OBJECTIVE: To estimate prevalence and analyze factors associated with body image dissatisfaction among Brazilian adolescent school students. METHODS: Cross-sectional study with data from the 2019 National School Health Survey (PeNSE). Prevalence of self-reported body image dissatisfaction and respective 95% confidence intervals (95%CI) and its association with individual characteristics were estimated via odds ratios (OR) and 95% CI using logistic regression. RESULTS: Of the 159,245 students, 30.2% (95%CI 29.2;31.1) reported body image dissatisfaction, which was associated with all factors analyzed. Likelihood of dissatisfaction was greater among females (OR = 3.86; 95%CI 3.45;4.32), having internet at home (OR = 8.68; 95%CI 6.83;11.03), thinking that no one cares about them (OR = 3.02; 95%CI 2.60;3.50), that life is not worth it (OR = 3.27; 95%CI 2.88;3.72) and feeling irritated (OR = 2.87; 95%CI 2.53;3.26). CONCLUSION: Body image dissatisfaction is associated with various factors and requires an intersectoral approach. MAIN RESULTS: Prevalence of body image dissatisfaction was 30.2%. The greatest likelihood of dissatisfaction was more related to being female, having internet at home, frequently feeling that no one cares about them, that life is not worth it, and feeling irritated. IMPLICATIONS FOR SERVICES: We suggest that projects be carried out in schools encouraging physical activity, less screen time and good eating habits, in addition to providing psychological support to students, in order to guide care for their mental health. PERSPECTIVES: Projects are needed to encourage and instruct good physical and psychological health practices at school, involving the entire school community, training of education professionals and encouragement of adolescent mental health self-care.
Insatisfação Corporal , Imagem Corporal , Inquéritos Epidemiológicos , Estudantes , Humanos , Adolescente , Feminino , Estudos Transversais , Masculino , Estudantes/psicologia , Estudantes/estatística & dados numéricos , Prevalência , Brasil , Imagem Corporal/psicologia , Insatisfação Corporal/psicologia , Instituições Acadêmicas , Fatores Sexuais , AutorrelatoRESUMO
INTRODUCTION: Self-perception of body image has been scarcely evaluated in people with Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), who, in addition to intellectual disability, are often obese. Therefore, we explored whether people with PWS can accurately identify their true image and how this self-perception is impacted by their neuropsychological profile. METHODOLOGY: This observational study included patients with PWS with regular attendance to transdisciplinary treatment at a center specialized in the management of rare diseases. All patients were evaluated with the Stunkard scale (including silhouettes ranging from extremely skinny to extremely obese) and the WISC-IV and WAIS-III questionnaires, specifically the perceptual reasoning index (PRI). RESULTS: Among the 21 participants, 62% misperceived their body image, most underestimating their body dimensions (actual BMI 28.0±8.3kg/m2 vs self-perceived BMI 23.2±4.7kg/m2, p=0.03). While BMI differences between accurate and inaccurate body image perception were nonsignificant (accurate 26.6±8.8kg/m2 vs inaccurate 28.9±8.1kg/m2, p=0.56), individuals with accurate perception showed both higher PRI scores (accurate 67.6±8.2 vs inaccurate 60.2±7.2, p=0.043) and, to a lesser extent, intelligence quotients (IQ) (accurate 60.0±4.9 vs inaccurate 55.0±7.5, p=0.079). CONCLUSION: In this study, we identified distortion of body image perception as a very common finding among PWS patients, in most cases as underestimation, and influenced by the neuropsychological profile.
Imagem Corporal , Síndrome de Prader-Willi , Autoimagem , Humanos , Síndrome de Prader-Willi/psicologia , Feminino , Masculino , Adulto , Adulto Jovem , Adolescente , Distorção da Percepção , Obesidade/psicologia , Índice de Massa CorporalRESUMO
Introducción. Adolescentes con exceso de peso confrontan a diario con estereotipos que condicionan su imagen corporal, autoestima y ánimo. Objetivos. Describir, en adolescentes con exceso de peso, las vivencias subjetivas relativas al cuerpo en la vida diaria y sus percepciones respecto a las intervenciones y empatía del equipo de salud. Población y métodos. Estudio descriptivo con enfoque cualitativo. Se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas a adolescentes entre 11 y 18 años con índice de masa corporal (IMC) ≥ 26 autorreferenciado y/o que refirieran seguimiento médico o nutricional por exceso de peso, asistidos en el Servicio de Adolescencia de un hospital de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, entre el 1 de octubre de 2021 y el 31 de mayo de 2022. Resultados. Se evaluaron 20 adolescentes, con mediana de edad de 13,5 años, mayoritariamente de sexo femenino (16/20). La totalidad refirió insatisfacción corporal desde edades tempranas (edad mediana: 10 años). Mencionan dificultad para vestirse por falta de talles; limitan incluso la práctica deportiva. Padecieron humillación corporal relacionada con el peso en la escuela, la familia o la vía pública (15/20). Percibieron el control de peso de manera dual: su descenso fue el principal estímulo del tratamiento, pero su centralidad en las consultas generó malestar. Las principales causas de abandono terapéutico fueron la imposibilidad de sostener temporalmente las recomendaciones y la falta de descenso de peso. Se percibió del equipo tratante buena predisposición y escucha, pero cierta incomprensión sobre las vivencias cotidianas, condicionamientos físicos, materiales, estéticos, sociales, de sus creencias y percepciones.
