BACKGROUND: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal and rapidly progressive motoneuron degenerative disorder. There are still no drugs capable of slowing disease evolution or improving life quality of ALS patients. Thus, autologous stem cell therapy has emerged as an alternative treatment regime to be investigated in clinical ALS. METHOD: Using Proteomics and Protein-Protein Interaction Network analyses combined with bioinformatics, the possible cellular mechanisms and molecular targets related to mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs, 1 × 106 cells/kg, intrathecally in the lumbar region of the spine) were investigated in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of ALS patients who received intrathecal infusions of autologous bone marrow-derived MSCs thirty days after cell therapy. Data are available via ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD053129. RESULTS: Proteomics revealed 220 deregulated proteins in CSF of ALS subjects treated with MSCs compared to CSF collected from the same patients prior to MSCs infusion. Bioinformatics enriched analyses highlighted events of Extracellular matrix and Cell adhesion molecules as well as related key targets APOA1, APOE, APP, C4A, C5, FGA, FGB, FGG and PLG in the CSF of cell treated ALS subjects. CONCLUSIONS: Extracellular matrix and cell adhesion molecules as well as their related highlighted components have emerged as key targets of autologous MSCs in CSF of ALS patients. TRIAL REGISTRATION: identifier NCT0291768. Registered 28 September 2016.
Esclerose Lateral Amiotrófica , Transplante de Células-Tronco Mesenquimais , Células-Tronco Mesenquimais , Proteômica , Transplante Autólogo , Adulto , Idoso , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Esclerose Lateral Amiotrófica/líquido cefalorraquidiano , Esclerose Lateral Amiotrófica/terapia , Esclerose Lateral Amiotrófica/metabolismo , Apolipoproteína A-I/líquido cefalorraquidiano , Apolipoproteína A-I/metabolismo , Apolipoproteínas E/metabolismo , Apolipoproteínas E/genética , Apolipoproteínas E/líquido cefalorraquidiano , Células da Medula Óssea/metabolismo , Transplante de Células-Tronco Mesenquimais/métodos , Células-Tronco Mesenquimais/metabolismo , Mapas de Interação de Proteínas , Proteômica/métodosRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: Coronary artery disease (CAD) is frequent, but coronary slow flow (CSF) is a less common cardiovascular disease with a significant risk of mortality and morbidity. Endocan is a proinflammatory glycopeptide that has been investigated in cardiovascular diseases as well as some inflammatory diseases in recent years. We planned to compare the levels of endocan in both CAD and CSF in a similar population and examine the relationship of endocan with additional clinical variables. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In the trial, we included 169 consecutive subjects having a coronary angiography indication. According to the results of coronary angiography, 58 people were included in the CAD group, 52 were in the CSF group, and 59 people were in the control group. The control group includes those who did not have any lesions in their epicardial coronary arteries. Thrombolysis in myocardial infarction (TIMI)-frame counts (TFC) were calculated for all patients. RESULTS: Notably, 2.6% of the population in our study had CSF. Both the CAD (555±223 pg/mL) and CSF (559±234 pg/mL) groups had higher endocan levels than the control group (331±252 pg/mL) (p<0.001). There were similar endocan levels between the CAD and CSF groups. Endocan levels were shown to be favorably associated with mean TFC (r=0.267; p0.001). Serum endocan levels (particularly those above 450 pg/mL) and the presence of hyperlipidemia were the most important predictors of both CAD and CSF. CONCLUSION: Endocan levels are higher in CAD and CSF patients than in those with normal coronary arteries.
Biomarcadores , Angiografia Coronária , Doença da Artéria Coronariana , Proteínas de Neoplasias , Proteoglicanas , Humanos , Proteoglicanas/sangue , Proteoglicanas/líquido cefalorraquidiano , Masculino , Feminino , Doença da Artéria Coronariana/sangue , Doença da Artéria Coronariana/líquido cefalorraquidiano , Doença da Artéria Coronariana/diagnóstico por imagem , Doença da Artéria Coronariana/fisiopatologia , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Proteínas de Neoplasias/sangue , Proteínas de Neoplasias/líquido cefalorraquidiano , Proteínas de Neoplasias/análise , Estudos de Casos e Controles , Biomarcadores/sangue , Biomarcadores/líquido cefalorraquidiano , Idoso , Circulação Coronária/fisiologia , Valor Preditivo dos Testes , Fatores de RiscoRESUMO
BACKGROUND: To report a case of IgG4-related pachymeningitis presenting with cystic lesions mimicking neurocysticercosis. CASE PRESENTATION: A 40-year-old female patient with tetraparesis, dysphagia and dysphonia was evaluated with clinical examination, magnetic resonance imaging, and meningeal biopsy. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed diffuse pachymeningeal enhancement involving the cranial, cervical, thoracic, and lumbar segments with spinal cord compression and cystic lesions. CSF immunology was initially positive for cysticercus cellulosae. After disease progression a meningeal biopsy was compatible with IgG4 related disease. The patient had partial response to rituximab and needed multiple surgical procedures for spinal cord decompression and CSF shunting. CONCLUSIONS: This case highlights the possibility of IgG4-related disease in patients with diffuse pachymeningitis causing spinal cord compression, even with cystic lesions on MRI. Diagnosis of IgG4-related pachymeningitis is paramount due to the possibility of treatment response to immunotherapy, particularly to anti-CD20 agents.
