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Eur Neurol ; 87(1): 43-48, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39427660


BACKGROUND: Neurology and literature have a complex interface; one of the facets is that of works inspired by grief on the passing of a beloved one due to a neurological disease. SUMMARY: In Memoriam A.H.H., written by Alfred Tennyson and published in 1850 in response to the untimely death of Arthur Henry Hallam, is one such elegy, which had a profound impact in Tennyson's body of work and on the history of Victorian poetry in general. In this review, the author delineates biographical notes of both men before analyzing the disease and death of Arthur Hallam due to hemorrhagic stroke. KEY MESSAGES: By evaluating Hallam's autopsy report and contemplating the different hypotheses on the etiology of his stroke, as well as how his death due to catastrophic neurological disease was memorialized in verse, neurologists may gain better insight on the interface between neurology and literature inspired by grief.

Pessoas Famosas , Acidente Vascular Cerebral Hemorrágico , Poesia como Assunto , Humanos , História do Século XIX , Poesia como Assunto/história , Acidente Vascular Cerebral Hemorrágico/história , Masculino , Neurologia/história , Medicina na Literatura/história
Arq Neuropsiquiatr ; 82(5): 1-4, 2024 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38740036


One of the most important figures in the history of neurohistology, Giuseppe Levi (1872-1965) contributed in numerous ways to neuroscience, particularly in the fields of neuronal plasticity and the understanding of sensory ganglia. His daughter Natalia Ginzburg, née Levi (1916-1991), on the other hand, achieved fame as one of the most celebrated Italian writers of the twentieth century. Lessico Famigliare (Family Lexicon), from 1963, is a semibiographical account of her life in which she describes the life and character of her father in detail, providing depth and complexity to a seminal figures in the development of neuroscience. A thorough reading of the book enables modern neurologists to fully appreciate Levi's life and contributions, by means of humanizing him and giving context to his life and works. The present article provides a summary of Levi's and Natalia's lives and times as well as an analysis of the book and of the intimate, vivid descriptions of the neurohistologist's life.

Uma das figuras mais importantes da história da neuro-histologia, Giuseppe Levi (1872­1965) contribuiu de diversas maneiras para a neurociência, particularmente no campo da plasticidade neuronal e na compreensão dos gânglios sensitivos. Sua filha Natalia Ginzburg, nascida Levi (1916­1991), pelo contrário, adquiriu fama como uma das escritoras italianas mais célebres do século XX. Lessico Famigliare (Léxico familiar), de 1963, é um relato semibiográfico de sua vida, na qual ela descreve a vida e o comportamento de seu pai em detalhes, e confere profundidade e complexidade a uma figura seminal no desenvolvimento da neurociência. Uma leitura aprofundada do livro permite que neurologistas modernos apreciem a vida e as contribuições de Levi de forma mais completa, o humanizando e dando contexto a sua vida e suas obras. O autor resume as vidas e épocas de Levi e Natalia, bem como avalia o livro e as descrições íntimas, vívidas, da vida do neurohistologista.

Medicina na Literatura , História do Século XX , História do Século XIX , Itália , Medicina na Literatura/história , Neurologia/história , Neurociências/história
Hist Psychol ; 26(1): 51-75, 2023 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36548087


One of the most important successes in the history of psychology in Chile was the foundation in 1908 of the first experimental psychology laboratory in Santiago by the German psychologist Wilhelm Mann (1974-1943). Four years later, Mann give a shift to his classical experimental psychology research to intervene in the discussions about German School Reform (1900-1920). Mann used Chile as a "testing ground" for explore the viability of student self-government published in three papers. The method used to verify the early impact of Mann's papers was the quantitative analysis of citations with Publish or Perish software using a Google Books database and Scripta Paedagogica. The reception of Mann's texts was analyzed using the context of citation and the functions and use of those citations. The three unknow Mann's papers about Student Self-Government published in 1913 and his citations. The results shows that Mann's critics and recommendations published in one of his papers was the fourth more citated in a database of 16 foundational German works of to self-student government. Finally, this Mann's article was cited and used in an ideological way to argue in favor of reactionary and conservative opinions of school democratization in German Empire teacher circles. Mann's diagnosis and critical suggestions was recognized by prominent German philosophers and pedagogues. Precisely Mann criticized the Student Republics as the only way to stimulate the student self-government for their artificial character and especially for the loss of students' psychological individuality. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2023 APA, all rights reserved).

