Regulatory B cells (Breg) modulate the immune response in diverse disease settings including transplantation. Despite the lack of a specific phenotypic marker or transcription factor, their significance in transplantation is underscored by their ability to prolong experimental allograft survival, the possibility for their clinical use as immune monitoring tools, and the exciting prospect for them to form the basis for cell therapy. Interleukin (IL)-10 expression remains the most widely used marker for Breg. Several Breg subsets with distinct phenotypes that express this "signature Breg cytokine" have been described in mice and humans. Although T-cell immunoglobulin and mucin family-1 is the most inclusive and functional marker that accounts for murine Breg with disparate mechanisms of action, the significance of T-cell immunoglobulin and mucin family-1 as a marker for Breg in humans still needs to be explored. Although the primary focus of this review is the role of Breg in clinical transplantation, the net modulatory effect of B cells on the immune response and clinical outcomes is the result of the balancing functions of both Breg and effector B cells. Supporting this notion, B-cell IL-10/tumor necrosis factor α ratio is shown to predict immunologic reactivity and clinical outcomes in kidney and liver transplantation. Assessment of Breg:B effector balance using their IL-10/tumor necrosis factor α ratio may identify patients that require more immunosuppression and provide mechanistic insights into potential therapies. In summary, current advances in our understanding of murine and human Breg will pave way for future definitive clinical studies aiming to test them for immune monitoring and as therapeutic targets.
Linfócitos B Reguladores , Transplante de Órgãos , Humanos , Linfócitos B Reguladores/imunologia , Linfócitos B Reguladores/metabolismo , Animais , Transplante de Órgãos/efeitos adversos , Monitorização Imunológica , Imunoterapia/métodos , Sobrevivência de Enxerto/imunologia , Rejeição de Enxerto/imunologia , Rejeição de Enxerto/prevenção & controle , Interleucina-10/metabolismo , Interleucina-10/imunologia , Tolerância ao Transplante , Resultado do Tratamento , Imunossupressores/uso terapêuticoRESUMO
Natural Killer (NK) cells play a key role in cancer immunosurveillance. However, NK cells from cancer patients display an altered phenotype and impaired effector functions. In addition, evidence of a regulatory role for NK cells is emerging in diverse models of viral infection, transplantation, and autoimmunity. Here, we analyzed clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) datasets from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) and observed that a higher expression of NK cell signature genes is associated with reduced survival. Analysis of fresh tumor samples from ccRCC patients unraveled the presence of a high frequency of tumor-infiltrating PD-L1+ NK cells, suggesting that these NK cells might exhibit immunoregulatory functions. In vitro, PD-L1 expression was induced on NK cells from healthy donors (HD) upon direct tumor cell recognition through NKG2D and was further up-regulated by monocyte-derived IL-18. Moreover, in vitro generated PD-L1hi NK cells displayed an activated phenotype and enhanced effector functions compared to PD-L1- NK cells, but simultaneously, they directly inhibited CD8+ T cell proliferation in a PD-L1-dependent manner. Our results suggest that tumors might drive the development of PD-L1-expressing NK cells that acquire immunoregulatory functions in humans. Hence, rational manipulation of these regulatory cells emerges as a possibility that may lead to improved anti-tumor immunity in cancer patients.
Antígeno B7-H1/biossíntese , Linfócitos T CD8-Positivos/citologia , Carcinoma de Células Renais/imunologia , Neoplasias Renais/imunologia , Células Matadoras Naturais/metabolismo , Carcinoma de Células Renais/genética , Carcinoma de Células Renais/metabolismo , Carcinoma de Células Renais/mortalidade , Linhagem Celular Tumoral , Proliferação de Células , Células Cultivadas , Conjuntos de Dados como Assunto , Intervalo Livre de Doença , Expressão Gênica , Humanos , Interferon gama/farmacologia , Interleucina-18/farmacologia , Células K562 , Estimativa de Kaplan-Meier , Neoplasias Renais/genética , Neoplasias Renais/metabolismo , Neoplasias Renais/mortalidade , Monitorização Imunológica , Monócitos/metabolismo , Proteínas Recombinantes/farmacologia , Regulação para CimaRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Mutations along PSTPIP1 gene are associated to two specific conditions, PAPA syndrome and PAMI syndrome, both autoinflammatory disorders associated to disturbances in cytoskeleton formation. Immunological aspects of PAMI syndrome has not yet been reported neither the clinical impact on therapeutical decisions. METHODS: Clinical data of patients records were retrospectively accessed. Genomic DNA were extracted and sequenced following standard procedures. Peripheral lymphocytes were quantified in T, B e FOXP3 phenotypes. RESULTS: We describe two related patients with PAMI syndrome harboring the usual E250K mutation. Anti-IL1 therapy could partially control the disease in the index patient. A broad spectrum of immunological effects as well as an aberrant expression of FOXP3 could be observed. CONCLUSIONS: Here we report two related brazilian patients with PAMI syndromes harboring the E250K mutation in PSTPIP1, their immunological aspects and the therapeutical response to canakinumab.
