INTRODUCTION: Breast cancer is still one of the main causes of cancer mortality in women worldwide, and death rates are even greater in vulnerable populations. A delay in diagnosis usually comes with advanced-stage disease, which impacts patient survival. The aim of this study was to evaluate the time for first medical consultation among women with breast cancer attending the Magdalena V. de Martínez Hospital and to determine the causes that may influence patient delay and its impact on cancer stage at diagnosis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Three hundred and six breast cancer patients were interviewed using a self-report questionnaire, and socioeconomic and demographic variables, namely, highest education level completed, employment status and breast cancer awareness, were collected. The answers were associated with patient clinical records, such as clinical staging and tumor size. RESULTS: Forty-nine percent of the patients were diagnosed with advanced-stage disease. These women had either a deficiency in breast cancer awareness, did not visit a gynecologist after age 40 or, were unemployed, while those patients diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer had nonpalpable tumors, declared a sufficient household income or delayed less than four weeks in seeking medical attention. Moreover, the delay in the first medical visit was more than one month in 78% of the patients, being disregard the most common cause of postponement. Additionally, patient delays were associated with larger tumors and with incomplete education. DISCUSSION: These results indicate that early detection efforts should be made to reduce the disease stage at diagnosis, which may impact on overall survival.
Introducción: El cáncer de mama (CM) es una de las principales causas de mortalidad por cáncer en mujeres, y las tasas de mortalidad son aún mayores en poblaciones vulnerables. Un retraso en el diagnóstico suele acompañarse con estadios avanzados de la enfermedad, lo que impacta en la supervivencia del paciente. El objetivo fue evaluar el tiempo transcurrido para la primera consulta médica entre mujeres con CM que asisten al Hospital Magdalena V. de Martínez y determinar las causas que pueden influir en la demora del paciente y su impacto en el estadio al momento del diagnóstico. Materiales y métodos: Se entrevistaron 306 pacientes con CM utilizando un cuestionario autoinformado, y se recopilaron variables socioeconómicas y demográficas, entre ellas, nivel educativo más alto completado, situación laboral y conocimiento sobre el CM. Las respuestas se asociaron con los registros clínicos de las pacientes. Resultados: El 49% de las pacientes fueron diagnosticadas con enfermedad en estadios avanzados. Estas mujeres tenían deficiencias en el conocimiento sobre el CM, no consultó al ginecólogo después de los 40 años o estaba desempleada, mientras que aquellas diagnosticadas con CM en estadios tempranos tenían tumores no palpables, declaraban un ingreso familiar suficiente o demoraban menos de cuatro semanas en buscar atención médica. Además, la demora en la primera visita médica fue de más de un mes en el 78% de las pacientes, siendo el desinterés la causa más común de postergación. Asimismo, las demoras estaban asociadas con tumores más grandes y con una educación incompleta. Discusión: Este estudio sugiere la necesidad de desarrollar estrategias de sensibilización y educación sobre el CM, así como de políticas para mejorar el acceso a la atención médica, especialmente para poblaciones vulnerables, con el fin de reducir el retraso en el diagnóstico y mejorar la salud de las pacientes con CM.
Neoplasias da Mama , Diagnóstico Tardio , Estadiamento de Neoplasias , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Humanos , Feminino , Neoplasias da Mama/patologia , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto , Argentina/epidemiologia , Diagnóstico Tardio/estatística & dados numéricos , Idoso , Inquéritos e Questionários , Estudos Transversais , Aceitação pelo Paciente de Cuidados de Saúde/estatística & dados numéricos , Fatores de TempoRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC), traditionally used for locally advanced disease, is now applied for operable disease, particularly to treat aggressive breast cancer (BC). This study aimed to characterize the pathological complete response (pCR) and its relationship with overall survival (OS) and disease-free survival (DFS) among BC patients receiving NAC in a Brazilian public reference center, as well as the association between pCR and BC subtypes. METHODS: A retrospective cohort study used a comprehensive BC database from a Brazilian women's health reference center, including patients diagnosed between 2011 and 2020 who underwent NAC. We collected demographic, cancer-specific, and treatment-related data, analyzing OS and DFS based on pCR status using the semiparametric Kaplan-Meier method, with the date of BC diagnosis as the starting point. RESULTS: The study included 1,601 patients, with an average age of 49 years and a majority presenting stage IIIa disease (35%). Most had invasive nonspecial type (NST) BC (94%), and a significant portion (86.7%) exhibited a Ki-67 index <14. The overall pCR rate was 22.7%, with higher frequencies observed in the triple negative and luminal B subtypes. Patients who achieved pCR had significantly higher survival rates (89% alive vs. 61%, P<0.001) and better DFS (90% vs. 66%, P<0.001), except in the luminal A subtype, where pCR did not correlate with improved OS or DFS. CONCLUSIONS: These updated real-world data (RWD) from BC patients who underwent NAC in Brazil revealed a pCR rate of 22.7% in all cancer subtypes and stages. pCR was not associated with better outcomes in patients with luminal A, contrasting with other subtypes.
