Mutualisms may be more or less sensitive to environmental conditions depending on the diversity and responses of the species involved. Ants frequently form mutualistic associations with plants bearing extrafloral nectaries (EFNs): the ants protect the plants from herbivores and receive food resources (i.e., nectar) in return. As ectotherms, ants are strongly influenced by temperature, and temperature shifts can affect ant-plant interactions in ways that often depend on species functional traits. In this study, we explored the influence of EFN size and leaf surface temperature on ant-plant interactions in a Caatinga dry forest in Brazil. We observed the ants visiting 14 EFN-bearing plant species at different times of day over 12 sampling months; we also measured leaf surface temperatures during these periods. We next quantified EFN size for 68 individuals from the 14 plant species. The observational data were used to characterize the heat tolerance of the attendant ant species (i.e., based on levels of foraging activity). We then evaluated the mutualism's degree of functional resilience using two indices: functional redundancy (i.e., the number of ant species interacting with a given plant species) and thermal response diversity (i.e., variability in the heat tolerance of the ant species interacting with a given plant species). We found that leaf surface temperature, but not EFN size, had an influence on mutualism functional resilience. As temperatures increased, both functional redundancy and thermal response diversity decreased. This result implies that warmer global temperatures could heighten the vulnerability of facultative ant-plant mutualisms, regardless of plant traits.
Formigas , Simbiose , Temperatura , Formigas/fisiologia , Animais , Brasil , Néctar de Plantas , Folhas de Planta , Plantas , MirmecófitasRESUMO
Fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) are significant pests of fruit and vegetable crops worldwide. Despite their importance, some regions in South America remain under-researched regarding the fruit fly species that damage host plants and the parasitoids that provide their natural control. In this study, we investigated the interactions among host plants, fruit flies, and their larval parasitoids along two altitudinal gradients in Oxapampa, Pasco, a tropical Andean forest in Peru. Several samples of cultivable and non-cultivable ripe fruits were collected from ten orchards at low (800-950 m above sea level) and high (1750-1900 m above sea level) altitudes over a 2-year period. At high altitudes, we identified seven plant species hosting fruit flies. From these infested fruits, four species of Anastrepha and Ceratitis capitata emerged, while Doryctobracon crawfordii, D. areolatus, Utetes anastrephae, and Opius sp. (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) emerged from parasitizing fruit fly larvae. At low altitudes, eleven host plant species of fruit flies were identified, yielding seven Anastrepha species and parasitoids including D. crawfordii, D. areolatus, D. zeteki, and Ganaspis pelleranoi (Hymenoptera: Figitidae). We provide the first record of D. zetekii emerging from A. kulhmanni in South American sapote (Quararibea cordata), as well as the first extensive documentation of parasitoids in Anastrepha-infested fruits in Peru. Our findings enhance the limited knowledge of fruit flies and parasitoids on host plants in the Andean regions of South America, providing a baseline for future biological control practices in these environments.
Altitude , Florestas , Himenópteros , Larva , Tephritidae , Animais , Peru , Tephritidae/parasitologia , Larva/parasitologia , Himenópteros/fisiologia , Frutas/parasitologia , Interações Hospedeiro-Parasita , Plantas/parasitologiaRESUMO
Assessing plant-pollinator relationships often employs a snapshot approach to describe the complexity and dynamic involving species interactions. However, this framework overlooks the nuanced changes in species composition, their interactions, and the underlying drivers of such variations. This is particularly evident on less explored temporal scales, such as the dynamic decision-making processes occurring within hours throughout the day. To address these gaps, in this study, we evaluated the temporal and environmental factors shaping the change of species and interactions (beta diversity) between bees and plants throughout the day in a coastal environment in Mexico. In general, we found that the changes in species composition of bees and plants were mainly associated with species turnover throughout the day, while the principal component of changes in interaction composition was interaction rewiring (reassembling of pairwise bee-plant interactions). This was mainly because a few species (6 of 47 bee species, and 5 of 35 plant species) with many interactions remain permanent most of the day, leading to rewiring being the most important component of beta diversity interaction. While environmental conditions such as temperature and humidity did not significantly drive the compositional dissimilarity of species and interactions, we observed that nearby time intervals have a similar composition of species and interactions. In conclusion, our study emphasizes the importance of considering shorter temporal dynamics in understanding species interactions during the day. These insights deepen our understanding of the intricate dynamics shaping plant-pollinator interactions, providing valuable implications for future studies focused on conservation and management strategies.
