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Rev. biol. trop ; 72(1): e52916, ene.-dic. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | SaludCR, LILACS | ID: biblio-1559320


Resumen Introducción: Varias presiones antrópicas sufren los ecosistemas acuáticos del piedemonte llanero en Colombia. La respuesta a estresores ambientales aún se desconoce en organismos bioindicadores como Leptohyphidae. Objetivo: Determinar la diversidad de ninfas de Leptohyphidae del río Quenane-Quenanito, en dos periodos hidrológicos contrastantes y su relación con algunas variables fisicoquímicas. Métodos: En diciembre (2014) y febrero (2015) se recolectaron organismos con red Surber en seis estaciones a lo largo del río. Se analizó la diversidad alfa y beta y se aplicó análisis de redundancia y modelos lineales generalizados con el fin de establecer la relación entre los taxones y las variables ambientales. Resultados: Se identificaron 369 organismos pertenecientes a cuatro géneros (Amanahyphes, Traverhyphes, Tricorythopsis y Tricorythodes), dos especies y ocho morfoespecies. Se reporta por primera vez para el departamento del Meta Amanahyphes saguassu. Se registró la mayor diversidad de ninfas en la transición a la sequía y la mayor abundancia en sequía. La diversidad beta señaló que la configuración del ensamblaje cambia a nivel espacial y temporal. Conclusiones: Los organismos de Leptohyphidae prefieren hábitats de corrientes, particularmente en el periodo de sequía, donde hallan alimento (hojarasca, detritos) y refugio para establecerse exitosamente; actividades antrópicas como la urbanización afectan notablemente la diversidad. La alta diversidad registrada en este pequeño río de piedemonte llanero refleja la necesidad de incrementar este tipo de trabajos y esfuerzos de recolección de material de estudio en la región.

Abstract Introduction: Various anthropic pressures affect the aquatic ecosystems of the foothills of Colombia. The response to environmental stressors is still unknown in bioindicator organisms such as Leptohyphidae. Objective: To determine the diversity of Leptohyphidae nymphs of the Quenane-Quenanito river, in two contrasting hydrological periods and its relationship with some physicochemical variables. Methods: In December (2014) and February (2015), organisms were collected with a Surber net at six stations along the current. Alpha and beta diversity was analyzed and redundancy analysis and generalized linear model were applied to establish the relationship between taxa and environmental variables. Results: Were identified 369 organisms belonging to four genera (Amanahyphes, Traverhyphes, Tricorythopsis, and Tricorythodes), two species, and eight morphospecies. Amanahyphes saguassu is reported for the first time for the Meta department. High diversity of Leptohyphidae nymphs was recorded in the transition to drought season and greater abundance in drought. Beta diversity indicated that the configuration of the assemblage changes spatially and temporally. Conclusions: Leptohyphidae organisms prefer fast habitats, particularly in the dry period where they find food (leaf litter, detritus) and shelter to establish themselves successfully; anthropic activities such as urbanization notably affect diversity. The high diversity recorded in this small river in the foothills of the plains reflects the need to increase this type of works and collection efforts of study material in the region.

Animais , Ephemeroptera/classificação , Qualidade da Água , Colômbia , Insetos/classificação
Rev. enferm. UERJ ; 32: e79681, jan. -dez. 2024.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol, Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556370


Objetivo: mapear as tecnologias em saúde para manejo no cuidado à pessoa com hanseníase na Atenção Primária à Saúde. Método: revisão de escopo baseada na metodologia do JBI, em seis bases de dados, seguindo a checklist Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews. Foram incluídos estudos publicados em qualquer idioma, com diferentes abordagens metodológicas. Resultados: os 14 estudos incluídos na revisão mostram que a aplicabilidade de tecnologias para o manejo do cuidado a pessoa com hanseníase na Atenção Primária à Saúde, possibilitam a confirmação de diagnóstico, acompanhamento, monitoramento e prevenção de incapacidades. Conclusão: nota-se que tecnologia em saúde se apresentam como ferramentas que auxiliam no processo de cuidado na assistência a pessoas com hanseníase, a fim de permitir aos profissionais de saúde conhecimento sobre a doença, proporcionando qualidade na sua prática de saúde.

Objective: to map health technologies for managing the care of people with leprosy in Primary Health Care. Method: scoping review based on the JBI methodology in six databases, following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews checklist. Studies published in any language were included, with different methodological approaches. Results: the 14 studies included in the review show that the applicability of technologies for the management of care for people with leprosy in Primary Health Care makes it possible to confirm diagnosis, follow-up, monitoring, and prevention of disabilities. Conclusion: it has been noted that health technologies are tools that help in the process of caring for people with leprosy, to provide health professionals with knowledge about the disease, improving quality of health practice.

Objetivo: mapear las tecnologías en salud para el manejo en el cuidado a la persona con lepra en la Atención Primaria a la Salud. Método: revisión del alcance basada en la metodología del JBI, en seis bases de datos, siguiendo la checklist Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis extension for Scoping Reviews. Se han incluido estudios publicados en cualquier idioma, con diferentes enfoques metodológicos. Resultados: los 14 estudios incluidos en la revisión muestran que la aplicabilidad de tecnologías para el manejo del cuidado a la persona con lepra en la Atención Primaria a la Salud posibilita la confirmación de diagnóstico, seguimiento, monitoreo y prevención de incapacidades. Conclusión: se percibe que las tecnologías en salud se presentan como herramientas que ayudan en el proceso de cuidado en la asistencia a personas con lepra, con fines de permitir a los profesionales de salud el acceso al conocimiento sobre la enfermedad, proporcionando calidad en su práctica de salud.

Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 3(65): 19-30, set-dez.2024. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1567818


O objetivo desta revisão integrativa foi elaborar uma avaliação qualitativa da literatura existente sobre as modalidades de tratamento utilizadas para cistos dentígeros em pacientes pediátricos. O presente estudo trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura na qual utilizou-se as bases de dados PubMed, BVS (Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde), LILACS, e SciELO. Como critérios de inclusão estavam os artigos publicados na íntegra, relatos de caso clínico, revisões sistemáticas e de meta-análise publicados nos últimos 10 anos, disponível nos idiomas português ou inglês, que abordassem a temática. Os critérios de exclusão foram: resumos, anais, editoriais, cartas ao editor, reflexão, duplicidade, artigos com detalhamento incompleto. O cisto dentígero é o tipo mais comum dos cistos odontogênicos de desenvolvimento e o segundo mais frequente entre todos que ocorrem nos maxilares, representando cerca de 20% de todos os cistos revestidos por epitélio nos ossos gnáticos. Clinicamente pode estar associado a qualquer dente impactado, porém ele envolve com mais frequência os terceiros molares inferiores. Acomete pacientes entre 10 a 30 anos de idade, com predileção pelo sexo masculino, sendo na maioria dos casos detectados em exames radiográficos de rotina. O tratamento baseia-se nas técnicas de descompressão, marsupialização e enucleação. O prognóstico para os cistos dentígeros é altamente favorável e não há chance de recorrência após a remoção completa. Assim, a decisão terapêutica deve ser tomada de forma adequada para cada caso, levando em consideração a localização anatômica, extensão clínica, tamanho, idade, remoção do dente não irrompido e possibilidades de acompanhamento.

