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Conserv Biol ; 38(4): e14255, 2024 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38488338


Bird collisions with buildings are responsible for a large number of bird deaths in cities around the world, yet they remain poorly studied outside North America. We conducted one of the first citywide fine-scale and landscape-scale analyses of bird-building collisions in Asia and used maximum entropy modeling (as commonly applied to species distribution modeling) in a novel way to assess the drivers of bird-building collisions in the tropical city-state of Singapore. We combined 7 years of community science observations with publicly available building and remote sensing data. Drivers of bird-building collisions varied among taxa. Some migratory taxa had a higher relative collision risk that was linked to areas with high building densities and high levels of nocturnal blue light pollution. Nonmigratory taxa had a higher collision risk in areas near forest cover. Projecting our results onto official long-term land-use plans, we predicted that future increases in bird-building collision risk stemmed from increases in blue light pollution and encroachment of buildings into forested areas and identified 6 potential collision hotspots linked to future developments. Our results suggest that bird-building collision mitigation measures need to account for the different drivers of collision for resident and migratory species and show that combining community science and ecological modeling can be a powerful approach for analyzing bird-building collision data.

Modelos de nicho ecológico para esclarecer los causantes bióticos y abióticos de las colisiones entre aves y edificios en una ciudad tropical asiática Resumen Las colisiones entre aves y edificios son causa de un gran número de muertes en todas las ciudades del mundo, y aun así se estudian muy poco fuera de América del Norte. Realizamos uno de los primeros análisis a escala fina y a escala de paisaje en una ciudad asiática y usamos el modelo de entropía máxima (como se aplica con frecuencia a los modelos de distribución de especies) de manera novedosa para analizar los causantes de estas colisiones en Singapur, una ciudad­estado tropical. Combinamos siete años de observaciones de ciencia comunitaria con los datos públicos de teledetección y construcción. Los causantes de las colisiones entre aves y edificios variaron entre taxones. Algunos taxones migratorios tuvieron un riesgo de colisión relativamente más alto relacionado con áreas de alta densidad de edificios y niveles elevados de contaminación lumínica de luz azul nocturna. Los taxones no migratorios tuvieron un riesgo de colisión más elevado en las áreas cercanas a la cobertura forestal. Con la proyección de nuestros resultados sobre los planes oficiales de uso de suelo a largo plazo, pronosticamos que el incremento en el futuro de colisiones entre aves y edificios vendrá del incremento en la contaminación de luz azul y la invasión de edificios en las áreas forestales; también identificamos seis potenciales puntos calientes de colisión relacionados a futuros desarrollos inmobiliarios. Nuestros resultados sugieren que para mitigar estas colisiones se necesita considerar los diferentes causantes de dichas colisiones para las especies migratorias y residentes y también muestran que la combinación de la ciencia comunitaria y los modelos ecológicos puede ser una estrategia poderosa para analizar los datos de colisiones entre aves y edificios.

Aves , Cidades , Animais , Aves/fisiologia , Singapura , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Ecossistema , Modelos Teóricos , Modelos Biológicos
Conserv Biol ; 34(2): 505-514, 2020 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31418921


Conservation across human-dominated landscapes requires an understanding of the social and ecological factors driving outcomes. Studies that link conservation outcomes to social and ecological factors have examined temporally static patterns. However, there may be different social and ecological processes driving increases and decreases in conservation outcomes that can only be revealed through temporal analyses. Through a case study of the invasion of Falcataria moluccana in Hawaii, we examined the association of social factors with increases and decreases in invader distributions over time and space. Over 7 years, rates of invader decrease varied substantially (66-100%) relative to social factors, such as building value, whether land was privately or publically owned, and primary residence by a homeowner, whereas rates of increase varied only slightly (<0.1-3.6%) relative to such factors. These findings suggest that links between social factors and invasion in the study system may be driven more by landowners controlling existing invasive species, rather than by landowners preventing the spread of invasive species. We suggest that spatially explicit, time-dependent analyses provide a more nuanced understanding of the way social factors influence conservation outcomes. Such an understanding can help managers develop outreach programs and policies targeted at different types of landowners in human-dominated landscapes.

Uso de un Análisis Espacialmente Explícito y Dependiente del Tiempo para Entender cómo Influyen los Factores Sociales sobre los Resultados de la Conservación Resumen La conservación dentro de los paisajes dominados por humanos requiere de un entendimiento de los factores sociales y ecológicos que afectan los resultados. Los estudios que conectan los resultados de la conservación con los factores sociales y ecológicos han examinado temporalmente los patrones estáticos. Sin embargo, puede haber diferentes procesos sociales y ecológicos que produzcan un incremento o una disminución en los resultados de la conservación, los cuales sólo pueden ser revelados por medio de los análisis temporales. Examinamos la asociación entre los factores sociales y el incremento y la disminución de la distribución de una invasión en el tiempo y el espacio con el estudio de caso de la invasión de Falcataria moluccana en Hawái. A lo largo de siete años las tasas de disminución de la invasión variaron considerablemente (66-100%) en relación con los factores sociales, como el valor de construcción, si la tierra era pública o privada, y si era la residencia principal del propietario, mientras que las tasas de incremento variaron solamente un poco (<0.1-3.6%) en relación con dichos factores. Estos hallazgos sugieren que las conexiones entre los factores sociales y la invasión en el sistema de estudio podrían ser causados más por los propietarios que controlan a las especies invasoras existentes en lugar de ser causados por los propietarios que previenen la expansión de las especies invasoras. Sugerimos que los análisis espacialmente explícitos y dependientes del tiempo proporcionan un entendimiento más matizado de cómo los factores sociales influyen sobre los resultados de la conservación. Dicho entendimiento puede ayudar a los administradores a desarrollar programas y políticas de compromiso con la comunidad enfocadas en diferentes tipos de propietarios en los paisajes dominados por el humano.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Espécies Introduzidas , Ecossistema , Havaí , Humanos
Conserv Biol ; 31(5): 1109-1118, 2017 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28233353


