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Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 53(10): e20210795, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1418797


Hypothyroidism is rarely observed in cats. This article reports the case of a thirteen-year-old feline with a one-year history of bilateral cervical swelling that had majorly grown in size two weeks prior to the animal's admission. The cat presented with dysphonia, lethargy, weight gain, and constipation. On physical examination, hypothermia was observed, with a rectal temperature of 36.5 ºC. Fine-needle aspiration cytology suggested thyroid neoplasia. The serum levels of total T4 and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), along with the exclusion of non-thyroid diseases, confirmed the diagnosis of hypothyroidism. This is the first report of feline hypothyroidism in Brazil secondary to thyroid neoplasia, classified as a follicular-compact carcinoma and confirmed by histopathology.

Hipotireoidismo é uma doença rara na espécie felina. Esse trabalho relata um felino de treze anos de idade com histórico de inchaço cervical bilateral há um ano, que havia crescido principalmente duas semanas antes da admissão do animal. O felino apresentava disfonia, letargia, ganho de peso e constipação. No exame físico, hipotermia foi observado com temperatura retal de 36,5 ºC. Citologia aspirativa de agulha fina sugeriu neoplasia de tireoide. A dosagem sérica de T4 total e TSH junto com a exclusão de doenças não tireoidianas confirmaram o diagnóstico de hipotireoidismo. Esse é o primeiro relato de hipotireoidismo felino no Brasil devido a uma neoplasia de tireoide, classificado como carcinoma folicular-compacto, confirmado na histopatologia.

Animais , Gatos , Neoplasias da Glândula Tireoide/veterinária , Doenças do Gato , Hipotireoidismo/veterinária
Rev. bras. reprod. anim ; 46(2): 154-160, Abril-Junho 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1378120


As disfunções hormonais podem interagir com eixo hipotalamo-hipófise-gônadas (H/H/G) resultando em alteração da espermatogênese e impactando negativamente a fertilidade dos machos. As endocrinopatias na espécie canina são mais frequentes nas fêmeas e muitas vezes os sinais clínicos iniciais envolvem alopecias e alterações de peso, comportamento e de metabolismo. As disfunções hormonais comuns em cães machos incluem o hipotireoidismo, hiperplasia prostática benigna e os tumores testiculares. Cães idosos geralmente apresentam alterações hormonais dependentes da idade, mas a literatura é escassa e conflitante em relação a esta condição, assim o objetivo dessa revisão é informar e atualizar conceitos relacionados às disfunções hormonais que podem causar infertilidade em cães machos com vistas a ferramentas mais modernas de diagnósticos e avaliação seminal.(AU)

Hormonal dysfunctions may interact with hypothalamus, pituitary, gonads (H/H/G) axis resulting in altered spermatogenesis and negatively impacting male fertility. Endocrinopathies in the canine species are more frequent in females and often the initial clinical signs involve alopecia and changes in weight, behavior, and metabolism. Common hormonal dysfunctions in male dogs include hypothyroidism, benign prostatic hyperplasia, and testicular tumors. Older dogs usually present age- dependent hormonal changes, but the literature is scarce and conflicting regarding this condition, thus the aim of this review is to inform and update concepts related to hormonal dysfunctions that can cause infertility in male dogs with a view to more modern diagnostic tools and seminal evaluation.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Hiperplasia Prostática/diagnóstico , Neoplasias Testiculares/diagnóstico , Cães/fisiologia , Doenças do Sistema Endócrino/diagnóstico , Hipotireoidismo/diagnóstico , Próstata , Fenômenos Reprodutivos Fisiológicos , Infertilidade/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50(supl.1): Pub. 808, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1401385


Background: Hypothyroidism is characterized by hypofunction of the thyroid gland. It results in deficient production of thyroid hormones. Neurological disorders resulting from hypothyroidism are rare, which highlights the importance of this study. This study reports a case of hypothyroidism in a dog with neurological clinical signs, that was treated at the Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz's Veterinary Hospital (HV-UESC). Case: A 4-year-old male intact Dogo Argentino breed dog, weighing 64 kg, presenting obesity, anorexia, prostration, walking in circles, and chronic dermatopathy was presented at HV-UESC. Upon physical examination, the animal presented a deficit of proprioception in the 4 limbs, with preserved superficial and deep pain. No alteration was observed in the ears, that could explained the clinical signs. In terms of dermatopathy, the animal presented symmetrical alopecia in the lateral region of the thighs and tail. Blood samples were collected for a complete blood count and biochemical tests of urea, creatinine, ALT, AST and cholesterol. Imaging radiography and ultrasonography were performed, which ruled out thoracic and abdominal changes that could be related to the case. Prior to receiving the blood test results, idiopathic encephalitis was suspected and enrofloxacin and prednisone were prescribed for 7 days. During the medication period, previous exams were provided, which indicated only increased cholesterol (500 mg/dL). The animal showed no improvement with the prescribed medication. In view of the clinical signs presented by the patient and the results of the additional tests, hormonal disease was suspected, compatible with hypothyroidism. Thus, hormonal tests of total T4, free T4, and TSH were requested, leading to verification of reduced total T4 (0.3 ng/dL) and free T4 (0.15 ng/dL) levels, and confirming the dysfunction of the thyroid gland. The previous treatment was suspended and thyroid hormone replacement was initiated. After 3 days of treatment, the neurological signs regressed and the animal became more active; after 30 days, the areas of alopecia decreased. Although the patient did not receive the recommended clinical follow-up for such cases, it was possible to establish the ideal levothyroxine dosage for the dog after appropriate adjustments, which permitted thyroid hormone levels to return to normal. Discussion: This report refers to a case of hypothyroidism in a giant dog breed. The dog in the report showed clinical signs of a dermatological, metabolic, and neurological nature, which is consistent with a lack of thyroid hormone. The main signs presented by the animal were neurological, such as walking in circles and a deficit of proprioception in the four limbs. These clinical signs are rarely mentioned in the literature associated with hypothyroidism. Laboratory abnormalities are correlated with the severity and chronicity of the disease. The animal showed a decrease in total T4 and free T4, which is to be expected in a hypothyroid animal. As a result, levothyroxine replacement treatment was initiated. The dose used for the dog, which is the recommended dose in the literature, greatly increased its total T4 levels. As a result, the dose was readjusted after a new clinical evaluation. The rate of metabolism and absorption of levothyroxine varies widely and is independent of weight. The patient showed quickly improvement in neurological signs, activity level, and serum cholesterol rate. Regarding dermatological signs and body condition, there was a more gradual improvement. This corroborates what is mentioned in the literature, which indicates that improvements can take many months

