Second-generation (2G) bioethanol production, derived from lignocellulosic biomass, has emerged as a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels by addressing growing energy demands and environmental concerns. Fungal sugar transporters (STs) play a critical role in this process, enabling the uptake of monosaccharides such as glucose and xylose, which are released during the enzymatic hydrolysis of biomass. This mini-review explores recent advances in the structural and functional characterization of STs in filamentous fungi and yeasts, highlighting their roles in processes such as cellulase induction, carbon catabolite repression, and sugar signaling pathways. The review also emphasizes the potential of genetic engineering to enhance the specificity and efficiency of these transporters, overcoming challenges such as substrate competition and limited pentose metabolism in industrial strains. By integrating the latest research findings, this work underscores the pivotal role of fungal STs in optimizing lignocellulosic bioethanol production and advancing the bioeconomy. Future prospects for engineering transport systems and their implications for industrial biotechnology are also discussed. KEY POINTS: STs present a conserved structure with different sugar affinities STs are involved in the signaling and transport of sugars derived from plant biomass Genetic engineering of STs can improve 2G bioethanol production.
Biocombustíveis , Etanol , Fungos , Lignina , Etanol/metabolismo , Fungos/metabolismo , Fungos/genética , Lignina/metabolismo , Proteínas Fúngicas/metabolismo , Proteínas Fúngicas/genética , Biomassa , Proteínas de Membrana Transportadoras/metabolismo , Proteínas de Membrana Transportadoras/genética , Xilose/metabolismo , Engenharia Genética , Açúcares/metabolismo , Glucose/metabolismo , Repressão Catabólica , Biotecnologia , Engenharia Metabólica/métodosRESUMO
PURPOSE: To evaluate the effect of the topical application of the ethanol extract (EESL) and the hydroethanolic fraction (HFSL) of ripe Solanum lycocarpum fruit on the healing of experimentally-induced wounds in mice. METHODS: The EESL and HFSL obtained from ripe fruit of the species S. lycocarpum were obtained by percolation with ethanol. They were tested in the healing of excisional wounds in mice, which were induced in anesthetized animals using a 7-mm dermatological punch. They were divided according to the treatment period and group, n = 6, and received topical application of the EESL or HFSL daily or saline solution for one, five, seven, or 21 days. At the end of this period, the animals were euthanized, and the lesions were subjected to histopathological processing and analysis to evaluate macroscopic area of the wound and microscopic analysis by morphometry of the number of leukocytes, mast cells, fibroblasts, re-epithelialization, and matrix deposition. RESULTS: The application of the EESL and HFSL reduced the number of leukocytes after one, five, and seven days of treatment. EESL improved re-epithelialization and tissue proliferation in wound healing from day 7. CONCLUSION: The study demonstrated that daily administration of EESL and HFSL exhibit wound healing activity, with this effect being more pronounced by EESL. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the anti-inflammatory and healing activity of this species through topical application.
Administração Tópica , Etanol , Frutas , Extratos Vegetais , Solanum , Cicatrização , Animais , Extratos Vegetais/farmacologia , Extratos Vegetais/uso terapêutico , Solanum/química , Cicatrização/efeitos dos fármacos , Camundongos , Frutas/química , Masculino , Fatores de Tempo , Modelos Animais de Doenças , Resultado do Tratamento , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Reepitelização/efeitos dos fármacosRESUMO
Food waste offers a potential source for bioethanol production, but productivity depends on the chemical composition of the raw materials and the processes involved. However, assessment of the environmental sustainability of these processes is often absent and can be carried out using the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology. This study aimed to perform an LCA on bioethanol production from mixtures of different wastes, including tubers, fruits, and processed foods, focusing on the gate-to-gate phase. The inventory included a standard scenario and an optimized scenario, which eliminated drying and replaced the phosphate buffer with citric acid. To assess impacts and damages, the Ecoinvent 3.4 database and the ReCiPe 2016 method were used, while uncertainty analysis was carried out using Monte Carlo simulation with the aid of SimaPro software version Results indicate that processed food blends generate the greatest environmental impacts in all scenarios evaluated. The fermentation stage is the largest contributor to environmental impacts and damage when energy consumption is considered. Without energy consumption, pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis become more significant. The most notable categories of environmental impacts and damages are Global Warming Potential (GWP) and Resources. The optimized scenario showed a lower environmental impact compared to the standard scenario, highlighting its potential for more sustainable bioethanol production.