Proteínas Adaptadoras de Transdução de Sinal/genética , Anemia , Anticorpos Monoclonais Humanizados/administração & dosagem , Proteínas do Citoesqueleto/genética , Doenças Hereditárias Autoinflamatórias , Interleucina-1beta , Neutropenia , Adulto , Anemia/diagnóstico , Anemia/etiologia , Transfusão de Sangue/métodos , Proteína C-Reativa/análise , Pré-Escolar , Feminino , Doenças Hereditárias Autoinflamatórias/sangue , Doenças Hereditárias Autoinflamatórias/genética , Doenças Hereditárias Autoinflamatórias/fisiopatologia , Doenças Hereditárias Autoinflamatórias/terapia , Humanos , Testes Imunológicos/métodos , Imunofenotipagem/métodos , Interleucina-1beta/antagonistas & inibidores , Interleucina-1beta/imunologia , Monitorização Imunológica/métodos , Mutação , Neutropenia/diagnóstico , Neutropenia/etiologia , Esteroides/administração & dosagem , Exacerbação dos Sintomas , Resultado do TratamentoRESUMO
A ação do sistema imunológico contra as enfermidades neoplásicas tem se tornado uma das principais fontes de pesquisa na atualidade. As vias biológicas desse sistema são conhecidas por contribuir na limitação da progressão e na eliminação do tumor, e são delineadas por conceitos e mecanismos de imunovigilância e imunoedição. A imunovigilância é considerada o processo pelo qual o sistema imunológico reconhece e inibe o processo neoplásico. O conceito de imunoedição tem origem no sentido de que o sistema imune é capaz de moldar o perfil antigênico do tumor devido à pressão seletiva, baseada nas etapas de eliminação, equilíbrio e evasão tumoral. A resposta imunológica ocorre contra antígenos tumorais e modificações do microambiente tumoral, envolvendo diferentes componentes do sistema imune inato, como células T, células natural Killer, linfócitos B e macrófagos. Nesse sentido, conhecer esses conceitos e compreender seus respectivos mecanismos torna-se essencial na investigação de novas estratégias de prevenção e combate ao câncer. Dessa forma, esta revisão apresenta aspectos históricos e definições de imunovigilância e imunoedição tumoral, com ênfase em sua importância e aplicabilidade, assim como aos diferentes métodos utilizados em imunoterapia.
The action of the immune system against neoplastic diseases has become one of the main sources of research. The biological pathways of this system are known to contribute in limiting the progression and elimination of the tumor, and are delineated by concepts and mechanisms of immunosurveillance and immunoediting. Immunosurveillance is considered the process by which the immune system recognizes and inhibits the neoplastic process. The concept of immunoediting arises in the sense that immune system is able to shape the antigenic profile of the tumor due to selective pressure, based on the stages of tumor elimination, balance and evasion. The immune response occurs against tumor antigens and changes in the tumor microenvironment, involving different components of the innate immune system, such as T cells, natural Killer cells, B lymphocytes and macrophages. In this sense, knowing these concepts and understanding their respective mechanisms becomes essential in the investigation of new strategies for cancer prevention and cure. Thus, this review presents historical aspects and definitions of immunosurveillance and tumor immunoediting, with emphasis on its importance and applicability, such as on the different methods used in immunotherapy.