Ecosystems worldwide have a long history of use and management by indigenous cultures. However, environmental degradation can reduce the availability of culturally important resources. Ecological restoration aims to repair damage to ecosystems caused by human activity, but it is unclear how often restoration projects incorporate the return of harvesting or traditional life patterns for indigenous communities. We examined the incorporation of cultural use of natural resources into ecological restoration in the context of a culturally important but protected New Zealand bird; among award-winning restoration projects in Australasia and worldwide; and in the peer-reviewed restoration ecology literature. Among New Zealand's culturally important bird species, differences in threat status and availability for hunting were large. These differences indicate the values of a colonizing culture can inhibit harvesting by indigenous people. In Australasia among award-winning ecological restoration projects, <17% involved human use of restored areas beyond aesthetic or recreational use, despite many projects encouraging community participation. Globally, restoration goals differed among regions. For example, in North America, projects were primarily conservation oriented, whereas in Asia and Africa projects frequently focused on restoring cultural harvesting. From 1995 to 2014, the restoration ecology literature contained few references to cultural values or use. We argue that restoration practitioners are missing a vital component for reassembling functional ecosystems. Inclusion of sustainably harvestable areas within restored landscapes may allow for the continuation of traditional practices that shaped ecosystems for millennia, and also aid project success by ensuring community support.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Características Culturais , Animais , Ásia , Australásia , Aves , Humanos , Nova Zelândia , América do Norte , Grupos Populacionais , Condições Sociais
Conserv Biol ; 31(1): 24-29, 2017 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27624925


Research on urban insect pollinators is changing views on the biological value and ecological importance of cities. The abundance and diversity of native bee species in urban landscapes that are absent in nearby rural lands evidence the biological value and ecological importance of cities and have implications for biodiversity conservation. Lagging behind this revised image of the city are urban conservation programs that historically have invested in education and outreach rather than programs designed to achieve high-priority species conservation results. We synthesized research on urban bee species diversity and abundance to determine how urban conservation could be repositioned to better align with new views on the ecological importance of urban landscapes. Due to insect pollinators' relatively small functional requirements-habitat range, life cycle, and nesting behavior-relative to larger mammals, we argue that pollinators put high-priority and high-impact urban conservation within reach. In a rapidly urbanizing world, transforming how environmental managers view the city can improve citizen engagement and contribute to the development of more sustainable urbanization.

Abelhas , Cidades , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Urbanização , Animais , Biodiversidade , Ecossistema , Insetos , Mamíferos
Conserv Biol ; 28(2): 404-13, 2014 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24372643


Given that funds for biodiversity conservation are limited, there is a need to understand people's preferences for its different components. To date, such preferences have largely been measured in monetary terms. However, how people value biodiversity may differ from economic theory, and there is little consensus over whether monetary metrics are always appropriate or the degree to which other methods offer alternative and complementary perspectives on value. We used a choice experiment to compare monetary amounts recreational visitors to urban green spaces were willing to pay for biodiversity enhancement (increases in species richness for birds, plants, and aquatic macroinvertebrates) with self-reported psychological gains in well-being derived from visiting the same sites. Willingness-to-pay (WTP) estimates were significant and positive, and respondents reported high gains in well-being across 3 axes derived from environmental psychology theories (reflection, attachment, continuity with past). The 2 metrics were broadly congruent. Participants with above-median self-reported well-being scores were willing to pay significantly higher amounts for enhancing species richness than those with below-median scores, regardless of taxon. The socio-economic and demographic background of participants played little role in determining either their well-being or the probability of choosing a paying option within the choice experiment. Site-level environmental characteristics were only somewhat related to WTP, but showed strong associations with self-reported well-being. Both approaches are likely to reflect a combination of the environmental properties of a site and unobserved individual preference heterogeneity for the natural world. Our results suggest that either metric will deliver mutually consistent results in an assessment of environmental preferences, although which approach is preferable depends on why one wishes to measure values for the natural world.

Comportamento de Escolha , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/economia , Recreação/economia , Biodiversidade , Cidades , Inglaterra , Humanos , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Inquéritos e Questionários
Conserv Biol ; 27(4): 710-20, 2013 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23772966


A primary objective of road ecology is to understand and predict how roads affect connectivity of wildlife populations. Road avoidance behavior can fragment populations, whereas lack of road avoidance can result in high mortality due to wildlife-vehicle collisions. Many small animal species focus their activities to particular microhabitats within their larger habitat. We sought to assess how different types of roads affect the movement of small vertebrates and to explore whether responses to roads may be predictable on the basis of animal life history or microhabitat preferences preferences. We tracked the movements of fluorescently marked animals at 24 sites distributed among 3 road types: low-use dirt, low-use secondary paved, and rural 2-lane highway. Most data we collected were on the San Diego pocket mouse (Chaetodipus fallax), cactus mouse (Peromyscus eremicus), western fence lizard (Sceloporus occidentalis), orange-throated whiptail (Aspidoscelis hyperythra), Dulzura kangaroo rat (Dipodomys simulans) (dirt, secondary paved), and deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus) (highway only). San Diego pocket mice and cactus mice moved onto dirt roads but not onto a low-use paved road of similar width or onto the highway, indicating they avoid paved road substrate. Both lizard species moved onto the dirt and secondary paved roads but avoided the rural 2-lane rural highway, indicating they may avoid noise, vibration, or visual disturbance from a steady flow of traffic. Kangaroo rats did not avoid the dirt or secondary paved roads. Overall, dirt and secondary roads were more permeable to species that prefer to forage or bask in open areas of their habitat, rather than under the cover of rocks or shrubs. However, all study species avoided the rural 2-lane highway. Our results suggest that microhabitat use preferences and road substrate help predict species responses to low-use roads, but roads with heavy traffic may deter movement of a much wider range of small animal species.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/métodos , Ecossistema , Lagartos/fisiologia , Locomoção/fisiologia , Roedores/fisiologia , Animais , California , Fluorescência , Especificidade da Espécie , Meios de Transporte
Conserv Biol ; 27(4): 876-86, 2013 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23646997


