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Appl Microbiol Biotechnol ; 103(17): 6867-6883, 2019 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31300854


Production of lactic acid bacteria starters for manufacturing food, probiotic, and chemical products requires the application of successive steps: fermentation, concentration, stabilization, and storage. Despite process optimization, losses of bacterial viability and functional activities are observed after stabilization and storage steps due to cell exposure to environmental stresses (thermal, osmotic, mechanical, and oxidative). Bacterial membrane is the primary target for injury and its damage is highly dependent on its physical properties and lipid organization. Membrane fluidity is a key property for maintaining cell functionality, and depends on lipid composition and cell environment. Extensive evidence has been reported on changes in membrane fatty acyl chains when modifying fermentation conditions. However, a deep characterization of membrane physical properties and their evolution following production processes is scarcely reported. Therefore, the aims of this mini-review are (i) to define the membrane fluidity and the methods used to assess it and (ii) to summarize the effect of environmental conditions on membrane fluidity and the resulting impact on the resistance of lactic acid bacteria to the stabilization processes. This will make it possible to highlight existing gaps of knowledge and opens up novel approaches for future investigations.

Lactobacillales/fisiologia , Fluidez de Membrana/fisiologia , Lipídeos de Membrana/química , Estresse Fisiológico , Membrana Celular/química , Membrana Celular/fisiologia , Fermentação , Polarização de Fluorescência , Lactobacillales/química , Lactobacillales/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Lactobacillales/metabolismo , Lipídeos de Membrana/metabolismo , Transição de Fase , Preservação Biológica
Data Brief ; 55: 110676, 2024 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39234060


Food plays a significant role in the environmental impacts of human activities. However, many agro-industrial processes are multi-product systems and their impacts need to be distributed between the different co-products in order to properly address two major issues: (1) prevention of food spoilage and food losses and (2) the eco-design of food systems, from processing up to recommendations for changes in Western diets. As a culturally and nutritionally central component of most human diets, milk is critical because processing is a preservation issue and most dairy products follow from separations, thereby generating co-products. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a reference and standard method that allows quantification of the potential environmental impacts of a manufactured product throughout its life cycle. Application of the method requires foreground information on the system considered, as well as input and output flows that feed and exit the system. This data paper provides data related to the fractionation of milk into cream, casein, lactose and two whey protein ingredients at industrial scale, using up-to-date technologies used in French dairy factories in years 2000-2010s. Cleaning is included. Transcription of these input and output flows into a selection of processes in the Agribalyse 3.0.1 and Ecoinvent 3.8 databases is also provided. Application of the LCA method in its attributional approach leaves methodological choices up to the practitioner, such as subdivision of the system, allocation of the environmental burden where subdivision is not applied or not possible, and aggregation of the impacts. Therefore, this data paper also provides the allocation factors that are necessary to apply mass, dry matter, protein or economic allocation at every separation operation throughout the processing itinerary. Using the characterization method EF 3.0, this data paper provides the potential environmental impacts of the 5 co-products obtained with an initial input of 600 tons of raw milk, i.e., 63 tons of cream, 183 tons of wet casein, 90 tons of lactose, 1.7 ton of dried ß-lactoglobulin and 0.3 ton of dried α-lactalbumin. The respective shares of the 5 co-products are calculated for each allocation rule. Finally, this data paper provides the potential environmental impacts for the manufacture of 1 kg of α-lactalbumin enriched ingredient, as the co-product with the longest process itinerary, with details of all intermediate input contributions as well as two possible aggregation rules: by step or by input type. The dataset participates in providing often confidential industrial-scale LCI data to the public. It will be helpful for the eco-design of future itineraries. In particular, it contributes to taking the fate of the co-products into account when using LCA for such eco-design.

NPJ Sci Food ; 7(1): 47, 2023 Sep 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37666867


We are witnessing an acceleration of the global drive to converge consumption and production patterns towards a more circular and sustainable approach to the food system. To address the challenge of reconnecting agriculture, environment, food and health, collections of large datasets must be exploited. However, building high-capacity data-sharing networks means unlocking the information silos that are caused by a multiplicity of local data dictionaries. To solve the data harmonization problem, we proposed an ontology on food, feed, bioproducts, and biowastes engineering for data integration in a circular bioeconomy and nexus-oriented approach. This ontology is based on a core model representing a generic process, the Process and Observation Ontology (PO2), which has been specialized to provide the vocabulary necessary to describe any biomass transformation process and to characterize the food, bioproducts, and wastes derived from these processes. Much of this vocabulary comes from transforming authoritative references such as the European food classification system (FoodEx2), the European Waste Catalogue, and other international nomenclatures into a semantic, world wide web consortium (W3C) format that provides system interoperability and software-driven intelligence. We showed the relevance of this new domain ontology PO2/TransformON through several concrete use cases in the fields of process engineering, bio-based composite making, food ecodesign, and relations with consumer's perception and preferences. Further works will aim to align with other ontologies to create an ontology network for bridging the gap between upstream and downstream processes in the food system.

