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Ageing Res Rev ; 101: 102524, 2024 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39369797


Aging is a multifaceted biological process characterized by progressive molecular and cellular damage accumulation. The brain hippocampus undergoes functional deterioration with age, caused by cellular deficits, decreased synaptic communication, and neuronal death, ultimately leading to memory impairment. One of the factors contributing to this dysfunction is the loss of mitochondrial function. In neurons, mitochondria are categorized into synaptic and non-synaptic pools based on their location. Synaptic mitochondria, situated at the synapses, play a crucial role in maintaining neuronal function and synaptic plasticity, whereas non-synaptic mitochondria are distributed throughout other neuronal compartments, supporting overall cellular metabolism and energy supply. The proper function of synaptic mitochondria is essential for synaptic transmission as they provide the energy required and regulate calcium homeostasis at the communication sites between neurons. Maintaining the structure and functionality of synaptic mitochondria involves intricate processes, including mitochondrial dynamics such as fission, fusion, transport, and quality control mechanisms. These processes ensure that mitochondria remain functional, replace damaged organelles, and sustain cellular homeostasis at synapses. Notably, deficiencies in these mechanisms have been increasingly associated with aging and the onset of age-related neurodegenerative diseases. Synaptic mitochondria from the hippocampus are particularly vulnerable to age-related changes, including alterations in morphology and a decline in functionality, which significantly contribute to decreased synaptic activity during aging. This review comprehensively explores the critical roles that mitochondrial dynamics and quality control mechanisms play in preserving synaptic activity and neuronal function. It emphasizes the emerging evidence linking the deterioration of synaptic mitochondria to the aging process and the development of neurodegenerative diseases, highlighting the importance of these organelles from hippocampal neurons as potential therapeutic targets for mitigating cognitive decline and synaptic degeneration associated with aging. The novelty of this review lies in its focus on the unique vulnerability of hippocampal synaptic mitochondria to aging, underscoring their importance in maintaining brain function across the lifespan.

Envelhecimento , Hipocampo , Mitocôndrias , Sinapses , Humanos , Hipocampo/fisiologia , Hipocampo/metabolismo , Mitocôndrias/metabolismo , Envelhecimento/fisiologia , Envelhecimento/metabolismo , Sinapses/fisiologia , Sinapses/metabolismo , Animais
Mech Ageing Dev ; 222: 111997, 2024 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39396681


Osteosarcopenia is a major driver of functional loss and a risk factor for falls, fractures, disability and mortality in older adults, urgently requiring the development of effective interventions to address it. The hallmarks of aging provide a theoretical and practical framework that allows for the structured organization of current knowledge and the planning of new development lines. This article comprehensively reviews the currently available literature on the role of the hallmarks of aging in the development of osteosarcopenia, thereby offering a panoramic view of the state of the art and knowledge gaps in this field.

Envelhecimento , Sarcopenia , Humanos , Envelhecimento/fisiologia , Envelhecimento/metabolismo , Sarcopenia/metabolismo , Animais , Idoso
Pharmacol Res Perspect ; 12(5): e70019, 2024 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39400516


Sarcopenia is characterized by a decline in muscle strength, generalized loss of skeletal muscle mass, and impaired physical performance, which are common outcomes used to screen, diagnose, and determine severity of sarcopenia in older adults. These outcomes are associated with poor quality of life, increased risk of falls, hospitalization, and mortality in this population. The development of sarcopenia is underpinned by aging, but other factors can lead to sarcopenia, such as chronic diseases, physical inactivity, inadequate dietary energy intake, and reduced protein intake (nutrition-related sarcopenia), leading to an imbalance between muscle protein synthesis and muscle protein breakdown. Protein digestion and absorption are also modified with age, as well as the reduced capacity of metabolizing protein, hindering older adults from achieving ideal protein consumption (i.e., 1-1.5 g/kg/day). Nutritional supplement strategies, like animal (i.e., whey protein) and plant-based protein, leucine, and creatine have been shown to play a significant role in improving outcomes related to sarcopenia. However, the impact of other supplements (e.g., branched-chain amino acids, isolated amino acids, and omega-3) on sarcopenia and related outcomes remain unclear. This narrative review will discuss the evidence of the impact of these nutritional strategies on sarcopenia outcomes in older adults.