Biocombustíveis , Etanol , Etanol/metabolismo , Biocombustíveis/análise , Resíduos/análise , Alimentos , Fermentação , Meio Ambiente , Perda e Desperdício de AlimentosRESUMO
Alcohol is widely consumed worldwide and its abuse can cause cognitive dysfunction, affecting memory and learning due to several neurophysiological changes. An imbalance in several neurotransmitters, including the cholinergic and glutamatergic systems, have been implicated in these effects. Zebrafish are sensitive to alcohol, respond to reward stimuli, and tolerate and exhibit withdrawal behaviors. Therefore, we investigated the effects of repetitive exposure to ethanol (REE) and the NMDA receptor antagonist dizocilpine (MK-801) on memory acquisition and glutamatergic and cholinergic neurotransmission. Memory was assessed using the inhibitory avoidance and object recognition tasks. Brain glutamate levels and the activity of Na+-dependent transporters were evaluated as indexes of glutamatergic activity, while acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), enzyme activity were evaluated as indexes of cholinergic activity. Behavioral assessments showed that REE impaired aversive and spatial memory, an effect that MK-801 mimicked. Glutamate levels, but not transporter activity, were significantly lower in the REE group; similarly, REE increased the activity of AChE, but not ChAT, activity. These findings suggest that intermittent exposure to ethanol leads to impairments in zebrafish memory consolidation, and that these effects could be associated with alterations in parameters related to neurotransmission systems mediated by glutamate and acetylcholine. These results provide a better understanding of the neurophysiological and behavioral changes caused by repetitive alcohol use.
Encéfalo , Maleato de Dizocilpina , Etanol , Ácido Glutâmico , Memória , Transmissão Sináptica , Peixe-Zebra , Animais , Etanol/farmacologia , Transmissão Sináptica/efeitos dos fármacos , Encéfalo/efeitos dos fármacos , Encéfalo/metabolismo , Maleato de Dizocilpina/farmacologia , Ácido Glutâmico/metabolismo , Memória/efeitos dos fármacos , Masculino , Acetilcolinesterase/metabolismo , Aprendizagem da Esquiva/efeitos dos fármacos , Colina O-Acetiltransferase/metabolismoRESUMO
Alcohol use disorder (AUD) is a public health problem characterized by a marked increment in systemic inflammation. In the last few years, it has been described as the role of alcohol in neuroinflammation affecting some aspects of neuronal function. Interestingly, inflammation is reduced with fenofibrate treatment, a PPARα agonist used to treat dyslipidemia. On the other hand, alcohol has been associated with chronic inflammation and fibrosis in the lungs, affecting their normal function and increasing respiratory infections. However, a deep characterization of the role of alcohol in the worsening of chronic respiratory diseases has not been described completely. In this work, we present a novel study using rats treated with alcohol and fenofibrate to evaluate the relevant features of chronic respiratory disease: inflammation, mucus hypersecretion, and fibrosis. The analysis of extracted lungs showed an increment in the inflammatory infiltrates and pro-inflammatory cytokine levels associated with alcohol. Interestingly, the treatment with fenofibrate decreased the expression of these markers and the infiltrates observed in the lungs. The levels of mucin Muc5ac showed an increment in animals treated with alcohol. However, this increment was markedly reduced if animals were subsequently treated with fenofibrate. Finally, we documented an increment of collagen deposition around airways in the animals treated with alcohol compared with control animals. However, fenofibrate treatment reduced this deposition to a level similar to the control animals. These results showed the role of alcohol in the increment of pathological features in the lungs. Moreover, these features were attenuated due to the fibrate treatment, which allows us to glimpse this drug's promising role as lung anti-inflammatory therapy.
Alcoolismo , Fenofibrato , Pulmão , Animais , Fenofibrato/farmacologia , Ratos , Masculino , Pulmão/patologia , Pulmão/efeitos dos fármacos , Pulmão/metabolismo , Alcoolismo/tratamento farmacológico , Alcoolismo/metabolismo , Alcoolismo/complicações , Alcoolismo/patologia , Etanol/efeitos adversos , Ratos Wistar , Inflamação/tratamento farmacológico , Inflamação/patologia , Inflamação/metabolismo , Citocinas/metabolismo , Modelos Animais de DoençasRESUMO
Sulfamerazine (SMR) is a drug used as an antibacterial agent in the treatment of some pathologies, such as bronchitis, prostatitis and urinary tract infections. Although this drug was developed in 1945 and, due to its toxicity, was partially displaced by penicillin, due to the current problem of bacterial resistance, compounds such as SMR have regained validity. In this context, the thermodynamic study of SMR in cosolvent mixtures of acetonitrile (MeCN) + ethanol (EtOH) at nine temperatures (278.15-318.15 K) is presented. The solubility of SMR was determined by UV-Vis spectrophotometry, following the guidelines of the shake-flask method. The solubility process was endothermic in all cases; thus, the minimum solubility was reached in pure EtOH at 278.15 K, and the maximum solubility was reached in pure MeCN at 318.15 K. Both the solution process and the mixing process were entropy-driven. On the other hand, the solubility data were modeled by using the van't Hoff-Yalkowsky-Roseman model, obtaining an overall average relative deviation of 3.9%. In general terms, it can be concluded that the solution process of SMR in {MeCN (1) + EtOH (2)} mixtures is thermodependent, favored by the entropy of the solution and mixture; additionally, the van't Hoff-Yalkowsky-Roseman model allows very good approximations to be obtained and is a simple model that starts from only four experimental data.
