OBJECTIVES: The project aimed to characterize the exposure to seismic hazard in the emergency area of a high-complexity hospital in Cali, Colombia. METHODS: The occupancy of the emergency area was analyzed over 6 months, determining the value of material elements exposed to the seismic hazard. Four phases were executed: search for pre-existing information, occupancy analysis, evaluation of exposed assets, and results analysis. The information was analyzed using a Geographic Information System (GIS), which allowed the visualization of demographic behavior in different locations and times. RESULTS: The results confirmed that the seismic hazard is high, exacerbated by local geomechanical characteristics. It was observed that the average occupancy of most studied areas exceeded capacity. The value of the exposed assets was estimated at COP 3 221 008 640 (USD 959 844.76), the demolition value at COP 10 582 770 000 (USD 3 153 613.49), and the reconstruction value at COP 30 293 640 275 (USD 9 027 356.03). In the worst-case scenario, the losses were equivalent to 12.4% of the hospital's annual budget. CONCLUSIONS: The data allow the hospital to take preventive measures and educate the staff to identify and mitigate critical areas. It also contributes to the knowledge of the approximate value of economic losses and the impact of potential human losses.
Hospitais , Colômbia , Humanos , Hospitais/estatística & dados numéricos , Terremotos/estatística & dados numéricos , Planejamento em Desastres/métodos , Planejamento em Desastres/estatística & dados numéricos , Sistemas de Informação Geográfica/estatística & dados numéricosRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: February 2023 saw major earthquakes in Pazarcik and Elbistan, causing significant devastation in Turkey. Patients were transferred to hospitals in neighboring provinces, with multiple traumas-especially fractures and organ injuries-forming the main reasons for hospital admissions. This study aimed to examine earthquake-related injuries in pediatric and adult populations to understand differences. METHODS: This study analyzed 1,220 adults and 590 pediatric patients with radiological imaging out of 8,704 earthquake trauma cases. Radiological images were assessed independently by two radiologists. Statistical analysis using SPSS examined relationships between variables such as age group and injury type. RESULTS: Results showed 40% of adults and 64% of children had normal radiological findings. Cerebral and extremity traumas were most common in pediatrics, while adults showed more extremity, thoracic, and spinal traumas. Significant differences between adult and pediatric groups were observed in cranial fractures, thoracic and lumbar vertebral fractures, hemopneumothorax, lung contusions, rib fractures, femur and talocalcaneal fractures, and compartment syndrome (p<0.001). CONCLUSION: Earthquake-related injuries may vary between children and adults. Due to children's more flexible anatomical structure, it is believed that earthquake-related injuries occur less frequently in children. In this study, head traumas were more common in children compared to adults. The rate of cranial fractures was significantly higher in children, with a higher incidence of epidural hematoma compared to adults. Spinal traumas were more frequent in adults than in children, attributed to children's greater flexibility reducing the risk of entrapment under rubble. Pediatric thoracic compliance being significantly higher than in adults often resulted in milder chest traumas. However, compartment syndrome was more common in children, with a lower rate of accompanying bone fractures compared to adults. No significant difference was observed between children and adults in maxillofacial, abdominal, and pelvic traumas. These findings provide insights for future disaster healthcare planning and management.