Neoplasias da Mama , Terapia Neoadjuvante , Humanos , Feminino , Neoplasias da Mama/tratamento farmacológico , Neoplasias da Mama/patologia , Neoplasias da Mama/mortalidade , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Terapia Neoadjuvante/métodos , Estudos Retrospectivos , Brasil , Adulto , Idoso , Estudos de Coortes , Resultado do TratamentoRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Despite advances in screening and therapy, breast cancer (BC) remains the predominant cancer in women globally. Dysregulation of microRNAs (miRNAs) is pivotal in carcinogenesis across various cancers, including BC. Evidence indicates that miR-1307-3p is upregulated in BC tumors, yet its target genes are not fully elucidated. This study aimed to explore how miR-1307-3p regulates BC proliferation, migration, invasion, and angiogenesis and to identify potential target genes. METHODS: Basal miR-1307-3p levels were quantified in BC cell lines MDA-MB-231 and MCF-7, as well as MCF-10A using quantitative real-time reverse transcription-PCR (RT-qPCR). The impact of miR-1307-3p inhibition on BC cell proliferation, migration, invasion, and angiogenesis was assessed. Nine miRNA-target prediction databases identified potential miR-1307-3p targets. Target expression was validated using RT-qPCR, Western blot, and dual-luciferase reporter assays. MiR-1307-3p was overexpressed in MDA-MB-231 and MCF-7 compared to MCF-10A. RESULTS: Inhibiting miR-1307-3p significantly reduced BC cell proliferation, migration, invasion, and angiogenesis. Bioinformatics analysis identified 17 potential miR-1307-3p targets, with protamine 2 (PRM2) overexpression confirmed via Western blot and dual-luciferase assays. CONCLUSION: MiR-1307-3p overexpression in BC promotes proliferation, migration, invasion, and angiogenesis. PRM2 emerges as a novel miR-1307-3p target in BC.
Neoplasias da Mama , Movimento Celular , Proliferação de Células , Regulação Neoplásica da Expressão Gênica , MicroRNAs , Humanos , MicroRNAs/genética , Neoplasias da Mama/genética , Neoplasias da Mama/patologia , Feminino , Movimento Celular/genética , Progressão da Doença , Linhagem Celular TumoralRESUMO
Breast cancer (BC) accounts for 24.2% of all women's malignant tumors, with rising survival rates due to advancements in chemotherapy and targeted treatments. However, second primary cancers, particularly lung cancer (LC), have become more prevalent, often emerging approximately 10 years after BC treatment. This study presents a case series of 9 women diagnosed with second primary LC following BC, treated at a high-complexity hospital in Colombia between 2014 and 2019. All initial BCs were ductal carcinomas, 7 were triple negative, 1 was human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 positive, and 1 was estrogen and progesterone positive. Each patient had undergone radiation therapy, and 7 had received chemotherapy, increasing their LC risk. The second primary LCs, all adenocarcinomas, were confirmed using immunohistochemical stains for thyroid transcription factor-1 (TTF-1), Napsin A, and estrogen receptor (ER) status. The interval between treatments and LC detection ranged from 1 to 17 years, with 4 cases identified after 10 years and 3 within 1 to 3 years, underscoring the need for prolonged surveillance. Seven LCs were ipsilateral to the BC and radiation site, while 2 were contralateral, highlighting the necessity of monitoring both sides for potential LC development. This case series enhances the local epidemiological understanding, showing that prior radiotherapy for BC and histological analysis are key in characterizing second primary LC patients. The study emphasizes the critical role of accurate histological diagnosis in guiding treatment approaches for lung lesions in BC survivors.
Neoplasias da Mama , Neoplasias Pulmonares , Segunda Neoplasia Primária , Adulto , Idoso , Feminino , Humanos , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adenocarcinoma/patologia , Adenocarcinoma/terapia , Ácido Aspártico Endopeptidases , Neoplasias da Mama/patologia , Neoplasias da Mama/terapia , Colômbia , Neoplasias Pulmonares/patologia , Segunda Neoplasia Primária/patologiaRESUMO
Introduction: Breast cancer progression involves physiological mechanisms such as metastasis. Delays in diagnosis and treatment increase the risk of mortality and are associated with barriers to healthcare access. In Chile, breast cancer is highly prevalent, and early diagnosis has improved, although disparities in the disease evolution persist. This study characterized diagnostic and staging tests, waiting times, and sociodemographic profiles to identify delays and inequities in care. Methods: Survey study. Using a non-probabilistic sample, a questionnaire was applied in an encrypted platform with prior informed consent. The instrument collected data on requested tests, associated times, staging, and sociodemographic characteristics. These variables were analyzed using descriptive statistics, tests of association, confidence intervals, and comparison tests using bootstrapping. Results: A sample of 263 persons was obtained. The most requested tests were biopsy (99.62%) and blood tests (80.23%). The median number of tests requested was six (Q1:4, Q3:8), with a mean of 5.87 (standard deviation: 2.24). No significant differences were observed in the percentage of persons from whom the total number of examinations were requested according to the studied variables. The day-hour-result intervals ranged from 1 to 365 days. The median day-hour-result of the biopsy was 15 days (Q1:10, Q3:30). People between 40 and 49 years old, non-residents of the capital city, belonging to income quintile I, with high school education, from the public health system, with late-stage diagnosis had higher median day-hour-result in biopsy. There was no significant difference in the number of requested tests according to staging (I and II, or III and IV). Conclusions: Biopsy in Chile is the test of choice for diagnostic confirmation in breast cancer. Other tests are requested regardless of the diagnosis stage, contrary to the recommendations of clinical guidelines. Cancer prognosis is crucial, especially in countries with greater inequalities.