Acetonitrilas , Etanol , Solubilidade , Solventes , Sulfamerazina , Termodinâmica , Etanol/química , Acetonitrilas/química , Solventes/química , Sulfamerazina/química , Modelos Químicos , Antibacterianos/química , Antibacterianos/farmacologiaRESUMO
Alcohol use disorder (AUD) represents a public health crisis with few FDA-approved medications for its treatment. Growing evidence supports the key role of the bidirectional communication between the gut microbiota and the central nervous system (CNS) during the initiation and progression of alcohol use disorder. Among the different protective molecules that could mediate this communication, short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) have emerged as attractive candidates, since these gut microbiota-derived molecules have multi-target effects that could normalize several of the functional and structural parameters altered by chronic alcohol abuse. The present study, conducted in male alcohol-preferring UChB rats, shows that the initiation of voluntary ethanol intake was inhibited in 85% by the intragastric administration of a combination of SCFAs (acetate, propionate and butyrate) given before ethanol exposure, while SCFAs administration after two months of ethanol intake induced a 90% reduction in its consumption. These SCFAs therapeutic effects were associated with (1) a significant reduction of ethanol-induced intestinal inflammation and damage; (2) reduction of plasma lipopolysaccharide levels and hepatic inflammation; (3) reduction of ethanol-induced astrocyte and microglia activation; and (4) attenuation of the ethanol-induced gene expression changes within the nucleus accumbens. Finally, we determined that among the different SCFAs evaluated, butyrate was the most potent, reducing chronic ethanol intake in a dose-response manner. These findings support a key role of SCFAs, and especially butyrate, in regulating AUD, providing a simple, inexpensive, and safe approach as a preventive and intervention-based strategy to address this devastating disease.
Consumo de Bebidas Alcoólicas , Etanol , Ácidos Graxos Voláteis , Animais , Ácidos Graxos Voláteis/metabolismo , Ratos , Masculino , Microbioma Gastrointestinal/efeitos dos fármacos , Alcoolismo/tratamento farmacológico , Alcoolismo/metabolismo , Fígado/metabolismo , Fígado/efeitos dos fármacosRESUMO
The jaboticaba is a fruit with a highly promising chemical profile for producing fermented products with biological activity. In this context, evaluating pre-fermentative maceration techniques in jaboticaba fermentations is essential to optimize the extraction of phenolic compounds and other metabolites of interest, imparting antioxidant characteristics to the product and offering potential health benefits. This study evaluated the impact of two pre-fermentative maceration techniques on the phenolic composition, bioaccessibility, and biological activities (α-amylase, α-glucosidase, and ACE inhibition) of alcoholic and acetic fermented products from jaboticaba. Three treatments were performed: one without pre-fermentative maceration and two with maceration, one cold (4 °C for 24 h) and the other thermal maceration (50 °C until 16 °Brix). The resulting musts were subjected to alcoholic and acetic fermentation. The results showed that the fermented products obtained after thermal maceration had higher concentrations of phenolic compounds, with ellagic acid (5393.78 µg/L) standing out for thealcoholic beverage and 2.5-DHBA (1552.33 µg/L) and 3.4-DHB (863.15 µg/L) acids for the vinegar. Regarding bioaccessibility, both pre-fermentative maceration techniques contributed to more bioaccessible compounds (with indices above 20 %) compared to the samples without maceration. A more significant inhibition of α-amylase and α-glucosidase was observed in the samples subjected to thermal maceration, along with notable ACE inhibition. Additionally, the sensitivity of E. coli, S. aureus, L. monocytogenes, and S. Enteritidis to the fermented jaboticaba products was verified, with distinct sensitivity patterns for each type of bacteria. In summary, this study offers a new perspective for valorizing fermented jaboticaba products through pre-fermentative techniques, enriching the understanding of this technique and its potential nutritional and bioactive contributions.
