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Conserv Biol ; 38(4): e14297, 2024 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38752477


Protected areas (PAs) are pivotal to biodiversity conservation, yet their efficacy is compromised by insufficient funding and management. So-called other effective area-based conservation measures (OECMs) present a paradigm shift and address PA limitations. Such measures can expand conservation areas, enhance connectivity, and improve the existing system. To assess the conservation status of biodiversity in Tibetan cultural areas in China, we investigated the spatial distribution of wildlife vulnerable to human disturbance (large- and medium-sized mammals and terrestrial birds) in Xinlong, a traditional Tibetan cultural area. In particular, we compared a PA (Xionglongxi Nature Reserve) and OECMs targeting species conservation. We also investigated the relationship of wildlife with human temporal and spatial activities. The OECMs complemented areas not covered by PA, especially in rich understory biodiversity regions. More species in OECMs tolerated human presence than species in the PA. Existing biodiversity reserves failed to cover areas of high conservation value in Tibet and offered limited protection capacity. Expanding PAs and identifying OECMs improved Xinlong's system by covering most biodiversity hotspots. Building on the tradition of wildlife conservation in Tibet, harnessing OECMs may be an effective means of augmenting biodiversity conservation capacity. We recommend further evaluation of OECMs effectiveness and coverage in Tibetan area as a way to enhance the current PA system.

自然保护地(protected areas, PAs)被认为是生物多样性保护的最重要且最有效的措施之一。然而, 由于资金不足和管理缺失等因素, 自然保护地体系的有效性被大幅度削弱。"其他有效的基于区域的保护措施(other effective area­based conservation measures, OECMs)"引起了基于区域的保护范式转变, 能够有效弥补PAs的不足。OECMs能够有效实现保护面积的扩大, 加强保护地之间的连通性, 完善现有保护地体系。基于此, 为进一步了解中国藏文化地区生物多样性的保护情况, 评估PAs和OECMs在物种保护上的差异。我们以中国新龙县为例, 调查了当地大中型哺乳动物和地栖鸟类这类容易受人为干扰的野生动物的空间分布和与人类互作的时空活动关系。结果表明, 在保护区无法覆盖的区域, OECMs能够提供有效的补充, 如林下区域的生物多样性保护。在OECMs范围内, 更多的物种能够在时空活动上容忍人类的存在, 尤其是猎物物种。在当前生物多样性优先保护区无法涵盖藏区高保护价值区域以及现有保护区保护能力有限的情况下, 藏区野生动物的保护需要采取更多针对性的措施。通过扩大保护区和确定OECMs区域, 能够覆盖新龙绝大部分生物多样性热点地区。鉴于藏区的野生动物保护传统, 借助OECMs的力量是完善和提高藏区生物多样性保护保护能力的有效手段。我们建议未来进一步评估藏区的OECMs的有效性及覆盖情况, 完善自然保护地体系。 基于其他有效的区域保护措施的中国新龙县保护地体系构建.

Biodiversidade , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Mamíferos , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/métodos , Animais , Tibet , Mamíferos/fisiologia , Aves/fisiologia
Conserv Biol ; 37(6): e14156, 2023 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37728514


Understanding the relative effectiveness and enabling conditions of different area-based management tools is essential for supporting efforts that achieve positive biodiversity outcomes as area-based conservation coverage increases to meet newly set international targets. We used data from a coastal social-ecological monitoring program in 6 Indo-Pacific countries to analyze whether social, ecological, and economic objectives and specific management rules (temporal closures, fishing gear-specific, species-specific restrictions) were associated with coral reef fish biomass above sustainable yield levels across different types of area-based management tools (i.e., comparing those designated as marine protected areas [MPAs] with other types of area-based management). All categories of objectives, multiple combinations of rules, and all types of area-based management had some sites that were able to sustain high levels of reef fish biomass-a key measure for coral reef functioning-compared with reference sites with no area-based management. Yet, the same management types also had sites with low biomass. As governments advance their commitments to the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework and the target to conserve 30% of the planet's land and oceans by 2030, we found that although different types of management can be effective, most of the managed areas in our study regions did not meet criteria for effectiveness. These findings underscore the importance of strong management and governance of managed areas and the need to measure the ecological impact of area-based management rather than counting areas because of their designation.

Efectos de las reglas y objetivos de manejo sobre los resultados de conservación marina Resumen Es esencial entender la efectividad relativa y las condiciones habilitantes de las diferentes herramientas de manejo basadas en el área para respaldar los esfuerzos que brindan resultados positivos para la biodiversidad conforme aumenta la cobertura de la conservación basada en el área para alcanzar los objetivos internacionales recién establecidos. Usamos los datos de un programa de monitoreo socioeconómico costero en seis países del Indo-Pacífico para analizar si los objetivos sociales, ecológicos y económicos y las reglas específicas de manejo (cierres temporales, restricciones de equipo de pesca, vedas de especies) se asociaban con la biomasa de los peces de arrecife de coral por encima de los niveles de producción sustentable en diferentes tipos de herramientas de manejo basadas en el área (es decir, comparar aquellas designadas como áreas marinas protegidas[AMP] con otros tipos de manejo basado en el área). Todas las categorías de objetivos, las múltiples combinaciones de reglas y todos los tipos de manejo basado en el área tuvieron algunos sitios capaces de mantener los niveles altos de biomasa de peces de arrecife-una medida importante para el funcionamiento de los arrecifes-en comparación con los sitios de referencia sin manejo basado en el área. Sin embargo, los mismos tipos de manejo también tuvieron sitios con baja biomasa. Conforme los gobiernos avanzan en sus compromisos con el Marco Global de Biodiversidad de Kunming-Montreal y hacia el objetivo de conservar el 30% del suelo y los océanos del planeta para el 2030, descubrimos que, aunque diferentes tipos de manejo pueden ser efectivos, la mayoría de las áreas manejadas en nuestras regiones de estudio no cumplieron con los criterios de efectividad. Este descubrimiento enfatiza la importancia de una gestión y un gobierno sólidos de las áreas manejadas y la necesidad de medir el impacto ecológico del manejo basado en el área en lugar de contar las áreas por su designación.

Biodiversidade , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Animais , Recifes de Corais , Oceanos e Mares , Peixes
Sci Total Environ ; 941: 172870, 2024 Sep 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38782279


There is a growing consensus on expanding protected and conserved areas for biodiversity conservation. Nevertheless, it remains uncertain where to expand conserved areas as well as what appropriate management modalities to choose. Moreover, conserved areas expansion should be balanced with crop-related food security challenges. We developed a framework to identify cost-effective areas for expanding protected areas and other effective area-based conservation measures (OECMs), and applied it to China. By combining templates for biodiversity conservation priorities at global scale and the priority conservation areas based on 2413 vertebrates' extinction risk in China, we identified areas with high biodiversity conservation value. We then categorized the priority areas according to human impact, indicating the potential cost of management. As a result of combining the two aspects above, we identified the most cost-effective areas for expanding protected areas and OECMs while excluding both the current and predicted croplands that can be used for food security. The results show that China could expand its protected areas to 22.81 % of the country's land area and establish OECMs in areas accounting for 9.82 % and 17.37 % of the country's land area in a cost-effective approach in two scenarios. In the ambitious scenario, protected and conserved areas would account for a maximum of 40.18 % of terrestrial area, with an average 62.67 % coverage of the 2413 species' suitable habitat. To achieve the goals of protected and conserved areas in Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, countries could apply this framework to identify their protected areas and OECM expansion priorities.

Biodiversidade , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Análise Custo-Benefício , Segurança Alimentar , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/métodos , China , Segurança Alimentar/métodos
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