Introduction. Overweight adolescents are confronted daily with stereotypes that condition their body image, self-esteem, and mood. Objectives. To describe, in adolescents with overweight, the subjective experiences related to the body in daily life and their perceptions regarding the interventions and empathy of the health team. Population and methods. Descriptive study with qualitative approach. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with adolescents aged 11 to 18 years with selfreported mass index (BMI) ≥ 26 and referring to medical or nutritional follow-up for overweight, attended at the Adolescence Service of a hospital in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, between October 1, 2021, and May 31, 2022. Results. Twenty adolescents were evaluated, with a median age of 13.5 years, most of them from female sex (16/20). All reported body dissatisfaction from an early age (median age: 10 years old). They mention difficulty dressing due to the lack of different sizes; they even limit sports practice. They suffered weightrelated body humiliation at school, in the family, or public (15/20). They perceived weight control in a dual way: weight loss was the primary stimulus for treatment, but its centrality in the consultations generated discomfort. The leading causes of therapeutic abandonment were the impossibility of temporarily sustaining the recommendations and the lack of weight loss. The treating team was willing to listen to the patients but needed to understand their daily experiences, physical, material, esthetic, social conditioning, beliefs,and perceptions. Conclusion. The adolescents included in this study perceived specific interventions of the healthcare team as beneficial, with empathic deficiencies
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adolescente , Imagem Corporal/psicologia , Empatia , Sobrepeso/psicologia , Sobrepeso/terapia , Equipe de Assistência ao Paciente/organização & administração , Autoimagem , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Obesidade Infantil/psicologia , Obesidade Infantil/terapiaRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: To test the efficacy of a dissonance-based (DB) intervention in targeting risk factors for eating disorders (EDs) and predisposing factors for muscle dysmorphia (MD) symptoms in body-dissatisfied Brazilian men over 1 year of follow-up and evaluate whether reductions in body-ideal internalization would mediate the intervention's impact on ED and MD symptoms. METHODS: Participants were randomized to a two-session DB intervention (n=89) or assessment-only control (AOC) (n=91), and completed validated measures assessing body-ideal internalization, body dissatisfaction, ED, and MD symptoms at baseline, post-intervention, 1-month, 6-month, and 1-year follow-ups. RESULTS: The DB condition showed significantly greater reductions in MD symptoms and body dissatisfaction compared with the AOC group over a 1-year follow-up, while significant differences were not observed for body-ideal internalization and ED symptoms. Changes in body-ideal internalization from baseline to 1-month follow-up completely mediated the relationship between condition and the changes observed in both ED and MD symptoms. CONCLUSION: These results provide further evidence of the efficacy of the tested intervention through 1-year follow-up in reducing body dissatisfaction and MD symptoms, but no such result was observed for body-ideal internalization and EDs. Our findings provide support for theoretical models of eating pathology and MD symptoms in Brazilian men.
Insatisfação Corporal , Transtornos da Alimentação e da Ingestão de Alimentos , Humanos , Masculino , Transtornos da Alimentação e da Ingestão de Alimentos/prevenção & controle , Adulto , Brasil , Insatisfação Corporal/psicologia , Seguimentos , Adulto Jovem , Resultado do Tratamento , Transtornos Dismórficos Corporais/prevenção & controle , Transtornos Dismórficos Corporais/psicologia , Imagem Corporal/psicologia , Dissonância Cognitiva , Adolescente , Fatores de RiscoRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: This study aims to examine the relationship between body image and the level of sexual satisfaction in women who have undergone a hysterectomy. METHODS: This descriptive study utilized a relational screening model. Conducted between June 2023 and March 2024, the study included a total of 300 sexually active women who had undergone a hysterectomy 6 months prior. Data were collected using a personal information form, the Golombok-Rust Sexual Satisfaction Scale, and the Body Image Scale through face-to-face interviews lasting approximately 20-30 min. RESULTS: The average age of the participating women was 44.4±10.55 years. Of the participants, 96.7% were married and 42.4% had entered menopause. The average score on the Body Image Scale was 81.2±3.8, and the average score on the Golombok-Rust Sexual Satisfaction Scale was 33.0±15.1. A positive significant relationship was found between body image and sexual satisfaction (p<0.05). There was also a statistically significant positive relationship between the total scores on the Body Image Scale and the Golombok-Rust Sexual Satisfaction Scale with age and frequency of sexual intercourse (p=0.049, p<0.001, p<0.001, p=0.047, and p=0.014). It was determined that as the age and frequency of sexual intercourse increased, the levels of body image and sexual satisfaction also increased. CONCLUSION: Our study found that women's self-image is negatively affected, and their level of sexual satisfaction decreases following a hysterectomy.
Imagem Corporal , Histerectomia , Satisfação Pessoal , Humanos , Feminino , Imagem Corporal/psicologia , Histerectomia/psicologia , Histerectomia/efeitos adversos , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Inquéritos e Questionários , Comportamento Sexual/psicologia , OrgasmoRESUMO
INTRODUCTION: Previous studies have focused on understanding the biopsychosocial implications of obesity stigma and have made proposals to minimize its negative consequences, as well as recommendations to eliminate or reduce this stigma; however, knowing which individuals stigmatize obesity and why will allow us to have a broader picture of stigmatization and thus help in planning interventions with greater impact. OBJECTIVE: The aims were to describe the stigmatization toward obesity in preadolescents and adolescents and to determine whether there are differences in body dissatisfaction, abnormal eating behaviors and self-esteem among those with and without stigma toward obesity. METHODS: A total of 307 preadolescents and 349 adolescents answered a set of questionnaires that evaluated abnormal eating behaviors, body dissatisfaction, self-esteem and stigma. RESULTS: Fifty-nine percent of the participants stigmatized individuals with obesity, with preadolescents having the greatest stigma levels. Differences were observed only in body dissatisfaction, where the group of preadolescents who stigmatized individuals with obesity and the group of adolescents who did not stigmatize individuals with obesity reported higher levels of body dissatisfaction. CONCLUSION: Obesity is stigmatized at early ages, regardless of sex; however, preadolescents with stigma toward obesity and adolescents without stigma toward obesity have greater body dissatisfaction, indicating that body dissatisfaction plays a crucial role in the stigmatization of obesity. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Level V, cross-sectional analytical study.