Doença Relacionada a Imunoglobulina G4 , Meningite , Neurocisticercose , Compressão da Medula Espinal , Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Meningite/diagnóstico , Neurocisticercose/complicações , Neurocisticercose/diagnóstico , Neurocisticercose/diagnóstico por imagem , Compressão da Medula Espinal/etiologia , Diagnóstico Diferencial , Doença Relacionada a Imunoglobulina G4/diagnóstico , Doença Relacionada a Imunoglobulina G4/complicações , Imageamento por Ressonância Magnética , Imunoglobulina G/sangue , Imunoglobulina G/líquido cefalorraquidianoRESUMO
Oropouche Virus (OROV; genus of Orthobunyavirus) is the causal agent of Oropouche Fever (OF). Due to the lack of specific signs and symptoms and the limited availability of diagnostic tests, the actual epidemiology of OROV infections and OF has been extensively disputed. In this systematic review with meta-analysis, a literature search was carried out in PubMed, Scopus, EMBASE, and MedRxiv in order to retrieve relevant articles on the documented occurrence of OROV infections. Pooled detection rates were then calculated for anti-OROV antibodies and virus detection (i.e., viral RNA detected by viral cultures and/or real-time polymerase chain reaction [RT-qPCR]). Where available, detection rates for other arboviruses (i.e., Dengue [DENV], Chikungunya [CHKV], and Zika Virus [ZIKV]) were calculated and compared to those for OROV. A total of 47 studies from South America and the Caribbean were retrieved. In individuals affected by febrile illness during OROV outbreaks, a documented prevalence of 0.45% (95% confidence interval [95%CI] 0.16 to 1.12) for virus isolation, 12.21% (95%CI 4.96 to 27.09) for seroprevalence (including both IgM and IgG class antibodies), and 12.45% (95%CI 3.28 to 37.39) for the detection of OROV-targeting IgM class antibodies were eventually documented. In the general population, seroprevalence was estimated to be 24.45% (95%CI 7.83 to 55.21) for IgG class antibodies. The OROV detection rate from the cerebrospinal fluids of suspected cases of viral encephalitis was estimated to be 2.40% (95%CI 1.17 to 5.03). The occurrence of OROV infections was consistently lower than that of DENV, CHKV, and ZIKV during outbreaks (Risk Ratio [RR] 24.82, 95%CI 21.12 to 29.16; RR 2.207, 95%CI 1.427 to 3.412; and RR 7.900, 95%CI 5.386 to 11.578, respectively) and in the general population (RR 23.614, 95%CI 20.584 to 27.129; RR 3.103, 95%CI 2.056 to 4.685; and RR 49.500, 95%CI 12.256 to 199.921, respectively). In conclusion, our study stresses the possibly high underestimation of OROV prevalence in the general population of South America, the potential global threat represented by this arbovirus infection, and the potential preventive role of a comprehensive "One Health approach".
Infecções por Bunyaviridae , Orthobunyavirus , Humanos , Anticorpos Antivirais/sangue , Anticorpos Antivirais/líquido cefalorraquidiano , Infecções por Bunyaviridae/epidemiologia , Infecções por Bunyaviridae/diagnóstico , Infecções por Bunyaviridae/virologia , Região do Caribe/epidemiologia , Surtos de Doenças , Estudos Observacionais como Assunto , Orthobunyavirus/genética , Orthobunyavirus/isolamento & purificação , Prevalência , RNA Viral/genética , América do Sul/epidemiologiaRESUMO
Cerebrospinal fluid-contacting neurons (CSF-cNS) are considered mechanoreceptors and chemoreceptors involved in detecting changes in CSF circulation. However, considering that recent data suggest that this type of cell could exert an active response when an external stimulus is sensed, identification of CSF-cNS may be relevant. In this regard, some data suggest that a neuronal connection exists between the ventral region of the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN) and rostral agranular insular cortex (RAIC); indeed, a potential CSF-cNS is hypothesized. However, a detailed analysis of this connection has not been conducted. Thus, using neuronal tracers (Fluoro-Gold® (FG) and cholera toxin (ChT)) coupled with transmission electron microscopy and immunofluorescence assays against Fluoro-Gold®, oxytocin (OXT), vasopressin (AVP) and oxytocin receptors (OTR), we describe an oxytocinergic or vasopressinergic CSF-cNS between the PVN and RAIC. Our results showed that CSF-cNS along the PVN labelled with oxytocin and/or AVP were present in dendritic projections near the third ventricle. This CSF-cNS in the PVN seems to project to the RAIC. Inside the RAIC, ultrastructural analysis showed that axons immunopositive for oxytocin from the PVN sustained synaptic connections with neurons that expressed OTR. These findings show that the CSF-cNS from the PVN sends projections to the RAIC. To the best of our knowledge, the relevance of CSF-cNS has not been elucidated; however, we hypothesized that the activation of cells could concomitantly release neuropeptides (i.e., oxytocin and AVP) in the CSF and RAIC. Thus, further analysis of the impact of neuropeptides released into the third ventricle and RAIC is warranted.