Fermentação , Fenóis , Fenóis/análise , Frutas/química , Antioxidantes/análise , Inibidores da Enzima Conversora de Angiotensina/metabolismo , alfa-Amilases/metabolismo , Manipulação de Alimentos/métodos , Ácido Acético/metabolismo , alfa-Glucosidases/metabolismo , Inibidores de Glicosídeo Hidrolases , Alimentos Fermentados/análise , Myrtaceae/química , Etanol/metabolismoRESUMO
Bioethanol represents a clean and renewable alternative to fossil fuels, offering a significant reduction in environmental impact. Second-generation ethanol (2G) is produced using lignocellulosic biomass, which presents additional challenges due to the presence of hemicellulose. The pentose sugars within hemicellulose cannot be efficiently metabolized by conventional yeast strains like Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Consequently, the yeast Spathaspora passalidarum has emerged as a promising candidate for mixed fermentation processes, given its ability to utilize xylose. This study presents an in-depth metabolic, stoichiometric, and kinetic analysis of the fermentation performance of Sp. passalidarum NRRL Y-27907 in mixed glucose and xylose cultures. Emphasis was placed on examining variables from a novel perspective compared to existing literature. Specifically, the impacts of initial inoculum-substrate ratios, substrate composition, pH, temperature, and ethanol sensitivity were analyzed using a mathematical bioprocess approach. Sp. passalidarum NRRL Y-27907 exhibited sequential sugar consumption, with xylose being utilized only after glucose was exhausted. Ethanol yields in mixed cultures were comparable to those in individual-sugar cultures. The best fermentative performance was observed at 30 °C, with 25 g/L of xylose and an inoculum of 0.50 g/L. The strain exhibited significant robustness at pH 4.0 and was notably affected by initial ethanol concentrations up to 20 g/L. These findings provide crucial insights into the metabolic and fermentative behavior of Sp. passalidarum NRRL Y-27907, offering valuable information for the design of consolidated bioprocesses from lignocellulosic materials.
Etanol , Fermentação , Saccharomycetales , Temperatura , Xilose , Xilose/metabolismo , Etanol/metabolismo , Concentração de Íons de Hidrogênio , Saccharomycetales/metabolismo , Saccharomycetales/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Glucose/metabolismo , Cinética , Meios de Cultura/química , Meios de Cultura/metabolismoRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: Solanum sisymbriifolium Lam. is a native perennial plant with chemical characteristics of therapeutic importance. In Paraguayan traditional medicine, it is attributed to antihypertensive and diuretic activities. For this reason, the objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of acute oral administration of the ethanolic extract and fraction enriched in saponins obtained from the root of S. sisymbriifolium on the diuresis profile of rats. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Male Wistar rats were used, randomly distributed in 6 groups to evaluate the diuretic activity. The control group received distilled water; the diuretic group was treated with 20 mg/kg of furosemide. Two groups were treated with 50 and 100 mg/kg of the ethanolic extract of S. sisymbriifolium, and two other groups were treated with 1 and 10 mg/kg with the fraction enriched in saponins. The animals were placed in individual metabolic cages for a period of 24 h. Urine volume was determined at 5 and 24 h, and urinary electrolytes, pH, and glomerular filtration rate at 24 h. RESULTS: The findings indicated that both doses of the ethanolic extract and the saponin-enriched fraction significantly increased diuresis after 24 hours of treatment. Urinary pH was not affected. A significant increase in the urinary excretion of Na+ and Cl- was observed without affecting the elimination of K+ with both doses of the extracts. In addition, a significant increase in GFR was evidenced. CONCLUSIONS: Both ethanolic extract and saponins enriched fraction, presented natriuretic and saluretic effects with a possible mechanism of action mediated, at least partially, by the inhibition of carbonic anhydrase. Furthermore, it was possible to demonstrate the participation of the COX/PG pathway in the diuretic mechanism of the extracts in male rats.
