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Nature ; 601(7891): 35-44, 2022 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34987212


Superconductivity is a remarkably widespread phenomenon that is observed in most metals cooled to very low temperatures. The ubiquity of such conventional superconductors, and the wide range of associated critical temperatures, is readily understood in terms of the well-known Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer theory. Occasionally, however, unconventional superconductors are found, such as the iron-based materials, which extend and defy this understanding in unexpected ways. In the case of the iron-based superconductors, this includes the different ways in which the presence of multiple atomic orbitals can manifest in unconventional superconductivity, giving rise to a rich landscape of gap structures that share the same dominant pairing mechanism. In addition, these materials have also led to insights into the unusual metallic state governed by the Hund's interaction, the control and mechanisms of electronic nematicity, the impact of magnetic fluctuations and quantum criticality, and the importance of topology in correlated states. Over the fourteen years since their discovery, iron-based superconductors have proven to be a testing ground for the development of novel experimental tools and theoretical approaches, both of which have extensively influenced the wider field of quantum materials.

Phys Rev Lett ; 132(13): 136504, 2024 Mar 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38613298


The iron-based superconductor FeSe_{1-x}Te_{x} has recently gained significant attention as a host of two distinct physical phenomena: (i) Majorana zero modes that can serve as potential topologically protected qubits, and (ii) a realization of the orbital-selective Mott transition. In this Letter, we connect these two phenomena and provide new insights into the interplay between strong electronic correlations and nontrivial topology in FeSe_{1-x}Te_{x}. Using linearized quasiparticle self-consistent GW plus dynamical mean-field theory, we show that the topologically protected Dirac surface state has substantial Fe(d_{xy}) character. The proximity to the orbital-selective Mott transition plays a dual role: it facilitates the appearance of the topological surface state by bringing the Dirac cone close to the chemical potential but destroys the Z_{2} topological superconductivity when the system is too close to the orbital-selective Mott phase. We derive a reduced effective Hamiltonian that describes the topological band. Its parameters capture all the chemical trends found in the first principles calculation. Our findings provide a framework for further study of the interplay between strong electronic correlations and nontrivial topology in other iron-based superconductors.

Nano Lett ; 22(17): 6900-6906, 2022 Sep 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35976289


Nanoscale inhomogeneity can profoundly impact properties of two-dimensional van der Waals materials. Here, we reveal how sulfur substitution on the selenium atomic sites in Fe1-ySe1-xSx (0 ≤ x ≤ 1, y ≤ 0.1) causes Fe-Ch (Ch = Se, S) bond length differences and strong disorder for 0.4 ≤ x ≤ 0.8. There, the superconducting transition temperature Tc is suppressed and disorder-related scattering is enhanced. The high-temperature metallic resistivity in the presence of strong disorder exceeds the Mott limit and provides an example of the violation of Matthiessen's rule and the Mooij law, a dominant effect when adding moderate disorder past the Drude/Matthiessen's regime in all materials. The scattering mechanism responsible for the resistivity above the Mott limit is unrelated to phonons and arises for strong Se/S atom disorder in the tetrahedral surrounding of Fe. Our findings shed light on the intricate connection between the nanostructural details and the unconventional scattering mechanism, which is possibly related to charge-nematic or magnetic spin fluctuations.

J Am Chem Soc ; 144(27): 11933-11937, 2022 Jul 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35678502


