This article analyzes the Integrated Endemic Disease Program (PIDE), which was established in 1973 by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development CNPq, financed by the Brazilian Funding Authority for Studies and Projects FINEP. The program was established to finance research on diseases considered strategic to the economic development plans of the military regime (1964-1985). Acknowledged to be a landmark program in the history of Brazilian parasitology, PIDE was set up during a period when the dictatorship was both violently repressing scholars and investing heavily in science and technology (S&T). The article examines the context in which the program was implemented and analyzes what it signified for planners in the S&T field and for the scientists who coordinated it. The contention is that PIDE was an example of how the scientific community managed to use financial and institutional resources available under the S&T policy in the 1970s to advance research on parasitic diseases and update its agenda. This analysis contributes to recent historiography that, based on specific historical cases, reflects on the paradoxical nature of a regime that, in its authoritarian modernization project, simultaneously persecuted scientists and supported science.
Este artigo analisa o Programa Integrado de Doenças Endêmicas (PIDE), criado em 1973 no Conselho Nacional de Pesquisas (CNPq), com recursos da Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos (Finep), para financiar pesquisas sobre doenças consideradas estratégicas aos planos de desenvolvimento econômico do regime militar (1964-1985). O PIDE é reconhecido como marco na história da parasitologia brasileira. Sua formulação ocorreu em um período de violenta repressão da ditadura ao campo acadêmico e, ao mesmo tempo, de significativos investimentos governamentais em ciência e tecnologia. O artigo examina as circunstâncias de sua criação e implementação e analisa os sentidos que assumiu para os planejadores da área de C&T e para os cientistas que o coordenaram. Argumenta-se que o PIDE foi um exemplo de como a comunidade científica soube utilizar os recursos financeiros e institucionais da política científica e tecnológica da década de 1970 para fazer avançar a tradição de pesquisa em doenças parasitárias e inovar sua agenda. Pretende-se contribuir para a historiografia que vem refletindo, a partir de casos históricos específicos, sobre o caráter paradoxal de um regime que, em seu projeto de modernização autoritária, simultaneamente perseguiu cientistas e apoiou a ciência.
Doenças Endêmicas , Brasil , História do Século XX , Humanos , Doenças Endêmicas/história , Doenças Parasitárias/história , Doenças Parasitárias/epidemiologia , Ciência/história , Programas Governamentais/história , Parasitologia/históriaAssuntos
Neoplasias da Vesícula Biliar , Humanos , Chile/epidemiologia , Neoplasias da Vesícula Biliar/mortalidade , Neoplasias da Vesícula Biliar/epidemiologia , Feminino , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Cálculos Biliares/mortalidade , Cálculos Biliares/epidemiologia , Adulto , Programas Governamentais , IdosoRESUMO
Health systems are complex entities. The Mexican health system includes the private and public sectors, and subsystems that target different populations based on corporatist criteria. Lack of unity and its consequences can be better understood using two concepts, segmentation and fragmentation. These reveal mechanisms and strategies that impede progress toward universality and equity in Mexico and other low- and middle-income countries. Segmentation refers to separation of the population by position in the labour market. Fragmentation refers to institutions, and to financial aspects, health care levels, states' systems of care, and organizational models. These elements explain inequitable allocation of resources and packages of health services offered by each institution to its population. Overcoming segmentation will require a shift from employment to citizenship as the basis for eligibility for public health care. Shortcomings of fragmentation can be avoided by establishing a common package of guaranteed benefits. Mexico illustrates how these two concepts characterize a common reality in low- and middle-income countries.
Acessibilidade aos Serviços de Saúde , Cobertura Universal do Seguro de Saúde , Humanos , México , Programas Governamentais , Instalações de SaúdeRESUMO
This study aimed to identify the regulatory framework and federal guidelines that support the process of implementing health technologies in the Unified Health System (SUS) through analysis of documents and legislation related to the National Health Technology Management Policy, published between 2009 and 2021. The search and selection of documents and subsequent data extraction were carried out. The documents were grouped into three categories: structural regulatory documents, recommendations on evaluation of technologies, and recommendations on clinical guidelines. In 38.8% of the regulatory documents, citations to implementation related mainly to SUS clinical guidelines were identified; however, no document dedicated to guiding implementation actions was identified. Recommendations related to implementations were identified in 27.1% of the reports and 66.1% of the guidelines, although without standardization and, in general, in little detail, focusing on resources and actions needed for making technology available rather than on methods and interventions for its implementation. The results evidence a gap in formal guidelines to guide the implementation process in Brazil, representing an opportunity for the development of models aligned with the reality of the SUS.
