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PLoS One ; 20(2): e0315747, 2025.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39899531


About 15 years ago, we suggested that the low frequency of archaeological sites dating from the mid-Holocene in several regions of Lowland South America (which was then called the "Archaic Gap") was due to an increase in the magnitude of dry periods related to the mid-Holocene hypsithermal. Since then, data regarding paleoenvironmental reconstructions for this vast area, coupled with an increase in the archaeological knowledge, allow us to reassess the idea of the "Archaic Gap" and redefine both the spatial extent of the phenomenon and its possible causes. Our present analysis aims to present a broader picture of the relations between humans and the environment in Eastern South America since the Late Pleistocene. The obtained results suggest that the extent of the areas that were somewhat depopulated during the mid-Holocene is larger than previously thought; not only Central Brazil, but parts of the Amazon and the Pantanal (close to the Bolivian border) seem to show the same pattern. However, as expected when larger datasets are available, it is possible to perceive oscillations in the archaeological signal that suggest reoccupation of some areas. Although we maintain that the main reasons underlying these patterns are related to climate, they are most probably related to an increase in climatic variability, and not necessarily to an increase in dryness. These observations are of interest to the current debate about the effects of the global warming on human populations.

Arqueologia , Mudança Climática , Dinâmica Populacional , Humanos , América do Sul , Dinâmica Populacional/história , Meio Ambiente , História Antiga
J Ethnopharmacol ; 341: 119316, 2025 Feb 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39755184


ETNOPHARMACOLOGICAL RELEVANCE: The Convolvulaceae or morning glory family, with about 2000 species in the world's Tropics and subtropics, stands out among the plants used in traditional medicine. Medicinal plant complexes with important purgative properties have been developed in Mexico and Brazil from members of the genera Ipomoea and Operculina with storage roots. Popularly known as the jalap roots, their resin glycosides cause purgative and laxative activities that facilitate bowel movements. AIM OF THE STUDY: This article reviews the importance of the Convolvulaceae family in herbal medicine with a holistic approach that includes a historical perspective, as well as descriptions of crude drugs, phytopharmaceuticals, and chemical constituents. It further considers the family's distribution and biological properties, such as documented purging and cytotoxic activities of the Mexican and Brazilian jalap roots. The main aim of this review is to afford insights into the use and management of medicinal jalap roots for their potential development as herbal medicines. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A search for available information on the genera and species that constitute the jalap roots was conducted using scientific databases, including PubMed, Google Scholar, ScienceDirect, and the International Plant Names Index. Also, numerous historical European herbals, botanical books, and pharmacopeias were reviewed using the Biodiversity Heritage Library and Internet Archive. RESULTS: The review establishes that from the initial introduction of the medicinal jalap roots to Europe in the 16th century, various types of Neotropical purging roots were confused. The misunderstanding resulted from similar traditional uses of several species with common morphological features, organoleptic characteristics, and vernacular names. Subordinate species were also frequently used as substitutes for the signature or officinal crude drug. A compendium of contemporary uses of Mexican and Brazilian jalaps in herbal medicine is also presented. CONCLUSIONS: Mexican and Brazilian jalap roots, still in use in traditional medicine, offer great potential as sources of biologically active principles. Research should prioritize the investigation on their chemical markers, toxicity, mechanisms of action, ecological requirements, and ecological networks. An integrated ethnopharmacological approach, which has not been adequately explored, would promote their proper management as novel phytopharmaceuticals.

Medicina Tradicional , Raízes de Plantas , Raízes de Plantas/química , Humanos , Medicina Tradicional/história , Medicina Tradicional/métodos , Plantas Medicinais/química , México , Brasil , Animais , Convolvulaceae/química , Fitoterapia/história , Extratos Vegetais/história , Extratos Vegetais/farmacologia , Extratos Vegetais/química
Rev Col Bras Cir ; 51: e20243862EDIT01, 2025.
Artigo em Inglês, Português | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39841724


This article celebrates the 50th anniversary of the continuous publication of the Journal of the Brazilian College of Surgeons (RCBC), revisiting its trajectory from the beginning to the present day. RCBC has evolved from a nationally relevant publication to a journal with international impact, constantly adapting to changes in editorial and scientific practices. This article presents an analysis of the major milestones, editorial changes, and innovations that have cemented RCBC as a prominent scientific vehicle. In addition, it discusses future strategies to maintain editorial quality and increase the visibility of the journal in the global scientific scenario.

