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Limnol Oceanogr Methods ; 20(7): 373-386, 2022 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36246548


Because the diffusivity of particles undergoing the Brownian motion is inversely proportional to their sizes, the size distribution of submicron particles can be estimated by tracking their movement. This particle tracking analysis (PTA) has been applied in various fields, but mainly focused on resolving monodispersed particle populations and is rarely used for measuring oceanic particles that are naturally polydispersed. We demonstrated using Monte Carlo simulation that, in principle, PTA can be used to size natural, oceanic particles. We conducted a series of lab experiments using microbeads of NIST-traceable sizes to evaluate the performance of ViewSizer 3000, a PTA-based commercial instrument, and found two major uncertainties: (1) the sample volume varies with the size of particles and (2) the signal-to-noise ratio for particles of sizes < 200-250 nm was reduced and hence their concentration was underestimated with the presence of larger particles. After applying the volume correction, we found the instrument can resolve oceanic submicron particles of sizes greater than 250 nm with a mean absolute error of 3.9% in size and 38% in concentration.

Appl Opt ; 60(5): 1260-1266, 2021 Feb 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33690568


Volume scattering functions were measured using two instruments in waters near the Ocean Station Papa (50°N 145°W) and show consistency in estimating the χ factor attributable to particles (χp). While χp in the study area exhibits a limited variability, it could vary significantly when compared with data obtained in various parts of the global oceans. The global comparison also confirms that the minimal variation of χp is at scattering angles near 120°. With an uncertainty of <10%, χp can be assumed as spectrally independent. For backscatter sensors with wide field of view (FOV), the averaging of scattering within the FOV reduces the values of χp needed to compute the backscattering coefficient by up to 20% at angles <130∘.

Appl Opt ; 59(10): C31-C41, 2020 Apr 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32400563


Properly interpreting lidar (light detection and ranging) signal for characterizing particle distribution relies on a key parameter, χp(π), which relates the particulate volume scattering function (VSF) at 180° (ßp(π)) that a lidar measures to the particulate backscattering coefficient (bbp). However, χp(π) has been seldom studied due to challenges in accurately measuring ßp(π) and bbp concurrently in the field. In this study, χp(π), as well as its spectral dependence, was re-examined using the VSFs measured in situ at high angular resolution in a wide range of waters. ßp(π), while not measured directly, was inferred using a physically sound, well-validated VSF-inversion method. The effects of particle shape and internal structure on the inversion were tested using three inversion kernels consisting of phase functions computed for particles that are assumed as homogenous sphere, homogenous asymmetric hexahedra, or coated sphere. The reconstructed VSFs using any of the three kernels agreed well with the measured VSFs with a mean percentage difference <5% at scattering angles <170∘. At angles immediately near or equal to 180°, the reconstructed ßp(π) depends strongly on the inversion kernel. χp(π) derived with the sphere kernels was smaller than those derived with the hexahedra kernel but consistent with χp(π) estimated directly from high-spectral-resolution lidar and in situ backscattering sensor. The possible explanation was that the sphere kernels are able to capture the backscattering enhancement feature near 180° that has been observed for marine particles. χp(π) derived using the coated sphere kernel was generally lower than those derived with the homogenous sphere kernel. Our result suggests that χp(π) is sensitive to the shape and internal structure of particles and significant error could be induced if a fixed value of χp(π) is to be used to interpret lidar signal collected in different waters. On the other hand, χp(π) showed little spectral dependence.

Opt Express ; 27(16): A1188-A1206, 2019 Aug 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31510499


The recently commercialized LISST-VSF instrument measures the volume scattering function (VSF) from 0.1° to 15° with a traditional laser diffraction unit (LISST) and from 15° to 155° with an eyeball component. Between these two optical components, only the LISST unit is calibrated. The eyeball measurements are scaled using the VSFs at 15° that are measured by both components. As this relative calibration relies on a valid measurement at 15° by the LISST, it might fail in clear oceanic waters, where the forward scattering is relative weak either due to a lack of large particles or an overall low concentration of all particles. In this study, we calibrated the LISST-VSF eyeball component through a series of lab experiments using standard polystyrene beads. Validation with the beads of two different sizes showed a median difference of 11.1% between theoretical and calibrated values. Further evaluations with in situ data collected by the LISST-VSF and an ECO-BB3 meter indicated that the new calibration worked well in both turbid and clear waters, while the relative calibration method tended to overestimate VSFs in clear waters.

Appl Opt ; 56(24): 6881-6888, 2017 Aug 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29048028


Even though it is well known that both the magnitude and detailed angular shape of scattering (phase function, PF), particularly in the backward angles, affect the color of the ocean, the current remote-sensing reflectance (Rrs) models typically account for the effect of its magnitude only through the backscattering coefficient (bb). Using 116 volume scattering function (VSF) measurements previously collected in three coastal waters around the U.S. and in the water of the North Atlantic Ocean, we re-examined the effect of particle PF on Rrs in four scenarios. In each scenario, the magnitude of particle backscattering (i.e., bbp) is known, but the knowledge on the angular shape of particle backscattering is assumed to increase from knowing nothing about the shape of particle PFs to partially knowing the particle backscattering ratio (Bp), the exact backscattering shape as defined by ߘp(γ≥90°) (particle VSF normalized by the particle total scattering coefficient), and the exact backscattering shape as defined by the χp factor (particle VSF normalized by the particle backscattering coefficient). At sun zenith angle=30°, the nadir-viewed Rrs would vary up to 65%, 35%, 20%, and 10%, respectively, as the constraints on the shape of particle backscattering become increasingly stringent from scenarios 1 to 4. In all four scenarios, the Rrs variations increase with both viewing and sun angles and are most prominent in the direction opposite the sun. Our results show a greater impact of the measured particle PFs on Rrs than previously found, mainly because our VSF data show a much greater variability in Bp, ߘp(γ≥90°), and χp than previously known. Among the uncertainties in Rrs due to the particle PFs, about 97% can be explained by χp, 90% by ߘp(γ≥90°), and 27% by Bp. The results indicate that the uncertainty in ocean color remote sensing can be significantly constrained by accounting for χp of the VSFs.