Animais , Masculino , Cães , Tiroxina/administração & dosagem , Hipotireoidismo/veterinária , Doenças do Sistema Nervoso/veterinária
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 32(1): 165-174, jan.-mar. 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1401992


This study aimed to describe a case of compact thyroid carcinoma in a dog, emphasizing the diagnosis, treatment, and clinical evolution. An 11-year-old mixed-breed male canine was attended at a private clinic, complaining of swelling in the ventral cervical region and difficulty breathing. A mass close to the thyroid gland was observed in the cervical ultrasound and a mixed tumor was identified by cytology. Based on follow-up exams, the therapeutic approach to be adopted was determined: total surgical resection of the right portion of the thyroid gland, together with the parathyroid glands, followed by chemotherapy with doxorubicin. The histopathology of the tissue removed confirmed the compact thyroid carcinoma. After thyroid removal, signs of hypothyroidism were confirmed by the hormonal dosage and the canine received hormone replacement with Levothyroxine as treatment, ceasing the symptoms. During routine follow-up, the presence of miliary pulmonary metastases was identified. The patient continued with the chemotherapy sessions, presenting a stable condition for almost 6 months after starting the treatment. However, clinical signs of dyspnea were manifested, resulting in a gradual worsening. Thus, the tutors chose to euthanize the animal after 9 months of treatment. According to the case described, thyroidectomy is an option of treatment for cases of thyroid carcinoma with wide dimensions. However, the technique's success depends on the effective and complete removal of the affected tissue due to the high frequency of metastases and the possible occurrence of secondary hypothyroidism.

Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, descrever um caso de carcinoma compacto de tireoide em cão, enfatizando o diagnóstico, o tratamento e a evolução clínica. O paciente foi atendido em uma clínica particular, sendo um canino macho, sem raça definida, de 11 anos, com queixa de edema cervical ventral e dificuldade respiratória. Pela ultrassonografia cervical, foi observada uma massa próxima à glândula tireoide e pela citologia, um tumor misto. A partir dos exames de acompanhamento, foi determinada a conduta terapêutica a ser adotada: ressecção cirúrgica total da porção direita da glândula tireoide, junto às paratireoides, seguida de quimioterapia com doxorrubicina. A histopatologia do tecido removido confirmou o carcinoma compacto da tireoide. Após a remoção da tireoide, sinais de hipotireoidismo foram confirmados pela dosagem hormonal, sendo feita reposição hormonal com Levotiroxina, cessando os sintomas. Durante o acompanhamento de rotina, foi identificada a presença de metástase pulmonar miliar. O paciente continuou suas sessões de quimioterapia, mantendo um quadro estável por quase seis meses após o início do tratamento. No entanto, sinais clínicos de dispneia foram manifestados, com piora gradativa do quadro, tendo os tutores optado pela eutanásia do animal após nove meses do início do tratamento. De acordo com o exposto, conclui-se que a tireoidectomia é um tratamento de escolha para os casos de carcinoma de tireoide com amplas dimensões. Entretanto, o sucesso da técnica depende da remoção efetiva e completa do tecido afetado, devido à alta frequência de metástases, além de poder ser acompanhada por um quadro de hipotireoidismo secundário.

Animais , Masculino , Cães , Tireoidectomia/veterinária , Neoplasias da Glândula Tireoide/veterinária , Hipotireoidismo/veterinária , Metástase Neoplásica/tratamento farmacológico
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49(supl.1): Pub. 702, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363576


Background: Primary canine hypothyroidism, an endocrine disorder that causes imbalances in the hypothalamus-pituitarythyroid axis, is a common cause of endocrine dermatoses, which frequently presents with opaque dry brittle hair. Tissue changes are also visible, such as myxedema, hyperkeratosis, epidermal atrophy, alopecia, and others. This paper describes the skin changes caused by primary hypothyroidism in a female dog before and after treatment with levothyroxine. Case: This case study involved a 7-year-old Dalmatian bitch with a history of weight gain and changes such as rough dry brittle hair. For about a year, the dog also had also presented symmetrical erythematous and alopecia skin lesions in the regions of the hind limbs, lower back and tail, progressive lethargy and fatigue after exercise. A hemogram showed mild normocytic and normochromic regenerative anemia, as well as mild leukopenia and neutropenia. Biochemical tests revealed increased levels of creatinine, total cholesterol, and triglycerides. Skin biopsy revealed the presence of comedones in the epidermis and acanthosis and trichilemmal keratinization. Hormonal tests revealed high TSH and low free T4 and total T4 levels. A cervical ultrasound scan showed changes in the thyroid glands, with hypoechoic parenchyma, in addition to increased size of the right lobe, suggesting thyroiditis. Based on these exams, the patient was diagnosed with primary hypothyroidism, and treatment with levothyroxine was instituted. Discussion: Around 90% of dogs with hypothyroidism show a decrease in total T4 and about 65-75% of them show an increase in TSH levels. In endocrinopathy, there is a decrease in the expression of T3 receptors in the keratinocytes and genes responsible for epidermal renewal. Also, molecules that affect epidermal differentiation bind to intracellular receptors belonging to the steroid/thyroid hormone superfamily. In this study, however, the application of the minimum levothyroxine dose restored the normal epidermal pattern for the species and the remaining parameters returned to normal. The hormone T3 acts in the differentiation of keratinocytes, a fact that, although not yet proven, is believed to be indirect and mediated by the epidermal growth factor or by the expression of the genes responsible for the renewal of the epidermis. Besides, some effects on the epidermis caused by deficiency of thyroid hormones may be due to secondary vitamin A deficiency, which is necessary for epithelial differentiation and binding epidermal growth factor (EGF) to the cell. Still, there is a theory that sex hormones also affect the differentiation of the epidermis, as studies show that deficiency causes effects similar to those caused by hypothyroidism. Some studies indicate the investigation of the relationship between secondary vitamin D deficiency and the increased cellularity of the epidermis of the spayed hypothyroid female rats. Additionally, the mechanism of the formation of hyperkeratosis in hypothyroidism is not yet elucidated. T3 is known to regulate keratin gene expression and perhaps also epidermal maturation, epithelial cycle, and normal keratin synthesis. The single treatment with levothyroxine in the female dog was effective in promoting the restoration of gene expression to T3 in keratinocytes.

