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Sci. agric ; 80: e20220008, 2023. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1410176


The environment is vital to the agricultural sector since it can cause adversities throughout the entire productive chain. This study evaluated the geographical distribution of zebu breeds in Brazil and correlated their occurrence with environmental variables and the human development index. Herds of purebred zebu cattle (Bos indicus) in Brazil were classified as beef, dairy, and dual-purpose breeds, and all breeds were spatialized in the ArcGIS program. Environmental (precipitation, temperature, relative humidity index) and the human development index (HDI) were examined. We conducted regression and logistic analyses. Zebu cattle showed a lower distribution in the Northeastern states compared to other locations, possibly due to harsh weather conditions, namely long periods of high temperatures and lower precipitation, directly affecting local livestock. Beef breeds were evenly spread throughout the country in regions influenced by environmental variables of higher precipitation, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), temperature, relative humidity (RH), and temperature humidity index (THI), as well as properties without smallholder farmers and rivers and streams with riparian vegetation. The regions for dual-purpose and dairy breeds were predominantly cultivated with cutting forages (e.g., sugarcane - Saccharum officinarum), with the integration of crops, livestock and/or forestry (i.e., combining different activities in the same area) and areas with a rotational grazing system (i.e., grazing management), indicating a higher occupation in fertile lands. The Gir breed, the only dairy breed evaluated in this study, was seen in establishments with smallholder farmers, characterized by small to medium farms, and in regions at higher altitudes.

Animais , Bovinos , Estatística , Gado , Desenvolvimento Humano
Iheringia, Sér. zool ; 113: e2023001, 2023. mapas, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1433999


This is paper we analyze the diet and body condition factor (Mi) of three endemic species inside and outside an environmental protection area, to compare the effectiveness of the protection area in providing a greater spectrum of food items and greater environmental well-being to ichthyofauna. The study area comprised streams of the Ribeira do Iguape River basin, Campos Gerais National Park (CGNP), Paraná state and its surroundings. Eleven streams were sampled inside and outside, using electric fishing. A Permutational Multivariate Analysis of Variance to investigate the composition of food items and a Permutational Analysis of Multivariate Dispersions was used to investigate the variability between food items. The Scaled Mass Index (Mi) of the body condition was used to determine the relative condition factor of each individual of each species. Regarding the diet, there were no significant differences between inside and outside in the composition and variability of food items, this similarity may be associated with existing environmental degradation inside. However, the Mi was significant, and only one species presented greater well-being inside, because inside streams receive greater allochthonous intake of riparian vegetation, but, when it comes to the two species that perform the link of the aquatic food web with the terrestrial, the opposite occurred. These results indicate that the studied fragment, under anthropic pressures, is currently unable to conserve its biodiversity. The inside has no Management Plan, the manager must elaborate and implement it as a first step so that the situation can be reverted and the conservation effectiveness ensured in this highly threatened area, characterized by being one of the most important remnants of the Atlantic Forest, having relevant ecosystem services from a rare humid forest of Araucaria.(AU)

Neste trabalho, analisamos dieta e fator de condição corporal (Mi) de três espécies endêmicas dentro e fora de uma área de proteção ambiental, para comparar a efetividade da área protegida em subsidiar maior espectro de itens alimentares e maior bem-estar ambiental à ictiofauna. A área de estudo compreendeu riachos que fazem parte da bacia hidrográfica do Rio Ribeira de Iguape, interior e imediações do Parque Nacional dos Campos Gerais (PNCG), estado do Paraná. Foram amostrados 11 riachos dentro e fora, com auxílio de pesca elétrica. A Análise de Variância Multivarada Permutacional foi usada para investigar a composição dos itens alimentares e a Análise Permutacional de Dispersões Multivariadas para investigar a variabilidade entre os itens alimentares. O Índice de Massa Escalonado (Mi) de condição corporal foi usado para determinar o fator de condição relativo de cada indivíduo de cada espécie. Para a dieta analisada não houve diferenças significavas entre dentro e fora, na composição e na variabilidade de itens alimentares, esta similaridade pode estar associada a degradação ambiental existente dentro. Entretanto, o Mi foi significativo, sendo que somente uma espécie apresentou maior bem-estar dentro, porque os riachos de cabeceira de dentro recebem maior aporte alóctone de vegetação ripária, porém, quando se trata das duas espécies que realizam o elo da teia alimentar aquática com a terrestre ocorreu o contrário. Esses resultados indicam que o fragmento estudado, submetido a pressões antrópicas, apresenta-se incapaz de conservar essa biodiversidade. O interior não tem plano de manejo, o gestor deve elaborá-lo e implementá-lo como um primeiro passo para que a situação possa ser revertida e a efetividade da conservação assegurada nessa área altamente ameaçada, caracterizada por ser um dos remanescentes mais importantes da Mata Atlântica, possuindo relevantes serviços ecossistêmicos oriundos de uma rara floresta úmida de Araucária.(AU)

Doenças Endêmicas , Peixes/fisiologia , Brasil , Análise Multivariada , Controle Biológico por Conservação
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 44: e61495, mar. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1413375


Small rivers, henceforth streams, depend on organic matter (nutrients and energy) from riparian vegetation. The quality of such allochthonous debris is determinant for the transformation of organic matter compounds, where the bacterial community has a crucial role in the final decomposition of the substrate. During bacterial colonization, debris with higher concentration of nutrients (more palatable) is prioritized, which accelerates the process. This study investigated the effects of leaf palatability of two native trees on bacterial colonization (abundance) over time, through a laboratory experiment that lasted 60 days. Values of C, N, P, C:N, C:P, polyphenols, tannins, lignin, lignin:N and leaf toughness of both species were compared. Bacterial abundance was higher in species with higher nitrogen values, although they had higher leaf toughness and more polyphenols, which differs from studies indicating that high leaf toughness represents low nutritional quality. The colonization time did not influence bacterial abundance. Therefore, processes degrading riparian vegetation and reducing nutritional quality can affect local decomposition, decreasing bacterial abundance.(AU)