Data Brief ; 51: 109824, 2023 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38075622


Due to societal concerns, assess the environmental impacts, address the issues and provide labelling to the consumer are growing issues for the agri-food sector. In this context, provide datasets specific to alternative systems is crucial to be able to take into account the variability between systems then address their issues and label them appropriately. This data paper compiles all the data used to produce the life cycle assessment (LCA) environmental of an organic low-input apple value chain including the cultivation of apples at farm, the transformation of a part into juice and applesauce, the retail and the consumption stages. The raw data have mostly been obtained through interviews of the farmer and complemented by literature. They have been used to build a life cycle inventory (LCI), using Agribalyse 3.0 and Ecoinvent 3.8 as background databases. The dataset also compiles the life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) using the characterization method EF3.0. As discussed in an associated scientific paper, this dataset participates in filling two gaps: integrate the variability between systems in the discussion and link upstream (at farm) and downstream (transformation, retail, consuming) impacts. This is done by (1) covering the entire value chain from cradle to grave when most papers found in literature focusses on one stage (e.g. the cultivation of apples) and (2) applying LCA to a system that present specificities not well covered by LCA literature (e.g. low-input cultivation with no fertilization up to now).

Data Brief ; 48: 109143, 2023 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37128581


Human food consumption is responsible for significant environmental impacts, which in recent years have been the focus of an increasing amount of research. One of the major results of these efforts has been an appreciation for the ways in which impacts can differ among products. To date, though, relatively little is known about possible differences in the environmental performance of a single food product that is made or produced in different contexts. Furthermore, the influence of consumer practices, such as cooking time or cleaning method, has not yet been investigated. The goals of the study were therefore (i) to compare the environmental impacts of a single food product-in this case, pizza-that is produced in different contexts (industrial, homemade, and assembled at home) and (ii) to investigate the influence of real-world consumer practices on these impacts. Two study models were used: a ham-and-cheese pizza and a mixed-cheese pizza. The functional units (FU) examined were one pizza and 1 kg of ready-to-eat pizza. The system boundaries extended from the agricultural production of ingredients to the consumption of the pizza at home. All inventory data related to the steps occurring before purchase (including storage at the supermarket) came from databases or the literature, while inventory data related to the steps occurring after the sale were obtained from questionnaires answered by 69 consumers who prepared and consumed the six pizza preparation pathways (two recipes multiply three methods of preparation) at home. Background data were selected in the AGRIBALYSE 3.0 and Ecoinvent 3.6 databases. The environmental impacts of the six pizza preparation pathways were calculated by Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) using the characterization method "EF 3.0 Method (adapted) V1.00 / EF 3.0 normalization and weighting set" in SimaPro software. To compare the environmental impacts of the six pizza preparation pathways, 69 LCAs were performed for each; to compensate for missing data from incomplete questionnaires, we performed random draws from the available data to generate the life cycle inventory for each assessment. The data obtained in this study can be used to make recommendations to consumers regarding more environmentally friendly food choices and practices.

Data Brief ; 48: 109263, 2023 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37383741


In recent years, the food industry has expended considerable effort to design novel products that replace animal proteins with legumes; however, the actual environmental benefits of such products are often not quantified. Here, we performed Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) to evaluate the environmental performance of four new fermented food products based on different mixtures of animal (cow milk) and plant (pea) protein sources (100% Pea, 75% Pea-25% Milk, 50% Pea-50% Milk, 25% Pea-75% Milk). The system perimeter encompassed all stages from agricultural production of the ingredients to the creation of the final ready-to-eat products. Impacts were calculated for all environmental indicators included in the EF 3.0 Method in SimaPro software based on a functional unit of 1 kg of ready-to-eat product. Life cycle inventories included all of the flows analyzed by the LCA (raw materials, energy, water, cleaning products, packaging, transport, waste). Foreground data were acquired directly on the manufacturing site; background data were taken from the Ecoinvent 3.6 database. The dataset contains details on the products, processes, equipment, and infrastructure considered; mass and energy flows; Life Cycle Inventories (LCI); and Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA). These data improve our understanding of the environmental impact of plant-based alternatives to dairy products, which is currently poorly documented.