The aim of this integrative review was to carry out a qualitative assessment of the existing literature on the treatment modalities used for dentigerous cysts in pediatric patients. This study is an integrative literature review using the PubMed, VHL (Virtual Health Library), LILACS and SciELO databases. The inclusion criteria were articles published in full, clinical case reports, systematic reviews and meta-analysis published in the last 10 years, available in Portuguese or English, which addressed the subject. The exclusion criteria were: abstracts, annals, editorials, letters to the editor, reflection, duplication, articles with incomplete details. The dentigerous cyst is the most common type of developmental odontogenic cyst and the second most frequent of all those that occur in the jaws, accounting for around 20% of all epithelium-lined cysts in the gnathic bones. Clinically, it can be associated with any impacted tooth, but it most often involves the lower third molars. It affects patients between 10 and 30 years of age, with a predilection for males, and in most cases it is detected during routine radiographic examinations. Treatment is based on decompression, marsupialization and enucleation. The prognosis for dentigerous cysts is highly favorable and there is no chance of recurrence after complete removal. Therefore, the therapeutic decision must be made appropriately for each case, taking into account the anatomical location, clinical extension, size, age, removal of the unerupted tooth and follow-up possibilities.

Cirurgia Bucal , Cisto Dentígero/terapia , Cistos Odontogênicos , Criança , Dentição Mista
An. bras. dermatol ; 99(4): 503-512, Jul.-Aug. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1563699


Abstract Background The treatment for atopic dermatitis (AD) has been the focus of clinical research, and behavioral intervention is considered an indispensable treatment method. To our knowledge, no relevant meta-analysis has evaluated the effects of behavioral interventions on atopic dermatitis. Objectives To evaluate the effects of behavioral interventions on atopic dermatitis. Methods The authors searched PubMed, EMBASE, and Cochrane CENTRAL to retrieve relevant RCTs (up to Feb 2022). The search strategy involved a combination of related keywords. The Cochrane Q and I2 statistics were used to assess heterogeneity. Results Six RCTs involving seven reports with 246 patients were included. The results suggested that behavioral interventions could relieve eczema severity (correlation coefficient [r = −0.39]; p < 0.001) and scratching severity significantly (r = −0.19; p = 0.017), while not affect itching intensity (r = −0.02; p = 0.840). A sensitivity analysis confirmed the robustness of the results. Study limitations An important limitation of this study was the insufficient number of RCTs and the limited sample size. In addition, the study lacked a control group receiving a type of intervention other than the experimental protocol. Another limitation was the short duration of follow-up. Conclusions This study suggests that behavioral interventions could be effective in treating atopic dermatitis by reducing eczema and scratching severity. Additionally, habit-reversal behavioral therapy may be more effective for treating atopic dermatitis.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 29(8): e19192022, ago. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569047


Abstract This article aims to analyze the prevalence of reporting and notification of violence in children and adolescents in the work of clinical health professionals. The search was performed in six electronic databases and the gray literature for studies published until June 1, 2022. Estimates of interest were calculated using random effects meta-analyses. Two reviewers independently evaluated the potentially eligible studies according to the following criteria: cross-sectional studies carried out with health professionals who provided clinical care for children and adolescents and dealt with violence cases. Two reviewers extracted data on included trial characteristics, methods, and outcomes. Expectations of interest were transformed using random effects meta-analyses. The meta-analysis of the prevalence of reports of violence performed with 42 articles was 41%. The notification meta-analysis occurred with 39 articles and was 30%. About one in two health professionals face situations of violence against children and adolescents in their clinical practice (41%), and approximately one in three health professionals report the cases (30%).

Resumo O objetivo do artigo é analisar a prevalência de relato e notificação de violência em crianças e adolescentes no trabalho de profissionais clínicos da saúde. A busca foi realizada em seis bases de dados eletrônicas e na literatura cinzenta para estudos publicados até 1º de junho de 2022. As estimativas de interesse foram calculadas usando meta-análises de efeitos aleatórios. Dois revisores avaliaram de maneira independente os estudos potencialmente elegíveis de acordo com os seguintes critérios: estudos transversais com profissionais da saúde que prestavam atendimentos clínicos voltados a crianças e adolescentes e que se depararam com casos de violência. Dois revisores extraíram dados sobre as características dos estudos incluídos, métodos e resultados. As estimativas de interesse foram calculadas usando meta-análises de efeitos aleatórios. A meta-análise de prevalência de relato de violência realizada com 42 artigos foi de 41%. A meta-análise da notificação ocorreu com 39 artigos e foi de 30%. Aproximadamente um a cada dois profissionais da saúde se deparam com situações de violência contra crianças e adolescentes em sua prática clínica (41%) e cerca de um a cada três profissionais da saúde notificam os casos (30%).

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 29(8): e19282022, ago. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569059


Resumo O objetivo do artigo é avaliar a prevalência de adesão ao tratamento anti-hipertensivo na população brasileira, com base nos estudos revisados por pares, que utilizaram instrumentos elaborados e/ou adaptados exclusivamente para este fim. Revisão sistemática com meta-análise, baseada nas recomendações do Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). A busca foi realizada nas bases BDENF, SciELO, Cuiden, PsycINFOe, CINAHL, Embase, LILACS, MEDLINE, e nos buscadores acadêmicos AgeLine, Google Scholar e ScienceDirect. O protocolo foi registrado no PROSPERO (CRD42021292689). Modelos de efeitos aleatórios foram usados para meta-análise das prevalências obtidas dos estudos individuais. Incluíram-se 104 estudos na meta-análise sobre tratamento anti-hipertensivo na população brasileira, totalizando 38.299 pacientes. O instrumento mais utilizado foi o teste de Morisky-Green de quatro itens (49,5%). A prevalência de adesão estimada pela foi de 44,4% (IC95%: 39,12%-49,94%, I2 = 91,17, p < 0,001), apresentando alta heterogeneidade. A prevalência de adesão ao tratamento anti-hipertensivo encontrada nos estudos nacionais foi insatisfatória, demonstrando que essa problemática continua sendo um grande desafio.

Abstract This article aims to evaluate the adherence to antihypertensive treatment prevalence in the Brazilian population based on peer-reviewed studies which used instruments exclusively designed and/or adapted for this purpose. A systematic review with meta-analysis based on the recommendations of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). The search was carried out in the BDENF, SciELO, Cuiden, PsycINFOe, CINAHL, Embase, LILACS, and MEDLINE databases, as well as the AgeLine, Google Scholar and ScienceDirect academic search engines. The protocol was registered with PROSPERO (CRD42021292689). Random effects models were used for a meta-analysis of the prevalence obtained from individual studies. A total of 104 studies were included in the meta-analysis on antihypertensive treatment in the Brazilian population, totaling 38,299 patients. The most used instrument was the four-item Morisky-Green Test (49.5%). The adherence prevalence estimated by the meta-analysis was 44.4% (95%CI: 39.12%-49.94%, I2 = 91.17, p < 0.001), showing high heterogeneity. The adherence to antihypertensive treatment prevalence found in national studies was unsatisfactory, demonstrating that this problem continues to be a major challenge.