O objetivo foi identificar o arcabouço regulatório e as orientações federais que sustentam o processo de implementação de tecnologias em saúde no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), por meio da análise de documentos e legislações relacionados à Política Nacional de Gestão de Tecnologias de Saúde, publicados entre 2009 e 2021. Foi realizada busca e seleção dos documentos e posterior extração de dados, agrupados por três categorias: normativas estruturantes, recomendações na avaliação de tecnologias e recomendações nas diretrizes clínicas. Em 38,8% das normativas, foram identificadas citações à implementação relacionadas principalmente às diretrizes clínicas do SUS, mas nenhum documento dedicado a orientar as ações de implementação. As recomendações relacionadas às implementações foram identificadas em 27,1% dos relatórios e em 66,1% das diretrizes, mas sem padronização e, de modo geral, pouco detalhadas, com foco em recursos e ações necessárias para a disponibilização da tecnologia, ao invés de métodos e intervenções para implementação. Os resultados confirmam a existência de uma lacuna de diretrizes formais para guiar o processo de implementação no Brasil, o que se constitui em oportunidade para o desenvolvimento de modelos alinhados à realidade do SUS.
Tecnologia Biomédica , Saúde Pública , Humanos , Brasil , Programas Governamentais , TecnologiaRESUMO
Through quantitative exploratory research, the present study analyzed the amount foreseen in the Federal Budget and the amounts paid (nominal and deflated) for programs and actions to promote body practices and physical activities (Health Academy Program and the Federal Incentive for Physical Activity in Primary Health Care) from 2019 to 2022. The values of investment in body practices and physical activities in SUS per capita, according to the population covered by Primary Health Care (PHC) and per participant in public programs, were also calculated. The following was found: (1) that the resources that were actually paid were 3.31% to 15.06% lower than those approved in the budget (nominal) and (2) the low annual (maximum) values found, regardless of whether nominal or deflated - per capita (R$ 0.21 to 0.30) per population covered by PHC (R$ 0.25 to 0.40) and per participant (R$ 10.61 to 14.61). It was concluded that the low investment in the promotion of body practices and physical activities decreases access and does not contribute to the full functioning of SUS by preventing or hindering the expansion of possibilities of comprehensive health care.
Por meio de pesquisa quantitativa de caráter exploratório, o presente estudo teve o objetivo de analisar o orçamento e o financiamento federal de programas e ações de promoção das práticas corporais e atividades físicas no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) de 2019 a 2022 (Programa Academia da Saúde e o Incentivo Federal de Custeio da Atividade Física na Atenção Primária). Foram analisados e calculados os valores per capita, pela população coberta pela atenção primária e por participante de programas públicos. Os recursos efetivamente pagos foram de 3,31% a 15,06% menores dos que os aprovados no orçamento (nominal), e também foram identificados os baixos valores (máximos) anuais, independentemente se nominal ou deflacionado per capita (R$ 0,21 a 0,30) por população coberta pela atenção primária (R$ 0,25 a 0,40) e por participante (R$ 10,61 a 14,61). Concluiu-se que o baixo investimento na promoção das práticas corporais e atividades físicas diminui o acesso e não contribui para o pleno funcionamento do SUS ao impedir ou dificultar a ampliação de possibilidades do cuidado integral em saúde.
Programas Governamentais , Governo , Humanos , Governo Federal , Exercício Físico , Academias e InstitutosRESUMO
OBJECTIVES: To describe relationships between parental incarceration and child health and flourishing-a measure of curiosity, resilience, and self-regulation-and to identify government programs that moderate this relationship. METHODS: Using the National Survey of Children's Health data from 2016 through 2019 for children 6-17 years old, we estimated associations with logistic regression between parental incarceration and overall health and flourishing, adjusting for child, caregiver, and household factors. We secondarily examined physical health (asthma, headaches), mental health (attention deficit disorder/attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, depression), developmental needs (learning disability, special educational plan use), and educational (missing ≥11 school days, repeated grade) outcomes. We performed interaction analyses to determine whether government program participation (eg, free/reduced lunch, cash assistance) moderated relationships between parental incarceration and child outcomes. RESULTS: Children with parental incarceration accounted for 9.3% of the sample (weighted n = 4â400â000). Black, American Indian/Alaska Native, and multiracial children disproportionately experienced parental incarceration. Parental incarceration was associated with worse health (aOR, 1.31; 95% CI, 1.11-1.55) and higher odds of not flourishing (aOR, 1.66; 95% CI, 1.46-1.89). Physical health, mental health, developmental issues, and educational needs were also associated with parental incarceration. Participation in free and reduced lunch moderated the relationships between parental incarceration and general health and flourishing, and cash assistance moderated the association between parental incarceration and flourishing. For each, parental incarceration had an attenuated association with health among people who participated in government programs. CONCLUSIONS: Parental incarceration is disproportionately experienced by Black and Indigenous children and associated with worse child health and well-being. Government support program participation may mitigate negative associations between parental incarceration and child outcomes.