Córtex Cerebral , Neurônios , Ocitocina , Núcleo Hipotalâmico Paraventricular , Animais , Neurônios/ultraestrutura , Neurônios/metabolismo , Ocitocina/líquido cefalorraquidiano , Ocitocina/metabolismo , Ratos , Masculino , Córtex Cerebral/ultraestrutura , Córtex Cerebral/metabolismo , Córtex Cerebral/citologia , Núcleo Hipotalâmico Paraventricular/metabolismo , Núcleo Hipotalâmico Paraventricular/citologia , Núcleo Hipotalâmico Paraventricular/ultraestrutura , Ratos Wistar , Receptores de Ocitocina/metabolismo , Líquido Cefalorraquidiano/metabolismo , Imunofluorescência/métodos , Vasopressinas/metabolismo , Vasopressinas/líquido cefalorraquidiano , Vias Neurais/ultraestrutura , Vias Neurais/metabolismo , Microscopia Eletrônica de TransmissãoRESUMO
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: To analyze the cytokine profile in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), as well as mood, anxiety, and cognition profiles in patients with CC. METHODS: One hundred and nine individuals were evaluated, 37 controls, 18 CWC, and 54 CC patients. Assessments included BDI, HADS, Digit Span, FAS-verbal, Animals/WMS-R, Matrix Reasoning and Vocabulary (WASI), and QLQ-C30. RESULTS: The CC group exhibited 62.96% depression and probable anxiety/depression, with 75.92% showing attention deficits. The CC and CWC groups demonstrated significant cognitive impairment on the WASI-Vocabulary test (CWC: 13.4 ± 2.2; CC: 15.9 ± 1.1) compared to the control group (Ct: 22.8 ± 1.6; p = 0.0002). In the QLQ-C30 scores, the CC group reported a greater perceived loss of quality of life and health deterioration (score of 17.5 ± 2.6) and lower scores on the Functional Scale (49.8 ± 4.5). The CC group had 18.52% illiteracy, 18.52% incomplete higher education, and 22.22% complete elementary education. The CC group also had lower weight (Ct: 67.8 ± 1.4; CWC: 61.7 ± 3.1; CC: 59.6 ± 1.7; p = 0.0023) and BMI (CC: 21.5 [18.3; 24.8]; Ct: 24.9 [23; 25.8]; p = 0.0021) compared to controls. Cytokines detected in the CSF were MCP-1, VEGF, IL-8, IP-10, and MIP-1ß. Higher concentrations of MCP-1 were found in cancer patients (CSC: 571.2 ± 105.8; CC: 399.5 ± 65.9; Ct: 1477 ± 0.1; p < 0.0001), along with lower levels of MIP-1ß (CC: 4345 [3060; 7353]) and VEGF (CC: 48.3 ± 2.0; CWC: 49.8 ± 3.8; Ct: 64.8 ± 3.2; p < 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: The level of mental impairment (mood, anxiety, and cognitive deficits) correlated with cancer-associated and cachexia-associated inflammation, weight loss, low BMI, elevated C-reactive protein (CRP), leukocytosis, lymphopenia, anemia, hypoalbuminemia, and low scores on the QLQ-C30 questionnaire (Global Health Status, Functional Scale, Symptom Scale). The CC group exhibited a higher prevalence of depression/anxiety, a stronger correlation between depression and inflammation, and greater cognitive impairment in attention, reasoning, and language, alongside lower average educational attainment. The low concentration of certain cytokines in the CSF combined with elevated systemic CRP in cancer and cachexia, associated with mental disorders, presents a paradox that requires further investigation. Higher concentrations of the cytokine MCP-1 in cancer patient groups indicated a positive correlation with the preservation of language abilities in these patients.
Ansiedade , Neoplasias , Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Neoplasias/psicologia , Neoplasias/complicações , Ansiedade/etiologia , Estudos de Casos e Controles , Qualidade de Vida , Disfunção Cognitiva/etiologia , Depressão/etiologia , Citocinas/líquido cefalorraquidiano , Idoso , AdultoRESUMO
Human Herpesviruses (HHVs) play a significant role in neurological diseases such as encephalitis and meningitis, adding significant morbidity. This study aims to retrospectively analyze the effect of HHVs on patients with neurological symptoms, focusing on the Herpesviridae family's contributions to central nervous system (CNS) infections. METHODS: This retrospective cohort study included 895 patients suspected of viral CNS infections, utilizing molecular diagnosis via qPCR to identify HHVs in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples. This was conducted at a reference tertiary care hospital for infectious diseases in the western Brazilian Amazon from January 2015 to December 2022, focusing on the Herpesviridae family's clinical repercussions and of Cytomegalovirus in CNS infections. RESULTS: The findings revealed that 7.5% of the analyzed samples tested positive for HHVs, with Human Cytomegalovirus (HCMV) and Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) being the most prevalent. A significant association was found between HHVs and neurological diseases such as encephalitis and meningitis, especially among people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA), highlighting the opportunistic nature of these viruses. The study underscores the critical role of CSF analysis in diagnosing CNS infections and the complexity of managing these infections in HIV patients due to their immunocompromised status. CONCLUSIONS: The results emphasize the need for comprehensive diagnostic approaches and tailored treatment strategies for CNS infections in immunocompromised individuals. The study calls for ongoing research and advancements in clinical practice to improve patient outcomes facing CNS infections, particularly those caused by HHVs.