Plantas , Abelhas , Animais , México , Polinização , BiodiversidadeRESUMO
Mitochondria play a crucial role in eukaryotic organisms, housing their own genome with genes vital for oxidative phosphorylation. Coordination between nuclear and mitochondrial genomes is pivotal for organelle gene expression. Splicing, editing and processing of mitochondrial transcripts are regulated by nuclear-encoded factors. Splicing efficiency (SEf) of the many group II introns present in plant mitochondrial genes is critical for mitochondrial function since a splicing defect or splicing deficiency can severely impact plant growth and development. This study investigates SEf in free-living and holoparasitic plants, focusing on 25 group II introns from 15 angiosperm species. Our comparative analyses reveal distinctive splicing patterns with holoparasites exhibiting significantly lower SEf, potentially linked to their unique evolutionary trajectory. Given the preponderance of horizontal gene transfer (HGT) in parasitic plants, we investigated the effect of HGT on SEf, such as the presence of foreign introns or foreign nuclear-encoded splicing factors. Contrary to expectations, the SEf reductions do not correlate with HGT events, suggesting that other factors are at play, such as the loss of photosynthesis or the transition to a holoparasitic lifestyle. The findings of this study broaden our understanding of the molecular evolution in parasitic plants and shed light on the multifaceted factors influencing organelle gene expression.
Íntrons , Mitocôndrias , Splicing de RNA , Mitocôndrias/genética , Mitocôndrias/metabolismo , Íntrons/genética , Transferência Genética Horizontal , Magnoliopsida/genética , Magnoliopsida/parasitologia , Evolução Molecular , Plantas/genética , Plantas/parasitologiaRESUMO
Urbanization has reshaped the distribution of biodiversity on Earth, but we are only beginning to understand its effects on ecological communities. While urbanization may have homogenization effects strong enough to blur the large-scale patterns in interaction networks, urban community patterns may still be associated with climate gradients reflecting large-scale biogeographical processes. Using 103 hummingbird-plant mutualistic networks across continental Americas, including 176 hummingbird and 1,180 plant species, we asked how urbanization affects species interactions over large climate gradients. Urban networks were more generalized, exhibiting greater interaction overlap. Higher generalization was also associated with lower precipitation in both urban and natural areas, indicating that climate affects networks irrespective of habitat type. Urban habitats also showed lower hummingbird functional trait diversity and over/underrepresentation of specific clades. From the plant side, urban communities had a higher prevalence of nonnative nectar plants, which were more frequently visited by the hummingbird species occurring in both urban and natural areas. Therefore, urbanization affected hummingbird-plant interactions through both the composition of species and traits, as well as floral resource availability. Taken together, we show that urbanization consistently modifies ecological communities and their interactions, but climate still plays a role in affecting the structure of these novel communities over the scale of continents.
Biodiversidade , Aves , Clima , Ecossistema , Urbanização , Aves/fisiologia , Animais , Plantas/classificação , SimbioseRESUMO
Air, water, and soil pollution pose significant threats to environmental and human health, particularly in rapidly urbanising regions. This comprehensive review evaluates the scientific literature on plant biomonitoring in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, from 2009 to 2019, aiming to compile data for future research, assess the distribution of biomonitoring studies, and analyse their relationship to human health outcomes. To the extent of our knowledge, a review according to the criteria of this article has not yet been carried out. The review followed the ENTREQ protocol and employed a systematic search methodology, with thematic synthesis and descriptive statistics (percentage). Of the 656 studies identified, only 56 met the inclusion criteria. Air pollution was the most researched (91% of studies), and the city of São Paulo was the most frequent (40.2%). Leaves were the most analysed plant part (48.5%), and Tibouchina tipu was the most studied species (8.6%). Only five studies included here related the data to human health, focusing on respiratory diseases. The review presents an integrative framework illustrating the interplay between urbanisation, pollution, biomonitoring, and health outcomes. Despite limitations, plant biomonitoring offers valuable insights into the environmental and health impacts of pollution in São Paulo and can also serve as a guide for students and researchers on plant biomonitoring and its relationship with the diversity of pollutants and contaminants present in the biosphere, serving as support for the development of public policies regarding the improvement of environmental quality.