Previsões , Publicações Periódicas como Assunto , Brasil , Publicações Periódicas como Assunto/história , História do Século XX , História do Século XXI , Sociedades Médicas/história , Cirurgia Geral/história , Fatores de Tempo
Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz ; 120: e240214, 2025.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39841756


Diphtheria, a severe respiratory infection, was a major killer of children until the early years of the 20th century. Although diphtheria is now largely controlled globally thanks to vaccination, it is still endemic in some world regions and large epidemics can occur where vaccination coverage is insufficient. The pathological effects caused by its main virulence factor, diphtheria toxin, can be diminished by passive transfer of antibodies. Equine diphtheria antitoxin (eDAT), the cornerstone of treatment against toxinic complications of diphtheria, was invented more than 130 years ago, in 1890, and is still in use today. A method to concentrate anti-diphtheria antibodies from hyperimmune equine serum was described in the first issue of Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz in 1909. On this historic occasion, we present recent knowledge on taxonomic, epidemiological and clinical aspects of diphtheria agents that produce diphtheria toxin, and provide a historical perspective on eDAT treatment, adverse effects, threats on its scarce international supply, and current avenues for alternative therapeutic strategies.

Antitoxina Diftérica , Difteria , Antitoxina Diftérica/história , Antitoxina Diftérica/uso terapêutico , Difteria/história , Difteria/prevenção & controle , Humanos , Animais , História do Século XX , Cavalos , História do Século XIX , Toxina Diftérica
Arq Neuropsiquiatr ; 83(1): 1-3, 2025 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39814005


The pioneers of neurology in Japan were professors Hiroshi Kawahara and Kinnosuke Miura. Kawahara published the first description of progressive bulbar palsy and wrote the first neurology textbook in Japan. Miura, on the other hand, published studies about amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, in addition to participating in the founding of the Japanese Society of Neurology. The influence of European neurology, particularly French and German, in the figures of Professor Jean-Martin Charcot and Professor Erwin Bälz, was fundamental in the consolidation of neurology in Japan.

Os pioneiros da Neurologia no Japão foram os professores Hiroshi Kawahara e Kinnosuke Miura. Kawahara publicou a primeira descrição de paralisia bulbar progressiva e escreveu o primeiro livro-texto de Neurologia no Japão. Já Miura publicou estudos sobre esclerose lateral amiotrófica, além de participar da fundação da Sociedade Japonesa de Neurologia. A influência da Neurologia europeia, particularmente francesa e alemã, nas figuras dos Professores Jean-Martin Charcot e Erwin Bälz foi fundamental na consolidação da Neurologia no Japão.

Neurologia , Neurologia/história , Japão , História do Século XX , História do Século XIX , Humanos
Soc Sci Med ; 366: 117677, 2025 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39827684


In 1888, Brazil became the last country in the Americas to abolish slavery. Historians have outlined the racialized health disparities of people of African descent in the post-abolition period. Epidemiologists have shown that twenty-first-century health disparities continue to mirror patterns from over a century ago. This cross-sectional analysis quantifies health disparities in a post-abolition maternity hospital using infant birth weight. It relies on hospital records on infants delivered between 1922 and 1926 (n = 2845) at the Maternidade Laranjeiras in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil to run linear models assessing differences in infant birth weight by maternal skin color, age, number of pregnancies (parity), and nationality. African ancestry was correlated with lower birth weights. Infants born to Afro-descendant women had birth weights estimated to be 84 g lighter (p-value = 0.002 [95% CI -137, -32]) than infants born to Euro-descendant women. Among Afro-descendant women, infants born to Black (preta) women had birth weights estimated to be 100 g lighter (p-value = 0.001 [95% CI -160, -39]) and infants born to mixed-race (parda) women had birth weights estimated to be 70 g lighter (p-value = 0.022 [95% CI -130, -10]) than infants born to White women. The findings were likely the consequence of slavery's legacy, particularly race-based socioeconomic inequality - including more strenuous work schedules, poorer nutrition, and less sanitary living environments for people of African descent. The findings are consistent with current-day research on racialized health disparities in Brazil and demonstrate the importance of historical findings to public health research.

