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Rev. Odontol. Araçatuba (Impr.) ; 45(2): 48-51, maio-ago. 2024. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1553297


INTRODUÇÃO: O manejo dos pacientes vítimas de PAF possui vertentes divergentes a respeito do tratamento cirúrgico, que pode ser realizado de forma imedata ou tardia. Em lesões auto-infligidas, a distância entre a arma e a região acometida é menor, causando consequências estéticas e funcionais mais devastadoras. Aliado ao fato desse tipo de trauma criar uma ferida suja devido à comunicação com a cavidade oral e seios paranasais, o manejo das lesões representam um desafio mesmo à cirurgiões experientes. OBJETIVO: Estre trabalho relata o manejo cirúrgico de uma ferida auto-infligida por arma de fogo que resultou em avulsão dos tecidos moles na região maxilofacial. DESCRIÇÃO DO CASO: Paciente do sexo masculino, 35 anos, vítima de projétil de arma de fogo auto-infligido em região maxilofacial, cursando com extenso ferimento em região de língua e mento. Clinicamente, o paciente não apresentava sinais de fratura em ossos da face. Ambos os ferimentos apresentavam secreção purulenta e o paciente manifestava disfonia devido a grande destruição tecidual. CONSIDERAÇÕES FINAIS: O tratamento de ferimentos por arma de fogo não só é um grande desafio para o cirurgião, como para toda a equipe multidisciplinar requerida para tais casos, visto que não há protocolos bem definidos para o tratamento dessas lesões(AU)

INTRODUCTION: The management of patients who are victims of FAP has divergent aspects regarding surgical treatment, which can be performed immediately or late. In self-inflicted injuries, the distance between the weapon and the affected region is smaller, causing more devastating aesthetic and functional consequences. Allied to the fact that this type of trauma creates a dirty wound due to the communication with the oral cavity and paranasal sinuses, the management of injuries represents a challenge even for experienced surgeons. OBJECTIVE: This paper reports the surgical management of a self-inflicted gunshot wound that resulted in soft tissue avulsion in the maxillofacial region. CASE DESCRIPTION: Male patient, 35 years old, victim of a self-inflicted firearm projectile in the maxillofacial region, coursing with extensive injury in the region of the tongue and chin. Clinically, the patient did not show signs of facial bone fractures. Both wounds had purulent secretion and the patient had dysphonia due to extensive tissue destruction. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: The treatment of gunshot wounds is not only a great challenge for the surgeon, but also for the entire multidisciplinary team required for such cases, since there are no well-defined protocols for the treatment of these injuries(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Língua/lesões , Infecção dos Ferimentos , Ferimentos por Arma de Fogo , Palato Duro/lesões , Ferimentos e Lesões , Ferimentos Penetrantes , Palato Duro , Equimose , Edema , Traumatismos Maxilofaciais
Aesthetic Plast Surg ; 48(11): 2076-2085, 2024 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38097691


BACKGROUND: Rhinoplasty is one of the most popular aesthetic plastic surgeries worldwide. The effects of tranexamic acid (TXA) in patients undergoing rhinoplasty are still being studied to guide a better management. METHODS: We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) analyzing the effects of TXA in patients undergoing rhinoplasty. The outcomes evaluated were blood loss, postoperative edema, postoperative ecchymosis, surgery duration and surgeon satisfaction. RESULTS: Eleven studies comprising 841 patients were included. Overall, TXA reduced total blood loss regardless of dose and administration route (MD = - 39.37 mL; 95% CI = - 62.70 to - 16.05 mL; p = 0.0009; I2 = 92%), using intravenous 10 mg/kg of TXA preoperatively (MD = - 16.30 mL; 95% CI = - 29.49 to - 2.57 mL; p = 0.02; I2 = 61%) and using 1 g of oral TXA preoperatively (MD = - 61.70 mL; 95% CI = - 83.02 to - 40.39 mL; p < 0.00001; I2 = 0%). TXA also decreased edema (MD = - 0.78; 95% CI = - 1.28 to - 0.27 points; p = 0.003; I2 = 80%) and ecchymosis (MD = - 1.13; 95% CI = - 1.99 to -0.28; p = 0.01; I2 = 93%) on postoperative day one (POD 1). Surgeon satisfaction was increased (SMD = 1.55; 95% CI = 0.33 to 2.77; p = 0.01; I2 = 95%). However, there was no difference in surgery duration (SMD = - 0.26; 95% CI = - 0.56 to 0.04; p = 0.09; I2 = 36%). CONCLUSION: This study found a significant reduction in blood loss, periorbital edema and periorbital ecchymosis, along with an improvement in surgeon satisfaction. These results hold the potential to optimize the rhinoplasty management by plastic surgeons. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE I: This journal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each article. For a full description of these Evidence-Based Medicine ratings, please refer to the Table of Contents or the online Instructions to Authors .