Monitoramento Biológico , Ecossistema , Monitoramento Ambiental , Plantas , Brasil , Monitoramento Ambiental/métodos , Humanos , Poluentes Atmosféricos/análise , CidadesRESUMO
With the increasing concern on heavy metal contamination in agriculture and other environmental settings, unraveling the mechanisms of cadmium (Cd) tolerance and response in plants has become highly important. Ongoing plant Cd research over the years has focused on strategic and relevant aspects, including molecular, biochemical, and physiological processes. From this perspective, phosphoproteomics appears to be an innovative and powerful approach to investigating plant responses to Cd stress. Here, we summarize progress in plant Cd research across different plant species regarding large-scale phosphoproteomic investigations. Some studies revealed major proteins participating in detoxification, stress signaling, and metabolism, along with their regulation through phosphorylation, which modulates the plant's defense against Cd. However, many pathways remain unexplored. Expanding these studies will help our ability to alleviate Cd stress and provide further information concerning involved mechanisms. Our purpose is to inspire researchers to further explore the use of phosphoproteomics in unraveling such complex mechanisms of Cd tolerance and response across various plant species, with the ultimate aim of enhancing strategies for mitigating Cd stress in agriculture and polluted environments.
Cádmio , Proteínas de Plantas , Plantas , Proteômica , Cádmio/toxicidade , Proteômica/métodos , Plantas/metabolismo , Plantas/efeitos dos fármacos , Proteínas de Plantas/metabolismo , Estresse Fisiológico/efeitos dos fármacos , Fosfoproteínas/metabolismo , Fosforilação/efeitos dos fármacosRESUMO
Ascorbic acid (ASC) is an important antioxidant in plant cells, being the main biosynthesis pathway is L-galactose or Smirnoff-Wheeler. ASC is involved in plant growth and development processes, being a cofactor and regulator of multiple signaling pathways in response to abiotic stresses. Aluminum toxicity is an important stressor under acidic conditions, affecting plant root elongation, triggering ROS induction and accumulation of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). To mitigate damage from Al-toxicity, plants have evolved mechanisms to resist stress conditions, such as Al-tolerance and Al-exclusion or avoidance, both strategies related to the forming of non-phytotoxic complexes or bind-chelates among Al and organic molecules like oxalate. Dehydroascorbate (DHA) degradation generates oxalate when ASC is recycled, and dehydroascorbate reductase (DHAR) expression is inhibited. An alternative strategy is ASC regeneration, mainly due to a higher level of DHAR gene expression and low monodehydroascorbate reductase (MDHAR) gene expression. Therefore, studies performed on Fagopyrum esculentum, Nicotiana tabacum, Poncirus trifoliate, and V. corymbosum suggest that ASC is associated with the Al-resistant mechanism, given the observed enhancements in defense mechanisms, including elevated antioxidant capacity and oxalate production. This review examines the potential involvement of ASC metabolism in Al-resistant mechanisms.