Monitorização Imunológica/história , Neoplasias/história , Neoplasias/imunologia , Neoplasias/prevenção & controleRESUMO
Primary immune regulation disorders lead to autoimmunity, allergy and inflammatory conditions due to defects in the immune homeostasis affecting different T, B and NK cell subsets. To improve our understanding of these conditions, in this work we analyzed the T and B cell compartments of 15 PID patients with dysregulation, including 3 patients with STAT1 GOF mutation, 7 patients with CVID with dysregulation, 3 patients with mutations in CTLA4, 1 patient with CD25 mutation and 1 patient with STAT5b mutation and compared them with healthy donors and with CVID patients without dysregulation. CD4+ and CD8+ T cells from the patients exhibited a significant decreased frequency of naïve and regulatory T cells with increased frequencies of activated cells, central memory CD4+ T cells, effector memory CD8+ T cells and terminal effector CD8+ T cells. Patients also exhibited a significantly increased frequency of circulating CD4+ follicular helper T cells, with altered frequencies of cTfh cell subsets. Such cTfh cells were skewed toward cTfh1 cells in STAT1 GOF, CTLA4, and CVID patients, while the STAT5b deficient patient presented a skew toward cTfh17 cells. These alterations confirmed the existence of an imbalance in the cTfh1/cTfh17 ratio in these diseases. In addition, we unraveled a marked dysregulation in the B cell compartment, characterized by a prevalence of transitional and naïve B cells in STAT1 GOF and CVID patients, and of switched-memory B cells and plasmablast cells in the STAT5b deficient patient. Moreover, we observed a significant positive correlation between the frequencies cTfh17 cells and switched-memory B cells and between the frequency of switched-memory B cells and the serum IgG. Therefore, primary immunodeficiencies with dysregulation are characterized by a skew toward an activated/memory phenotype within the CD4+ and CD8+ T cell compartment, accompanied by abnormal frequencies of Tregs, cTfh, and their cTfh1 and cTfh17 subsets that likely impact on B cell help for antibody production, which likely contributes to their autoimmune and inflammatory conditions. Therefore, assessment of these alterations by flow cytometry constitutes a simple and straightforward manner to improve diagnosis of these complex clinical entities that may impact early diagnosis and patients' treatment. Also, our findings unravel phenotypic alterations that might be associated, at least in part, with some of the clinical manifestations observed in these patients.
Centro Germinativo/imunologia , Subpopulações de Linfócitos/imunologia , Monitorização Imunológica/métodos , Células Precursoras de Linfócitos B/imunologia , Doenças da Imunodeficiência Primária/imunologia , Células Th1/imunologia , Células Th17/imunologia , Adulto , Células Cultivadas , Feminino , Homeostase , Humanos , Memória Imunológica , Masculino , Fator de Transcrição STAT1/metabolismoRESUMO
Clinical success attained in patients with cancer treated with checkpoint inhibitors has renewed the interest in the immune system and in particular in T cells as a therapeutic tool to eliminate tumors. Here, we discuss recent studies that evaluate the anti-tumor role of CD8 T cells and the mechanisms that interfere with this function. In particular, we review recent literature that has reported on the phenotype and transcriptome of tumor-infiltrating CD8 T cells and deciphered the mechanisms associated with failed tumor rejection.
Neoplasias , Linfócitos T CD8-Positivos/imunologia , Humanos , Linfócitos do Interstício Tumoral/imunologia , Monitorização Imunológica , Receptor de Morte Celular Programada 1RESUMO
O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar fatores sociodemográficos e laboratoriais dos pacientes infectados pelo HIV em uso de terapia antirretroviral (TARV) associados ao Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano Municipal (IDHM). O estudo envolveu 4.900 pacientes de 116 municípios do Paraná, atendidos no período de 2012 a 2015. Os pacientes foram divididos em três grupos de acordo com o tamanho e o IDHM do município de residência. Cidades de pequeno porte/IDHM médio apresentaram taxas mais elevadas de mulheres, indivíduos mais jovens e baixa escolaridade, quando comparadas com as cidades de grande porte/IDHM alto. As taxas totais de resposta imunológica, virológica e completa à TARV foram de 71,9%, 68,2% e 57,1%, respectivamente, com melhores resultados para o grupo vivendo em municípios de grande porte/IDHM alto. Apesar dessas diferenças, as respostas imunológica e virológica foram semelhantes entre os grupos, sugerindo que o grau de desenvolvimento do município não está associado com a efetividade da terapia para o HIV-1. (AU)
The objective of the study was to evaluate sociodemographic and laboratory factors of HIV patients on use of antiretroviral therapy (cART) associated with the Municipal Human Development Index (IDHM). The study enrolled 4,900 HIV-patients from 116 municipalities in the state of Paraná, in the South of Brazil, attended from 2012 to 2015. Patients were divided into three groups according to the size and the IDHM of the city of origin. Small sized/medium-IDHM cities showed higher rates of women, individuals with low educational level and young age, when compared to large sized/high-IDHM ones. The general rates of immunologic, virologic and complete responses to cART were of 71.9%, 68.2% and 57.1%, respectively, and better results were observed in the group from large size/high-IDHM cities. Despite these differences, immunologic and virologic responses were similar between the groups, demonstrating that the municipality level of development is not associated with the effectiveness of HIV-1 therapy. (AU)
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Efetividade , Monitorização Imunológica , Saúde Pública , HIV-1 , Indicadores de Desenvolvimento , Terapia Antirretroviral de Alta AtividadeRESUMO
Uma nova era no tratamento do câncer está surgindo com o uso de anticorpos capazes de inibir pontos de bloqueio do sistema imunológico, chamados de "inibidores de checkpoint". Um novo conceito de "balas mágicas", que no início do século passado foram imaginadas por Paul Ehrlich como capazes de atuar diretamente na destruição de alvos tumorais, é representado agora por anticorpos direcionadas contra moléculas que bloqueiam a atividade antitumoral do sistema imunológico, como o antígeno-4 de linfócito T citotóxico (CTLA-4) e a proteína-1 de morte celular programada (PD-1). Essas novas imunoterapias vêm revolucionando a forma de tratar diferentes tipos de câncer. Nesta revisão selecionamos estudos sobre CTLA-4 e PD-1, seus ligantes em células apresentadoras de antígenos, assim como destacamos a importância da descoberta de antígenos tumorais e o papel do sistema imunológico na imunovigilância tumoral. Nesse estudo são discutidos aspectos relacionados aos efeitos de imunoterapias baseadas no uso de anticorpos monoclonais anti-CTLA-4 e anti-PD-1/ PD-L1, como o risco de serem estimuladas respostas direcionadas a tecidos saudáveis e outros efeitos adversos, bem como o uso de terapias combinadas que podem contribuir para melhorar a eficiência do tratamento do câncer.