Insatisfação Corporal , Obesidade , Autoimagem , Estigma Social , Humanos , Adolescente , Feminino , Masculino , Insatisfação Corporal/psicologia , Criança , Obesidade/psicologia , Estereotipagem , Inquéritos e Questionários , Imagem Corporal/psicologia , Comportamento Alimentar/psicologiaRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to analyze the association between participation in fitness-related exercises (FRE) and body image dissatisfaction (BID) in adolescents and evaluate the interaction between physical exercise and nutritional status in this association. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted in 2015 involving 799 adolescents (10-16 years old) from 14 public schools in Curitiba (PR), Brazil. BID was assessed using the Body Shape Questionnaire and the Silhouette Scale. The FRE was classified as "does not practice," "practices ≤300 min/week," and "practices >300 min/week" by the Physical Activity Questionnaire for Adolescents. Poisson and multinomial logistic regressions, adjusted for sex, sexual maturation, and nutritional status analyzed the association of FRE and BID. RESULTS: The BID prevalence was 28.3%; 52.4% of the adolescents wanted to reduce their silhouettes; and 48.7% did not practice FRE. Adolescents who practiced FRE >300 min/week had a 28% higher prevalence for some level of BID (PR 1.28; 95%CI 1.08-1.52) and a 46% lower chance of wanting to reduce silhouettes (OR 0.54; 95%CI 0.35-0.82), compared to nonpractitioners. There was no interaction between FRE and nutritional status in association with BID. CONCLUSIONS: The adolescents who practice FRE >300 min/week are likely to have some level of BID and are less likely to report the desire to increase their silhouettes, regardless of their nutritional status.
Insatisfação Corporal , Exercício Físico , Aptidão Física , Humanos , Adolescente , Estudos Transversais , Brasil , Feminino , Masculino , Exercício Físico/psicologia , Insatisfação Corporal/psicologia , Criança , Aptidão Física/psicologia , Estado Nutricional , Imagem Corporal/psicologia , Inquéritos e QuestionáriosRESUMO
This study analyzes the self-perception of body image reported by adolescents from 2009 to 2019 according to sex and region, based on the Brazilian National Survey of School Health (PeNSE). An epidemiological, descriptive time-series analysis was carried out with prevalence and trend measures of how adolescents perceive themselves in relation to their bodies according to the data provided by the PeNSE surveys from 2009 to 2019. The prevalence of adolescents who considered themselves normal reached 47.6% (95%CI: 46.1-49.1) in 2019, representing a negative difference of 12.5 percentage points (p.p.) and a variation of 20.7% compared to 2009. In 2019, 31.4% (95%CI: 30.0-32.9) of boys reported feeling thin or very thin, a difference of 8.4p.p. compared to 2009. On the other hand, 28.6% (95%CI: 26.1-31.1) of girls perceived themselves as fat or very fat in 2019, representing a variation of 7.3p.p. compared to 2009. In recent years, there has been a change in the body self-perception of adolescents, with a reduction in the prevalence of those who consider themselves normal and an increase among those who consider themselves thin or very thin for males and fat or very fat for females. These results indicates the importance of investigating the consequences of perceiving oneself as thin or very thin and fat or very fat in the lives of adolescents.
Este estudo analisa a prevalência da autopercepção da imagem corporal relatada pelos adolescentes entre os anos de 2009 e 2019 segundo sexo e região com base na Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar (PeNSE). Foi realizada uma análise epidemiológica, descritiva de série temporal com medidas de prevalência e tendência de como os adolescentes se percebem em relação ao próprio corpo, conforme os dados fornecidos pelas edições da PeNSE nos anos de 2009 a 2019. A prevalência dos adolescentes que se consideravam "normais" atingiu 47,6% (IC95%: 46,1-49,1) em 2019, representando uma diferença negativa de 12,5 pontos percentuauis (p.p.) e uma variação de 20,7% em relação ao ano de 2009. Em 2019, 31,4% (IC95%: 30,0-32,9) dos meninos relataram sentir-se magros ou muito magros, representando uma diferença de 8,4p.p. em relação a 2009. Já as meninas tiveram uma prevalência de 28,6% (IC95%: 26,1-31,1) em sentir-se gordas ou muito gordas no ano de 2019, representando uma variação de 7,3p.p. em relação a 2009. Nos últimos anos, houve uma mudança na autopercepção corporal dos adolescentes, com redução nas prevalências daqueles que se consideravam "normais" e um aumento entre aqueles que se consideravam magros ou muito magros para o sexo masculino e gordos ou muito gordos para o sexo feminino. Tais resultados apontam para a importância de investigar as consequências da autopercepção magra ou muito magra e gorda ou muito gorda na vida dos adolescentes.