Int. braz. j. urol ; 50(4): 415-432, July-Aug. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569223


ABSTRACT Introduction Chemotherapy and radiation therapy are considered standard treatments for stage II seminoma patients; however, these therapies are associated with long-term toxicities. Recently, retroperitoneal lymph node dissection has emerged as an alternative strategy, and the first three phase II trials were published in 2023 with promising results. The present study conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to evaluate this surgery as an alternative treatment for stage IIA/B seminoma patients. Purpose Seminomas are the most common testicular tumors, often affecting young adult males. Standard treatments for stage II seminomas include chemotherapy and radiation therapy, but these therapies are associated with long-term toxicities. Thus, identifying alternative strategies is paramount. Herein, we conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to appraise the efficacy and safety of retroperitoneal lymph node dissection (RPLND) for treating this condition. Methods We systematically searched the PubMed, Embase, and Cochrane databases for studies evaluating RPLND as a primary treatment for stage II A/B seminomas. Using a random-effects model, single proportion and means and pooled 2-year recurrence-free survival rates with hazard rates and 95% CI were calculated. Results Seven studies were included, comprising 331 males with stage II seminomas. In the pooled analysis, the recurrence rate was 17.69% (95% CI 12.31-24.75), and the 2-year RFS rate was 81% (95% CI 0.77-0.86). The complication rate was 9.16% (95% CI 6.16-13.42), the Clavien-Dindo > 2 complication rate was 8.83% (95% CI 5.76-13.31), and the retrograde ejaculation rate was 7.01% (95% CI 3.54-13.40). The median operative time was 174.68 min (95% CI 122.17-249.76 min), median blood loss was 105.91 mL (95% CI 46.89-239.22 mL), and patients with no evidence of lymph node involvement ranged from 0-16%. Conclusions Primary RPLNDs for treating stage IIA/B seminomas have favorable RFS rates, with low complication and recurrence rates. These findings provide evidence that this surgery is a viable alternative therapy for these patients.

Int. braz. j. urol ; 50(3): 237-249, May-June 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558070


ABSTRACT Purpose: To compare biochemical recurrence, sexual potency and urinary continence outcomes of ablative therapy and radical treatment (radical prostatectomy or radiotherapy with androgen deprivation therapy). Material and methods: A systematic review and meta-analysis followed the PRISMA guidelines were performed. We searched MEDLINE/PubMed. Biochemical recurrence at three and five years; incontinence rate (patients who used one pad or more) and erectile dysfunction rate at 12 and 36 months (patients who did not have sufficient erection to achieve sexual intercourse) were evaluated. The Mantel-Haenszel method was applied to estimate the pooled risk difference (RD) in the individual studies for categorical variables. All results were presented as 95% confidence intervals (95%CI). Random effects models were used regardless of the level of heterogeneity (I²). (PROSPERO CRD42022296998). Results: Eight studies comprising 2,677 men with prostate cancer were included. There was no difference in biochemical recurrence between ablative and radical treatments. We observed the same biochemical recurrence between ablative therapy and radical treatment within five years (19.3% vs. 16.8%, respectively; RD 0.07; 95%CI=-0.05, 0.19; I2=68.2%; P=0.08) and continence rate at 12 months (9.2% vs. 31.8%, respectively; RD −0.13; 95%CI, −0.27, 0.01; I2=89%; P=0.32). When focal treatment was analyzed alone, two studies with 582 patients found higher erectile function at 12 months in the ablative therapy group than in the radical treatment (88.9% vs. 30.8%, respectively; RD −0.45; 95%CI −0.84, −0.05; I2=93%; P=0.03). Conclusion: Biochemical recurrence and urinary continence outcomes of ablative therapy and radical treatment were similar. Ablative therapy appears to have a high rate of sexual potency.

Int. braz. j. urol ; 50(3): 250-260, May-June 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558071


ABSTRACT Background: Success rates in endourological procedures, notably percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL) and ureteroscopy (URS), have demonstrated suboptimal outcomes, leading to more reinterventions and radiation exposure. Recently, the use of intraoperative computed tomography (ICT) scans has been hypothesized as a promising solution for improving outcomes in endourology procedures. With this considered, we conducted a comprehensive systematic review and meta-analysis encompassing all available studies that evaluate the impact of the use of intraoperative CT scans on surgical outcomes compared to conventional fluoroscopic-guided procedures. Methods: This systematic review was conducted in accordance with PRISMA guidelines. Multiple databases were systematically searched up to December of 2023. This study aimed to directly compare the use of an ICT scan with the standard non-ICT-guided procedure. The primary endpoint of interest was success rate, and the secondary endpoints were complications and reintervention rates, while radiation exposure was also evaluated. Data extraction and quality assessment were performed following Cochrane recommendations. Data was presented as an Odds ratio with 95%CI across trials and a random-effects model was selected for pooling of data. Results: A comprehensive search yielded 533 studies, resulting in the selection of 3 cohorts including 327 patients (103 ICT vs 224 in non-ICT). Primary outcome was significantly higher in the experimental group versus the control group (84.5% vs 41.4% respectively, 307 patients; 95% CI [3.61, 12.72]; p<0.00001; I2=0). Reintervention rates also decreased from 32.6% in the control to 12.6% in the ICT group (OR 0.34; 95%CI [0.12,0.94]; p =0.04; I2= 48%), whereas complication rates did not exhibit significant differences. Radiation exposure was also significantly reduced in two of the included studies. Conclusion: This meta-analysis highlights a favorable outcome with intraoperative CT scan use in PCNL procedures, showing a considerable increase in SFR when compared to standard fluoroscopy and nephroscopy. Despite limited studies, our synthesis underscores the potential of ICT scans to significantly reduce residual stones and their consequences for endourology patients, as reinterventions and follow-up ionizing radiation studies.

J. pediatr. (Rio J.) ; 100(3): 231-241, May-June 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558321


Abstract Objective: Emergence delirium is a common complication in children. Recorded mother's voice, as a non-pharmacological measure, is increasingly used to prevent the emergence of delirium in pediatric patients, but sufficient evidence is still needed to prove its efficacy. Methods: Embase, PubMed, Cochrane Library, Web of Science, CINAHL, and Sinomed databases were searched for randomized controlled trials exploring the efficacy of recorded mother's voice in preventing the emergence of delirium in pediatric patients undergoing general anesthesia. The original data were pooled for the meta-analysis with Review Manager 5.4.1. This study was conducted based on the Cochrane Review Methods. Results: Eight studies with 724 children were included in the analysis. Recorded mother's voice reduced the incidence of emergence delirium when compared with either no voice (RR: 0.45; [95 % CI, 0.34 - 0.61]; p < 0.01; I2 = 7 %) or stranger's voice (RR: 0.51; [95 % CI, 0.28 - 0.91]; p = 0.02; I2 = 38 %) without increasing other untoward reactions. In addition, it shortened the post-anesthesia care unit stay time when compared with no voice (MD = -5.64; [95 % CI, -8.43 to -2.58]; p < 0.01, I2 = 0 %), but not stranger's voice (MD = -1.23; [95 % CI, -3.08 to 0.63]; p = 0.19, I2 = 0 %). It also shortened the extubation time and reduced the incidence of postoperative rescue analgesia. Conclusion: The current analysis indicated that recorded mother's voices could reduce the incidence of emergency delirium, shorten post-anesthesia care unit stay time and extubation time, and decrease the incidence of postoperative rescue analgesia in children.