Saúde da Criança , Criança , Humanos , Adolescente , Estudos Transversais , Pais/psicologia , Programas Governamentais , GovernoRESUMO
O artigo discute e analisa as agendas e as propostas das organizações da sociedade civil na área da saúde, os interesses representados e de que modo são respondidos pelo Estado. Trata-se de pesquisa documental, abrangendo o período de 2010 a 2018, tendo como principais fontes empíricas: programas de governo em âmbito federal, documentos governamentais como leis, decretos, medidas provisórias, relatórios de conferências, programas e projetos de organizações da sociedade civil vinculadas à burguesia e à classe trabalhadora. Os principais resultados evidenciam o crescimento dos aparelhos privados de hegemonia (APH), representantes dos interesses privados e com o apoio do Estado, em detrimento dos APH vinculados aos interesses das classes subalternas e à defesa da saúde pública e estatal
The article discusses and analyzes civil society organizations' agendas and proposals in health, the interests represented, and how the State responds to them. This is a documentary research covering the period from 2010 to 2018, having as primary empirical sources government programs at the federal level, government documents like laws, decrees, provisional measures, conference reports, programs, and projects of civil society organizations representatives to the bourgeoisie and the working class. The main results show the growth of Private Hegemony Apparatus representing private interests, with the support of the State, to the detriment of the Apparatus representatives to the interests of subaltern classes and the defense of public and state health
Humanos , Saúde Pública , Organizações da Sociedade Civil , Programas GovernamentaisRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: To characterize the tax exemption resources used in the Support Program for Institutional Development of the Unified Health System (Proadi-SUS) in the 3-year periods 2009-2011, 2012-2014, 2015-2017, considering the total volume of resources linked to the debate on tax expenditures on health and the constitution of a "new form of philanthropy" in the sector. METHODS: To understand the philanthropic sector, tax expenditures between 2001 and 2017 were analyzed. To evaluate the resources used in the program, the values of projects and areas of activity were examined. RESULTS: A real increase in the values of general tax expenses and tax expenses referring to the philanthropic sector was found. There was also a real increase in the program's resources. A total of 407 projects were carried out, amounting to R$ 3.4 billion for the period. An analysis of the average value of the projects shows an increase in values for all hospitals included in the program, with the exception of one of the institutions. In the 2009-2011 and 2012-2014 periods, the area with the highest number of projects and the most resources was "Management techniques and operation in health services". In the 3-year period 2015-2017, however, the sector that received the most investments and the largest number of projects developed was "Human Resources Training". CONCLUSION: The program characterizes a different expression of the public-private partnership in the health sector linked to the principles of the new public management. As a development for future investigations, a qualitative characterization of the projects developed and the actions' impact on the public sector demands is necessary.
Programas Governamentais , Gastos em Saúde , Humanos , Brasil , HospitaisRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: We describe awareness about the modified "public charge" rule among Oregon's Mexican-origin Latino/a population and whether concerns about the rule influenced disenrollment from state-funded programs, which do not fall under the public charge. METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional survey of adults (ages 18-59) recruited at the Mexican consulate and living in the state of Oregon. Our outcomes were awareness (of the public charge, source of knowledge, and confidence in knowledge of the public charge) and disenrolling self or family members from state-funded public healthcare programs due to concerns about the rule. We described outcomes and used logistic regression and calculated adjusted probabilities to identify factors associated with awareness of the public charge. RESULTS: Of 498 Latino/a respondents, 48% reported awareness of the public charge. Among those who knew about the public charge, 14.6% had disenrolled themselves or family members from public healthcare programs and 12.1% were hesitant to seek care due to concerns about the public charge. Younger respondents had a lower adjusted probability of awareness of the public charge (18-24 years: 15.6% (95% CI 3.1-28.2); 30-39 years 54.9% (95% CI 47.7-62.0). Higher education was associated with a higher adjusted probability of awareness of the public charge; ability to speak English was not associated with awareness of the public charge. CONCLUSION: Our study reveals limited awareness about the public charge among Mexican-origin Oregon Latino/as. Outreach and advocacy are essential to ensure Latino/as know their rights to access available state-funded healthcare programs.
Atenção à Saúde , Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Prática em Saúde , Hispânico ou Latino , Prática de Saúde Pública , Adulto , Humanos , Estudos Transversais , Atenção à Saúde/etnologia , Família , Oregon , México/etnologia , Conscientização , Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Prática em Saúde/etnologia , Adolescente , Adulto Jovem , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Acessibilidade aos Serviços de Saúde , Programas GovernamentaisRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Evidence-informed policymaking (EIPM) requires a set of individual and organizational knowledge, skills and attitudes that should be articulated with background factors and needs. In this regard, the development of an EIPM competency profile is important to support the diagnosis, planning and implementation of EIPM. PURPOSE: To present the process and outcomes of the development of an EIPM competency profile by an expert committee, to be applied in different contexts of the Brazilian Health System. METHODS: A committee of experts in EIPM shared different views, experiences and opinions to develop an EIPM competency profile for Brazil. In six consensus workshops mediated by facilitators, the committee defined from macro problems to key actions and performances essential for the competency profile. The development steps consisted of: (1) Constitution of the committee, including researchers, professionals with practical experience, managers, and educators; (2) Development of a rapid review on EIPM competency profiles; (3) Agreement on commitments and responsibilities in the processes; (4) Identification and definition of macro problems relating to the scope of the competency profile; and (5) Outlining of general and specific capacities, to be incorporated into the competency profile, categorized by key actions. RESULTS: The development of the EIPM competency profile was guided by the following macro problems: (1) lack of systematic and transparent decision-making processes in health policy management; (2) underdeveloped institutional capacity for knowledge management and translation; and (3) incipient use of scientific evidence in the formulation and implementation of health policies. A general framework of key actions and performances of the EIPM Competency Profile for Brazil was developed, including 42 specific and general key actions distributed by area of activity (Health Management, Scientific Research, Civil Society, Knowledge Translation, and Cross-sectional areas). CONCLUSIONS: The competency profile presented in this article can be used in different contexts as a key tool for the institutionalization of EIPM.
