OBJECTIVE: To evaluate reliability and validity of the Dutch version of the Infant Crying and Parent Well-Being (ICPW) tool in identifying parents struggling with infant crying in the first year of life. STUDY DESIGN: The original ICPW tool was translated into Dutch following established guidelines. The internal consistency and criterion validity of the Dutch ICPW tool were evaluated using a cross-sectional design. The translated ICPW tool and validated questionnaires on parental depression, stress, anxiety, and parenting balance were presented to parents of infants under 12 months during child health care visits and online. RESULTS: The survey was completed by 488 parents, 400 mothers and 88 fathers. Of these, 172 participated after a child health care visit and 316 via online platforms. The Dutch ICPW showed satisfactory internal consistency (α = 0.69) and excellent criterion validity with parental mental health measures (r = 0.53-0.85). ICPW scores demonstrated positive correlations with parental depression, stress, and anxiety levels, and a negative correlation with parenting balance. Both mothers and fathers with a positive ICPW screen (≥3) reported significantly higher levels of parental mental health issues compared with those with a negative screen (P < .001). The ICPW was positive in 32% of the parents (n = 155), with consistent total scores regardless of the infant's increasing age (r = -0.024, P = .59). The ICPW tool exhibited a strong negative predictive value (93%) for diagnosing postpartum depression. CONCLUSIONS: The Dutch ICPW tool is a reliable and valid screening instrument for identifying parents struggling with infant crying.
Choro , Pais , Humanos , Lactente , Masculino , Feminino , Pais/psicologia , Países Baixos , Estudos Transversais , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Adulto , Inquéritos e Questionários , Poder Familiar/psicologia , Recém-Nascido , Depressão/diagnóstico , Estresse Psicológico/diagnóstico , Ansiedade/diagnósticoRESUMO
Parenting that is warm and supportive has been consistently linked to better emotion regulation in children, but less is known about this association in adolescents. Adolescence is thought to be an important period for emotion regulation development given that it coincides with the emergence of mental health issues. Respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) is a measure of parasympathetic regulation linked to emotion and behavior regulation. Despite the well-documented links between parenting practices and emotion regulation, and between RSA and emotion regulation, few studies have focused on the association between positive parenting and adolescent RSA or included both mothers and fathers. The current study analyzed the influence of warm parenting throughout adolescence (ages 10-16) on basal RSA at age 17 in 229 Mexican-origin youths. Latent-growth curve models were used to analyze associations between maternal and paternal warmth and baseline RSA. Changes in maternal, but not paternal, warmth from age 10 to 16 were related to youths' basal RSA at age 17. Specifically, youths who perceived increasing (or less decreasing) maternal warmth across adolescence had higher basal RSA. This finding suggests that positive maternal parenting experiences during adolescence "get under the skin" to enhance parasympathetic functioning that supports youths' emotion regulation capacities.
Regulação Emocional , Americanos Mexicanos , Sistema Nervoso Parassimpático , Poder Familiar , Arritmia Sinusal Respiratória , Adolescente , Criança , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Regulação Emocional/fisiologia , Estudos Longitudinais , Sistema Nervoso Parassimpático/fisiologia , Relações Pais-Filho/etnologia , Poder Familiar/etnologia , Arritmia Sinusal Respiratória/fisiologiaRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether parenting or neonatal brain volumes mediate associations between prenatal social disadvantage (PSD) and cognitive/language abilities and whether these mechanisms vary by level of disadvantage. STUDY DESIGN: Pregnant women were recruited prospectively from obstetric clinics in St Louis, Missouri. PSD encompassed access to social (eg, education) and material (eg, income to needs, health insurance, area deprivation, and nutrition) resources during pregnancy. Neonates underwent brain magnetic resonance imaging. Mother-child dyads (n = 202) returned at age 1 year for parenting observations and at age 2 years for cognition/language assessments (Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, Third Edition). Generalized additive and mediation models tested hypotheses. RESULTS: Greater PSD associated nonlinearly with poorer cognitive/language scores. Associations between parenting and cognition/language were moderated by disadvantage, such that supportive and nonsupportive parenting behaviors related only to cognition/language in children with lesser PSD. Parenting mediation effects differed by level of disadvantage: both supportive and nonsupportive parenting mediated PSD-cognition/language associations in children with lesser disadvantage, but not in children with greater disadvantage. PSD-associated reductions in neonatal subcortical grey matter (ß = 0.19; q = 0.03), white matter (ß = 0.23; q = 0.02), and total brain volume (ß = 0.18; q = 0.03) were associated with lower cognition, but did not mediate the associations between PSD and cognition. CONCLUSIONS: Parenting moderates and mediates associations between PSD and early cognition and language, but only in families with less social disadvantage. These findings, although correlational, suggest that there may be a critical threshold of disadvantage, below which mediating or moderating factors become less effective, highlighting the importance of reducing disadvantage as primary prevention.