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Tiroxina/uso terapêutico , Queratinócitos , Hipotireoidismo/terapia , Hipotireoidismo/veterinária , Dermatopatias/veterinária , Doenças do Sistema Endócrino/veterinária
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 72(1): 177-190, Jan.-Feb. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1088927


Estudou-se o efeito do hipotireoidismo materno na expressão espaço-temporal de mediadores imunológicos e na população de células natural killers (NK) na decídua e na glândula metrial de ratas durante a gestação. Avaliou-se a detecção imunoistoquímica de interferon γ (IFNγ), do fator inibidor de migração (MIF), da interleucina 15 (IL15), do óxido nítrico sintase induzível (iNOS), a marcação com lectina DBA para evidenciação das células NK uterinas DBA+ e a expressão gênica de Ifnγ e Nos2. O hipotireoidismo aumentou o iNOS aos sete dias, a IL15 e o MIF aos 10 e 12 dias, o IFNγ e o MIF aos 14 DG e a expressão dos transcritos gênicos para iNos aos 12 e 19 dias e para Ifnγ aos 14 DG. O hipotireoidismo reduziu a imunomarcação de MIF e lectina DBA aos sete dias, lectina DBA aos 10 e 14 DG, IFNγ aos 12 dias, e a expressão de Ifnγ aos 10 e 19 DG e de iNOS aos 12, 14 e 19 DG, bem como reduziu seus transcritos gênicos aos 10 e 14 DG. Conclui-se que o hipotireoidismo compromete o perfil imunológico na interface materno-fetal ao longo da gestação, particularmente por reduzir o fator anti-inflamatório iNOS e a população de células uNK DBA+.(AU)

The goal of this study was to evaluate the effect of maternal hypothyroidism on the spatiotemporal expression of immunological mediators and population of Natural Killers cells in decidua and metrial gland of rats. Interferon gamma (IFNγ), migration inhibitory factor (MIF), interleukin 15 (IL15), inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), and DBA-Lectin labeling for evidence of uNK DBA+ cells in decidua and genetic expression of Ifnγ and iNos by real-time RT-PCR were evaluated. Hypothyroidism increased protein expression of iNOS at 7 days, IL15 and MIF at 10 and 12 days, IFNγ and MIF at 14 DG in the decidua and/or metrial gland and the gene transcripts for iNOS at 12 and 19 days and for Inf at 14 DG. In addition, hypothyroidism reduced the protein expression of MIF and DBA-Lectin at 7 days, DBA-Lectin at 10 and 14 DG, IFNγ at 12 days, and the gene transcript to Ifnγ at 10 and 19 DGs. Hypothyroidism also reduced the protein expression of iNOS at 12, 14 and 19 DG and reduced its gene transcripts at 10 and 14 DGs. It is concluded that hypothyroidism compromises the immunology profile at the maternal-fetal interface throughout pregnancy, particularly by reducing the anti-inflammatory factor iNOS and population of uNK DBA+ cells.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Ratos , Implantação do Embrião , Células Matadoras Naturais , Hipotireoidismo/veterinária , Glândula Metrial
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 72(1): 177-190, Jan.-Feb. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-26620


Estudou-se o efeito do hipotireoidismo materno na expressão espaço-temporal de mediadores imunológicos e na população de células natural killers (NK) na decídua e na glândula metrial de ratas durante a gestação. Avaliou-se a detecção imunoistoquímica de interferon γ (IFNγ), do fator inibidor de migração (MIF), da interleucina 15 (IL15), do óxido nítrico sintase induzível (iNOS), a marcação com lectina DBA para evidenciação das células NK uterinas DBA+ e a expressão gênica de Ifnγ e Nos2. O hipotireoidismo aumentou o iNOS aos sete dias, a IL15 e o MIF aos 10 e 12 dias, o IFNγ e o MIF aos 14 DG e a expressão dos transcritos gênicos para iNos aos 12 e 19 dias e para Ifnγ aos 14 DG. O hipotireoidismo reduziu a imunomarcação de MIF e lectina DBA aos sete dias, lectina DBA aos 10 e 14 DG, IFNγ aos 12 dias, e a expressão de Ifnγ aos 10 e 19 DG e de iNOS aos 12, 14 e 19 DG, bem como reduziu seus transcritos gênicos aos 10 e 14 DG. Conclui-se que o hipotireoidismo compromete o perfil imunológico na interface materno-fetal ao longo da gestação, particularmente por reduzir o fator anti-inflamatório iNOS e a população de células uNK DBA+.(AU)

The goal of this study was to evaluate the effect of maternal hypothyroidism on the spatiotemporal expression of immunological mediators and population of Natural Killers cells in decidua and metrial gland of rats. Interferon gamma (IFNγ), migration inhibitory factor (MIF), interleukin 15 (IL15), inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), and DBA-Lectin labeling for evidence of uNK DBA+ cells in decidua and genetic expression of Ifnγ and iNos by real-time RT-PCR were evaluated. Hypothyroidism increased protein expression of iNOS at 7 days, IL15 and MIF at 10 and 12 days, IFNγ and MIF at 14 DG in the decidua and/or metrial gland and the gene transcripts for iNOS at 12 and 19 days and for Inf at 14 DG. In addition, hypothyroidism reduced the protein expression of MIF and DBA-Lectin at 7 days, DBA-Lectin at 10 and 14 DG, IFNγ at 12 days, and the gene transcript to Ifnγ at 10 and 19 DGs. Hypothyroidism also reduced the protein expression of iNOS at 12, 14 and 19 DG and reduced its gene transcripts at 10 and 14 DGs. It is concluded that hypothyroidism compromises the immunology profile at the maternal-fetal interface throughout pregnancy, particularly by reducing the anti-inflammatory factor iNOS and population of uNK DBA+ cells.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Ratos , Implantação do Embrião , Células Matadoras Naturais , Hipotireoidismo/veterinária , Glândula Metrial
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 48(suppl.1): Pub.541-4 jan. 2020. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458368