A new era in cancer treatment is emerging with the use of antibodies directed against immune checkpoint proteins, known as "checkpoint inhibitors". A novel concept of "magic bullets", concepted by Paul Ehrlich at the beginning of the last century, as being capable of acting directly on the destruction of tumor targets, is now represented by antibodies directed against molecules which block the antitumor activity of the immune system, such as Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte Antigen-4 (CTLA-4) and Programmed Cell Death Protein-1 (PD-1). These new immunotherapies have revolutionized the treatment of different cancer types. Studies on CTLA-4, PD-1, and their ligands in antigen presenting cells are discussed in this review. The importance of tumor antigen discovery and the role of the immune system in immune surveillance of tumors were highlighted. Also in the present study, aspects related to the effects of immunotherapies based on the use of anti-CTLA-4 and anti-PD-1/ PD-L1 monoclonal antibodies are described, such as the risk of stimulating responses to normal tissues and other adverse effects, as well as the use of combination therapies which can improve the efficacy of cancer treatment.
Terapêutica , Linfócitos , Monitorização Imunológica , Proteínas , Efeitos Colaterais e Reações Adversas Relacionados a Medicamentos , Sistema Imunitário , Imunoterapia , Anticorpos , NeoplasiasRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the correlation between total lymphocyte and CD3+ T cell counts in peripheral blood in renal transplant patients treated with anti-thymocyte globulin, and discuss related outcomes. METHODS: A single-center, retrospective study involving 226 patients submitted to kidney transplant between 2008 and 2013, and treated with anti-thymocyte globulin for induction or treatment of cellular rejection. Doses were adjusted according to CD3+ T cell or total lymphocyte counts in peripheral blood. RESULTS: A total of 664 paired samples were analyzed. The Spearman's correlation coefficient was 0.416 (p<0.001) for all samples combined; the overall Kappa coefficient was 0.267 (p<0.001). Diagnostic parameters estimated based on total lymphocyte counts were also calculated using the number of CD3+ T cells (gold standard), with a cut off of >20 cells/mm3. CONCLUSION: Total lymphocyte and CD3+ T cell counts in peripheral blood are not equivalent monitoring strategies in anti-thymocyte globulin therapy.
Anticorpos Monoclonais/uso terapêutico , Complexo CD3 , Rejeição de Enxerto/terapia , Isoanticorpos/uso terapêutico , Transplante de Rim , Timócitos/imunologia , Transplantados , Adulto , Feminino , Citometria de Fluxo/métodos , Humanos , Imunoterapia/métodos , Contagem de Linfócitos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Monitorização Imunológica/instrumentação , Estudos Retrospectivos , Análise de Sobrevida , Linfócitos T/imunologiaRESUMO
Phase I/II clinical trials of autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (AHSCT) have led to increased safety and efficacy of this therapy for severe and refractory autoimmune diseases (AD). Recent phase III randomized studies have demonstrated that AHSCT induces long-term disease remission in most patients without any further immunosuppression, with superior efficacy when compared to conventional treatments. Immune monitoring studies have revealed the regeneration of a self-tolerant T and B cell repertoire, enhancement of immune regulatory mechanisms, and changes toward an anti-inflammatory milieu in patients that are responsive to AHSCT. However, some patients reactivate the disease after transplantation due to reasons not yet completely understood. This scenario emphasizes that additional specific immunological interventions are still required to improve or sustain therapeutic efficacy of AHSCT in patients with AD. Here, we critically review the current knowledge about the operating immune mechanisms or established mechanistic biomarkers of AHSCT for AD. In addition, we suggest recommendations for future immune monitoring studies and biobanking to allow discovery and development of biomarkers. In our view, AHSCT for AD has entered a new era and researchers of this field should work to identify robust predictive, prognostic, treatment-response biomarkers and to establish new guidelines for immune monitoring studies and combined therapeutic interventions to further improve the AHSCT protocols and their therapeutic efficacy.