Cognição , Desenvolvimento da Linguagem , Imageamento por Ressonância Magnética , Poder Familiar , Efeitos Tardios da Exposição Pré-Natal , Humanos , Feminino , Pré-Escolar , Gravidez , Masculino , Poder Familiar/psicologia , Estudos Prospectivos , Lactente , Adulto , Recém-Nascido , Encéfalo/diagnóstico por imagem , Encéfalo/crescimento & desenvolvimentoRESUMO
La presente publicación describe una propuesta de intervención grupal centrada en la adquisición de conocimientos y entrenamiento de habilidades bajo una metodología activa, reflexiva y transformadora para fortalecer las habilidades de crianza de madres, padres y/o cuidadores. Ser madre, padre o cuidador/a constituye una de las tareas más importantes en la vida de una persona, dado que, de su desempeño depende en gran medida el futuro que afectan el desarrollo psicosocial de las niñas, niños y adolescentes
Humanos , Gravidez , Criança , Adolescente , Criança , Poder Familiar , Cuidadores , Assistência Integral à Saúde , Impacto Psicossocial , Populações Vulneráveis , Gestantes , Mães , Saúde MentalRESUMO
OBJECTIVES: to identify and summarize the elements that characterize the family transition process in relation to the first child. METHODS: a scoping review was carried out based on JBI methodology, in six databases, following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews checklist. RESULTS: ten articles were included with factors characterizing the transition, such as hindering/facilitating conditions that influence the process, important support structures in adaptation and strategies/responses used in the transition process. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: elements characterizing the transition process in relation to the first child were identified. However, no theoretical explanation for this was identified. Further research should be carried out to obtain a deeper understanding of this process.
Poder Familiar , Humanos , Poder Familiar/psicologiaRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Child maltreatment is a global issue in need of intervention. This study investigated whether SafeCare, an evidence-based behavioral parenting program to prevent child neglect and physical violence, is desired and feasible to implement in Haiti birthing centers. METHODS: A total of four focus groups were conducted with 29 birthing center staff and mothers in two birthing centers in Haiti. Staff participants also completed the World Health Organization Readiness Assessment for the Prevention of Child Maltreatment written survey. RESULTS: Focus group findings suggest that SafeCare is a desired program by both caregivers attending the birth center and birth center staff. Findings also showed that the SafeCare curriculum needs cultural adaptations before delivery in Haitian birth centers. We also found that despite contextual challenges that pregnant mothers and birth center staff face in Haiti, birth centers continue to be a place for women to receive pre- and post-natal medical care and weekly education sessions. CONCLUSIONS: Findings support that although there are contextual challenges to a SafeCare implementation in Haiti, birthing centers are ideal and feasible locations in which to deliver SafeCare. Birth center networks may be potential settings in which to disseminate and scale evidence-based programs for improved health outcomes for mothers and children.
Centros de Assistência à Gravidez e ao Parto , Estudos de Viabilidade , Grupos Focais , Humanos , Haiti , Feminino , Centros de Assistência à Gravidez e ao Parto/organização & administração , Gravidez , Adulto , Maus-Tratos Infantis/prevenção & controle , Poder Familiar/psicologia , Criança , Desenvolvimento de Programas , Mães/psicologia , Mães/educaçãoRESUMO
We analysed the relationships between maternal feeding styles and children's eating and nutritional factors. A cross-sectional study was developed with 416 mothers linked to 130 public higher education institutions in all Brazilian states and their children aged 18 months to six years. A semi-structured online questionnaire was applied using the Google Forms tool, with questions about sociodemographic conditions, food consumption and anthropometry of the children. The children's food consumption was assessed based on the Food Consumption Markers Form (SISVAN) for the age groups up to 24 months (n = 84) and over 24 months (n = 332), and the parental style in feeding, based on the Parental Feeding Styles Questionnaire (QEPA). The assessment of the child's nutritional status was based on the weight and height data reported by the mother. The body mass index/age (BMI/Age) was calculated and classified into age-specific WHO curves. Descriptive analysis and univariate analyses were performed, in the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS, version 26.0) programs (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL). To test the association between categorical variables, the Chi-square test or Fisher's exact test was used, and multiple logistic regression was used to estimate the independent association between the variables of interest, with an estimated odds ratio and 95% confidence interval. Statistical significance was adopted at 5%. Children under 24 months of age with authoritative mothers were 8.7 times more likely to consume ultra-processed foods and 5.3 times less likely to consume foods rich in vitamin A than those with indulgent mothers. Children over 24 months old with authoritative mothers were 2.5 times more likely to eat meals while watching television, 2.0 times more likely to consume sandwich cookies, candies and sweets, and 2.3 times less likely to have at least the three main meals of a day, compared to those with indulgent mothers. The chances of overweight children being born to authoritative mothers were two times greater compared to underweight children. Higher scores in the demandingness domain among responsive mothers increased the odds ratios of children eating unhealthy foods, using screens during meals, and proved to be a protective factor against low child weight.