Background: Congenital anomalies are an uncommon pituitary hypofunction cause associated to multiple hormone deficiencies. Congenital hyposomatotropism is often related to an inherited anomaly, characterized mainly by delayed growth. It is not uncommon to find associated thyroid-stimulating hormone and gonadotropin deficiencies. Pituitary malformation may be associated to progressive cystic lesion expansion. Central diabetes insipidus (CDI) is another rare disease associated to polyuria (PU) and polydipsia (PD) secondary to antidiuretic hormone (ADH) deficient secretion. The aim of this report is to describe a likely case of pituitary hypoplasia, associated with partial CDI in a cat. Case: A 9-month-old unneutered male Persian cat weighing 2 kg was presented due to severe polyuria and polydipsia associated with growth deficit when compared with its sibling. After clinical and laboratory evaluations during the months in which the patient was monitored, reduced serum concentration of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), thyroid hormones, and testosterone were documented, confirming the diagnosis of hyposomatotropism, hypogonadism, and secondary hypothyroidism. Furthermore, therapeutic diagnosis with desmopressin revealed partial central diabetes insipidus (CDI). As the sibling showed normal development aging 13-months, a radiographic examination of the forelimb (carpus) was performed on both cats. There was lack of growth plate fusion in the patient, without any other evidence of dysgenesis, whereas complete epiphyseal closure was observed in the sibling. Despite therapeutic prescriptions of desmopressin and levothyroxine, the owners refused further follow-up to the...

Masculino , Animais , Gatos , Diabetes Insípido/veterinária , Hipopituitarismo/veterinária , Hipotireoidismo/veterinária , Nanismo Hipofisário/veterinária , Polidipsia/veterinária , Poliúria/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 48(suppl.1): Pub. 541, Oct. 27, 2020. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765367


Background: Congenital anomalies are an uncommon pituitary hypofunction cause associated to multiple hormone deficiencies. Congenital hyposomatotropism is often related to an inherited anomaly, characterized mainly by delayed growth. It is not uncommon to find associated thyroid-stimulating hormone and gonadotropin deficiencies. Pituitary malformation may be associated to progressive cystic lesion expansion. Central diabetes insipidus (CDI) is another rare disease associated to polyuria (PU) and polydipsia (PD) secondary to antidiuretic hormone (ADH) deficient secretion. The aim of this report is to describe a likely case of pituitary hypoplasia, associated with partial CDI in a cat. Case: A 9-month-old unneutered male Persian cat weighing 2 kg was presented due to severe polyuria and polydipsia associated with growth deficit when compared with its sibling. After clinical and laboratory evaluations during the months in which the patient was monitored, reduced serum concentration of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), thyroid hormones, and testosterone were documented, confirming the diagnosis of hyposomatotropism, hypogonadism, and secondary hypothyroidism. Furthermore, therapeutic diagnosis with desmopressin revealed partial central diabetes insipidus (CDI). As the sibling showed normal development aging 13-months, a radiographic examination of the forelimb (carpus) was performed on both cats. There was lack of growth plate fusion in the patient, without any other evidence of dysgenesis, whereas complete epiphyseal closure was observed in the sibling. Despite therapeutic prescriptions of desmopressin and levothyroxine, the owners refused further follow-up to the...(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Gatos , Diabetes Insípido/veterinária , Hipopituitarismo/veterinária , Hipotireoidismo/veterinária , Nanismo Hipofisário/veterinária , Poliúria/veterinária , Polidipsia/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 48(suppl.1): Pub.572-4 jan. 2020. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458399


Background: Hypothyroidism is an endocrine disease that leads to a reduction in the hormones thyroxine (T3) and triiodothyronine (T4), which therapy with levothyroxine restores the clinical signs related to the metabolic rate. Due to the influence of thyroid hormones on the heart, which is under the constant influence of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), dogs with hypothyroidism can develop bradycardia, arrhythmia, and dysautonomia. Heart rate variability (HRV) assesses autonomic modulation by the Holter method, which is scarce in dogs. We aimed to report the cardiac and autonomic effects of the primary hypothyroidism untreated and treated with levothyroxine in a canine case by Holter monitoring. Case: A 7-year-old female Dalmatian, weighing 36 kg, was referred for clinical evaluation due to apathy, weight gain, low hair quality, and lethargy. On physical examination, alopecic lesions on the hind limbs and tail, as well as bradycardia with a heart rate (HR) of 40-50 beats per minute (bpm) were observed, in addition to a 3/6 mitral murmur and 2/6 tricuspid murmur. Given the suspicion of thyroid gland disorder, the blood hormonal measurement revealed an increase in thyroidstimulating hormone (TSH; 0.65 ng/mL) and a decrease in free T4 (0.11 ng/mL) and total T4 (0.44 ng/mL), confirming primary hypothyroidism. Therapy was started with a minimum dose of levothyroxine (0.913 mg, every 12 h), which clinical signs were restored in 5 months of treatment, with weight loss, hair growth, and active behavior. To assess the impact of untreated and treated hypothyroidism on the patient’s ANS, a Holter monitoring exam was performed for 24 h before and after therapy. Before treatment, the average HR was 75 bpm, and the HR2.0s), 1st-degree atrioventricular blocks (AVB), six...