Doenças Autoimunes/terapia , Biomarcadores Farmacológicos/metabolismo , Biomarcadores/metabolismo , Transplante de Células-Tronco Hematopoéticas , Animais , Ensaios Clínicos como Assunto , Terapia Combinada , Humanos , Monitorização Imunológica , Guias de Prática Clínica como Assunto , Tolerância a Antígenos Próprios , Transplante AutólogoRESUMO
ABSTRACT Objective: To investigate the correlation between total lymphocyte and CD3+ T cell counts in peripheral blood in renal transplant patients treated with anti-thymocyte globulin, and discuss related outcomes. Methods: A single-center, retrospective study involving 226 patients submitted to kidney transplant between 2008 and 2013, and treated with anti-thymocyte globulin for induction or treatment of cellular rejection. Doses were adjusted according to CD3+ T cell or total lymphocyte counts in peripheral blood. Results: A total of 664 paired samples were analyzed. The Spearman's correlation coefficient was 0.416 (p<0.001) for all samples combined; the overall Kappa coefficient was 0.267 (p<0.001). Diagnostic parameters estimated based on total lymphocyte counts were also calculated using the number of CD3+ T cells (gold standard), with a cut off of >20 cells/mm3. Conclusion: Total lymphocyte and CD3+ T cell counts in peripheral blood are not equivalent monitoring strategies in anti-thymocyte globulin therapy.
RESUMO Objetivo: Investigar a correlação entre a contagem de linfócitos totais e células T CD3+ no sangue periférico em receptores de transplante renal submetidos a tratamento com globulina antitimocitária, e discutir resultados relacionados. Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo de centro único envolvendo 226 pacientes submetidos a transplante renal entre 2008 e 2013 e tratados com globulina antitimocitária, para fins de indução ou tratamento de rejeição celular. As doses foram ajustadas de acordo com a contagem de células T CD3+ ou linfócitos totais no sangue periférico. Resultados: No total, 664 amostras pareadas foram analisadas. O coeficiente de correlação de Spearman para as amostras em geral foi de 0,416 (p<0,001) e o coeficiente Kappa, de 0,267 (p<0,001). Os parâmetros diagnósticos estimados com base na contagem de linfócitos totais foram recalculados, empregando-se o número de células T CD3+ (padrão-ouro) e adotando-se o ponto de corte >20 células/mm3. Conclusão: A contagem de linfócitos totais no sangue periférico não substitui a contagem de células T CD3+ enquanto estratégia de monitorização da terapia à base de globulina antitimocitária.
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Transplante de Rim , Complexo CD3 , Timócitos/imunologia , Transplantados , Rejeição de Enxerto/terapia , Isoanticorpos/uso terapêutico , Anticorpos Monoclonais/uso terapêutico , Linfócitos T/imunologia , Monitorização Imunológica/instrumentação , Análise de Sobrevida , Estudos Retrospectivos , Contagem de Linfócitos , Citometria de Fluxo/métodos , Imunoterapia/métodos , Pessoa de Meia-IdadeRESUMO
Oral squamous cell carcinomas (OSCCs) can arise from potentially malignant disorders, such as leukoplakia. The immune system plays an important role recognizing tumour precursor cells. However, due to immuno-editing mechanisms cancer cells are able to escape immune system surveillance. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the profile of dendritic (Langerhans and plasmacytoid) and T cells in OSCC and oral epithelial dysplasia (OED) and correlate these findings with clinical data. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Fifty cases of OSCC and 48 of OED were immunostained for CD1a and CD83 dendritic Langerhans cells (DLC), CD303 plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDC) and CD8 followed by quantitative analysis. RESULTS: Analysis revealed a significant decrease in the number of mature CD83 DLC in OSCC compared with OED. CD303 positivity was significantly increased in the OSCC group when compared to OED. CD8-positive lymphocytes were significantly decreased in OSCC compared with OED lesions. No statistical correlation was found with clinical data. CONCLUSION: The number of mature dendritic cells (DC) was decreased in OSCC compared with OED lesions suggesting that either these cells might have migrated to lymph nodes to present the tumour antigens and activate the immune system or cytokines secreted by the tumour microenvironment are inhibiting the adequate maturation of DLC. The numbers of pDC were significantly increased in the OSCC group compared with the OED group. This suggests they may play an important role in the defence against tumours although it is not clear whether this is promoting or inhibiting malignant progression.