RECIIS (Online) ; 18(2)abr.-jun. 2024.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Coleciona SUS | ID: biblio-1561332


Este artigo se baseia em um estudo feito com o objetivo de analisar indicadores sobre a testagem da sífilis na gestação no Programa de Qualificação das Ações de Vigilância em Saúde (PQAVS) e no Programa Previne Brasil no estado da Paraíba, e também de levantar aspectos do tratamento terapêutico para sífilis gestacional. Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva-exploratória, na qual foram sistematizados dados do indicador 11, testes por gestantes, do PQAVS e do indicador de desempenho da Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS), com base na proporção de gestantes que realizaram exames de sífilis e HIV durante o pré-natal em 2020; também foi feita a sistematização do webquestionário direcionado a profissionais da APS (médicos/enfermeiros) e autoaplicado sobre a atuação e tratamento terapêutico para sífilis gestacional. Dos 223 municípios da Paraíba, apenas 12% atingiram a meta do PQAVS e 39% a do Previne Brasil em 2020. Em relação ao webquestionário, houve a participação de 142 profissionais, dos quais 85% realizam o tratamento terapêutico preconizado pelo Ministério da Saúde para a APS. Desse modo, deve ser ressaltada a importância da ampliação da oferta de testes para sífilis, dos insumos para o tratamento adequado e da qualificação dos profissionais e da informação em saúde.

This article is based on a study to analyze indicators on syphilis testing during pregnancy in the PQAVS - Programa de Qualificação das Ações de Vigilância em Saúde (Health Surveillance Actions Qualification Programme) and in the Programa Previne Brasil (Previne Brasil Programme) in the state of Paraíba, Brazil, and also to survey aspects of the therapeutic management for gestational syphilis. It is a descriptive-exploratory research, in which data from indicator 11, tests for pregnant women, from the PQAVS and from the Primary Health Care (PHC) performance indicator, based on the proportion of pregnant women with syphilis and HIV tests during prenatal care in 2020 were systematised; in addition to this systematization, a self-administered webquestionnaire on the performance and therapeutic management for gestational syphilis by professionals (doctors/nurses) from the PHC was also systematised. Taking into account the 223 municipalities in Paraíba, only 12% reached the PQAVS goal and 39% reached the Previne Brasil goal in 2020. Regarding the webquestionnaire, 85% of the 142 professionals who answered it, carry out the therapeutic management recommended by the Ministry of Health for the PHC. Thus, it is fundamental to emphasise the importance of expanding the supply of tests for syphilis, supplies for adequate treatment, and the qualification of health professionals and information.

El presente artículo se basa en un estudio efectuado con el objetivo de analizar indicadores sobre la prueba de sífilis durante el embarazo en el PQAVS - Programa de Qualificação das Ações de Vigilância em Saúde (Programa de Calificación para Acciones de Vigilancia en Salud) y en el Programa Previne Brasil en el estado de Paraíba, Brasil, y de resaltar aspectos del tratamiento terapéutico de la sífilis gestacional. Se trata de una investigación descriptiva-exploratoria, en la que se sistematizaron datos del indicador 11, pruebas realizadas por embarazadas, del PQAVS y del indicador de desempeño de la Atención Primaria de Salud (APS), a partir de la proporción de gestantes que se sometieron a pruebas de sífilis y de HIV durante la atención prenatal en 2020; también se sistematizóel cuestionario web dirigido a profesionales de la APS (médicos/enfermeros) y autoadministrado sobre el desempeño y el tratamiento terapéutico de la sífilis gestacional. De los 223 municipios de Paraíba, apenas 12% alcanzaron la meta del PQAVS y 39% lograron la meta del Previne Brasil en 2020. En relación al cuestionario web, participaron 142 profesionales, de los cuales 85% realizan el tratamiento terapéutico recomendado por el Ministerio de Salud para la APS. Así, es fundamental la importancia de ampliar la oferta de pruebas para la sífilis, de los medicamentos para el tratamiento adecuado, la calificación de los profesionales e la información relacionada a la salud.

Cuidado Pré-Natal , Atenção Primária à Saúde , Sífilis Congênita , Treponema pallidum , Sífilis , Gravidez de Alto Risco , Prevenção de Doenças , Saúde Materna , Diagnóstico Pré-Natal , Planos e Programas de Saúde , HIV , Colaboração Intersetorial
Arq. bras. cardiol ; 121(7): e20230738, jun.2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1563932


Resumo Fundamento Os antagonistas da vitamina K (AVKs) são o tratamento de primeira linha recomendado para trombo ventricular esquerdo (TVE); entretanto, os anticoagulantes orais diretos (AODs) têm sido considerados uma terapia alternativa. Objetivos Avaliar a eficácia e a segurança dos AODs em comparação com a terapia com AVKs em pacientes com TVE. Métodos PubMed, Embase e Cochrane foram sistematicamente pesquisados em busca de ensaios clínicos randomizados ou estudos de coorte que comparassem AODs versus AVKs para TVE. As razões de risco (RR) foram calculadas para desfechos binários, com intervalos de confiança (IC) de 95%. A significância estatística foi definida como valor de p < 0,05. Resultados Foram incluídos um total de 4 ensaios clínicos randomizados e 29 estudos de coorte, com 4.450 pacientes designados para AODs ou AVKs. Não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos para acidente vascular cerebral ou eventos embólicos sistêmicos (AVC/EES) (RR 0,84; IC 95% 0,65 a 1,07; p = 0,157), acidente vascular cerebral (RR 0,73; IC 95% 0,48 a 1,11; p = 0,140), eventos embólicos sistêmicos (EES) (RR 0,69; IC 95% 0,40 a 1,17; p = 0,166), resolução do trombo (RR 1,05; IC 95% 0,99 a 1,11; p = 0,077), qualquer sangramento (RR 0,78; IC 95% 0,60 a 1,00; p = 0,054), sangramento clinicamente relevante (RR 0,69; IC 95% 0,46 a 1,03; p = 0,066), sangramento menor (RR 0,73; IC 95% 0,43 a 1,23; p = 0,234), sangramento maior (RR 0,87; IC 95% 0,42 a 1,80; p = 0,705) e mortalidade por todas as causas (RR 1,05; IC 95% 0,79 a 1,39; p = 0,752). Em comparação com AVKs, a rivaroxabana reduziu significativamente AVC/EES (RR 0,35; IC 95% 0,16 a 0,91; p = 0,029) e EES (RR 0,39; IC 95% 0,16 a 0,95; p = 0,037). Conclusões Os AODs tiveram uma taxa semelhante de eventos tromboembólicos e hemorrágicos, bem como de resolução do trombo, em comparação com os AVKs no tratamento de TVE. A terapia com rivaroxabana teve uma redução significativa nos eventos tromboembólicos, em comparação com os AVKs.