Introducción: La progresión del cáncer de mama involucra mecanismos fisiológicos como metástasis. Los retrasos en diagnóstico y tratamiento aumentan el riesgo de mortalidad y se asocian a barreras de acceso a la salud. En Chile, el cáncer de mama es altamente prevalente y su diagnóstico temprano ha mejorado, aunque persisten disparidades en el proceso de enfermedad. Este estudio caracterizó exámenes de diagnóstico y etapificación, tiempos de espera y perfiles sociodemográficos para identificar demoras e inequidades en la atención. Métodos: Estudio de encuesta. Utilizando una muestra no probabilística, se aplicó un cuestionario en plataforma encriptada previo consentimiento informado. En el instrumento se recogieron datos de exámenes solicitados, tiempos asociados, etapificación y características sociodemográficas. Estas variables fueron analizadas utilizando estadística descriptiva, test de asociación, intervalos de confianza y test de comparación utilizando . Resultados: Se logró una muestra de 263 personas. Los exámenes más solicitados fueron biopsia (99,62%) y exámenes de sangre (80,23%). La mediana de exámenes solicitados fue de 6 (Q1:4, Q3:8), con media 5,87 (desviación estándar: 2,24). No se observaron diferencias significativas en el porcentaje de personas a quienes se solicitó la totalidad de exámenes según variables estudiadas. Los intervalos día-hora-resultado oscilaron entre 1 y 365 días. La mediana día-hora-resultado de la biopsia fue de 15 días (Q1:10, Q3:30). Las personas entre 40 y 49 años, no residentes de la capital, pertenecientes al quintil I de ingreso, con educación media, del sistema público de salud, con diagnóstico en etapa tardía presentaron mayores medianas de día-hora-resultado en biopsia. No hubo diferencia significativa en la cantidad de exámenes solicitados según etapificación (I a II y III a IV). Conclusiones: La biopsia en Chile es el examen de elección para la confirmación diagnóstica en cáncer de mama. Otros exámenes son solicitados independientemente de la etapa del diagnóstico, existiendo una discordancia con las recomendaciones de la guía clínica. El pronóstico del cáncer es crucial, especialmente en países con mayores inequidades.
Neoplasias da Mama , Diagnóstico Tardio , Estadiamento de Neoplasias , Humanos , Chile , Feminino , Neoplasias da Mama/diagnóstico , Neoplasias da Mama/patologia , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto , Diagnóstico Tardio/estatística & dados numéricos , Idoso , Inquéritos e Questionários , Disparidades em Assistência à Saúde/estatística & dados numéricos , Acessibilidade aos Serviços de Saúde , Fatores de Tempo , Biópsia/estatística & dados numéricos , Detecção Precoce de Câncer , Adulto Jovem , Tempo para o Tratamento/estatística & dados numéricosRESUMO
Mushroom ß-D-glucans can be isolated from several species, including the widely consumed Agaricus bisporus. Besides immunomodulatory responses, some ß-D-glucans may exhibit direct antitumoral effects. It was previously observed that a ß-(1â6)-D-glucan (BDG16) has indirect cytotoxicity on triple-negative breast cancer cells. In this study, the cytotoxicity of this same glucan was observed on estrogen receptor-positive (ER+) breast cancer cells (MCF-7). Cell viability was determined by multiple methods to assess metabolic activity, lysosomal membrane integrity, and adhesion capacity. Assays to evaluate cell respiration, cell cycle, apoptosis, necroptosis, and oxidative stress were performed to determine the action of BDG16 on MCF-7 cells. A gradual and significant cell viability reduction was observed when the cells were treated with BDG16 (10-1000 µg/mL). This result could be associated with the inhibition of the basal state respiration after incubation with the ß-D-glucan. The cells showed a significant arrest in G1 phase population at 1000 µg/mL, with no induction of apoptosis. However, an increase in necrosis and necroptosis at the same concentration was observed. No difference in oxidative stress-related molecules was observed. Altogether, our findings demonstrate that BDG16 directly induces toxicity in MCF-7 cells, primarily by impairing mitochondrial respiration and promoting necroptosis. The specific mechanisms that mediate this action are being investigated.
Agaricus , Antineoplásicos , Apoptose , Neoplasias da Mama , Sobrevivência Celular , Estresse Oxidativo , Receptores de Estrogênio , Agaricus/química , Humanos , Células MCF-7 , Apoptose/efeitos dos fármacos , Neoplasias da Mama/metabolismo , Neoplasias da Mama/tratamento farmacológico , Neoplasias da Mama/patologia , Feminino , Sobrevivência Celular/efeitos dos fármacos , Estresse Oxidativo/efeitos dos fármacos , Receptores de Estrogênio/metabolismo , Antineoplásicos/farmacologia , Antineoplásicos/química , beta-Glucanas/farmacologia , beta-Glucanas/químicaRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: Phyllodes tumors in the breast are exceptionally uncommon fibroepithelial tumors. In the literature, they are typically categorized as benign phyllodes tumor, borderline phyllodes tumor, and malignant phyllodes tumor. This study aims to assess and present the clinical and surgical outcomes of patients diagnosed with phyllodes tumor. METHODS: The outcomes of patients aged 18 years and above diagnosed with phyllodes tumor between 2006 and 2023 were retrospectively reviewed. Patients were grouped as benign phyllodes tumor and borderline/malignant phyllodes tumor and compared by clinical and surgical results. RESULTS: Of all 57 patients with phyllodes tumor, 64.9% (n=37) were benign phyllodes tumor and 35.1% (n=20) were borderline/malignant phyllodes tumor [22.8% (n=13) borderline phyllodes tumor and 12.3% (n=7) malignant phyllodes tumor]. When the patients were divided into two groups as benign phyllodes tumor and borderline/malignant phyllodes tumor and compared, our cumulative (total) recurrence rate was 14.0%, with final surgical margin width between groups [(0Assuntos
Neoplasias da Mama
, Margens de Excisão
, Recidiva Local de Neoplasia
, Tumor Filoide
, Centros de Atenção Terciária
, Humanos
, Tumor Filoide/cirurgia
, Tumor Filoide/patologia
, Feminino
, Neoplasias da Mama/cirurgia
, Neoplasias da Mama/patologia
, Adulto
, Estudos Retrospectivos
, Pessoa de Meia-Idade
, Recidiva Local de Neoplasia/patologia
, Adulto Jovem
, Resultado do Tratamento
, Período Pós-Operatório
, Mastectomia/métodos
, Idoso
, Adolescente
Cancer cells have the ability to undergo an unlimited number of cell divisions, which gives them immortality. Thus, the cancer cell can extend the length of its telomeres, allowing these cells to divide unlimitedly and avoid entering the state of senescence or cellular apoptosis. One of the main effects of photobiomodulation (PBM) is the increase in the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and free radicals, mainly reactive oxygen species (ROS). Existent data indicates that high levels of ROS can cause shortening and dysfunctional telomeres. Therefore, a better understanding of the effects induced by PBM on cancer cell telomere maintenance is needed. This work aimed to evaluate the effects of low-power red laser (658 nm) and blue LED (470 nm) on the TRF1 and TRF2 mRNA levels and telomere length in human breast cancer cells. MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cells were irradiated with a low-power red laser (69 J cm-2, 0.77 W/cm-2) and blue LED (482 J cm-2, 5.35 W/cm-2), alone or in combination, and the relative mRNA levels of the genes and telomere length were assessed by quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. The results suggested that exposure to certain red laser and blue LED fluences decreased the TRF1 and TRF2 mRNA levels in both human breast cancer cells. Telomere length was increased in MCF-7 cells after exposure to red laser and blue LED. However, telomere length in MDA-MB-231 was shortened after exposure to red laser and blue LED at fluences evaluated. Our research suggests that photobiomodulation induced by red laser and low-power blue LED could alter telomere maintenance and length.