Alumínio , Ácido Ascórbico , Alumínio/toxicidade , Alumínio/metabolismo , Ácido Ascórbico/metabolismo , Estresse Fisiológico , Plantas/metabolismo , Plantas/efeitos dos fármacosRESUMO
Scientists' limited understanding of tropical plant communities obscures the true extent of species loss caused by habitat destruction1. The Centinelan extinction hypothesis2,3 posits an extreme but widely referenced scenario wherein forest clearing causes the immediate extinction of species known only from a single geographic location. It remains unclear, however, whether the disappearance of such microendemics reflects their global extinction or insufficient collection effort at larger scales. Here we test these hypotheses by synthesizing decades of floristic data from the heavily deforested tropical cloud forest (TCF) at Centinela, Ecuador. We find that 99% of its putative microendemics have been collected elsewhere and are not extinct. Our field work also revealed new species, highlighting the enduring conservation value of TCFs and the intense efforts required to illuminate such plant diversity 'darkspots'4. Field and herbarium research remain essential to the conservation action needed to forestall large-scale plant extinctions in Earth's beleaguered cloud forests.
Extinção Biológica , Equador , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Florestas , Biodiversidade , Plantas , Clima TropicalRESUMO
Molecular evolution analysis typically involves identifying selection pressure and reconstructing evolutionary trends. This process usually requires access to specific data related to a target gene or gene family within a particular group of organisms. While recent advancements in high-throughput sequencing techniques have resulted in the rapid accumulation of extensive genomics and transcriptomics data and the creation of new databases in public repositories, extracting valuable insights from such vast data sets remains a significant challenge for researchers. Here, we elucidated the evolutionary history of THI1, a gene responsible for encoding thiamine thiazole synthase. The thiazole ring is a precursor for vitamin B1 and a crucial cofactor in primary metabolic pathways. A thorough search of complete genomes available within public repositories reveals 702 THI1 homologs of Archaea and Eukarya. Throughout its diversification, the plant lineage has preserved the THI1 gene by incorporating the N-terminus and targeting the chloroplasts. Likewise, evolutionary pressures and lifestyle appear to be associated with retention of TPP riboswitch sites and consequent dual posttranscriptional regulation of the de novo biosynthesis pathway in basal groups. Multicopy retention of THI1 is not a typical plant pattern, even after successive genome duplications. Examining cis-regulatory sites in plants uncovers two shared motifs across all plant lineages. A data mining of 484 transcriptome data sets supports the THI1 homolog expression under a light/dark cycle response and a tissue-specific pattern. Finally, the work presented brings a new look at public repositories as an opportunity to explore evolutionary trends to THI1.
Mineração de Dados , Evolução Molecular , Plantas/genética , FilogeniaRESUMO
Understanding the role of open vegetation, particularly in white-sand ecosystems (WSE) and savannas, is crucial for elucidating their role in Amazonian biotic diversification. These ecosystems predominantly develop on sandy terrains, suggesting that the geological substrate significantly influences the vegetation upon it. Therefore, the interaction between landscape changes and biotic diversification is closely tied to the dynamics and resilience of these sandy substrates. Current WSE and savannas in lowland Amazonia colonized fluvial sediments deposited during the past 120 ka, with marked synchronicity over the last 23 ka, as shown by optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and radiocarbon ages of such sandy substrates. In contrast, sandy substrates supporting open vegetation in highland areas, unsuitable for Quaternary sand accumulation, would have persisted beyond the Quaternary, as ancient sedimentary rocks in these areas are prone to developing sandy soils. The current distribution of open vegetation ecosystems in lowland Amazonia is coupled with the deposition and erosion of sandy sediments by Quaternary fluvial systems, while weathering sandy substrates in highland areas serve as long-term and resilient refugia beyond the Quaternary. The contrasting spatiotemporal dynamics of landscape changes in lowland and highland areas has implications for biodiversification or extinction events leading to current biogeography patterns in Amazonia.