Infecções por Herpesviridae , Herpesviridae , Humanos , Estudos Retrospectivos , Feminino , Masculino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Herpesviridae/isolamento & purificação , Herpesviridae/genética , Brasil/epidemiologia , Infecções por Herpesviridae/virologia , Infecções por Herpesviridae/líquido cefalorraquidiano , Adulto Jovem , Adolescente , Infecções do Sistema Nervoso Central/virologia , Infecções do Sistema Nervoso Central/líquido cefalorraquidiano , Infecções do Sistema Nervoso Central/epidemiologia , Criança , Pré-Escolar , Citomegalovirus/genética , Citomegalovirus/isolamento & purificação , Idoso , Lactente , Viroses do Sistema Nervoso Central/virologia , Viroses do Sistema Nervoso Central/líquido cefalorraquidiano , Viroses do Sistema Nervoso Central/diagnóstico , Infecções por HIV/virologia , Infecções por HIV/complicações , Infecções por HIV/líquido cefalorraquidianoRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: To verify the use and identify advantages of molecular methods for congenital infections diagnosis in cerebrospinal fluid of neonates. DATA SOURCE: The review was registered in the International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO), under CRD42021274210. The literature search was performed in databases: PubMed, Virtual Health Library/ Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information (VHL/BIREME), Scopus, Web of Science, Excerpta Medica database (EMBASE), Cochrane, ProQuest, and EBSCOhost. The search was carried out from August to October 2021 and updated in December 2022, respecting the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. The selection sequence was: 1) Duplicate title removal; 2) Examination of titles and abstracts; 3) Full-text retrieval of potentially relevant reports; and 4) Evaluation of the full text according to eligibility criteria by two independent authors. Inclusion criteria considered randomized and non-randomized control trials, longitudinal, cross-sectional, and peer-reviewed studies in humans, published in English, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese, with newborns up to 28 days old who had congenital neuroinfections by toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex (TORCH), and others such as Treponema pallidum, Zika, parvovirus B-19, varicella zoster, Epstein-Barr, and SARS-CoV2, diagnosed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Two evaluators extracted the following information: author, year of publication, nationality, subjects, study type, methods, results, and conclusion. DATA SYNTHESIS: The most studied pathogen was herpes simplex. Several articles reported only nonspecific initial symptoms, motivating the collection of cerebrospinal fluid and performing PCR for etiological investigation. CONCLUSIONS: Molecular methods are effective to detect pathogen genomes in cerebrospinal fluid, which can impact clinical evolution and neurological prognosis.
COVID-19 , Humanos , Recém-Nascido , COVID-19/diagnóstico , COVID-19/líquido cefalorraquidiano , SARS-CoV-2/genética , Herpes Simples/diagnóstico , Herpes Simples/líquido cefalorraquidiano , Herpes Simples/congênito , Toxoplasmose Congênita/diagnóstico , Toxoplasmose Congênita/líquido cefalorraquidianoRESUMO
Neurological involvement has been widely reported in SARS-CoV-2 infection. However, viral identification in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is rarely found. The aim of this study is to evaluate the accuracy of virological and immunological biomarkers in CSF for the diagnosis of neuroCOVID-19. We analyzed 69 CSF samples from patients with neurological manifestations: 14 with suspected/confirmed COVID-19, with 5 additional serial CSF samples (group A), and as a control, 50 non-COVID-19 cases (group B-26 with other neuroinflammatory diseases; group C-24 with non-inflammatory diseases). Real-time reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (real-time RT-PCR) was used to determine SARS-CoV-2, and specific IgG, IgM, neopterin, and protein 10 induced by gamma interferon (CXCL-10) were evaluated in the CSF samples. No samples were amplified for SARS-CoV-2 by real-time RT-PCR. The sensitivity levels of anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG and IgM were 50% and 14.28%, respectively, with 100% specificity for both tests. CXCL-10 showed high sensitivity (95.83%) and specificity (95.83%) for detection of neuroinflammation. Serial CSF analysis showed an association between the neuroinflammatory biomarkers and outcome (death and hospital discharge) in two cases (meningoencephalitis and rhombencephalitis). The detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA and specific immunoglobulins in the CSF can be used for neuroCOVID-19 confirmation. Additionally, CXCL-10 in the CSF may contribute to the diagnosis and monitoring of neuroCOVID-19.
Anticorpos Antivirais , Biomarcadores , COVID-19 , Quimiocina CXCL10 , Imunoglobulina G , Imunoglobulina M , SARS-CoV-2 , Humanos , COVID-19/diagnóstico , COVID-19/líquido cefalorraquidiano , COVID-19/virologia , SARS-CoV-2/isolamento & purificação , SARS-CoV-2/genética , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Feminino , Imunoglobulina G/líquido cefalorraquidiano , Imunoglobulina G/sangue , Adulto , Imunoglobulina M/líquido cefalorraquidiano , Imunoglobulina M/sangue , Idoso , Biomarcadores/líquido cefalorraquidiano , Quimiocina CXCL10/líquido cefalorraquidiano , Anticorpos Antivirais/líquido cefalorraquidiano , Anticorpos Antivirais/sangue , Sensibilidade e Especificidade , Neopterina/líquido cefalorraquidiano , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Doenças do Sistema Nervoso/diagnóstico , Doenças do Sistema Nervoso/virologia , Doenças do Sistema Nervoso/líquido cefalorraquidiano , Adulto JovemRESUMO
Dengue virus is an endemic virus in Argentina that, although it was initially considered to be non-neurotropic, it is currently recognized to be neuroinvasive; thus conditioning a prevalence of neurological manifestations of up to 15% among patients. Even being considered severe symptoms, there is underdiagnoses of dengue encephalitis due to its varied clinical presentation. Neurological manifestations of dengue encephalitis can range from fever and headache to altered levels of consciousness and seizures. Although the cerebrospinal fluid may be normal in up to a third of cases, it usually presents increased protein concentration and pleocytosis. Regarding neuroimaging methods, the findings are usually varied and nonspecific, and can even be normal in up to 40-50% of cases. We present three cases of dengue encephalitis diagnosed in a university hospital in Buenos Aires, Argentina, where the clinical presentation varied from temporal-spatial disorientation to refractory convulsive status with different presentations in the cerebrospinal fluid but all with positive PCR for dengue in it and with normal neuroimaging.