Comportamento Alimentar , Estado Nutricional , Humanos , Brasil , Feminino , Lactente , Pré-Escolar , Estudos Transversais , Masculino , Criança , Mães , Adulto , Inquéritos e Questionários , Índice de Massa Corporal , Dieta , Poder Familiar , Ingestão de AlimentosRESUMO
Food insecurity (FI) is a critical issue in developing countries, particularly in low-resource settings, where it can worsen women's mental health. Psychosocial factors such as low household income, limited education, multiparity, and vulnerability are linked to depressive symptoms during pregnancy. Additionally, the family environment influences parental practices, which may impact mental health. This study evaluates the association of socioeconomic factors, parental practices, FI risk, and home visit frequency with depressive symptoms in pregnant women enrolled in the Happy Child Program (Programa Criança Feliz-PCF) in the Federal District, Brazil. In this cross-sectional study, 132 pregnant women monitored by PCF from May to July 2023 were assessed using a self-administered questionnaire for socioeconomic data, the two-item Triage for Food Insecurity (TRIA) instrument for FI risk, the Scale of Parental Beliefs and Early Childhood Care Practices, and the Beck Depression Inventory-II for depressive symptoms. Most participants were multiparous (87.9%), had low income (under 200 USD/month; 80.8%), presented depressive symptoms (67.4%) and were at risk of FI (81.8%). About half demonstrated adequate parental practices (50.8%) and received four home visits per month during pregnancy (54.5%). Women who received four PCF home visits had a lower prevalence of depressive symptoms compared to those with fewer visits (PR 0.76, 95% CI 0.59-0.98). No significant association was found between FI or parental practices and depressive symptoms. These findings suggest that the PCF home-visiting program may strengthen vulnerable families, support social networks, and improve mental health during pregnancy. Additionally, the results of this study highlight the need for targeted interventions aimed at reducing food insecurity and promoting mental health during pregnancy, particularly among socially vulnerable populations. Furthermore, they reinforce the importance of expanding access to home-visiting programs as an effective strategy to improve maternal mental health and well-being, while fostering healthier prenatal environments for both mothers and their children.
Depressão , Insegurança Alimentar , Visita Domiciliar , Humanos , Feminino , Gravidez , Depressão/epidemiologia , Brasil/epidemiologia , Adulto , Estudos Transversais , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Cuidado Pré-Natal , Adulto Jovem , Gestantes/psicologia , Inquéritos e Questionários , Poder Familiar/psicologiaRESUMO
Objetivo: Identificar y clasificar las diferentes anomalías del desarrollo diagnosticadas en la unidad de ecografía del servicio de medicina materno fetal de la Maternidad Concepción Palacios entre enero y diciembre de 2023. Métodos: Estudio retrospectivo, descriptivo, transversal que incluyó la evaluación de los 4225 reportes de ultrasonido obstétrico realizados en 2023. Se excluyeron los estudios sin diagnóstico morfológico. Las variables evaluadas fueron características clínicas de las gestantes, prevalencia según tipo de anomalía del desarrollo y según el aparato o sistema afectado. Resultados: Se diagnosticaron anomalías del desarrollo en 282 pacientes, para una frecuencia de 6,7 %. Las anomalías fueron únicas en 187 casos (66,3 %) y múltiples en 95 pacientes (33,7 %). El total de malformaciones fue 360 (8,5 %). El mínimo de lesiones detectadas fue una y el máximo fue tres. El sistema afectado con mayor frecuencia fue el sistema nervioso central, con 104 casos (28,9 %); le siguen, en orden de frecuencia, los marcadores aislados, vistos en 92 pacientes (25,6 %) y las anomalías cardiovasculares, en 49 fetos (13,6 %). Conclusión: La frecuencia de malformaciones congénitas diagnosticadas en el año 2023 fue de 6,7 % de las ecografías realizadas en la unidad de ecografía del servicio de medicina materno fetal de la Maternidad Concepción Palacios; en las dos terceras partes de los casos fueron únicas y el tercio restante fueron múltiples. En orden de frecuencia, los sistemas afectados fueron sistema nervioso central, marcadores aislados de aneuploidías y anomalías cardiovasculares(AU)