Biodegradação Ambiental , Folhas de Planta/efeitos adversos , Florestas , Fenômenos Microbiológicos
Vet. zootec ; 29: 1-16, 2022. tab, mapas, graf
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1370481


O morcego hematófago Desmodus rotundus é o principal transmissor da raiva dos herbívoros, responsável por enormes prejuízos econômicos na pecuária na América Latina. Devido às interações de D. rotundus como meio ambiente, o risco da raiva nos herbívoros pode ser explicado pela vulnerabilidade e a receptividade do ambiente a capacidade do ecossistema albergar populações de D. rotundus. Utilizando de Sistema de Informações Geográficas foram analisados quantitativamente os seguintes determinantes de receptividade em que se encontravam os abrigos de morcegos hematófagos D. rotundus nomunicípio de SãoPedro - SP: tipo de solo e geologia, uso e cobertura do solo, declividade, hipsometria e proximidade a corpos de água. Foram localizados oito abrigos de D. rotundus, sendo dois abrigos naturais: uma gruta de arenito de Geologia Formação Piramboia e Neossolo Quartzarênico habitada por apenas um morcego, e outra gruta basáltica de Geologia Formação Itaqueri e Latossolo Vermelho-amarelo comum a população estimada de 100 D. rotundus. 75% dos abrigos estava em áreas de pastagem e cana de açúcar, seguido por áreas de vegetação nativa e vegetação riparia associada a pastagens. A presença de abrigos de D. rotundus em áreas de cultura canavieira e pastoril em quantidade superior a áreas de cobertura florestal ressalta a importância de oferta de abrigos artificiais em áreas agrícolas. A declividade do terreno em que se encontravam os abrigos variou de 3% a 29%. 62,5% dos abrigos estavam em áreas com baixas declividades com presença de pastagens, porém próximos a áreas de relevo mais escarpado e vegetação nativa com altitudes que variaram entre 475 m e 929 m. Todos os abrigos estavam localizados próximos a corpos d'agua. Apesar de corpos d'agua não constarem como fator de receptividade à presença de abrigos de D. rotundus no modelo epidemiológico indicado pelo Manual de Combate a Raiva dos Herbívoros - MAPA, no presente estudo a proximidade de todos os abrigos de D. rotundus a corpos d'agua evidencia a importância deste fator na receptividade ambiental à presença de abrigos destes morcegos, tornando relevante a inclusão deste fator nos modelos epidemiológicos de controle da raiva dos herbívoros. Desta forma faz-se necessária uma reavaliação da importância dos fatores de receptividade à presença de abrigos de D. rotundus nos modelos epidemiológicos, considerando a escala e particularidades de cada região em estudo, a inclusão outros tipos de formação geológica além da calcária para formação de abrigos naturais, a inclusão de novos tipos e cobertura de solo e a proximidade de corpos d'agua.

The vampire bat Desmodus rotundus is the main transmitter rabies in herbivores, responsible for enormous economic losses in livestock in Latin America. Due to interactions of D. rotundus with the environment, the risk of rabies in herbivores can be explained by the vulnerability and receptiveness of the environment to the capacity of the ecosystem to support populations of D. rotundus. Using a Geographic Information System, the following determinants of receptivity were quantitatively analyzed in which the vampire bat roosts D. rotundus were found in the city of São Pedro - SP: soil type and geology, land use and cover, slope, hypsometry and proximity to water bodies. Eight D. rotundus shelters were located, two of which were natural: as and stone cave of Piramboia Formation Geology and Quartzarênic Neosol inhabited by only one bat, and another basaltic cave of Itaqueri Formation Geology and Red-yellow Latosol with an estimated population of 100 D. rotundus. 75% of the shelters were in pasture and sugar cane areas, followed by areas of native vegetation and riparian vegetation associated with pastures. The presence of D. rotundus shelters in sugar cane and pastoral areas in a greater quantity than in forest cover areas highlights the importance of offering artificial shelters in agricultural areas. The slope of the land on which the shelters were located ranged from 3% to 29%. 62.5% of the shelters were in areas with lows lopes with the presence of pastures, but close to areas with more rugged relief and native vegetation with altitudes ranging between 475m and 929m. All shelters were located close to bodies of water. Although bodies of water do not appear as a factor of receptivity to the presence of shelters of D. rotundus in the epidemiological model indicated by the Herbivore Rabies Control Manual - MAPA, in the present study the proximity of all roosts of D. rotundus to water bodies highlights the importance of this factor in environmental receptivity to the presence of roosts for these bats, making it relevant to include this factor in epidemiological models for controlling rabies in herbivores. Thus, it is necessary to reassess the importance of factors of receptivity to the presence of D. rotundus roosts in epidemiological models, considering the scale and particularities of each region under study, the inclusion of other types of geological formation in addition to limestone for the formation of natural shelters, the inclusion of new types and land cover and the proximity of water bodies.