Neoplasias da Mama , Terapia com Luz de Baixa Intensidade , Telômero , Proteína 1 de Ligação a Repetições Teloméricas , Proteína 2 de Ligação a Repetições Teloméricas , Humanos , Neoplasias da Mama/radioterapia , Neoplasias da Mama/genética , Neoplasias da Mama/patologia , Feminino , Proteína 2 de Ligação a Repetições Teloméricas/metabolismo , Proteína 2 de Ligação a Repetições Teloméricas/genética , Telômero/efeitos da radiação , Terapia com Luz de Baixa Intensidade/métodos , Proteína 1 de Ligação a Repetições Teloméricas/metabolismo , Proteína 1 de Ligação a Repetições Teloméricas/genética , Linhagem Celular Tumoral , RNA Mensageiro/metabolismo , RNA Mensageiro/genética , Células MCF-7 , Homeostase do Telômero/efeitos da radiação , Complexo Shelterina , Proteínas de Ligação a TelômerosRESUMO
BACKGROUND: The coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic impacted cancer health care in several countries, with delays in the detection and treatment of breast and cervical cancer. The objective of this study is to analyze and compare the screening, diagnosis and treatment of breast and cervical cancer in the pre-COVID period and during the COVID-19 period. METHODS: Cross-sectional study with secondary data collected from the Mortality Information System (SIM), Hospital Information System (SIH), Ambulatory Information System (SIA) and the Oncology Panel (PO) of breast cancer notifications with ICD C50.0 to C50.9 and cervix ICD C53.0 to C53.9, The analyzed period before the pandemic was from March 1 to October 1, 2019, and during the pandemic from March 1 to October 1, 2020. The period from 2013 to 2022 was also analyzed with the same information, including the number of diagnoses, treatments, and deaths from breast cancer and cervical cancer. The study population consisted of Brazilian women aged 25 to 70 years. In order to compare categorical variables between periods, the Chi-Square or Fisher's Exact tests, and Mann-Whitney U tests were applied, and the Poisson Regression model was applied to model the number of reported cases of COVID-19 and the amount of procedures. RESULTS: There was a decrease in the number of mammograms and cytopathological exams during COVID-19, as well as a decrease in cases of breast and cervical cancer. The Poisson regression showed that the increase in the number of COVID-19 cases caused a decrease in the number of breast cytopathological examinations, cervical-vaginal cytopathological examinations/microflora and screening, diagnosis, initiation of treatment for breast cancer and deaths from this disease. Meanwhile, in some regions of Brazil, as the number of Covid-19 increased, there was a significantly increase in the number of mammograms performed and cervical cancer diagnoses. CONCLUSIONS: The COVID-19 period in 2020 significantly impacted screening, diagnosis, treatment for breast and cervical cancer.
Neoplasias da Mama , COVID-19 , Detecção Precoce de Câncer , Neoplasias do Colo do Útero , Humanos , Feminino , COVID-19/epidemiologia , Neoplasias do Colo do Útero/diagnóstico , Neoplasias do Colo do Útero/epidemiologia , Neoplasias do Colo do Útero/patologia , Neoplasias da Mama/diagnóstico , Neoplasias da Mama/epidemiologia , Neoplasias da Mama/patologia , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Estudos Transversais , Adulto , Brasil/epidemiologia , Idoso , Detecção Precoce de Câncer/estatística & dados numéricos , SARS-CoV-2RESUMO
BACKGROUND: The molecular system of receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa-ß (RANK) and its ligand (RANKL) plays a role in a variety of physiological and pathological processes. These encompass the regulation of bone metabolism, mammary gland development, immune function, as well as their involvement and tumorigenesis. Nevertheless, limited knowledge exists regarding their function within the tumor microenvironment. METHODS AND RESULTS: We explored the significance of RANK expression in cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) as a prognostic biomarker in early breast cancer patients (BCPs) by immunohistochemistry. Results reveal a significant correlation between high RANK expression in CAFs and an increased risk of metastasis (p= 0.006), shorter metastasis-free survival (MFS) [p= 0.007, OR (95%CI) = 2.290 (1.259-4.156)], and lower overall survival (OS) [p= 0.004, OR (95%CI) = 2.469 (1.343-4.541)]. Upon analyzing the phenotype of CD34(-) CAFs isolated from primary tumors in BCPs, we observed co-expression of RANK with CD105 marker by immunofluorescence and flow cytometry, characteristic of mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSCs), suggesting the possible cellular origin. Also RANKL-RANK system increase the OCT-4, SOX-2 and DKK-1 (dickkopf 1) gene expression in CD34(-) CAFs by RT-PCR. Moreover, this system plays a crucial role in the migration of these CD34(-) CAFs. CONCLUSIONS: These results support the clinical relevance of RANK in CAFs and propose its potential as a future therapeutic target in the treatment of early BCPs.