Este estudio analiza la prevalencia de la autopercepción de la imagen corporal reportada por adolescentes entre el 2009 y el 2019 según el sexo y la región con base en la Encuesta Nacional de Salud del Escolar (PeNSE). Se realizó un análisis epidemiológico, descriptivo de serie temporal con medidas de prevalencia y tendencia de la manera en que los adolescentes se perciben con relación a su cuerpo según los datos proporcionados por las ediciones de la PeNSE del 2009 al 2019. La prevalencia de los adolescentes que se consideraban normales alcanzó el 47,6% (IC95%: 46,1-49,1) en el 2019, lo que representa una diferencia negativa de 12,5 puntos porcentuales (p.p.) y una variación del 20,7% con relación al año del 2009. En el 2019, el 31,4% (IC95%: 30,0-32,9) de los chicos refirieron sentirse delgados o muy delgados, lo que representa una diferencia de 8,4p.p. respecto al 2009. A su vez, las chicas tuvieron una prevalencia del 28,6% (IC95%: 26,1-31,1) en sentirse gordas o muy gordas en el 2019, lo que representa una variación de 7,3p.p. respecto al 2009. En los últimos años, se produjo un cambio en la autopercepción corporal de los adolescentes con una reducción en las prevalencias de los que se consideraban normales y un aumento entre los que se consideraban delgados o muy delgados para el sexo masculino y gordas o muy gordas para el sexo femenino. Estos resultados apuntan a la importancia de investigar las consecuencias de la autopercepción de ser delgado o muy delgado y gordo o muy gordo en la vida de los adolescentes.
Imagem Corporal , Autoimagem , Humanos , Adolescente , Masculino , Brasil , Feminino , Imagem Corporal/psicologia , Inquéritos Epidemiológicos , Fatores Sexuais , Prevalência , Instituições Acadêmicas , Estudantes/psicologiaRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: Childbirth is considered to be both beautiful and traumatic. Following a vaginal delivery, some women express discontent with the appearance of their genitalia on social media and/or websites. This study explored how some women perceived their genitalia, post childbirth. Three groups were compared: women with a vaginal delivery, those with a cesarean-section, and those who had never given birth. METHODS: After the study received approval from the institutional review board, 224 female participants living in Puerto Rico and aged 21 to 42 years completed a questionnaire about their genital self-image. RESULTS: Approximately 51% (n = 115) of the participants had never given birth; the others had given birth via C-section 23% (n = 51) or vaginally 26% (n = 58). In all 3 groups, 84% felt positive about their genitals, 79% expressed their satisfaction with the appearance of their genitals and 84%, with their size; 81% were not ashamed of their genitals. CONCLUSION: Logistic regression found no significant difference in genital self-perception between delivery groups or nulliparous women. The adjusted odds ratios for positive genital image varied slightly between delivery methods but were not statistically significant (ranging from 0.65 to 1.11 for vaginal deliveries, and 0.42 to 1.00 for C-sections; P > .05). This suggests that the method of delivery does not have a significant impact on women's genital self-perception. However, for the 21% with negative perceptions, targeted support is essential; for those struggling with their self-image after childbirth, our results can inform support services to address concerns.
Cesárea , Parto Obstétrico , Hispânico ou Latino , Autoimagem , Humanos , Feminino , Porto Rico , Adulto , Adulto Jovem , Parto Obstétrico/psicologia , Hispânico ou Latino/estatística & dados numéricos , Inquéritos e Questionários , Cesárea/estatística & dados numéricos , Genitália Feminina , Gravidez , Paridade , Imagem Corporal/psicologiaRESUMO
The Functionality Appreciation Scale (FAS) is increasingly used in diverse national and linguistic contexts. However, limited work has assessed the extent to which the instrument demonstrates measurement invariance and differential item functioning (DIF) across nations and respondent characteristics. Here, we examined measurement invariance and DIF of the FAS using archival data from adults in Colombia (Mebarak et al., 2023) and Spain (Zamora et al., 2024). Participants included 1420 (women n = 804, men n = 616) respondents from Colombia and 838 (women n = 415, men n = 423) respondents from Spain who completed translations of the FAS. Confirmatory factor analysis supported a unidimensional structure of the FAS in both national groups. Additionally, the FAS achieved full measurement invariance (up to latent mean invariance) across both groups. We also found that the FAS lacked DIF as a function of age, body mass index (BMI), and gender identity across both national groups. Older participants (relative to younger participants), men (relative to women), and participants with lower BMIs (relative to those with higher BMIs) had higher FAS scores. These results support the notion that the FAS is measuring a common underlying construct across these national groups and respondent characteristics.
Psicometria , Humanos , Colômbia , Masculino , Feminino , Espanha , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto Jovem , Inquéritos e Questionários , Análise Fatorial , Índice de Massa Corporal , Imagem Corporal/psicologia , Adolescente , Identidade de Gênero , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Idoso , Satisfação PessoalRESUMO
The aim of this study was to identify, through a systematic review, how perceptions of genital and body self-image can influence the sexual function of young adult women. A systematic review was performed in which 704 studies were selected. After analyzing the articles, only 10 articles were included, from which the data for this research were extracted. The studies showed that there is an association between body and genital image and sexual function. However, those perceptions carry independent and distinct values depending on the associated condition and the audience being evaluated.