Feminino , Animais , Cães , Disautonomias Primárias/veterinária , Dosagem/métodos , Hipotireoidismo/veterinária , Tiroxina/administração & dosagem , Tiroxina/uso terapêutico , Eletrocardiografia Ambulatorial/veterinária , Sistema Nervoso Autônomo
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 48(suppl.1): Pub. 572, Nov. 30, 2020. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31860


Background: Hypothyroidism is an endocrine disease that leads to a reduction in the hormones thyroxine (T3) and triiodothyronine (T4), which therapy with levothyroxine restores the clinical signs related to the metabolic rate. Due to the influence of thyroid hormones on the heart, which is under the constant influence of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), dogs with hypothyroidism can develop bradycardia, arrhythmia, and dysautonomia. Heart rate variability (HRV) assesses autonomic modulation by the Holter method, which is scarce in dogs. We aimed to report the cardiac and autonomic effects of the primary hypothyroidism untreated and treated with levothyroxine in a canine case by Holter monitoring. Case: A 7-year-old female Dalmatian, weighing 36 kg, was referred for clinical evaluation due to apathy, weight gain, low hair quality, and lethargy. On physical examination, alopecic lesions on the hind limbs and tail, as well as bradycardia with a heart rate (HR) of 40-50 beats per minute (bpm) were observed, in addition to a 3/6 mitral murmur and 2/6 tricuspid murmur. Given the suspicion of thyroid gland disorder, the blood hormonal measurement revealed an increase in thyroidstimulating hormone (TSH; 0.65 ng/mL) and a decrease in free T4 (0.11 ng/mL) and total T4 (0.44 ng/mL), confirming primary hypothyroidism. Therapy was started with a minimum dose of levothyroxine (0.913 mg, every 12 h), which clinical signs were restored in 5 months of treatment, with weight loss, hair growth, and active behavior. To assess the impact of untreated and treated hypothyroidism on the patients ANS, a Holter monitoring exam was performed for 24 h before and after therapy. Before treatment, the average HR was 75 bpm, and the HR<50 bpm occurred during 05 h 20 min 36 s. Still, 320 pause events (>2.0s), 1st-degree atrioventricular blocks (AVB), six...(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Dosagem/métodos , Tiroxina/administração & dosagem , Tiroxina/uso terapêutico , Hipotireoidismo/veterinária , Disautonomias Primárias/veterinária , Eletrocardiografia Ambulatorial/veterinária , Sistema Nervoso Autônomo
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 48(suppl.1): Pub.527-4 jan. 2020. ilus, graf
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458354


Background: Central diabetes insipidus (CDI) is an endocrine disorder caused by the failure to produce, transport, orrelease ADH. This disease may show a primary etiology (idiopathic or congenital) or a secondary one (trauma or neoplasms). It is characterized by signs such as polyuria and polydipsia. The definitive diagnosis is obtained by the two-stepwater deprivation test; the absence of adequate urinary concentration in the first stage confirms the diagnosis of diabetesinsipidus and, in the second stage, the response to the application of synthetic desmopressin confirms a central origin.Because CDI is rare in felines, the aim of this study was to report the occurrence of a case of CDI, probably of congenitalprimary origin, in an 8-month-old kitten.Case: An 8-month-old male feline, castrated, 3.2 kg, was brought to consultation with a report of polydipsia, polyuria,smaller size and weight, and lower activity when compared to his brother, for several months. On physical examination,lethargy, body score 2/5, and mild dehydration were noted, as well as deciduous teeth that should have already been replaced. Abdominal ultrasound and laboratory tests were requested, which ruled out chronic kidney disease (CKD), diabetesmellitus (DM), hyperadrenocorticism (HAC), and hyperthyroidism. Due to the fact that urinalysis evidenced hyposthenuria(urinary density [UD] 1.004), CDI was suspected. The patient underwent a water deprivation test and, after 7.5 h, lost4.7% of his initial weight, while UD was 1.012, confirming the diagnosis of DI. The investigation then proceeded to theevaluation of the response to synthetic desmopressin by the application of 5 U IM. Two h later, UD was 1.019, confirming...

Animais , Gatos , Desamino Arginina Vasopressina , Diabetes Insípido/diagnóstico , Diabetes Insípido/veterinária , Hipotireoidismo Congênito/veterinária , Polidipsia/veterinária , Poliúria/etiologia , Poliúria/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 48(suppl.1): Pub. 527, 28 ago. 2020. ilus, graf
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31884


Background: Central diabetes insipidus (CDI) is an endocrine disorder caused by the failure to produce, transport, orrelease ADH. This disease may show a primary etiology (idiopathic or congenital) or a secondary one (trauma or neoplasms). It is characterized by signs such as polyuria and polydipsia. The definitive diagnosis is obtained by the two-stepwater deprivation test; the absence of adequate urinary concentration in the first stage confirms the diagnosis of diabetesinsipidus and, in the second stage, the response to the application of synthetic desmopressin confirms a central origin.Because CDI is rare in felines, the aim of this study was to report the occurrence of a case of CDI, probably of congenitalprimary origin, in an 8-month-old kitten.Case: An 8-month-old male feline, castrated, 3.2 kg, was brought to consultation with a report of polydipsia, polyuria,smaller size and weight, and lower activity when compared to his brother, for several months. On physical examination,lethargy, body score 2/5, and mild dehydration were noted, as well as deciduous teeth that should have already been replaced. Abdominal ultrasound and laboratory tests were requested, which ruled out chronic kidney disease (CKD), diabetesmellitus (DM), hyperadrenocorticism (HAC), and hyperthyroidism. Due to the fact that urinalysis evidenced hyposthenuria(urinary density [UD] 1.004), CDI was suspected. The patient underwent a water deprivation test and, after 7.5 h, lost4.7% of his initial weight, while UD was 1.012, confirming the diagnosis of DI. The investigation then proceeded to theevaluation of the response to synthetic desmopressin by the application of 5 U IM. Two h later, UD was 1.019, confirming...(AU)

Animais , Gatos , Diabetes Insípido/diagnóstico , Diabetes Insípido/veterinária , Hipotireoidismo Congênito/veterinária , Desamino Arginina Vasopressina , Poliúria/etiologia , Poliúria/veterinária , Polidipsia/veterinária
Ciênc. anim. bras. (Impr.) ; 20: e.55398, 2019. ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1473707


Canine endocrinopathies, such as hypothyroidism and hyperadrenocortism,induce typical dermatological alterations. Collagen fibers are significant for the maintenance of structural integrity,as well as in the determination of tissue function. This study aimed at assessing the coloration caused by Picrosirius Red staining under circular polarization and Masson Trichrome staining, as tools to quantify the total collagen in the skin of dogs exhibiting endocrine dermatopathies. Skin samples taken from dogs with hypothyroidism and hyperadrenocorticism were stained using Hematoxylin and Eosin (HE), Masson’s Trichrome (MT) and Picrosirius Red (PSR). The animals with hyperadrenocorticism revealed a higher percentage of collagen area than did the animals with hypothyroidism PSRp (hypothyroidism = 43.76 ± 0.8255 and hyperadrenocorticism = 47.08 ± 0.8584). The percentage of the collagen area using MT between the groups is given in parenthesis (hypothyroidism = 52.06 ± 0.9371, hyperadrenocorticism = 61 ± 0.7529 and control = 56.88 ± 0.64) (p <0.05). It is therefore, evident that the special stains employed are useful in estimating the percentage of collagen area in the skin, as they revealed that dogs with hypothyroidism had lower collagen deposition whereas those animals with hyperadrenocorticism showed higher quantity of collagen in the dermis.