Urban ecology is emerging as an integrative science that explores the interactions of people and biodiversity in cities. Interdisciplinary research requires the creation of new tools that allow the investigation of relations between people and biodiversity. It has been established that access to green spaces or nature benefits city dwellers, but the role of species diversity in providing psychological benefits remains poorly studied. We developed a user-friendly 3-dimensional computer program (Virtual Garden []) that allows people to design their own public or private green spaces with 95 biotic and abiotic features. Virtual Garden allows researchers to explore what elements of biodiversity people would like to have in their nearby green spaces while accounting for other functions that people value in urban green spaces. In 2011, 732 participants used our Virtual Garden program to design their ideal small public garden. On average gardens contained 5 different animals, 8 flowers, and 5 woody plant species. Although the mathematical distribution of flower and woody plant richness (i.e., number of species per garden) appeared to be similar to what would be expected by random selection of features, 30% of participants did not place any animal species in their gardens. Among those who placed animals in their gardens, 94% selected colorful species (e.g., ladybug [Coccinella septempunctata], Great Tit [Parus major], and goldfish), 53% selected herptiles or large mammals, and 67% selected non-native species. Older participants with a higher level of education and participants with a greater concern for nature designed gardens with relatively higher species richness and more native species. If cities are to be planned for the mutual benefit of people and biodiversity and to provide people meaningful experiences with urban nature, it is important to investigate people's relations with biodiversity further. Virtual Garden offers a standardized tool with which to explore these relations in different environments, cultures, and countries. It can also be used by stakeholders (e.g., city planners) to consider people's opinions of local design.

Atitude , Biodiversidade , Cidades , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/métodos , Jardinagem/métodos , Software , Interface Usuário-Computador , Escolaridade , Humanos , Especificidade da Espécie
Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 24(3): e20231585, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568889


Abstract: In the city of Temuco, Chile, the importance of urban wetlands has been recognized with the legal declaration of two key ecosystems: Humedal Vegas de Chivilcán and Humedales de Antumalén. This paper presents an inventory of birds in these wetlands, following the Darwin Core standard, and compares the results with other selected inventories in Chile. Observations were made using point counts and 21-hour transects. A total of 50 species from 26 families and 15 orders were identified, with a predominance of native species. Fourteen species were found in both wetlands, 20 exclusively in Chivilcán and 15 in Antumalén. Comparison with other studies revealed significant differences in bird composition between urban and peri-urban habitats, illustrating that urban habitats maintain a unique diversity distinct from that of peri-urban areas. The diversity of habitats and the 'least concern' status of most species highlight the importance of these wetlands as refuges for avian biodiversity. The structure of the Darwin Core database facilitates their integration with other biodiversity systems, highlighting the need for continued conservation and study of these urban ecosystems.

Resumen: En la ciudad de Temuco, Chile, se ha reconocido la importancia de los humedales urbanos con la declaración de dos ecosistemas clave: Humedal Vegas de Chivilcán y Humedales de Antumalén. Este trabajo presenta un inventario de aves en estos humedales, siguiendo la norma Darwin Core, y compara los hallazgos con otros inventarios seleccionados en Chile. Las observaciones se realizaron mediante conteos puntuales y transectos durante 21 horas. Se identificaron un total de 50 especies de 26 familias y 15 órdenes, predominando las especies nativas. Catorce especies se encontraron en ambos humedales, 20 eran exclusivas de Chivilcán y 15 de Antumalén. La comparación con otros estudios reveló diferencias significativas en la composición de aves entre hábitats urbanos y periurbanos, mostrando que los hábitats asociados a ciudades mantienen una diversidad singular que difiere de los hábitats periurbanos. La diversidad de hábitats y el estatus de "preocupación menor" de la mayoría de las especies resaltan la importancia de estos humedales como refugios para la biodiversidad aviar. La estructura de la base de datos Darwin Core facilita su integración con otros sistemas de biodiversidad, subrayando la necesidad de continuar con la conservación y el estudio de estos ecosistemas urbanos.

Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 23(4): e20231480, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1527941


Abstract Low biodiversity in urban areas is associated with habitat loss. However, the effects of urbanization on biodiversity should also consider the historical background of land-use, explored herein. Our goal was to evaluate changes in the assemblage of reptiles in an urban habitat over 100 years, aiming to identify which ecological attributes allowed the persistence of species that can be found in the area today. We accessed historical records in scientific collections and carried out fieldwork to access reptile assemblage in an urban green area, in São Paulo, Brazil. Considering land-use changes in the area, we defined three-time intervals between 1901 and 2020. We established species richness for each time interval, categorizing them into three ecological attributes: habitat preference, substrate use, and food habits. We recorded 27 reptile species from 1901 until 2020, 14 resulting from historical data, eight from both historical and fieldwork, and five species exclusively in fieldwork. Amphibians were also sampled during fieldwork, but not used in historical comparison. Reptile's species richness decreased 59% regardless of ecological attributes, and snakes were the group with most species' loss. Fossorial reptiles were the least affected group. We concluded that habitat loss culminated in a species richness decline, and the reptiles that remain until today were likely present since the fragment isolation. Ecological attributes of the remaining taxa include species that use terrestrial substrates and feed on prey commonly found in urban environments.

Resumo A baixa biodiversidade em áreas urbanas está associada à perda de habitat. No entanto, os efeitos da urbanização sobre a biodiversidade também devem considerar o histórico de uso da terra, explorado aqui. Nosso objetivo foi avaliar as mudanças na comunidade de répteis em um habitat urbano ao longo de 100 anos, visando identificar quais atributos ecológicos permitiram a persistência de espécies que podem ser encontradas na área hoje. Acessamos registros históricos em coleções científicas e realizamos trabalho de campo para levantar as espécies de répteis em uma área verde urbana, em São Paulo, Brasil. Considerando as mudanças de uso da terra na área amostrada, definimos três intervalos de tempo entre 1901 e 2020. Estabelecemos a riqueza de espécies para cada intervalo de tempo, categorizando-as em três atributos ecológicos: preferência de habitat, uso de substrato e hábitos alimentares. Registramos 27 espécies de répteis de 1901 até 2020, sendo 14 resultantes de dados históricos, oito de dados históricos e de campo e cinco espécies amostradas exclusivamente de campo. Anfíbios também foram amostrados durante o trabalho de campo, mas não foram usados na comparação histórica. A riqueza de espécies de répteis diminuiu 59% independentemente dos atributos ecológicos, e serpente foi o grupo com maior perda de espécies. Os répteis fossoriais foram o grupo menos afetado. Concluímos que a perda de habitat culminou em um declínio da riqueza de espécies, e os répteis que permanecem até hoje provavelmente estavam presentes desde o isolamento do fragmento. Os atributos ecológicos dos táxons remanescentes incluem espécies que utilizam substratos terrestres e se alimentam de presas comumente encontradas em ambientes urbanos.