Carcinoma in Situ/imunologia , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/imunologia , Células Dendríticas , Monitorização Imunológica , Neoplasias Bucais/imunologia , Boca/imunologia , Boca/patologia , Linfócitos T , Adulto , Carcinoma in Situ/patologia , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/patologia , Epitélio/imunologia , Epitélio/patologia , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Neoplasias Bucais/patologia , Estudos RetrospectivosRESUMO
With the enormous and growing interest in the clinical application of immunotherapy, we are currently facing the need to accurately monitor the immune function of cancer patients. Here, we describe changes in the immune status of a patient with metastatic type-2-papillary renal cell carcinoma, before and after surgery and subsequent immunotherapy with a dendritic cell-tumor cell hybrid vaccine. Through the accurate assessment of monocyte-derived dendritic cells (Mo-DCs) function, we show that Mo-DCs were freed from tumor-induced maturation blockage by tumor resection surgery, while Mo-DCs-tumor induced suppression and anergy were only interrupted by the vaccination treatment. Our data suggest that the evaluation of Mo-DCs' function may provide a powerful and precise tool to monitor immune restoration in cancer patients.
Vacinas Anticâncer/imunologia , Carcinoma de Células Renais/terapia , Células Dendríticas/fisiologia , Imunoterapia/métodos , Neoplasias Renais/terapia , Monitorização Imunológica , Linfócitos T Reguladores/imunologia , Adulto , Antígenos de Neoplasias/imunologia , Carcinoma de Células Renais/imunologia , Carcinoma de Células Renais/patologia , Diferenciação Celular , Células Cultivadas , Técnicas de Cocultura , Citocinas/metabolismo , Células Dendríticas/transplante , Humanos , Terapia de Imunossupressão , Neoplasias Renais/imunologia , Neoplasias Renais/patologia , Masculino , Evasão Tumoral/efeitos dos fármacos , VacinaçãoRESUMO
Abstract Introduction: Human cytomegalovirus is a major cause of morbidity in kidney transplant patients. Objectives: We aimed to study viral replication and serological response in the first months post kidney transplant in patients undergoing universal prophylaxis or preemptive therapy and correlate the findings with the clinical course of Human cytomegalovirus infection. Patients and methods: Independent from the clinical strategy adopted for managing Human cytomegalovirus infection, prophylaxis versus preemptive therapy, the pp65 antigenemia assay and serological response were assessed on the day of transplantation, and then weekly during the first three months of post-transplant. Results: From the 32 transplant recipients, 16 were positive for pp65 antigenemia, with a similar incidence rate in each group. There were no positive results in the first three weeks of monitoring; the positivity rate peaked at week eight. There was a trend for a higher and earlier frequency of positivity in the universal prophylaxis group in which the course of the Human cytomegalovirus infection was also more severe. Despite the differences in clinical picture and in the initial immunosuppressant schedule, the serological response was similar in both groups. Conclusion: Routine monitoring during the first three post-transplant months has a positive impact on the early detection of Human cytomegalovirus viral replication allowing for timely treatment in order to reduce morbidity of the disease. The strategy of universal therapy employing intravenous ganciclovir was associated to a worse clinical course of the Human cytomegalovirus infection suggesting that the use of >10 cells/2 × 105 leukocytes as a cut-off in this setting may be inappropriate.