Endocrinopatias caninas como hipotireoidismo e o hiperadrenocortismo causam alterações dermatológicas características. As fibras de colágeno desempenham um papel vital na manutenção da integridade estrutural e também na determinação da função dos tecidos. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as colorações de picrosirius red sob polarização circular e coloração tricômio de Masson como ferramentas para quantificar o colágeno total da pele de cães com dermatopatias endócrinas. Amostras de pele obtidas de cães com hipotireoidismo e hiperadrenocorticismo foram coradas por Hematoxilina e Eosina (HE), Tricrômio de Masson (MT) e Picrosirius red (PSR). A porcentagem de área de colágeno foi maior nos animais com hiperadrenocorticismo e menor nos animais com hipotireoidismo PSRp (hipotireoidismo = 43,76 ± 0.8255 e hiperadrenocorticismo = 47,08 ± 0.8584). Já a porcentagem de área de colágeno no MT entre os grupos (hipotireoidismo = 52,06 ± 0.9371, hiperadrenocorticismo = 61 ± 0,7529 e controle = 56,88 ± 0.64) (p <0.05). Concluiu-se que as colorações especiais utilizadas são úteis para avaliar a porcentagem de área de colágeno na pele, pois demonstraram que cães com hipotireoidismo demonstraram uma diminuição na deposição de colágeno e os animais com hiperadrenocorticismo apresentaram maior quantidade de colágeno na derme.

Animais , Cães , Colágeno/análise , Dermatopatias/diagnóstico , Dermatopatias/veterinária , Hiperfunção Adrenocortical/diagnóstico , Hiperfunção Adrenocortical/veterinária , Hipotireoidismo/diagnóstico , Hipotireoidismo/veterinária , Doenças do Sistema Endócrino/diagnóstico , Doenças do Sistema Endócrino/veterinária , Fibrose/veterinária
Ci. Anim. bras. ; 20: e.55398, out. 24, 2019. ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-24650


Canine endocrinopathies, such as hypothyroidism and hyperadrenocortism,induce typical dermatological alterations. Collagen fibers are significant for the maintenance of structural integrity,as well as in the determination of tissue function. This study aimed at assessing the coloration caused by Picrosirius Red staining under circular polarization and Masson Trichrome staining, as tools to quantify the total collagen in the skin of dogs exhibiting endocrine dermatopathies. Skin samples taken from dogs with hypothyroidism and hyperadrenocorticism were stained using Hematoxylin and Eosin (HE), Massons Trichrome (MT) and Picrosirius Red (PSR). The animals with hyperadrenocorticism revealed a higher percentage of collagen area than did the animals with hypothyroidism PSRp (hypothyroidism = 43.76 ± 0.8255 and hyperadrenocorticism = 47.08 ± 0.8584). The percentage of the collagen area using MT between the groups is given in parenthesis (hypothyroidism = 52.06 ± 0.9371, hyperadrenocorticism = 61 ± 0.7529 and control = 56.88 ± 0.64) (p <0.05). It is therefore, evident that the special stains employed are useful in estimating the percentage of collagen area in the skin, as they revealed that dogs with hypothyroidism had lower collagen deposition whereas those animals with hyperadrenocorticism showed higher quantity of collagen in the dermis.(AU)

Endocrinopatias caninas como hipotireoidismo e o hiperadrenocortismo causam alterações dermatológicas características. As fibras de colágeno desempenham um papel vital na manutenção da integridade estrutural e também na determinação da função dos tecidos. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as colorações de picrosirius red sob polarização circular e coloração tricômio de Masson como ferramentas para quantificar o colágeno total da pele de cães com dermatopatias endócrinas. Amostras de pele obtidas de cães com hipotireoidismo e hiperadrenocorticismo foram coradas por Hematoxilina e Eosina (HE), Tricrômio de Masson (MT) e Picrosirius red (PSR). A porcentagem de área de colágeno foi maior nos animais com hiperadrenocorticismo e menor nos animais com hipotireoidismo PSRp (hipotireoidismo = 43,76 ± 0.8255 e hiperadrenocorticismo = 47,08 ± 0.8584). Já a porcentagem de área de colágeno no MT entre os grupos (hipotireoidismo = 52,06 ± 0.9371, hiperadrenocorticismo = 61 ± 0,7529 e controle = 56,88 ± 0.64) (p <0.05). Concluiu-se que as colorações especiais utilizadas são úteis para avaliar a porcentagem de área de colágeno na pele, pois demonstraram que cães com hipotireoidismo demonstraram uma diminuição na deposição de colágeno e os animais com hiperadrenocorticismo apresentaram maior quantidade de colágeno na derme.(AU)

Animais , Cães , Colágeno/análise , Dermatopatias/diagnóstico , Dermatopatias/veterinária , Hipotireoidismo/diagnóstico , Hipotireoidismo/veterinária , Hiperfunção Adrenocortical/diagnóstico , Hiperfunção Adrenocortical/veterinária , Fibrose/veterinária , Doenças do Sistema Endócrino/diagnóstico , Doenças do Sistema Endócrino/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 47(suppl.1): Pub. 376, 2019. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-19503