Antifibrinolíticos , Perda Sanguínea Cirúrgica , Ensaios Clínicos Controlados Aleatórios como Assunto , Rinoplastia , Ácido Tranexâmico , Adulto , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Antifibrinolíticos/uso terapêutico , Antifibrinolíticos/administração & dosagem , Perda Sanguínea Cirúrgica/prevenção & controle , Equimose/prevenção & controle , Equimose/etiologia , Rinoplastia/métodos , Rinoplastia/efeitos adversos , Medição de Risco , Ácido Tranexâmico/uso terapêutico , Ácido Tranexâmico/administração & dosagem , Resultado do Tratamento
Rev Assoc Med Bras (1992) ; 70(1): e20231002, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38126414


OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the postpartum hemorrhage, perineal integrity, and breastfeeding results of mothers who underwent oxytocin induction in the first stage of labor in the early postpartum period. METHODS: This single-center observational case-control study was conducted in the obstetric unit of a public hospital in Istanbul. The study sampling included 44 pregnant women who received oxytocin induction (case group) and 44 pregnant women who did not receive oxytocin (control group). The Personal Information Form, LATCH Breastfeeding Assessment Tool, Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale, Redness, Edema, Ecchymosis, Discharge, and Approximation Scale, and Postpartum Hemorrhage Collection Bag were used in data collection, and pad follow-up was carried out. RESULTS: The amount of hemorrhage in the first 24 h of the postpartum period and the mean Redness, Edema, Ecchymosis, Discharge, and Approximation Scale score were significantly higher in the case group. While 47.7% of the oxytocin-induced women had 1st or 2nd, and 11.4% had 3rd or 4th degrees of lacerations, 20.5% of the control group had 1st or 2nd, and 2.3% had 3rd or 4th degrees of lacerations. There was no significant difference between the mean scores of the Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale and LATCH Breastfeeding Assessment Tool in both groups. CONCLUSION: According to the study findings, it was determined that oxytocin induction administered in the first stage of labor increased hemorrhage and perineal trauma in the early postpartum period but did not affect the results of breastfeeding. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: NCT04441125.

Lacerações , Hemorragia Pós-Parto , Feminino , Gravidez , Humanos , Ocitocina/efeitos adversos , Hemorragia Pós-Parto/induzido quimicamente , Aleitamento Materno , Equimose , Estudos de Casos e Controles , Edema
Epidemiol Serv Saude ; 32(2): e2022258, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês, Português | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37729262


MAIN RESULTS: An outbreak of illness compatible with scurvy occurred among male prison inmates; most frequent signs/symptoms were edema and pain in lower limbs, difficulty in walking and hematoma/ecchymosis; the associated factor was age > 40 years. IMPLICATIONS FOR SERVICES: The results can contribute to the identification and description of scurvy outbreaks in other contexts and territories. Epidemiological studies of events like this enhance the practice of field epidemiology in health services. PERSPECTIVES: It is expected that the prevention of hypovitaminosis, such as scurvy, will be based on public policies aimed at the population deprived of liberty; and that the capabilities of health services to detect and respond to cases of the disease will be improved. OBJECTIVE: to identify the occurrence of an outbreak compatible with scurvy and exposure factors associated with typical signs/symptoms of hypovitaminosis that occurred in a male penitentiary in Ceará, Brazil between 2019-2020. METHODS: this was a population-based case-control study; we used clinical records and interviews with compatible cases - based on sign/symptom onset during the study period - and with controls; we carried out multivariate analysis. RESULTS: out of 62 cases, mean age was 40.6 years (SD = 10.8); main signs/symptoms were edema and pain in the lower limbs (100.0%), difficulty in walking (91.9%), hematoma/ecchymosis in the lower limbs (90.3%) and fever (88.7%); we identified being over 40 years old as an associated factor (aOR = 1.10; 95%CI 1.05;1.17; p-value = 0.001); and as protective factors: working (aOR = 0.11; 95%CI 0.03;0.36; p-value < 0.001) and taking part in classes (aOR = 0.21; 95%CI 0.08;0.59; p-value = 0.003) in the prison. CONCLUSION: we considered the penitentiary outbreak to be compatible with scurvy due to characteristic signs/symptoms, associated with the identified factors; we recommended regular provision of a diet rich in vitamin C to all male inmates and clinical follow-up of cases.

Escorbuto , Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Estudos de Casos e Controles , Escorbuto/epidemiologia , Brasil/epidemiologia , Prisões , Equimose , Surtos de Doenças , Hematoma , Dor
Braz J Otorhinolaryngol ; 88(1): 63-82, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32605829


