-D, dimethoate, and acetochlor degradation reached more than 99% in the three biomixtures after 28-56 days of assay. Biomixtures containing either vermicomposts acted faster than SWS, particularly for 2,4-D, dimethoate and cypermethrin. The total microbial activity was found to be higher in the two biomixtures containing vermicompost, which can be linked to their enhanced performance in the degradation of pesticides. Although the germination of Lactuca sativa proved that neither of the three spent biomixtures were phytotoxic at the end (germination index >60%), only SWSV-C1 and SWSV-C2 proved to be safe for the survival of E. fetida. This work confirms that vermicompost improves the success of biomixtures, not only in terms of pesticide removal, but also providing non-toxic spent biomixtures.

Compostagem , Oligoquetos , Praguicidas , Aves Domésticas , Esgotos , Poluentes Químicos da Água , Animais , Esgotos/química , Esgotos/microbiologia , Biodegradação Ambiental , Solo/química , Recuperação e Remediação Ambiental/métodos
Environ Monit Assess ; 196(9): 863, 2024 Aug 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39212815


Organic composts such as "bokashi", obtained from the fermentation of bran mixtures and inoculated with microorganisms, improve soil characteristics. In Brazil, the most widely used formulation for the production of this compost is obtained from a mixture of wheat and castor bean bran, but both have a high monetary cost. Replacing these components with regionally available sources represents the possibility of reducing costs and making more sustainable use of this waste. The aim of this study was to analyze the chemical characteristics and determine the availability of nitrogen for the plants. The study was divided into two stages, consisting of an incubation test in the laboratory and a bioassay in the greenhouse using forage sorghum as an indicator species. In the laboratory trial, the treatments consisted of two raw material sources with a low C/N ratio (castor bean bran-CAB and cottonseed bran-COB), corresponding to 40% of the mixture; three sources with a high C/N ratio (wheat bran-WHB or rice bran-RIB), gradually replaced by passion fruit peel bran-PFPB), corresponding to 60% of the mixture. The materials were mixed, moistened, inoculated with microorganisms (Embiotic®) and kept in sealed containers with a capacity of 620 cm3 for 21 days. In the greenhouse, in addition to the aforementioned treatments, seven controls were included: no addition of organic and synthetic N sources; ammonium nitrate; CAB; COB; WHB; RIB and PFPB. In the second stage, dry mass production and N content in sorghum plant tissues were determined, and the rates of N availability were estimated. It was found that the pH of the standard compost was 4.75, and in the other formulations it ranged from 4.62 to 5.3, the highest values being observed when WHB was fully replaced by RIB There was a significant difference in the EC values, but all were well below the value considered adequate. Replacing CAB with COB and WHB with RIB and PFPB resulted in a reduction in N content and an increase in the C:N ratio. Replacing WHB with PFPB led to an increase in K content and a reduction in P and Mg content. In the bioassay, the highest biomass production was in the treatments with the fermented composts, and the highest biological recovery of N was obtained in the ammonium nitrate treatment, followed by the CAB, COB and WHB treatments.

Agricultura , Compostagem , Resíduos Industriais , Brasil , Agricultura/métodos , Fermentação , Solo/química , Nitrogênio/análise , Sorghum
J Environ Manage ; 368: 122174, 2024 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39151339