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Antivirais/uso terapêutico , Fosfoproteínas/sangue , Monitorização Imunológica/métodos , Proteínas da Matriz Viral/sangue , Transplante de Rim , Infecções por Citomegalovirus/prevenção & controle , Profilaxia Pré-Exposição/métodos , Complicações Pós-Operatórias/prevenção & controle , Período Pós-Operatório , Fatores de Tempo , Replicação Viral , Biomarcadores/sangue , Ganciclovir/uso terapêutico , Estudos Prospectivos , Causas de Morte , Resultado do Tratamento , Técnica Indireta de Fluorescência para Anticorpo , Citomegalovirus/isolamento & purificação , Imunossupressores/efeitos adversosRESUMO
INTRODUCTION: Human cytomegalovirus is a major cause of morbidity in kidney transplant patients. OBJECTIVES: We aimed to study viral replication and serological response in the first months post kidney transplant in patients undergoing universal prophylaxis or preemptive therapy and correlate the findings with the clinical course of Human cytomegalovirus infection. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Independent from the clinical strategy adopted for managing Human cytomegalovirus infection, prophylaxis versus preemptive therapy, the pp65 antigenemia assay and serological response were assessed on the day of transplantation, and then weekly during the first three months of post-transplant. RESULTS: From the 32 transplant recipients, 16 were positive for pp65 antigenemia, with a similar incidence rate in each group. There were no positive results in the first three weeks of monitoring; the positivity rate peaked at week eight. There was a trend for a higher and earlier frequency of positivity in the universal prophylaxis group in which the course of the Human cytomegalovirus infection was also more severe. Despite the differences in clinical picture and in the initial immunosuppressant schedule, the serological response was similar in both groups. CONCLUSION: Routine monitoring during the first three post-transplant months has a positive impact on the early detection of Human cytomegalovirus viral replication allowing for timely treatment in order to reduce morbidity of the disease. The strategy of universal therapy employing intravenous ganciclovir was associated to a worse clinical course of the Human cytomegalovirus infection suggesting that the use of >10 cells/2×105 leukocytes as a cut-off in this setting may be inappropriate.
Antivirais/uso terapêutico , Infecções por Citomegalovirus/prevenção & controle , Transplante de Rim , Monitorização Imunológica/métodos , Fosfoproteínas/sangue , Profilaxia Pré-Exposição/métodos , Proteínas da Matriz Viral/sangue , Adulto , Biomarcadores/sangue , Causas de Morte , Citomegalovirus/isolamento & purificação , Feminino , Técnica Indireta de Fluorescência para Anticorpo , Ganciclovir/uso terapêutico , Humanos , Imunossupressores/efeitos adversos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Complicações Pós-Operatórias/prevenção & controle , Período Pós-Operatório , Estudos Prospectivos , Fatores de Tempo , Resultado do Tratamento , Replicação ViralRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Patients with proximal forearm and arm transplantation have obtained and/or maintained function of the elbow joint and full active range of motion of the extrinsic muscles of the hand, but with diminished protective sensibility and a lack of good function of the intrinsic muscles. These patients have improved function, as measured by the Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand questionnaire. METHODS: We report the case of a 52-year-old man who suffered a high-voltage electrical burn requiring amputation of his upper limbs. He underwent bilateral proximal forearm transplantation in Mexico City in May 2012. RESULTS: At 2-year follow-up, immunosuppressive treatment has not led to metabolic, oncologic, or infectious complications. Keloid scars developed at the graft-recipient interface. There have been 4 acute rejections: the fourth was treated with methylprednisolone, rituximab, and immunoglobulin. Chronic rejection has not been detected. The extrinsic muscles of the wrist and digits have good function. Although the intrinsic muscles demonstrated electrical activity 15 months postoperatively, clinically, they are nonuseful. After 2 years, hand function is sufficient to allow the patient to grasp lightweight and medium-sized objects. The patient's Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand questionnaire score improved from 50.00 points to 30.83 points, and his Hand Transplantation Score System rating is good, at 69/73 (right/left) of 100. The patient and his family are very satisfied with the functional and aesthetic outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: Upper arm or proximal forearm transplantation is a reconstructive option for patients who have experienced amputation because of trauma.
Queimaduras por Corrente Elétrica/cirurgia , Traumatismos do Antebraço/cirurgia , Antebraço/cirurgia , Transplante de Órgãos/métodos , Doença Aguda , Amputação Cirúrgica , Fenômenos Biomecânicos , Biópsia , Queimaduras por Corrente Elétrica/diagnóstico , Queimaduras por Corrente Elétrica/fisiopatologia , Avaliação da Deficiência , Antebraço/inervação , Traumatismos do Antebraço/diagnóstico , Traumatismos do Antebraço/fisiopatologia , Rejeição de Enxerto/tratamento farmacológico , Rejeição de Enxerto/imunologia , Humanos , Imunossupressores/administração & dosagem , Masculino , México , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Monitorização Imunológica , Transplante de Órgãos/reabilitação , Satisfação do Paciente , Recuperação de Função Fisiológica , Fatores de Tempo , Resultado do TratamentoRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the clinicopathological findings of women diagnosed with breast cancer and study the impact of chronic psychological stress on the pathological characteristics of these tumors. METHODS: We investigated a cohort composed of women diagnosed with breast cancer and divided into two groups. One group was categorized as presenting with chronic psychological stress (by using the Self-Reporting Questionnaire - SRQ-20). Another group of women with breast cancer, but with no previous history of chronic psychological stress, comprised the Control Group. Clinical and pathological data were assessed. RESULTS: Women presenting with a history of chronic distress were significantly overweight when compared to the Control Group. Furthermore, it was observed that these stressed women also had a significant percentage of aggressive breast cancer subtype, the HER2 amplified tumor, which could be putatively associated with the loss of immunosurveillance. CONCLUSION: Our findings suggested an interaction among chronic psychological stress, overweight, and the development of more aggressive breast tumors.