Diuréticos , Etanol , Extratos Vegetais , Raízes de Plantas , Ratos Wistar , Saponinas , Solanum , Animais , Masculino , Extratos Vegetais/farmacologia , Extratos Vegetais/química , Saponinas/farmacologia , Saponinas/química , Saponinas/isolamento & purificação , Diuréticos/farmacologia , Solanum/química , Ratos , Raízes de Plantas/química , Etanol/química , Diurese/efeitos dos fármacos , Furosemida/farmacologia , Taxa de Filtração Glomerular/efeitos dos fármacosRESUMO
Red seaweeds from the coastal shores of Ilo (Peru) are a natural source of high-value compounds beneficial to health due to their high antioxidant capacity. Thus, this work evaluated the effect of water-ethanol mixtures (0, 15, and 30%; v/v) at high temperatures (90, 120, and 150 °C) on the polyphenol content, antioxidant capacity, and polyphenols profile of red seaweed (Chondracanthus chamissoi) during a pressurized liquid extraction process, whose parameters were set at 10 atm, with a single cycle of extraction and a volume of 150%. An increase in temperature and ethanol had a positive effect on antioxidant compounds. Thus, the best processing conditions were established at 150 °C and 30% ethanol, allowing for the extraction of a high polyphenol content (2.04 mg GAE/g dw) and antioxidant capacity (IC50: 7.46 mg/mL, ORAC: 148.98 µmol TE/g dw). High ethanol concentrations (30%) effectively recovered phenolic acids, flavonols, and phlorotannins for the polyphenols profile. However, the use of pure water was more effective in recovering flavonols. Interestingly, using pure water as an extraction solvent at high temperatures allowed for a more significant inhibition of the α-amylase enzyme than water-ethanol mixtures under the same conditions. Finally, the results can be utilized for future industrial scaling and the potential utilization of extracts in developing diabetes treatments.
Antioxidantes , Etanol , Alga Marinha , Água , alfa-Amilases , Antioxidantes/química , Antioxidantes/farmacologia , Alga Marinha/química , Etanol/química , alfa-Amilases/antagonistas & inibidores , alfa-Amilases/metabolismo , Água/química , Polifenóis/química , Extratos Vegetais/química , Extratos Vegetais/farmacologia , Pressão , Extração Líquido-Líquido/métodosRESUMO
Gomphrena celosioides, popularly known as perpétua, perpétua brava, bachelor´s button and prostate globe amarahth, is used for the treatment of urinary tract disorders, kidney stones, for skin diseases, infectious diseases, gastrointestinal and respiratory conditions. Rich in phenolic acids and flavonoids, this plant has therefore a potential for use in cancer prevention. Given the above, the present research aimed to evaluate the carcinogenic effect of the ethanolic extract of G. celosioides (EEGc) in an alternative model of Drosophila melanogaster and the genotoxic and antigenotoxic effects in Swiss mice. The larval survival test and the detection of epithelial tumor clones were performed in D. melanogaster. The tested EEGc concentrations were 0.96, 1.92, 3.85 and 7.70 mg/mL. In Swiss mice, the genotoxicity and antigenotoxicity of doses of 100, 1,000 and 2,000 mg/Kg were evaluated. The results showed that EEGc at a concentration of 7.70 mg/mL reduced (p<0.05) larval survival. However, EEGc was not carcinogenic, and the lowest concentration (0.96 mg/mL) prevented (p<0.05) the basal occurrence of epithelial tumors. In mice, EEGc at the highest dose (2,000mg/Kg) increased the frequency of genomic lesions (p<0.05). Yet, none of the doses caused chromosomal lesions (p>0.05). When associated with cyclophosphamide, EEGc was antigenotoxic (p<0.05). The percentages of reduction of genomic damage ranged from 33.39 to 63.23% and of chromosomal damage from 20.00 to 77.19%. In view of the above, it is suggested that EEGc is not carcinogenic, has an antigenotoxic effect and chemopreventive properties.
Drosophila melanogaster , Extratos Vegetais , Animais , Extratos Vegetais/farmacologia , Camundongos , Masculino , Drosophila melanogaster/efeitos dos fármacos , Feminino , Carcinógenos/toxicidade , Etanol , Larva/efeitos dos fármacos , Anticarcinógenos/farmacologia , Testes de MutagenicidadeRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: This study assessed the cost-effectiveness of radiofrequency ablation compared with percutaneous ethanol injection in patients with early hepatocellular carcinoma in relation to the objective response rate and costs related to the procedure. METHODS: This was a prospective single-center randomized trial. The primary outcome was cost-effectiveness. Secondary outcomes were the complete response rate according to the modified response evaluation criteria in solid tumors 60 days after randomization and the complication rate within 180 60 days. RESULTS: Fifty patients were placed into the following groups: percutaneous ethanol injection (n=23) and radiofrequency ablation (n=27). Fifty-four nodules were randomized (mean follow-up: 205.37 days). The estimated mean hospital cost was US$ 1854.11 and US$ 2770.96 for the Radiofrequency Ablation and Percutaneous Ethanol Injection Groups, respectively. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio was US$ -2674.59, which is advantageous for radiofrequency ablation. After 60 d, 28 of 29 nodules in the Radiofrequency Ablation Group achieved complete response versus 12 of 22 in the Percutaneous Ethanol Injection Group (RD, 42.01 [95%CI= 20.55-63.24]; p<0.001). Only four early complications were observed among patients treated by percutaneous ethanol injection (p<0.05). Late complications occurred in two and one patient(s) in the Radiofrequency Ablation and Percutaneous Ethanol Injection Groups (p>0.05), respectively. CONCLUSION: Radiofrequency ablation was more cost-effective and achieved higher complete response and lower complication rates than the Percutaneous Ethanol Injection Group within this cohort. REGISTRY OF CLINICAL TRIALS: NCT06450613.