Biomarcadores Tumorais , Neoplasias da Mama , Fibroblastos Associados a Câncer , Estadiamento de Neoplasias , Receptor Ativador de Fator Nuclear kappa-B , Humanos , Feminino , Neoplasias da Mama/patologia , Neoplasias da Mama/metabolismo , Neoplasias da Mama/mortalidade , Neoplasias da Mama/genética , Fibroblastos Associados a Câncer/metabolismo , Fibroblastos Associados a Câncer/patologia , Receptor Ativador de Fator Nuclear kappa-B/metabolismo , Prognóstico , Biomarcadores Tumorais/metabolismo , Biomarcadores Tumorais/genética , Metástase Neoplásica , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Microambiente Tumoral , Ligante RANK/metabolismo , Ligante RANK/genética , Adulto , Idoso , Linhagem Celular TumoralRESUMO
Chromosomal instability (CIN), characterized by fluctuations in chromosome number or structure within cells, stands out as a hallmark of cancer, enabling tumors to thrive in hostile conditions. CIN serves as a driver of genetic diversity, giving rise to clonal heterogeneity (CH). Emerging evidence points to a potential correlation between CIN, CH, and the prognosis of breast cancer (BC) patients, especially in tumors exhibiting overexpression of the human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2+). However, our understanding of the role of CIN in other subtypes of BC is limited. Furthermore, it remains unclear whether CIN levels above a certain threshold in BC tumors could adversely affect tumor growth, or if lower to moderate levels of CIN might be associated with a more favorable prognosis for BC patients compared to elevated levels. Elucidating these relationships could significantly influence risk assessment and the formulation of future therapeutic approaches targeting CIN in BC. This study aimed to assess CIN and CH in tumor tissue samples obtained from Colombian patients diagnosed with luminal A, luminal B, HER2+, or triple-negative BC, and compare them with established clinicopathological parameters. The findings of this study indicate that BC patients exhibit intermediate CIN, high CH, and stable aneuploidy. All these characteristics were found to be related to clinicopathological features. Our results suggest that the identification of CIN, CH, and aneuploidy could improve cancer risk stratification, which could help to clarify the prediction of clinical outcomes and guide personalized therapeutic strategies for patients with different BC subtypes.
Neoplasias da Mama , Instabilidade Cromossômica , Humanos , Feminino , Neoplasias da Mama/genética , Neoplasias da Mama/patologia , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto , Idoso , Heterogeneidade Genética , Receptor ErbB-2/genética , Receptor ErbB-2/metabolismo , PrognósticoRESUMO
Aim: To outline the demographic and clinical features, treatment approaches and clinical outcomes of patients treated with palbociclib as the initial therapy for HR+/HER2- advanced or metastatic breast cancer (aBC/mBC) in private healthcare facilities in Brazil.Materials & methods: This study involved a retrospective review conducted from June 2022 to May 2023.Results: The study included 121 patients, with an average age of 54.4 years, and 82 (67.7%) were menopausal at the time of diagnosis. Of these, 51 patients (42.1%) were treated with palbociclib and fulvestrant, while 67 patients (55.8%) received palbociclib and aromatase inhibitors. Most patients (65.3%) did not need to adjust their doses. The progression-free survival rates were 78% at 6 months and 60% at 12 months. Overall survival rates were 86% at 6 months and 70% at 12 months.Conclusion: Palbociclib combinations show promising effectiveness in managing HR+/HER2- advanced or metastatic breast cancer.
Treatment & results in Brazilian women with advanced or metastatic breast cancer given palbociclibBreast cancer is a major health issue worldwide, and it is the most common cancer among women in Brazil, with death rates on the rise. A significant portion of breast cancer cases are hormone receptor-positive (HR+) and HER2-negative (HER2-), making targeted treatments essential. One such treatment is palbociclib, a medication that inhibits Cyclin-dependent kinase 4 and 6 (CDK4/6), enzymes important in cell division. Clinical trials such as PALOMA-1, PALOMA-2 and PALOMA-3 have shown that palbociclib can help patients with advanced or metastatic HR+/HER2- breast cancer live longer without their disease getting worse. Studies in real-world settings around the world have confirmed these benefits, evaluating how well the treatment works over time. Palbociclib was approved for use in Brazil in 2018. This study looks back at the records of women treated with palbociclib in private healthcare settings in the country. It aims to provide crucial information which can help guide future treatment decisions.
Protocolos de Quimioterapia Combinada Antineoplásica , Neoplasias da Mama , Piperazinas , Piridinas , Receptor ErbB-2 , Receptores de Estrogênio , Humanos , Feminino , Neoplasias da Mama/tratamento farmacológico , Neoplasias da Mama/patologia , Neoplasias da Mama/mortalidade , Piridinas/uso terapêutico , Piridinas/administração & dosagem , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Piperazinas/uso terapêutico , Piperazinas/administração & dosagem , Receptor ErbB-2/metabolismo , Estudos Retrospectivos , Brasil/epidemiologia , Adulto , Idoso , Receptores de Estrogênio/metabolismo , Protocolos de Quimioterapia Combinada Antineoplásica/uso terapêutico , Receptores de Progesterona/metabolismo , Intervalo Livre de Progressão , Fulvestranto/uso terapêutico , Fulvestranto/administração & dosagem , Metástase Neoplásica , Inibidores da Aromatase/uso terapêutico , Resultado do TratamentoRESUMO
INTRODUCTION: Breast cancer is a disease with high global prevalence. Clinical inflammatory biomarkers have been proposed as prognostic indicators in oncology. This research aims to determine the relationship between inflammatory markers and overall survival in breast cancer patients from four representative hospitals in Lima, Peru. METHODS: This is a multicentric, analytical, longitudinal retrospective cohort study with survival analysis in female patients with breast cancer, from 2015 to 2020, who had received at least one complete treatment regimen. The dependent variable was overall survival, and the independent variables were inflammatory markers neutrophil lymphocyte ratio, platelet lymphocyte ratio (PLR), albumin, and red cell distribution width; intervening variables included age, clinical stage, molecular subtype, and other known prognostic factors. The Kaplan-Meier method was applied to generate survival curves with the Log-Rank test, and finally, Cox regression, to find crude and adjusted hazard ratios (HR). RESULTS: Of 705 evaluated patients, 618 were analyzed. The mean age was 56.6 ± 12.3 years, 18.0% of patients were pure HER2 positive, 39.3% luminal A, 29.9% luminal B, 11.0% triple-negative, and 81.4% showed overweight and obesity. The average overall survival was 51.1 months. In the multivariate analysis, factors significantly related to lower overall survival were PLR > 150 (adjusted HR: 2.33; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.22, 4.44) and stage III (adjusted HR: 4.15; 95% CI: 1.35, 12.83). CONCLUSIONS: The Elevated Platelet-Lymphocyte Index and advanced clinical stage were associated with lower overall survival in breast cancer patients. Furthermore, PLR >150 proved to be an independent prognostic factor for mortality.