Ecossistema , Sedimentos Geológicos , Sedimentos Geológicos/análise , Plantas , Areia , Solo/química , Biodiversidade , BrasilRESUMO
Mercury (Hg) is a non-essential trace metal, toxic to living beings and complex to quantify and mitigate in the environment. In this study, 25 plant species native to an Amazon-Cerrado transition area were tested for use in Hg remediation. Species identification, Hg quantification in plant biomass and soil at each sampling point, and evaluation of Hg compartmentalization in each plant were carried out. The results were subjected to statistical tests and evaluated using translocation coefficients (FT), bioconcentration (FBC), and bioaccumulation (FB). The results demonstrated that the distribution and accumulation of Hg differed between species and between the parts of the plant evaluated. Soil was the predominant source of Hg in the study area. The study highlighted seven species with Hg phytoremediation potential. Five translocator species were characterized, among these a preferentially bioaccumulating and bioconcentrating species, in addition to a bioconcentrating species and a preferentially bioconcentrating and bioaccumulating species of Hg. Potentially accumulating species stood out, Blechnum serrulatum Rich. (Blechnaceae), Mauritia flexuosa L.f. (Arecaceae), and Montrichardia arborescens (L.) Schott (Araceae), all widely distributed in tropical regions, characterized as rooted, terrestrial, or amphibious and associated with ruderal environments.
Biodegradação Ambiental , Mercúrio , Poluentes do Solo , Mercúrio/metabolismo , Poluentes do Solo/metabolismo , Brasil , Plantas/metabolismo , BioacumulaçãoRESUMO
Understanding the mechanisms that enable species coexistence is a central question in ecology, as it helps to comprehend species diversity. One of the most common stabilizing mechanisms of coexistence is niche segregation, which can prevent the competitive exclusion of the fittest competitor. Niche segregation can manifest itself at various temporal and spatial scales, allowing provide essential insights into understanding the stabilizing mechanisms facilitating the coexistence of species. We assessed coexistence patterns among flower-dwelling spiders in two ways, in the first set of analyses, we investigated the factors influencing the quantity of spider individuals and species. The second approach we investigate the spatio-temporal segregation between species, effectively examining the coexistence patterns. We observed that the presence of inflorescences per plant, the number of flowers per inflorescence, and the presence of EFNs play a significant role in increasing spider abundance and richness. We find only a marginal seasonal effect, suggesting that spiders have constant access to resources throughout the year. Our niche overlap analysis demonstrated synchrony in the spatial occupation of niches by different spider species. The coexistence patterns appeared to be unaffected by the number of inflorescences. The greater number of inflorescences will enable a greater availability of niches, and consequently more abundance and richness of species of spiders the plant can sustain. Our results suggest that, to mitigate the adverse consequences of competitive interactions, spiders tend to adopt spatial partitioning as a strategy to facilitate the coexistence of spiders living in reproductive structures on plants in the Brazilian savanna.
Ecossistema , Estações do Ano , Aranhas , Animais , Aranhas/fisiologia , Flores , PlantasRESUMO
Integrating the physicochemical characteristics of aquatic environments with their biotas is essential for the conservation and monitoring of biodiversity, given the sensitivity of both the biotic and the abiotic components to environmental changes linked to water quality and human activities. In the present study, we evaluate how the contributions of different taxa to beta diversity, through local and species effects, can indicate the priority sites for conservation and ecological restoration in an Amazon region impacted by bauxite mining. We also investigate how environmental conditions at local and landscape scales influence the beta diversity of the aquatic biota. We hypothesize that unique species assemblages (a high local contribution) are more likely to be found in more degraded streams, with these assemblages being influenced strongly by local conditions and landscape characteristics. Our findings indicate that local contributions to beta diversity can be explained significantly by physicochemical variables, such as the pH and electrical conductivity of the water, with streams impacted by mining exhibiting distinct species compositions. The environmental factors affected different biological groups in distinct manners, including fish, aquatic insects (water bugs, and the larvae of mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies, and dragonflies), adult dragonflies, and macrophytes. Streams with unique communities also often exhibited low species richness, which highlights the need for environmental restoration. These results reinforce the value of the use of beta diversity metrics as guidelines for conservation and restoration efforts in aquatic ecosystems that have been affected by anthropogenic disturbances. Furthermore, our findings underscore the importance of a multi-taxon approach to ensure the formulation of a more comprehensive picture of the responses of a region's biodiversity to anthropogenic impacts.