INTRODUCTION: Edema and ecchymosis after facial plastic surgery are a troublesome concern for both patients and surgeons. Corticosteroid administration is thought to shorten the recovery period and reduce these sequelae. Data regarding the efficacy of corticosteroid administration remains controversial among surgeons. OBJECTIVE: We conducted this systematic review and meta-analysis to determine the effect of pre- and postoperative corticosteroids on postoperative complications in patients undergoing facial reconstructive surgery supported with different subgroup analysis. METHODS: A comprehensive literature search of articles was conducted in PubMed, Cochrane Central, SCOPUS, and EBSCO through October 2019. We included all clinical trials in which patients underwent any type of facial plastic surgery to study the effect of corticosteroids on postoperative complications. We performed subgroup analysis according to the types and doses of corticosteroid preparation, in addition to a subgroup analysis of pre- or postoperative corticosteroid usage. All statistical analysis was performed using the RevMan software. RESULTS: Nineteen studies were included in this systematic review, but only 10 of them were eligible for meta-analysis. The periorbital edema and ecchymosis scores were significantly reduced in the corticosteroids group compared to placebo -0.82, 95% CI (-1.37, -0.26), and -0.95, 95% CI (-1.32, -0.57), respectively. However, these significant differences were not maintained at day 3 and 7. Smaller doses of corticosteroid (8 mg and 10 mg) were associated with smaller differences in the mean score of upper and lower eyelid edema and ecchymosis, while the higher doses were associated with greater differences. Furthermore, preoperative corticosteroid usage significantly reduced the intraoperative bleeding when compared to placebo for higher doses > 50 mg per day (p < 0.0001), but not for 8 mg corticosteroid (p = 0.06). Adding postoperative steroid dose to the preoperative one was associated with less edema and ecchymosis than preoperative administration alone. CONCLUSION: This comprehensive meta-analysis confirms a statistically significant benefit of preoperative corticosteroids. Furthermore, continuing the steroids postoperatively is associated with long-term reduction of complications. Higher doses of corticosteroids are associated with a more significant reduction in edema and ecchymosis, but further studies are recommended to determine the postoperative side effects, including surgical site infection and delayed healing.

Rinoplastia , Cirurgia Plástica , Corticosteroides , Equimose/etiologia , Equimose/prevenção & controle , Edema/etiologia , Edema/prevenção & controle , Humanos , Complicações Pós-Operatórias/prevenção & controle
Rev. Círc. Argent. Odontol ; 79(230): 21-23, dic. 2021. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1358320


La PTI es una alteración hemorrágica de instalación súbdita, adquirida, que se manifiesta inicialmente con petequias, equimosis o hematomas en piel y mucosas, sangrado nasal y gingival, sin causa aparente. La mucosa bucal puede ser el sitio donde las lesiones se observen con frecuencia y por primera vez. Se reporta el caso de un paciente masculino de 28 años de edad, con manifestaciones clínicas de un cuadro purpúrico, se describen signos, síntomas, terapéutica y manejo estomatológico (AU)

PTI is a hemorrhagic alteration of sudden installation, acquired, which manifests initially with petechiae, esquimosis or bruises on skin and mucosae, nasal and gingival bleeding without apparent cause. Bucal mucosae can be the site where lesions are observed with frequency, and for the first time. The case of a male patient with 28 years of age with clinical manifestationsofpurpuric syndrome is reported, signs, symptoms, therapeutic and stomatological handling are described (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Hemorragia Gengival , Púrpura Trombocitopênica Idiopática , Mucosa Bucal/lesões , Sinais e Sintomas , Imunoglobulinas , Equimose , Rituximab , Glucocorticoides
Arq Bras Oftalmol ; 84(2): 183-185, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33787665


A 62-year-old woman was admitted to our clinic with the complaints of periorbital ecchymosis and subconjunctival hemorrhage that are visible, especially on the right eye. We noted that her complaints began the day after she underwent leech therapy on the glabella area for headache. On the glabella, 2 leech bites were observed close to the right side. Examination revealed ecchymosis on the bilateral eyelids and subconjunctival hemorrhage on the inferolateral and medial limbus on the right eye. No treatment was initiated, rather control measures were recommended. The follow-up after 1 month revealed that the patient's complaints had disappeared.

Doenças da Túnica Conjuntiva , Aplicação de Sanguessugas , Doenças da Túnica Conjuntiva/etiologia , Equimose/etiologia , Pálpebras , Feminino , Cefaleia , Humanos , Aplicação de Sanguessugas/efeitos adversos , Pessoa de Meia-Idade
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; Arq. neuropsiquiatr;78(9): 597-597, Sept. 2020. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1131756
Gac Med Mex ; 156(1): 67-77, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32026881


Acquired hemophilia (AH) is an autoimmune hemostatic disorder mediated by autoantibodies directed against factor VIII: C. In 52% of cases, the cause is unknown or is not associated with other pathological entities; in the rest, there are concomitant factors: lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, pregnancy, and medications. In Mexico, there is not a registry of AH, and awareness of the disease among health personnel is low. The groups with the highest incidence are women of childbearing age and individuals older than 70 years. It is characterized by severe bleeding, especially after trauma and normal childbirth or cesarean delivery, and large ecchymoses in the trunk and extremities. The suspicion is simple, it just takes for sudden, severe hemorrhage and a prolonged activated partial thromboplastin time that is not corrected with plasma to concur in an individual. Treatment involves achieving hemostasis and eradicating the antibody. The former is achieved with recombinant activated factor VII or activated prothrombin complex concentrate. Cyclophosphamide, prednisone or rituximab are used to eradicate the antibody. Most cases of AH are not diagnosed, which translates into a high mortality rate. Given that awareness about the disease among physicians is low, it is not suspected, neither diagnosed, and nor is it treated. This document reviews the most recent data on AH and expands on its diagnosis and treatment.