Objective: To identify and classify the different developmental anomalies diagnosed in the ultrasound unit of the maternal-fetal medicine service of the Concepción Palacios Maternity Hospital between January and December 2023. Methods: Retrospective, descriptive, cross-sectional study that included the evaluation of the 4225 obstetric ultrasound reports performed in 2023. Studies without morphological diagnosis were excluded. The variables evaluated were clinical characteristics of the pregnant women, prevalence according to type of developmental anomaly and according to the affected apparatus or system. Results: Developmental abnormalities were diagnosed in 282 patients, with a frequency of 6.7%. The anomalies were single in 187 cases (66.3%) and multiple in 95 patients (33.7%). The total number of malformations was 360 (8.5%). The minimum number of injuries detected was one and the maximum was three. The most frequently affected system was the central nervous system, with 104 cases (28.9%); This is followed by isolated markers, seen in 92 patients (25.6%), and cardiovascular anomalies, in 49 fetuses (13.6%). Conclusion: The frequency of congenital malformations diagnosed in 2023 was 6.7% of the ultrasound scans performed in the ultrasound unit of the maternal-fetal medicine service of the Concepción Palacios Maternity Hospital; Two-thirds of the cases were singles and the remaining third were multiples. In order of frequency, the affected systems were central nervous system, isolated markers of aneuploidies, and cardiac anomalies(AU)
Humanos , Feminino , Gravidez , Adolescente , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Perinatologia , Diagnóstico Pré-Natal , Anormalidades Congênitas , Poder Familiar , Ultrassom , Sistema Nervoso Central , Ultrassonografia , Gestantes , Feto , MaternidadesRESUMO
The transition to parenthood is a significant period of transformation and adjustment for all members of a new family, reshaping relational dynamics that often endure throughout the initial years of a child's life. This qualitative and longitudinal study aimed to explore coparenting representations held by both partners in a parental couple, along with observations of their family interactions, at three distinct points in time, with the aim to better understand the interaction between these representational and behavioral observations. In-depth interviews were conducted with 17 heterosexual, first-time parents in Santiago de Chile, during pregnancy and at two different times during the first year of their child's life. Family interactions were assessed using the Lausanne Trilogue Play task (LTP) on all occasions. Three main coparenting representation categories emerged: traditional, ambiguous, and co-responsible. On observation, approximately half of the couples showed cooperative coparenting interactions, while the other half had conflictual interactions. Couples generally followed stable trajectories over time. Cooperative couples demonstrated co-responsibility and open dialogue, while conflictual couples tended to follow traditional gender roles with tacit communication styles. This study highlights the importance of promoting co-responsibility and dialogue for fostering cooperative relational dynamics during the critical transition to parenthood.
La transición a la paternidad/maternidad es un período significativo de transformación y ajuste para todos los miembros de una nueva familia, dándole nueva forma a las dinámicas de relación que a menudo se sobrellevan a lo largo de los años iniciales de la vida del niño. Este estudio cualitativo y longitudinal se propuso explorar las representaciones en la crianza compartida que tienen ambos miembros de una pareja de padres, junto con observaciones de sus interacciones familiares, en tres puntos distintivos en el tiempo, con el propósito de comprender mejor la interacción entre estas observaciones representacionales y de comportamiento. Se llevaron a cabo entrevistas profundas con 17 padres primerizos, heterosexuales, en Santiago de Chile, durante el embarazo y en dos momentos diferentes durante el primer año de vida de sus niños. Se evaluaron las interacciones de familia usando la tarea del Juego Tripartito de Lausanne (LTP) en todas las ocasiones. Tres principales categorías representacionales de crianza compartida surgieron: tradicional, ambigua y de responsabilidad compartida. Bajo observación, aproximadamente la mitad de las parejas mostró interacciones cooperadoras de crianza compartida, mientras que la otra mitad tuvo interacciones conflictivas. Las parejas generalmente siguieron trayectorias estables a lo largo del tiempo. Las parejas cooperadoras demostraron responsabilidad compartida y diálogo abierto, mientras que las parejas conflictivas tendieron a seguir papeles tradicionales de género con estilo de comunicación tácitos. Este estudio subraya la importancia de promover la responsabilidad compartida y el diálogo para cultivar relaciones dinámicas de cooperación durante la crucial transición a la paternidad/maternidad.