Biota Neotrop, v, 23, n. 4, e20231480, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | SES-SP, SES SP - Instituto Butantan, SES-SP | ID: bud-5224


Low biodiversity in urban areas is associated with habitat loss. However, the effects of urbanization on biodiversity should also consider the historical background of land-use, explored herein. Our goal was to evaluate changes in the assemblage of reptiles in an urban habitat over 100 years, aiming to identify which ecological attributes allowed the persistence of species that can be found in the area today. We accessed historical records in scientific collections and carried out fieldwork to access reptile assemblage in an urban green area, in São Paulo, Brazil. Considering land-use changes in the area, we defined three-time intervals between 1901 and 2020. We established species richness for each time interval, categorizing them into three ecological attributes: habitat preference, substrate use, and food habits. We recorded 27 reptile species from 1901 until 2020, 14 resulting from historical data, eight from both historical and fieldwork, and five species exclusively in fieldwork. Amphibians were also sampled during fieldwork, but not used in historical comparison. Reptile’s species richness decreased 59% regardless of ecological attributes, and snakes were the group with most species’ loss. Fossorial reptiles were the least affected group. We concluded that habitat loss culminated in a species richness decline, and the reptiles that remain until today were likely present since the fragment isolation. Ecological attributes of the remaining taxa include species that use terrestrial substrates and feed on prey commonly found in urban environments.

A baixa biodiversidade em áreas urbanas está associada à perda de habitat. No entanto, os efeitos da urbanização sobre a biodiversidade também devem considerar o histórico de uso da terra, explorado aqui. Nosso objetivo foi avaliar as mudanças na comunidade de répteis em um habitat urbano ao longo de 100 anos, visando identificar quais atributos ecológicos permitiram a persistência de espécies que podem ser encontradas na área hoje. Acessamos registros históricos em coleções científicas e realizamos trabalho de campo para levantar as espécies de répteis em uma área verde urbana, em São Paulo, Brasil. Considerando as mudanças de uso da terra na área amostrada, definimos três intervalos de tempo entre 1901 e 2020. Estabelecemos a riqueza de espécies para cada intervalo de tempo, categorizando-as em três atributos ecológicos: preferência de habitat, uso de substrato e hábitos alimentares. Registramos 27 espécies de répteis de 1901 até 2020, sendo 14 resultantes de dados históricos, oito de dados históricos e de campo e cinco espécies amostradas exclusivamente de campo. Anfíbios também foram amostrados durante o trabalho de campo, mas não foram usados na comparação histórica. A riqueza de espécies de répteis diminuiu 59% independentemente dos atributos ecológicos, e serpente foi o grupo com maior perda de espécies. Os répteis fossoriais foram o grupo menos afetado. Concluímos que a perda de habitat culminou em um declínio da riqueza de espécies, e os répteis que permanecem até hoje provavelmente estavam presentes desde o isolamento do fragmento. Os atributos ecológicos dos táxons remanescentes incluem espécies que utilizam substratos terrestres e se alimentam de presas comumente encontradas em ambientes urbanos.

Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 29(1): e20887, ene.-mar. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1377191


Resumen En el presente trabajo se estudia la diversidad de escarabajos coprófagos en tres zonas urbanizadas del departamento de Sucre, Colombia, cada una con características ecológicas distintas. Los individuos fueron capturados con trampas de caída cebadas. Se analizaron el esfuerzo de muestreo, las curvas de rango-abundancia y los índices de diversidad alfa y beta. Se capturaron 710 individuos, agrupados en nueve géneros y 13 especies. El análisis de completitud arrojó valores por encima del 97%. El ensamble más diverso en cualquiera de los tres órdenes de "q" se encontró en la zona que alberga edificaciones, jardines y un parche de bosque de vegetación secundaria, seguido por una zona de pastizales, con pocas edificaciones; el ensamble de menor diversidad correspondió a la zona rodeada de edificaciones y con escasa cobertura vegetal. El índice de Sorensen-Dice arrojó una similitud total entre las tres zonas del 38%. Las curvas de rango-abundancia mostraron mayor equidad de especies en la zona más diversa. Los resultados indicaron que la composición del ensamble de escarabajos depende de las condiciones ambientales y el grado de urbanización. Así mismo, se evidenció que algunas especies pueden tener alta adaptabilidad y que algunas de ellas corren el riesgo potencial de presentar eventos de extinción local.

Abstract In this paper, diversity and composition of dung beetles assemblage was study in three urbanized areas with different ecological characteristics from Sucre department , Colombia. Individuals were captured with baited pitfall traps. Sampling effort, range-abundance curves, alpha and beta diversity indices were estimated and compared among the sites. Seven hundred ten individuals grouped into nine genera and 13 species were recorded. The completeness analysis yielded values above 97%. The most diverse assemblage in any of the three orders of "q" was found in the site with a mixture of buildings, gardens, and a patch of secondary vegetation forest, followed by the site with few facilities and open green spaces, and the least diverse site corresponded to the area surrounded by buildings with little vegetation cover. Sorensen-Dice index similarity among the three sites was 38%. The range-abundance curves showed higher species equitability in the most diverse site. The results show that the beetle assemblage composition depends on environmental conditions and the degree of urbanization. It was also evident that some species have high adaptability to urban spaces and others are potentially at risk of local extinction events.

Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 21(1): e20201122, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1153213


Abstract: Urbanization significantly increases the rates of environmental disturbance, being one of the main causes of habitat loss and biodiversity. The growing trend of converting the natural landscape into areas for real estate speculation in the coastal region of the southernmost part of Brazil is a current concern, as the region is home to unique ecosystems, such as dunes, wetlands and large brackish lagoons. As they are organisms sensitive to environmental changes, variations in the structure of Odonata communities are used as indicators of habitat quality reflecting the human impact on the environment. Here we assessed how the Odonata community is affected by the growing urbanization around natural ponds on the coast of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, testing the hypothesis that the increase in the percentage of urbanization negatively influences the Odonata community, following the same pattern found for other groups of invertebrates. The collections took place in 28 coastal ponds, which were classified as urbanized and non-urbanized based on the surrounding ground cover. Anisoptera's richness, abundance and composition were influenced by urbanization, but the same was not found for Zygoptera. The analysis of indicator species specifies three species associated with non-urbanized areas: Erythrodiplax sp.1, Erythemis credula and Telebasis corallina. Our study highlights the importance of Odonata as organisms that indicate environmental integrity and reinforces the need for urban planning strategies that favor the conservation and maintenance of the environments affected by urbanization.

Resumo: A urbanização aumenta significativamente as taxas de perturbação ambiental, sendo está uma das principais causas da perda de habitat e biodiversidade. A tendência crescente de conversão da paisagem natural em áreas para especulação imobiliária na região costeira do extremo sul do Brasil é uma preocupação atual, pois a região abriga ecossistemas únicos, como dunas, áreas úmidas e grandes lagoas salobras. Como são organismos sensíveis às alterações ambientais, as variações na estrutura das comunidades de Odonata são utilizadas como indicadores de qualidade do habitat refletindo o impacto humano no ambiente. Nós avaliamos como a comunidade de Odonata é afetada pela crescente urbanização em torno de lagoas naturais no litoral do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, testando a hipótese de que o aumento do percentual de urbanização influencia negativamente a comunidade de Odonata, seguindo o mesmo padrão encontrado para outros grupos de invertebrados. As coletas ocorreram em 28 lagoas costeiras, que foram classificadas como urbanizadas e não urbanizadas com base na cobertura do solo no entorno. A riqueza, abundância e composição de Anisoptera foram influenciadas pela urbanização, mas o mesmo não foi encontrado para Zygoptera. A análise de espécies indicadoras especifica três espécies associadas a áreas não urbanizadas: Erythrodiplax sp.1, Erythemis credula e Telebasis corallina. Nosso estudo destaca a importância dos Odonata como organismos indicadores de integridade ambiental e reforça a necessidade de estratégias de planejamento urbano que favoreçam a conservação e manutenção dos ambientes afetados pela urbanização.

Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 28(4): e21627, Oct.-Dec 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1361079


Resumen En este estudio se analiza y discute la ingesta de plástico y otros materiales antropogénicos por parte de Coragyps atratus en un vertedero de residuos suburbano de Calceta, Provincia de Manabí, Ecuador. De un total de 112 egagrópilas analizadas, el 100% contenía materiales antropogénicos siendo los más conspicuos, diferentes tipos de plásticos y microplásticos, además de metales, vidrio, suelo y otros. Se discute y contrasta con la bibliografía la importancia relativa de los materiales antropogénicos encontrados, así como su potencial impacto en la especie y para el ser humano.

Abstract This study analyzes and discusses the ingestion of plastic and other anthropogenic materials by Coragyps atratus in a suburban waste dump in Calceta, Manabí Province, Ecuador. Of a total of 112 pellets analyzed, 100% contained anthropogenic materials, the most conspicuous being different types of plastics and microplastics, as well as metals, glass, soil, and others. The relative importance of the anthropogenic materials found is discussed and analyzed, same as their potential impact on the species and humanity.

Acta biol. colomb ; 25(3): 359-367, sep.-dic. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1149016


ABSTRACT Cities have grown throughout the Andes and we know little about the ecology of those species that tolerate them, limiting our options to do conservation. We applied optimal foraging theory to examine the behavior of the Andean White-eared Opossum (Didelphispernigra), in a suburban area in Bogotá, Colombia. We used the giving-up density technique, which uses the amount of food left in a feeding patch, to evaluate whether the opossum's foraging costs were affected by the height of food from the ground, and the quality and quantity of food. We also evaluated whether the spatial heterogeneity of the study site affected the opossum's foraging. We used an artificial feeding patch to test these ideas. When food was either concentrated and, in less amount (concentrated food) or diluted and more amount (diluted food), the opossums preferred to forage at 2 m than at 0.5 m, and they showed a preference for concentrated food at 0.5 m, but not at 2 m. The opossums' habitat use was affected by the spatial heterogeneity at the study site and animals preferred foraging along metal fences than on live fences made of trees. When a cable allowed connection between the metallic and live fences, the value of food patches at the live fence appeared to increase. Thus, although the opossums need resources associated with natural environments, our results suggest that there are human modifications that can benefit them, such as those that reduce the risk of predation and favor their mobility in suburban environments.

RESUMEN En los Andes las ciudades han crecido y sabemos poco sobre la ecología de aquellas especies que toleran dicho crecimiento, limitando las opciones para su apropiada conservación. Aplicamos la teoría de uso óptimo de parches para examinar el comportamiento de forrajeo del fara (Didelphispernigra) en un área suburbana de Bogotá, Colombia. Utilizamos la técnica de densidad de abandono, que usa la cantidad de alimento dejada en un parche, para evaluar si los costos de forrajeo de este marsupial fueron afectados por la altura de los parches desde el suelo, así como la calidad y cantidad de alimento. Igualmente, evaluamos el efecto de la heterogeneidad espacial del área de estudio sobre el forrajeo del fara. Usamos un parche alimentario artificial con alimento líquido para evaluar estas hipótesis. Cuando el alimento era concentrado y en menor cantidad (concentrado) o diluido y en mayor cantidad (diluido), los faras prefirieron forrajear a 2 m, y prefirieron el alimento concentrado sobre el diluido a 0.5 m, pero no a 2 m. El uso del hábitat del fara fue afectado por la heterogeneidad espacial en el sitio de estudio y ellos prefirieron forrajear a lo largo de cercas metálicas, más que sobre cercas vivas. Cuando un cable permitió la conexión entre las cercas metálicas y vivas, el valor de algunos parches en la cerca viva pareció aumentar. Aunque los faras necesitan recursos asociados con ambientes naturales, nuestros resultados sugieren que las modificaciones humanas, como las que reducen el riesgo de depredación y favorecen su movilidad, pueden beneficiarlos.

Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 27(3): 349-360, jul-sep 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1144966


Resumen En el Refugio de Vida Silvestre Pantanos de Villa se analizó la preferencia de hábitat de las aves residentes y migratorias en función a la estacionalidad de 211 especies de aves, de las cuales 97 son residentes, 82 migratorias y 32 visitantes ocasionales. De acuerdo con el uso de los hábitats: 80.1% de especies habitan en cualquiera de los hábitats de pantanos, 40.8% en el litoral marino, 37.9% en parques y jardines, 33.2% en pantanos y la playa marina, 34.1% en pantanos y los parques y jardines y 1.0% en la playa arenosa marina y los parques y jardines. La mayor similitud de especies se encuentra entre las que habitan en la zona arbustiva y parques y jardines con 82.3%. La intensidad de las fluctuaciones de la riqueza de especies varía según el hábitat que ocupan con los mayores valores entre marzo y mayo en los espejos de agua (25) y en el litoral marino (24). La gestión de Pantanos de Villa debe priorizar el mantenimiento de la heterogeneidad de hábitats debido a la baja similitud entre varios de ellos y exclusividad de especies para los mismos. La comparación entre las preferencias de hábitat de las aves y las plantas muestra que es necesario tener en cuenta más de un taxón en la toma de decisiones para el manejo y conservación de la biodiversidad de los humedales costeros.

Abstract In the wildlife refuge Pantanos de Villa, habitat preferences of resident and migratory birds were analyzed according to the seasonality of 211 species of birds, of which 97 were residents, 82 migratories and 32 occasional visitors. According to use of habitats: 80.1% of species live on any of these wetlands, 40.8% in the marine coast, 37.9% in parks and gardens, 33.2% in wetlands and the beach, 34.1% in wetlands and parks and gardens and 1.0% in marine sandy beach and parks and gardens. Higher species similarity was between those living in "shrubland zones" and "parks and gardens" (82.3%). Fluctuation intensity of the species richness varied according to their occupance habitats, with the highest value observed between March and May in the water bodies (25) and marine coast (24). Management of the Pantanos de Villa must prioritize maintenance of heterogeneity of habitats because the low similarity degree would show species exclusivity of each of them. Comparisons between preferences of habitats of birds and plants would demonstrate the need of consider more than one taxa in decision-making for the management and conservation of biodiversity of coastal wetlands.

Orinoquia ; 23(2): 109-120, jul.-dic. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1115046


Resumen Algunos murciélagos ocupan ambientes altamente modificados por los humanos, y en Colombia poco sabemos sobre su historia natural en ambientes urbanos. Por ello estudiamos los edificios utilizados por murciélagos como refugios en un campus universitario en Villavicencio, Meta, piedemonte llanero colombiano. Medimos la altura al sitio de percha, cobertura del dosel y distancia al poste de luz más cercano para cada refugio. Identificamos 13 edificios con 15 refugios; siete usados por Saccopteryx leptura, cuatro por Carollia perspicillata, tres por Molossus molossus, y dos por Phyllostomus elongatus. En un caso, M. molossus y C. perspicillata compartieron refugio. La altura al sitio de percha, cobertura del dosel y distancia a postes de luz fue considerablemente variable entre refugios. Los refugios se encontraron entre 1.83-13.5 m de altura, y coberturas de dosel y distancia a postes entre 22.75-87.5%, y 3.5-39.92 m, respectivamente. El número de individuos en los refugios de S. leptura se correlacionó positivamente con la distancia al poste de luz más cercano y la altura del sitio de percha. Así, esas características de los refugios artificiales parecen relacionarse con su calidad para S. leptura. Sugerimos evitar los refugios en sitios de trabajo cercanos a personas, para reducir conflictos entre humanos y murciélagos en el campus por la posibilidad de transmisión de enfermedades. También sugerimos evaluar el uso de refugios artificiales, e.g., cajas para murciélagos, como alternativas a los edificios para mantener los servicios ecosistémicos brindados por los murciélagos en el campus.

Abstract Several bat species are able to use environments highly modified by humans, and in Colombia, little is known about the natural history of urban bats. Consequently, we studied the buildings used by bats as roosts in a university campus in the foothills of the Eastern Cordillera in Villavicencio, Meta. We measured for each roosting site: height to the perching site, tree cover, and distance to light poles. We identified 13 buildings with 15 roosting sites; seven were used by Saccopteryx leptura (Lesser Sac-winged Bat), four by Carollia perspicillata (Seba's Short-tailed Bat), three by Molossus molossus (Pallas's Mastiff Bat), and two by Phyllostomus elongatus (Lesser Spear-nosed Bat). Molossus molossus and C. perspicillata shared one roosting site. Height to the perching site, canopy cover, and distance to light poles were highly variable. The roosts were between 1.83-13.5 m, whereas tree cover and distances to light poles were between 22.75-87.5%, and 3.5-39.92 m, respectively. The number of individuals within the roosts of S. leptura was positively correlated to the distance to the nearest pole and the height of the perch site. Thus, these characteristics of the artificial roosting sites appear to be related to site quality for this bat species. We suggest avoiding roosts in work places close to people to reduce conflicts between bats and humans on campus, due to the likelihood of disease transmission. We also suggest evaluating the use of artificial roosting sites, such as bat boxes, as alternatives to buildings to maintain the ecosystem services provided by these mammals on campus.