Suplementos Nutricionais , Sarcopenia , Humanos , Sarcopenia/dietoterapia , Sarcopenia/prevenção & controle , Sarcopenia/metabolismo , Idoso , Músculo Esquelético/metabolismo , Envelhecimento/fisiologia , Proteínas Alimentares/administração & dosagem , Força Muscular , Qualidade de Vida , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Proteínas Musculares/metabolismo
Nursing (Ed. bras., Impr.) ; 28(316): 10174-10180, out.2024. tab
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermagem | ID: biblio-1579830


Identificar a prevalência e os fatores associados com a fragilidade em idosos de duas Unidades Básicas de Saúde do Município de Caxias do Sul. Metodologia: trata-se de um estudo transversal com abordagem quantitativa, realizado com dados de 87 prontuários de pacientes avaliados com o Índice de Vulnerabilidade Clínico Funcional. O projeto de pesquisa foi aprovado por comitê de ética em pesquisa sob o parecer de número 6.789.325 e CAAE 77863824.7.0000.5341.Resultado: 23% dos idosos eram robustos, 23% pré frágeis e 54% frágeis e os fatores que se associaram a fragilidade após análise múltipla foram ter deixado de fazer pequenos trabalhos domésticos (RP=1,61 IC 95% = 1,70-2,21), ter cinco ou mais doenças crônicas (RP=1,72 IC 95% =1,27-2,32) e ter perdido o interesse ou prazer em atividades anteriormente prazerosas (RP=1,86 IC 95% 1,23- 2,82). Pertencer a faixa etária entre 75 a 84 anos se associou como fator de proteção para fragilidade (RP=0,56 IC 95%=0,37-0,85). Conclusão: o reconhecimento precoce do idoso frágil amplia a compreensão dos atuais desafios do envelhecimento para a saúde pública.(AU)

To identify the prevalence and factors associated with frailty in elderly people from two Basic Health Units in the city of Caxias do Sul. Methodology: this is a cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach, carried out with data from 87 medical records of patients evaluated with the Functional Clinical Vulnerability Index. The research project was approved by the research ethics committee under opinion number 6,789,325 and CAAE 77863824.7.0000.5341. Result: 23% of the elderly were robust, 23% pre-frail and 54% frail and the factors that were associated with frailty after multiple analysis were having stopped doing small housework (PR = 1.61 95% CI = 1.70-2.21), having five or more chronic diseases (PR = 1.72 95% CI = 1.27 -2.32) and having lost interest or pleasure in previously pleasurable activities (PR = 1.86 95% CI 1.23- 2.82). Belonging to the age group between 75 and 84 years is associated as a protective factor for frailty (PR = 0.56 95% CI = 0.37-0.85). Conclusion: early recognition of frail elderly individuals broadens our understanding of the current challenges of aging for public health.(AU)

Identificar la prevalencia y los factores asociados a la fragilidad en ancianos de dos Unidades Básicas de Salud del Municipio de Caxias do Sul. Metodología: se trata de un estudio transversal, con abordaje cuantitativo, realizado con datos de 87 prontuarios. de pacientes evaluados con el Índice de Vulnerabilidad Clínica Funcional. El proyecto de investigación fue aprobado por el comité de ética en investigación bajo dictamen número 6.789.325 y CAAE 77863824.7.0000.5341 Resultado: el 23% de los ancianos eran robustos, el 23% prefrágiles y el 54% frágiles y los factores asociados a la fragilidad después de múltiples análisis estaban teniendo. dejado de realizar pequeñas tareas domésticas (RP=1,61 IC 95% = 1,70-2,21), tener cinco o más enfermedades crónicas (RP=1,72 IC 95% =1,27 -2,32) y haber perdido interés o placer en actividades previamente placenteras (RP= 1,86 IC 95% 1,23- 2,82). Estar en el grupo de edad entre 75 y 84 años se asocia con un factor protector para la fragilidad (RP=0,56 IC 95%=0,37-0,85). Conclusión: el reconocimiento temprano de las personas mayores frágiles amplía la comprensión de los desafíos actuales del envejecimiento para la salud pública.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Envelhecimento/fisiologia , Idoso Fragilizado , Centros de Saúde , Prontuários Médicos , Estudos Transversais/métodos , Fatores Etários
Syst Rev ; 13(1): 234, 2024 Sep 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39277764


BACKGROUND: Cardiovascular diseases remain a leading global cause of mortality worldwide especially in older adults. Although it is known that regular exercise reduces cardiovascular diseases incidence, its effects on specific cardiovascular aging parameters considering the influence of sex and different exercise designs are still not fully understood. Therefore, this systematic review and meta-analysis aims to evaluate the effects of different physical exercise protocols on age-related cardiovascular outcomes in older adults. METHODS: This systematic review and meta-analysis will be reported in agreement with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement. Articles will be eligible if they are randomized controlled trials with a primary objective of evaluating the chronic effects of exercise interventions on cardiovascular aging parameters. Search strategy will be performed from the inception to September 30th, 2023, in the following electronic databases: MEDLINE (Ovid), SCOPUS (Elsevier), Embase, Sport Discus (EBSCO), Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), and Web of Science Core Collection (Clarivate Analytics). Data will be extracted and managed through Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) software. The Tool for the assEssment of Study qualiTy and reporting in EXercise (TESTEX) will be used to assess the methodological quality of included studies. Additionally, the quality of the findings will be evaluated using the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) profiler. Meta-analysis based on the random-effects model will be performed (if deemed suitable, considering the methodological and clinical heterogeneity of the studies) to estimate the effects of exercise training on cardiovascular aging variables (i.e., cardiac output; arterial stiffness; stroke volume; endothelial function; and carotid intima-media thickness). Heterogeneity will be assessed with the I2 statistics, while the publication bias will be assessed based on Egger's test. DISCUSSION: To the best of our knowledge, this will be the first systematic review and meta-analysis to investigate the impact of sex and training protocols on the cardiovascular aging parameters. Moreover, the findings of this systematic review and meta-analysis will provide evidence for health professionals in the management of elderly patients in order to optimize the exercise prescription to face the cardiovascular alterations related to the aging process, considering the effects of different protocols according to sex. SYSTEMATIC REVIEW REGISTRATION: PROSPERO CRD42023441015 .