Background: Thyroid hormones have important effects on the cardiovascular system, of which the main ones are the in-crease in the heart response to the autonomic sympathetic nervous system. Heart rate variability is a non-invasive method of assessing autonomic heart modulation, thus being an important form of evaluation in patients with thyroid dysfunctions. This study aimed to report electrocardiographic and heart rate variability data of a dog with hypothyroidism that presented a parasympathetic dysfunction.Case:A 7-year-old female Dalmatian dog was admitted for clinical evaluation in Fortaleza, Brazil. According to the owner, she had been apathetic for a year, had gained weight, always had a sad expression, and her hair was generally brittle and opaque. On physical examination, skin lesions were observed at the end of the spine, extending to the tail region, with the latter showing total alopecia. Low T4 levels confirmed the diagnosis of primary hypothyroidism. Then, a 24-h Holter monitoring was performed, which showed that the animal had sinus arrhythmia associated with moments of second-degree sinoatrial block and rare moments of sinus tachycardia. In addition, moments of premature multifocal ventricular extra-systoles and 1st-degree atrioventricular block were observed.Based on the Holter results, heart rate variability (HRV) was calculated. Regarding the HRV in the frequency domain, 32.16 was obtained in the low frequency (LF) band, 67.84 in the high frequency (HF) band, and the LF / HF ratio was 0.46, with a total power of 5205. As for the HRV in the time domain, RMSSD was 117, pNN50 was 62.64 and SDNN was 384. This showed an increase in the parasympathetic activity of the heart and, due to this increased activity, a...(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Disautonomias Primárias/diagnóstico , Disautonomias Primárias/veterinária , Hipotireoidismo/veterinária , Bloqueio Atrioventricular/veterinária , Bloqueio Sinoatrial/veterinária , Eletrocardiografia/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 47(suppl.1): Pub.376-2019. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458138


Background: Thyroid hormones have important effects on the cardiovascular system, of which the main ones are the in-crease in the heart response to the autonomic sympathetic nervous system. Heart rate variability is a non-invasive method of assessing autonomic heart modulation, thus being an important form of evaluation in patients with thyroid dysfunctions. This study aimed to report electrocardiographic and heart rate variability data of a dog with hypothyroidism that presented a parasympathetic dysfunction.Case:A 7-year-old female Dalmatian dog was admitted for clinical evaluation in Fortaleza, Brazil. According to the owner, she had been apathetic for a year, had gained weight, always had a sad expression, and her hair was generally brittle and opaque. On physical examination, skin lesions were observed at the end of the spine, extending to the tail region, with the latter showing total alopecia. Low T4 levels confirmed the diagnosis of primary hypothyroidism. Then, a 24-h Holter monitoring was performed, which showed that the animal had sinus arrhythmia associated with moments of second-degree sinoatrial block and rare moments of sinus tachycardia. In addition, moments of premature multifocal ventricular extra-systoles and 1st-degree atrioventricular block were observed.Based on the Holter results, heart rate variability (HRV) was calculated. Regarding the HRV in the frequency domain, 32.16 was obtained in the low frequency (LF) band, 67.84 in the high frequency (HF) band, and the LF / HF ratio was 0.46, with a total power of 5205. As for the HRV in the time domain, RMSSD was 117, pNN50 was 62.64 and SDNN was 384. This showed an increase in the parasympathetic activity of the heart and, due to this increased activity, a...

Feminino , Animais , Cães , Disautonomias Primárias/diagnóstico , Disautonomias Primárias/veterinária , Hipotireoidismo/veterinária , Bloqueio Atrioventricular/veterinária , Bloqueio Sinoatrial/veterinária , Eletrocardiografia/veterinária
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 28(3): 106-115, 2018. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-19430


O hipotireoidismo canino é uma endocrinopatia comumente diagnosticada em cães. Os principais sinais clínicos presentes são os metabólicos (letargia, ganho de peso e intolerância a exercícios) e dermatológicos (pelagem seca e quebradiça, alopecia endócrina e mixedema). No entanto, alterações neuromusculares, cardíacas e reprodutivas também podem estar presentes. O diagnóstico é realizado através de informações do histórico do animal, sinais clínicos, exames de triagem e testes hormonais. O tratamento de escolha é a suplementação com levotiroxina sódica e a resposta do tratamento é satisfatória com remissão dos sinais clínicos, em até 6 meses de suplementação. O objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar um caso de hipotireoidismo em um cão. Uma paciente canina, SRD, fêmea, castrada, quatro anos e pesando 44,5kg foi encaminhada para a consulta endocrinológica apresentando letargia, ganho de peso, termofilia e discreta rarefação pilosa na cauda. No hemograma e nas dosagens bioquímicas (ALT, GGT, FA, triglicerídeos e colesterol) não foram observadas alterações significativas. As dosagens hormonais de TSH e T4 livre foram realizadas e os resultados mostraram um TSH acima dos valores de referência para a normalidade (3,58 ng/mL) e um T4 livre abaixo dos valores de referência para a normalidade (0,41 ng/mL), assim o diagnóstico foi de hipotireoidismo. O tratamento instituído foi com levotiroxina sódica na dose de 20 mcg/ kg uma vez ao dia. Após 60 dias foi realizado o teste de reposição com levotiroxina e a reavaliação da paciente. Houve resposta satisfatória ao tratamento, com remissão dos sinais clínicos de letargia, intolerância a exercícios e ganho de peso.(AU)

Canine hypothyroidism is an endocrinopathy usually diagnosed in dogs. The main clinical signs present are metabolic (lethargy, weight gain and exercise intolerance) and dermatologic (dry, brittle hair coat, endocrine alopecia and myxedema). However, neuromuscular, cardiac, and reproductive changes may also be present. The diagnosis is accomplished by history, physical examination findings, clinicopathologic and measurement of hormones. The treatment of choice is levothyroxine sodium supplementation and treatment response is satisfactory with remission of clinical signs within 6 months of supplementation. This study aimed to report a case of hypothyroidism in a dog. A canine, mixed-breed, female, neutered, 4 years and weight 44.5 kg was forwarded to endocrinology assignment showing lethargy, weight gain, cold intolerance and discrete hair rarefaction on the tail. At the complete blood count and serum biochemistry (ALT, GGT, AP, triglycerides and cholesterol) no significant changes were observed. Baseline serum TSH and free T4 concentration were performed and the diagnosis of hypothyroidism was achieved by results of high TSH (3.58 ng / mL) and low free T4 (0.41 ng / mL). The treatment instituted was levothyroxine sodium dose of 20 mcg/ kg SID, after 60 days the replacement assay with levothyroxine and patient's evaluation was applied. There was a satisfactory response to the treatment by remission of clinical signs of lethargy, exercise intolerance and weight gain.(AU)