Política de Saúde , Formulação de Políticas , Humanos , Brasil , Programas GovernamentaisRESUMO
Reimbursement to Brazilian Unified National Health System (SUS) is the most visible interface of the public-private relationship and its analysis can expand our understanding of the use of SUS by the supplementary sector. The study aims to characterize the beneficiaries of private health plans who underwent hemodialysis in the SUS, from 2012 to 2019, in relation to: gender, age group, region of residence, characteristics of the private health plans and the operators and of the care provided to them. The characteristics of the private health plans and the modality of the operators of the beneficiaries where then compared with data of the other beneficiaries in Brazil. An individual-centered database was constructed based on data from the Brazilian National Supplementary Health Agency (ANS); information on beneficiaries in Brazil was consulted in Brazilian Health Informatics Department (DATASUS). Frequency distributions were used to summarize the data, standardization by age and sex for characteristics of the private health plans and modality of the operators and ratio to compare frequencies. A total of 31,941 beneficiaries underwent hemodialysis in the SUS, 11,147 (34.9%) outside their municipality of residence, and 6,423 (20.11%) used the SUS for 25 months or more. When compared with other beneficiaries in Brazil, those who underwent hemodialysis in the SUS were more frequently linked to old private health plans (ratio, r = 2.41), collective by adherence (r = 1.76), individual/family (r = 1.36), outpatient (r = 4.66), municipal (r = 3.88), and/or philanthropic (r = 7.32). Private health plans with restrictive characteristics may have hindered the access of beneficiaries who performed hemodialysis in SUS to the networks of their operators and have represented one more among the factors that may have influenced the use of SUS by those beneficiaries, even with coverage provided for in their contracts.
O ressarcimento ao Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) é a interface mais visível da relação entre saúde pública e privada, e sua análise pode ampliar o conhecimento sobre o uso do SUS pelo setor suplementar. O presente estudo objetivou caracterizar os beneficiários de planos privados de saúde que realizaram hemodiálise no SUS entre 2012 e 2019 em relação a: sexo, faixa etária, região de residência, características dos planos privados de saúde e das operadoras e a assistência prestada a eles. Visou também comparar características dos planos privados de saúde e modalidade das operadoras daqueles beneficiários com dados dos demais beneficiários do Brasil. Construiu-se uma base centrada no indivíduo a partir de dados da Agência Nacional de Saúde Suplementar (ANS); informações sobre beneficiários do Brasil foram consultadas no Departamento de Informática do SUS (DATASUS). Utilizou-se distribuições de frequências para resumir os dados, padronização por idade e sexo para características dos planos privados de saúde e modalidade das operadoras, e razão para comparar frequências. Um total de 31.941 beneficiários realizou hemodiálise no SUS, 11.147 (34,9%) destes fora de seu município de residência, e 6.423 (20,11%) utilizaram o SUS por 25 meses ou mais. Comparados aos demais beneficiários do Brasil, aqueles que realizaram hemodiálise no SUS estavam vinculados mais frequentemente a planos privados de saúde antigos (razão, r = 2,41), coletivos por adesão (r = 1,76), individuais/familiares (r = 1,36), ambulatoriais (r = 4,66), municipais (r = 3,88) e/ou a filantropias (r = 7,32). Planos privados de saúde com características restritivas podem ter dificultado o acesso dos beneficiários que realizaram hemodiálise no SUS às redes de suas operadoras, e representado mais um fator que pode ter influenciado o uso do SUS por aqueles beneficiários, mesmo com a cobertura prevista em seus contratos.
El resarcimiento al Sistema Único de Salud (SUS) es la interfaz más visible de la relación público-privada y su análisis puede ampliar el conocimiento sobre el uso del SUS por el sector suplementario. El estudio tuvo como objetivo caracterizar a los beneficiarios de planes privados de salud que realizaron hemodiálisis en el SUS, entre 2012 y 2019, con relación a: género, rango de edad, región de residencia, características de los planes privados de salud y de los operadores y a la asistencia prestada a ellos; y comparar características de los planes privados de salud y modalidad de los operadores de aquellos beneficiarios con datos de los demás beneficiarios de Brasil. Se construyó una base centrada en el individuo a partir de datos de la Agencia Nacional de Salud Suplementaria (ANS); las informaciones sobre los beneficiarios en Brasil fueron consultadas en el Departamento de Informática del SUS (DATASUS). Se utilizaron distribuciones de frecuencia para resumir los datos, la estandarización por edad y género para las características de los planes privados de salud y la modalidad de los operadores y la relación para comparar frecuencias. Un total de 31.941 beneficiarios se sometieron a hemodiálisis en el SUS, 11.147 (34,9 %) fuera de su municipio de residencia y 6.423 (20,11 %) utilizaron el SUS por 25 meses o más. Comparados a los demás beneficiarios de Brasil, los beneficiarios que se sometieron a hemodiálisis en el SUS estaban vinculados más frecuentemente a planes privados de salud antiguos (razón, r = 2,41), colectivos por adhesión (r = 1,76), individuales/familiares (r = 1,36), ambulatorios (r = 4,66), municipales (r = 3,88) y/o a filantropías (r = 7,32). Planes privados de salud con características restrictivas pueden haber dificultado el acceso de los beneficiarios que realizaron hemodiálisis en el SUS a las redes de sus operadores y pueden haber representado un factor más entre los que pueden haber influido en el uso del SUS por aquellos beneficiarios, incluso con cobertura prevista en sus contratos.