Medicina na Literatura , Psicologia Experimental , Humanos , Chile
Acta bioeth ; 28(1): 9-17, jun. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1383274


Resumen: 1. En busca del tiempo perdido de Marcel Proust narra el proyecto-de-existencia del "autor" de la ficción de llegar a ser artista. 2. El mundo de la medicina es el ámbito en que se exterioriza la fragilidad del hombre como ser-referido-a-la-muerte. 3. El sentimiento engañoso de poder de la buena salud embriaga a la medicina, médicos, pacientes, parientes, tratamientos -depreciación irreverente hacia lo perecedero. 4. El tratamiento médico de la agonía de la abuela del "autor" muestra los elementos centrales de la relación médico-paciente de la medicina de comienzos del siglo XX: cognoscitivo, afectivo, operativo, ético y social. 5. El "autor" de la novela no es Marcel Proust y, aunque se trata de una ficción, estimula al mundo médico actual a reflexionar sobre sus fundamentos bioéticos últimos.

Abstract: 1. Marcel Proust´s In Search of Lost Time recounts the fiction of the "author's" project-of-existence to become an artist. 2. The world of medicine is the area in which the fragility of man is expressed as being-referred-to-death. 3. The deceptive feeling of the power of good health intoxicates medicine, physicians, patients, relatives, treatments - irreverent depreciation toward the perishable. 4. The medical treatment of the agony of the "author's" grandmother shows the central elements of the doctor-patient relationship in medicine at the beginning of the 20th century: cognitive, affective, operational, ethical, and social. 5. The "author" of the novel is not Marcel Proust and, although it is a fiction, it encourages today´s medical world to reflect on its fundamental bioethical foundations.

Resumo: 1. Em busca do tempo perdido de Marcel Proust narra o projeto-de-existência do "autor" da ficção de chegar a ser artista. 2. O mundo da medicina é o âmbito em que se exterioriza a fragilidade do homem como ser-referido-à-morte. 3. O sentimento enganoso de poder da boa saúde embriaga a medicina, médicos, pacientes, parentes, tratamentos -depreciação irreverente ao perecível. 4. O tratamento médico da agonia da avó do "autor" mostra os elementos centrais da relação médicopaciente da medicina do princípio do século XX: cognitivo, afetivo, operativo, ético e social. 5. O "autor" do romance não é Marcel Proust e, ainda que se trate de uma ficção, estimula o mundo médico atual a refletir sobre seus fundamentos bioéticos últimos.

Humanos , Medicina na Literatura
Neurol India ; 70(2): 726-728, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35532647


Background: Across literary fiction, allusions to medical ailments are common. However, in the bibliography of Stephen King, neurological disorders appear to be present disproportionately. Objective: The objective of this study is to describe the epidemiology of neurologic disorders depicted in the writings of Stephen King. Methods: This study presents data from Stephen King's 60 published novels. The frequency, prevalence, lethality, and mortality of each neurological diagnosis found in the characters that appear in the novels are reported. Results: Forty-eight novels portrayed at least one character with a neurological diagnosis, and in total, 150 characters exhibited a neurological condition. The overall prevalence was 111.2 per 1,000 characters. Their median age was 20 years (range 76), and 61.7% were males. Headache was the most common symptom (35.3%), followed by stroke symptoms in 28.7%. Prevalence was 24.5, 17.8 for headache and epilepsy, respectively. Lethality was 28.7%. The overall mortality rate was 31.9. Conclusions: The epidemiology described in Stephen King's novels parallels that of the real world. The depiction of neurological disorders found in his novels showcases the elevated contribution of neurological disorders to the global burden of the disease, an important message for the readers of his fiction and interest to all neurologists.