Terremotos , Humanos , Criança , Adulto , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Pré-Escolar , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Turquia/epidemiologia , Adulto Jovem , Idoso , Lactente , Radiografia , Fraturas Ósseas/diagnóstico por imagem , Fraturas Ósseas/epidemiologia , Fatores Etários , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Traumatismo Múltiplo/diagnóstico por imagem , Distribuição por Idade , Estudos RetrospectivosRESUMO
Maladaptive behaviors during a disaster refer to actions that do not benefit the individual or society. Quarantelli highlights several maladaptive behaviors myths associated with disasters: widespread antisocial behavior, passivity, role conflict or abandonment, and sudden widespread mental health breakdowns (1). Despite early work reporting these myths, the common perception is that maladaptive behaviors such as rioting, looting, panic, and criminal conduct are prevalent in the wake of disasters. This is despite research by de Ville de Goyet and Arnold which has called on public officials and the media to stop propagating false disaster myths (2, 3). The classic academic response has been that this is a misconception and that, in fact, such behaviors are a very small part of the overall disaster and are mostly non-existent. Misconceptions about the prevalence of maladaptive behaviors can lead to inappropriate resource allocation, such as allocating extra police officers to prevent looting when the overall crime rate for the most part, decreases during disasters (4). Furthermore, while there are several persistent maladaptive behaviors myths, this is confounded by the presence of actual negative behaviors post disaster: false damage claims, insurance fraud, illegally obtaining relief supplies, failure to provide contracted repair services, hoarding of essential items, psychological trauma (which can lead to intergenerational transmission of the disaster memory) and medications and price gouging (5).When reading lay-press articles about recent disasters, it appears that these behaviors are on the rise. This raises the question: Has there been a change in the basic human reaction to disasters and are maladaptive behaviors on the rise? This review article focuses on case studies from three natural disasters: Hurricanes Hugo and Katrina, and the Haiti Earthquake. The goal of this review article is to evaluate these three natural disasters for evidence of maladaptive behaviors.
Tempestades Ciclônicas , Desastres , Terremotos , Humanos , Haiti , Adaptação PsicológicaRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Studies evaluating the effects of natural disasters on cancer outcomes are scarce, especially among USA ethnic minority groups, and none have focused on the effects of concurrent natural disasters and the COVID-19 pandemic. The goal of this secondary data analysis is to explore the impact of concurrent exposure to COVID-19 and earthquakes on psychological distress and symptom burden among Puerto Rican cancer survivors. METHODS: This secondary data analysis (n = 101) was part of a longitudinal case-control cohort study (n = 402) aimed at describing unmet psychological needs among Puerto Rican cancer patients and non-cancer subjects previously exposed to Hurricane María in 2017. The research team pooled data from participants (cancer survivors and non-cancer group) from their baseline assessments and from follow-up assessments conducted during January-July 2020 (earthquake and the lockdown period). A descriptive, paired t-test, non-parametric mean rank test, and two-sided Pearson correlation analyses were performed. RESULTS: Psychological distress and cancer symptom burden diminished over time. Resilience was significantly correlated with all the psychological and symptom burden variables during both pre- and post-earthquake and COVID-19 assessment periods. CONCLUSIONS: The results support the role of resilience, social support, and post-traumatic growth as potential protective factors preventing psychological distress and diminishing cancer symptom burden among cancer survivors exposed to natural disasters and the COVID-19 pandemic.
Ansiedade , COVID-19 , Sobreviventes de Câncer , Depressão , Hispânico ou Latino , Desastres Naturais , Transtornos de Estresse Pós-Traumáticos , Adulto , Idoso , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Ansiedade/epidemiologia , Ansiedade/psicologia , Sobreviventes de Câncer/psicologia , Estudos de Casos e Controles , COVID-19/psicologia , COVID-19/epidemiologia , Tempestades Ciclônicas , Depressão/epidemiologia , Depressão/psicologia , Terremotos , Hispânico ou Latino/psicologia , Estudos Longitudinais , Angústia Psicológica , Porto Rico/epidemiologia , Transtornos de Estresse Pós-Traumáticos/epidemiologia , Transtornos de Estresse Pós-Traumáticos/psicologia , Estresse Psicológico/psicologia , Carga de SintomasRESUMO
An often-overlooked question of the biodiversity crisis is how natural hazards contribute to species extinction risk. To address this issue, we explored how four natural hazards, earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, and volcanoes, overlapped with the distribution ranges of amphibians, birds, mammals, and reptiles that have either narrow distributions or populations with few mature individuals. To assess which species are at risk from these natural hazards, we combined the frequency and magnitude of each natural hazard to estimate their impact. We considered species at risk if they overlapped with regions where any of the four natural hazards historically occurred (n = 3,722). Those species with at least a quarter of their range subjected to a high relative impact were considered at high risk (n = 2,001) of extinction due to natural hazards. In total, 834 reptiles, 617 amphibians, 302 birds, and 248 mammals were at high risk and they were mainly distributed on islands and in the tropics. Hurricanes (n = 983) and earthquakes (n = 868) affected most species, while tsunamis (n = 272), and volcanoes (n = 171) affected considerably fewer. The region with the highest number of species at high risk was the Pacific Ring of Fire, especially due to volcanoes, earthquakes, and tsunamis, while hurricane-related high-risk species were concentrated in the Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, and northwestern Pacific Ocean. Our study provides important information regarding the species at risk due to natural hazards and can help guide conservation attention and efforts to safeguard their survival.