Neoplasias da Mama , Humanos , Feminino , Neoplasias da Mama/mortalidade , Neoplasias da Mama/patologia , Peru/epidemiologia , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Estudos Retrospectivos , Inflamação , Prognóstico , Estudos Longitudinais , Biomarcadores Tumorais , Idoso , AdultoRESUMO
PURPOSE: The optimal treatment sequence for hormone receptor-positive (HR+)/human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-negative (HER2-) advanced breast cancer (ABC) after progression on first-line cyclin-dependent kinase 4/6 inhibitor (CDKi) and endocrine therapy is unclear. Clinical and biological factors influencing treatment choices and outcomes in the second-line setting need to be elucidated. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This is a retrospective analysis of a real-world cohort including patients with HR+/HER2- ABC who received CDKi and endocrine therapy in the first-line setting and progressed, requiring second-line treatment. Clinical and biological factors were analyzed to evaluate their association with daily treatment decisions and the prognostic role of progression-free survival (PFS) in the second-line setting. RESULTS: Two hundred thirty-five patients were included. Second-line treatments were hormone therapy (HT) based in 60% and chemotherapy based in 40% of patients. The second-line median PFS was 6.6 months, with no difference between treatment types. In multivariable analysis, postmenopausal status, lower Ki-67 expression, and non-de novo stage IV disease were associated with improved second-line (2L) PFS. Menopausal status significantly interacted with treatment type, with reduced PFS in premenopausal patients receiving HT-based treatments (4.7 v 8.7 months, P = .00045). CONCLUSION: In our study, treatment decisions reflected the current algorithm incorporated in our clinical guidelines, and prior treatment response was the most relevant factor to determine 2L treatment decision. Menopausal status interacted with the subsequent therapy efficacy in this setting. Hence, we consider that menopausal status should be routinely evaluated in the subgroup analysis of clinical trials.
Neoplasias da Mama , Quinase 4 Dependente de Ciclina , Quinase 6 Dependente de Ciclina , Inibidores de Proteínas Quinases , Humanos , Feminino , Neoplasias da Mama/tratamento farmacológico , Neoplasias da Mama/mortalidade , Neoplasias da Mama/patologia , Quinase 4 Dependente de Ciclina/antagonistas & inibidores , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Quinase 6 Dependente de Ciclina/antagonistas & inibidores , Estudos Retrospectivos , Argentina/epidemiologia , Idoso , Adulto , Inibidores de Proteínas Quinases/uso terapêutico , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Receptor ErbB-2/metabolismo , Intervalo Livre de ProgressãoRESUMO
Breast cancer (BC) is the most common cancer in women, and is characterized by its histological and molecular heterogeneity. Luminal BC is an estrogen receptor-positive subtype, with varied clinical courses. Although BC patients are eligible for hormone therapy, both early and late relapses still occur, and thus there is a demand for new cytotoxic and selective treatment strategies for these patients. In the present study, inspired by the structure of phenylsulfonylpiperazine, a series of 20 derivatives were tested in bioassays against MCF7, MDA-MB-231 and MDA-MB-453 BC cells to discover new hit compounds. After 48 h of treatment, 12 derivatives impaired cell viability and presented significant IC50 values against at least one of the tumor lineages. Overall, the luminal BC cell line MCF7 was more sensitive to treatments. Compound 3, (4-(1H-tetrazol-1-yl)phenyl)(4-((4-chlorophenyl)sulfonyl)piperazin-1-yl)methanone, was the most promising, with IC50 = 4.48 µM and selective index (SI) = 35.6 in MCF7 cells. Compound 3 also presented significant antimigratory and antiproliferative activities against luminal BC cells, possibly by affecting the expression of genes involved in the epithelial-mesenchymal transition mechanism, upregulating E-Cadherin transcripts (CDH1). Our findings suggest that phenylsulfonylpiperazine derivatives are potential candidates for the development of new therapies, especially those targeting luminal BC.