Peso ao Nascer , Humanos , Brasil , Estudos Transversais , Feminino , História do Século XX , Recém-Nascido , Adulto , Gravidez , Disparidades nos Níveis de Saúde , População Negra/estatística & dados numéricos , Escravização/história , Escravização/estatística & dados numéricos , População Branca/estatística & dados numéricos , História do Século XIX , Brancos
Hist Cienc Saude Manguinhos ; 31: e2024073, 2025.
Artigo em Português, Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39813528


This text analyzes the medical reports of doctor Murillo de Campos on an expedition by the Rondon Commission to the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso in 1911. Originally published as a scientific article, the report begins by detailing the nosological profile in the places visited and the customs of the inhabitants. It then presents a detailed fieldwork report into the healing practices of the Bororo indigenous people in eastern Mato Grosso. An investigative approach is employed to describe the therapeutic methods used by the healers, particularly the extensive use of medicinal plants. The analysis demonstrates that Campos acted as an intermediary between medical knowledge and Bororo healing practices.

Este texto analisa os relatos médicos do doutor Murillo de Campos sobre uma expedição da Comissão Rondon ao Mato Grosso, em 1911. Publicado originalmente em forma de artigo científico, começa detalhando o quadro nosológico e os costumes dos habitantes das localidades visitadas. Em seguida, apresenta um denso relato de uma pesquisa de campo sobre as práticas de cura de indígenas bororos do leste de Mato Grosso. Adota uma abordagem investigativa, ao descrever meios terapêuticos utilizados pelos curandeiros e destaca especialmente o amplo emprego de plantas medicinais. O objetivo é demonstrar que Murillo de Campos agiu como intermediário entre os saberes médicos e as práticas de cura bororo.

Expedições , Medicina Tradicional , Brasil , Medicina Tradicional/história , Humanos , Expedições/história , História do Século XX , Indígenas Sul-Americanos/história , Plantas Medicinais
Hist Cienc Saude Manguinhos ; 31: e2024074, 2025.
Artigo em Português, Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39813529


The study analyses scientific knowledge circulation between Brazil and the United States, drawing on Rockefeller Foundation's funding to Escola Paulista de Medicina to modernize medical training. The chosen initial chronological landmark is 1956, when the foundation started funding the Brazilian institution, and the final year is 1962, deadline for spending the grants. The study's sources are dossiers collected at Rockefeller Archive Center, analyzed drawing on the evidential paradigm. The conclusion is that when the philanthropic agency decided to finance the school, the latter was already part of an international network of knowledge circulation, and its medical training modernization comprised investments in basic sciences, clinical practice, and the defense of full-time departments.

Analisa-se a circulação do conhecimento científico entre Brasil e EUA, a partir dos financiamentos da Fundação Rockefeller à Escola Paulista de Medicina para modernizar o ensino médico. O marco cronológico inicial escolhido é 1956, quando a fundação inaugurou o financiamento à instituição brasileira, e o final é 1962, ano-limite para gastar os valores disponibilizados. As fontes utilizadas são dossiês coletados no Rockefeller Archive Center e analisados a partir do paradigma indiciário. Conclui-se que, quando a agência filantrópica decidiu financiar a escola, esta já integrava uma rede de circulação internacional de conhecimentos, e que a modernização do ensino médico na instituição foi marcada por investimentos nas ciências básicas, em clínica médica, e com a defesa de departamentos em tempo integral.

Educação Médica , Fundações , História do Século XX , Brasil , Fundações/história , Estados Unidos , Educação Médica/história , Faculdades de Medicina/história , Humanos
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 122(1): e2416321121, 2025 Jan 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39715432


The Moche archaeological culture flourished along Peru's North Coast between the 4th and 10th centuries CE and was characterized by a complex social hierarchy dominated by political and religious elites. Previous archaeological evidence suggests kinship was a key factor in maintaining political authority within Moche society. To test this hypothesis, we applied archaeological, genetic, and isotopic methods to examine familial relationships between six individuals, including the prominent Señora de Cao (~500 CE), buried together in a pyramid-like, painted temple, Huaca Cao Viejo, in the Chicama Valley, Peru. Our findings reveal that all six individuals were biologically related, with varying degrees of kinship. The Señora de Cao was interred with a sacrificed juvenile, identified as a possible niece, and at least one, and potentially two siblings and a grandparent in separate tombs nearby. One of the male siblings was accompanied in death by his sacrificed son. Isotopic analysis indicates that while most individuals had diets rich in maize and animal protein and spent their childhoods in or near the Chicama Valley, the sacrificed juvenile accompanying the Señora had a distinct diet and geographic origin. These results demonstrate that Moche elites were interred with family members, including some raised far from their parental homes. This supports the hypothesis that kinship was central to transmitting status and authority. Moreover, sacrificing family members to accompany deceased elites underscores the significance of ritual sacrifice in reinforcing familial ties and linking the deceased to both ancestors and the divine.