Envelhecimento , Doenças Cardiovasculares , Exercício Físico , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Envelhecimento/fisiologia , Doenças Cardiovasculares/fisiopatologia , Doenças Cardiovasculares/prevenção & controle , Exercício Físico/fisiologia , Metanálise como Assunto , Ensaios Clínicos Controlados Aleatórios como Assunto , Fatores Sexuais , Revisões Sistemáticas como Assunto
Adv Neurobiol ; 37: 379-395, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39207703


Aging is the greatest risk factor for neurodegenerative diseases. Microglia are the resident immune cells in the central nervous system (CNS), playing key roles in its normal functioning, and as mediators for age-dependent changes of the CNS, condition at which they generate a hostile environment for neurons. Transforming Growth Factor ß1 (TGFß1) is a regulatory cytokine involved in immuneregulation and neuroprotection, affecting glial cell inflammatory activation, neuronal survival, and function. TGFß1 signaling undergoes age-dependent changes affecting the regulation of microglial cells and can contribute to the pathophysiology of neurodegenerative diseases. This chapter focuses on assessing the role of age-related changes on the regulation of microglial cells and their impact on neuroinflammation and neuronal function, for understanding age-dependent changes of the nervous system.

Envelhecimento , Microglia , Doenças Neuroinflamatórias , Microglia/metabolismo , Humanos , Envelhecimento/metabolismo , Envelhecimento/fisiologia , Animais , Doenças Neuroinflamatórias/imunologia , Doenças Neuroinflamatórias/metabolismo , Doenças Neurodegenerativas/metabolismo , Fator de Crescimento Transformador beta1/metabolismo , Sistema Nervoso Central/metabolismo , Neurônios/metabolismo , Transdução de Sinais
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39200684


Regular physical exercise has proven to be an effective strategy for enhancing the health and well-being of older adults. However, there are still gaps in our understanding of the impacts of exercise on older adults with different health conditions, as well as in the customization of training programs according to individual capabilities. This study aimed to analyze the variables that influence the response of physical capabilities in older adults, considering their development over the aging process, with the goal of assisting professionals in creating personalized training programs. To achieve this, we conducted a cohort study involving 562 previously inactive adults and older adults who underwent anthropometric assessments, blood pressure measurements, and comprehensive physical tests. These assessments were conducted before and after a 14-week training program. Results indicated no significant variations in variables such as waist circumference (p = 0.0455, effect size = 0.10), body mass index (p = 0.0215, effect size = 0.15), systolic (p < 0.0001, effect size = 0.35) and diastolic blood pressure (p < 0.0001, effect size = 0.25) pre- and post-intervention. Strength tests, agility, the 6 min walk test (6MWT), and the back scratch test (BS) showed significant improvements post-intervention, with p-values all below 0.0001 and effect sizes ranging from 0.30 to 0.50. Multiple linear regression analyses revealed that lower initial values in physical capabilities were associated with more significant improvements during training (R2 = 0.73, p < 0.001). These results underscore that individualized guidance in training can lead to clinically meaningful improvements in physical performance and health among older adults, with effect sizes indicating moderate-to-large benefits (effect size range = 0.30 to 0.50). Therefore, personalized training programs are essential to maximize health benefits in this population.