Planejamento em Saúde , Pacientes Ambulatoriais , Humanos , Brasil , Assistência Médica , Programas GovernamentaisRESUMO
The objective of this study is to analyze the maternal morbidity and mortality of women treated in hospitals of the Brazilian Unified National Health System (SUS) in the city of Rio de Janeiro in the period 2014-2016. An ecological study was conducted using data from the Brazilian Information System on Live Birth (SINASC), the Brazilian Mortality Information System (SIM), and the Brazilian Hospital Information System (SIH/SUS). For the analysis of the maternal mortality ratio (MMR), data from the SIM were used. For the analysis of maternal morbidity, World Health Organization criteria were used to estimate the ratios of maternal near miss and potentially life-threatening conditions. SINASC was used to retrieve data on the number of live births, for demographic characterization, social aspects, and access to prenatal care. To evaluate the spatial association between the indicators MMR, ratios of maternal near miss, and potentially life-threatening conditions and the demographic, social, obstetric, and access indicators, obtained from SINASC, the bivariate Moran Index was estimated with a significance level of 0.05, using the GeoDa program. In the period analyzed, the MMR in the Rio de Janeiro was 94.16/100,000 live births, the ratio of maternal near miss was 28.21/1,000 live births, and the potentially life-threatening conditions was 34.31/1,000 live births. Cases of potentially life-threatening conditions were used for the first time in this study and presented diagnoses and procedures during hospitalization more consistent with the maternal mortality profile in the city of Rio de Janeiro. There was a significant association between MMR and percentage of live births in SUS, potentially life-threatening conditions and percentage of live births in SUS, and potentially life-threatening conditions and being single.
O objetivo deste estudo é analisar a morbimortalidade materna de mulheres atendidas em hospitais do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) no Município do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, no período de 2014 a 2016. Foi realizado estudo ecológico, por meio da coleta de dados do Sistema de Informações sobre Nascidos Vivos (SINASC), Sistema de Informação sobre Mortalidade (SIM) e Sistema de Informações Hospitalares (SIH/SUS). Para analisar a razão de mortalidade materna (RMM), foram utilizados dados do SIM. Para investigar a morbidade materna, adotaram-se critérios da Organização Mundial da Saúde para estimar as razões de near miss materno e de condições potencialmente ameaçadoras à vida. Dados do SINASC foram usados para número de nascidos vivos e caracterização demográfica, social e de acesso a serviço de pré-natal. Para avaliar a associação espacial entre os indicadores RMM, razões de near miss materno e condições potencialmente ameaçadoras à vida e os indicadores demográficos, sociais, obstétricos e de acesso obtidos no SINASC, foi calculado o índice de Moran bivariado com nível de 0,05 de significância, por meio do programa GeoDa. No período analisado, a RMM no Município do Rio de Janeiro foi de 94,16/100 mil nascidos vivos, a razão de near miss materno de 28,21/1.000 nascidos vivos e a razão de condições potencialmente ameaçadoras à vida de 34,31/1.000 nascidos vivos. Casos de condições potencialmente ameaçadoras à vida foram utilizados pela primeira vez neste estudo e apresentaram diagnósticos de internação e procedimentos realizados mais condizentes com o perfil de mortalidade materna no Município do Rio de Janeiro. Houve associação significativa entre RMM e percentual de nascidos vivos no SUS, razão de condições potencialmente ameaçadoras à vida e percentual de nascidos vivos no SUS e razão de condições potencialmente ameaçadoras à vida e ser solteira.