Arqueologia , Sepultamento , Peru , Humanos , Sepultamento/história , Masculino , Feminino , Relações Familiares , História Medieval , Família , História Antiga
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39327201


OBJECTIVES: To describe the historical evolution and dissemination of the Oral Medicine and Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology international societies and associations across the globe, and to provide insights into their significant contributions toward oral health promotion. STUDY DESIGN: This review was conducted in accordance with the JBI Scoping Review Methodology Group guidance. The reporting followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR). RESULTS: Search strategy was applied to 5 databases (MEDLINE/PubMed, Scopus, Embase, Web of Science, Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences (LILACS)) and grey literature (Google Scholar, Open Grey and ProQuest), as well as additional sources, such as organization websites. Eighty-nine sources were included in this review. Forty-six professional associations/societies were identified, of which 39 represented a country or geopolitical region, 2 represented continents, 2 represented multinational organizations and 3 multinational study groups. CONCLUSIONS: Documentation of the historical establishment and development of Oral Medicine and Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology organizations worldwide is limited and describing these processes remains challenging. Analysis of global data reveals heterogeneous development and distribution, resulting in disparities in accessibility and standardization. Further efforts toward oral health promotion should be implemented.

Medicina Bucal , Patologia Bucal , Humanos , História do Século XX , História do Século XXI , Sociedades Médicas/história , Saúde Global , Promoção da Saúde
An Bras Dermatol ; 100(1): 3-11, 2025.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39505686


The month of January 1925 marks the birth of the Annaes Brasileiros de Dermatologia e Syphilografia and currently, 100 years later, with great merit, we celebrate its evolution into Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia (ABD). Indeed, those few brilliant pioneers never dreamed of the strength of the Brazilian Society of Dermatology nowadays. However, perhaps they envisioned a relevant role for ABD, with a natural space for dermatoses of infectious etiology, always prevalent in tropical and subtropical regions. And thus, it was established for decades. Currently, Brazilian Dermatology and ABD are plural and open to the different facets of Dermatology. However, both the specialty, Dermatology, and its official body, ABD, value and pay homage to history, and cannot forget or stray from it. Numerous challenges have been faced over the past 100 years. Many other challenges still remain, but it is up to us, as a gift to the 100th anniversary of the Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia, to learn about them and reflect on them. The following text provides a summary of the history of ABD over the years. We invite national and international readers to celebrate with us.

Dermatologia , Publicações Periódicas como Assunto , Brasil , Dermatologia/história , História do Século XX , Publicações Periódicas como Assunto/história , História do Século XXI , Aniversários e Eventos Especiais , Humanos , Sociedades Médicas/história
An Bras Dermatol ; 100(1): 12-21, 2025.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39550290


Cryptococcosis is a disease caused by fungi of the genus Cryptococcus, with the species Cryptococcus neoformans and Cryptococcus gattii being recognized as pathogenic. Cutaneous cryptococcosis can be classified as "secondary", developing from a previous systemic disease, or, on the contrary, "primary", resulting from transcutaneous inoculation of the agent. It can also be classified as "disseminated cutaneous cryptococcosis", when there is an associated systemic disease, or "localized", when it is restricted to the skin. This article uses the term "primary cutaneous cryptococcosis" because it is the most widely used and already established in the literature. Historically, the first report of a possible case of primary cutaneous cryptococcosis (PCC) occurred in 1950 by Gancy WM and was published in the Archives of Dermatology and Syphilology. Subsequently, the rare and sporadic reports in the following decades were reviewed and reported in the 1985 publication by Baes & van Cutsen. However, the unequivocal acceptance of the existence of PCC as a distinct disease only occurred in 2003 with the publication by Neville S et al. of the French Cryptococcosis Study Group. The fundamental criterion established to consider it as PCC was the proven absence of systemic disease, whether pulmonary, in the CNS or other location at the time of diagnosis of the cutaneous condition, characterized by a single lesion and, mostly, in an exposed area. These and other clinical criteria, diagnostic confirmation, and therapeutic choice are discussed in detail in the full text.