El murciélago vampiro Desmodus rotundus es el principal transmisor de la rabia herbívora, responsable de enormes pérdidas económicas en la ganadería en América Latina. Debido a las interacciones de D. rotundus con el medio ambiente, el riesgo de rabia en herbívoros puede explicarse por la vulnerabilidad y receptividad del medio ambiente a la capacidad del ecosistema para sustentar poblaciones de D. rotundus. Utilizando un Sistema de Información Geográfica, se analizaron cuantitativamente los siguientes determinantes de la receptividad en los que se encontraron los refugios de murciélagos vampiro D. rotundus en la ciudad de São Pedro SP: tipo de suelo y geología, uso y cobertura del suelo, pendiente, hipsometría y proximidad a cuerpos de agua. Se ubicaron ocho refugios de D.rotundus, siendo dos refugios naturales: una cueva de arenisca de Geología de la Formación Piramboia y Quartzarênico Neosol habitada por un solo murciélago, y otra cueva basáltica de Geología de la Formación Itaqueri y Latosol Rojo-amarillo con una población estimada de 100 D. rotundus. El 75% de los refugios estaban en áreas de pastos y caña de azúcar, seguidos de áreas de vegetación nativa y vegetación de ribera asociada a pastos. La presencia de refugios de D. rotundus en áreas cañeras y pastorales en mayor cantidad que en áreas de cobertura forestal resalta la importancia de ofrecer refugios artificiales en áreas agrícolas. La pendiente del terreno en el que se ubicaron los refugios osciló entre el 3% y el 29%. El 62,5% de los refugios se encontraban en zonas de baja pendiente con presencia de pastos, pero próximas a zonas de relieve más accidentado y vegetación autóctona con altitudes que oscilan entre 475 my 929 m. Todos los refugios estaban ubicados cerca de cuerpos de agua. Si bien los cuerpos de agua no aparecen como factor de receptividad a la presencia de refugios de D. rotundus en el modelo epidemiológico indicado por el Manual de Combate a la Rabia de Herbívoros - MAPA, en el presente estudio la proximidad de todos los refugios de D. rotundus to bodies d'agua destaca la importancia de este factor en la receptividad ambiental a la presencia de refugios para estos murciélagos, por lo que es relevante incluir este factor en los modelos epidemiológicos para el control de la rabia en herbívoros. Así, es necesario reevaluar la importancia de los factores de receptividad a la presencia de refugios de D. rotundus en los modelos epidemiológicos, considerando la escala y particularidades de cada región en estudio, la inclusión de otros tipos de formación geológica además de la caliza para la formación de refugios naturales, inclusión de nuevos tipos y coberturas terrestres y proximidad de cuerpos de agua.

Animais , Características do Solo/análise , Quirópteros , Cavernas , Abrigo para Animais , Raiva/veterinária , Águas Superficiais , Brasil
Pap. avulsos zool ; 62: e202262045, 2022. mapas, graf, tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1396292


This study focuses on incubation parameters, egg morphometrics, and body mass development, hatching, and behavioral adaptations to heat stress within a colony of freshwater-breeding Black Skimmers (Rynchops niger) located in the private nature reserve of Serviço Social do Comércio (SESC) in the northern Pantanal, Mato Grosso, Brazil. Temperatures of nest, eggs, and surface substratum, as well as the development of embryos, were surveyed using thermal imaging, a method allowing digital recording from a distance and in a fraction of the time of traditional measuring techniques. The mean egg dimensions (n = 71) were 4.48 (± 0.13) × 3.27 (± 0.07) cm; the mean mass at hatching was 24.3 (± 1.9) g, with a significant decrease over incubation time. The mean surface temperature of eggs varied from 30.9℃ to 39.7℃, while the sand surface temperature was 20℃ at 06:00 h, rising to 47.7℃ at 11:00 h. There was a significant increase (7%) in egg surface temperature throughout incubation. Incubation-bout durations (n = 2108) were correlated with the microclimatic conditions of the substratum, becoming shorter with increasing sand-surface temperature around midday. Egg hatching lasted one day, and siblings hatched no more than 24 h apart. The mean body mass on Day 1 after hatching was 16.8 (± 1.6) g (n = 6). Three days after hatching, chicks moved to new sand depressions provided by parents near the original nest, where they remained motionless or tried to hide under riparian vegetation. The single chick that fledged had a growth rate of K = 0.117 and a t10₋90 value of 37.3 days. On Day 7, dorsal pintail feathers and primaries appeared, which were open on Day 15. After 14 days, the chick was able to regulate its body temperature, and no more feeding by parental birds during the daytime was observed. On Day 21, the immature plumage was fully developed. Fledging was completed on Day 27. Our study demonstrates that thermal imaging is a useful method of surveying egg and embryo development in the Black Skimmer, reducing nest disturbance and observation efforts.(AU)

Animais , Comportamento Animal/fisiologia , Resposta ao Choque Térmico/fisiologia , Charadriiformes/embriologia , Desenvolvimento Embrionário/fisiologia , Ovos/análise , Brasil
Braz. J. Biol. ; 81(3): 741-749, July-Sept. 2021. mapas, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-762667


Birds play a key role in ecosystem dynamics, including urban and rural areas, bringing environmental quality improvements and ecological stability. Species contribute directly to natural regeneration of vegetation and succession processes, by offering ecosystem services as seed dispersal, an important role in human-modified areas. We studied the assemblages of fruit-eating birds in riparian environments of Monjolinho basin, central São Paulo state, southeastern Brazil. Birds were recorded in 41 points distributed in riparian ecosystems alongside waterbodies, in landscapes with five types of surrounding matrices: urban, periurban, farmland, and native vegetation. We described how assemblages are structured aiming to evaluate the possible influence of seasonality and landscape type. We recorded 39 bird species that can play a role as seed-dispersers, 32 in wet season and 32 in dry season. There were no significant differences in the diversity and dominance of species between seasons considering the entire area, indicating stability of basic assemblage structure. However, total number of individuals of all species recorded in different landscapes were influenced by seasonality. Also, the composition and abundance of species significantly changed between seasons, leading to a high dissimilarity with almost 50% of the species contributing with almost 90% of the observed variation. A higher taxonomic diversity and distinctness pointed to a wider array of possible seed dispersal services in natural areas, while the lowest values of indexes were found in human-modified areas. The higher number of non-related bird species during dry season contrasted with the higher number of individuals during wet season, indicating that there is more possible ecosystem services offered by frugivorous birds in driest period of the year, while in the rainy period the carrying capacity of the riparian environments was increased.(AU)