The aim of this work was to stabilize excess sludge (ES) coming from a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) by vermistabilization and to evaluate ecotoxicological effects over the earthworm species Eisenia fetida. Three mixtures were made up in triplicate using different volume ratios of ES and soil (S) (100% ES, 70:30% ES:S and 30:70% ES:S in wet weight basis). Earthworms were added in order to compare vermicomposting vs. natural stabilization. The mixtures were monitored over 130 days through physical, chemical, pathological and biological analysis, following quality standards depicted in the US EPA 40 CFR Part 503, local regulations and background studies. Histopathological samples were processed as biomarkers of acute and chronic toxicity on earthworms, and germination assays were performed at the end of the experiment to assess phytotoxicity. In terms of pathogen depletion comparing initial and final values from each treatment, the mixtures with higher ES proportions (70 and 100%) with earthworms were the most efficient ones registering 64.8 and 75.5% of reduction of fecal coliforms (FC) respectively, while the lowest ES proportion with earthworms (30%) showed 54.7%. Final pathogens content in all the treatments with earthworms were significantly lower (ranged from 1360 to 1760 MPN g total solids-1) than the values registered in treatments without earthworms (ranged from 2400 to 4000 MPN g total solids-1) (p < 0.05). However, none of the treatments attained class A categorization (FC ≤ 1000 MPN g total solids-1) in terms of FC. Also, values of mean cocoon production and hatched juveniles along time were significantly higher in the treatments with 100 and 70% ES (p < 0.05), while the higher mean adult biomass was detected in the treatment with 30% ES. Volatile solids decrease ranged between 8.45 and 22.34% in treatments with earthworms and all values of specific oxygen uptake rate were below 1.5 mg O2 h -1 g total solids -1. There were not negative effects over behavior or reproduction of E. fetida adults, nor the presence of external and internal injuries. Final products from mixtures with earthworms presented a humus-like structure, were odorless and reached maturity values -presenting no phytotoxicity-with significant differences between germination index values of treatments with and without earthworms (p < 0.05). Vermistabilization is a successful eco-technology to sanitize excess sludge, acquiring an added-value material and contributing to its revalorization as organic amendments or fertilizers in soils within the circular economy framework and the United Nations' Sustainability Development Goals.

Oligoquetos , Esgotos , Animais , Oligoquetos/efeitos dos fármacos , Compostagem , Solo/química
Water Sci Technol ; 89(12): 3237-3251, 2024 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39150423


Low-income tropical regions, such as Haiti, grapple with environmental issues stemming from inadequate sanitation infrastructure for fecal sludge management. This study scrutinizes on-site sanitation systems in these regions, evaluating their environmental impacts and pinpointing improvement opportunities. The focus is specifically on systems integrating excreta valorization through composting and/or anaerobic digestion. Each system encompasses toilet access, evacuation, and sludge treatment. A comparative life cycle assessment was undertaken, with the functional unit managing one ton of excreta in Haiti over a year. Six scenarios representing autonomous sanitation systems were devised by combining three toilet types (container-based toilets (CBTs), ventilated improved pit (VIP) latrines, and flush toilets (WC)) with two sludge treatment processes (composting and biomethanization). Biodigester-based systems exhibited 1.05 times higher sanitary impacts and 1.03 times higher ecosystem impacts than those with composters. Among toilet types, CBTs had the lowest impacts, followed by VIP latrines, with WCs having the highest impacts. On average, WC scenarios were 3.85 times more impactful than VIP latrines and 4.04 times more impactful than those with CBTs regarding human health impact. Critical variables identified include the use of toilet paper, wood shavings, greenhouse gas emissions, and construction materials.

Compostagem , Banheiros , Compostagem/métodos , Haiti , Fezes/química , Esgotos , Clima Tropical , Saneamento , Humanos , Países em Desenvolvimento
Waste Manag ; 185: 55-63, 2024 Jul 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38843757


Composted materials serve as an effective soil nutrient amendment. Organic matter in compost plays an important role in quantifying composted materials overall quality and nutrient content. Measuring organic matter content traditionally takes considerable time, resources, and various laboratory equipment (e.g., oven, muffle furnace, crucibles, precision balance). Much like the quantitative color indices (e.g., sRGB R, sRGB G, sRGB B, CIEL*a* b*) derived from the low-cost NixPro2 color sensor have proven adept at predicting soil organic matter in-situ, the NixPro2 color sensor has the potential to be effective for predicting organic matter in composted materials without the need for traditional laboratory methods. In this study, a total of 200 compost samples (13 different compost types) were measured for organic matter content via traditional loss-on-ignition (LOI) and via the NixPro2 color sensor. The NixPro2 color sensor showed promising results with an LOI-prediction model utilizing the CIEL*a* b* color model through the application of the Generalized Additive Model (GAM) algorithm yielding an excellent prediction accuracy (validation R2 = 0.87, validation RMSE = 4.66 %). Moreover, the PCA scoreplot differentiated the three lowest organic matter compost types from the remaining 10 compost types. These results have valuable practical significance for the compost industry by predicting compost organic matter in real time without the need for laborious, time-consuming methods.