Carcinoma Hepatocelular , Análise Custo-Benefício , Etanol , Neoplasias Hepáticas , Ablação por Radiofrequência , Humanos , Etanol/administração & dosagem , Etanol/economia , Neoplasias Hepáticas/economia , Neoplasias Hepáticas/tratamento farmacológico , Neoplasias Hepáticas/cirurgia , Carcinoma Hepatocelular/economia , Carcinoma Hepatocelular/tratamento farmacológico , Carcinoma Hepatocelular/terapia , Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Estudos Prospectivos , Resultado do Tratamento , Idoso , Ablação por Radiofrequência/economia , Ablação por Radiofrequência/métodos , Injeções Intralesionais/economia , Ablação por Cateter/economia , Ablação por Cateter/métodosRESUMO
Diabetes mellitus is associated with chronic wound-healing problems that significantly impact patients' quality of life and substantially increase expenditure on healthcare. Therefore, the identification of compounds that can aid healing is justified. Anredera cordifolia (Ten.) has been used in folk medicine for curative purposes; however, the causal mechanisms underlying its healing effects remain to be elucidated. In this study, the effect of the ethanolic extract of A. cordifolia was evaluated in an in vitro healing model using fibroblasts cultivated under normoglycemic and hyperglycemic environments. The extract was predominantly composed of phytol and exhibited genoprotective activity. Fibroblast migration attenuated the adverse effects of hyperglycemia, favoring cell proliferation. Collagen levels were significantly increased in ruptured fibroblasts under both standard and hyperglycemic environments. The phytogenomic effect of the extract on three genes related to extracellular matrix formation, maintenance, and degradation showed that A. cordifolia increased the expression of genes related to matrix synthesis and maintenance in both normoglycemic and hyperglycemic individuals. Furthermore, it reduced the expression of genes related to matrix degradation. Overall, this is the first study to demonstrate the effectiveness of A. cordifolia in wound healing, elucidating possible causal mechanisms that appear to be based on the genoprotective effect of this plant on the migratory and proliferative phases of the wound healing process; these effects are probably related to phytol, its main constituent.
Movimento Celular , Proliferação de Células , Fibroblastos , Hiperglicemia , Extratos Vegetais , Cicatrização , Proliferação de Células/efeitos dos fármacos , Movimento Celular/efeitos dos fármacos , Extratos Vegetais/farmacologia , Fibroblastos/efeitos dos fármacos , Fibroblastos/metabolismo , Cicatrização/efeitos dos fármacos , Humanos , Hiperglicemia/tratamento farmacológico , Etanol/química , Diabetes Mellitus/tratamento farmacológicoRESUMO
Numerous studies reveal pollutants like clindamycin (CLD) in the environment, posing environmental and health risks. Conventional water treatment methods are ineffective at removing these contaminants, typically found in low concentrations. An innovative treatment approach is introduced through pre-concentration via adsorption, which is highly efficient, energy-saving, and reusable. The innovation uses solvents like methanol or ethanol to desorb pollutants, creating concentrated CLD solutions for more effective electrochemical degradation than conventional methods. Thus, this study explores, for the first time, the behavior of CLD electro-oxidation in different media-water, methanol, and ethanol-using a Dimensionally Stable Anode (DSA®-Cl2). The study reveals distinct degradation mechanisms and offers new insights into solvent-assisted electrochemical treatments. After 30 min of electrolysis, all the current densities evaluated promoted significant degradation, ranging from 90 to 92%. The energy consumption was 2.9 Wh m⻳ per percentage point at current densities of 2 and 3.5 mA cmâ»2. This demonstrates that using higher current densities over shorter electrolysis times is feasible, achieving removal rates of approximately 90%.The performance of chloride-based electrolytes was superior to that of sulfate-based electrolytes due to the ability of DSA®-Cl2 electrodes to generate reactive chlorine species more efficiently. A higher concentration of supporting electrolytes initially improved CLD removal, but no significant changes were observed after 1 h. Neutral pH conditions optimized CLD degradation, achieving up to 91% removal. Higher pollutant concentrations were associated with lower kinetic constants and decreased removal percentages. Methanol and ethanol enhanced removal rates to 98.3% and 92.3%, respectively, by generating oxidizing species such as methoxy, hydroxymethyl, and ethoxy radicals. The degradation by-products differed across the three media, with each solvent exhibiting distinct oxidation mechanisms. These findings highlight the potential of using methanol or ethanol as an electrolytic medium with efficiency comparable to water.