Abstract Background Vitamin K antagonists (VKAs) are the recommended first-line treatment for left ventricular thrombus (LVT); however, direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) have been considered an alternative therapy. Objectives To evaluate the efficacy and safety of DOACs compared with VKAs therapy in patients with LVT. Methods PubMed, Embase, and Cochrane were systematically searched for randomized clinical trials or cohort studies that compared DOACs versus VKAs for LVT. Risk ratios (RRs) were computed for binary endpoints, with 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs). Statistical significance was defined as p value < 0.05. Results A total of 4 randomized clinical trials and 29 cohort studies were included, with 4,450 patients assigned to either DOACs or VKAs. There was no significant difference between groups for stroke or systemic embolic (SSE) events (RR 0.84; 95% CI 0.65 to 1.07; p = 0.157), stroke (RR 0.73; 95% CI 0.48 to 1.11; p = 0.140), systemic embolic (SE) events (RR 0.69; 95% CI 0.40 to 1.17; p = 0.166), thrombus resolution (RR 1.05; 95% CI 0.99 to 1.11; p = 0.077), any bleeding (RR 0.78; 95% CI 0.60 to 1.00; p = 0.054), clinically relevant bleeding (RR 0.69; 95% CI 0.46 to 1.03; p = 0.066), minor bleeding (RR 0.73; 95% CI 0.43 to 1.23; p = 0.234), major bleeding (RR 0.87; 95% CI 0.42 to 1.80; p = 0.705), and all-cause mortality (RR 1.05; 95% CI 0.79 to 1.39; p = 0.752). Compared with VKAs, rivaroxaban significantly reduced SSE events (RR 0.35; 95% CI 0.16 to 0.91; p = 0.029) and SE events (RR 0.39; 95% CI 0.16 to 0.95; p = 0.037). Conclusions DOACs had a similar rate of thromboembolic and hemorrhagic events, as well as thrombus resolution, compared to VKAs in the treatment of LVTs. Rivaroxaban therapy had a significant reduction in thromboembolic events, compared to VKAs.

Odontol. vital ; (40): 42-51, ene.-jun. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1564845


RESUMEN Introducción: Diversos autores mencionan que una correcta planificación de una dentadura parcial removible incrementa la satisfacción de los pacientes, en cuanto a estética y función. En casos donde la estética es prioritaria, se plantea un diseño sin retenedores visibles. En estos casos, la elaboración de la dentadura no demanda mayores costos, basta con establecer el diagnóstico correspondiente valorando los pilares, eje de inserción, áreas retentivas entre otros y establecer el diseño más conveniente según sea el caso. Objetivo: El objetivo fue realizar una revisión sistematizada sobre la percepción de la calidad de vida y satisfacción en pacientes portadores de dentaduras parciales removibles. Materiales y métodos: Se incluyeron 13 artículos científicos mediante la metodología PRISMA para la identificación, revisión e inclusión de los textos que formaron parte del estudio. Se seleccionaron tomando en cuenta el título, resumen y objetivo. Fueron considerados: revisiones sistemáticas, metaanálisis, estudios comparativos y revisiones de literatura que evaluaran diferentes criterios acerca de la satisfacción en pacientes portadores de dentadura parcial removible. Los artículos fueron leídos íntegramente, se analizaron objetivos, metodología y conclusión de cada uno de ellos, y posteriormente fueron analizados. Resultados: La queja más común fue el resultado estético, seguida del dolor durante la masticación. Se recomienda ofrecer un control periódico de la prótesis parcial removible para evaluar el correcto funcionamiento y ajuste de esta. Conclusión: El éxito del tratamiento con dentaduras parciales removibles se puede optimizar mediante el diagnóstico preciso del caso, considerando experiencias previas del paciente y teniendo en cuenta sus expectativas. Asimismo, comprender ciertos factores como su estilo de vida, nivel socioeconómico, estado de salud periodontal, personalidad, puede disminuir el riesgo de fracaso futuro del tratamiento con dentaduras parciales removibles.

ABSTRACT Introduction : Various authors mention that correct planning of a removable partial denture can offer adequate satisfaction in terms of aesthetics and function. In cases where aesthetics is a priority, a design without visible clasps is proposed. In addition, this elaboration does not demand higher costs, if the practitioner reaches the corresponding diagnosis and establishes the most convenient design for each specific case. Objective: The objective was to carry out a systematic review on the perception of quality of life and satisfaction in patients with removable partial dentures. Materials and methods: Thirteen scientific articles were included using the PRISMA methodology for the identification, review and inclusion of the texts that were part of this study. The articles were selected considering the title, abstract and objective. Systematic reviews, meta-analyses, comparative studies, and literature reviews that included criteria about satisfaction in patients with removable partial dentures where evaluated. The articles were read in their entirety: the objectives, methodology and conclusions of each one of them were analyzed. Results: The most common complaint was the aesthetic result, followed by pain during chewing. It is recommended to offer periodic control of the removable partial denture to evaluate its correct functioning and fit. Conclusion: The success of the treatment with removable partial dentures can be evaluated through the precise diagnosis of the case, considering previous experiences and taking into account the expectations of the patient. Also, understanding the patient's lifestyle, socioeconomic level, periodontal health status, and personality, may be factors that allow the practitioner to reduce the risk of future failure for the treatment with removable partial dentures.

Humanos , Qualidade de Vida , Prótese Parcial Removível/psicologia , Prótese Dentária/psicologia
Odontol. vital ; (40): 5-17, ene.-jun. 2024. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1564843


RESUMEN Introducción: A lo largo de los años se ha propuesto una notable variedad de protocolos quirúrgicos periodontales, cuyo enfoque pasó de la simple resolución de defectos de tejidos blandos a la realización de procedimientos predecibles y mínimamente invasivos. Inicialmente se usaba el injerto gingival libre. Posteriormente se han probado diversas técnicas, incluidas aquellas con sustitutos de tejidos blandos, como membranas tipo Alloderm. Hoy en día se considera el gold standard el injerto de tejido conectivo subepitelial asociado al colgajo de avance coronal. Por último, se ha examinado la técnica Pinhole, con mayor preservación de tejido y resultado más estético. Objetivos: El objetivo de esta revisión fue la comparación de técnicas actualizadas para el tratamiento de recesiones múltiples en maxilar superior e inferior. El resultado del procedimiento se evaluó en términos de cobertura radicular completa, reducción de la recesión, ganancia en altura y volumen, resultado estético, dolor postoperatorio y morbilidad del lecho donante y receptor del paciente. Material y métodos: Se realizaron búsquedas electrónicas y manuales para recopilar estudios de boca dividida, ensayos clínicos controlados aleatorios, series de casos, estudios piloto, libros de periodoncia, estudios de casos, revisiones sistemáticas y metanálisis, incluyendo los defectos de recesiónes gingivales múltiples, en maxilar y mandibular, de las cuatro clases de Miller, debido a su extensa evidencia. Resultados: Se incluyeron treinta y cuatro publicaciones y se extrajeron datos sobre el resultado de las técnicas quirúrgicas de dieciocho artículos. La evaluación clínica analizó la cantidad de cobertura radicular completa, la reducción de la recesión y la ganancia de altura y volumen, mientras que la perspectiva del paciente se expresó en términos de satisfacción estética y posibles complicaciones postoperatorias. Los procedimientos de los últimos diez años mostraron mejores resultados en todos los factores mencionados anteriormente. Conclusión: La predictibilidad y la estabilidad del tratamiento a largo plazo representan los factores que guían el proceso de elección de la técnica y que añaden valor a los procedimientos más actualizados. Se observaron progresos tanto a nivel estético, al reducir las discrepancias entre el área intervenida y el tejido circundante, como a nivel postoperatorio, al aminorar las molestias del paciente. Los desafíos propios de esta rama pronto podrían encontrar respuesta gracias a su rápida evolución, la cual permite concebir más avances.