Aptidão Física , Humanos , Idoso , Masculino , Feminino , Aptidão Física/fisiologia , Estudos de Coortes , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Exercício Físico , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Pressão Sanguínea , Índice de Massa Corporal , Envelhecimento/fisiologia
Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord ; 38(3): 249-256, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39093842


OBJECTIVE: It is estimated that 2% of dementia cases worldwide could be prevented with increases in physical activity. However, there is little evidence of the association between vigorous physical activity (VPA) and cognitive performance. This study aimed to investigate the association of moderate physical activity (MPA) and VPA with cognitive performance in older adults from the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Aging (ELSI-Brasil). PATIENTS AND METHODS: Data from 7954 participants were analyzed. Mean age was 61.8 ± 9.2 years, 61.8% were women, and 44.3% were mixed races. Cognitive performance evaluated the memory, temporal orientation, and verbal fluency domains. A global composite z-score was derived from the tests. Physical activity was assessed by self-report. We used linear regression models to verify the association of MPA and VPA with cognitive performance. RESULTS: Compared with participants who did not meet the guidelines for MPA (<150 min/wk), those who met the guidelines (150 to 299 min/wk) and those who performed more than 2x the recommended amount of MPA (300 min or more/wk) had better global cognitive performance (ß = 0.163, 95% CI = 0.086, 0.241; P < 0.001; ß = 0.180, 95% CI = 0.107, 0.253, P < 0.001, respectively). We found no association between VPA and cognitive performance. CONCLUSION: There was no additional benefit of VPA for cognitive performance.

Cognição , Exercício Físico , Humanos , Feminino , Masculino , Brasil , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Cognição/fisiologia , Estudos Longitudinais , Idoso , Testes Neuropsicológicos/estatística & dados numéricos , Envelhecimento/psicologia , Envelhecimento/fisiologia
J Neurosci Res ; 102(8): e25373, 2024 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39101281


The master control of mammalian circadian rhythms is the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), which is formed by the ventral and dorsal regions. In SCN neurons, GABA has an important function and even excitatory actions in adulthood. However, the physiological role of this neurotransmitter in the developing SCN is unknown. Here, we recorded GABAergic postsynaptic currents (in the perforated-patch configuration using gramicidin) to determine the chloride reversal potential (ECl) and also assessed the immunological expression of the Na-K-Cl cotransporter 1 (NKCC1) at early ages of the rat (postnatal days (P) 3 to 25), during the day and night, in the two SCN regions. We detected that ECl greatly varied with age and depending on the SCN region and time of day. Broadly speaking, ECl was more hyperpolarized with age, except for the oldest age studied (P20-25) in both day and night in the ventral SCN, where it was less negative. Likewise, ECl was more hyperpolarized in the dorsal SCN both during the day and at night; while ECl was more negative at night both in the ventral and the dorsal SCN. Moreover, the total NKCC1 fluorescent expression was higher during the day than at night. These results imply that NKCC1 regulates the circadian and developmental fluctuations in the [Cl-]i to fine-tune ECl, which is crucial for either excitatory or inhibitory GABAergic actions to occur in the SCN.

Cloretos , Ritmo Circadiano , Membro 2 da Família 12 de Carreador de Soluto , Núcleo Supraquiasmático , Animais , Núcleo Supraquiasmático/metabolismo , Ritmo Circadiano/fisiologia , Ratos , Membro 2 da Família 12 de Carreador de Soluto/metabolismo , Masculino , Cloretos/metabolismo , Ácido gama-Aminobutírico/metabolismo , Ratos Wistar , Técnicas de Patch-Clamp , Envelhecimento/fisiologia
Curr HIV Res ; 22(4): 213-218, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39113304


HIV infection is a worldwide epidemic. Antiretroviral therapy allows people living with HIV (PLHIV) increased longevity and a better quality of life. Among the various ways of monitoring the clinical evolution of PLHIV, handgrip strength (HGS) is a promising strategy, as this test can be used to assess the health condition quickly and at a low cost. In this sense, the present study aims to describe, through a literature review, the relationship between HGS and the clinical evolution of PLHIV, especially with morbimortality. Initially, it is highlighted that aging, HIV infection, and excess body fat are related to the loss of HGS in PLHIV. Furthermore, PLHIV is more likely to present cardiometabolic diseases that can be aggravated by reduced HGS. Thus, in people without positive HIV serology, low HGS indirectly, through the presence of risk factors or cardiometabolic diseases, or directly increases the chance of mortality. In conclusion, the lack of studies on this topic for PLHIV is highlighted, and more longitudinal studies, including control groups, are needed.

Infecções por HIV , Força da Mão , Humanos , Infecções por HIV/fisiopatologia , Infecções por HIV/complicações , Infecções por HIV/tratamento farmacológico , Força da Mão/fisiologia , Qualidade de Vida , Envelhecimento/fisiologia
Codas ; 36(5): e20230016, 2024.
Artigo em Português, Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39166599