Epilepsia , Medicina na Literatura , Idoso , Feminino , Cefaleia , Humanos , Masculino , Neurologistas , Pesquisa
Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 45(2): e059, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1251130


Abstract: Introduction: The National Curricular Guidelines (NCG) for medical school bring the teaching of Humanities, among them Literature, as a way to overcome the biomedical model. Literature can strengthen compassion directed to the 'other'. It starts with a curriculum organized by active teaching-learning methodologies. Objective: This study aims to understand the experiences of students from a Medical School in the interior of São Paulo who had contact with literary texts in the beginning of medical school, creating a representative model based on the experience. Method: This is a qualitative research guided by the Grounded Theory. The data collection was carried out through semi-structured interviews with undergraduate students who were randomly chosen from all years of the Medical School. The only inclusion criteria was the participation in groups coordinated by a teacher who had used literature as a teaching strategy. Twelve interviews were carried out, transcribed and codified. The sampling was performed by theoretical saturation. Results: The created categories were: 1. "Identifying the importance of the literature and Arts in Medical School, seeking a rupture from the biomedical model, while improving empathy and the humanization of care"; 2. "Reflecting on the use of artistic tools to learn practical contents in Medicine and to provide psychosocial knowledge"; 3. "Proposing a possible curricular systematization, considering active methodologies and other artistic forms"; 4. "Recalling the tales that are more often associated to the student's personal interest, which can promote the integration with all the acquired knowledge". Based on these categories, it was possible to create the representative model of the experience that relays the students' satisfaction with literature in medical education, enhancing the humanization of care; however, there is a need for curriculum homogenization, aiming at organizing the activity and the learning opportunity for others students. Conclusion: The model comprises the idea that literature enhances the humanization of care and is able to establish a rupture from the biomedical model. The study potential lies in proposing strategies to the community and academic management, aiming to strengthen humanization in curricular perspective of medical training.

Resumo: Introdução: As Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais (DCN) de 2014 para o curso de Medicina trazem o ensino das humanidades, entre elas a literatura, como forma de superar o modelo biomédico. A literatura pode fortalecer a compaixão, com o olhar para a alteridade. Parte-se de um currículo organizado por metodologias ativas de ensino-aprendizagem. Objetivo: Este estudo teve como objetivo compreender as experiências dos estudantes de uma faculdade do interior paulista que tiveram contato com textos literários no início da graduação, elaborando um modelo representativo da experiência. Método: Trata-se de pesquisa qualitativa, orientada pela Teoria Fundamentada nos Dados (TFD). A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, com estudantes, sorteados, de todas as séries do curso de Medicina, tendo como critério para inclusão a participação em grupos conduzidos por professora que fez uso de literatura como estratégia educacional. Houve realização de 12 entrevistas, transcritas e codificadas. A amostragem se deu por saturação teórica. Resultados: Foram geradas as seguintes categorias: 1. "Importância da literatura e das artes em geral na formação médica, visando ao rompimento do modelo biomédico e à potencialização tanto da empatia quanto da humanização do cuidado na relação médico-paciente"; 2. "Refletindo sobre o uso de ferramentas artísticas para o aprendizado de conteúdos técnicos/práticos da medicina, assim como para proporcionar a mudança de habilidades e conhecimentos psicossociais"; 3. "Refletindo acerca de uma possível sistematização curricular considerando as metodologias ativas e outras formas artísticas, e comparando grupos/séries da graduação que tiveram ou não contato com essas ferramentas"; 4. "Possibilitando a lembrança dos contos ou das discussões fomentados nos primeiros anos da graduação, associando ao interesse pessoal do estudante pela atividade e promovendo a integração dos conhecimentos adquiridos na prática médica". A partir das categorias, foi possível elaborar o modelo representativo da experiência que remete à satisfação dos estudantes com a literatura na formação médica, potencializando a humanização do cuidado, porém sinaliza-se a necessidade de homogeneização curricular para organização da atividade e oportunidade da aprendizagem para outros estudantes. Conclusões: O modelo compreende a noção de que a literatura potencializa a humanização da atenção e é capaz de romper com o modelo biomédico. A potencialidade do estudo tem seu alcance na proposição de estratégias à comunidade e gestão acadêmica, para fortalecimento da humanização na perspectiva curricular da formação médica.