Cor , Compostagem , Solo , Compostagem/métodos , Solo/química
Waste Manag ; 186: 153-165, 2024 Sep 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38905905


Population growth has driven an increased demand for solid construction materials, leading to higher amounts of construction and demolition waste (C&DW). Efficient strategies to manage this waste include reduction, reuse, and recycling. Technosols-soils engineered from recycled waste-can potentially help with environmental challenges. However, there is a critical need to explore the potential of Technosols constructed with C&DW for land reclamation, through the growth of native vegetation. The objective of this study was to investigate this potential by studying two Brazilian native tree species (Guazuma ulmifolia and Piptadenia gonoacantha). Technosols were created using C&DW, with and without organic compost and a liquid biofertilizer. A soil health index (SHI) was applied to evaluate the soil quality regarding physical, chemical, and biological indicators of Technosols compared to a control soil (Ferralsol). The results showed that P. gonoacantha plants presented the same height and total biomass in all treatments, while G. ulmifolia plants exhibited greater height and total biomass when grown in Technosols. The enhanced plant development in the Technosols was primarily associated with higher cation exchangeable capacity and nutrients concentration in plant tissues. Technosols with added compost provided higher fertility and total organic carbon. Additionally, Technosols presented higher SHI (∼0.68) compared to control (∼0.38) for both studied species. Our experiment reveals that construction and demolition waste (C&DW) have significant potential to form healthy Technosols capable of supporting the growth of native Brazilian trees. This approach offers a promising alternative for addressing C&DW disposal challenges while serving as a nature-based solution for land reclamation.

Materiais de Construção , Reciclagem , Solo , Solo/química , Reciclagem/métodos , Brasil , Compostagem/métodos , Biomassa , Gerenciamento de Resíduos/métodos , Árvores , Resíduos Industriais
An Acad Bras Cienc ; 96(3): e20221063, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38865506


This study evaluated the influence of milk production, number of lactations, and days in milk (DIM) on the quality and composition of milk from dairy cows housed in a compost barn (CB) system. The study was carried out using a six-year database, counting 31,268 observations from 2,037 cows of European breeds. Multiparous cows showed higher fat and protein production. Lactose showed high levels for primiparous and the initial stage of lactation (4.65%) and was negatively influenced by somatic cell count (SCC). Milk urea nitrogen was higher (14.01%) from 106 to 205 days in milk, and the other components were higher at >305 days. Therefore, the solids content was higher in the first and second lactations due to the high contents of lactose, fat, and milk protein, but lactose was reduced over lactations. In contrast, high DIM increased SCC and concentrated solids due to lower milk production. The effect of milk production, stage, and lactation order on the composition and milk quality of herds housed in CB showed the same pattern as in other production systems.

Indústria de Laticínios , Lactação , Leite , Animais , Lactação/fisiologia , Leite/química , Leite/citologia , Feminino , Bovinos , Indústria de Laticínios/métodos , Compostagem , Lactose/análise , Fatores de Tempo , Proteínas do Leite/análise
Environ Sci Pollut Res Int ; 31(23): 33924-33941, 2024 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38691289