As aves desempenham um papel chave na dinâmica dos ecossistemas, incluindo áreas urbanas e rurais, e trazem melhorias na qualidade ambiental e estabilidade ecológica. As espécies contribuem diretamente com a regeneração natural da vegetação e processos de sucessão por oferecerem serviços ecossistêmicos como a dispersão de sementes, um papel fundamental em áreas alteradas. Nós estudamos a assembleia de espécies de aves que se alimentam de frutos em ambientes ripários da bacia do rio Monjolinho, região central do estado de São Paulo, sudeste do Brasil. As aves foram registradas em 41 pontos distribuídos em ecossistemas ripários ao longo dos corpos dágua, em paisagens com quatro tipos de matrizes em seu entorno: urbana, periurbana, rural e vegetação nativa. Nós descrevemos como as assembleias estão estruturadas, objetivando avaliar a possível influência da sazonalidade e do tipo de paisagem do entorno. Foram registradas 39 espécies de aves que podem desempenhar o papel de dispersoras de sementes, sendo 32 espécies no período chuvoso e 32 no período seco. Não foi detectada diferença significativa na diversidade e dominância de espécies entre estações em toda área de estudo, indicando estabilidade da estrutura básica das assembleias. Entretanto, o número total de indivíduos de todas as espécies registrados nas diferentes paisagens foi influenciado pela sazonalidade. Além disso, a composição e abundância de espécies mudou significativamente entre as estações, levando a uma alta dissimilaridade com quase 50% das espécies contribuindo com quase 90% da variação observada. A diversidade e distinção taxonômicas mais altas apontam para maior variedade de serviços ecossistêmicos possíveis relacionados à dispersão de sementes em áreas naturais, enquanto os menores valores desses índices foram encontrados em áreas antropizadas. Um maior número de espécies distintas com menor proximidade taxonômica durante a estação seca, em contraste com um alto número de indivíduos observados na estação chuvosa, indica que existe uma maior gama de possíveis serviços ecossistêmicos oferecidos pelas aves frugívoras no período mais seco do ano, enquanto no período de maior pluviosidade os ecossistemas apresentaram maior capacidade suporte.(AU)

Animais , Aves , Dispersão de Sementes , Bacias Hidrográficas , Biodiversidade , Brasil
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1487446


Abstract Restingas are coastal ecosystems associated with the Atlantic Forest. They are threatened by habitat degradation and forest fragmentation due to intense human occupation. Many restingas have coastal lagoons formed by bay sedimentation of bays, the presence of river estuaries, or emerging groundwater. The distance between lagoons and the ocean influences the biotic community in them. This study aimed to compare the diversity (composition, abundance and richness) of bat communities associated with three lagoons within the Paulo Cesar Vinha State Park, Espírito Santo state. Two lagoons (Feia and Vermelha lagoons) are 2 km away from the ocean, while the third (Caraís lagoon) is just a few meters distant from the ocean. Species composition did not differ among the lagoons. Abundance of Carollia perspicillata and Glossophaga soricina was higher in the Caraís lagoon. Abundance of Artibeus lituratus and Platyrrhinus lineatus was higher in the Vermelha lagoon. Species with higher abundance in the Vermelha are usually associated with urban and disturbed environments. Vermelha lagoon is closer to human settlements and this could be a major driver of bat species abundance associated with this lagoon instead of distance from the ocean. These results may be used to guide conservations efforts in the restingas or habitats associated with restingas.

Pap. avulsos zool ; 61: e20216132, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1287454


Abstract Restingas are coastal ecosystems associated with the Atlantic Forest. They are threatened by habitat degradation and forest fragmentation due to intense human occupation. Many restingas have coastal lagoons formed by bay sedimentation of bays, the presence of river estuaries, or emerging groundwater. The distance between lagoons and the ocean influences the biotic community in them. This study aimed to compare the diversity (composition, abundance and richness) of bat communities associated with three lagoons within the Paulo Cesar Vinha State Park, Espírito Santo state. Two lagoons ('Feia' and 'Vermelha' lagoons) are 2 km away from the ocean, while the third ('Caraís' lagoon) is just a few meters distant from the ocean. Species composition did not differ among the lagoons. Abundance of Carollia perspicillata and Glossophaga soricina was higher in the 'Caraís' lagoon. Abundance of Artibeus lituratus and Platyrrhinus lineatus was higher in the 'Vermelha' lagoon. Species with higher abundance in the 'Vermelha' are usually associated with urban and disturbed environments. 'Vermelha' lagoon is closer to human settlements and this could be a major driver of bat species abundance associated with this lagoon instead of distance from the ocean. These results may be used to guide conservations efforts in the restingas or habitats associated with restingas.

Braz. J. Biol. ; 81(2): 278-284, Mar.-May 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-762724


The Brasilia Tapaculo, Scytalopus novacapitalis Sick, 1958, is a rare, geographically restricted, and endangered bird species that inhabits riparian vegetation of Cerrado, mainly Gallery Forests. In Serra da Canastra National Park, southeastern Brazil, wetlands are under threat due to frequent non-natural burnings and invasion by feral pigs, Sus scrofa, Linnaeus, 1758. We aimed to evaluate the possible effects of seasonal variations on S. novacapitalis records in undisturbed habitats and answer questions about how fire and feral pigs may affect site occupancy of the species. Transects alongside riparian environments were used to survey n=21 sites, totalizing 7.5 Km, from 2014 to 2019. Results indicated the season influenced both, spontaneous records and induced encounters by playback method, which were more abundant in breeding period, from early spring to summer. The use of playback significantly increased the amount of records in all seasons. The probability of site occupancy in all studied area was higher in late spring (=0.91) and lower in autumn (=0.73). In burned sites (n=8), the first post-fire month showed the lowest probability of occupancy, but there was a rapid recovery in 2nd month and stabilization similar to control area from the 3rd month ahead. After sites (n=11) were invaded by feral pigs, the estimation of site occupancy indicated a slight drop in first two months, but after the 3rd month of invasion the decreasing pattern enhanced the discrepancy with undisturbed areas. It is important to keep monitoring S. novacapitalis population and their threats, to subsidize management actions, especially to avoid frequently unusual burnings in riparian forests, and to block the access of feral pigs to wetlands.(AU)