ABSTRACT Background: Along the years, a remarkable variety of periodontal surgical protocols has been proposed, the focus of which has shifted from the mere resolution of a soft tissue defect to the performance of predictable and minimally invasive procedures. Initially, the free gingival graft was used. Subsequently, many different techniques were experimented, including those using soft tissue substitutes, such as the Alloderm membrane. Nowadays, the association of the connective tissue graft with the coronally advanced flap is considered the gold standard. Finally, the Pinhole technique, being a more conservative method in terms of tissue preservation and aesthetic outcome, was proposed. Objectives: The aim of this review was the comparison of the updated techniques for the treatment of multiple periodontal recessions, affecting both maxilla and mandible. The procedure outcome was assessed in terms of complete root coverage, recession reduction, gain in height and volume, aesthetic outcome, patient's post-operative pain and morbidity of donor and recipient sites. Material and methods: Electronic and hand searches were performed to collect split- mouth studies, randomized controlled clinical trials, case series, pilot studies, periodontal books, case studies, systematic reviews and meta-analysis, including maxillary and mandibular multiple gingival recession defects of all four Miller's classes, for its extensive evidence. Results: Thirty-four publications were included and data regarding the surgical techniques outcome were extracted from eighteen articles. The clinical evaluation analyzed the amount of complete root coverage, recession reduction and gain in height and volume, while the patient's perspective was expressed in terms of aesthetic satisfaction and possible postoperative complications. Procedures in the last ten years showed better results in all the above-mentioned factors. Conclusion: Procedural predictability and long-lasting treatment stability embody the factors driving the technique election process and adding value to more updated procedures. Progress was observed both at an aesthetic level, by reducing the discrepancias between the surgical region and the surrounding tissue, and at a postoperative level, by reducing patient discomfort. The challenges inherent to this branch could soon find answers thanks to its prompt evolution, which allows for further advances to be conceived.

Humanos , Retração Gengival/terapia , Mandíbula , Doenças Periodontais , Transplante de Tecidos
Arq. bras. cardiol ; 121(7): e20230856, jun.2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568805


Resumo Fundamento A fibrilação atrial (FA) é uma complicação prevalente associada à levosimendana; no entanto, permanece incerto se existem disparidades nos efeitos da levosimendana na FA não pós-operatória e pós-operatória. Objetivos Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da levosimendana na FA não pós-operatória e pós-operatória conduzindo uma metanálise de ensaios clínicos randomizados (ECR). Métodos PubMed, Embase, Biblioteca Cochrane e outras bases de dados foram pesquisadas. Pares de revisores identificaram ECRs que compararam levosimendana e placebo ou outras terapias, e os resultados relataram dados de eventos de FA. Foram utilizados modelos de efeitos aleatórios (com nível de significância de 5%). Resultados Foram incluídos 29 ensaios elegíveis compreendendo 6.550 participantes, onze dos quais avaliaram a incidência de FA não pós-operatória e 18 incluíram FA pós-operatória. A análise revelou que a levosimendana elevou significativamente o risco de FA no grupo não pós-operatório (OR, 1,62; IC 95%: 1,19-2,20; p=0,002) e reduziu a incidência de FA no grupo pós-operatório (OR, 0,65; IC 95%: 0,44-0,96; p=0,03). A ocorrência de FA diminuiu mais significativamente em pacientes que usaram levosimendana após cirurgia cardíaca (OR, 0,53; IC 95%: 0,32-0,88; p=0,02) do que em pacientes que usaram levosimendana antes da cirurgia cardíaca (OR, 0,67; IC 95%: 0,42-1,06; p=0,09). O risco de FA foi significativamente elevado pela grande dose em bolus de levosimendana (dose em bolus ≥12 μg/kg) (OR, 1,44; IC 95%: 1,10-1,88; p=0,004) e diminuído pela pequena dose em bolus de levosimendana (dose em bolus <12 μg/kg) (OR, 0,64; IC 95%: 0,34-1,20; p=0,16). Conclusão A levosimendana foi associada a um aumento da incidência de FA não pós-operatória. O emprego da levosimendana foi eficaz na prevenção da FA pós-operatória.

Abstract Background Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a prevalent complication associated with levosimendan; however, it remains uncertain whether there are any disparities in the effects of levosimendan on non-postoperative and postoperative AF. Objectives This study aimed to evaluate the levosimendan effect on non-postoperative and postoperative AF by conducting a meta-analysis of randomized control trials (RCTs). Methods PubMed, Embase, Cochrane Library, and other databases were searched. Pairs of reviewers identified RCTs that compared levosimendan and placebo or other therapies, and the results reported AF events data. Random effects models were used (at a significance level of 5%). Results Twenty-nine eligible trials comprising 6550 participants were included, eleven of which evaluated the non-postoperative AF incidence, and 18 included postoperative AF. The analysis revealed that levosimendan elevated the AF risk significantly in the non-postoperative group (OR, 1.62; 95% CI: 1.19-2.20; p=0.002) and reduced the AF incidence in the postoperative group (OR, 0.65; 95% CI: 0.44-0.96; p=0.03). AF occurrence decreased more significantly in patients who used levosimendan after cardiac surgery (OR, 0.53; 95% CI: 0.32-0.88; p=0.02) than in patients who used levosimendan before cardiac surgery (OR, 0.67; 95% CI: 0.42-1.06; p=0.09). Moreover, The AF risk was significantly elevated by levosimendan large bolus dose (bolus dose≥12 μg/kg) (OR, 1.44; 95% CI: 1.10-1.88; p=0.004) and decreased by small bolus dose of levosimendan (bolus dose<12 μg/kg) (OR, 0.64; 95% CI: 0.34-1.20; p=0.16). Conclusion Levosimendan was linked to an increased non-postoperative AF incidence. The employment of levosimendan was effective in preventing postoperative AF.