Poder Familiar , Pais , Humanos , Feminino , Masculino , Pais/psicologia , Adulto , Poder Familiar/psicologia , Estudos Longitudinais , Chile , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Gravidez , Lactente , Adulto Jovem , Relações Familiares/psicologiaRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: Violence against children (VAC) is a global public health and human rights issue that can lead to long-lasting negative consequences for individual and societal outcomes. While extensive evidence indicates that parenting programmes might be effective in preventing VAC, there are several unsolved questions on how to ensure interventions are acceptable, feasible, effective and sustainable, particularly in low- and- middle-income countries (LMICs). METHOD: In this study, we report findings from a qualitative examination of policymakers' (N = 10), early childhood and parenting programme facilitators' (N = 20) and parents' and other caregivers' (N = 38) perspectives on VAC prevention to examine the implementation ecosystem of parenting programmes in Colombia, including contextual risk and protection factors, features of existing programmes, and stakeholders' needs. We conducted interviews and focus groups using a semistructured format, along with a thematic approach, to analyse the data from each group of participants (i.e., policymakers, facilitators and caregivers) independently. RESULTS: Overall, the data revealed the critical role of intersecting and interacting factors at the micro (e.g., caregivers' capabilities and beliefs), meso (e.g., programme content and delivery approaches) and macro (e.g., policymakers' vision and existing infrastructure) levels in exacerbating risks/imposing barriers versus protecting/promoting VAC prevention. CONCLUSIONS: These findings provide evidence on the implementation ecosystem of prevention programmes to inform the design of novel strategies and programmes aimed at preventing violence and promoting families' well-being and young children's development.
Cuidadores , Maus-Tratos Infantis , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Humanos , Colômbia , Criança , Cuidadores/psicologia , Maus-Tratos Infantis/prevenção & controle , Feminino , Masculino , Poder Familiar/psicologia , Grupos Focais , Adulto , Pais/psicologia , Pais/educação , Pré-Escolar , Política de SaúdeRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Limited research has explored the course of harsh parenting practices throughout childhood and adolescence and its impact on socioemotional competences from a longitudinal perspective. This study examined the association between harsh parenting trajectories and socioemotional competences at age 18. METHODS: Data from the 2004 Pelotas (Brazil) Birth Cohort study, originally comprising 4231 live births, were used. Harsh parenting was measured using the parent-report version of the Parent-Child Conflict Tactics Scale at ages 6, 11, 15 and 17 years, and trajectories were identified using a group-based modelling approach. Socioemotional competences were emotion regulation, assessed by the Emotional Regulation Index for Children and Adolescents; self-esteem, measured by the self-report Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale; prosocial behaviour and peer relationship problems, both assessed by the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire. Multivariate linear and Poisson regression models were applied to examine the effects of harsh parenting trajectories on socioemotional competences, adjusting for confounding variables. RESULTS: We identified three trajectories: a "low harsh parenting" trajectory (49.7 %), a "moderate harsh parenting" (44.7 %), and a "high harsh parenting" trajectory (5.6 %). Compared to those belonging to the low harsh parenting trajectory group, adolescents who experienced either a moderate or high harsh parenting trajectory exhibited lower scores in emotion regulation, self-esteem, and prosocial behaviour scales, along with higher scores of peer relationships problems. LIMITATIONS: Data on harsh parenting at 15 and 17 years were available only for a sub-sample. CONCLUSIONS: Our study extends the evidence of the adverse effects of persistent harsh parenting on socioemotional competences during adolescence.