Animais , Cães , Hipotireoidismo/diagnóstico , Hipotireoidismo/tratamento farmacológico , Hipotireoidismo/veterinária , Obesidade/veterinária , Tiroxina/uso terapêutico , Terapia Nutricional/veterinária , Doenças do Sistema Endócrino/tratamento farmacológico , Doenças do Sistema Endócrino/veterinária
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 28(3): 106-115, 2018. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1472404


O hipotireoidismo canino é uma endocrinopatia comumente diagnosticada em cães. Os principais sinais clínicos presentes são os metabólicos (letargia, ganho de peso e intolerância a exercícios) e dermatológicos (pelagem seca e quebradiça, alopecia endócrina e mixedema). No entanto, alterações neuromusculares, cardíacas e reprodutivas também podem estar presentes. O diagnóstico é realizado através de informações do histórico do animal, sinais clínicos, exames de triagem e testes hormonais. O tratamento de escolha é a suplementação com levotiroxina sódica e a resposta do tratamento é satisfatória com remissão dos sinais clínicos, em até 6 meses de suplementação. O objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar um caso de hipotireoidismo em um cão. Uma paciente canina, SRD, fêmea, castrada, quatro anos e pesando 44,5kg foi encaminhada para a consulta endocrinológica apresentando letargia, ganho de peso, termofilia e discreta rarefação pilosa na cauda. No hemograma e nas dosagens bioquímicas (ALT, GGT, FA, triglicerídeos e colesterol) não foram observadas alterações significativas. As dosagens hormonais de TSH e T4 livre foram realizadas e os resultados mostraram um TSH acima dos valores de referência para a normalidade (3,58 ng/mL) e um T4 livre abaixo dos valores de referência para a normalidade (0,41 ng/mL), assim o diagnóstico foi de hipotireoidismo. O tratamento instituído foi com levotiroxina sódica na dose de 20 mcg/ kg uma vez ao dia. Após 60 dias foi realizado o teste de reposição com levotiroxina e a reavaliação da paciente. Houve resposta satisfatória ao tratamento, com remissão dos sinais clínicos de letargia, intolerância a exercícios e ganho de peso.

Canine hypothyroidism is an endocrinopathy usually diagnosed in dogs. The main clinical signs present are metabolic (lethargy, weight gain and exercise intolerance) and dermatologic (dry, brittle hair coat, endocrine alopecia and myxedema). However, neuromuscular, cardiac, and reproductive changes may also be present. The diagnosis is accomplished by history, physical examination findings, clinicopathologic and measurement of hormones. The treatment of choice is levothyroxine sodium supplementation and treatment response is satisfactory with remission of clinical signs within 6 months of supplementation. This study aimed to report a case of hypothyroidism in a dog. A canine, mixed-breed, female, neutered, 4 years and weight 44.5 kg was forwarded to endocrinology assignment showing lethargy, weight gain, cold intolerance and discrete hair rarefaction on the tail. At the complete blood count and serum biochemistry (ALT, GGT, AP, triglycerides and cholesterol) no significant changes were observed. Baseline serum TSH and free T4 concentration were performed and the diagnosis of hypothyroidism was achieved by results of high TSH (3.58 ng / mL) and low free T4 (0.41 ng / mL). The treatment instituted was levothyroxine sodium dose of 20 mcg/ kg SID, after 60 days the replacement assay with levothyroxine and patient's evaluation was applied. There was a satisfactory response to the treatment by remission of clinical signs of lethargy, exercise intolerance and weight gain.

Animais , Cães , Hipotireoidismo/diagnóstico , Hipotireoidismo/tratamento farmacológico , Hipotireoidismo/veterinária , Obesidade/veterinária , Terapia Nutricional/veterinária , Tiroxina/uso terapêutico , Doenças do Sistema Endócrino/tratamento farmacológico , Doenças do Sistema Endócrino/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 46(supl): 1-5, 2018. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-734032


Background: hypothyroidism is a disease of clinical importance that causes multisystem disorders, which can be confused with other endocrinopathies. Rapid and accurate diagnosis is necessary in order to avoid worsening of the clinical manifestation. The use of drugs in a wrong way can directly imply the difficulty of the diagnostic approach, since they may cause changes in the biochemical profiles, which are of great importance as markers in diseases of animals with low thyroid function.Case: The case reports a German Spitz male, one year old and six months old, neutered, who presented bilateral do not cause itching alopecia, being treated by another professional for endocrine and fungal affections. In this same medical appointment were neglected biochemical and hematological profile exams. The exams that had been performed were skin scrapings, which showed growth of fungi and bacteria, besides the measurement of thyroid hormones as TSH, T4L (T4 free) e T3, and also the low-dose dexamethasone suppression test. Based on the findings the therapy instituted by such professional was the administration of itraconazole (ITL®), levothyroxine sodium (compounded drugs) and trilostane (compounded drugs). With absence of clinical improvement, the guardian came to the hospital veterinary, in search of a second diagnostic opinion, where during the collection of information at the time of the anamnesis the patient presented lethargy, drowsiness and absence of hair on both sides. During the clinical examination, the animal presented mild bradycardia and a slightly diminished rectal temperature; in the dermatological evaluation the presence of pup pelt, cutaneous hyperpigmentation and hair thinning in the abdominal area were noted. From this evaluation, hematological exams were requested, which had altered the presence of lymphocytosis, and biochemical tests, where changes in the cholesterol and triglyceride levels were expected, but they were within the normal range.[...](AU)

Animais , Masculino , Cães , Hipotireoidismo/diagnóstico , Hipotireoidismo/veterinária , Antagonistas Adrenérgicos/administração & dosagem , Tiroxina/administração & dosagem , Erros de Diagnóstico/efeitos adversos , Erros de Diagnóstico/veterinária