Humanos , Currículo , Educação Médica/métodos , Medicina na Literatura , Entrevistas como Assunto , Teoria Fundamentada , Modelos Teóricos
Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 45(supl.1): e120, 2021.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1279881


Resumo: Introdução: Como ser mentor para alguém? Como fazer acontecer a mentoria? Qual é o caminho a seguir? Podemos aprender sobre mentoria no cotidiano, em programas estruturados e, desde a sua origem, nos clássicos literários. Neste ensaio, a partir de releitura pessoal do livro Cartas a um jovem poeta, de Rainer Maria Rilke, busco identificar e apresentar elementos que possam aprofundar a compreensão do ser mentor e do fazer mentoria. Desenvolvimento: A troca de correspondências entre o poeta experiente e o iniciante mostra a importância da generosidade e da humildade como atributos de um mentor. Mesmo a distância e mediada por cartas, a relação é sustentada pelos três vértices da mentoria que promovem desenvolvimento: o acolhimento, a reflexão e a visão. Conclusão: Mentores modernos podem encontrar, nessa e em outras narrativas clássicas, novas inspirações para o seu fazer. Rilke e o jovem Kappus, tal como Mentor e Telêmaco, na Odisseia, caminham juntos e nos contam uma história que vale a pena ler e reler.

Abstract: Introduction: How should one be a mentor to someone else? How should one make mentoring happen? Which is the correct path to take? We can learn about mentoring in everyday life, in structured programs, and, since its origins, in literary classics. In this essay, taking as a starting point Letters to a Young Poet, by Rainer Maria Rilke, I sought to identify and present elements that can further our understanding of what it means to be a mentor and to make mentoring happen. Development: The letters exchanged between the experienced poet and the beginner show the importance of generosity and humility as a mentor's attributes. Even if through letters, the relationship is established on three vertices of mentoring that promote development: support, reflection, and vision. Conclusion: In the classic narratives, modern mentors can find new inspiration for their practice. Rilke and the young Kappus, as Mentor and Telemachus, walk together and tell us a story that is worth reading and rereading.

Humanos , Mentores , Tutoria , Educação em Saúde/métodos , Educação Médica/métodos , Medicina na Literatura
Gac Med Mex ; 156(5): 465-472, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33372927


The analysis of three characters corresponding to different spaces and times shows the close link between literature and the history of medicine. On one hand, Don Quixote of La Mancha, who reflects the thought of the last years of the Renaissance and that has been assimilated in contemporary Mexico. On the other hand, Doctors Miguel Francisco Jiménez and Rita Levi Montalcini, who lived in the 19th and 20th centuries, respectively. Despite the years that separate these three personalities, many elements in common are observed that do not lose their validity: the value that is given to health, ethics, tenacity and experience to attain successful results. All three characters refer to the medicine of their time, their achievements and the promotion of humanism, always inherent to medicine.

El análisis de tres personajes correspondientes a espacios y tiempos diferentes muestra el estrecho vínculo entre la literatura y la historia de la medicina. Por un lado, don Quijote de la Mancha, quien refleja el pensamiento de los últimos años del Renacimiento y ha sido asimilado en el México contemporáneo. Por otro lado, los doctores Miguel Francisco Jiménez y Rita Levi Montalcini, quienes vivieron en los siglos XIX y XX, respectivamente. A pesar de los años que separan a los tres personaje, se advierten numerosos elementos en común que no pierden vigencia: el valor que se otorga a la salud, la ética, la tenacidad y la experiencia para obtener resultados exitosos, entre otros. Los tres personajes aluden a la medicina de su tiempo, los logros alcanzados y la promoción del humanismo, siempre inherente a la medicina.

Medicina na Literatura/história , Prêmio Nobel , História do Século XVI , História do Século XVII , História do Século XIX , História do Século XX , Humanos , Itália , México , Fator de Crescimento Neural/história
Gac. méd. Méx ; Gac. méd. Méx;156(5): 474-481, sep.-oct. 2020. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1249949


Resumen El análisis de tres personajes correspondientes a espacios y tiempos diferentes muestra el estrecho vínculo entre la literatura y la historia de la medicina. Por un lado, don Quijote de la Mancha, quien refleja el pensamiento de los últimos años del Renacimiento y ha sido asimilado en el México contemporáneo. Por otro lado, los doctores Miguel Francisco Jiménez y Rita Levi Montalcini, quienes vivieron en los siglos XIX y XX, respectivamente. A pesar de los años que separan a los tres personaje, se advierten numerosos elementos en común que no pierden vigencia: el valor que se otorga a la salud, la ética, la tenacidad y la experiencia para obtener resultados exitosos, entre otros. Los tres personajes aluden a la medicina de su tiempo, los logros alcanzados y la promoción del humanismo, siempre inherente a la medicina.