O tapaculo-de-Brasília, Scytalopus novacapitalis, Sick 1958, é uma espécie de ave rara, geograficamente restrita e ameaçada de extinção que habita vegetação ripária do Cerrado, principalmente matas de galeria. No Parque Nacional da Serra da Canastra, sudeste do Brasil, áreas úmidas estão ameaçadas devido a frequentes queimadas não naturais e a invasão por javaporco, Sus scrofa Linnaeus, 1758. Avaliamos os possíveis efeitos da sazonalidade na quantidade de registros de S. novacapitalis em habitats sem perturbação e buscamos responder questões sobre como o fogo e a invasão por javaporco pode afetar a ocupação de área pela ave. Transecções paralelas aos ambientes ripários foram usadas para amostrar n=21 áreas, totalizando 7,5 km, de 2014 a 2019. Os resultados indicaram que a estação do ano influenciou na quantidade de registros espontâneos e de registros induzidos por playback, os quais foram mais abundantes durante o período reprodutivo. O uso de playback aumentou significativamente a quantidade de registros em todas as estações. A probabilidade de ocupação considerando toda área de estudo foi maior no fim da primavera (=0,91) e menor no outono (=0,73). Em áreas queimadas (n=8 trechos), o primeiro mês após o fogo apresentou a menor probabilidade de ocupação, mas houve uma rápida recuperação no 2º mês, e estabilização similar na área controle a partir do 3º mês. Após n=11 trechos terem sido invadidos por javaporcos, a estimativa de ocupação de área indicou pequena queda nos dois primeiros meses, mas a partir do 3º mês, o padrão de decréscimo ampliou a discrepância com áreas não perturbadas. É importante continuar monitorando a população de S. novacapitalis e suas ameaças, para subsidiar ações de manejo, principalmente para evitar queimadas não naturais frequentes nas florestas ripárias e bloquear o acesso de javaporcos às áreas úmidas.(AU)

Aves , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção , Sus scrofa , Brasil
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 43: e52901, 2021. map, ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460997


This study aimed to evaluate the microbiological quality of the water of four ponds used for irrigation on the Lagoa do Sino Farm, as well as to perform the genotypic characterization of virulence factors in Escherichia coli isolates. Sampling was conducted for 11 months, between 2015 and 2016. Samples were analyzed for the presence of thermotolerant coliforms, E. coli and heterotrophs. DNA was extracted from E. coli isolates, followed by genotypic characterization by polymerase chain reaction. Agricultural activities and pesticides used in the sampling period were documented in order to assess possible relationships between agricultural activities and microbiological water quality. The absence of suitable riparian vegetation around all the ponds was observed, benefiting the entry of organic matter and contaminants in the water body. A high index of thermotolerant coliforms in some months indicated the possibility of the transmission of pathogenic microorganisms in these ponds. The values found in some months were above the regulatory limits for water potability and water intended for irrigation. The agrochemicals used in the period seem to influence the results obtained. All 17 E. coli isolates showed at least one of the virulence genes estA, stx1, stx2, and aatA, indicating enterotoxigenic, enterohaemorrhagic or enteroaggregative nature. The presence of E. coli in the waters may be associated with the presence of animals. The water samples analyzed are not suitable for irrigation of vegetables that are consumed raw and/or low lying fruits ingested without skin removal. It is essential to broaden the control of the use of chemicals, as well as the preservation of riparian vegetation to improve the quality of water used in the farm's agricultural activities.

Controle da Qualidade da Água , Escherichia coli , Qualidade da Água
Acta Sci. Biol. Sci. ; 43: e52901, 2021. mapas, ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-764606


This study aimed to evaluate the microbiological quality of the water of four ponds used for irrigation on the Lagoa do Sino Farm, as well as to perform the genotypic characterization of virulence factors in Escherichia coli isolates. Sampling was conducted for 11 months, between 2015 and 2016. Samples were analyzed for the presence of thermotolerant coliforms, E. coli and heterotrophs. DNA was extracted from E. coli isolates, followed by genotypic characterization by polymerase chain reaction. Agricultural activities and pesticides used in the sampling period were documented in order to assess possible relationships between agricultural activities and microbiological water quality. The absence of suitable riparian vegetation around all the ponds was observed, benefiting the entry of organic matter and contaminants in the water body. A high index of thermotolerant coliforms in some months indicated the possibility of the transmission of pathogenic microorganisms in these ponds. The values found in some months were above the regulatory limits for water potability and water intended for irrigation. The agrochemicals used in the period seem to influence the results obtained. All 17 E. coli isolates showed at least one of the virulence genes estA, stx1, stx2, and aatA, indicating enterotoxigenic, enterohaemorrhagic or enteroaggregative nature. The presence of E. coli in the waters may be associated with the presence of animals. The water samples analyzed are not suitable for irrigation of vegetables that are consumed raw and/or low lying fruits ingested without skin removal. It is essential to broaden the control of the use of chemicals, as well as the preservation of riparian vegetation to improve the quality of water used in the farm's agricultural activities.(AU)

Qualidade da Água , Controle da Qualidade da Água , Escherichia coli
Braz. j. biol ; 81(2): 278-284, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1153360


The Brasilia Tapaculo, Scytalopus novacapitalis Sick, 1958, is a rare, geographically restricted, and endangered bird species that inhabits riparian vegetation of Cerrado, mainly Gallery Forests. In Serra da Canastra National Park, southeastern Brazil, wetlands are under threat due to frequent non-natural burnings and invasion by feral pigs, Sus scrofa, Linnaeus, 1758. We aimed to evaluate the possible effects of seasonal variations on S. novacapitalis records in undisturbed habitats and answer questions about how fire and feral pigs may affect site occupancy of the species. Transects alongside riparian environments were used to survey n=21 sites, totalizing 7.5 Km, from 2014 to 2019. Results indicated the season influenced both, spontaneous records and induced encounters by playback method, which were more abundant in breeding period, from early spring to summer. The use of playback significantly increased the amount of records in all seasons. The probability of site occupancy in all studied area was higher in late spring (ψ=0.91) and lower in autumn (ψ=0.73). In burned sites (n=8), the first post-fire month showed the lowest probability of occupancy, but there was a rapid recovery in 2nd month and stabilization similar to control area from the 3rd month ahead. After sites (n=11) were invaded by feral pigs, the estimation of site occupancy indicated a slight drop in first two months, but after the 3rd month of invasion the decreasing pattern enhanced the discrepancy with undisturbed areas. It is important to keep monitoring S. novacapitalis population and their threats, to subsidize management actions, especially to avoid frequently unusual burnings in riparian forests, and to block the access of feral pigs to wetlands.