Neoplasias da Mama/patologia , Carcinoma Ductal de Mama/patologia , Receptor ErbB-2/metabolismo , Estresse Psicológico/complicações , Índice de Massa Corporal , Neoplasias da Mama/complicações , Neoplasias da Mama/psicologia , Carcinoma Ductal de Mama/complicações , Carcinoma Ductal de Mama/psicologia , Doença Crônica , Estudos de Coortes , Feminino , Humanos , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Monitorização Imunológica , Sobrepeso/complicações , Inquéritos e QuestionáriosRESUMO
Objective To investigate the clinicopathological findings of women diagnosed with breast cancer and study the impact of chronic psychological stress on the pathological characteristics of these tumors.Methods We investigated a cohort composed of women diagnosed with breast cancer and divided into two groups. One group was categorized as presenting with chronic psychological stress (by using the Self-Reporting Questionnaire − SRQ-20). Another group of women with breast cancer, but with no previous history of chronic psychological stress, comprised the Control Group. Clinical and pathological data were assessed.Results Women presenting with a history of chronic distress were significantly overweight when compared to the Control Group. Furthermore, it was observed that these stressed women also had a significant percentage of aggressive breast cancer subtype, the HER2 amplified tumor, which could be putatively associated with the loss of immunosurveillance.Conclusion Our findings suggested an interaction among chronic psychological stress, overweight, and the development of more aggressive breast tumors.
Objetivo Investigar os achados clínico-patológicos de mulheres diagnosticadas com câncer de mama e estudar o impacto do estresse psicológico crônico nas características patológicas desses tumores.Métodos Investigamos uma coorte composta por mulheres diagnosticadas com câncer de mama divididas em dois grupos. O primeiro foi classificado pela apresentação de estresse psicológico crônico (por meio do Self-Reporting Questionnaire− SRQ-20). Outro grupo de mulheres com câncer de mama, mas sem história prévia de estresse psicológico crônico, foi denominado Grupo Controle. Os dados clínicos e patológicos foram avaliados.Resultados As mulheres com histórico de estresse crônico apresentaram-se significativamente acima do peso quando comparadas com o Grupo Controle. Além disso, verificou-se que estas mulheres estressadas apresentaram um porcentual significativo de um subtipo de câncer de mama agressivo, o HER2, o que poderia estar associado à possível perda da imunovigilância.Conclusão Nossos resultados sugeriram uma ligação entre o estresse psicológico crônico, o excesso de peso e o desenvolvimento de tumores de mama com maior agressividade.
Feminino , Humanos , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Neoplasias da Mama/patologia , Carcinoma Ductal de Mama/patologia , /metabolismo , Estresse Psicológico/complicações , Índice de Massa Corporal , Neoplasias da Mama/complicações , Neoplasias da Mama/psicologia , Doença Crônica , Estudos de Coortes , Carcinoma Ductal de Mama/complicações , Carcinoma Ductal de Mama/psicologia , Monitorização Imunológica , Sobrepeso/complicações , Inquéritos e QuestionáriosRESUMO
Cytomegalovirus infection is one of most frequent infectious complications after renal transplantation, and can be classified as primo-infection, when the transmission occurs through the graft, or reactivation, when the recipient is cytomegalovirus seropositive. After transplantation, cytomegalovirus can appear as an infection, when the patient presents with evidence of viral replication without symptoms or disease, which has two clinical spectra: typical viral syndrome or invasive disease, which is a less common form. Their effects can be classified as direct, while the disease is developed, or indirect, with an increase of acute rejection and chronic allograft dysfunction risks. Diagnosis must be made based on viremia by one of the standardized methods: antigenemia or PCR, which is more sensitive. The risk factors related to infection after transplantation are the serologic matching (positive donor and negative recipient) and anti-lymphocyte antibody drugs. One of the strategies to reduce risk of disease should be chosen for patients at high risk: preemptive treatment or universal prophylaxis. Recent clinical research has described ganciclovir resistance as an emergent problem in management of cytomegalovirus infection. Two types of mutation that cause resistance were described: UL97 (most frequent) and UL54. Today, sophisticated methods of immunologic monitoring to detect specific T-cell clones against cytomegalovirus are used in clinical practice to improve the management of high-risk patients after renal transplantation.