Data Brief ; 48: 109207, 2023 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37213557


Considering and reducing the environmental impacts has become one of the main concerns of agri-food systems. More specifically, the agri-food sector is increasingly confronted to the necessity of quantifying environmental impacts, e.g., to eco-design their products or to inform the consumers. Literature shows a high variability in environmental impacts between existing systems, as for example between cheeses and the necessity of more case studies to validate statements. In this context, this data paper provides some data related to Feta production in Greece, based on 8 farms of a cooperative (7 sheep livestock and one goat livestock). Feta cheese is PDO (Protected Designation of Origin), composed solely of goat's milk and sheep's milk under specific percentages (at least 70% sheep). More specifically, the data paper displays all the data used to obtain environmental impacts (calculated by using life cycle assessment (LCA)) of the production of Feta, from cradle to consumer. It includes the - sheep and goat - milk productions, the transformation into cheese, the packaging and the transport to wholesalers, then stores and then consumers. The raw data have mostly been obtained through interviews and surveys with the cheese and milk producers and complemented by literature. Data were used to build a life cycle inventory (LCI). For the milk production, the LCI was modeled using MEANS InOut software. For the whole LCI, Agribalyse 3.0 and Ecoinvent 3.8 were used as background databases, with modifications to reflect Greek context. The dataset also compiles the life cycle impact assessment (LCIA). The characterization method used is method EF3.0. This dataset participates in filling two gaps: (1) providing data to represent the variability between Feta cheese production systems and (2) providing data linking impacts of farm, transformation, retail and transport in a value chain perspective. This is done by (1) enlarging the perimeter when most studies found in literature focus on one stage (e.g. the production of milk) and (2) applying LCA to data specific to a regional production (Stymfalia in Greece).

Data Brief ; 43: 108478, 2022 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35911630


The prebiotics like FOS and GOS are receiving special attention in the food industry due to their potential health benefits. They can be produced by enzymatic synthesis by using disaccharides or other substrates as raw materials or by extraction and hydrolysis from different natural sources (roots, legumes). However the environmental footprints of these different production schemes are lacking. This dataset presents Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of the production of FOS and GOS by enzymatic synthesis from glucose (to get FOS) or lactose (to get GOS) and hydrolytic production from extraction of yacon potato (to get FOS) or chickpea (to get GOS). A cradle-to-gate approach was considered in the two scenarios under assessment (the phases of use and/or final disposal of FOS/GOS were not considered). The functional unit was defined as 100 g of FOS/GOS produced. LCAs were performed using data collected at the laboratory scale during experiments, supplemented with data from technical and scientific literature. Ecoinvent database provided background data. SimaPro was used for the LCA modeling with the midpoint impact EF2.0 characterization method to calculate environmental impacts. For each scenario (FOS produced by synthesis, FOS produced by hydrolysis, GOS produced by synthesis, GOS produced by hydrolysis), the Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) and the Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) are provided. These data can be used (i) to identify the main environmental hotspots of the production process, (ii) to compare the different process alternatives between them and (ii) to suggest eco-design options to upscale these processes. They could also be re-used in other LCA studies which would include FOS and/or GOS in the production system.

Data Brief ; 43: 108403, 2022 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35799852


Food production is associated with significant environmental impacts. To reduce these, it is first essential to better understand the environmental implications of production processes, and how these can vary among different products. Historically, most studies in this area have focused on comparing environmental impacts among different food categories, but here, we chose to investigate differences at a finer scale, among products belonging to the same category. Cheese was selected as our study model because it is one of the most popular types of food products around the world but is associated with significant environmental impacts. Specifically, we used Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to evaluate the environmental impacts of 44 French cheeses that benefit from Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) certification. Our assessments took into account all steps from milk production to the end of the ripening period and the functional unit used was 1 kg of fully ripened cheese. Inventories for milk production were obtained from AGRIBALYSE 3.0. Data on cheeses production stage were collected using PDO specifications, technical datasheets, scientific literature, and three expert opinions. Background inventories (electricity mix, gas production, materials, transport, water, cleaning products) were obtained from the Ecoinvent 3.6 database. Simapro software was used to conduct all LCAs, using the characterization method "EF 3.0 Method (adapted) V1.00 / EF 3.0 normalisation and weighting set". Our final dataset contains details on products, life cycle inventories (LCI), and LCIA results. These data could be useful for cheesemakers seeking to improve the environmental performance of their products.