Resumo Alguns morcegos têm-se adaptado a abitar entornos urbanos, e conviver com os humanos, na Colômbia é pouco o que se conhece sobre sua história natural nestas condições. Portanto se estudaram os prédios de um campus universitário usados pelos morcegos como refúgios na cidade de Villavicencio, Meta, no piedemonte das planícies orientais colombianas. A altura do refúgio, a cobertura do dossel, e a distância entre os postes da iluminação pública foram medidos. Se identificaram 15 refúgios em 13 prédios, sete eram utilizados por Saccopteryx leptura, quatro por Carollia perspicillata, três por Molossus molossus e dois por Phyllostomus elongatus. Só num caso M. molossus e C. perspicillata achavam-se juntos. A altura, cobertura do dossel y a distância entre os postes foram consideravelmente variáveis entre os refúgios, que se encontravam entre 1,83-13,5 m de altura, a cobertura do dossel e a distancias entre postes foram de entre 22.75-87.5% e 3.5-39.92 m, respectivamente. Achou-se uma correlação positiva entre a distância ao poste mais perto e a altura de penduragem, com a quantidade de indivíduos nos refúgios de S. leptura. Assim, para esta espécie, estas características dos refúgios artificiais aparentemente se relacionam com a qualidade. Se sugere evitar os refúgios nos lugares de trabalho pertos aos humanos para reducir conflitos entre as espécies pela aparição de doenças. Também se aconselha avaliar a utilização de refúgios artificiais, como caixas para morcegos, como alternativas aos prédios para manter os serviços ecossistêmicos oferecidos pelos morcegos no campus.

Rev. luna azul ; 49(0): 200-219, 2019. tab, ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1121056


Introducción. Este trabajo de investigación se realizó en la Ciudad de Honda, Colombia. Identificó el efecto de la sombra de los árboles en la atenuación de la temperatura, humedad relativa, temperatura de superficie del suelo, radiación solar y ultravioleta (UV) y determinó requerimientos de agua para la vegetación arbórea. Metodología. Se tomaron datos de temperatura del aire y de superficie de suelo, humedad relativa del aire, radiaciones solares y UV bajo la sombra de árboles y a plena exposición. Resultados. Se encontró que la temperatura del aire osciló entre 50ºC a plena exposición solar y 41ºC bajo sombra. La temperatura de superficie presentó a plena exposición solar valores de 66.8ºC y 42.6ºC bajo sombra. La variación de la radiación solar registrada ofreció un valor de 17.13 mW/cm2 a plena exposición solar y 1.69 mW/cm2 bajo sombra. La radiación UV presentó valores de 8 a plena exposición solar y 5 bajo sombra. La demanda hídrica por planta/día varió entre 5 y más de 500 litros, siendo la demanda diaria cercana a 2500 m3 . Conclusiones. En la ciudad no se realiza riego a los árboles, lo que conduce a que se produzca un déficit hídrico evidenciado por la pérdida de follaje ocasionando mínimas atenuaciones a la radiación UV. Las especies más relevantes respecto a la sombra son almendro (Terminalia cattapa), Pallandé (Pitecellobium dulce), naranjuelo (Capparis odoratissima), guayacán carrapo (Bulnesia carrapo), chirlobirlo (Tecoma stands), cumulá (Aspidosperma polyneuron) y mango (Manguifera indica). Los árboles pueden generar un buen servicio ecosistémico por la sombra, este servicio está mediado por la selección de la especie y el manejo de que son objeto los árboles.

Introduction: This research work was carried out in the city of Honda, Colombia. It identified the effect of tree shade on temperature attenuation, relative humidity, soil surface temperature, solar and ultraviolet (UV) radiation, and determined water requirements for arboreal vegetation. Methodology: Data on air and soil surface temperature, relative air humidity, solar and UV radiation were taken under the shade of trees and at full exposure. Results: It was found that the air temperature ranged from 50ºC at full sun exposure to 41ºC under shade. The surface temperature was 66.8ºC and 42.6ºC under shade. The variation of the registered solar radiation offered a value of 17.13 mW/cm2 at full solar exposure and 1.69 mW/cm2 under shade. The UV radiation presented values of 8 at full solar exposure and 5 under shade. The water demand per plant/day varied between 5 and more than 500 liters, being the daily demand close to 2500 m3. Conclusions: There is no irrigation of trees in the city which leads to a water deficit evidenced by the loss of foliage causing minimal attenuations to UV radiation. The most relevant species regarding shade are almond (Terminalia cattapa), Pallandé (Pitecellobium dulce), orange (Capparis odoratissima), guayacán carrapo (Bulnesia carrapo), chirlobirlo (Tecoma stands), cumula (Aspidosperma polyneuron) and mango (Manguifera indica). Trees can generate a good ecosystem service by shade which is mediated by the selection of the species and the management of the trees.

Humanos , Cidades , Efeitos da Radiação , Área Urbana , Ecologia
Cienc. tecnol. salud ; 3(1): 65-79, ene.-jun. 2016. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-868826


La urbanización es un fenómeno global cuyo pronóstico prevé que para el 2050 hasta el 70% de la poblaciónmundial vivirá en ciudades. Esto tendrá un impacto sobre la diversidad biológica, lo que podría generar pérdidade especies y de los servicios ecosistémicos relacionados. Las administraciones municipales deben contemplareste componente para la planificación y desempeño ambiental de sus ciudades y áreas urbanas. El Convenio sobrela Diversidad Biológica (CDB) ha planteado una nueva herramienta para estimar la diversidad biológica enciudades: el índice de diversidad biológica urbana. En este proyecto se evaluó este índice para la ciudad de LaAntigua Guatemala. De un máximo de 72 puntos, el resultado para la ciudad de La Antigua Guatemala fue de33 puntos. Se midieron 18 indicadores de tres componentes: (1) biodiversidad urbana con un desempeño alto,(2) servicios ecosistémicos con un desempeño bajo y (3) gobernanza y manejo de la diversidad biológica con undesempeño medio. Los registros para la línea base de la biodiversidad son: 99 especies de aves, 148 especies deplantas vasculares, 46 especies de mariposas y 11 especies de murciélagos. Se recomienda a las autoridades dela ciudad de La Antigua Guatemala y actores involucrados, elaborar de urgencia la estrategia local de diversidadbiológica y su plan de acción.