Abstract The analysis of three characters corresponding to different spaces and times shows the close link between literature and the history of medicine. On one hand, Don Quixote of La Mancha, who reflects the thought of the last years of the Renaissance and that has been assimilated in contemporary Mexico. On the other hand, Doctors Miguel Francisco Jiménez and Rita Levi Montalcini who lived in the 19th and 20th centuries, respectively. Despite the years that separate these three personalities, many elements in common are observed that do not lose their validity: the value that is given to health, ethics, tenacity and experience to attain successful results. All three characters refer to the medicine of their time, their achievements and the promotion of humanism, always inherent to medicine.

Humanos , História do Século XVI , História do Século XVII , História do Século XIX , História do Século XX , Medicina na Literatura/história , Prêmio Nobel , Fator de Crescimento Neural/história , Itália , México
Rev. bioét. (Impr.) ; 28(3): 449-454, jul.-set. 2020.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1137126


Resumo "Eutanásia" significa causar óbito rápido e indolor ou não o evitar, visando aliviar o sofrimento do paciente quando a morte é entendida como melhor bem ou menor mal. "Clínica ampliada" diz respeito à expansão do objeto de interesse clínico, ocupando-se não apenas da doença, mas também e sobretudo do sujeito singular. O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a eutanásia a partir da bioética ampliada. Para isso, utilizou-se trecho do romance Anne Prédaille , do escritor francês Henri Troyat, no qual a personagem principal provoca a morte da mãe aplicando dose elevada de morfina. O fragmento mostra a eutanásia como questão de sujeitos com histórias de vida singulares que se inter-relacionam, e não como a passagem asséptica da vida para a morte. Concluiu-se que a bioética deve considerar a história das pessoas envolvidas no processo da eutanásia.

Abstract Euthanasia is the act of intentionally ending a life quickly and painlessly, or omitting to prevent it, to alleviate suffering when death is understood as the greater good or the lesser evil. An extended clinical approach refers to the expansion of the object of clinical interest, which is concerned not only with the disease, but also and above all with the individual. This study analyzes euthanasia from the perspective of extended bioethics. To this end, we used an excerpt from the novel Anne Prédaille by French writer Henri Troyat, in which the main character causes the death of her mother, who suffers from a terminal illness, by applying a high dose of morphine. The literary fragment was intended to show euthanasia as a matter of subjects with unique interrelated life stories, and not as the aseptic passage from life to death. We concluded that bioethics must consider the life history of people involved in the process of euthanasia.

Resumen "Eutanasia" es hacer que una persona muera rápidamente y sin dolor, o no evitarlo, con el fin de aliviar el sufrimiento, cuando la muerte se entiende como el mejor bien o el menor mal. "Clínica ampliada" se refiere a la expansión del objeto de interés de la clínica, que se ocupa no solo de la enfermedad, sino también y sobre todo del individuo. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la eutanasia desde una bioética ampliada. Para ello, se utilizó un extracto de la novela Anne Prédaille del escritor francés Henri Troyat, en la que el personaje principal provoca la muerte de la madre por la aplicación de una alta dosis de morfina. El fragmento muestra la eutanasia como una cuestión de sujetos con historias de vida únicas que se interrelacionan, y no como la transición aséptica de la vida a la muerte. Se llegó a la conclusión de que la bioética debe considerar la historia de la vida de las personas que participan en el proceso de eutanasia.

Bioética , Medicina Clínica , Eutanásia , Medicina na Literatura
Rev. Asoc. Méd. Argent ; 133(1): 34-38, mar. 2020.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1097709


Si repensamos a escritores que se ocuparon de la medicina, el presente trabajo pretende destacar a William Shakespeare, como un escritor que prácticamente en toda su obra describe en sus personajes problemas de salud de todo tipo. Se harán ciertas referencias de los aspectos médicos desarrollados en la obra del escritor, advirtiendo que son sólo una parte de su extensa producción. (AU)

If we rethink writers who dealt with medicine, this paper intends to highlight William Shakespeare, as a writer who practically describes all kinds of health problems in his characters. Certain references will be made of the medical aspects developed in the writer's work, warning that they are only part of his extensive production. (AU)

História do Século XVI , História do Século XVII , Drama/história , Pessoas Famosas , Medicina na Literatura/história , Doença , Reino Unido
Arch Argent Pediatr ; 118(1): 61-63, 2020 02.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31984701


Maritornes is a female character created by Cervantes for Don Quixote. She appears in several chapters of part one and takes on a greater role in chapters XVI and XLIII. In her first appearance in chapter XVI, Cervantes describes Maritornes as having physical signs compatible with a genetic disorder. According to this description, the obj ective of this article was to pose the possibility that, in 1605, Cervantes described Maritornes as a woman with a genetic disorder.