With the expansion of organic agriculture, research is needed to indicate economically and ecologically viable fertilizer options, especially in semiarid regions, with low soil organic matter and nitrogen content. In the Brazilian semiarid region, vermicomposts are widely used by farmers and are scientifically investigated; however, there is no information for millicompost, a new type of organic compound that has shown very promising results in other regions. Thus, this study aimed to analyze the decomposition rate, nutrient release, and microstructure evaluation of vermicomposts from different sources and of millicompost produced from plant residues, with the application of mineral nitrogen-urea and organo-mineral fertilizer in the Brazilian semiarid region. The experimental design was a randomized block in a 4 × 3 factorial scheme, with four replicates; four organic composts (millicompost, commercial vermicompost, vermicompost from bovine manure, vermicompost from goat manure); and three types of fertilization (without fertilizer, with mineral-urea and organo-mineral fertilizer). The organic composts were decomposed using litterbags at the soil surface. The variable's decomposition rate and the nutrient release were evaluated at six-time intervals (0, 30, 60, 90, 120, and 150 days), and microstructure was evaluated at the beginning and the end of the experiment, with scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The highest decomposition was verified for commercial vermicompost rich in macro and micronutrients and with lower P contents. The lignin:N ratio and the initial P content were more important in the permanence of the organic compost in the field than the C:N ratio. Regardless of the organic composts, the use of urea as a mineral fertilizer stimulated decomposition more than the organo-mineral fertilizer. The initial composition of the nutrients was decisive in the dynamics of nutrient release, mass loss, and decomposition of C. There was no pattern in the release order of macronutrients. However, for the micronutrients, the release order was Cu > Fe > Mn, in all treatments. Microstructure analysis is a visual analysis where differences are detected through microphotographs and the biggest difference occurred with millicompost, which showed elongated fibers and fiber bundles, forming a relatively open structure characteristic of the presence of fulvic acid. However, the addition of organo-mineral fertilizer formed agglomerates in compacted micro-portions, helping the mineralization of C and N.

Agricultura , Fertilizantes , Nitrogênio , Solo , Solo/química , Compostagem , Animais , Brasil , Esterco , Nutrientes
Environ Sci Pollut Res Int ; 31(24): 35727-35743, 2024 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38740679


The use of lignocellulosic residues, originating from sawdust, in composting sewage sludge for organic fertilizer production, is a practice of growing interest. However, few studies have explored the effect of the proportion of sawdust and sewage sludge raw materials on composting performance in the humification process. This study assessed the addition of sawdust in the sewage sludge composting process, regarding carbon content, presence of heavy metals, and humification of the organic compost. The experimental design employed was a randomized complete block design with five treatments featuring different proportions of organic residues to achieve C/N ratios between 30-1 (T1: 100% sewage sludge and 0% sawdust, T2: 86% sewage sludge and 14.0% sawdust, T3: 67% sewage sludge and 33% sawdust, T4: 55% sewage sludge and 45% sawdust, and T5: 46.5% sewage sludge and 53.5% sawdust) and five replications, totaling 25 experimental units. The addition of lignocellulosic residue in sewage sludge composting increased the levels of TOC and the C/N ratio, reduced the levels of pH, P, N, Na, Ba, and Cr, and did not interfere with the levels of K, Ca, Mg, S, CEC, labile carbon, and metals Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn, Ni, and Pb. The increase in the proportion of sawdust residue favored the degradation of aliphatic groups, increasing the presence of aromatic structures and reducing humification at the end of composting. The use of sawdust as a lignocellulosic residue in sewage sludge composting is a viable and efficient alternative to produce high-quality organomineral fertilizers.

Compostagem , Metais Pesados , Esgotos , Esgotos/química , Metais Pesados/análise , Lignina/química , Espectroscopia de Infravermelho com Transformada de Fourier , Fertilizantes , Metais/química
Environ Sci Pollut Res Int ; 31(23): 34258-34270, 2024 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38700772


The impact of adding biogas waste (BW) to green waste (GW) composting to increase nitrogen supplementation and improve mature compost quality was investigated. Conducted over 90 days using static windrows, the experiment compared treatments with GW alone (T1) and GW supplemented with BW (T2 and T3). The results showed that the addition of BW increased temperatures, improved the C/N ratio, and expedited the stabilization process compared to T1. Furthermore, the addition of BW led to significant degradation of hemicellulose (up to 39.98%) and cellulose (up to 27.63%) compared to GW alone. Analysis of Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectra revealed the presence of aromatic, phenolic, aliphatic, and polysaccharide structures in the compost, with BW supplementation enhancing these characteristics. Importantly, the germination index (GI) assessment indicated that the compounds produced were not toxic and instead exhibited stimulatory effects on seed germination. Overall, the findings suggest that supplementing GW composting with BW can enhance the quality and efficacy of the composting process, resulting in compost with desirable properties for agricultural use.