Rev. bras. ortop ; 59(3): 358-363, May-June 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569768


Abstract Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis is considered the most severe and common spinal deformity, affecting children and adolescents still in the neuropsychomotor development phase before they reach skeletal maturity. This study aimed to evaluate the surgical approach to adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS), considering the results associated with the reduction of pathological curvature, pulmonary function, and repercussions on the quality of life of adolescents undergoing such treatment. Systematic literature review, with a quantitative and qualitative approach to the data collected, structured according to the guidelines of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA), carried out in the databases linked to the Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE) and Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature (LILACS). The total sample of the studies was 638 adolescents with AIS, with a mean age of 14.93 years ± 1.24. The mean correction of the main pathological curvature in the studies was 55.06% ± 12.24. In all of the selected studies using posterior spinal fusion to correct AIS, there was a significant reduction in pathological curvatures (> 49%), and the recurrence of curvature in none of the studies exceeded a pathological gain of more than 5%. As for lung function, the studies showed significant increases in forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) and forced vital capacity (FVC) in patients with severe AIS, and no pulmonary function losses were reported after surgery to correct AIS.

Resumo A escoliose idiopática do adolescente (EIA) é considerada a deformidade vertebral de maior gravidade e ocorrência, que acomete crianças e adolescentes ainda na fase de desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor, antes de atingirem a maturidade esquelética. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a abordagem cirúrgica da EIA, considerando resultados associados à redução de curvatura patológica, função pulmonar e repercussões na qualidade de vida dos adolescentes submetidos a tal tratamento. Revisão Sistemática de literatura, com abordagem quanti-qualitativa dos dados coletados, cuja estruturação se deu conforme as orientações de Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) realizada nas bases de dados vinculadas à Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE) e Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS). A amostra total dos estudos foi de 638 adolescentes com EIA, com uma idade média de 14,93 anos ± 1,24. A correção média da curvatura patológica principal nos estudos foi de 55,06% ± 12,24. Em todos os estudos selecionados com fusão espinhal posterior para correção da EIA verificou-se redução significativa das curvaturas patológicas (> 49%), sendo que a reincidência de curvatura em nenhum dos estudos superou um ganho patológico superior a 5%. Quanto à função pulmonar, os estudos apontaram ganhos significativos de volume expiratório forçado em 1 segundo (VEF1) e capacidade vital forçada (CVF) em pacientes com EIA grave. Além disso, não foram relatados prejuízos de função pulmonar após intervenção cirúrgica para correção da EIA.

Rev. invest. clín ; 76(3): 159-169, May.-Jun. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569957


ABSTRACT Background: Immunomodulatory drugs and immunotherapies are being evaluated in clinical trials for the treatment of neuroinflammation, as the latter is an essential mechanism for the development and progression of Parkinson´s disease. Objective: The objective of the study is to review recent evidence on the evaluation of immunomodulators in randomized controlled clinical trials measuring improvement of motor symptoms. Methods: A meta-analysis of Movement Disorder Society-Unified Parkinson´s disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS III) scores extracted from seven articles selected after an online search of PubMed, Cochrane Library, and Clarivate's Web of Science for randomized controlled clinical trials published between 2000 and July 2023 was performed. The selected articles reported clinical trials evaluating the effects of specific immunomodulators or treatments with known effects on the immune system and inflammation. MDS-UPDRS III scores were reported in these studies, and the results of the placebo groups were compared with those of the treatment groups. Results: A total of 590 patients treated with immunomodulators and 622 patients treated with placebo were included. A test for heterogeneity yielded an I2 value > 50%. The mean standard difference for change in MDS-UPDR III score was −0.46 (CI [95%] = −0.90 - −0.02, p < 0.01). No significant differences were found in the change in mean MDS-UPDR III score between the treatment and placebo groups; however, two studies showed a trend toward separation from the mean. Conclusion: The immunomodulatory treatments included in this study showed no efficacy in improving motor symptoms in Parkinson´s disease patients. Further clinical trials with larger patient populations are needed.

Rev. cient. salud UNITEPC ; 11(1): 37-48, jun. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1567248


Objetivo: este estudio pretende realizar una comparación de la eficacia y los posibles efectos adversos asociados al uso de Miltefosina y Glucantime para el tratamiento de la leishmaniasis cutánea (LC) en niños. Método: se realizó una revisión sistemática de ensayos clínicos y estudios de cohortes, que evaluaran tratamientos de la LC en niños (≤12 años). Se efectuaron búsquedas estructuradas en PubMed, EMBASE, Cochrane, LILACS, Web of Science y SciELO. No se aplicaron restricciones en cuanto a etnia, país, sexo o año de publicación. Los idiomas se limitaron a inglés, español y portugués. Dos revisores independientes revisaron los artículos, extrajeron los datos y evaluaron el riesgo de sesgo. Se realizó un resumen cuantitativo de los estudios incluidos. Resultados: encontramos un total de 747 registros, que incluían 3 ensayos clínicos aleatorizados (ECA) y 1 estudio no aleatorizado. La mayoría de los artículos excluidos en la revisión de texto completo no informaban de los resultados por separado para los niños. En la LC americana (LCA), 4 estudios evaluaron la Miltefosina y el Glucantime. Su eficacia varió del 55,8 al 82,7 % y del 55 al 68,9 %, respectivamente. Conclusiones: en esta revisión sistémica y metaanálisis encontramos que la Miltefosina es mejor opción de tratamiento sistémico para CL en términos de curación clínica y menor efecto adverso al Glucantime administrado de forma sistémica, sin embargo, estas diferencias no fueron significativas.

Objective: this study aims to perform a comparison of the efficacy and potential adverse effects associated with the use of Miltefosine and Glucantime for the treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) in children. Method: a systematic review of clinical trials and cohort studies evaluating treatments for CL in children (≤12 years) was conducted. Structured searches were performed in PubMed, EMBASE, Cochrane, LILACS, Web of Science, and SciELO. No restrictions were applied regarding ethnicity, country, gender, or year of publication. Languages were limited to English, Spanish, and Portuguese. Two independent reviewers screened articles, extracted data, and assessed the risk of bias. A quantitative summary of included studies was performed. Results: a total of 747 records were found, including 3 randomized clinical trials (RCTs) and 1 non-randomized study. Most articles excluded in the full-text review did not report results separately for children. In American CL (ACL), 4 studies evaluated Miltefosine and Glucantime. Their efficacy ranged from 55.8 to 82.7 % and from 55 to 68.9 %, respectively. Conclusions: in this systematic review and meta-analysis, we found that Miltefosine is a better systemic treatment option for CL in terms of clinical cure and fewer adverse effects compared to Glucantime administered systemically; however, these differences were not significant.