Imagem Corporal , Autoimagem , Comportamento Sexual , Humanos , Feminino , Imagem Corporal/psicologia , Comportamento Sexual/psicologia , Genitália Feminina , Adulto Jovem , Adulto , Disfunções Sexuais Psicogênicas/psicologiaRESUMO
Introducción. La pandemia por COVID-19 ha tenido un impacto profundo en la salud de la población joven de todo el mundo y especialmente en personas con trastornos de la conducta alimentaria (TCA) por situaciones de estrés, ansiedad y cambios en el acceso a la atención médica. Objetivo. Explorar las percepciones de adolescentes sobre los cambios en sus vínculos sociales y modalidades de atención en pacientes con TCA. Población y métodos. Se realizó un estudio cualitativo a través de entrevistas en profundidad a adolescentes con TCA en un hospital universitario durante la pandemia por COVID-19. Resultados. Se entrevistó a 15 adolescentes; el 93 % fueron mujeres y la mediana de edad fue 18 años. El 86,6 % tuvo anorexia nerviosa. Los aspectos negativos percibidos más importantes fueron los malestares en la convivencia familiar (80 %) y la disconformidad con los contenidos de las redes sociales sobre la imagen corporal y dietas (73 %). Los aspectos percibidos positivos fueron la ayuda de los pares (66 %) y mejoras en relación con la alimentación (66 %). El principal cambio identificado en comparación con el tratamiento recibido previo a la pandemia por COVID-19 fue el seguimiento virtual por salud mental (73 %). Conclusión. La población adolescente con TCA durante el ASPO manifestó malestar en la convivencia familiar y disconformidad en los contenidos en redes sociales sobre imagen corporal y dietas. Aunque resaltaron como aspectos positivos la ayuda de los pares y mejoras en su alimentación
Introduction. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on the health of young people worldwide, especially on people with eating disorders (EDs) due to the stress, anxiety, and changes experienced in access to health care. Objective. To explore adolescents' perceptions on changes in their social ties and the modalities of health care for patients with EDs. Population and methods. Qualitative study using in-depth interviews with adolescents with EDs seen at a teaching hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic. Results. Fifteen adolescents were interviewed; their mean age was 18 years; 93% were girls. Anorexia nervosa was observed in 86.6%. The most relevant negative aspects perceived were discomfort with family life (80%) and dissatisfaction with social media content regarding body image and dieting (73%). The aspects perceived as positive were peer support (66%) and improvements in eating habits (66%). The main change identified regarding the management before the COVID-19 pandemic was online followup by the mental healthcare team (73%). Conclusion. The adolescent population with EDs during the mandatory social isolation period reported discomfort with family life and dissatisfaction with social media content regarding body image and dieting. Notwithstanding this, adolescents highlighted peer support and improvements in their eating habits as positive aspects.
Humanos , Feminino , Adolescente , Transtornos da Alimentação e da Ingestão de Alimentos/psicologia , Transtornos da Alimentação e da Ingestão de Alimentos/terapia , Transtornos da Alimentação e da Ingestão de Alimentos/epidemiologia , COVID-19/psicologia , COVID-19/epidemiologia , Isolamento Social/psicologia , Apoio Social , Imagem Corporal/psicologia , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Pandemias , Mídias SociaisRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: Gay and bisexual men are at an increased risk for eating disorders (EDs) and muscle dysmorphia (MD) compared with their heterosexual counterparts. Existing dissonance-based (DB) EDs prevention programs for this population have been evaluated in the United States; however, these programs have not been evaluated in the Brazilian context. Thus, we investigated the feasibility, acceptability, and efficacy of a DB ED prevention program (i.e., the PRIDE Body Project) among Brazilian cisgender gay and bisexual men. METHOD: Eligible men were randomly assigned to either a DB intervention (n = 74) condition or an assessment-only control (AOC) condition (n = 75). Participants completed measures assessing ED and MD risk and protective factors at baseline, post-intervention, 1-month, 6-month, and 1-year follow-up. Those in the intervention condition also completed acceptability measures. RESULTS: Feasibility and acceptability ratings were highly favorable. Regarding efficacy, post-intervention results were not significant, except for self-objectification, which showed a significantly greater decrease in the DB condition compared with the AOC condition at all time-points of follow-ups (Cohen's d = -0.31 to -0.76). At follow-up, the DB condition showed significantly greater decreases in appearance-ideal internalization, drive for muscularity, self-objectification, ED and MD symptoms at 1-month, 6-month, and 1-year follow-ups (d = -0.33 to -0.92) compared with the AOC condition. Significant increases were observed in the DB compared with the AOC condition for body appreciation at 1-month, 6-month, and 1-year follow-ups (d = 0.31-0.81). DISCUSSION: Results support the feasibility, acceptability, and efficacy of the PRIDE Body Project up to 1-year in Brazilian cisgender gay and bisexual men. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Brazilian Registry of Clinical Trials (ReBEC; available at number of registration: RBR-62fctqz.
Transtornos da Alimentação e da Ingestão de Alimentos , Minorias Sexuais e de Gênero , Humanos , Masculino , Brasil , Transtornos da Alimentação e da Ingestão de Alimentos/prevenção & controle , Adulto , Seguimentos , Insatisfação Corporal , Homossexualidade Masculina , Imagem Corporal/psicologia , Adulto Jovem , Estudos de Viabilidade , Dissonância CognitivaRESUMO
Introduction. Overweight adolescents are confronted daily with stereotypes that condition their body image, self-esteem, and mood. Objectives. To describe, in adolescents with overweight, the subjective experiences related to the body in daily life and their perceptions regarding the interventions and empathy of the health team. Population and methods. Descriptive study with qualitative approach. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with adolescents aged 11 to 18 years with selfreported mass index (BMI) ≥ 26 and referring to medical or nutritional follow-up for overweight, attended at the Adolescence Service of a hospital in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, between October 1, 2021, and May 31, 2022. Results. Twenty adolescents were evaluated, with a median age of 13.5 years, most of them from female sex (16/20). All reported body dissatisfaction from an early age (median age: 10 years old). They mention difficulty dressing due to the lack of different sizes; they even limit sports practice. They suffered weight- related body humiliation at school, in the family, or public (15/20). They perceived weight control in a dual way: weight loss was the primary stimulus for treatment, but its centrality in the consultations generated discomfort. The leading causes of therapeutic abandonment were the impossibility of temporarily sustaining the recommendations and the lack of weight loss. The treating team was willing to listen to the patients but needed to understand their daily experiences, physical, material, esthetic, social conditioning, beliefs, and perceptions. Conclusion. The adolescents included in this study perceived specific interventions of the healthcare team as beneficial, with empathic deficiencies.