O tapaculo-de-Brasília, Scytalopus novacapitalis, Sick 1958, é uma espécie de ave rara, geograficamente restrita e ameaçada de extinção que habita vegetação ripária do Cerrado, principalmente matas de galeria. No Parque Nacional da Serra da Canastra, sudeste do Brasil, áreas úmidas estão ameaçadas devido a frequentes queimadas não naturais e a invasão por javaporco, Sus scrofa Linnaeus, 1758. Avaliamos os possíveis efeitos da sazonalidade na quantidade de registros de S. novacapitalis em habitats sem perturbação e buscamos responder questões sobre como o fogo e a invasão por javaporco pode afetar a ocupação de área pela ave. Transecções paralelas aos ambientes ripários foram usadas para amostrar n=21 áreas, totalizando 7,5 km, de 2014 a 2019. Os resultados indicaram que a estação do ano influenciou na quantidade de registros espontâneos e de registros induzidos por playback, os quais foram mais abundantes durante o período reprodutivo. O uso de playback aumentou significativamente a quantidade de registros em todas as estações. A probabilidade de ocupação considerando toda área de estudo foi maior no fim da primavera (ψ=0,91) e menor no outono (ψ=0,73). Em áreas queimadas (n=8 trechos), o primeiro mês após o fogo apresentou a menor probabilidade de ocupação, mas houve uma rápida recuperação no 2º mês, e estabilização similar na área controle a partir do 3º mês. Após n=11 trechos terem sido invadidos por javaporcos, a estimativa de ocupação de área indicou pequena queda nos dois primeiros meses, mas a partir do 3º mês, o padrão de decréscimo ampliou a discrepância com áreas não perturbadas. É importante continuar monitorando a população de S. novacapitalis e suas ameaças, para subsidiar ações de manejo, principalmente para evitar queimadas não naturais frequentes nas florestas ripárias e bloquear o acesso de javaporcos às áreas úmidas.

Animais , Sus scrofa , Passeriformes , Parques Recreativos , Brasil , Ecossistema , Incêndios Florestais , Áreas Alagadas , Espécies Introduzidas
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 42(6, supl. 2): 3869-3882, 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1371686


The Mearim River Watershed has multiple uses e.g. leisure, navigation, fishing and subsistence agriculture and constitutes the main source of supply for the populations of municipalities situated along its course. In addition to being a water supply source, the existence of the 'pororoca' (tidal bore) effect in a stretch of the lower course of the Mearim River attracts people from several Brazilian states and different countries, as it offers excellent conditions for surfing in fresh water. In this respect, given the importance of the watershed, this study was developed to report the detection of diarrheagenic Escherichia coli pathotypes in a stretch of the lower course of the Mearim River, located in the state of Maranhão, Brazil. Thirty water samples were collected from 10 sampling points. To quantify E. coli, the chromogenic enzymatic system was used and positive samples were isolated and biochemically identified. Pure cultures underwent DNA extraction by heating followed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) characterization. At the time of the collections, an observation schedule was used to record information on the existence of rearing of livestock and domestic animals; businesses; residences; and fruit and vegetable farming on the riverbanks. The samples were analyzed for the mean populations of E. coli, which ranged from 444 to 2,585 MPN mL-1. Twenty bacterial isolates were identified and the diarrheal pathotypes ETEC, typical EPEC and atypical EPEC were detected. The detection of these pathotypes can represent an epidemiological risk and compromise several uses of this water resource, such as irrigation of fruits and vegetables consumed raw, fishing, animal watering and recreation. Structural investments in basic sanitation are essential to minimize environmental degradation resulting from anthropic activities and to act preventively in public health. In addition, the recovery of riparian forests along the watershed and the maintenance of vegetation in these areas are measures to reduce the transport of particles from the soil to the watercourses, improving the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of this water resource.(AU)

A Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Mearim apresenta múltiplos usos - lazer, navegação, pesca e agricultura de subsistência - e constitui a principal fonte de abastecimento para as populações dos municípios inseridos em seu curso. Além de fonte hídrica de abastecimento, a existência do efeito pororoca em um trecho do baixo curso do Rio Mearim atrai pessoas de vários estados brasileiros e diferentes países, pois apresenta excelentes condições para a prática de surfe em água doce. Nesse sentido, considerando a importância da Bacia Hidrográfica, objetivou-se relatar a detecção de patótipos diarreiogênicos de Escherichia coli em um trecho do baixo curso do rio Mearim, localizado no estado do Maranhão. Para isso, foram realizadas coletas de 30 amostras de água em 10 pontos amostrais. Para a quantificação de E. coli utilizou-se o sistema cromogênico enzimático e das amostras positivas procedeu-se ao isolamento e identificação bioquímica dos isolados. A extração do DNA das culturas puras foi realizada por aquecimento seguido da caracterização por reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR). No momento das coletas utilizou-se uma pauta de observação para anotação de informações sobre a existência de criação de animais de interesse pecuário e doméstico, empreendimentos comerciais, residências e cultivo de frutas e hortaliças nas margens do rio. Nas amostras analisadas, foram quantificadas populações médias de E. coli que variaram de 444 a 2.585 NMP.mL-1, identificados 20 isolados bacterianos e detectados os patótipos diarreiogênicos ETEC, EPEC-típica e EPEC-atípica. A detecção destes patótipos pode representar risco epidemiológico e compromete diversos usos desse recurso hídrico, como a irrigação de frutas e hortaliças ingeridas cruas, pesca, dessedentação animal e recreação. Investimentos estruturais em saneamento básico são fundamentais para minimizar a degradação ambiental resultante das atividades antrópicas e para atuar preventivamente na saúde pública. Adicionalmente, a recuperação das matas ciliares ao longo da Bacia Hidrográfica e manutenção da vegetação nestas áreas são medidas para a redução do transporte de partículas do solo para os cursos d'água, e em consequência, acarretará na melhoria das características quali-quantitativas desse recurso hídrico.(AU)