Three-dimensionally (3D) frustrated magnets generally exist in the magnetic diamond and pyrochlore lattices, in which quantum fluctuations suppress magnetic orders and generate highly entangled ground states. LiYbSe2 in a previously unreported pyrochlore lattice was discovered from LiCl flux growth. Distinct from the quantum spin liquid (QSL) candidate NaYbSe2 hosting a perfect triangular lattice of Yb3+, LiYbSe2 crystallizes in the cubic pyrochlore structure with space group Fd3m (No. 227). The Yb3+ ions in LiYbSe2 are arranged on a network of corner-sharing tetrahedra, which is particularly susceptible to geometrical frustration. According to our temperature-dependent magnetic susceptibility measurements, the dominant antiferromagnetic interaction in LiYbSe2 is expected to appear around 8 K. However, no long-range magnetic order is detected in thermomagnetic measurements above 70 mK. Specific heat measurements also show magnetic correlations shifting with applied magnetic field with a degree of missing entropy that may be related to the slight mixture of Yb3+ on the Li site. Such magnetic frustration of Yb3+ is rare in pyrochlore structures. Thus, LiYbSe2 shows promise in intrinsically realizing disordered quantum states like QSL in pyrochlore structures.

Phys Rev Lett ; 129(9): 096403, 2022 Aug 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36083681


The localization-delocalization transition is at the heart of strong correlation physics. Recently, there is great interest in multiorbital systems where this transition can be restricted to certain orbitals, leading to an orbital-selective Mott phase (OSMP). Theoretically, the OSMP is widely studied for kinetically decoupled orbitals, but the effect of interorbital hopping remains unclear. Here, we show how nonlocal interorbital hopping leads to local hybridization in single-site dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT). Under fairly general circumstances, this implies that, at zero temperature, the OSMP, involving the Mott-insulating state of one orbital, is unstable against interorbital hopping to a different, metallic orbital. We further show that the coherence scale below which all electrons are itinerant is very small and gets exponentially suppressed even if the interorbital hopping is not overly small. Within this framework, the OSMP with interorbital hopping may thus reach down to extremely low temperatures T, but not to T=0. Accordingly, it is part of a coherence-incoherence crossover and not a quantum critical point. We present analytical arguments supported by numerical results using the numerical renormalization group as a DMFT impurity solver. We also compare our findings with previous slave-spin studies.

Phys Rev Lett ; 126(12): 127401, 2021 Mar 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33834805


We investigate the optical properties of the normal state of the infinite-layer La_{1-x}Sr_{x}NiO_{2} using density functional theory plus dynamical mean-field theory. We find a correlated metal which exhibits substantial transfer of spectral weight to high energies relative to the density functional theory. The correlations are not due to Mott physics, which would suppress the charge fluctuations and the integrated optical spectral weight as we approach a putative insulating state. Instead, we find the unusual situation, that the integrated optical spectral weight decreases with doping and increases with increasing temperature. We contrast this with the coherent component of the optical conductivity, which decreases with increasing temperature as a result of a coherence-incoherence crossover. Our studies reveal that the effective crystal field splitting is dynamical and increases strongly at low frequency. This leads to a picture of a Hund's metallic state, where dynamical orbital fluctuations are visible at intermediate energies, while at low energies a Fermi surface with primarily d_{x^{2}-y^{2}} character emerges. The infinite-layer nickelates are thus in an intermediate position between the iron based high temperature superconductors where multiorbital Hund's physics dominates and a one-band system such as the cuprates. To capture this physics we propose a low-energy two-band model with atom centered e_{g} states.

Inorg Chem ; 60(7): 4424-4433, 2021 Apr 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33705141


A polycrystalline sample of Tl2Ir2O7 was synthesized by high-pressure and high-temperature methods. Tl2Ir2O7 crystallizes in the cubic pyrochlore structure with space group Fd3̅m (No. 227). The Ir4+ oxidation state is confirmed by Ir-L3 X-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy. Combined temperature-dependent magnetic susceptibility, resistivity, specific heat, and DFT+DMFT calculation data show that Tl2Ir2O7 is a Pauli paramagnetic metal, but it is close to a metal-insulator transition. The effective ionic size of Tl3+ is much smaller than that of Pr3+ in metallic Pr2Ir2O7; hence, Tl2Ir2O7 would be expected to be insulating according to the established phase diagram of the pyrochlore iridate compounds, A3+2Ir4+2O7. Our experimental and theoretical studies indicate that Tl2Ir2O7 is uniquely different from the current A3+2Ir4+2O7 phase diagram. This uniqueness is attributed primarily to the electronic configuration difference between Tl3+ and rare-earth ions, which plays a substantial role in determining the Ir-O-Ir bond angle, and the corresponding electrical and magnetic properties.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 115(31): 7890-7895, 2018 07 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30018065