Biodiversidade , Extinção Biológica , Animais , Aves , Mamíferos , Répteis , Terremotos , Tempestades Ciclônicas , Tsunamis , Anfíbios , Erupções Vulcânicas , Desastres NaturaisRESUMO
In 1939, directly after the worst earthquake in the country's history, the Chilean state began implementing an electrification program. This plan shaped energy goals for years to come and defined the interconnected grid that dominates the country's energy infrastructure today. Based on extensive archival work, this article describes the birth of energopolitics in the country, using technology sociologist Michel Callon's notion of "interessement" to describe the strategies of a group of engineers who acted as system builders. Their four main strategies were embracing technological futurisms, forging heterogeneous networks, articulating and mobilizing knowledge, and using crises as windows of opportunity for change. The article shows not only the historical impact of past energy choices on today's world but also that current challenges to energy transitions are not without precedent. Using a sociological framework to tell this story allows us to highlight the mechanisms through which energy systems can change.
Terremotos , Chile , História do Século XX , Terremotos/história , Humanos , Desastres/história , PolíticaRESUMO
Among natural disasters, earthquakes have a considerable impact and are among the ten deadliest, with an extreme impact on the healthcare sector. This study aimed to analyze the best practices in nursing care for earthquake victims. An in-depth analysis was carried out by using a scoping review, a method used in accordance with the PRISMA-ScR recommendations, to identify best nursing practice in these circumstances based on searches of eight databases: MEDLINE via PubMed; Cochrane Library; Embase; VHL; PDQ-Evidence; Scopus; ProQuest; and Google Scholar. Twenty-one studies were selected. The nursing practices identified were grouped into two distinct dimensions, each subdivided into four subcategories: (i) care practices: (a) immediate care, (b) intermediate care, (c) psychosocial care, and (d) ethical care; (ii) care management and coordination practices, which cover (a) care coordination, (b) victim care network organization, (c) teamwork, and (d) training. By analyzing these nursing practices during care and relief operations for earthquake victims, this study identified the various actions carried out, the nursing skills to be developed, and the reinforcement of these advanced practices through the systematization of nurses' skills, in order to promote victims' rehabilitation, minimize their suffering, and improve their quality of life during and after an earthquake.
Terremotos , Cuidados de Enfermagem , HumanosRESUMO
This paper discusses recent archaeological fieldwork conducted at El Castillejo, a medieval Islamic settlement in Los Guájares, Granada, southern Spain. Results from combined archaeological excavation and archaeoseismological assessment of standing structures suggest that the site was affected by a destructive earthquake during its occupation. Radiocarbon samples and OSL analysis point to a seismic event in the period CE 1224-1266. The earthquake occurred within an area marked by a 'seismological gap' in terms of historic seismicity and the causative fault has been tentatively identified in the Nigüelas-Padul Fault System which lies north of the settlement. This event is not recorded by national or European seismic catalogues and represents the oldest historic earthquake in the Granada area. Our work stresses the significant impact that targeted archaeological investigations can generate in our understanding of the local historic seismicity, thus providing clear implications for seismic disaster prevention and reduction.