Animais , DNA , Recursos Hídricos , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase , Saúde Pública , Escherichia coli , Animais Domésticos
Pap. avulsos Zool. ; 61: e20216132, 2021. mapas, graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765697


Restingas are coastal ecosystems associated with the Atlantic Forest. They are threatened by habitat degradation and forest fragmentation due to intense human occupation. Many restingas have coastal lagoons formed by bay sedimentation of bays, the presence of river estuaries, or emerging groundwater. The distance between lagoons and the ocean influences the biotic community in them. This study aimed to compare the diversity (composition, abundance and richness) of bat communities associated with three lagoons within the Paulo Cesar Vinha State Park, Espírito Santo state. Two lagoons (‘Feia and ‘Vermelha lagoons) are 2 km away from the ocean, while the third (‘Caraís lagoon) is just a few meters distant from the ocean. Species composition did not differ among the lagoons. Abundance of Carollia perspicillata and Glossophaga soricina was higher in the ‘Caraís lagoon. Abundance of Artibeus lituratus and Platyrrhinus lineatus was higher in the ‘Vermelha lagoon. Species with higher abundance in the ‘Vermelha are usually associated with urban and disturbed environments. ‘Vermelha lagoon is closer to human settlements and this could be a major driver of bat species abundance associated with this lagoon instead of distance from the ocean. These results may be used to guide conservations efforts in the restingas or habitats associated with restingas.(AU)

Animais , Quirópteros/classificação , Quirópteros/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Ecossistema , Biodegradação Ambiental , Biota
Braz. J. Biol. ; 80(4): 803-813, Oct.-Dec. 2020. mapas, ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31006


Riparian forests present biotic and abiotic factors that influence environmental dissimilarity, which reflect specific fern distribution. The purpose of this this study was to evaluate the environmental heterogeneity associated to the terrestrial fern communities in riparian forest remnants in the grasslands southern half of Rio Grande do Sul state . We sampled ten 5×5 m plots in each site (AI, AII and AIII), totaling 30 plots. In each plot, fern species were inventoried and vegetative, microclimatic and edaphic parameters were collected. A total of 24 species were surveyed in the three riparian forest remnants, distributed in 19 genera and 10 families. The Principal Components Analysis (PCA) showed that plots of AI had the highest temperature and aluminum values, while humidity was the lowest, which was reflected in the decrease of ferns richness. Soil moisture and air humidity were variables more related to the plots of AII and AII, indicating that these plants were favored in these environments. The floristic identity characteristic of each site suggests that many species are dependent to certain local environmental conditions. In this sense, even in very geographically close sites, riparian remnants deserve conservation attention, since they are capable of harboring high diversity in this grassland phytophysiognomy in southern Brazil. The results of this integrated study, with vegetation, climatic, and edaphic parameters, suggest, as expected, that ferns categorically respond to the heterogeneity shown by riparian environments, even when fragments are geographically very close to each other.(AU)

As florestas ripárias apresentam fatores bióticos e abióticos que influenciam a dissimilaridade ambiental, e que refletem a distribuição específica de samambaias. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a heterogeneidade ambiental associada às comunidades de samambaias terrícolas em remanescentes de mata ciliar dos campos da metade sul do estado do Rio Grande do Sul (Pampa). Foram amostradas dez parcelas de 5×5 m em cada sítio (AI, AII e AIII), totalizando 30 parcelas. Em cada quadro, foram inventariadas as espécies de samambaia, além de outros parâmetros vegetacionais, microclimáticos e edáficos. Um total de 24 espécies foram identificadas nos três remanescentes de mata ciliar, distribuídas em 19 gêneros e 10 famílias. A Análise de Componentes Principais (PCA) mostrou que as parcelas de AI apresentaram os maiores valores de temperatura e alumínio, enquanto a umidade foi a menor, o que se refletiu na diminuição da riqueza de samambaias. A umidade do solo e a umidade do ar foram as variáveis mais relacionadas às parcelas de AII e AIII, indicando que essas plantas foram favorecidas nesses. A identidade florística característica de cada local sugere que muitas espécies são dependentes de certas condições ambientais locais. Nesse sentido, mesmo em sítios geograficamente próximos, remanescentes de matas ciliares merecem atenção no que se refere a conservação, uma vez que são capazes de abrigar grande diversidade nesta fitofisionomia exclusiva do sul do Brasil. Os resultados deste estudo integrado, com parâmetros vegetacionais, climáticos e edáficos, sugerem, que as samambaias respondem categoricamente à heterogeneidade mostrada pelos ambientes ripários, mesmo quando os fragmentos estão próximos.(AU)

Gleiquênias , Biodiversidade , Brasil
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-759742


Abstract Birds play a key role in ecosystem dynamics, including urban and rural areas, bringing environmental quality improvements and ecological stability. Species contribute directly to natural regeneration of vegetation and succession processes, by offering ecosystem services as seed dispersal, an important role in human-modified areas. We studied the assemblages of fruit-eating birds in riparian environments of Monjolinho basin, central São Paulo state, southeastern Brazil. Birds were recorded in 41 points distributed in riparian ecosystems alongside waterbodies, in landscapes with five types of surrounding matrices: urban, periurban, farmland, and native vegetation. We described how assemblages are structured aiming to evaluate the possible influence of seasonality and landscape type. We recorded 39 bird species that can play a role as seed-dispersers, 32 in wet season and 32 in dry season. There were no significant differences in the diversity and dominance of species between seasons considering the entire area, indicating stability of basic assemblage structure. However, total number of individuals of all species recorded in different landscapes were influenced by seasonality. Also, the composition and abundance of species significantly changed between seasons, leading to a high dissimilarity with almost 50% of the species contributing with almost 90% of the observed variation. A higher taxonomic diversity and distinctness pointed to a wider array of possible seed dispersal services in natural areas, while the lowest values of indexes were found in human-modified areas. The higher number of non-related bird species during dry season contrasted with the higher number of individuals during wet season, indicating that there is more possible ecosystem services offered by frugivorous birds in driest period of the year, while in the rainy period the carrying capacity of the riparian environments was increased.