The lack of a mechanistic framework for chemical reactions forming inorganic extended solids presents a challenge to accelerated materials discovery. We demonstrate here a combined computational and experimental methodology to tackle this problem, in which in situ X-ray diffraction measurements monitor solid-state reactions and deduce reaction pathways, while theoretical computations rationalize reaction energetics. The method has been applied to the La2CuO4-x S x (0 ≤ x ≤ 4) quaternary system, following an earlier prediction that enhanced superconductivity could be found in these new lanthanum copper(II) oxysulfide compounds. In situ diffraction measurements show that reactants containing Cu(II) and S(2-) ions undergo redox reactions, leaving their ions in oxidation states that are incompatible with forming the desired new compounds. Computations of the reaction energies confirm that the observed synthetic pathways are indeed favored over those that would hypothetically form the suggested compounds. The consistency between computation and experiment in the La2CuO4-x S x system suggests a role for predictive theory: to identify and to explicate new synthetic routes for forming predicted compounds.

Phys Rev Lett ; 124(7): 076401, 2020 Feb 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32142327


The compound UTe_{2} has recently been shown to realize spin triplet superconductivity from a nonmagnetic normal state. This has sparked intense research activity, including theoretical analyses that suggest the superconducting order parameter to be topologically nontrivial. However, the underlying electronic band structure is a critical factor for these analyses, and remains poorly understood. Here, we present high resolution angle-resolved photoemission measurements covering multiple planes in the 3D Brillouin zone of UTe_{2}, revealing distinct Fermi-level features from two orthogonal quasi-one-dimensional light electron bands and one heavy band. The electronic symmetries are evaluated in comparison with numerical simulations, and the resulting picture is discussed as a platform for unconventional many-body order.

Inorg Chem ; 59(19): 14058-14069, 2020 Oct 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32951422


The mineral Zlatogorite, CuNiSb2, was synthesized in the laboratory for the first time by annealing elements at ambient pressure (CuNiSb2-AP). Rietveld refinement of synchrotron powder X-ray diffraction data indicates that CuNiSb2-AP crystallizes in the NiAs-derived structure (P3m1, #164) with Cu and Ni ordering. The structure consists of alternate NiSb6 and CuSb6 octahedral layers via face-sharing. The formation of such structure instead of metal disordered NiAs-type structure (P63/mmc, #194) is validated by the lower energy of the ordered phase by first-principle calculations. Interatomic crystal orbital Hamilton population, electron localization function, and charge density analysis reveal strong Ni-Sb, Cu-Sb, and Cu-Ni bonding and long weak Sb-Sb interactions in CuNiSb2-AP. The magnetic measurement indicates that CuNiSb2-AP is Pauli paramagnetic. First-principle calculations and experimental electrical resistivity measurements reveal that CuNiSb2-AP is a metal. The low Seebeck coefficient and large thermal conductivity suggest that CuNiSb2 is not a potential thermoelectric material. Single crystals were grown by chemical vapor transport. The high pressure sample (CuNiSb2-8 GPa) was prepared by pressing CuNiSb2-AP at 700 °C and 8 GPa. However, the structures of single crystal and CuNiSb2-8 GPa are best fit with a disordered metal structure in the P3m1 space group, corroborated by transmission electron microscopy.