PURPOSE: Propose and verify the efficiency of myofunctional intervention program to attenuate facial aging signs and balance the orofacial functions. METHODS: Thirty women, aged 50 to 60 years, randomly divided into: therapy group (TG) submitted to Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy and electromyographic biofeedback group (EBG), submitted to the same program associated with electromyographic biofeedback for chewing, swallowing, and smiling functions training. Aesthetic and oromyofunctional aspects were assessed from photographs, videos, MBGR Protocol and scales for assessing facial aging signs, described in the literature. 50-minute sessions were held weekly for nine weeks and monthly for six months after washout period. Three assessments, identical to the initial one, were performed in the tenth week, eighth week after washout and conclusion of the research. The participants responded to the Satisfaction Questionnaire on the tenth week. RESULTS: The statistical analysis using the ANOVA, Tukey and Mann Whitney tests, for inter and intragroup comparison, showed that: intervention promoted attenuation of facial aging signs mainly in TG group, balance of chewing and swallowing functions in both groups; there was an impact of electromyographic biofeedback on the degree of participants' satisfaction, greater for EBG; interruption of the program for eight weeks resulted in aesthetic losses, mainly in TG, yet not functional losses, in both groups; the six monthly sessions had a limited impact on overcoming the esthetic losses that occurred after washout. CONCLUSION: The proposed program resulted in attenuation of aging signs, mainly in the TG group and improvement in orofacial functions, in both groups.

OBJETIVO: Propor e verificar a eficiência de um programa de intervenção miofuncional para atenuar sinais do envelhecimento facial e equilibrar as funções orofaciais. MÉTODO: 30 mulheres, entre 50 e 60 anos, divididas aleatoriamente em: grupo terapia (GT), submetido ao programa de terapia miofuncional orofacial e grupo biofeedback eletromiográfico (GBE), submetido ao mesmo programa associado ao biofeedback eletromiográfico para treinamento da mastigação, deglutição e sorriso. Aspectos estéticos e oromiofuncionais foram avaliados a partir da documentação das fotografias e vídeos, do Protocolo de avaliação miofuncional orofacial MBGR e escalas de avaliação dos sinais de envelhecimento facial descritas na literatura. Sessões de 50 minutos foram realizadas semanalmente, durante nove semanas e mensalmente, durante seis meses, após washout. Três avaliações, idênticas à inicial, foram realizadas na décima semana, oitava semana após washout e conclusão da pesquisa. As participantes responderam ao Questionário de Satisfação na décima semana. RESULTADOS: A análise estatística realizada, por meio dos testes ANOVA, Tukey e Mann Whitney, para comparação inter e intragrupos, demonstrou que: houve atenuação dos sinais do envelhecimento facial, principalmente no GT e equilíbrio das funções mastigação e deglutição nos dois grupos; houve impacto do biofeedback eletromiográfico sobre o grau de satisfação das participantes, sendo maior no GBE; a interrupção do programa durante oito semanas resultou em perdas estéticas, principalmente no GT, mas não em perdas funcionais, nos dois grupos; as seis sessões realizadas mensalmente tiveram impacto limitado para superação das perdas estéticas ocorridas após washout. CONCLUSÃO: O programa proposto resultou em atenuação dos sinais de envelhecimento, principalmente no grupo GT e melhoria nas funções orofaciais, nos dois grupos.

Terapia Miofuncional , Humanos , Feminino , Terapia Miofuncional/métodos , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Mastigação/fisiologia , Eletromiografia , Envelhecimento/fisiologia , Músculos Faciais/fisiologia , Músculos Faciais/fisiopatologia , Deglutição/fisiologia , Biorretroalimentação Psicológica/métodos , Satisfação do Paciente , Face/fisiologia , Resultado do Tratamento
Pflugers Arch ; 476(11): 1665-1676, 2024 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39150501


Aging invariably decreases sensory and motor stimuli and affects several neuronal systems and their connectivity to key brain regions, including those involved in breathing. Nevertheless, further investigation is needed to fully comprehend the link between senescence and respiratory function. Here, we investigate whether a mouse model of accelerated senescence could develop central and peripheral respiratory abnormalities. Adult male Senescence Accelerated Mouse Prone 8 (SAMP8) and the control SAMR1 mice (10 months old) were used. Ventilatory parameters were assessed by whole-body plethysmography, and measurements of respiratory input impedance were performed. SAMP8 mice exhibited a reduction in the density of neurokinin-1 receptor immunoreactivity in the entire ventral respiratory column. Physiological experiments showed that SAMP8 mice exhibited a decreased tachypneic response to hypoxia (FiO2 = 0.08; 10 min) or hypercapnia (FiCO2 = 0.07; 10 min). Additionally, the ventilatory response to hypercapnia increased further due to higher tidal volume. Measurements of respiratory mechanics in SAMP8 mice showed decreased static compliance (Cstat), inspiratory capacity (IC), resistance (Rn), and elastance (H) at different ages (3, 6, and 10 months old). SAMP8 mice also have a decrease in contractile response to methacholine compared to SAMR1. In conclusion, our findings indicate that SAMP8 mice display a loss of the NK1-expressing neurons in the respiratory brainstem centers, along with impairments in both central and peripheral respiratory mechanisms. These observations suggest a potential impact on breathing in a senescence animal model.