La hemofilia adquirida (HA) es un trastorno hemostático autoinmune ocasionado por autoanticuerpos dirigidos contra el factor VIII: C. En 52 % de los casos, la causa se desconoce o no se asocia con otra entidad patológica; en el resto, existen factores concomitantes: lupus, artritis reumatoide, cáncer, embarazo y medicamentos. En México no existe registro ni conciencia de la enfermedad entre el personal de salud. Los grupos de mayor incidencia son las mujeres en edad reproductiva y los individuos mayores de 70 años. Se caracteriza por hemorragia grave, sobre todo posterior a traumatismos y parto o cesárea, y equimosis grandes en tronco y extremidades. La sospecha es simple, basta que concurran hemorragia súbita, grave y un TTPa prolongado que no se corrige con plasma. El tratamiento consiste en lograr la hemostasia y erradicar el anticuerpo; lo primero se logra con el factor VII activado recombinante o concentrado del complejo de protrombínico activado. La ciclofosfamida, prednisona o rituximab sirven para erradicar el anticuerpo. La mayoría de los casos no son diagnosticados y la mortalidad es alta. Ya que los médicos desconocen el problema, no se sospecha, no se diagnostica y no se trata. Este documento revisa los datos más recientes de la HA y abunda en el diagnóstico y tratamiento.

Autoanticorpos/imunologia , Fator VIII/imunologia , Hemofilia A/imunologia , Adulto , Idoso , Equimose/etiologia , Feminino , Hemofilia A/complicações , Hemofilia A/epidemiologia , Hemofilia A/terapia , Hemorragia/etiologia , Humanos , Imunossupressores/uso terapêutico , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Gravidez , Complicações Hematológicas na Gravidez/etiologia , Prognóstico , Adulto Jovem
Gac. méd. Méx ; Gac. méd. Méx;156(1): 67-77, ene.-feb. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1249872


Resumen La hemofilia adquirida (HA) es un trastorno hemostático autoinmune ocasionado por autoanticuerpos dirigidos contra el factor VIII: C. En 52 % de los casos, la causa se desconoce o no se asocia con otra entidad patológica; en el resto, existen factores concomitantes: lupus, artritis reumatoide, cáncer, embarazo y medicamentos. En México no existe registro ni conciencia de la enfermedad entre el personal de salud. Los grupos de mayor incidencia son las mujeres en edad reproductiva y los individuos mayores de 70 años. Se caracteriza por hemorragia grave, sobre todo posterior a traumatismos y parto o cesárea, y equimosis grandes en tronco y extremidades. La sospecha es simple, basta que concurran hemorragia súbita, grave y un TTPa prolongado que no se corrige con plasma. El tratamiento consiste en lograr la hemostasia y erradicar el anticuerpo; lo primero se logra con el factor VII activado recombinante o concentrado del complejo de protrombínico activado. La ciclofosfamida, prednisona o rituximab sirven para erradicar el anticuerpo. La mayoría de los casos no son diagnosticados y la mortalidad es alta. Ya que los médicos desconocen el problema, no se sospecha, no se diagnostica y no se trata. Este documento revisa los datos más recientes de la HA y abunda en el diagnóstico y tratamiento.

Abstract Acquired hemophilia (AH) is an autoimmune hemostatic disorder mediated by autoantibodies directed against factor VIII: C. In 52% of cases, the cause is unknown or is not associated with other pathological entities; in the rest, there are concomitant factors: lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, pregnancy, and medications. In Mexico, there is not a registry of AH, and awareness of the disease among health personnel is low. The groups with the highest incidence are women of childbearing age and individuals older than 70 years. It is characterized by severe bleeding, especially after trauma and normal childbirth or cesarean delivery, and large ecchymoses in the trunk and extremities. The suspicion is simple, it just takes for sudden, severe hemorrhage and a prolonged activated partial thromboplastin time that is not corrected with plasma to concur in an individual. Treatment involves achieving hemostasis and eradicating the antibody. The former is achieved with recombinant activated factor VII or activated prothrombin complex concentrate. Cyclophosphamide, prednisone or rituximab are used to eradicate the antibody. Most cases of AH are not diagnosed, which translates into a high mortality rate. Given that awareness about the disease among physicians is low, it is not suspected, neither diagnosed, and nor is it treated. This document reviews the most recent data on AH and expands on its diagnosis and treatment.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Gravidez , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Adulto Jovem , Autoanticorpos/imunologia , Fator VIII/imunologia , Hemofilia A/imunologia , Complicações Hematológicas na Gravidez/etiologia , Prognóstico , Equimose/etiologia , Hemofilia A/complicações , Hemofilia A/terapia , Hemofilia A/epidemiologia , Hemorragia/etiologia , Imunossupressores/uso terapêutico
Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 33(3): 343-354, jul.-set. 2018. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-965551