Introducción. Adolescentes con exceso de peso confrontan a diario con estereotipos que condicionan su imagen corporal, autoestima y ánimo. Objetivos. Describir, en adolescentes con exceso de peso, las vivencias subjetivas relativas al cuerpo en la vida diaria y sus percepciones respecto a las intervenciones y empatía del equipo de salud. Población y métodos. Estudio descriptivo con enfoque cualitativo. Se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas a adolescentes entre 11 y 18 años con índice de masa corporal (IMC) ≥ 26 autorreferenciado y/o que refirieran seguimiento médico o nutricional por exceso de peso, asistidos en el Servicio de Adolescencia de un hospital de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, entre el 1 de octubre de 2021 y el 31 de mayo de 2022. Resultados. Se evaluaron 20 adolescentes, con mediana de edad de 13,5 años, mayoritariamente de sexo femenino (16/20). La totalidad refirió insatisfacción corporal desde edades tempranas (edad mediana: 10 años). Mencionan dificultad para vestirse por falta de talles; limitan incluso la práctica deportiva. Padecieron humillación corporal relacionada con el peso en la escuela, la familia o la vía pública (15/20). Percibieron el control de peso de manera dual: su descenso fue el principal estímulo del tratamiento, pero su centralidad en las consultas generó malestar. Las principales causas de abandono terapéutico fueron la imposibilidad de sostener temporalmente las recomendaciones y la falta de descenso de peso. Se percibió del equipo tratante buena predisposición y escucha, pero cierta incomprensión sobre las vivencias cotidianas, condicionamientos físicos, materiales, estéticos, sociales, de sus creencias y percepciones. Conclusión. Percibieron beneficiosas ciertas intervenciones del equipo de salud, con falencias empáticas.
Imagem Corporal , Empatia , Sobrepeso , Humanos , Adolescente , Feminino , Masculino , Criança , Imagem Corporal/psicologia , Sobrepeso/psicologia , Sobrepeso/terapia , Autoimagem , Equipe de Assistência ao Paciente/organização & administração , Obesidade Infantil/psicologia , Obesidade Infantil/terapiaRESUMO
This study examined the association between media and Instagram interaction patterns with weight bias among undergraduate nutrition students in the Brazilian Nutritionists' Health Study. We also explored the potential mediating role of students' own body image perception in these relationships. A total of 406 students (78% women) participated in this cross-sectional analysis. Sociodemographic data, media influence, Instagram interaction patterns, body image perception, and weight bias were assessed using semi-structured questionnaires. Findings indicated that exposure to fitness content on Instagram (ß = 0.17, p < 0.001) and the pursuit of an ideal athletic body (ß = 0.12, p = 0.034) were associated with increased weight bias. In contrast, engagement with body diversity content (ß = -0.23, p < 0.001) and perceived pressure from media to conform to appearance ideals (ß = -0.24, p < 0.001) had a mitigating effect on weight bias. Notably, body image perception did not mediate these relationships (p > 0.05). In conclusion, this study revealed a link between media exposure and weight bias among undergraduate nutrition students, independent of their body image perception. Developing social media literacy programs that encourage students to critically evaluate media content is imperative to reduce weight bias. Additionally, a deeper examination of the media content that contributes to weight bias and the potential need for targeted regulatory measures is warranted.
Imagem Corporal , Mídias Sociais , Estudantes , Humanos , Feminino , Masculino , Brasil , Estudos Transversais , Adulto Jovem , Imagem Corporal/psicologia , Estudantes/psicologia , Estudantes/estatística & dados numéricos , Inquéritos e Questionários , Adulto , Preconceito de Peso , Peso Corporal , Nutricionistas , AdolescenteRESUMO
This article aims to map the global scientific production on social or cultural representations and breast cancer in Public Health and discuss how it is presented in the literature. We conducted a scoping review guided by the question: "How are cultural or social representations in the context of breast cancer described in the global scientific Public Health production?". We searched for works in five scientific literature sources and included 45 studies. The analytical process followed the content analysis technique in the thematic modality. The analyzed collection can be thematized into the following categories: (1) Compromised body image and interactions, (2) Spirituality, (3) Loss of control over life, (4) Going on with life, and (5) Association with ethnic-racial issues. Despite advances in biomedicine, we observed that representations of breast cancer still have metaphors associated with cancer in the last century. We conclude that, among other aspects, care for women with breast cancer cannot be guided only by biomedical and epidemiological approaches since this disease is traversed by knowledge that competes with these approaches.