Maritornes es una de las figuras femeninas creadas por Cervantes en El Quijote. Aparece en varios capítulos de la primera parte, y es más importante su protagonismo en los capítulos XVI y XLIII. En la primera aparición del capítulo XVI, Cervantes relata a Maritornes con signos físicos compatibles con algún síndrome genético. De acuerdo con esta descripción, el objetivo del trabajo es presentar la posibilidad de que lo que describe Cervantes en el año 1605 en el personaje Maritornes haya sido una mujer con un trastorno genético.

Drama , Literatura Moderna , Medicina na Literatura , Síndrome de Down/genética , História do Século XVII , Síndrome de Noonan/genética , Síndrome de Turner/genética
Rev Chilena Infectol ; 36(3): 353-357, 2019 Jun.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31859754


Surely Thomas Mann is today a forgotten writer, with only a little and selected group of readers between our young colleagues. However, perhaps could be useful for the others some knowledge about his vision of the infectious diseases in the first half of the twentieth century, when he wrote the novels here reviewed. Typhoid fever, meningitis, syphilis, tuberculosis and cholera are present in Mann's thematic from Buddenbrooks till Doktor Faustus, always with a personal focus, more on spirit -the will to live- rather than flesh and bones... or bacteria. One of his lasts and minor works let us throw an ironical glance over transplant, no so named, indeed, by Mann, who speaks of "exchange". In this second part we present tuberculosis, cholera and…transplant.

Cólera/história , Medicina na Literatura/história , Transplantes/história , Tuberculose/história , História do Século XX
Rev Med Chil ; 147(8): 1053-1058, 2019 Aug.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31859971


This essay analyzes the presence of the modern concept of melancholy in the Intercenales (1424-1439) by the humanist Leon Battista Alberti. The Intercenales is a collection of satirical, allegorical and moralizing writings composed with the purpose of entertaining an audience of close friends. In spite of the fact that the term "melancholia" does not appear in the text, this paper argues that Alberti's character of "the philosopher" is melancholic, since he is "ill in the soul" (suffering from morbus animi), and his illness is evidenced by a series of physical and psychological symptoms associated with melancholy in the classical and medieval medical traditions. These symptoms are stomach pain, pallor, insomnia, a rich memory, a propensity to study at night, and an ability to have premonitory dreams. With this characterization Alberti promotes a connection between melancholy and being a genius, which is distinctive to the Renaissance and the basis for the modern concept of melancholy. The essay concludes that the ultimate purpose of the Intercenales is to cure, from a literary and philosophical point of view, the illness of the melancholic philosopher.

Transtorno Depressivo/história , Medicina na Literatura/história , Filosofia/história , Transtorno Depressivo/patologia , História do Século XV , Humanos
Arq Neuropsiquiatr ; 77(11): 828-831, 2019 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31826140


INTRODUCTION: The association between memory loss and Hodgkin's lymphoma has been given the eponym of Ophelia syndrome, in memory of Shakespeare's character in The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Nevertheless, there are differences between the disease and the character. OBJECTIVE: To review the origins and uses of the eponym through an original article by pathologist Ian Carr, its relation to the character Ophelia, and the related autoantibodies. METHODS: Historical narrative review. RESULTS: Besides an eloquent description in the original article, Carr presaged the presence of autoantibodies, before they had been thoroughly researched. Since then, five different autoantibodies (mGluR5, Hu, NMDAR, SOX, PCA2) have been associated with Hodgkin's disease. It is interesting to note the divergent outcomes of Shakespeare's character and the patient in the original description by Carr, the latter recovering to lead a normal life, and the former deceased. CONCLUSIONS: Although there is little relationship between the fictional character and the syndrome, both imply the unintentional trigger of self-harm (suicide in one case, autoimmunity in the other), thus remaining associated.