Poder Familiar , Autoimagem , Humanos , Poder Familiar/psicologia , Adolescente , Feminino , Masculino , Criança , Brasil , Relações Pais-Filho , Coorte de Nascimento , Regulação Emocional , Estudos Longitudinais , Comportamento Social , Estudos de Coortes , Habilidades Sociais , Grupo AssociadoRESUMO
OBJECTIVES: to comprehend men's perception of paternal parenthood while caring for infants to promote child development. METHODS: this qualitative study adopts an exploratory approach and was conducted with undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, and staff who are fathers of infants up to 6 months old from a higher education institution, excluding fathers from mononuclear families. Data collection occurred through semi-structured interviews and was analyzed using thematic categorical analysis. RESULTS: fifteen men participated in the study. From the analysis, two empirical categories emerged: "Perception of being a father: challenges and novelties" and "Promotion of child development: actions carried out by fathers". Fathers revealed feeling unprepared, the need for emotional support, and recognized activities aimed at their children's development. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: the relevance of the paternal figure for child development is highlighted, as well as the need for public policies to encourage paternal parenthood.
Desenvolvimento Infantil , Pai , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Humanos , Masculino , Pai/psicologia , Adulto , Percepção , Poder Familiar/psicologia , LactenteRESUMO
Violence is a major public health problem globally, with the highest rates in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) in the Americas and southern Africa. Parenting programmes in high-income countries can diminish risk for violence, by reducing risk factors such as child aggression and harsh parenting, and increasing protective factors such as child cognitive development and school readiness. However, there is critical need to identify low-cost programmes with replicable benefits that work in real-world LMICs contexts. A three-arm, randomised, single-blind trial evaluated effects of two low-cost, group-based parenting programmes recommended for LMICs (ACT: Raising Safe Kids; DBS: dialogic book-sharing) on child aggression (primary outcome), child development, parenting, maltreatment, and stress. Participants were 369 children with medium-high levels of aggression (mean age 3.1 years at baseline) in poor households. Interventions were implemented in city health and education services in southern Brazil. Maternal reports, filmed observations, child tasks, and hair cortisol were assessed at baseline, 1-month post-intervention, and 8-month follow-up. Intention-to-treat analyses compared each of ACT and DBS with a control group. Three hundred sixty-eight (99.7%) participants completed follow-up assessments 8 months after the interventions. There was no effect of ACT (standardised mean difference, SMD 0.11, 95% CI - 0.05, 0.27) or DBS (SMD 0.05, 95% CI - 0.11, 0.21) on the primary outcome of child aggression. ACT reduced harsh parenting behaviour post-intervention (SMD - 0.23; 95% CI - 0.46, - 0.01), but not at follow-up. DBS improved book-sharing practices at both time points (e.g., maternal sensitivity at follow-up SMD 0.33; 95% CI 0.08, 0.57). There were no benefits of either programme for other parenting, child development, or stress outcomes. Two parenting programmes in Brazil had small effects on parenting practices but did not reduce child aggression or several other important risk/protective factors for violence. Effective early interventions that reduce violence in real-world LMIC settings are highly desirable but may be challenging to achieve.
Agressão , Poder Familiar , Violência , Humanos , Brasil , Pré-Escolar , Feminino , Masculino , Violência/prevenção & controle , Método Simples-Cego , Criança , Fatores de RiscoRESUMO
This article explores the experiences of Mexican American mothers who, confronted with the troubled emotions and behaviors of their adolescent children, felt compelled to seek help from mental health clinicians. Their experience is situated in the context of both psychiatrization, or the tendency to treat social problems as mental illness, and the landscape of contemporary mothering in the U.S., where maternal determinism, mother-blame, and the demand for intensive parenting hold sway. In this context, the moral crisis of mental health care-seeking for their children forces mothers to reconcile multiple competing stakes as they navigate the overlapping, and sometimes conflicting, moral-cultural worlds constituted by family and community, as well as mental health care providers. At the same time, it allows them an opportunity to creatively "reenvision" their ways of being mothers and persons. Their stories and struggles shed new light on contemporary conversations about psychiatrization, everyday morality, and mothering.
Americanos Mexicanos , Princípios Morais , Mães , Humanos , Mães/psicologia , Feminino , Adolescente , Americanos Mexicanos/psicologia , Adulto , Relações Mãe-Filho/etnologia , Serviços de Saúde Mental , Transtornos Mentais/terapia , Transtornos Mentais/etnologia , Estados Unidos , Poder Familiar/etnologia , Poder Familiar/psicologia , Aceitação pelo Paciente de Cuidados de Saúde/etnologia , Aceitação pelo Paciente de Cuidados de Saúde/psicologiaRESUMO
Multiple studies have shown that adolescents exposed to community violence are likely to engage in bullying behaviors. However, we still need to understand which variables can help reduce the influence of community violence exposure (CVE) on bullying. To investigate this question, a study was conducted with a sample of 568 Mexican adolescents, comprising 276 (48.6%) males and 292 (51.4%) females aged 12 to 16 years old (M age = 13.7 years, SD = 0.82). The study examined how parental support (PS) and parental induction to justice sensitivity (JS) can moderate the relationship between CVE and bullying. The study used structural equation modeling with latent variables. The results showed that CVE was positively associated with bullying, whereas PS and the induction to perpetrator JS were negatively associated. The moderation analysis suggests that the relationship between CVE and bullying was weaker among adolescents who received high PS. On the other hand, low and high parental induction to JS had the same moderating effect. Based on the findings, parental practices are critical when developing preventive programs to reduce the harmful effects of CVE on bullying behavior.