The global process of urbanization predicts a 70% of all world citizens living in cities by the year 2050. Theresult will be a high impact on biological diversity like species loss and degradation of ecosystem services.Local governments have to introduce this component in the environmental planning and performance of their cities.The UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) has proposed a new tool to evaluate the biological diversityin cities: The City Biodiversity Index (CBI). In this project the CBI for the city of La Antigua Guatemala wasassessed. The city scores 33 points out of 72. The indicators measured were related to three main components: (1)biological diversity with high value, (2) ecosystem services with low value and (3) governance and managementof biological diversity with medium value. Biodiversity base line records were: 99 bird species, 148 plant species,46 butterfly species and 11 bat species. The project recommends the urgent elaboration of Antigua Guatemala’sCity Local Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (LBSAP).

Animais , Ecologia , Planejamento de Cidades , Área Urbana
Semina cienc. biol. saude ; 34(1): 45-54, jan./jul. 2013. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-724403


Poucos estudos com aves em ambientes urbanos foram desenvolvidos no interior de Goiás. Assim, o propósito deste trabalho foi inspecionar a estrutura da comunidade de aves do Instituto Federal Goianoem Iporá. Quarenta e oito amostragens semanais foram realizadas entre setembro de 2010 e agosto de 2011. Os registros foram feitos ao longo de uma trilha no perímetro da área. Registramos um total de 73 espécies, distribuídas em 35 famílias, sendo Tyrannidae a família com maior riqueza (9,6% do total). A estimativa de riqueza segundo a análise Jacnkife1 foi de 88,6 espécies, demonstrando assimque uma parcela significativa da avifauna local foi registrada. A distinção em categorias de ocorrênciademonstrou um predomínio de espécies ocasionais e prováveis residentes, com poucas espécies residentes. A classificação em categorias tróficas demonstrou um predomínio de espécies onívoras e insetívoras, tal como esperado para áreas antropizadas. A maioria das espécies foi classificada como de baixa sensitividade aos impactos antrópicos. Este trabalho demonstra a importância da área estudada para a manutenção de uma avifauna. Recomendamos mais estudos similares, a fim de ampliar oconhecimento da avifauna em localidades urbanizadas do Centro–Oeste Goiano.

Few studies were developed with urban birds in the interior of the Goiás State. The aim of this paper was to analyse the bird community structure in “Instituto Federal Goiano”, municipality of Iporá. Fortyeight samples were taken weekly from September 2010 to August 2011. The records were made along one trail in the perimeter of the area. We recorded a total of 73 species distributed in 35 families. Tyrannidae was the family with most richness (9.6% from total). The richness estimation based on Jacknife1 analysis was 88.6, demonstrating a significant estimation to the number of species. Thedistinction in occurrence categories shows a most number of occasional and probable resident species, but few resident species. The inspection in trophic categories shows a prevalence of the omnivore and insectivore species, as we normally waiting to the anthropized areas. The majority of species were classified in low sensitivity to human disturbance. This study shows the importance of the study area formaintenance of a bird community. We recommended other similar studies to increase knowledge of the bird communities in urbanized localities in the midwest of Goiás state.

Animais , Aves , Ecossistema
Biota neotrop. (Online, Ed. port.) ; 13(2): 76-80, Apr-Jun/2013. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-682383


Nowadays, the processes of deforestation and loss of habitats represent a major threat to many species of mammals. These processes cause changes in natural landscapes by decreasing area, connectivity, and fragment size, and increasing edge effects and number of fragments. Understanding which and how many species persist in disturbed fragments may indicate the species' minimum requirements and might contribute to their conservation. Here we show how the mammalian fauna of medium and large size (higher than 1 kg) are structured in a semideciduous seasonal forest fragment of 36.5 ha in the urban area of Jataí, Goiás. We performed the sampling with 30 sand track plots (1 x 1 m). We analyzed the relative record frequency and built a collector's curve to demonstrate the sampling effort. With a total effort of 600 track plots × days, we recorded twelve species of mammals with our tracks sampling method, from which only the wild mammals were included in the analyzes (11 species). The estimated species richness reached 13 species (SD (Standard Deviation) = ±1, CI (Confidence Interval) = ±2 (11 – 15 species). The species with the highest relative record frequency was Didelphis albiventris and the species with the lowest was Tamandua tetradactyla. The fragment size must be a limiting factor to the richness and to the occurrence of species, as it may not be sufficient to allow the persistence of a population or an individual. Disturbances that originated from houses, like domestic animals and movement of people, also contributed to the removal and extinction of species. To conserve the species in the fragment, we suggest the prevention of entrance of people and of domestic animals. We also recommend increased connectivity of the fragment with the landscape external to the urban area in order to allow the movement of the currently present species.

Atualmente, os processos de perda e fragmentação de habitats representam uma das maiores ameaças às espécies de mamíferos, provocando mudanças nas paisagens diminuindo a área natural, a conectividade e o tamanho dos fragmentos e aumentando o número dos fragmentos e o efeito de borda. Entender quais e quantas espécies habitam fragmentos perturbados pode indicar seus requerimentos mínimos contribuindo para sua conservação. Neste trabalho é mostrado como está estruturada a mastofauna de médio e grande porte (>1 kg) em um fragmento de Floresta Estacional Semidecidual de 36,5 ha na área urbana do município de Jataí, Goiás. A coleta foi realizada com o uso de 30 parcelas de areia (1 x 1 m), foi também analisada a frequência de registro e construída uma curva do coletor para demonstrar o esforço de coleta. Com um esforço total de 600 parcelas/dias foram registradas doze espécies de mamíferos, mas somente não domésticas foram inclusas nas análises (onze espécies). A riqueza estimada foi de 13 espécies (DP (Desvio Padrão) = ± 1, IC (Intervalo de Confiança) ± 2 (11 – 15 espécies). A espécie com a maior frequência relativa de registros foi Didelphis albiventris e a com menor frequência relativa foi Tamandua tetradactyla. O tamanho do fragmento deve ser um limitante para a riqueza e permanência das espécies, pois pode não ser suficiente para a persistência de uma população ou mesmo de um individuo. Perturbações advindas das moradias como animais domésticos e o trânsito de pessoas também devem contribuir para o afastamento e extinção das espécies. Para conservação das espécies no fragmento, sugerimos a proibição da entrada de pessoas e animais domésticos, bem como aumentar a conectividade do fragmento com a paisagem exterior à área urbana, a fim de permitir a movimentação das espécies presentes.

Detalhe da pesquisa