Antifúngicos , Criptococose , Dermatomicoses , Humanos , Antifúngicos/uso terapêutico , Criptococose/tratamento farmacológico , Criptococose/história , Criptococose/microbiologia , Criptococose/patologia , Dermatomicoses/tratamento farmacológico , Dermatomicoses/história , Dermatomicoses/microbiologia , Dermatomicoses/patologia , História do Século XX , História do Século XXI
Neurocase ; 30(6): 209-213, 2024 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39636278


Lobotomy was a widespread neurosurgical procedure in the first half of the 20th century. It was used as a treatment for various mental disorders. The development of psychosurgeries in Brazil, their indications, effects, consequences, advancements, as well as the social context of the population subjected to it are revised herein. Also, an illustrative case report of an elderly Brazilian bipolar disorder patient who underwent this procedure in the 1940's is described in this paper. The article promotes a critical debate around the ethical and social implications of this practice, contributing to the understanding and reflection on the history of psychiatry, neuroscience, and research ethics.

Neuropsiquiatria , Psicocirurgia , Idoso , Humanos , Transtorno Bipolar , Brasil , História do Século XX , Procedimentos Neurocirúrgicos/história , Psicocirurgia/história , Neuropsiquiatria/história
P R Health Sci J ; 43(4): 167-176, 2024 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39671409


OBJECTIVE: Röntgen's discovery made international news in January 1896, but the appearance of x-rays in Puerto Rico has been dated to 1911. This investigation was undertaken to identify the time, place, participants, and equipment of the first public demonstration of x-rays in Puerto Rico, document other users before 1911, and frame the events and persons in their social, professional, and international contexts. METHODS: Information was retrieved from digitized Puerto Rico newspapers available online and secondary printed and digital sources. DISCUSSION: The first demonstration of x rays in Puerto Rico was organized by physician José Esteban Saldaña in June 1897 and included Francisco Pelati (who documented the event), an electrician; José C. Barbosa, Francisco and Pedro Del Valle, and Juan and Ricardo Hernández, physicians; and José A. Canals, an engineer. Other users prior to 1911 are documented. CONCLUSIONS: Internationally, the first reaction to the discovery of x-rays was a mixture of wonder, experimentation, fascination with a scientific novelty carrying other-worldly resonance, and recognition of potential dangers. Puerto Rico was not an exception. The news arrived in seven weeks, although the equipment (apparently from New York) arrived a year and a half later (June 1897). The readily apparent common denominator for this group of first users is political affiliation, but they were connected by a variety of experiences, despite differences in race, class, and religious ideas. As in other places, x-ray use increased slowly and was available in several cities in Puerto Rico by 1911.

Radiografia , Porto Rico , Raios X , História do Século XIX , História do Século XX , Humanos , Radiografia/história , Radiografia/métodos
Sci Rep ; 14(1): 29247, 2024 12 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39639061


The extraordinary preservation of Cueva de Los Murciélagos (Albuñol, Spain) provides a unique opportunity to identify the materials and the techniques involved in archery during the Early Neolithic period. Arrows with preserved feathers, tied fibres, adhesive substance, and two probable bowstrings have been studied trough an unprecedented multi-proxy investigation, including microscopy and biomolecular methods, to unravel archery techniques. The study has identified the oldest known sinew bowstrings, the first evidence for the use of olive tree (Olea europaea) and reed (Phragmites sp.) to produce arrow shafts in prehistoric European archery, and the identification of birch bark tar as a coating on the shafts. The results of this study provide insights into ancient craft, technological solutions, and adaptations to local resources in the production of these reed-shafted hardwood tipped arrows and bowstrings. Their deposition in a burial cave sheds new light on the role of these artefacts in a Neolithic farming community.

Arqueologia , Espanha , História Antiga , Humanos , Agricultura/história , Olea
Rev Bras Enferm ; 77(6): e20230362, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês, Português | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39699358


OBJECTIVES: to analyze the editorial discourses of Acta Paulista de Enfermagem from 1988 to 2017. METHODS: qualitative, historical, oral research, with interviews with the journal's editors. Statements were categorized and presented in three decades, discussed from Foucault's archaeological perspective. RESULTS: seven statements presented three discourses. In the first decade, the discourse of knowledge registration and circulation presented statements of graduate studies and professional recognition. In the second decade, knowledge internationalization was added, with statements of business and editorial panopticism, selection criteria, indexing and digitalization. Finally, the discourse of shifting scientific assessment centrality was added with statements of preprint, open science, exclusive digitalization and mediatization of science. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: the journal needed to adapt to form its official discourse, which made it possible, over the years, to change its initial peripheral position to a central one within scientific communication, supporting its panoptic role.