El virus dengue es un virus endémico en Argentina que, si bien inicialmente se consideró que no era neurotrópico, actualmente se reconoce que tiene neuroinvasión, condicionando así una prevalencia de manifestaciones neurológicas de hasta el 15% entre los enfermos. Aun siendo considerados síntomas de gravedad, existe subdiagnóstico de encefalitis por dengue debido a su variada forma de presentación clínica. Las manifestaciones neurológicas de la encefalitis por dengue pueden abarcar desde fiebre y cefalea hasta alteraciones del nivel de conciencia y convulsiones. Si bien el líquido cefalorraquídeo (LCR) puede hallarse normal en hasta un tercio de los casos, lo habitual es que presente aumento de concentración de proteínas y pleocitosis. En cuanto a los métodos de neuroimagen, los hallazgos suelen ser variados e inespecíficos, e incluso pueden ser normales hasta en 40-50% de los casos. Se presentan 3 casos de encefalitis por dengue diagnosticados en un hospital universitario de Buenos Aires, Argentina, en donde la presentación clínica varió desde desorientación témporo-espacial hasta estatus convulsivo refractario con diferentes presentaciones en el LCR pero todos con PCR positivo para dengue y con neuroimágenes sin alteraciones.
Dengue , Encefalite Viral , Humanos , Argentina , Masculino , Dengue/diagnóstico , Dengue/líquido cefalorraquidiano , Feminino , Encefalite Viral/líquido cefalorraquidiano , Encefalite Viral/diagnóstico , Adulto , Vírus da Dengue , Pessoa de Meia-IdadeRESUMO
Autoimmune glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) astrocytopathy was described for the first time in 2016. The most common clinical manifestation is meningoencephalomyelitis associated with a characteristic imaging pattern that allows diagnostic suspicion and its confirmation through determination of antibodies in serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). We present a case of a 35-year-old patient with involvement of the central and peripheral nervous system and a recent diagnosis of thyroid cancer, which compared to the compatible clinical picture of meningoencephalomyelitis, characteristic findings on MRI and after the exclusion of alternative pathologies, we finally arrived at the diagnosis by the positive determination of anti-GFAP in CSF. The patient underwent surgical treatment and radioactive iodine for the diagnosed thyroid tumor and she subsequently received treatment with corticosteroids with partial improvement of the neurological symptomatology. We emphasize that in this pathology the MRI images usually depict a characteristic pattern, although not pathognomonic, it is necessary to consider other causes. Before a high suspicion of this entity due to the clinical and imaging picture, it is convenient to measure the antibody in CSF, given the greater sensitivity and specificity compared to its serum screening, in order to arrive to the definitive etiological diagnosis as it was done in the clinical case that is presented.
La astrocitopatía autoinmune asociada a proteína ácida fibrilar glial (GFAP) fue descripta por primera vez en el año 2016. La manifestación clínica más frecuente es la meningoencefalomielitis asociado a un patrón imagenológico característico que permite la sospecha diagnóstica y su confirmación mediante la determinación de los anticuerpos en suero y en líquido cefalorraquídeo (LCR). Presentamos el caso de una paciente de 35 años con compromiso del sistema nervioso a nivel central y periférico y un reciente diagnóstico de cáncer de tiroides, que frente al cuadro clínico compatible de meningoencefalomielitis, los hallazgos característicos en resonancia magnética y luego de la exclusión de enfermedades alternativas, finalmente se arribó al diagnóstico por la determinación positiva de anti GFAP en LCR. Realizó tratamiento quirúrgico y con iodo radioactivo por su tumor hallado y posteriormente recibió tratamiento con corticoides con mejoría parcial de la signo-sintomatología neurológica. Destacamos que en esta enfermedad las imágenes por resonancia magnética presentan un patrón característico, aunque no patognomónico, siendo necesario considerar otras causas. Ante una alta sospecha de esta entidad por el cuadro clínico e imagenológico, es conveniente realizar dosaje del anticuerpo en LCR, dada la mayor sensibilidad y especificidad en comparación con su pesquisa en suero, con el fin de arribar al diagnóstico etiológico definitivo como en el caso clínico presentado.
Proteína Glial Fibrilar Ácida , Imageamento por Ressonância Magnética , Adulto , Feminino , Humanos , Astrócitos/patologia , Autoanticorpos/sangue , Autoanticorpos/líquido cefalorraquidiano , Doenças Autoimunes do Sistema Nervoso/diagnóstico , Doenças Autoimunes do Sistema Nervoso/diagnóstico por imagem , Doenças Autoimunes do Sistema Nervoso/imunologia , Proteína Glial Fibrilar Ácida/líquido cefalorraquidiano , Proteína Glial Fibrilar Ácida/sangue , Proteína Glial Fibrilar Ácida/imunologiaRESUMO
INTRODUCTION: Recent studies suggest the existence of a physiologic basis for bone rarefaction and increased risk for fractures. This study aimed to address anthropometric differences between patients with narcolepsy type 1 (NT1) and type 2 (NT2) and discrepancies in bone mineral content (BMC) as a function of hypocretin-1 (Hcrt-1) measured in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). METHODS: We have evaluated 31 adult patients (aged 18-65 years) with NT1 and 18 patients with NT2, comparing the groups in terms of anthropometric variables - body mass index (BMI) and waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) - and percentage of bone mineral content (%BMC), measured by bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA). Statistical analysis assessed the effects of Hcrt-1 levels on CSF, dietary intake, and medication use over these variables. Statistical significance was achieved with a confidence interval of 95 % and p < 0.05. RESULTS: Patients with NT1 presented with higher BMI (32.04 ± 6.95 vs. 25.38 ± 4.26 kg/m2; p < 0.01) and WHR (0.89 ± 0.09 vs. 0.83 ± 0.09; p = 0.02) compared to NT2, in detriment of %BMC, which was lower for NT1 (4.1 ± 1.02 vs. 4.89 ± 0.59; p < 0.01). Hcrt-1 in CSF showed a positive correlation with %BMC (r = +0.48, p < 0.01) and a negative correlation with anthropometric features (BMI: r = -0.54, p < 0.01; WHR: r = -0.37, p = 0.01). There was a correlation between WHR and diary caloric intake (r = +0.42, p < 0.01). CONCLUSION: The evaluation of patients with narcolepsy presupposes a syndromic approach comprising symptoms that go far beyond excessive daytime sleepiness. The integrated follow-up, including nutritional profile and anthropometric features, should add value in reducing morbidity in this population.