Envelhecimento , Hipercapnia , Receptores da Neurocinina-1 , Animais , Camundongos , Masculino , Envelhecimento/fisiologia , Receptores da Neurocinina-1/metabolismo , Hipercapnia/fisiopatologia , Hipercapnia/metabolismo , Hipóxia/metabolismo , Hipóxia/fisiopatologia , Mecânica Respiratória/fisiologia , Modelos Animais de Doenças , Respiração
Geriatr Gerontol Int ; 24(9): 954-961, 2024 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39118439


INTRODUCTION: One of the markers of aging is oxidative stress, a condition characterized by an increase in free radicals concomitant with a reduction in antioxidant defenses. Within this, resveratrol is a compound that has been shown to act as a potent antioxidant. However, few studies highlight the cellular signaling pathways that are activated or inhibited during aging and that are responsible for this biological effect. AIM: To verify the antioxidant profile of resveratrol (5 µM) in leukocytes from donors in different age groups. METHODS: The project was approved by the Ethics Committee. Individuals were divided into three groups: 20-39, 40-59, and 60-80 years old. After separating the leukocytes, assays were performed to evaluate the AMPK (AMP-activated protein kinase) and Nrf2 (erythroid nuclear factor 2-related factor 2) pathways. In addition, luciferase assay and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay were performed to evaluate transcription factor activation and Nrf2 expression, respectively. The analysis between age and treatment was performed using Pearson correlation (*P < 0.05). RESULTS: There was a reduction in the antioxidant effect of resveratrol during the aging process. In leukocytes from donors over 60 years of age, the AMPK pathway was silenced. Nrf2 was active at all ages. There was an increase in the activation of the transcription factor and phosphorylated protein in all age groups. CONCLUSIONS: Nrf2 is an important biochemical mechanism responsible for the antioxidant effect of resveratrol. This effect diminishes with aging but is still observed. Geriatr Gerontol Int 2024; 24: 954-961.

Envelhecimento , Antioxidantes , Fator 2 Relacionado a NF-E2 , Estresse Oxidativo , Resveratrol , Transdução de Sinais , Resveratrol/farmacologia , Fator 2 Relacionado a NF-E2/metabolismo , Humanos , Idoso , Antioxidantes/farmacologia , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Transdução de Sinais/efeitos dos fármacos , Envelhecimento/efeitos dos fármacos , Envelhecimento/fisiologia , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Masculino , Adulto , Feminino , Estresse Oxidativo/efeitos dos fármacos , Adulto Jovem , Leucócitos/efeitos dos fármacos , Leucócitos/metabolismo , Estilbenos/farmacologia , Proteínas Quinases Ativadas por AMP/metabolismo
J Neuroimmunol ; 395: 578424, 2024 Oct 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39128432


Neonatal immune activation (NIA) through exposure to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) induces adult behavioral changes in rodents that resemble symptoms of developmental disorders, such as autism spectrum disorder. The neonatal timing of LPS exposure appears to play a crucial role in determining the nature and extent of long-term changes. This study aims to explore whether a 3-day LPS-NIA triggers sex- and age-related changes in gut function, potentially linking LPS-NIA to gastrointestinal dysfunction. Male and female Swiss mice received intraperitoneal injections of LPS or saline on postnatal days (PN) 3, 5, and 7. At PN35 (juvenile) and PN70 (adult), gut inflammation and oxidative stress were evaluated in addition to assessments of working memory, depressive-like symptoms, sociability, and repetitive behavior. Gut examination showed elevated C-X-C motif chemokine receptor 3 (CXCR3) in LPS-NIA mice, while MyD88 and Zonulin expressions were significantly higher only in adult LPS-NIA females. Interleukin (IL)-23 expression increased in juvenile and adult male and juvenile female LPS-NIA mice. Oxidative changes included decreased duodenal reduced glutathione (GSH) in juvenile females and ileal GSH in adult females exposed to LPS-NIA. Regarding behavioral alterations, adult LPS-NIA females exhibited depressive-like behavior. Working memory deficits were observed across all LPS-NIA groups. Only juvenile LPS-NIA females increased grooming, while rearing was higher in adult LPS-NIA mice of both sexes. The findings imply that LPS-NIA impacts intestinal barrier function and causes gut inflammatory alterations that are sex- and age-specific. These findings pave the way for exploring potential mechanisms that could contribute to LPS-induced gastrointestinal disturbances among individuals with ASD.