El objetivo de este estudio es analizar la morbimortalidad materna de las mujeres atendidas en hospitales del Sistema Único de Salud (SUS) del municipio de Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, en el período 2014-2016. Fue realizado un estudio ecológico, por medio del uso de datos del Sistema de Información sobre Nacidos Vivos (SINASC), Sistema de Información sobre Mortalidad (SIM) y del Sistema de Información Hospitalaria (SIH/SUS). Para el análisis de la razón de mortalidad materna (RMM) se utilizaron los datos SIM. Para el análisis de la morbilidad materna se utilizaron los criterios de la Organización Mundial de la Salud para estimar las razón de near miss materno y de condiciones potencialmente amenazantes a la vida. Para el número de nacidos vivos y la información demográfica, social y de acceso al servicio de atención prenatal fueron utilizados datos del SINASC. Para evaluar la asociación espacial entre los indicadores RMM, razon de near miss materno y razon de condiciones potencialmente amenazantes a la vida y los indicadores demográficos, sociales, obstétricos y de accesos obtenidos en el SINASC fue calculado el Índice de Moran bivariado con nivel de 0,05 de significación, usando el programa GeoDa. En el período analizado, la RMM en el municipio de Rio de Janeiro fue de 94,16/100.000 nascidos vivos, la razón de near miss materno de 28,21/1.000 nascidos vivos y la razón de condiciones potencialmente amenazantes a la vida de 34,31/1.000 nascidos vivos. Los casos de condiciones potencialmente amenazantes a la vida se utilizaron por primera vez en este estudio y presentaron diagnósticos de hospitalización y procedimientos realizados más acordes con el perfil de mortalidad materna en el Municipio de Rio de Janeiro Hubo una asociación significativa entre RMM y el porcentaje de nacidos vivos en el SUS, razón de condiciones potencialmente amenazantes a la vida y el porcentaje de nacidos vivos en el SUS y razón de condiciones potencialmente amenazantes a la vida y ser soltera.
Família , Sistemas de Informação Hospitalar , Gravidez , Feminino , Humanos , Brasil/epidemiologia , Análise Espacial , Programas GovernamentaisRESUMO
Optimal resource allocation within national health systems represents the ultimate challenge in diverse countries worldwide. Major part of the literature points that health systems decentralization potentially address the challenge. The present commentary focuses on the debate referring to effects of health systems decentralization, based on the evidence of the study of Arianna Rotulo and colleagues. Studies on the subject emphasize the role of path dependence and the influence of choice of indicators for measurement of effects in the assessment of health systems decentralization. Acknowledging the complexity of the phenomena, the results of the study of Rotulo et al on health system decentralization in Italy are highlighted through the analysis of recent evidence from the literature. The present commentary shows that there are diverse indicators adopted in the literature on the subject, pointing to mixed results, depending on country characteristics and selection of indicators in the analysis. The synthesis of indicators gathered in recent studies also indicate that health system indicators are sensitive to path dependence, thus, requiring additional attention to assumptions of studies on health systems decentralization. Thus, studies should consider the influence of path dependence on organizational practices and institutional structures involved in decentralization processes, in addition to acknowledging that assessments on decentralization vary substantially according to indicators adopted in the analysis, and their links with previous decisions within health systems.
Atenção à Saúde , Política , Humanos , Serviços de Saúde , Programas Governamentais , Instalações de SaúdeRESUMO
This article aims to evaluate the childcare appointments by health professionals working at the Family Health Strategy in municipalities in the State of Paraíba, compare the performance by health team type (The Mais Médicos Program or conventional), and analyze the association of client satisfaction with the developed actions. This cross-sectional study evaluated the structural conditions of health units, the work process of health professionals, and client satisfaction, observing childcare appointments in 22 health teams. Poor employment relationships and professionals' knowledge about child growth curves were highlighted in the structure. In the 175 appointments observed, we detected neglect in completing the Child Health Booklet (CHB), obtaining data on food consumption, and guidance practices. Only 36% of the appointments were classified with adequate duration. There was greater satisfaction for appointments developed in health teams of the Mais Médicos Program, with longer duration and better performance in guidance practices. The implementation of childcare appointments reveals significant gaps that can influence maternal satisfaction.
O objetivo deste artigo é avaliar a consulta de puericultura realizada por profissionais de saúde que atuam na Estratégia Saúde da Família em municípios do estado da Paraíba, comparar o desempenho segundo o tipo de equipe de saúde (Programa Mais Médicos ou convencional) e analisar a associação da satisfação do usuário com as ações desenvolvidas. Estudo transversal que avaliou as condições de estrutura das unidades de saúde, o processo de trabalho dos profissionais de saúde e a satisfação do usuário, observando-se as consultas de puericultura em 22 equipes. Na estrutura, destacaram-se fragilidades no vínculo laboral e nos conhecimentos dos profissionais sobre as curvas de crescimento infantil. Nas 175 consultas observadas foi possível constatar negligenciamento no preenchimento da Caderneta da Criança, na obtenção de dados do consumo alimentar e nas práticas de orientação. Apenas 36% das consultas foram classificadas com tempo de duração adequado. Houve maior satisfação para consultas realizadas em equipes do Programa Mais Médicos, com maior tempo de duração e com melhor desempenho nas práticas de orientação. A implementação da consulta de puericultura apresenta lacunas importantes que podem influenciar a satisfação materna.