Índice de Massa Corporal , Densidade Óssea , Narcolepsia , Orexinas , Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Orexinas/líquido cefalorraquidiano , Estudos Transversais , Narcolepsia/líquido cefalorraquidiano , Narcolepsia/fisiopatologia , Densidade Óssea/fisiologia , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adolescente , Relação Cintura-Quadril , Adulto Jovem , IdosoRESUMO
ß-amyloid42 (Aß42) in Alzheimer's disease (AD) and orexin in narcolepsy are considered crucial biomarkers for diagnosis and therapeutic targets. Recently, orexin and Aß cerebral dynamics have been studied in both pathologies, but how they interact with each other remains further to be known. In this study, we investigated the reliability of using the correlation between orexin-A and Aß42 CSF levels as a candidate marker to explain the chain of events leading to narcolepsy or AD pathology. In order to test the correlation between these biomarkers, patients diagnosed with AD (n = 76), narcolepsy type 1 (NT1, n = 17), narcolepsy type 2 (NT2, n = 23) and healthy subjects (n = 91) were examined. Patients and healthy subjects underwent lumbar puncture between 8:00 and 10:00 am at the Neurology Unit of the University Hospital of Rome "Tor Vergata". CSF levels of Aß42, total-tau, phosphorylated-tau, and orexin-A were assessed. The results showed that CSF levels of Aß42 were significantly lower (p < 0.001) in AD (332.28 ± 237.36 pg/mL) compared to NT1 (569.88 ± 187.00 pg/mL), NT2 (691.00 ± 292.63 pg/mL) and healthy subjects (943.68 ± 198.12 pg/mL). CSF orexin-A levels were statistically different (p < 0.001) between AD (148.01 ± 29.49 pg/mL), NT1 (45.94 ± 13.63 pg/mL), NT2 (104.92 ± 25.55 pg/mL) and healthy subjects (145.18 ± 27.01 pg/mL). Moderate-severe AD patients (mini mental state examination < 21) showed the highest CSF orexin-A levels, whereas NT1 patients showed the lowest CSF orexin-A levels. Correlation between CSF levels of Aß42 and orexin-A was found only in healthy subjects (r = 0.26; p = 0.01), and not in narcolepsy or AD patients. This lack of correlation in both diseases may be explained by the pathology itself since the correlation between these two biomarkers is evident only in the healthy subjects. This study adds to the present literature by further documenting the interplay between orexinergic neurotransmission and cerebral Aß dynamics, possibly sustained by sleep.
Doença de Alzheimer , Peptídeos beta-Amiloides , Biomarcadores , Narcolepsia , Orexinas , Fragmentos de Peptídeos , Humanos , Orexinas/líquido cefalorraquidiano , Peptídeos beta-Amiloides/líquido cefalorraquidiano , Doença de Alzheimer/líquido cefalorraquidiano , Narcolepsia/líquido cefalorraquidiano , Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Fragmentos de Peptídeos/líquido cefalorraquidiano , Biomarcadores/líquido cefalorraquidiano , Adulto , Proteínas tau/líquido cefalorraquidianoRESUMO
INTRODUCTION: This study explores the interaction between cytokines, cell-mediated immunity (T cells, B cells, and NK cells), and prolonged morphine administration in chronic neuropathic pain patients without cancer-related issues. Despite evidence of opioid immunomodulation, few studies have compared these interactions. METHODS: In a cross-sectional and comparative study, 50 patients with chronic low back radicular pain ("Failed Back Surgery Syndrome") were categorized into intrathecal morphine infusion (IT group, n = 18), oral morphine (PO group, n = 17), and non-opioid treatment (NO group, n = 15). Various parameters, including plasma and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) cytokine concentrations, lymphocyte immunophenotyping, opioid escalation indices, cumulative morphine dose, and treatment duration, were assessed. RESULTS: CSF IL-8 and IL-1ß concentrations exceeded plasma levels in all patients. No differences in T, B, and NK lymphocyte numbers were observed between morphine-treated and non-treated patients. Higher plasma IL-5 and GM-CSF concentrations were noted in IT and PO groups compared to NO. CSF IFNγ concentrations were higher in PO and NO than IT. Positive correlations included CD4 concentrations with opioid escalation indices, and negative correlations involved NK cell concentrations, CSF TNFα concentrations, and opioid escalation indices. Positive correlations were identified between certain cytokines and pain intensity in IT patients, and between NK cells and cumulative morphine dose. Negative correlations were observed between CSF IL-5 concentrations and pain intensity in IT and PO, and between opioid escalation indices and CSF cytokine concentrations in PO and IT. CONCLUSION: Associations between cytokines, cellular immunity, and prolonged morphine treatment, administered orally and intrathecally were identified.