Biodiversidade , Peixes , Insetos , Mineração , Rios , Animais , Insetos/fisiologia , Rios/química , Monitoramento Ambiental , Óxido de Alumínio , Brasil , Organismos Aquáticos , PlantasRESUMO
Human activities alter biomass, nutrient availability, and species dominance in grasslands, impacting their richness, composition, and biomass production. Stability (invariability in time or space) can inform the predictability of plant communities in response to human activities. However, this measure has been simplistically analyzed for temporal (interannual) changes in live biomass, disregarding their spatial stability and the temporal stability of other plant community attributes. Moreover, the simultaneous analysis of temporal and spatial stabilities of plant communities has been scarcely assessed. Here, we test how biomass removal and nutrient addition simultaneously modify the temporal and spatial stabilities of plant richness (α diversity), composition dissimilarity (ß diversity), aboveground live biomass, and the role of plant species dominance in the stability responses. We conducted a factorial experiment of biomass removal (grazing, mowing, or intact -no removal-) and nutrient addition (unfertilized or fertilized with nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) in a temperate grassland of Argentina, South America. We replicated the experiment in 6 blocks over 10 years to estimate the temporal and spatial stabilities of the plant community. The spatiotemporal stability of plant richness and composition dissimilarity decreased in the intact grassland, while the temporal stability of live biomass increased, compared to the grazed and mowed grasslands. Nutrient addition reduced the spatiotemporal stability of live biomass and the spatial stability of plant richness. The stabilities of species richness as well as that of composition dissimilarity were negatively associated with plant dominance, while the live biomass stability was not. Our results suggest that simplifying the effect of biomass removal and nutrient addition on grassland stability is not feasible, as plant diversity stability responses are not surrogates for biomass stability. The contrasting spatiotemporal stability responses of plant diversity and biomass represent a step forward in predicting human activities' impact over time and across space in temperate grasslands.
Biodiversidade , Biomassa , Pradaria , Plantas , Argentina , Atividades Humanas , Monitoramento Ambiental , HumanosRESUMO
The first step in carbon (C) turnover, where senesced plant biomass is converted through various pathways into compounds that are released to the atmosphere or incorporated into the soil, is termed litter decomposition. This review is focused on recent advances of how solar radiation can affect this important process in terrestrial ecosystems. We explore the photochemical degradation of plant litter and its consequences for biotic decomposition and C cycling. The ubiquitous presence of lignin in plant tissues poses an important challenge for enzymatic litter decomposition due to its biological recalcitrance, creating a substantial bottleneck for decomposer organisms. The recognition that lignin is also photolabile and can be rapidly altered by natural doses of sunlight to increase access to cell wall carbohydrates and even bolster the activity of cell wall degrading enzymes highlights a novel role for lignin in modulating rates of litter decomposition. Lignin represents a key functional connector between photochemistry and biochemistry with important consequences for our understanding of how sunlight exposure may affect litter decomposition in a wide range of terrestrial ecosystems. A mechanistic understanding of how sunlight controls litter decomposition and C turnover can help inform management and other decisions related to mitigating human impact on the planet.
Ecossistema , Fotólise , Plantas/metabolismo , Plantas/efeitos da radiação , Lignina/metabolismo , Luz SolarRESUMO
Changes in species diversity of different taxa along environmental gradients are usually correlated, resulting in a pattern called cross-taxon congruence. This pattern can be due to functional relationships between taxa, a common response to niche-related processes, or stochastic processes. However, it remains unclear the extent to which they contribute to the association among patterns of changes in species composition, (i.e., beta diversity), and whether these changes are related to species nestedness and turnover. Here we described patterns of change in the taxonomic composition of plant and orthopteran assemblages along an elevational gradient in Cordoba province, central Argentina. We assessed cross-taxon congruence and identified the main environmental variables accounting for such patterns. Mantel correlations showed congruence between the patterns of taxonomic dissimilarity of plants and orthopterans. According Generalized disiimilarity models (GDM) the main environmental variables driving the patterns were temperature for both taxa, and changes in soil nutrient content for plants, spatial effects were also found. Beta diversity was mainly due to species turnover for orthopterans and plants, indicating replacement by species adapted to elevational conditions. Niche-related process, such as environmetal filtering, along with neutral processes may have contributed to cross-taxon congruence in beta diversity.