Desastres , Terremotos , Espanha , Arqueologia , IslamismoRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Community-based medication therapy management advanced pharmacy practice experiences (MTM APPE) can engage pharmacy students in public health initiatives, including emergency response preparedness, to successfully impact patient care. This study aimed to evaluate pharmacy students' perceptions of their experience on an MTM APPE during disasters in Puerto Rico. METHODS: After completing the MTM APPE during times of hurricanes, earthquake or pandemic, pharmacy students were asked to voluntarily participate in a questionnaire about their perception of assisting during a disaster. The survey consisted of 5 questions. Four questions were based on a Likert scale with answers choices ranging from Agree, Not Sure, Disagree, or Not Applicable. One question requested free text comments from participants. RESULTS: Sixteen students completed the survey. Pharmacy students agreed that the MTM APPE taught them the clinical skills needed to assist and educate individual patients and the community that suffered from a disaster, and that the role of the pharmacist is vital when a disaster disrupts a community's health-care system. CONCLUSIONS: Training in emergency response to disasters should be a considered component of MTM APPE.
Tempestades Ciclônicas , Desastres , Terremotos , Educação em Farmácia , Farmácia , Estudantes de Farmácia , Humanos , Conduta do Tratamento Medicamentoso/educação , Porto Rico , Pandemias , CurrículoRESUMO
Risk perception is considered the primary motivator for taking preparedness actions. But people with prior experience and a high-risk perception are not necessarily more prepared. This relationship is even more complex when assessing preparedness levels for hazards with different characteristics. These inconsistent findings can be explained by how preparedness has been measured and the influence of other factors, such as trust and risk awareness. Thus, the main goal of this study was to analyze the role of risk awareness and trust in authorities on risk perception and intention to prepare for natural hazards in a coastal city in Chile. A representative sample of the city of Concepción, located in the center-south zone of Chile (n = 585), completed a survey. We measured risk awareness, risk perception, trust in authorities, and intention to prepare for two hazards: earthquakes/tsunamis and floods. Through structural equation models, we tested five hypotheses. We found that the perception of risk maintained a direct and positive influence on the intention to prepare for both hazards. The results showed that awareness and risk perception influence the intention to prepare and should be considered different concepts. Finally, trust did not significantly influence risk perception when faced with known hazards for the population. Implications for understanding the relationship between risk perception and direct experience are discussed.
Terremotos , Confiança , Humanos , Inundações , Motivação , PercepçãoRESUMO
This article reports on effects of two earthquakes in Mexico on adolescents attending middle school. The earthquakes struck in close succession during the implementation of a school-based prevention program, providing an opportunity to assess emotional distress due to the earthquakes and whether the life skills taught in the program affected how students coped with the natural disaster. The objectives were to (1) evaluate the earthquakes' impact on students' distress; (2) assess if distress is associated with internalizing symptomology and externalizing behaviors; and (3) investigate if students receiving the original and adapted versions of the intervention coped better with the events. A Mexico-US research team culturally adapted keepin' it REAL to address connections between substance use among early adolescents in Mexico and exposure to violence. A random sample of public middle schools from three cities (Mexico City, Guadalajara, and Monterrey), stratified by whether they held morning or afternoon sessions, was selected. A total of 5522 7th grade students from 36 schools participated in the study. Students answered pretest and posttest questionnaires; the latter assessed earthquake-related distress and coping strategies. Earthquake-related distress was associated with all measures of undesired internalizing symptomology and externalizing behaviors. Compared to controls, students in the adapted intervention reported less aggressive and rule-breaking externalizing behavior and less violence perpetration. However, these intervention effects were not moderated by the level of earthquake-related distress, and they were not mediated by positive or negative coping. The findings have implications for prevention intervention research and policy as natural and human-made disasters occur more often.