O objetivo deste artigo é mapear a produção científica global sobre representações sociais ou culturais e câncer de mama no campo da saúde coletiva e discutir como esse fenômeno se apresenta na literatura. Foi realizada uma revisão de escopo, tendo como norte a seguinte pergunta: "Como representações culturais ou sociais no contexto do câncer de mama são descritas na produção científica global no âmbito da saúde coletiva?". As buscas foram realizadas em cinco fontes de literatura científica, sendo incluídos 45 estudos. O tratamento analítico seguiu a técnica de análise de conteúdo na modalidade temática. O acervo analisado pode ser tematizado nas seguintes categorias: (1) Comprometimento na imagem corporal e nas interações; (2) Espiritualidade; (3) Perda do controle da vida; (4) Seguir com a vida e (5) Associação a questões étnico-raciais. Apesar dos avanços da biomedicina, observa-se que nas representações do câncer de mama ainda permanecem metáforas associadas ao câncer no século passado. Conclui-se que, dentre outros aspectos, a atenção a mulheres com câncer de mama não pode ser pautada apenas pelas abordagens biomédica e epidemiológica, uma vez que essa doença é atravessada por saberes que competem com essas abordagens.
Neoplasias da Mama , Humanos , Neoplasias da Mama/psicologia , Feminino , Saúde Pública , Espiritualidade , Imagem Corporal/psicologia , Características Culturais , CulturaRESUMO
INTRODUCTION: Body image distortion and/or dissatisfaction may occur primarily due to body fat accumulation and/or distribution. The aim of this study was to evaluate the frequency of body image perception and (dis)satisfaction categories in adult men and women according to the adiposity classification. METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study (n = 514; 33-79 years; 265 women) that is part of a prospective cohort (Pró-Saúde study). Adiposity measurements were determined by two methods: anthropometry, used to calculate the body mass index (BMI) and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), to estimate body fat percentage. Participants were grouped as "no excess adiposity" and "excess adiposity", considering BMI and body fat percentage (>30% for men, >40% for women). Perception and (dis)satisfaction with body image were evaluated using the Kakeshita scale, composed by 15 silhouettes, developed for the Brazilian population. Degree of distortion (perceived BMI - real BMI) and dissatisfaction (perceived BMI - desired BMI) were calculated. RESULTS: A high proportion of men (58.6%; 74.3%), and especially of women (82.6%; 86.8%), presented body size overestimation and dissatisfaction due to excess weight, respectively. A relevant fraction of the women (32.6%) and men (30.8%) who were dissatisfied due to excess weight did not present excess adiposity, especially if classified by DXA. Variability in degree of distortion was hardly explained by anthropometric and DXA variables in women (<5%) and men (â¼22%). Both anthropometric and DXA measurements accounted for â¼30% and â¼50% of the variability in degree of dissatisfaction among women and men, respectively. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest a high frequency of body image distortion in Brazilian adult individuals, as well as dissatisfaction with excess weight, especially among women with excess adiposity. The findings indicate that anthropometric measurements explain much of the variability in degree of body image dissatisfaction in men, with no apparent advantage of the use of more refined DXA measurements.
Absorciometria de Fóton , Adiposidade , Imagem Corporal , Índice de Massa Corporal , Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto , Adiposidade/fisiologia , Imagem Corporal/psicologia , Idoso , Estudos Transversais , Satisfação Pessoal , Brasil/epidemiologia , Estudos Prospectivos , Insatisfação Corporal/psicologiaRESUMO
The Body Project (BP) intervention for body image issues is supported by extensive efficacy and effectiveness research, most of which has been conducted in the United States. The BP uses cognitive dissonance to help participants critique the ideal appearance through written, verbal, and behavioral exercises. This reduces the internalization of the appearance ideal, which in turn decreases body dissatisfaction symptoms and, in some individuals, the onset of eating disorders. To broadly implement this program in Mexico and Latin America, Comenzar de Nuevo (CdN), a non-profit organization for eating disorder treatment, partnered with the Body Project Collaborative in 2014. Together, they created a training and implementation infrastructure. This paper explores the adaptation of BP and its implementation in Mexico and Latin America. We used sustainable business, marketing, and educational models to fulfill CdN's mission to reduce eating disorder risk factors, including weight stigma, in the Latin American region. By integrating strategies to combat weight stigma within our program delivery, we strive to contribute to a more inclusive and supportive environment. We trained master trainers, regular trainers, and/or group facilitators from Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Chile, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, and Spain; and implemented the BP in 15 public schools supported by sponsorship programs. This paper provides crucial lessons learned, future directions, and implications for dissemination and implementation efforts in this region of the world.
Imagem Corporal , Humanos , México , América Latina , Imagem Corporal/psicologia , Transtornos da Alimentação e da Ingestão de Alimentos/terapia , FemininoRESUMO
El estudio tuvo por objetivo determinar el efecto de la aplicación del Programa Corporeidad para la adquisición de competencias motrices básicas en escolares de educación primaria, Huanta-Ayacucho, 2023. La investigación fue aplicada, abordó desde el enfoque cuantitativo y diseño cuasi experimental. Participaron 107 estudiantes del 6° grado de primaria en dos grupos; solo al grupo experimental se aplicó el Programa de Corporeidad mediante 15 sesiones en las dimensiones percepción postural y percepción y regulación de móviles. Se aplicó la Batería MOBAK 5-6 midiendo dos competencias motrices básicas: control de objetos y control del cuerpo. Los resultados establecen que ambos grupos (control y experimental) en el pretest no reflejan diferencias significativas en el logro de las competencias motrices básicas (0.170 ≥ 0.05). Asimismo, se evidenció que ambos grupos (control y experimental) en el postest si reflejan diferencias significativas (0.000 < 0.05), encontrándose que el rango promedio del grupo control es 27.51 y del grupo experimental notoriamente más alto con 73.98, dando un valor para la prueba U de Mann-Whitney de 184,500; concluyendo que la aplicación del Programa Corporeidad si tuvo efecto significativo en la adquisición de las competencias motrices básicas en los escolares de educación primaria.