Publicações Periódicas como Assunto , História do Século XX , Publicações Periódicas como Assunto/história , História do Século XXI , Brasil , Humanos , Políticas Editoriais , Editoração/tendências , Editoração/história
Rev Gaucha Enferm ; 45: e20230297, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês, Português | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39699432


OBJECTIVE: To describe the teaching of the History of Nursing in the curricular structures of Undergraduate Nursing Courses at Brazilian public universities. METHOD: A documentary, descriptive study with a qualitative approach carried out between February 2021 and August 2023. The sample included the curricula of active face-to-face undergraduate courses at public educational institutions (n=136) identified on the e-MEC platform. The content of the syllabuses was organized into a textual corpus and content analysis was carried out with the support of the IRaMuTeQ software. RESULTS: 99 syllabuses were identified among the 136 courses. A total of 100 (73.5%) courses have a specific subject dedicated to the History of Nursing. Five classes emerged which addressed the historical evolution of nursing in Brazil and worldwide, the creation of nursing schools, the division of labor, dimensions of care, and legal aspects of the profession. CONCLUSION: The teaching of the History of Nursing is described in the curricular structures by aspects that make it possible to learn about the historical achievements and current challenges of nursing.

Currículo , História da Enfermagem , Escolas de Enfermagem , Brasil , Universidades/história , História do Século XX , Escolas de Enfermagem/história , História do Século XXI , Educação em Enfermagem/história , Bacharelado em Enfermagem/história , Humanos
Hist Cienc Saude Manguinhos ; 31: e2024060, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês, Português | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39699524


This article investigates the strategies employed by Antônio Prudente to develop an initiative aimed at combating cancer throughout Brazil, based on his experience in the state of São Paulo. The approach used in the analysis draws on both the historiographical literature and primary sources, focusing on the period from 1934, when the São Paulo Association for the Fight against Cancer was founded, to 1954, when Prudente was appointed director of the National Cancer Service. The study highlights the disputes between cancerologists from the Union and São Paulo, highlighting the uniqueness of the São Paulo proposal, marked by a combination of liberal ideals and the sentiment of "Paulistaness."

Neoplasias , Brasil , História do Século XX , Humanos , Neoplasias/história
Hist Cienc Saude Manguinhos ; 31: e2024061, 2024.
Artigo em Português | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39699525


The article draws a parallel between two pathological phenomena with great social impact in different settings: the smallpox epidemic in Ceará, northeastern Brazil, between 1900 and 1905, and the covid-19 pandemic in Brazil between 2020 and 2022. Despite the historical and temporal distance between these two episodes, there are some significant similarities in the ways they were conducted politically, especially with regard to the use of fake news and misinformation on the emergency of implementing mass vaccination. The analysis makes extensive use of press reports concerning the covid-19 pandemic and writings by the pharmacist Rodolfo Teófilo, a key figure in the smallpox vaccination campaign in Ceará.

O artigo traça um paralelo entre dois fenômenos patológicos de grande impacto social em contextos diversos: a epidemia de varíola ocorrida no Ceará, entre 1900 e 1905, e a pandemia de covid-19 no Brasil, entre 2020 e 2022. Apesar da distância histórico-temporal entre eles, os eventos guardam importantes semelhanças nas formas como foram conduzidos politicamente, sobretudo no que diz respeito à utilização de notícias e informações falsas quanto à emergência de implementar a vacinação em massa. Nesse diálogo, fizemos amplo uso de fontes hemerográficas nas considerações em torno da covid-19, bem como dos escritos do farmacêutico Rodolfo Teófilo, principal personagem na campanha de vacinação contra a varíola no Ceará.

COVID-19 , Comunicação , Varíola , Brasil/epidemiologia , COVID-19/epidemiologia , COVID-19/história , Humanos , História do Século XX , Varíola/história , Varíola/epidemiologia , Varíola/prevenção & controle , Pandemias/história , História do Século XXI , Vacinação em Massa/história , Epidemias/história , Negação em Psicologia , Meios de Comunicação de Massa/história , Vacina Antivariólica/história , Política