Terremotos , Angústia Psicológica , Adolescente , Humanos , México , Capacidades de Enfrentamento , EstudantesRESUMO
A nurse finds human resilience even in the worst conditions.
Terremotos , Humanos , Haiti , HospitaisRESUMO
Post-traumatic stress (PTSD) disorder is a mental health condition that can occur after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event. The 27-F earthquake that struck Chile in 2010 was one such event that had a significant impact on the mental health of the population. A study was conducted to investigate the prevalence of PTSD and its associated factors among survivors of this earthquake. The study was a longitudinal design, involving a sample of 913 patients aged 18 to 75 years who attended 10 Primary Care Centers in Concepción, Chile. The Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI) was used to assess both depressive episodes (DE) and PTSD before and after the earthquake. The study also involved genotyping studies using saliva samples from the participants, specifically focusing on the Val66Met and 5-HTTLPR polymorphisms. Statistical analysis was performed to examine the association between different variables and the presence of PTSD. These variables included demographic factors, family history of psychiatric disorders, DE, childhood maltreatment experiences, and critical traumatic events related to the earthquake. The results showed that the incidence of post-earthquake PTSD was 11.06%. No significant differences were found between the groups of participants who developed post-earthquake PTSD regarding the Val66Met or 5-HTTLPR polymorphisms. However, a significant association was found between the concomitant diagnosis of DE and the development of post-earthquake PTSD. The presence of DE doubled the risk of developing post-earthquake PTSD. The number of traumatic events experienced also had a statistically significant association with an increased risk of developing post-earthquake PTSD. The study's limitations include the potential interference of different DE subtypes, the complexity of quantifying the degree of earthquake exposure experienced by each individual, and events entailing social disruption, such as looting, that can profoundly influence distress. In conclusion, the study found that PTSD following the 27-F earthquake in Chile was associated with a concomitant diagnosis of DE and the number of traumatic events experienced. The study did not find a significant association between PTSD and the Val66Met or 5-HTTLPR polymorphisms. The researchers recommend that mental health professionals should prioritize the detection and treatment of concomitant depressive episodes and exposure to critical traumatic events in survivors of disasters. They also suggest that further research is needed to better understand the relationship between genetic factors and post-disaster PTSD.
Fator Neurotrófico Derivado do Encéfalo , Terremotos , Proteínas da Membrana Plasmática de Transporte de Serotonina , Transtornos de Estresse Pós-Traumáticos , Humanos , Fator Neurotrófico Derivado do Encéfalo/genética , Chile/epidemiologia , Prevalência , Transtornos de Estresse Pós-Traumáticos/epidemiologia , Proteínas da Membrana Plasmática de Transporte de Serotonina/genéticaRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: This study was carried out to evaluate the injuries in pediatric earthquake victims due to the 2023 Turkey-Syria earthquakes with computed tomography and determine the anatomotopographic distribution of injuries. METHODS: The material of this retrospective study consisted of the computed tomography findings of 257 pediatric cases injured in the 2023 Turkey-Syria earthquakes, and those were divided into subgroups based on their age group, i.e., 0-4, 5-9, 10-14, and 15-18 years, and the type of injury, i.e., head, maxillofacial, thoracic, abdominal, pelvic, and spinal injuries. RESULTS: Earthquake-related injuries had been detected in 102 (39.6%) patients. Of the 29 patients with multiple injuries, 17, 10, and 2 had injuries in two, three, and four topographic regions, respectively. The most common injury was a head injury, which was detected in 48 (18.7%) cases, followed by thoracic injury, spinal injury, pelvic fracture, abdominal injury, and maxillofacial fracture, which were detected in 40 (15.6%), 22 (8.5%), 19 (7.4%), 10 (3.9%), and 6 (2.3%) patients, respectively. The cranial bone fractures and intracranial injuries were significantly more frequent in the 0-4 years age group compared with other age groups (p=0.028 and p=0.024, respectively). The rib fractures with spinal and pleural injuries were significantly more common in the 15-18 years age group compared with others (p=0.016, p=0.004, and p=0.002, respectively). CONCLUSION: The head injury was the most common earthquake-related injury in pediatric cases. Herein, it was more common in younger children compared with other age groups, whereas rib, spine, and pleural injuries were more common in older children.