Atenção à Saúde , Médicos , Criança , Humanos , Cidades , Saúde da Criança , Cuidado da Criança , Brasil , Saúde da Família , Estudos Transversais , Recursos Humanos , Programas GovernamentaisRESUMO
BACKGROUND: A full understanding of the economic burden associated with treatment-related adverse events (AEs) can aid estimates of the incremental costs associated with incorporating new technologies and support cost-effective economic modeling in Brazil. In this context, the main objective of this work was to evaluate in a real-life database: (i) the direct medical cost of monitoring the occurrence of AEs (CMO); (ii) the direct medical cost of managing an identified AE (CMN); and (iii) the total direct medical cost of monitoring and managing AEs (TMC), in quarterly periods from 0 to 24 months of the monitoring of cancer patients who used a PD-1 inhibitor from the perspective of the supplementary health system in Brazil. METHODS: This study was conducted from the supplementary health system (SSS) perspective and followed the methodological guidelines related to cost-of-illness studies. A bottom-up (person-based) approach was used to assess the use of health resources to monitor and manage AEs during the use of PD-1 inhibitors, which made it possible to capture differences in the mean frequency of the use of health services with stratification results for different subgroups. As the Brazilian SSS is complex, asymmetric, and fragmented, this study used information from different sources. The methodology was divided into three parts: (i) Data Source: clinical management of AEs; (ii) Microcosting: management of the economic burden of AEs; (iii) Statistical analysis: stratification of results for different subgroups. RESULTS: Analysis of the economic burden of toxicity showed higher CMO costs than CMN in all the periods analyzed. In general, for every BRL 100 on average invested in the TMC of AEs, BRL 95 are used to monitor the occurrence of the AE and only BRL 5 to manage an identified AE. This work also showed that the sociodemographic characteristics of patients, the journey of oncological treatment, and the toxicity profile affect the economic burden related to AE. CONCLUSION: This study provided real-world evidence of the economic burden of AEs associated with the use of PD-1 inhibitors in Brazil. This work also made methodological contributions by evaluating the economic burden of AE of PD-1 inhibitors considering the kinetics of toxicity occurrence and categorizing the costs in terms of CMO, CMN and TMC.
Estresse Financeiro , Inibidores de Checkpoint Imunológico , Humanos , Brasil , Programas Governamentais , Recursos em SaúdeRESUMO
Rare or orphan diseases have played an important role in the pharmaceutical industry. On the other hand, the impact of new technologies derived from genomic research has been growing in this industry, with new drugs being launched on the market at unsustainable prices for health systems and patients. This double tendency poses important and growing challenges to public policies on Health Technology Assessment, whose hegemonic rationale is based on cost-benefit analysis between therapies. The very high prices of these drugs require revisiting this rationale and the recent negotiations between the Brazilian Ministry of Health and Novartis regarding a possible risk-sharing agreement for the incorporation of the drug Zolgensma is an opportunity for this revisitation.
As doenças raras ou órfãs entraram de modo importante nos negócios da indústria farmacêutica. Por outro lado, o impacto das novas tecnologias derivadas da pesquisa genômica vêm tendo presença crescente nessa indústria, com novos medicamentos sendo lançados no mercado a preços não sustentáveis para sistemas de saúde e pacientes. Essa dupla tendência coloca desafios importantes e crescentes para as políticas públicas de avaliação e incorporação de tecnologias, cujo racional hegemônico está lastreado em análise de custo-benefício entre terapias. Os preços muito altos desses medicamentos exigem revisitar esse racional e a recente tratativa entre o Ministério da Saúde e a Novartis relativa a um possível acordo de compartilhamento de risco para a incorporação do medicamento Zolgensma é uma oportunidade para essa revisita.
Doenças Raras , Avaliação da Tecnologia Biomédica , Humanos , Programas Governamentais , Indústria Farmacêutica , Análise Custo-BenefícioRESUMO
In Brazil, there has been an expansion of the coverage of dental services in primary health care (PHC), and the focus of the services has changed to include more efforts in prevention and diagnosis. However, little is known about the influence of the coverage of the Brazilian Income Transfer program on the use of dental services. Our study evaluates the association between municipal coverage of the Brazilian Income Transfer Program and the use of dental services. This ecological study conducted with data from the 5,570 Brazilian municipalities estimates, via logistic regressions, the impact of the coverage of the Brazilian Income Transfer program, the Family Health Strategies (FHS), and the oral health teams on the number of restoration, colective, prevention, and dental extraction procedures performed by the Brazilian Unified National Health System (SUS) between the periods 2007/2008 and 2010/2011. The percentage of municipalities that increased the rates of prevention, colective, restoration, and extraction procedures was 46%, 59.8%, 52.5%, and 44.2%, respectively. In the adjusted model, municipalities with increased coverage of Brazilian Income Transfer program were less likely to increase colective (OR = 0.91; 95%CI: 0.79-1.04) and prevention (OR = 0.92; 95%CI: 0.80-1.05) procedures, and they were more likely to increase rates of restoration (OR = 1.11; 95%CI: 0.97-1.28) and dental extraction (OR = 1,10; 95%CI: 0.95-1.27) procedures. The increase in the coverage rate of the oral health teams was significantly associated with a higher chance of an increase in prevention, restoration, and extraction procedures. We conclude that the coverage of oral health teams was the main variable associated with the increase in dental procedures performed in the public service.