Altitude , Biodiversidade , Plantas , Argentina , Plantas/classificação , Animais , Ecossistema , Solo/químicaRESUMO
In the course of plant evolution from aquatic to terrestrial environments, land plants (embryophytes) acquired a diverse array of specialized metabolites, including phenylpropanoids, flavonoids and cuticle components, enabling adaptation to various environmental stresses. While embryophytes and their closest algal relatives share candidate enzymes responsible for producing some of these compounds, the complete genetic network for their biosynthesis emerged in embryophytes. In this review, we analysed genomic data from chlorophytes, charophytes and embryophytes to identify genes related to phenylpropanoid, flavonoid and cuticle biosynthesis. By integrating published research, transcriptomic data and metabolite studies, we provide a comprehensive overview on how these specialized metabolic pathways have contributed to plant defence responses to pathogens in non-vascular bryophytes and vascular plants throughout evolution. The evidence suggests that these biosynthetic pathways have provided land plants with a repertoire of conserved and lineage-specific compounds, which have shaped immunity against invading pathogens. The discovery of additional enzymes and metabolites involved in bryophyte responses to pathogen infection will provide evolutionary insights into these versatile pathways and their impact on environmental terrestrial challenges.This article is part of the theme issue 'The evolution of plant metabolism'.
Interações Hospedeiro-Patógeno , Evolução Biológica , Embriófitas/metabolismo , Embriófitas/genética , Embriófitas/imunologia , Plantas/microbiologia , Plantas/imunologia , Plantas/metabolismo , Doenças das Plantas/microbiologia , Doenças das Plantas/imunologiaRESUMO
Soil and water characteristics in micro basins with different land uses/land cover (LULC) can influence riparian vegetation diversity, stream water quality, and benthic diatom diversity. We analyzed 18 streams in the upper part of the La Antigua River basin, México, surrounded by cloud forests, livestock pastures, and coffee plantations. Concentrations of P, C, and N were elevated in the humus of forested streams compared to other land uses. In contrast, cations, ammonium, and total suspended solids (TSS) of water streams were higher in pastures and coffee plantations. These results indicate that LULC affects stream chemistry differently across land uses. Vegetation richness was highest (86-133 spp.) in forest streams and lowest in pastures (46-102), whereas pasture streams had the greatest richness of diatoms (9-24), likely due to higher light and temperatures. Some soil and water characteristics correlated with both true diversity and taxonomic diversity; soil carbon exchange capacity (CEC) correlated with vegetation diversity (r = 0.60), while water temperature correlated negatively (r = - 0.68). Diatom diversity was related to soil aluminum (r = - 0.59), magnesium (r = 0.57), water phosphorus (r = 0.88), and chlorophyll (r = 0.75). These findings suggest that land use affects riparian vegetation, while physical and chemical changes influence diatom diversity in stream water and soil. The lack of correlation between vegetation and diatom diversity indicates that one cannot predict the other. This research is an essential first step in understanding how land use changes impact vegetation and diatom diversity in mountain landscapes, providing valuable insights for environmental monitoring and conservation efforts in tropical cloud forests.
Biodiversidade , Diatomáceas , Monitoramento Ambiental , Florestas , Solo , México , Solo/química , Rios/química , Plantas , Fósforo/análiseRESUMO
In an attempt to address the large inequities faced by the plant biology communities from the Global South (i.e. countries located around the tropics and the Southern Hemisphere) at international conferences, this Viewpoint is the reflexive thinking arising from the concurrent session titled 'Arabidopsis and its translational research in the Global South' organized at the International Conference of Arabidopsis Research 2023 (ICAR 2023) in Chiba, Japan in June 2023. Here, we highlight the main obstacles plant biology communities in the Global South face in terms of knowledge production, as measured by the unequal production and citation of publications, investigating and advancing local plant genomics and biodiversity, combating disparities in gender and diversity, and current initiatives to break isolation of scientists.