Traumatismos Craniocerebrais , Desastres , Terremotos , Fraturas Ósseas , Humanos , Criança , Recém-Nascido , Estudos Retrospectivos , Síria , Turquia/epidemiologia , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X/métodos , Traumatismos Craniocerebrais/diagnóstico por imagem , Traumatismos Craniocerebrais/epidemiologiaRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to determine the computed tomography findings associated with very recent catastrophic 2023 Turkey-Syria earthquake-related injuries and their anatomotopographic distribution in the adult population. METHODS: The incorporated computed tomography scans of 768 adult cases who had been admitted to the hospital and had undergone computed tomography imaging after these tragic disasters had been examined on the Teleradiology Reporting System of the Turkish Ministry of Health. To this end, the injuries were classified into six categories: head, thoracic, spinal, pelvic, extremity, and abdominal injury, with three age groups (18-34, 35-64, and ³65 years) and four different imaging intervals (<24, 24-48, 49-72, and >72 h). RESULTS: This study incorporated 316 (41.1%) cases on the first day, 57 (7.5%) on the second day, 219 (28.5%) on the third day, and 176 (22.9%) on the fourth day after the earthquake or later. Of the 768 cases, 109 (14.2%) had a head injury, 100 (13.0%) had a thoracic injury, 99 (12.9%) had a spinal injury, 51 (6.6%) had a pelvic injury, 41 (5.4%) had an extremity injury, and 11 (1.4%) had an abdominal injury. CONCLUSION: In these regrettable earthquake disasters, we determined a high ratio of head injuries, which was closely followed by thoracic and spinal injuries, in our preliminary outcomes for the pediatric population, Part I. The frequency of abdominal injuries was low among individuals who experienced the earthquake. Last but not least, we have noticed a higher likelihood of spinal injury in individuals older than 65 years in the studied population.
Traumatismos Abdominais , Desastres , Terremotos , Traumatismos da Coluna Vertebral , Adulto , Criança , Humanos , Adolescente , Turquia/epidemiologia , Síria , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X , Traumatismos da Coluna Vertebral/epidemiologiaRESUMO
Natural disturbances can modify extinction-colonization dynamics, driving changes in the genetic diversity and structure of marine populations. Along Chilean coast (36°S, 73°W), a strong hypoxic-upwelling event in 2008, and a mega earthquake-tsunami in 2010 caused mass mortality within the Aphos porosus population, which is a vulnerable species with low dispersal potential. We evaluated the effects of these two major disturbances on the diversity and spatial-temporal genetic structure of Aphos porosus in two neighboring areas that were impacted on different levels (High level: Coliumo Bay; Low level: Itata Shelf). Thirteen microsatellites (from 2008 to 2015) amplified in individuals collected from both locations were used to evaluate the effects of the two disturbances. Results showed that after the strong hypoxic-upwelling event and the mega earthquake-tsunami, Aphos porosus populations exhibited lower genetic diversity and less effective population sizes (Ne < 20), as well as asymmetries in migration and spatial-temporal genetic structure. These findings suggest a rise in extinction-recolonization dynamics in local Aphos porosus populations after the disturbances, which led to a loss of local genetic diversity (mainly in Coliumo Bay area impacted the most), and to greater spatial-temporal genetic structure caused by drift and gene flow. Our results suggest that continuous genetic monitoring is needed in order to assess potential risks for Aphos porosus in light of new natural and anthropogenic disturbances.