Bullying , Exposição à Violência , Poder Familiar , Humanos , Adolescente , Feminino , Masculino , Bullying/psicologia , Bullying/estatística & dados numéricos , México , Criança , Poder Familiar/psicologia , Exposição à Violência/psicologia , Relações Pais-Filho , Comportamento do Adolescente/psicologia , Características de ResidênciaRESUMO
The purpose of this study was to assess the factor structure and the measurement invariance of the Coparenting Relationship Scale (CRS) across 10 countries based on the seven-factor coparenting model (i.e., Coparenting Agreement, Coparenting Closeness, Exposure to Conflict, Coparenting Support, Endorsement of Partner's Parenting; Division of Labor) proposed by Feinberg (2003). The results of research on coparenting from numerous countries have documented its foundational importance for parent mental health, family relationship quality, child development, and psychopathology. Yet, a cross-country perspective is still lacking. Such a perspective can provide insight into which dimensions of coparenting are universally recognized and which are especially prone to variation. A unique multinational data set, comprised of 15 individual studies collected across 10 countries (Belgium, Brazil, China, Israel, Italy, Japan, Portugal, Switzerland, Turkey, USA) in nine languages was established (N = 9,292; 51.1% mothers). Measurement invariance analyses were conducted. A six-factor structure (original seven factors minus Division of Labor) of the measure was consistent across the different contexts and measurement invariance was achieved at the configural level. There was no support for metric or scalar invariance. These findings provide a basis for the CRS to be used across countries and should inspire future quantitative and qualitative research in cross-country coparenting research to understand what aspects are universal and what aspects of coparenting are linked to specific material, relational, or ideational conditions that underlie high-quality coparenting. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).
Poder Familiar , Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Masculino , Poder Familiar/psicologia , China , Japão , Itália , Bélgica , Brasil , Portugal , Israel , Turquia , Suíça , Estados Unidos , Comparação Transcultural , Psicometria/instrumentação , Psicometria/métodos , Relações Familiares/psicologia , Inquéritos e Questionários , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Análise Fatorial , CriançaRESUMO
INTRODUCTION: Sexual violence can be treated as a public health problem because of its high prevalence worldwide and the negative physical and mental impacts. OBJECTIVE: Investigate the relationship between parenting styles and the occurrence of sexual violence experienced by adolescents and young adults at some point in life. METHODS: Validated instruments were applied to a population of university students to assess the presence or absence of sexual violence (Questionnaire on Exposure to Traumatizing Events) and parenting style Parenting Styles Inventory (PSI). The initial statistical analysis was descriptive and inferential, applying multivariate logistic regression and assessing the risk factors for sexual violence associated with parenting styles. RESULTS: Of the 858 students who responded to the survey, 71 (8.3%) were the victims of sexual violence and 52 (73.0%) were female. The PSI showed that in victims of sexual violence, less protective styles predominate (p=0.002), with higher scores in the following practices: inconsistent punishment (p=0.003), negligence (p=0.001), negative monitoring (p=0.017), and physical abuse (p<0.001). The logistic regression shows that the chance of an individual being a victim increases by 11.0% with each increase in the score of negligence and 23.4% with each increase in the physical abuse score. As for positive monitoring, the chance of an individual being a victim decreases by 10.0% with each increase in the score (p=0.009). CONCLUSION: Parenting styles directly influence the possibility of sexual abuse occurring monitoring is a protective factor, while neglect and physical abuse (punishment) increase the individual's risk of being a victim.