Antineoplásicos , Neoplasias da Mama , Proliferação de Células , Piperazinas , Humanos , Neoplasias da Mama/tratamento farmacológico , Neoplasias da Mama/patologia , Neoplasias da Mama/metabolismo , Piperazinas/farmacologia , Piperazinas/química , Feminino , Antineoplásicos/farmacologia , Antineoplásicos/química , Antineoplásicos/síntese química , Proliferação de Células/efeitos dos fármacos , Células MCF-7 , Linhagem Celular Tumoral , Sobrevivência Celular/efeitos dos fármacos , Movimento Celular/efeitos dos fármacos , Transição Epitelial-Mesenquimal/efeitos dos fármacos , Relação Estrutura-Atividade , Ensaios de Seleção de Medicamentos AntitumoraisRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Trastuzumab deruxtecan (T-DXd) is approved for human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-positive and HER2-low advanced breast cancer (ABC). T-DXd has shown encouraging intracranial activity in HER2-positive ABC patients with stable or active brain metastases (BMs); however, its efficacy in patients with HER2-low ABC with BMs is not well established yet. METHODS: DEBBRAH is a single-arm, five-cohort, phase II study evaluating T-DXd in patients with central nervous system involvement from HER2-positive and HER2-low ABC. Here, we report results from patients with heavily pretreated HER2-low ABC and active BMs, enrolled in cohorts 2 (n = 6, asymptomatic untreated BMs) and 4 (n = 6, progressing BMs after local therapy). Patients received 5.4 mg/kg T-DXd intravenously once every 21 days. The primary endpoint was intracranial objective response rate per Response Assessment in Neuro-Oncology Brain Metastases (RANO-BM) for both cohorts. RESULTS: Intracranial objective response rate per RANO-BM was 50.0% [3/6 patients; 95% confidence interval (CI) 11.8% to 88.2%] and 33.3% [2/6 patients; 95% CI 4.3% to 77.7%; P = 0.033 (one-sided)] in cohorts 2 and 4, respectively. All responders had partial responses. Median time to intracranial response was 2.3 months (range, 1.5-4.0 months) and median duration of intracranial response was 7.2 months (range, 2.8-16.8 months). Median progression-free survival per RECIST v.1.1. was 5.4 months (95% CI 4.1-10.0 months). Treatment-emergent adverse events occurred in all patients included (16.7% grade 3). Three patients (25.0%) had grade 1 interstitial lung disease/pneumonitis. CONCLUSIONS: T-DXd demonstrated promising intracranial activity in pretreated HER2-low ABC patients with active BMs. Further studies are needed to validate these results in larger cohorts. This trial is registered with, NCT04420598.
Neoplasias Encefálicas , Neoplasias da Mama , Camptotecina , Receptor ErbB-2 , Trastuzumab , Humanos , Feminino , Trastuzumab/uso terapêutico , Trastuzumab/farmacologia , Neoplasias da Mama/tratamento farmacológico , Neoplasias da Mama/patologia , Neoplasias Encefálicas/secundário , Neoplasias Encefálicas/tratamento farmacológico , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Receptor ErbB-2/metabolismo , Idoso , Adulto , Camptotecina/análogos & derivados , Camptotecina/uso terapêutico , Camptotecina/farmacologia , Antineoplásicos Imunológicos/uso terapêutico , Antineoplásicos Imunológicos/farmacologia , Imunoconjugados/uso terapêutico , Imunoconjugados/farmacologiaRESUMO
Ectophosphatases catalyse the hydrolysis of phosphorylated molecules, such as phospho-amino acids, in the extracellular environment. Nevertheless, the hydrolysis of nucleotides in the extracellular environment is typically catalysed by ectonucleotidases. Studies have shown that acid ectophosphatase, or transmembrane-prostatic acid phosphatase (TM-PAP), a membrane-bound splice variant of prostatic acid phosphatase, has ecto-5'-nucleotidase activity. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that ectophosphatase cannot hydrolyse ATP, ADP, or AMP in triple-negative breast cancer cells. In contrast to previous findings in MDA-MB-231 cells, the ectophosphatase studied in the present work displayed a remarkable capacity to hydrolyse AMP in luminal A breast cancer cells (MCF-7). We showed that AMP dose-dependently inhibited p-nitrophenylphosphate (p-NPP) hydrolysis. The p-NPP and AMP hydrolysis showed similar biochemical behaviours, such as increased hydrolysis under acidic conditions and comparable inhibition by NiCl2, ammonium molybdate, and sodium orthovanadate. In addition, this ectophosphatase with ectonucleotidase activity was essential for the release of adenosine and inorganic phosphate from phosphorylated molecules available in the extracellular microenvironment. This is the first study to show that prostatic acid phosphatase on the membrane surface of breast cancer cells (MCF-7) is correlated with cell adhesion and migration.
Fosfatase Ácida , Neoplasias da Mama , Humanos , Células MCF-7 , Feminino , Hidrólise , Neoplasias da Mama/metabolismo , Neoplasias da Mama/patologia , Neoplasias da Mama/enzimologia , Fosfatase Ácida/metabolismo , 5'-Nucleotidase/metabolismo , Monofosfato de Adenosina/metabolismo , Proteínas Tirosina Fosfatases/metabolismo , Proteínas Tirosina Fosfatases/antagonistas & inibidores , Nitrofenóis/farmacologia , Nitrofenóis/metabolismo , Linhagem Celular Tumoral , Compostos OrganofosforadosRESUMO
Introduction: Fulvestrant demonstrated benefits in overall survival and progression-free survival in patients with advanced breast cancer, who are hormone receptor-positive and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 negative. The characteristics, evolution, and survival of patients with hormone receptor-positive, HER2-negative breast cancer treated with fulvestrant were evaluated according to the national treatment coverage protocols of the National Resources Fund, with the aim of understanding the efficacy of fulvestrant in patients treated in usual clinical practice and comparing our results with those from pivotal studies. Methods: A database from the National Resources Fund covering the period from 2009 to 2022 was used. Survival curves were assessed using the Kaplan-Meier method, and differences were analyzed using the Log-Rank test. Results: A total of 1085 patients with an average age of 63,66 years were included. Following a follow-up of 14 months, the median overall survival was 16 months, and the median progression-free survival was 6 months. The presence of liver and bone metastases was associated with a shorter overall survival. Patients from the public sector and those with a better performance status experienced longer overall survival. Conclusions: Our findings provide a valuable perspective for treatment management in a context of limited resources. Overall survival and progression-free survival were somewhat lower than those reported in pivotal clinical trials. The presence of liver and bone metastases was associated with worse prognosis and survival; additionally, patients with worse performance status had shorter overall survival. These findings underscore the need for personalized therapies, opening new lines of future research.