Clindamicina , Eletrólise , Poluentes Químicos da Água , Purificação da Água , Poluentes Químicos da Água/química , Poluentes Químicos da Água/análise , Purificação da Água/métodos , Clindamicina/química , Oxirredução , Técnicas Eletroquímicas/métodos , Eletrodos , Metanol/química , Antibacterianos/química , Adsorção , Etanol/químicaRESUMO
The incidence of schizophrenia in young adulthood may be associated with intrauterine factors, such as gestational alcohol consumption. This study investigated the relationship between a single high dose of alcohol during pregnancy in Wistar rats and the development of schizophrenia in the adult life of the offspring. On the 11th day of gestation, pregnant rats received either water or alcohol via intragastric gavage. Male and female offspring were subjected to behavioral tests at 30 days of age according to the maternal group. At 60 days of age, offspring received intraperitoneal injections of ketamine (ket) or saline (SAL). After the final ketamine administration, the adult offspring underwent behavioral tests, and their brain structures were removed for biochemical analysis. Alcohol binge drinking during pregnancy induces hyperlocomotion in both young female and male offspring, with males of alcohol-exposed mothers showing reduced social interactions. In adult offspring, ketamine induced hyperlocomotion; however, only females in the alcohol + ket group exhibited increased locomotor activity, and a decrease in the time to first contact was observed in the alcohol group. Cognitive impairment was exclusively observed in male animals in the alcohol group. Increased serotonin and dopamine levels were observed in male rats in the alcohol + ket group. Biochemical alterations indicate the effects of intrauterine alcohol exposure associated with ketamine in adult animals. These behavioral and biochemical changes suggest that the impact of prenatal stressors such as alcohol persists throughout the animals' lives and may be exacerbated by a second stressor in adulthood, such as ketamine.
Etanol , Ketamina , Efeitos Tardios da Exposição Pré-Natal , Ratos Wistar , Esquizofrenia , Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Masculino , Esquizofrenia/metabolismo , Esquizofrenia/induzido quimicamente , Ketamina/toxicidade , Etanol/toxicidade , Consumo Excessivo de Bebidas Alcoólicas/complicações , Ratos , Encéfalo/metabolismo , Encéfalo/efeitos dos fármacos , Serotonina/metabolismo , Dopamina/metabolismo , Atividade Motora/efeitos dos fármacos , Modelos Animais de DoençasRESUMO
Adequate trophoblast development during placentation involves the AQP3 regulation. The link between potential placental fetal-maternal interface abnormalities and AQP3 expression after perigestational alcohol intake was not explored yet. Female mice were treated (TF) with 10 % ethanol in drinking water before and up to day 10 of gestation, and control females (CF) with ethanol-free water. At gestational day 13, TFs showed increased fetal/placental weight ratio and reduced histological placental thickness compared to CFs. TF-placentas had disorganized fetal face layers, increased junctional zone (JZ), and decreased labyrinth (Lab). Concomitantly, immunoexpression of cleaved caspase-3 significantly increased in TF-JZ and Lab vs controls. Consistent with placental changes, AQP3 expression was higher in junctional trophoblast giant cells (TGCs), glycogen cells (GCs), spongiotrophoblasts (spg), and lab-syncytiotrophoblasts compared to CF-placentas. This study reveals, for the first time, that perigestational alcohol consumption up to organogenesis causes abnormal placental development associated with dysregulation of AQP3 expression.