Data Brief ; 41: 107950, 2022 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35242932


Most of the time, Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) of food products are performed only on one representative of a food category. This doesn't allow us to understand the possible variations of environmental impacts within a food product category and the responsible factors for these variations. For this reason, LCAs were conducted for 80 different industrial pizzas representative of the French retail market. The LCAs were performed using the "EF 3.0 Method (adapted) V1.00/EF 3.0 normalization and weighting set" on SimaPro software. Most of the data used were taken from the AGRIBALYSE 3.0 and Ecoinvent 3.6 databases. The system perimeter goes from the production of the ingredients to the pizza consumption. The functional unit used was 1 kg of ready-to-eat pizza. Life cycle inventories were made to include the different flows in the LCA (materials, transport, energy, water, waste, etc.). The dataset contains details on products, life-cycle inventories (LCI) and LCIA results. These data can enrich the discussion on the need to study the environmental impacts of different products belonging to the same food category and not only one representative in order to avoid erroneous conclusions.

Data Brief ; 36: 106971, 2021 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33937447


This paper presents data on model cheeses extracted from the BaGaTel database. The data are issued from 6 different research projects in which data on composition, rheological and sensory properties were collected. The manufacturing of the 68 different samples is described. For each model cheese, data are available on final composition (lipid, protein, water, sodium), rheological properties (uniaxial compression), sensory profile analysis (texture, taste, aroma) and for some cheeses chewing activity and in vivo sodium release were also measured. The material and methods used are detailed. Scatter plots of representation of the values for each variable and each project are plotted. Pearson correlations between variables are given for specific subsets of data. The dataset is hosted in an open access data repository. This dataset will allow a comparison of sensory properties of cheeses varying in lipid, protein water and salt content and can be used for the reformulation of cheeses made with a low salt and fat content to follow food-related health recommendations, whilst fulfilling good sensory qualities.

Front Microbiol ; 11: 1887, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32849466


In the present paper, the Layer by Layer (LbL) method using ß-lactoglobulin and sodium alginate was performed to individually encapsulate Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells in microorganized shells in order to protect them against stresses during dehydration. Higher survival (∼1 log) for encapsulated yeast cells was effectively observed after air dehydration at 45°C. For the first time, the potentiality of Synchrotron-Fourier Transform InfraRed microspectroscopy (S-FTIR) was used at the single-cell level in order to analyze the contribution of the biochemical composition of non-encapsulated vs. encapsulated cells in response to dehydration. The microspectroscopy measurements clearly differentiated between non-encapsulated and encapsulated yeast cells in the amide band region. In the spectral region specific to lipids, the S-FTIR results indicated probably the decrease in membrane fluidity of yeast after dehydration without significant distinction between the two samples. These data suggested minor apparent chemical changes in cell attributable to the LbL system upon dehydration. More insights are expected regarding the lower mortality among encapsulated cells. Indeed the hypothesis that the biopolymeric layers could induce less damage in cell by affecting the transfer kinetics during dehydration-rehydration cycle, should be verified in further work.

PLoS One ; 9(10): e111138, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25350121


Organisms that can withstand anhydrobiosis possess the unique ability to temporarily and reversibly suspend their metabolism for the periods when they live in a dehydrated state. However, the mechanisms underlying the cell's ability to tolerate dehydration are far from being fully understood. The objective of this study was to highlight, for the first time, the cellular damage to Yarrowia lipolytica as a result of dehydration induced by drying/rehydration and freezing/thawing. Cellular response was evaluated through cell cultivability determined by plate counts, esterase activity and membrane integrity assessed by flow cytometry, and the biochemical composition of cells as determined by FT-IR spectroscopy. The effects of the harvesting time (in the log or stationary phase) and of the addition of a protective molecule, trehalose, were investigated. All freshly harvested cells exhibited esterase activity and no alteration of membrane integrity. Cells freshly harvested in the stationary phase presented spectral contributions suggesting lower nucleic acid content and thicker cell walls, as well as longer lipid chains than cells harvested in the log phase. Moreover, it was found that drying/rehydration induced cell plasma membrane permeabilization, loss of esterase activity with concomitant protein denaturation, wall damage and oxidation of nucleic acids. Plasma membrane permeabilization and loss of esterase activity could be reduced by harvesting in the stationary phase and/or with trehalose addition. Protein denaturation and wall damage could be reduced by harvesting in the stationary phase. In addition, it was shown that measurements of loss of membrane integrity and preservation of esterase activity were suitable indicators of loss and preservation of cultivability, respectively. Conversely, no clear effect of freezing/thawing could be observed, probably because of the favorable operating conditions applied. These results give insights into Y. lipolytica mechanisms of cellular response to dehydration and provide a basis to better understand its ability to tolerate anhydrobiosis.

Desidratação , Liofilização , Yarrowia/metabolismo , Ar , Membrana Celular/metabolismo , Parede Celular/metabolismo , Meios de Cultura/química , Citometria de Fluxo , Estresse Oxidativo , Permeabilidade , Fosfatos/química , Espectroscopia de Infravermelho com Transformada de Fourier , Temperatura , Trealose/química , Yarrowia/fisiologia