Introducción: Fulvestrant demostró beneficio en sobrevida global y sobrevida libre de progresión en pacientes con cáncer de mama avanzado, con receptores hormonales positivos y receptor de factor de crecimiento epidérmico humano 2 negativo. Se evaluaron las características, la evolución y la sobrevida de pacientes con cáncer de mama receptor hormonal positivo, HER2 negativo, tratadas con fulvestrant, de acuerdo con los protocolos nacionales de cobertura de tratamiento del Fondo Nacional de Recursos. Su objetivo fue conocer la eficacia de fulvestrant en pacientes tratados en la práctica clínica habitual. Se compararon los resultados obtenidos en el presente trabajo con los resultados de los estudios pivotales. Métodos: Se utilizó la base de datos del Fondo Nacional de Recursos, que abarca el período de 2009 a 2022. La evaluación de las curvas de sobrevida se realizó mediante el método Kaplan-Meier y las diferencias se analizaron utilizando el test de Log-Rank. Resultados: Se incluyeron 1085 pacientes con una edad media de 63,66 años. Tras un seguimiento de 14 meses, la mediana de la sobrevida global fue de 16 meses y la de la sobrevida libre de progresión de 6 meses. La presencia de metástasis hepáticas y óseas se asoció con una menor sobrevida global. Los pacientes del sector público y aquellos con una mejor escala de estado funcional experimentaron una mayor sobrevida global. Conclusiones: Los resultados obtenidos ofrecen una perspectiva valiosa para la gestión de tratamientos en un contexto de recursos limitados. La sobrevida global y la sobrevida libre de progresión fueron algo inferiores a los reportados en los ensayos clínicos pivotales. La presencia de metástasis hepáticas y óseas se asoció a un peor pronóstico y una peor sobrevida. Además, los pacientes con peor escala de estado funcional tuvieron una menor sobrevida global. Estos hallazgos subrayan la necesidad de terapias personalizadas, abriendo nuevas líneas de investigación futura.
Antineoplásicos Hormonais , Neoplasias da Mama , Fulvestranto , Intervalo Livre de Progressão , Receptor ErbB-2 , Humanos , Feminino , Neoplasias da Mama/tratamento farmacológico , Neoplasias da Mama/patologia , Neoplasias da Mama/mortalidade , Receptor ErbB-2/metabolismo , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Fulvestranto/uso terapêutico , Fulvestranto/administração & dosagem , Idoso , Antineoplásicos Hormonais/uso terapêutico , Seguimentos , Receptores de Estrogênio/metabolismo , Taxa de Sobrevida , Adulto , Bases de Dados Factuais , Receptores de Progesterona/metabolismoRESUMO
Currently, therapy for early-stage human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-positive (HER2+) breast cancer (BC) is based on the combination of trastuzumab and pertuzumab plus chemotherapy in a neoadjuvant regimen. The INMUNOHER study aimed to detect immunological markers in peripheral blood and their association with treatment response. Sixty-two HER2+ BC patients were recruited. Pre-treatment samples were obtained before the start of treatment, while post-treatment samples were obtained after completing therapy and before surgery and were analyzed by flow cytometry. The pathologic complete response (pCR) rate achieved was 82.3%. The expression of the NKp30, PD-1, and TIM-3 receptors was reduced in the Natural Killer (NK)-CD56dim subset of patients who did not achieve pCR. Following therapy, many changes were found in leukocytes, including alterations in T cell lymphocyte proportions. Also, the percentage of NK cells decreased, and several phenotypic changes were observed in this population. After treatment, IFN-γ production by NK cells against HER2+-cells with or without trastuzumab was significantly reduced. HER2-targeted therapy plus chemotherapy demonstrated high efficacy in most patients, reducing the statistical power for finding immunological markers. However, NK subset phenotypes correlated better with response groups, and numerous changes in the percentage of leukocytes and T and NK cells, as well as changes in the functionality of NK cells, were observed in most patients after treatment, encouraging further research into these immune populations.
Anticorpos Monoclonais Humanizados , Protocolos de Quimioterapia Combinada Antineoplásica , Neoplasias da Mama , Células Matadoras Naturais , Terapia Neoadjuvante , Receptor ErbB-2 , Trastuzumab , Humanos , Neoplasias da Mama/tratamento farmacológico , Neoplasias da Mama/imunologia , Neoplasias da Mama/metabolismo , Neoplasias da Mama/patologia , Trastuzumab/uso terapêutico , Trastuzumab/administração & dosagem , Feminino , Terapia Neoadjuvante/métodos , Receptor ErbB-2/metabolismo , Anticorpos Monoclonais Humanizados/uso terapêutico , Anticorpos Monoclonais Humanizados/administração & dosagem , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Protocolos de Quimioterapia Combinada Antineoplásica/uso terapêutico , Adulto , Células Matadoras Naturais/imunologia , Células Matadoras Naturais/metabolismo , IdosoRESUMO
Receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) are involved in cell growth, motility, and differentiation. Deregulation of RTKs signaling is associated with tumor development and therapy resistance. Potential RTKs like TAM (TYRO3, AXL, MERTK), RON, EPH, and MET have been evaluated in many cancers like lung, prostate, and colorectal, but little is known in breast tumors. In this study, 51 luminal breast cancer tissue and 8 triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) subtypes were evaluated by qPCR for the expression of TAM, RON, EPHA2, and MET genes. Statistical analysis was performed to determine the correlation to clinical data. TYRO3 is related to tumor subtype and stage, patient's age, smoking habits, and obesity. MET expression is correlated to EPHA2 and TAM gene expression. EPHA2 expression is also related to aging and smoking habits. The expression levels of the TAM and EPHA2 genes seem to play an important role in breast cancer, being also influenced by the patient's lifestyle.