Introdução: A fibrose, o edema intenso e a equimose são as intercorrências que representam um grande desafio ao fisioterapeuta dermatofuncional no pós-operatório de cirurgia plástica de lipoaspiração e abdominoplastia. O objetivo é propor uma abordagem inédita desde o pré, trans e pós-operatório para prevenir e minimizar as fibroses, edema intenso e equimoses, acelerando a recuperação do paciente e reduzindo o número de sessões. Método: Ensaio clínico controlado, composto por 20 pacientes do sexo feminino, com idade entre 18 e 56 anos, divididos em dois grupos: 10 no grupo controle (GC) e 10 no grupo experimental (GE), que apresentavam indicação cirúrgica de abdominoplastia ou lipoaspiração abdominal, associadas ou não, e que se encontravam com no mínimo 7 dias de pré-operatório. Os dois grupos foram avaliados no pré-operatório. O GC recebeu atendimento somente a partir do 4º dia de pós-operatório, enquanto que o grupo GE recebeu atendimento durante o pré, trans e pós-operatório. Resultados: O grupo experimental apresentou uma média menor do número de sessões (p = 0,0032), perimetria menor no 4º dia de pós-operatório (p < 0,05) nos pontos antômicos: sulco inframamário e crista ilíaca, média menor na resolução da fibrose (p = 0,0058) e média menor na resolução da equimose (p = 0,0002) em relação ao grupo controle. Conclusão: Pode-se concluir com este estudo inédito que o tratamento no pré, trans e pós-operatório reduz o edema, a formação de equimose e principalmente a formação de fibrose no pós-operatório. Também diminui o número de sessões fisioterapêuticas e acelera o restabelecimento do paciente no pós-operatório das cirurgias abdominais.

Introduction: Fibrosis, intense edema, and ecchymosis are complications that represent a great challenge to dermatofunctional physiotherapists in the postoperative period of liposuction and abdominoplasty. Here we aimed to propose a new approach in the pre-, trans-, and postoperative periods to prevent and minimize fibrosis, intense edema, and ecchymosis, thereby expediting the patient's recovery and reducing the number of required physiotherapy sessions. Method: This controlled clinical trial included 20 female patients aged 18-56 years who were divided into the control group (CG; n = 10) and experimental group (EG; n = 10). All were scheduled to undergo abdominoplasty or abdominal liposuction at least 7 days after enrollment. The two groups were evaluated preoperatively. The CG received care only from the 4th postoperative day, while the EG received care during the pre-, trans-, and postoperative periods. Results: The EG required fewer mean physiotherapy sessions (p = 0.0032) and had lower perimetry values on the 4th postoperative day (p < 0.05) in the inframammary groove and iliac crest, lower mean resolution of fibrosis (p = 0.0058), and lower mean resolution of ecchymosis (p = 0.0002) compared to the CG. Conclusion: The findings of this unprecedented study indicate that treatment in the pre-, trans-, and postoperative periods reduces edema, ecchymosis, and fibrosis formation in the postoperative period. It also decreases the number of required physiotherapy sessions and accelerates patient recovery from abdominal plastic surgery.

Humanos , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Fibrose/cirurgia , Fibrose/complicações , Lipectomia/métodos , Procedimentos de Cirurgia Plástica/métodos , Equimose/cirurgia , Equimose/complicações , Edema/cirurgia , Edema/complicações , Pacientes , Complicações Pós-Operatórias , Fibrose , Lipectomia , Modalidades de Fisioterapia , Equimose , Edema , Complicações Intraoperatórias
JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg ; 144(9): 816-823, 2018 09 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30098161


Importance: Evidence has emerged on the efficacy of tranexamic acid to control blood loss and postoperative complications after rhinoplasty. Objective: To investigate the results of tranexamic acid use to reduce intraoperative bleeding, postoperative eyelid edema, and periorbital ecchymosis in rhinoplasty. Data Sources and Study Selection: For this systematic review of randomized clinical trials, searches were performed in PubMed, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Web of Science, SCOPUS, Science Direct, Google Scholar, OpenThesis, and from inception to December 23, 2017. Key words included tranexamic acid, rhinoplasty, and nasal surgical procedures. The following elements were used to define eligibility criteria: (1) population: patients undergoing rhinoplasty surgery; (2) intervention and controls: tranexamic acid vs placebo solution or no-treatment control group; (3) outcomes: intraoperative bleeding, postoperative eyelid edema and periorbital ecchymosis, and thromboembolic events; and (4) study type: randomized clinical trials. Data Extraction and Synthesis: Two reviewers extracted data and assessed study quality according to the Cochrane guidelines for randomized clinical trials. Treatment effects were defined as weighted mean difference (WMD) and 95% CIs. The strength of evidence was analyzed using the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation rating system. Main Outcomes and Measures: Intraoperative bleeding, postoperative eyelid edema and periorbital ecchymosis. To calculate the effect sizes, means and SDs were obtained for each study group and outcome of interest. Results: Five studies comprising 276 patients were included in the systematic review: 177 patients (64.1%) were women, and mean age was 26.8 (range, 16-42) years. Four studies comprising 246 patients estimated the amount in intraoperative bleeding as a primary outcome and were included in the meta-analysis. Eyelid edema and ecchymosis were evaluated as outcomes in 2 studies. Tranexamic acid was associated with reduced bleeding during rhinoplasty was found (WMD, -42.28 mL; 95% CI, -70.36 to -14.21 mL), with differences (P = .01) between oral (WMD, -61.70 mL; 95% CI, -83.02 to -40.39 mL; I2 = 0%) and intravenous (WMD, -23.88 mL; 95% CI, -45.19 to -2.58 mL; I2 = 56%) administration. Eyelid edema and ecchymosis scores in patients receiving tranexamic acid were significantly lower compared with the control group within the first postoperative week: lower eyelid edema, WMD, -0.76; 95% CI, -1.04 to -0.49 and lower eyelid ecchymosis, WMD, -0.94; 95% CI, -1.80 to -0.08. No cases of thromboembolic events were reported. Conclusions and Relevance: Current available evidence suggests that preoperative administration of tranexamic acid is safe and may reduce intraoperative bleeding as well as postoperative eyelid edema and ecchymosis in patients undergoing rhinoplasty.