INTRODUÇÃO: A violência sexual deve ser tratada como um problema de saúde pública, com prevalência alta em todo o mundo e relevantes impactos físicos e mentais. OBJETIVO: Investigar a relação entre estilos parentais e a ocorrência de violência sexual sofrida por adolescentes e jovens adultos. MÉTODOS: Instrumentos validados foram aplicados a uma população de estudantes universitários para avaliar a presença ou ausência de violência sexual (Questionário sobre Exposição a Eventos Traumatizantes) e o Inventário de Estilos Parentais (PSI). A análise estatística inicial foi descritiva e inferencial, aplicando regressão logística multivariada e avaliando os fatores de risco de violência sexual associados aos estilos parentais. RESULTADOS: Dos 858 alunos que responderam à pesquisa, 71 (8,3%) foram vítimas de violência sexual e 52 (73,0%) eram do sexo feminino. O PSI mostrou que, nas vítimas de violência sexual, predominam estilos de proteção menores (p=0,002), com escores mais altos nas seguintes práticas: punição inconsistente (p=0,003), negligência (p=0,001), monitoramento negativo (p=0,017) e abuso físico (p<0,001). A regressão logística mostra que a chance de um indivíduo ser vítima aumenta 11,0% a cada aumento na pontuação de negligência e 23,4% a cada aumento na pontuação de abuso físico. Quanto ao monitoramento positivo, a chance de um indivíduo ser vítima diminui 10,0% a cada aumento no escore (p=0,009). CONCLUSÃO: Os estilos parentais influenciam diretamente a possibilidade de ocorrência de abuso sexual - o monitoramento positivo é um fator de proteção, enquanto a negligência e o abuso físico (punição) aumentam o risco de o indivíduo ser vítima.
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adolescente , Adulto Jovem , Estudantes , Abuso Sexual na Infância , Poder Familiar , Educação não Profissionalizante , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Estudos TransversaisRESUMO
PURPOSE: This study aimed to analyse parenting styles as a possible factor associated with caries in foster children and adolescents who had been victims of domestic violence. METHODS: The study was carried out in nine foster shelters in Recife, Northeast Brazil, with a sample of 88 participants aged 8 to 17 years old. Data were collected through intraoral examinations to verify deft/DMFT indices, applying the Demandingness and Responsiveness Scales to determine parenting styles. In turn, sociodemographic data were retrieved from records filed at the institutions. Descriptive analysis was performed, with the Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests being used to compare the categories of numerical variables. RESULTS: The mean deft/DMFT was of 3.78 in children (8 and 9 years old) and 1.93 in adolescents (10 years old and older). Overall, the index was of 2.31. Neglect was the main reason for the children's admission to foster care, while neglectful was the most prevalent parenting style. CONCLUSION: Children of indulgent parents had higher caries indices in both deciduous and permanent teeth, while children of authoritative (permanent teeth) and authoritarian parents (deciduous teeth) had the lowest caries indices. However, no significant associations were found between caries and parenting styles.
Cárie Dentária , Poder Familiar , Humanos , Criança , Adolescente , Brasil/epidemiologia , Cárie Dentária/epidemiologia , Feminino , Masculino , Cuidados no Lar de Adoção , Maus-Tratos Infantis/estatística & dados numéricos , Violência Doméstica/estatística & dados numéricos , Índice CPO , Criança Acolhida , Estudos TransversaisRESUMO
Objective: To systematically review studies examining the effects of home-visiting preventive parenting programs (HV-PPs) on improving the quality of mother-child interactions in early childhood. Method: Following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses protocol, we identified 3,586 studies published between 2018 and 2022 by searching the following databases: PubMed, Web of Science, BVS/LILACS, SciELO, and PsycNET/PsycINFO. After applying the eligibility criteria, 17 articles were selected for review. Results: Most studies were conducted in high-income countries (53%) and the remainder were conducted in upper-middle-income countries, predominantly using a randomized controlled trial design and with strong methodological quality. The 17 studies applied 13 different HV-PPs, predominantly using video feedback, based on various dosages and schedules. Most studies (77%) showed significant positive effects on mother-child interactions by improving mainly positive maternal behaviors (e.g., sensitivity and responsiveness). Positive effects occurred independent of the study design, sample characteristics, measures, and constructs assessed. However, the findings suggest that the combination of fewer than six sessions, durations shorter than three months, and a very early start did not impact mother-child interactions, as expected. Few studies have explored negative maternal behaviors, children's behaviors, and dyadic interactions such as mutuality and synchrony. Conclusions: HV-PPs positively impacted mother-child interactions in early childhood despite the large heterogeneity across program designs, outcome measures, and overlapping constructs. Based on the results, we discuss the practical and economic implications of using parenting programs as a preventive approach.