Consumo de Bebidas Alcoólicas , Aquaporina 3 , Placenta , Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Aquaporina 3/metabolismo , Aquaporina 3/genética , Placenta/metabolismo , Placenta/patologia , Camundongos , Consumo de Bebidas Alcoólicas/efeitos adversos , Organogênese , Etanol/toxicidade , Feto/metabolismo , Feto/patologia , Placentação , Camundongos Endogâmicos C57BLRESUMO
Ethanol stress in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a well-studied phenomenon, but pinpointing specific genes or polymorphisms governing ethanol tolerance remains a subject of ongoing debate. Naturally found in sugar-rich environments, this yeast has evolved to withstand high ethanol concentrations, primarily produced during fermentation in the presence of suitable oxygen or sugar levels. Originally a defense mechanism against competing microorganisms, yeast-produced ethanol is now a cornerstone of brewing and bioethanol industries, where customized yeasts require high ethanol resistance for economic viability. However, yeast strains exhibit varying degrees of ethanol tolerance, ranging from 8 to 20%, making the genetic architecture of this trait complex and challenging to decipher. In this study, we introduce a novel QTL mapping pipeline to investigate the genetic markers underlying ethanol tolerance in an industrial bioethanol S. cerevisiae strain. By calculating missense mutation frequency in an allele located in a prominent QTL region within a population of 1011 S. cerevisiae strains, we uncovered rare occurrences in gene IRA2. Following molecular validation, we confirmed the significant contribution of this gene to ethanol tolerance, particularly in concentrations exceeding 12% of ethanol. IRA2 pivotal role in stress tolerance due to its participation in the Ras-cAMP pathway was further supported by its involvement in other tolerance responses, including thermotolerance, low pH tolerance, and resistance to acetic acid. Understanding the genetic basis of ethanol stress in S. cerevisiae holds promise for developing robust yeast strains tailored for industrial applications.
Mapeamento Cromossômico , Etanol , Locos de Características Quantitativas , Proteínas de Saccharomyces cerevisiae , Saccharomyces cerevisiae , Saccharomyces cerevisiae/genética , Saccharomyces cerevisiae/efeitos dos fármacos , Etanol/metabolismo , Etanol/farmacologia , Proteínas de Saccharomyces cerevisiae/genética , Fermentação/genética , Mutação de Sentido Incorreto , Proteínas Ativadoras de GTPaseRESUMO
Changes in maternal gut microbiota due to stress and/or ethanol exposure can have lasting effects on offspring's health, particularly regarding immunity, inflammation response, and susceptibility to psychiatric disorders. The literature search for this review was conducted using PubMed and Scopus, employing keywords and phrases related to maternal stress, ethanol exposure, gut microbiota, microbiome, gut-brain axis, diet, dysbiosis, progesterone, placenta, prenatal development, immunity, inflammation, and depression to identify relevant studies in both preclinical and human research. Only a limited number of reviews were included to support the arguments. The search encompassed studies from the 1990s to the present. This review begins by exploring the role of microbiota in modulating host health and disease. It then examines how disturbances in maternal microbiota can affect the offspring's immune system. The analysis continues by investigating the interplay between stress and dysbiosis, focusing on how prenatal maternal stress influences both maternal and offspring microbiota and its implications for susceptibility to depression. The review also considers the impact of ethanol consumption on gut dysbiosis, with an emphasis on the effects of prenatal ethanol exposure on both maternal and offspring microbiota. Finally, it is suggested that maternal gut microbiota dysbiosis may be significantly exacerbated by the combined effects of stress and ethanol exposure, leading to immune system dysfunction and chronic inflammation, which could increase the risk of depression in the offspring. These interactions underscore the potential for novel mental health interventions that address the gut-brain axis, especially in relation to maternal and offspring health.
Disbiose , Etanol , Microbioma Gastrointestinal , Efeitos Tardios da Exposição Pré-Natal , Estresse Psicológico , Humanos , Gravidez , Feminino , Efeitos Tardios da Exposição Pré-Natal/imunologia , Microbioma Gastrointestinal/efeitos dos fármacos , Microbioma Gastrointestinal/imunologia , Etanol/efeitos adversos , Animais , Estresse Psicológico/imunologia , Estresse Psicológico/complicações , Disbiose/imunologia , Transtornos Mentais/etiologia , Transtornos Mentais/imunologia , Transtornos Mentais/microbiologia , Eixo Encéfalo-IntestinoRESUMO
Biorefineries require low-cost production processes, low waste generation and equipment that can be used not only for a single process, but for the manufacture of several products. In this context, in this research a continuous 3D printing microbioreactor coupled to an Arduino-controlled automatic feeding system was developed for the intensification of the ethanol production process from xylose/xylulose (3:1), using a new biocatalyst containing the co-culture of Scheffersomyces stipitis and Saccharomyces cerevisiae (50/50). Initially, batch fermentations of monocultures of S. cerevisiae and S. stipitis and co-culture were carried out. Subsequently, the immobilized co-culture was used as a biocatalyst in continuous fermentations using the developed microreactor. Fermentations carried out in the microbioreactor presented a 2-fold increase in the ethanol concentration and a 3-fold increase in productivity when compared to monocultures. The microbioreactor developed proved to be efficient and can be extended for other bioproducts production. This approach proved to be a promising alternative for the use of the hemicellulose fraction of biomasses without the need to use modified strains.