Antifibrinolíticos/uso terapêutico , Perda Sanguínea Cirúrgica/prevenção & controle , Equimose/prevenção & controle , Edema/prevenção & controle , Complicações Pós-Operatórias/prevenção & controle , Rinoplastia , Ácido Tranexâmico/uso terapêutico , Esquema de Medicação , Equimose/etiologia , Edema/etiologia , Pálpebras , Humanos , Cuidados Pré-Operatórios/métodos , Resultado do Tratamento
BMJ Case Rep ; 20182018 Jun 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29880619


A 17-year-old woman, with a history of three operations on the upper gut in early life and intermittent diarrhoea, presented with a history of epistaxis and leg ecchymosis for the previous 3 months. Initial investigation revealed mild anaemia, low serum albumin, moderately elevated aminotransferases and an exceedingly prolonged prothrombin time (PT) which was promptly shortened to normal by intravenous vitamin K. Additional investigations revealed a grossly abnormal glucose hydrogen breath test, a dilated duodenum and deficiencies of vitamins A, D and E. Repeated courses of antimicrobial agents caused prompt but transient shortening of PT and eventually a duodenal-jejunal anastomosis was performed. Since then, up to 36 months later, the patient has been in good general health and PT has been consistently normal with no vitamin K supplementation. Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth has previously been associated with several conditions but this is the first description of its association with vitamin K-responsive coagulopathy.

Síndrome da Alça Cega/diagnóstico , Transtornos da Coagulação Sanguínea/complicações , Equimose/etiologia , Epistaxe/etiologia , Glucose/metabolismo , Hidrogênio/metabolismo , Vitamina K/uso terapêutico , Adolescente , Anastomose Cirúrgica , Síndrome da Alça Cega/metabolismo , Síndrome da Alça Cega/fisiopatologia , Síndrome da Alça Cega/cirurgia , Transtornos da Coagulação Sanguínea/metabolismo , Transtornos da Coagulação Sanguínea/fisiopatologia , Transtornos da Coagulação Sanguínea/cirurgia , Testes Respiratórios , Suplementos Nutricionais , Feminino , Humanos , Perna (Membro) , Fatores de Tempo , Resultado do Tratamento
Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 33(2): 211-216, abr.-jun. 2018. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-909407


INTRODUÇÃO: O objetivo é avaliar a presença de equimose com 7 e 15 dias após osteotomia nasal lateral interna e externa na rinoplastia aberta. Métodos: Análise prospectiva, dos pacientes submetidos à rinoplastia aberta, com osteotomia nasal lateral com total de 15 pacientes. Os pacientes foram alocados em dois grupos. Aqueles submetidos à osteotomia nasal lateral externa formaram o grupo A (n = 6) e os submetidos à osteotomia interna, o grupo B (n = 9). Foram avaliados com 7 e 15 dias de pós-operatório e registrada a presença ou ausência de equimose. Resultados: Dentro do grupo A evidenciamos no 7º dia de pós-operatório 3 (50%) pacientes com equimose e 3 (50%) sem alteração na tonalidade da pele. Com 15 dias de pós-operatório, o mesmo grupo apresentava 2 (25%) pacientes com equimose e 4 (75%) sem alteração. Já no grupo B foram identificados no 7º dia após o procedimento 3 (33,4%) pacientes com presença de equimose e 6 (66,6%) sem alteração. O mesmo grupo após 15 dias do procedimento apresentou 1 (11,1%) paciente com equimose e 8 (88,9%) sem alteração. Conclusão: Apesar da fratura interna apresentar menor incidência de equimose no sétimo e décimo quinto dias de pós-operatório, não houve relevância estatística na comparação entre as técnicas.