No Brasil, houve expansão da cobertura de serviços odontológicos na atenção primária à saúde (APS), e a ênfase do trabalho dos profissionais mudou para incluir mais esforços na prevenção e no diagnóstico. Entretanto, pouco se sabe sobre a influência da cobertura do Programa Bolsa Família no uso desses serviços. Esta pesquisa avaliou a associação entre cobertura municipal do Programa Bolsa Família e uso de serviços odontológicos. Este estudo ecológico, realizado com dados dos 5.570 municípios brasileiros, estimou, por meio de regressões logísticas, o impacto da variação de cobertura do Programa Bolsa Família, das Estratégias Saúde da Família (ESF) e das equipes de saúde bucal (EqSB) no número de procedimentos odontológicos restauradores, coletivos, preventivos e exodontias realizados via Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) entre os períodos 2007/2008 e 2010/2011. Os percentuais de municípios em que houve aumento das taxas de procedimentos preventivos, coletivos, restauradores e exodontias foram de 46%, 59,8%, 52,5% e 44,2%, respectivamente. No modelo ajustado, em municípios com maior cobertura do Bolsa Família houve menos chances de aumentar a ocorrência de procedimentos coletivos (OR = 0,91; IC95%: 0,79-1,04) e preventivos (OR = 0,92; IC95%: 0,80-1,05) e mais chances de elevar as taxas de procedimentos restauradores (OR = 1,11; IC95%: 0,97-1,28) e exodontias (OR = 1,10; IC95%: 0,95-1,27). A expansão na taxa de cobertura das EqSB esteve associada significativamente a uma chance maior de aumento do número de procedimentos preventivos, restauradores e exodontias. Conclui-se que a cobertura das EqSB foi a principal variável associada à ampliação da quantidade de procedimentos odontológicos realizados no serviço público.
En Brasil, hubo una expansión de la cobertura de servicios odontológicos en la atención primaria a la salud, y el énfasis del trabajo de los profesionales cambió para incluir más esfuerzos en la prevención y en el diagnóstico. Sin embargo, poco se sabe sobre la influencia de la cobertura del Programa Bolsa Familia en el uso de los servicios odontológicos. El presente estudio evaluó la asociación entre la cobertura municipal del Programa Bolsa Familia y uso de servicios odontológicos. Un estudio ecológico realizado con datos de los 5.570 municipios brasileños estimó, a través de regresiones logísticas; el impacto de la variación de cobertura del Programa Bolsa Familia, de las Estrategias de Salud de la Familia (ESF) y de los equipos de salud bucal (EqSB) en el número de procedimientos odontológicos restauradores, colectivos, preventivos y exodoncias realizados a través del Sistema Único de Salud (SUS) entre los períodos 2007/2008 y 2010/2011. El porcentaje de municipios que aumentaron las tasas de procedimientos preventivos, colectivos, restauradores y exodoncias fue del 46 %, 59,8 %, 52,5 % y 44,2 %, respectivamente. En el modelo ajustado, los municipios con aumento de la cobertura de Programa Bolsa Familia tuvieron menos probabilidades de aumentar procedimientos colectivos (OR = 0,91; IC95%: 0,79-1,04), y preventivos (OR = 0,92; IC95%: 0,80-1,05), y más probabilidades de aumentar las tasas de procedimientos restauradores (OR = 1,11; IC95%: 0,97-1,28) y exodoncias (OR = 1,10; IC95%: 0,95-1,27). El aumento en la tasa de cobertura de EqSB se asoció significativamente con una mayor probabilidad de aumento en procedimientos preventivos, restauradores y exodoncias. Se concluye que la cobertura de las EqSB fue la principal variable asociada al aumento de los procedimientos odontológicos realizados en el servicio público.
Programas Governamentais , Renda , Humanos , Brasil , Cidades , OdontologiaRESUMO
BACKGROUND: One of the central debates in health policy is related to the fragmentation of health systems. Fragmentation is perceived as a major obstacle to UHC. This article presents the results of a consultation with a group of actors of the Mexican policy arena on the origins and impacts of the fragmentation of the Mexican health system. METHODS: We used a consultation to nine key actors to collect thoughts on the fragmentation of the Mexican health system. The group included national and local decision makers with experience in health care issues and researchers with background in health systems and/or public policies. The sessions were recorded, transcribed verbatim and analyzed thematically. RESULTS: Participants defined the term 'fragmentation' as the separation of the various groups of the population based on characteristics which define their access to health care services. This is a core characteristic of health systems in Latin America (LA). In general, those affiliated to social security institutions have a higher per capita expenditure than those without social security, which translates into differential health benefits. According to the actors in this consultation, fragmentation is the main structural problem of the Mexican health system. Actors agreed that the best way to end fragmentation is through the creation of a universal health system. Defragmentation plans should include a research component to document the impacts of fragmentation, and design and test the instruments needed for the integration process. CONCLUSIONS: First, health system fragmentation in Mexico has created problems of equity since different population groups have unequal access to public resources and different health benefits. Second, Mexico needs to move beyond the fragmentation of its health system and guarantee, through its financial integration, access to the same package of health services to all its citizens. Third, defragmentation plans should include a research component to document the impacts of fragmentation, and design and test the instruments needed for the integration process. Fourth, defragmentation of health systems is not an easy task because there are vested interests that oppose its implementation. Political strategies to meet the resistance of these groups are an essential component of any defragmentation plan.