Biocombustíveis , Compostagem , Germinação/efeitos dos fármacos , Solo/química
J Environ Sci Health B ; 59(4): 131-141, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38314812


Small slaughterhouses generate biowaste, which for economic reasons, is generally destined for composting. Inoculating appropriate microorganisms can improve biodegradation efficiency and mitigate odor generation during the composting process and can give rise to composts with neutral or pleasant odors. Therefore, the aim of this study was to compare the odor intensity reduction of compost generated with and without a formulated inoculum (Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Bacillus subtilis, and Rhodopseudomonas palustris). A set of experimental data was collected and analyzed according to the German "Verein Deutscher Ingenieure" odor protocol. The results showed that adding microorganisms was effective in reducing unpleasant odors in all three composts generated from swine, cattle, and poultry slaughterhouse by-products during both summer and winter seasons. Additionally, soil odor was predominant in composts that were inoculated in the two tested seasons (i.e., summer and winter). On the other hand, composts without inoculation had odors similar to peat for swine compost, ammonia for cattle compost, and manure for poultry compost, regardless of the season tested. Overall, composting process with appropriate inoculum can help in the correct disposal of slaughterhouse wastes by transforming organic matter into composts, which can have economic and environmental value as a soil conditioner and/or fertilizer.

Compostagem , Animais , Bovinos , Suínos , Matadouros , Odorantes/prevenção & controle , Solo , Biodegradação Ambiental , Esterco
Lett Appl Microbiol ; 77(3)2024 Mar 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38409949


Equine farming generates a significant amount of waste, prompting the need for effective management. Composting enhanced by filamentous fungi holds promise for this purpose. This study focused on inoculating Aspergillus fumigatus isolates in composting horse bedding made with wood shavings (Pinus elliottii). The experiment lasted 90 days, with two treatment groups, control and inoculated, analyzing temperature, pH, electrical conductivity, total organic carbon and nitrogen content, and cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin contents. Both treatments entered the thermophilic phase by the fourth day, reaching temperatures above 55°C and mesophilic maturation at 35 days (41 ± 0.2°C). The inoculated treatment exhibited higher electrical conductivity after 30 days and a more pronounced reduction in the total carbon content (42.85% vs. 38.29%) compared to the control. While there was no significant nitrogen difference, the inoculated treatment had a sharper reduction in carbon/nitrogen ratio, and cellulose and hemicellulose contents. Both treatments showed low coliform counts, no Salmonella sp., and reduced Strongyloides sp. larvae. Inoculating A. fumigatus in saturated horse bedding made from wood shavings improved compost quality, providing a possibility for sustainable equine farming waste treatment.

Compostagem , Cavalos , Animais , Madeira/química , Aspergillus fumigatus , Solo , Celulose , Nitrogênio/análise , Carbono
Braz J Biol ; 84: e280008, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38422300


Mining environmental liabilities generate environmental pollution. The objective of the present study was to determine the yield of white clover (Trifolium repens) and orchard grass (Dactylis glomerata) cultivated in mining environmental passives adding black earth and compost as a substrate in the Buenaventura Julcani Huancavelica Company. The treatments were the combinations: 4: 3.1: 3.1: 3:1.1 kg of RP: RP, TN: RP, C: RP, TN, C respectively. They were distributed in four treatments with twelve experimental units for each species of leguminous and gramineous grass, we worked according to the completely randomized design (DCA) with a 2 x 4 factorial arrangement, the experimental unit being a treatment with twelve repetitions. The variables evaluated were: germination percentage (TG) and stem survival percentage (TST). For the statistical analysis, the SPSS software was used.

Compostagem , Trifolium , Dactylis , Medicago , Distribuição Aleatória