Introduction: The objective is to evaluate the presence of ecchymosis 7 and 15 days after internal and external lateral nasal osteotomy in open rhinoplasty. Methods: A prospective evaluation of 15 patients who underwent open rhinoplasty with lateral nasal osteotomy was conducted. The patients were allocated into two groups. Those who underwent external lateral nasal osteotomy were included in group A (n = 6), while those who underwent internal osteotomy were included in group B (n = 9). The patients were evaluated on postoperative days 7 and 15, and the presence or absence of ecchymosis was recorded. Results: In group A, we observed that on postoperative day 7, 3 patients (50%) had ecchymosis and 3 (50%) showed no changes in skin color. On postoperative day 15, the same group had 2 patients (25%) with ecchymosis and 4 (75%) without changes. On the other hand, in group B, 3 patients (33.4%) had ecchymosis and 6 (66.6%) showed no changes on postoperative day 7. In the same group, 1 patient (11.1%) had ecchymosis and 8 (88.9%) showed no changes 15 days after surgery. Conclusion: Despite the lower incidence of ecchymosis in internal fractures on postoperative days 7 and 15, no statistical significance was observed between the two techniques.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , História do Século XXI , Osteotomia , Complicações Pós-Operatórias , Rinoplastia , Nariz , Estudos Prospectivos , Equimose , Osteotomia/efeitos adversos , Osteotomia/métodos , Osteotomia/reabilitação , Complicações Pós-Operatórias/tratamento farmacológico , Rinoplastia/efeitos adversos , Rinoplastia/métodos , Rinoplastia/reabilitação , Nariz/cirurgia , Equimose/cirurgia , Equimose/reabilitação
J Cosmet Dermatol ; 16(3): 319-326, 2017 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28349655


Chemical peeling, a procedure wherein a chemical agent is applied to the skin to cause controlled destruction followed by regeneration and remodeling, is a dynamic tool for the treatment of acne, pigmentation issues, and photoaging [Journal of cutaneous and aesthetic surgery vol. 5 (2012) 254-260]. The results and complications are related to the depth of the procedure, with deeper peels producing more marked results and higher rates of complications. Complications are more likely with darker skin types, certain peeling agents, and sun exposure after treatment [Journal of cutaneous and aesthetic surgery vol. 5 (2012) 254-260]. They can range from minor irritations and uneven pigmentation to permanent scarring. In extremely uncommon cases, the complications can be life-threatening. This knowledge is essential to prevent, reduce, and eliminate the occurrence of complications [Cirurgia dermatológica em consultório. São Paulo: Atheneu; 2009]. Swelling, pain, persistent erythema, pruritus, allergic reactions, folliculitis/acne, infection, herpes recurrence, hypopigmentation and hyperpigmentation, demarcation lines, and scarring are some of the complications that will be discussed in this article. The first step in preventing complications is to identify the patients at risk. By doing so, complications can be anticipated, prevented, and, if they still occur, treated as early as possible.

Abrasão Química/efeitos adversos , Acne Vulgar/etiologia , Vesícula/etiologia , Cicatriz/etiologia , Cistos/etiologia , Dermatite Alérgica de Contato/etiologia , Equimose/etiologia , Edema/etiologia , Eritema/etiologia , Traumatismos Oculares/etiologia , Foliculite/etiologia , Humanos , Infecções/etiologia , Dor/etiologia , Transtornos da Pigmentação/etiologia , Prurido/etiologia , Telangiectasia/etiologia
Ciênc. cuid. saúde ; 16(1)jan.-mar. 2017.
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermagem | ID: biblio-966708


Este estudo objetivou validar a definição de termos registrados por enfermeiros na evolução do paciente de um hospital universitário, com base na Classificação Internacional para as Práticas de Enfermagem (CIPE® ). A base empírica foi composta por 15 termos não constantes na CIPE® , extraídos das evoluções registradas por enfermeiros em prontuário eletrônico do paciente, de um hospital da região Sul do país. As definições foram analisadas por 36 enfermeiros, por meio da proporção de concordância geral de utilização e do Índice de Validade de Conteúdo (IVC) geral e por princípios de definição terminológica. Os termos "anasarca", "equimose" e "posição de Fowler" atingiram proporção de concordância geral de utilização acima de 80%, enquanto agonia obteve a menor proporção (25%). A variável ocupação não interferiu no resultado, porém enfermeiros com menor tempo de atuação na instituição reconheceram a utilização de mais seis termos. A definição dos termos "anasarca" e "equimose" foi validada com IVC de 0,98 e 0,90, respectivamente; por outro lado, a de posição de Fowler não foi validada (IVC = 0,67), tendo sido limitada por sua concisão. Concluiu-se que o reconhecimento ou não de termos por enfermeiros assistenciais é determinado pelas características da clientela assistida na instituição. [AU]

This study aimed to validate the definition of terms recorded by nurses at the patient's evolution of a university hospital, based on the International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP® ).The empirical base was composed of 15 terms that not listed on ICNP® , extracted of the evolutions registered by nurses in electronic patient record, a hospital in the South of the country. The definitions reviewed by 36 nurses, by proportion of general use agreement and Content Validity Index (CVI) general terminology definition and principles. The terms "anasarca", "bruise" and "fowler position" reached proportion of general agreement of use above 80%, while the smallest proportion obtained agony (25%). The variable occupation did not interfere in the outcome, but nurses with shorter performance in institution recognized the use of six more terms. The definition of the terms "anasarca" and "bruise" validated with CVI to 0,98 and 0,90, respectively; on the other hand, the Fowler position not validated (CVI = 0,67), having been limited by your brevity. It was concluded that the recognition or otherwise of terms for assisting nurses is determined by the characteristics of the clients assisted at the institution. [AU]