Analgésicos Opioides , Citocinas , Injeções Espinhais , Laminectomia , Morfina , Humanos , Analgésicos Opioides/administração & dosagem , Citocinas/sangue , Citocinas/líquido cefalorraquidiano , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Feminino , Estudos Transversais , Morfina/administração & dosagem , Administração Oral , Laminectomia/métodos , Idoso , Adulto , Dor Pós-Operatória/tratamento farmacológico , Neuralgia/tratamento farmacológico , Síndrome Pós-Laminectomia/tratamento farmacológicoRESUMO
Streptococcus suis (S. suis) is a globally prevalent swine pathogen, capable of generating infections in humans who were in contact with the animal or its raw meat. Clinical manifestations range from asymptomatic cases to systemic involvement, with low mortality, but with the possibility of leaving definitive sequelae such as ataxia and hearing loss. There are few case reports, due to lack of knowledge of the disease and its atypical presentation. The objective of this article is to report the case of a man with an occupational history of contact with pigs, who was admitted for meningitis and in whom the isolation of S. suis was obtained in cerebrospinal fluid and paired blood cultures; He completed antibiotic treatment adjusted to bacterial sensitivity, and was left with mild hearing loss as a consequence.
Streptococcus suis (S. suis) es un patógeno porcino prevalente a nivel mundial, capaz de generar infecciones en humanos que estuvieron en contacto con el animal o la carne cruda del mismo. Las manifestaciones clínicas comprenden desde casos asintomáticos hasta compromiso sistémico, con una baja mortalidad, pero con la posibilidad de dejar secuelas definitivas como la ataxia e hipoacusia. Son pocos los reportes de casos, debido al desconocimiento de la enfermedad y a su forma atípica de presentación. El objetivo de este artículo es relatar el caso de un varón con antecedentes ocupacionales de contacto con porcinos, que ingresó por meningitis y en el cual se obtuvo el aislamiento de S. suis en líquido cefalorraquídeo y hemocultivos pareados; completó tratamiento antibiótico ajustado a la sensibilidad bacteriana, quedó con hipoacusia leve como secuela.
Meningites Bacterianas , Infecções Estreptocócicas , Streptococcus suis , Animais , Humanos , Masculino , Antibacterianos/uso terapêutico , Meningites Bacterianas/microbiologia , Meningites Bacterianas/diagnóstico , Meningites Bacterianas/tratamento farmacológico , Meningites Bacterianas/líquido cefalorraquidiano , Infecções Estreptocócicas/tratamento farmacológico , Infecções Estreptocócicas/microbiologia , Infecções Estreptocócicas/diagnóstico , Streptococcus suis/isolamento & purificação , SuínosRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: There is no firm evidence regarding cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) shunt reimplantation after infection in the pediatric population. The purpose of this study was to compare different criteria and analyze new shunt failure. METHODS: A cross-sectional retrospective multicenter study was performed over 6 years to study patients and each infected shunt at diagnosis, reimplantation, and after reimplantation. The patients were divided into 2 groups: group 1 (G1), reimplantation after negative serial CSF cultures during antibiotic treatment; group 2 (G2), reimplantation after negative serial pancultures after completion of antibiotics. The differences were measured with Mann-Whitney and Χ2 tests; multivariate analysis and associations were calculated using odds ratios (ORs) based on logistic regression. RESULTS: There were 137 shunt infection events in 110 patients: 28 events in G1 and 109 in G2. Significant differences were observed in the diagnosis and reimplantation. Reimplantation dysfunction in G1 was 16 (55.17%) versus 30 (27.78%) in G2 (P = 0.006). The risk of shunt malfunction after reimplantation increased for G1 reimplantation criteria (P = 0.018; OR, 3.34; confidence interval [CI], 1.23-9.05): pleocytosis at diagnosis >17 cells (P = 0.036; OR, 2.41; CI, 1.06-5.47), CSF proteins at diagnosis >182 mg/dL (P = 0.049; OR, 2.21; CI, 1.00-4.89). CONCLUSIONS: G2 reimplantation criteria were related to improved pleocytosis, CSF proteins, and blood neutrophils compared with G1. Mechanical and infectious dysfunction of the new shunt was 3 times more prevalent in G1 than in G2, considering the differences between the groups at diagnosis. Increased parameters of infection at diagnosis were associated with future malfunction more than parameters before reimplantation in both groups.
Derivações do Líquido Cefalorraquidiano , Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Derivações do Líquido Cefalorraquidiano/efeitos adversos , Estudos Transversais , Estudos Retrospectivos , Pré-Escolar , Criança , Lactente , Equador/epidemiologia , Reinfecção , Reoperação/estatística & dados numéricos , Falha de Equipamento , Adolescente , Infecções Relacionadas à Prótese/epidemiologia , Infecções Relacionadas à Prótese/líquido cefalorraquidianoRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Oligoclonal bands (OCBs) and Kappa free light chains (FLCs) in the cerebrospinal ï¬uid (CSF) are sensitive markers of intrathecal immunoglobulin (Ig)G synthesis in patients with multiple sclerosis. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the concordance rate between OCBCs and the Kappa index (KI) in patients with suspected multiple sclerosis (MS). METHODS: Patients with suspected MS were referred to a specialized CSF laboratory as part of their diagnostic investigation. Paired CSF and serum samples were collected and submitted to detection of OCBs and determination of the KI. Positive and negative results were determined with both methods, and the percentage of agreement between them was established. RESULTS: In total, 171 serum and CSF samples from 171 patients were included in the analysis. The mean age of the patients was of 40 ± 14.2 years; 18.9% of them were male, and 81.1% were female. The OCBs and KI presented concordant results in 161 (94.2%) samples: in 74 (43.3%), both were positive, and in 87 (50.9%), both were negative. In 10 cases, the results were discrepant: KI positive/OCB negative in 8 and OCB positive/KI negative in 2 cases. CONCLUSION: The KI and OCBs presented high concordance level. Currently, the detection of OCBs in the CSF is the standard method for MS diagnosis, but it is time-consuming, and its visual interpretation can be difficult. The results suggest that the KI is a good alternative for the detection of intrathecal immunoproduction in cases of suspected MS.