Objetivo: este estudo tem como objetivo realizar uma comparação da eficácia e dos possíveis efeitos adversos associados ao uso de Miltefosina e Glucantime para o tratamento da leishmaniose cutânea (LC) em crianças. Método: foi realizado uma revisão sistemática de ensaios clínicos e estudos de coorte que avaliaram tratamentos para LC em crianças (≤12 anos). Foram realizadas buscas estruturadas no PubMed, EMBASE, Cochrane, LILACS, Web of Science e SciELO. Não houve restrições quanto à etnia, país, sexo ou ano de publicação. Os idiomas foram limitados a inglês, espanhol e português. Dois revisores independentes revisaram os artigos, extraíram os dados e avaliaram o risco de viés. Foi feito um resumo quantitativo dos estudos incluídos. Resultados: encontramos um total de 747 registros, incluindo 3 ensaios clínicos randomizados (ECR) e 1 estudo não randomizado. A maioria dos artigos excluídos na revisão em texto completo não relatava resultados separados para crianças. Na LC americana (LCA), 4 estudos avaliaram Miltefosina e Glucantime. Sua eficácia variou de 55,8% a 82,7% e de 55% a 68,9%, respectivamente. Conclusões: nesta revisão sistemática e meta-análise, encontramos que a Miltefosina é uma melhor opção de tratamento sistêmico para LC em termos de cura clínica e menos efeitos adversos em comparação com o Glucantime administrado de forma sistêmica; no entanto, essas diferenças não foram significativas.

Odontol. sanmarquina (Impr.) ; 27(2): e27527, abr.-jun. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566724


La deficiencia transversal del maxilar es una anomalía dentomaxilar capaz de producir problemas funcionales en la oclusión, respiración y estéticos. Su presentación clínica tradicional es la mordida cruzada posterior y una alteración en la relación transversal intermaxilar, la cual impide la correcta erupción de las piezas dentarias. Su manejo corresponde a la expansión rápida del maxilar, la cual puede ser asistida mediante mini-implantes (MARPE), cirugía (SARPE) o una combinación de ambas técnicas (MISMARPE). El objetivo del presente artículo es presentar un contraste entre las técnicas empleadas en la expansión rápida del maxilar, para simplificar la toma de decisiones clínicas. Se elaboró una revisión narrativa en las bases de datos PubMed, Scopus y Epistemonikos contemplando revisiones sistemáticas, metaanálisis, ensayos clínicos aleatorizados y estudios observacionales publicados entre el año 2013 a 2023. Un total de 23 artículos fueron incluidos, los cuales cumplían con los criterios de inclusión y exclusión establecidos. El manejo clínico de la deficiencia transversal del maxilar frecuentemente requiere un abordaje interdisciplinario combinando un enfoque ortopédico y quirúrgico. Según lo encontrado en la actual revisión, tanto el MARPE, SARPE y MISMARPE reportan indicaciones y limitaciones, así como complicaciones asociadas, sin embargo, serían efectivas en la resolución de deficiencias transversales. Se recomienda al clínico considerar dicha información de acuerdo a las necesidades particulares de cada caso clínico, así como profundizar y prolongar el estudio de nuevas técnicas para analizar su estabilidad a largo plazo en comparación a las otras corrientes terapéuticas.

The transverse deficiency of the maxilla is a dentomaxillary anomaly capable of producing functional problems in occlusion, respiration and esthetics. Its traditional clinical presentation is dental crowding, which obstructs the correct eruption of the teeth. Its management corresponds to rapid maxillary expansion, which can be assisted by means of mini-implants (MARPE), surgery (SARPE) or a combination of both techniques (MISMARPE). The objective of this article is to present a contrast between the techniques used in rapid maxillary expansion to simplify clinical decision making. A narrative review was performed in PubMed, Scopus and Epistemonikos databases, including systematic reviews, meta-analyses, randomized clinical trials and observational studies published between 2013 and 2023. A total of 23 articles were included, which met the established inclusion and exclusion criteria. The clinical management of transverse deficiency of the maxilla frequently requires an interdisciplinary management, combining an orthopedic and surgical approach. As found in the current review, all techniques; MARPE, SARPE and MISMARPE, report indications and limitations, as well as associated complications. It is recommended to deepen and prolong the study of new techniques in order to analyze their long-term stability in comparison to other therapeutic currents.

Odontol. vital ; jun. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564840


Introducción: Diversos autores mencionan que una correcta planificación de una dentadura parcial removible incrementa la satisfacción de los pacientes, en cuanto a estética y función. En casos donde la estética es prioritaria, se plantea un diseño sin retenedores visibles. En estos casos, la elaboración de la dentadura no demanda mayores costos, basta con establecer el diagnóstico correspondiente valorando los pilares, eje de inserción, áreas retentivas entre otros y establecer el diseño más conveniente según sea el caso. Objetivo: El objetivo fue realizar una revisión sistematizada sobre la percepción de la calidad de vida y satisfacción en pacientes portadores de dentaduras parciales removibles. Materiales y métodos: Se incluyeron 13 artículos científicos mediante la metodología PRISMA para la identificación, revisión e inclusión de los textos que formaron parte del estudio. Se seleccionaron tomando en cuenta el título, resumen y objetivo. Fueron considerados: revisiones sistemáticas, metaanálisis, estudios comparativos y revisiones de literatura que evaluaran diferentes criterios acerca de la satisfacción en pacientes portadores de dentadura parcial removible. Los artículos fueron leídos íntegramente, se analizaron objetivos, metodología y conclusión de cada uno de ellos, y posteriormente fueron analizados. Resultados: La queja más común fue el resultado estético, seguida del dolor durante la masticación. Se recomienda ofrecer un control periódico de la prótesis parcial removible para evaluar el correcto funcionamiento y ajuste de esta. Conclusión: El éxito del tratamiento con dentaduras parciales removibles se puede optimizar mediante el diagnóstico preciso del caso, considerando experiencias previas del paciente y teniendo en cuenta sus expectativas. Asimismo, comprender ciertos factores como su estilo de vida, nivel socioeconómico, estado de salud periodontal, personalidad, puede disminuir el riesgo de fracaso futuro del tratamiento con dentaduras parciales removibles.

Introduction : Various authors mention that correct planning of a removable partial denture can offer adequate satisfaction in terms of aesthetics and function. In cases where aesthetics is a priority, a design without visible clasps is proposed. In addition, this elaboration does not demand higher costs, if the practitioner reaches the corresponding diagnosis and establishes the most convenient design for each specific case. Objective: The objective was to carry out a systematic review on the perception of quality of life and satisfaction in patients with removable partial dentures. Materials and methods: Thirteen scientific articles were included using the PRISMA methodology for the identification, review and inclusion of the texts that were part of this study. The articles were selected considering the title, abstract and objective. Systematic reviews, meta-analyses, comparative studies, and literature reviews that included criteria about satisfaction in patients with removable partial dentures where evaluated. The articles were read in their entirety: the objectives, methodology and conclusions of each one of them were analyzed. Results: The most common complaint was the aesthetic result, followed by pain during chewing. It is recommended to offer periodic control of the removable partial denture to evaluate its correct functioning and fit. Conclusion: The success of the treatment with removable partial dentures can be evaluated through the precise diagnosis of the case, considering previous experiences and taking into account the expectations of the patient. Also, understanding the patient's lifestyle, socioeconomic level, periodontal health status, and personality, may be factors that allow the practitioner to reduce the risk of future failure for the treatment with removable partial dentures.

Humanos , Costa Rica