The objective of the study was to determine the effect of the application of the Corporeidad Program for the acquisition of basic motor skills in primary school students, Huanta-Ayacucho, 2023. The research was applied, approached from the quantitative approach and quasi-design experimental. 107 students from the 6th grade of primary school participated in two groups; The Corporeity Program was applied only to the experimental group through 15 sessions in the postural perception and mobile perception and regulation dimensions. The MOBAK Battery 5-6 was applied, measuring two basic motor skills: control of objects and control of the body. The results establish that both groups (control and experimental) in the pretest do not reflect significant differences in the achievement of basic motor skills (0.170 ≥ 0.05). Likewise, it was evidenced that both groups (control and experimental) in the post-test do reflect significant differences (0.000 < 0.05), finding that the average range of the control group is 27.51 and of the experimental group notoriously higher with 73.98, giving a value for the Mann-Whitney U test of 184,500; concluding that the application of the Corporeity Program did have a significant effect on the acquisition of basic motor skills in primary school students.
O objetivo do estudo foi determinar o efeito da aplicação do Programa Corporeidad para a aquisição de habilidades motoras básicas em alunos do ensino fundamental, Huanta-Ayacucho, 2023. A pesquisa foi aplicada, abordada a partir da abordagem quantitativa e quase-desenho experimental. Participaram 107 alunos do 6º ano do ensino fundamental em duas turmas; O Programa de Corporeidade foi aplicado apenas ao grupo experimental através de 15 sessões nas dimensões percepção postural e percepção móvel e regulação. Foi aplicada a Bateria MOBAK 5-6, medindo duas habilidades motoras básicas: controle de objetos e controle do corpo. Os resultados estabelecem que ambos os grupos (controle e experimental) no pré-teste não refletem diferenças significativas na obtenção de habilidades motoras básicas (0,170 ≥ 0,05). Da mesma forma, evidenciouse que ambos os grupos (controle e experimental) no pós-teste refletem diferenças significativas (0,000 < 0,05), verificandose que o intervalo médio do grupo controle é de 27,51 e do grupo experimental notoriamente superior com 73,98, dando um valor para o teste Mann-Whitney U de 184.500; concluindo que a aplicação do Programa Corporeidade teve um efeito significativo na aquisição de habilidades motoras básicas em alunos do ensino fundamental.
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adolescente , Estudantes , Imagem Corporal , Destreza Motora , Ensino Fundamental e MédioRESUMO
El propósito de este estudio fue analizar la influencia del autoconcepto físico en relación con la motivación de logro y las actitudes de estudiantes de enseñanza media en la asignatura de Educación Física y Salud. Además, se buscó explorar las disparidades en las percepciones entre hombres y mujeres, así como entre aquellos que participan en actividades físico-deportivas. Para llevar a cabo la investigación, se empleó un enfoque cuantitativo con un alcance descriptivo-correlacional, utilizando un cuestionario aplicado a una muestra de 279 estudiantes de la región del Biobío, Chile. Este instrumento evaluó diversas dimensiones del autoconcepto físico, la motivación de logro y las actitudes hacia la asignatura. Los principales resultados indican que la actividad física constante se vincula con una mejor evaluación en estas dimensiones. Los hombres muestran una percepción corporal más positiva y mayor disposición para la participación activa, mientras que las mujeres experimentan niveles elevados de ansiedad y percepción de dificultad. La actividad física constante se asocia con percepciones más favorables en diversas dimensiones. Estos resultados resaltan la importancia de considerar género y nivel de actividad física al diseñar estrategias educativas en Educación Física y Salud en la enseñanza media.
The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of physical self-concept in relation to achievement motivation and attitudes of high school students in the subject of Physical Education and Health. In addition, we sought to explore the disparities in perceptions between men and women, as well as between those who participate in physical-sports activities. To carry out the research, a quantitative approach with a descriptive-correlational scope was used, using a questionnaire applied to a sample of 279 students from the Biobío region, Chile. This instrument evaluated various dimensions of physical self-concept, achievement motivation, and attitudes toward the subject. The main results indicate that constant physical activity is linked to a better evaluation in these dimensions. Men show a more positive body perception and greater willingness to actively participate, while women experience high levels of anxiety and perceived difficulty. Constant physical activity is associated with more favorable perceptions in various dimensions. These results highlight the importance of considering gender and level of physical activity when designing educational strategies in Physical Education and Health in secondary education.
O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a influência do autoconceito físico em relação à motivação e atitudes de realização de estudantes do ensino médio na disciplina de Educação Física e Saúde. Além disso, procuramos explorar as disparidades de percepções entre homens e mulheres, bem como entre aqueles que participam de atividades físico-esportivas. Para a realização da pesquisa foi utilizada uma abordagem quantitativa com escopo descritivo-correlacional, por meio de um questionário aplicado a uma amostra de 279 estudantes da região Biobío, Chile. Este instrumento avaliou diversas dimensões do autoconceito físico, motivação para realização e atitudes em relação ao sujeito. Os principais resultados indicam que a atividade física constante está ligada a uma melhor avaliação nestas dimensões. Os homens demonstram uma percepção corporal mais positiva e maior disposição para participar ativamente, enquanto as mulheres apresentam altos níveis de ansiedade e dificuldade percebida. A atividade física constante está associada a percepções mais favoráveis em diversas dimensões. Estes resultados destacam a importância de considerar o género e o nível de atividade física na concepção de estratégias educativas em Educação Física e Saúde no ensino secundário.