ANTECEDENTES: Bandas oligoclonais (BOCs) e cadeias leves de imunoglobulina (free light chains, FLCs, em inglês) Kappa no líquido cefalorraquidiano (LCR) são marcadores sensíveis da síntese intratecal de imunoglobulina (Ig)G em pacientes com esclerose múltipla (EM). OBJETIVO: Avaliar a taxa de concordância entre BOCs e o índice Kappa (IK) em pacientes com suspeita de EM. MéTODOS: Pacientes com suspeita de EM foram encaminhados a um laboratório especializado em LCR como parte de sua investigação diagnóstica. Amostras pareadas de LCR e soro foram coletadas e investigadas quanto à presença de BOCs e submetidas à determinação do IK. Resultados positivos e negativos foram determinados com ambos os métodos, e estabeleceu-se o percentual de concordância entre eles. RESULTADOS: Ao todo, 171 amostras de soro e LCR de 171 pacientes foram incluídas na análise. A média de idade dos pacientes foi de 40 ± 14,2 anos; 18,9% deles eram do sexo masculino, e 81,1%, do sexo feminino. Resultados concordantes entre as BOCs e o IK foram observados em 161 (94,2%) amostras: em 74 (43,3%), ambos foram positivos, e em 87 (50,9%), ambos foram negativos. Em 10 casos, os resultados foram discrepantes: IK positivo/BOC negativo em 8, e BOC positivo/IK negativo em 2. CONCLUSãO: Observou-se alto nível de concordância entre o IK e as BOCs. A detecção de BOCs no LCR é atualmente o método padrão para o diagnóstico de EM, mas é demorado, e sua interpretação visual pode ser difícil. Os resultados sugerem que o IK pode ser uma alternativa para a detecção de imunoprodução intratecal em casos de suspeita de EM.
Esclerose Múltipla , Bandas Oligoclonais , Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Bandas Oligoclonais/líquido cefalorraquidiano , Esclerose Múltipla/diagnóstico , Esclerose Múltipla/líquido cefalorraquidiano , Imunoglobulina GRESUMO
We evaluated the diagnostic clinical performance characteristics (DCPC) of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) total protein (TP), white blood cell count (WBC), and lactate (LA) with different cutoff points as adjunct biomarkers of confirmed or presumptive symptomatic neurosyphilis (NS) and the impact of HIV infection. From 5,640 participants who underwent lumbar punctures, 236 participants were included, and classified as either people with HIV (PWH) or people without HIV (PWoH) according to the CDC criteria for confirmed NS (n = 42), presumptive NS (n = 74), systemic syphilis (SS) (n = 38), serological diagnosis of syphilis (n = 18), PWH without SS and NS (n = 10), and negative control (n = 72). In PWoH, for presumptive NS, the combination of CSF TP > 45 mg/dL and/or WBC > 5.0 cells/mm3 is valuable for screening, whereas in PWH, it is not recommended for either screening or case-finding NS, however the DCPC were better in the suppressed group. In PWoH, the value of CSF TP > 45 mg/dL is adequate for both screening and confirmation of presumptive NS, subject to prevalence. For WBC count > 20 cell/mm3, the positive predictive value (PPV) of the test is almost perfect, suggesting a confirmatory test. In PWH, CSF TP is an inadequate marker of NS. The WBC count, with cutoffs of > 10 or > 20 cells/mm3, was moderately applicable for screening.As conclusions: CSF WBC count and TP showed distinct DCPC in confirmed or presumptive NS, better in the former. These biomarkers could be included for presumptive NS diagnosis. DCPC of these biomarkers for the diagnosis of NS is greatly affected by HIV co-infection.
Biomarcadores , Infecções por HIV , Neurossífilis , Humanos , Neurossífilis/líquido cefalorraquidiano , Neurossífilis/diagnóstico , Neurossífilis/sangue , Neurossífilis/complicações , Infecções por HIV/complicações , Infecções por HIV/líquido cefalorraquidiano , Masculino , Biomarcadores/líquido cefalorraquidiano , Biomarcadores/sangue , Adulto , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Contagem de Leucócitos , Ácido Láctico/líquido cefalorraquidiano , Ácido Láctico/sangue , Punção Espinal , Proteínas do Líquido CefalorraquidianoRESUMO
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common type and accounts for 60%-70% of the reported cases of dementia. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-coding RNAs that play a crucial role in gene expression regulation. Although the diagnosis of AD is primarily clinical, several miRNAs have been associated with AD and considered as potential markers for diagnosis and progression of AD. We sought to match AD-related miRNAs in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) found in the GeoDataSets, evaluated by machine learning, with miRNAs listed in a systematic review, and a pathway analysis. Using machine learning approaches, we identified most differentially expressed miRNAs in Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO), which were validated by the systematic review, using the acronym PECO-Population (P): Patients with AD, Exposure (E): expression of miRNAs, Comparison (C): Healthy individuals, and Objective (O): miRNAs differentially expressed in CSF. Additionally, pathway enrichment analysis was performed to identify the main pathways involving at least four miRNAs selected. Four miRNAs were identified for differentiating between patients with and without AD in machine learning combined to systematic review, and followed the pathways analysis: miRNA-30a-3p, miRNA-193a-5p, miRNA-143-3p, miRNA-145-5p. The pathways epidermal growth factor, MAPK, TGF-beta and ATM-dependent DNA damage response, were regulated by these miRNAs, but only the MAPK pathway presented higher relevance after a randomic pathway analysis. These findings have the potential to assist in the development of diagnostic tests for AD using miRNAs as biomarkers, as well as provide understanding of the relationship between different pathophysiological mechanisms of AD.