Animais Recém-Nascidos , Lipopolissacarídeos , Caracteres Sexuais , Animais , Lipopolissacarídeos/toxicidade , Feminino , Camundongos , Masculino , Fatores Etários , Estresse Oxidativo/efeitos dos fármacos , Estresse Oxidativo/fisiologia , Envelhecimento/imunologia , Envelhecimento/fisiologia
Menopause ; 31(10): 871-878, 2024 Oct 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39190363


OBJECTIVES: To assess the prevalence and factors associated with dyspareunia and the lack of sexual intercourse in women between 50 and 70 years cohabiting with their partners. METHODS: This is a descriptive and exploratory cross-sectional study using the snowball technique with prospective data collection using a structured questionnaire to describe multiple aspects of health and sexuality among 266 cohabiting Brazilian couples aged 50 to 70. RESULTS: The prevalence of lack of sexual activity was 20%. Factors associated with sexual inactivity were female sexual dysfunction (OR: 9.87, 95% CI: 3.24-30.10, P < 0.001), female dissatisfaction with the partner as a lover (OR: 5.86, 95% CI: 2.03-16.88, P = 0.001), male sexual dysfunction (OR: 4.51, 95% CI: 1.60-12.70, P = 0.004), and poor self-rated male health (OR: 3.66, 95% CI: 1.29-10.40, P = 0.015). The prevalence of dyspareunia was 42.3% in the sample of sexually active women. Factors associated with dyspareunia were female sexual dysfunction (OR: 2.7, 95%, CI: 1.26-5.77, P = 0.010), moderate/severe vaginal dryness (OR: 4.67, 95% CI: 2.21-9.87, P < 0.001), and vaginal discomfort (OR: 4.03, 95% CI: 1.77-9.17, P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The results showed that male, female, and dyadic factors were associated with a lack of sexual activity. On the other hand, only female factors were associated with dyspareunia among sexually active couples.

Coito , Dispareunia , Disfunções Sexuais Fisiológicas , Humanos , Feminino , Estudos Transversais , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Dispareunia/epidemiologia , Idoso , Brasil/epidemiologia , Prevalência , Disfunções Sexuais Fisiológicas/epidemiologia , Inquéritos e Questionários , Parceiros Sexuais , Comportamento Sexual/estatística & dados numéricos , Envelhecimento/fisiologia , Estudos Prospectivos
BMC Geriatr ; 24(1): 616, 2024 Jul 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39030478


BACKGROUND: Functional capacity is recognized as a central factor for health in old age and not all studies that seek to clarify the role of social relationships in functional capacity are conclusive. The subject has only been studied in a limited way in Latin America, a region that is aging prematurely, with evidence primarily from developed countries, which have experienced a more gradual aging of their population. This longitudinal study aimed to determine how aspects of social relationships impact the functionality of older Chileans. METHODOLOGY: We conducted a cohort study of 2,265 people aged 60 years or older who lived in the community and resided in Greater Santiago, Chile. Five aspects of social relationships were considered at baseline (participation in groups, clubs, or organizations; number of people in the household; participation in recreational activities; perception of material support, help or advice, and marital status), from which a cluster analysis by conglomerate was performed and used as the exposure of interest. Functional limitation (FL) was the dependent variable, classified as a limitation in at least 1 basic activity of daily living or 1 instrumental activity or 2 advanced activities. The control variables considered were: sex, age, educational level, multimorbidity, depression and years of follow-up. Survival analyses using a Cox proportional hazard regression and multilevel logistic regressions (person level and follow-up wave level) were performed. RESULTS: The identified clusters were four: "without social participation and does not live alone"; "without a partner and without social participation"; "no perception of support and no social participation"; "with participation, partner and perception of support". Social relationship clusters predicted FL incidence and FL reporting during follow-up. Being in the clusters "without social participation and does not live alone" and "without partner and without social participation" were risk factors for incident FL and report of FL during follow-up, compared to being in the reference cluster "with participation, partner and perception of support. CONCLUSIONS: In summary, our study showed that participating in social organizations, not living alone and having a partner are protective factors for presenting and developing functional limitation in old age for community-living Chileans in an urban area.

Atividades Cotidianas , Humanos , Chile/epidemiologia , Masculino , Feminino , Idoso , Estudos Longitudinais , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Participação Social/psicologia , Relações Interpessoais , Estudos de Coortes , Estado Funcional , Envelhecimento/psicologia , Envelhecimento/fisiologia
Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol ; 327(3): R362-R368, 2024 Sep 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39005082