Angew Chem Int Ed Engl ; 59(21): 8240-8246, 2020 May 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32185857


Given the consensus that pressure improves cation ordering in most of known materials, a discovery of pressure-induced disordering could require recognition of an order-disorder transition in solid-state physics/chemistry and geophysics. Double perovskites Y2 CoIrO6 and Y2 CoRuO6 polymorphs synthesized at 0, 6, and 15 GPa show B-site ordering, partial ordering, and disordering, respectively, accompanied by lattice compression and crystal structure alteration from monoclinic to orthorhombic symmetry. Correspondingly, the long-range ferrimagnetic ordering in the B-site ordered samples are gradually overwhelmed by B-site disorder. Theoretical calculations suggest that unusual unit-cell compressions under external pressures unexpectedly stabilize the disordered phases of Y2 CoIrO6 and Y2 CoRuO6 .

Rep Prog Phys ; 82(1): 012504, 2019 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30138114


The design of correlated materials challenges researchers to combine the maturing, high throughput framework of DFT-based materials design with the rapidly-developing first-principles theory for correlated electron systems. We review the field of correlated materials, distinguishing two broad classes of correlation effects, static and dynamics, and describe methodologies to take them into account. We introduce a material design workflow, and illustrate it via examples in several materials classes, including superconductors, charge ordering materials and systems near an electronically driven metal to insulator transition, highlighting the interplay between theory and experiment with a view towards finding new materials. We review the statistical formulation of the errors of currently available methods to estimate formation energies. We formulate an approach for estimating a lower-bound for the probability of a new compound to form. Correlation effects have to be considered in all the material design steps. These include bridging between structure and property, obtaining the correct structure and predicting material stability. We introduce a post-processing strategy to take them into account.

Phys Rev Lett ; 121(18): 187003, 2018 Nov 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30444397


We analyze a simple model containing the physical ingredients of a Hund's metal, the local spin fluctuations with power-law correlators, (Ω_{0}/|Ω|)^{γ}, with γ greater than one, interacting with electronic quasiparticles. While the critical temperature and the gap change significantly with varying parameters, the 2Δ_{max}/k_{B}T_{c} remains close to twice the BCS value in agreement with experimental observations in the iron-based superconductors (FeSC).

Nano Lett ; 17(5): 2994-2998, 2017 05 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28394624


We investigate the dramatic switch of resistance in ordered correlated insulators when they are driven out of equilibrium by a strong voltage bias. Microscopic calculations on a driven-dissipative lattice of interacting electrons explain the main experimental features of resistive switching (RS), such as the hysteretic I-V curves and the formation of hot conductive filaments. The energy-resolved electron distribution at the RS reveals the underlying nonequilibrium electronic mechanism, namely Landau-Zener tunneling, and also justifies a thermal description in which the hot-electron temperature, estimated from the first moment of the distribution, matches the equilibrium-phase transition temperature. We discuss the tangled relationship between filament growth and negative differential resistance and the influence of crystallographic structure and disorder in the RS.

Phys Rev Lett ; 118(12): 126401, 2017 Mar 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28388205


We derive an exact operatorial reformulation of the rotational invariant slave boson method, and we apply it to describe the orbital differentiation in strongly correlated electron systems starting from first principles. The approach enables us to treat strong electron correlations, spin-orbit coupling, and crystal field splittings on the same footing by exploiting the gauge invariance of the mean-field equations. We apply our theory to the archetypical nuclear fuel UO_{2} and show that the ground state of this system displays a pronounced orbital differentiation within the 5f manifold, with Mott-localized Γ_{8} and extended Γ_{7} electrons.

Phys Rev Lett ; 118(22): 226401, 2017 Jun 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28621967


We present a formulation of quantum molecular dynamics that includes electron correlation effects via the Gutzwiller method. Our new scheme enables the study of the dynamical behavior of atoms and molecules with strong electron interactions. The Gutzwiller approach goes beyond the conventional mean-field treatment of the intra-atomic electron repulsion and captures crucial correlation effects such as band narrowing and electron localization. We use Gutzwiller quantum molecular dynamics to investigate the Mott transition in the liquid phase of a single-band metal and uncover intriguing structural and transport properties of the atoms.