Doença de Hodgkin , Medicina na Literatura , Transtornos da Memória , Autoanticorpos , Feminino , História do Século XX , Doença de Hodgkin/imunologia , Humanos , Encefalite Límbica , Masculino , Transtornos da Memória/imunologia , Síndrome
Gac Med Mex ; 155(5): 559-562, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31695235


The works of Argentinian scholar Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986) have captivated physicians. An assiduous reader, he was given, with magnificent irony, "books and the night". Borges suffered from chronic and irreversible blindness, which influenced much of his work and has been the subject of different literary and diagnostic analyses from the ophthalmological point of view. However, the characteristics of his visual impairment have escaped the neurological approach, which is why we reviewed his work looking for data suggesting a concomitant brain injury. On his autobiography, he recounts how, during an episode of septicemia, he suffered hallucinations and loss of speech; in addition, in some poems and essays he describes data that suggest "phantom chromatopsia", a lesion of cortical origin. After that accident, Borges survived with a radical change in literary style. Although a precise diagnosis is impossible, his literary work allows recognizing some elements in favor of concomitant brain involvement.

La obra del erudito argentino Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986) ha cautivado a los médicos. Asiduo lector con magnífica ironía, le fueron dados "los libros y la noche". Borges padeció una ceguera crónica e irreversible que impulsó gran parte de su obra y ha sido objeto de distintos análisis literarios y diagnósticos desde el punto de vista oftalmológico. Sin embargo, las características de su ceguera han escapado al abordaje neurológico, por lo cual revisamos su obra en busca de datos que sugieran una lesión cerebral concomitante. En su autobiografía relata cómo durante un episodio de septicemia padeció alucinaciones y pérdida del habla; además, en algunos poemas y ensayos describe datos que sugieren "cromatopsia fantasma", lesión de origen cortical. Tras dicho accidente, Borges sobrevivió con un cambio radical en su estilo literario. Aunque un diagnóstico preciso es imposible, su obra literaria nos permite reconocer algunos elementos que sugieren involucramiento cerebral concomitante.

Cegueira/história , Medicina na Literatura/história , Poesia como Assunto/história , Argentina , Autobiografias como Assunto , Cegueira/etiologia , Traumatismos Cranianos Penetrantes/complicações , Traumatismos Cranianos Penetrantes/história , História do Século XX , Bibliotecas/história
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; Arq. neuropsiquiatr;77(11): 828-831, Nov. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1055183


ABSTRACT The association between memory loss and Hodgkin's lymphoma has been given the eponym of Ophelia syndrome, in memory of Shakespeare's character in The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Nevertheless, there are differences between the disease and the character. Objective: To review the origins and uses of the eponym through an original article by pathologist Ian Carr, its relation to the character Ophelia, and the related autoantibodies. Methods: Historical narrative review. Results: Besides an eloquent description in the original article, Carr presaged the presence of autoantibodies, before they had been thoroughly researched. Since then, five different autoantibodies (mGluR5, Hu, NMDAR, SOX, PCA2) have been associated with Hodgkin's disease. It is interesting to note the divergent outcomes of Shakespeare's character and the patient in the original description by Carr, the latter recovering to lead a normal life, and the former deceased. Conclusions: Although there is little relationship between the fictional character and the syndrome, both imply the unintentional trigger of self-harm (suicide in one case, autoimmunity in the other), thus remaining associated.

RESUMO El síndrome de Ofelia describe la asociación entre pérdida de memoria y enfermedad de Hodgkin, en memoria del personaje de La Tragedia de Hamlet, Príncipe de Dinamarca, de William Shakespeare. Sin embargo, existen diferencias entre ambos. Objetivo: Revisar los orígenes y usos del epónimo a través del artículo original, su relación con el personaje y los autoanticuerpos relacionados. Métodos: Revisión narrativa histórica. Resultados: Además de una descripción elocuente, el artículo original prefigura los autoanticuerpos, cuando no se buscaban de rutina. Desde entonces, cinco distintos (mGluR5, Hu, NMDAR, SOX, PCA2) han sido asociados. Cabe destacar, que el desenlace del personaje y del paciente fueron diametralmente opuestos, el primero falleció y el segundo se recuperó, llevando una vida normal. Conclusiones: A pesar de la poca relación entre el personaje y el síndrome, ambos implican el desencadenamiento no intencional de daño auto-inflingido (suicidio en un caso, autoinmunidad en el otro), manteniendo así la adecuacía.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , História do Século XX , Doença de Hodgkin/imunologia , Medicina na Literatura , Transtornos da Memória/imunologia , Autoanticorpos , Síndrome , Encefalite Límbica