Este estudio tuvo el objetivo de validar la definición de términos registrados por enfermeros en la evolución del paciente de un hospital universitario, con base en la Clasificación Internacional para las Prácticas de Enfermería (CIPE® ). La base empírica fue compuesta por 15 términos no constantes en la CIPE® , extraídos de las evoluciones registradas por enfermeros en registro médico electrónico del paciente, de un hospital de la región Sur del país. Las definiciones fueron analizadas por 36 enfermeros, por medio de la proporción de concordancia general de utilización y del Índice de Validez de Contenido (IVC) general y por principios de definición terminológica. Los términos "anasarca", "equimosis" y "posición de Fowler" alcanzaron proporción de concordancia general de utilización arriba del 80%, mientras que "agonía" obtuvo la menor proporción (25%). La variable "ocupación" no interfirió en el resultado, sin embargo enfermeros con menor tiempo de actuación en la institución reconocieron la utilización de más seis términos. La definición de los términos "anasarca" y "equimosis" fue validada con IVC de 0,98 y 0,90, respectivamente; por otro lado, la de posición de Fowler no fue validada (IVC = 0,67), siendo limitada por su concisión. Se concluye que el reconocimiento, o no, de términos por enfermeros asistenciales es determinado por las características de la clientela asistida en la institución. [AU]

Equimose , Registros Eletrônicos de Saúde , Terminologia Padronizada em Enfermagem , Registros de Enfermagem , Estudo de Validação , Enfermeiros
Rev. med. Risaralda ; 23(1): 34-37, ene.-jun. 2017. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-902069


Introducción: La hemofilia es una enfermedad hemorrágica hereditaria caracterizada por la ausencia o deficiencia de factores VIII y IX de la coagulación. Objetivo. Determinar el perfil clínico y epidemiológico de los pacientes con hemofilia registrados en la liga de hemofílicos de Antioquia (LIHEA) durante 2005-2011. Metodología. Estudio descriptivo transversal, la población fueron pacientes con hemofilia de la LIHEA que cumplieron con criterios de selección. Se diseñó un instrumento de recolección de información y se aplicó el instrumento Modelo de actitud en pacientes con hemofilia (MAPACHE). Las variables cuantitativas se analizaron con medidas de tendencia central y dispersión, a las variables cualitativas se les estimó frecuencias absolutas, proporciones y razones. Resultados. Se incluyeron 36 hombres con hemofilia, con una mediana de 22 años de edad. En cuanto a los antecedentes personales los más frecuentes fueron HTA (8.3%) y tromboflebitis (5.6%). El sedentarismo fue el factor de riesgo de estilo de vida más común (8.3%). Las manifestaciones clínicas más frecuentes fueron hemartrosis (94.4%), hematomas musculares (80.6%) y equimosis (77.8%). En la mitad de los pacientes la enfermedad generó algún tipo de discapacidad, siendo la más frecuente la física (44.4%). El tratamiento farmacológico más frecuente fue profilaxis con factor VIII con un 88.9%, acompañado de la natación como principal tratamiento no farmacológico con un 77.8%. En cuanto al MAPACHE el 30.6% manifestó una actitud negativa hacia la enfermedad, un 5.6% fue neutra y para el 63.9% restante fue positiva. Conclusión. La hemofilia tuvo grandes repercusiones físicas y emocionales para los pacientes estudiados que la padecen

Introduction: Hemophilia is a hereditary hemorrhagic disorder characterized by the absence or deficiency of factors VIII and IX of the coagulation. Objective. To determine the clinical and epidemiological profile of patients with hemophilia recorded in the Liga de Hemofilicos de Antioquia (LIHEA) during 2005-2011. Methodology. Descriptive transversal study, population were patients with hemophilia from LIHEA which met selection criteria. We designed a data collection instrument and applied the attitude instrument in patients with hemophilia (MAPACHE). The quantitative variables were analyzed using measures of central tendency and dispersion, the qualitative variables were estimated absolute frequencies, proportions and reasons. This research had the respective ethical guarantee. Results. We included 36 men with hemophilia, with a median of 22 years of age. In terms of the personal history, the most frequent were hypertension (8.3%) and thrombophlebitis (5.6%). Sedentariness was the most common lifestyle risk factor (8.3%). The most frequent clinical manifestations were hemarthrosis (94.4%), muscle hematomas (80.6%) and ecchymosis (77.8%). In half of the patients, disease generated some kind of disability, being the most common the physics (44.4%). The most common drug treatment was prophylactic factor VIII with 88.9 %, accompanied by swimming as the main non-pharmacological treatment with 77.8 %. Respect MAPACHE, the 30.6% expressed a negative attitude towards the disease, a 5.6% was neutral and the 63.9% was positive. Conclusion. Hemophilia is still a disease of great physical and emotional implications for studied patients who suffer it

Humanos , Adulto , Tromboflebite , Coagulação Sanguínea , Hemofilia A , Transtornos Hemorrágicos , Terapêutica , Coleta de Dados , Fatores de Risco , Colômbia , Tratamento Farmacológico , Equimose , Comportamento Sedentário , Hemartrose , Hematoma , Hipertensão , Músculos