Phys Rev Lett ; 119(9): 096401, 2017 Sep 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28949552


We report infrared studies of AFe_{2}As_{2} (A=Ba, Sr), two representative parent compounds of iron-arsenide superconductors, at magnetic fields (B) up to 17.5 T. Optical transitions between Landau levels (LLs) were observed in the antiferromagnetic states of these two parent compounds. Our observation of a sqrt[B] dependence of the LL transition energies, the zero-energy intercepts at B=0 T under the linear extrapolations of the transition energies and the energy ratio (∼2.4) between the observed LL transitions, combined with the linear band dispersions in two-dimensional (2D) momentum space obtained by theoretical calculations, demonstrates the existence of massless Dirac fermions in the antiferromagnet BaFe_{2}As_{2}. More importantly, the observed dominance of the zeroth-LL-related absorption features and the calculated bands with extremely weak dispersions along the momentum direction k_{z} indicate that massless Dirac fermions in BaFe_{2}As_{2} are 2D. Furthermore, we find that the total substitution of the barium atoms in BaFe_{2}As_{2} by strontium atoms not only maintains 2D massless Dirac fermions in this system, but also enhances their Fermi velocity, which supports that the Dirac points in iron-arsenide parent compounds are topologically protected.

Phys Rev Lett ; 116(25): 256401, 2016 Jun 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27391734


We present a systematical theoretical study on the transport properties of an archetypal family of Hund's metals, Sr_{2}RuO_{4}, Sr_{3}Ru_{2}O_{7}, SrRuO_{3}, and CaRuO_{3}, within the combination of first principles density functional theory and dynamical mean field theory. The agreement between theory and experiments for optical conductivity and resistivity is good, which indicates that electron-electron scattering dominates the transport of ruthenates. We demonstrate that in the single-site dynamical mean field approach the transport properties of Hund's metals fall into the scenario of "resilient quasiparticles." We explain why the single layered compound Sr_{2}RuO_{4} has a relative weak correlation with respect to its siblings, which corroborates its good metallicity.

Phys Rev Lett ; 116(24): 247001, 2016 Jun 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27367401


We use neutron scattering to study spin excitations in single crystals of LiFe_{0.88}Co_{0.12}As, which is located near the boundary of the superconducting phase of LiFe_{1-x}Co_{x}As and exhibits non-Fermi-liquid behavior indicative of a quantum critical point. By comparing spin excitations of LiFe_{0.88}Co_{0.12}As with a combined density functional theory and dynamical mean field theory calculation, we conclude that wave-vector correlated low energy spin excitations are mostly from the d_{xy} orbitals, while high-energy spin excitations arise from the d_{yz} and d_{xz} orbitals. Unlike most iron pnictides, the strong orbital selective spin excitations in the LiFeAs family cannot be described by an anisotropic Heisenberg Hamiltonian. While the evolution of low-energy spin excitations of LiFe_{1-x}Co_{x}As is consistent with the electron-hole Fermi surface nesting conditions for the d_{xy} orbital, the reduced superconductivity in LiFe_{0.88}Co_{0.12}As suggests that Fermi surface nesting conditions for the d_{yz} and d_{xz} orbitals are also important for superconductivity in iron pnictides.

Phys Rev Lett ; 114(22): 226403, 2015 Jun 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26196634


We study how strongly correlated electrons on a dissipative lattice evolve out of equilibrium under a constant electric field, focusing on the extent of the linear regime and hysteretic nonlinear effects at higher fields. We access the nonequilibrium steady states, nonperturbatively in both the field and the electronic interactions, by means of a nonequilibrium dynamical mean-field theory in the Coulomb gauge. The linear response regime, limited by Joule heating, breaks down at fields much smaller than the quasiparticle energy scale. For large electronic interactions, strong but experimentally accessible electric fields can induce a resistive switching by driving the strongly correlated metal into a Mott insulator. We predict a nonmonotonic upper switching field due to an interplay of particle renormalization and the field-driven temperature. Hysteretic I-V curves suggest that the nonequilibrium current is carried through a spatially inhomogeneous metal-insulator mixed state.