Near-infrared spectroscopy combined with vascular occlusion test (NIRS-VOT) is a reactive hyperemia technique for in vivo evaluation of skeletal muscle microvascular reactivity. Previous studies using NIRS-VOT have been shown to be able to detect impairments in microvascular function in high-risk cardiovascular disease populations, such as older individuals. It has been demonstrated that older individuals have slower reactive hyperemia compared with young individuals. Importantly, older individuals also show less desaturation during ischemia compared with young individuals. Based on these findings, it has been suggested that the slower reactive hyperemia observed in older individuals is explained by the lower desaturation during blood flow occlusion (reduced ischemic stimulus). This retrospective analysis compared reactive hyperemia in 36 young and 47 older tissue desaturation-matched individuals that underwent 5-min blood flow occlusion. Overall, we showed that older individuals have impaired reactive hyperemia compared with young when matching for the degree of desaturation and blood flow occlusion time. These findings provide evidence that lower tissue desaturation during ischemia is not a major determinant of impaired reactive hyperemia in older individuals.NEW & NOTEWORTHY Previous findings have suggested that aging-related impairment in skeletal muscle reactive hyperemia is majorly influenced by a lower degree of tissue desaturation during ischemia in older individuals compared with young individuals. In a retrospective analysis including 83 tissue desaturation-matched individuals, we show that the degree of tissue desaturation is not a major determinant of aging-related impairments in reactive hyperemia.

Envelhecimento , Hiperemia , Microcirculação , Músculo Esquelético , Fluxo Sanguíneo Regional , Espectroscopia de Luz Próxima ao Infravermelho , Hiperemia/fisiopatologia , Músculo Esquelético/irrigação sanguínea , Músculo Esquelético/metabolismo , Músculo Esquelético/fisiopatologia , Humanos , Estudos Retrospectivos , Masculino , Envelhecimento/metabolismo , Envelhecimento/fisiologia , Idoso , Feminino , Adulto , Adulto Jovem , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Fatores Etários , Isquemia/fisiopatologia , Isquemia/metabolismo , Oxigênio/sangue , Oxigênio/metabolismo
Int J Mol Sci ; 25(14)2024 Jul 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39063108


Currently, the global lifespan has increased, resulting in a higher proportion of the population over 65 years. Changes that occur in the lung during aging increase the risk of developing acute and chronic lung diseases, such as acute respiratory distress syndrome, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, and lung cancer. During normal tissue homeostasis, cell proliferation and apoptosis create a dynamic balance that constitutes the physiological cell turnover. In basal conditions, the lungs have a low rate of cell turnover compared to other organs. During aging, changes in the rate of cell turnover in the lung are observed. In this work, we review the literature that evaluates the role of molecules involved in cell proliferation and apoptosis in lung aging and in the development of age-related lung diseases. The list of molecules that regulate cell proliferation, apoptosis, or both processes in lung aging includes TNC, FOXM1, DNA-PKcs, MicroRNAs, BCL-W, BCL-XL, TCF21, p16, NOX4, NRF2, MDM4, RPIA, DHEA, and MMP28. However, despite the studies carried out to date, the complete signaling pathways that regulate cell turnover in lung aging are still unknown. More research is needed to understand the changes that lead to the development of age-related lung diseases.

Envelhecimento , Apoptose , Proliferação de Células , Pulmão , Humanos , Envelhecimento/fisiologia , Pulmão/metabolismo , Pulmão/patologia , Animais , Transdução de Sinais , Pneumopatias/patologia , Pneumopatias/metabolismo
J Comp Neurol ; 532(7): e25649, 2024 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38967410


The physiological aging process is well known for functional decline in visual abilities. Among the components of the visual system, the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (DLG) and superior colliculus (SC) provide a good model for aging investigations, as these structures constitute the main visual pathways for retinal inputs reaching the visual cortex. However, there are limited data available on quantitative morphological and neurochemical aspects in DLG and SC across lifespan. Here, we used optical density to determine immunoexpression of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and design-based stereological probes to estimate the neuronal number, total volume, and layer volume of the DLG and SC in marmosets (Callithrix jacchus), ranging from 36 to 143 months of age. Our results revealed an age-related increase in total volume and layer volume of the DLG, with an overall stability in SC volume. Furthermore, a stable neuronal number was demonstrated in DLG and superficial layers of SC (SCv). A decrease in GFAP immunoexpression was observed in both visual centers. The results indicate region-specific variability in volumetric parameter, possibly attributed to structural plastic events in response to inflammation and compensatory mechanisms at the cellular and subcellular level. Additionally, the DLG and SCv seem to be less vulnerable to aging effects in terms of neuronal number. The neuropeptidergic data suggest that reduced GFAP expression may reflect morphological atrophy in the astroglial cells. This study contributes to updating the current understanding of aging effects in the visual system and stablishes a crucial foundation for future research on visual perception throughout the aging process.

Envelhecimento , Callithrix , Corpos Geniculados , Proteína Glial Fibrilar Ácida , Neurônios , Animais , Envelhecimento/fisiologia , Envelhecimento/metabolismo , Proteína Glial Fibrilar Ácida/metabolismo , Proteína Glial Fibrilar Ácida/biossíntese , Neurônios/metabolismo , Masculino , Corpos Geniculados/metabolismo , Feminino , Colículos Superiores/metabolismo , Vias Visuais/metabolismo