Resumo As aves desempenham um papel chave na dinâmica dos ecossistemas, incluindo áreas urbanas e rurais, e trazem melhorias na qualidade ambiental e estabilidade ecológica. As espécies contribuem diretamente com a regeneração natural da vegetação e processos de sucessão por oferecerem serviços ecossistêmicos como a dispersão de sementes, um papel fundamental em áreas alteradas. Nós estudamos a assembleia de espécies de aves que se alimentam de frutos em ambientes ripários da bacia do rio Monjolinho, região central do estado de São Paulo, sudeste do Brasil. As aves foram registradas em 41 pontos distribuídos em ecossistemas ripários ao longo dos corpos dágua, em paisagens com quatro tipos de matrizes em seu entorno: urbana, periurbana, rural e vegetação nativa. Nós descrevemos como as assembleias estão estruturadas, objetivando avaliar a possível influência da sazonalidade e do tipo de paisagem do entorno. Foram registradas 39 espécies de aves que podem desempenhar o papel de dispersoras de sementes, sendo 32 espécies no período chuvoso e 32 no período seco. Não foi detectada diferença significativa na diversidade e dominância de espécies entre estações em toda área de estudo, indicando estabilidade da estrutura básica das assembleias. Entretanto, o número total de indivíduos de todas as espécies registrados nas diferentes paisagens foi influenciado pela sazonalidade. Além disso, a composição e abundância de espécies mudou significativamente entre as estações, levando a uma alta dissimilaridade com quase 50% das espécies contribuindo com quase 90% da variação observada. A diversidade e distinção taxonômicas mais altas apontam para maior variedade de serviços ecossistêmicos possíveis relacionados à dispersão de sementes em áreas naturais, enquanto os menores valores desses índices foram encontrados em áreas antropizadas. Um maior número de espécies distintas com menor proximidade taxonômica durante a estação seca, em contraste com um alto número de indivíduos observados na estação chuvosa, indica que existe uma maior gama de possíveis serviços ecossistêmicos oferecidos pelas aves frugívoras no período mais seco do ano, enquanto no período de maior pluviosidade os ecossistemas apresentaram maior capacidade suporte.

Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-745549


Abstract The Brasilia Tapaculo, Scytalopus novacapitalis Sick, 1958, is a rare, geographically restricted, and endangered bird species that inhabits riparian vegetation of Cerrado, mainly Gallery Forests. In Serra da Canastra National Park, southeastern Brazil, wetlands are under threat due to frequent non-natural burnings and invasion by feral pigs, Sus scrofa, Linnaeus, 1758. We aimed to evaluate the possible effects of seasonal variations on S. novacapitalis records in undisturbed habitats and answer questions about how fire and feral pigs may affect site occupancy of the species. Transects alongside riparian environments were used to survey n=21 sites, totalizing 7.5 Km, from 2014 to 2019. Results indicated the season influenced both, spontaneous records and induced encounters by playback method, which were more abundant in breeding period, from early spring to summer. The use of playback significantly increased the amount of records in all seasons. The probability of site occupancy in all studied area was higher in late spring (=0.91) and lower in autumn (=0.73). In burned sites (n=8), the first post-fire month showed the lowest probability of occupancy, but there was a rapid recovery in 2nd month and stabilization similar to control area from the 3rd month ahead. After sites (n=11) were invaded by feral pigs, the estimation of site occupancy indicated a slight drop in first two months, but after the 3rd month of invasion the decreasing pattern enhanced the discrepancy with undisturbed areas. It is important to keep monitoring S. novacapitalis population and their threats, to subsidize management actions, especially to avoid frequently unusual burnings in riparian forests, and to block the access of feral pigs to wetlands.

Resumo O tapaculo-de-Brasília, Scytalopus novacapitalis, Sick 1958, é uma espécie de ave rara, geograficamente restrita e ameaçada de extinção que habita vegetação ripária do Cerrado, principalmente matas de galeria. No Parque Nacional da Serra da Canastra, sudeste do Brasil, áreas úmidas estão ameaçadas devido a frequentes queimadas não naturais e a invasão por javaporco, Sus scrofa Linnaeus, 1758. Avaliamos os possíveis efeitos da sazonalidade na quantidade de registros de S. novacapitalis em habitats sem perturbação e buscamos responder questões sobre como o fogo e a invasão por javaporco pode afetar a ocupação de área pela ave. Transecções paralelas aos ambientes ripários foram usadas para amostrar n=21 áreas, totalizando 7,5 km, de 2014 a 2019. Os resultados indicaram que a estação do ano influenciou na quantidade de registros espontâneos e de registros induzidos por playback, os quais foram mais abundantes durante o período reprodutivo. O uso de playback aumentou significativamente a quantidade de registros em todas as estações. A probabilidade de ocupação considerando toda área de estudo foi maior no fim da primavera (=0,91) e menor no outono (=0,73). Em áreas queimadas (n=8 trechos), o primeiro mês após o fogo apresentou a menor probabilidade de ocupação, mas houve uma rápida recuperação no 2º mês, e estabilização similar na área controle a partir do 3º mês. Após n=11 trechos terem sido invadidos por javaporcos, a estimativa de ocupação de área indicou pequena queda nos dois primeiros meses, mas a partir do 3º mês, o padrão de decréscimo ampliou a discrepância com áreas não perturbadas. É importante continuar monitorando a população de S. novacapitalis e suas ameaças, para subsidiar ações de manejo, principalmente para evitar queimadas não naturais frequentes nas florestas ripárias e bloquear o acesso de javaporcos às áreas úmidas.

J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol. ; 08(04): 282-287, Oct. 2020. ilus, mapas, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-763900


The current study was intended to investigate the breeding habitats and ecology of the Eurasian coot Fulica atrain Fez region Morocco. To achieve our goals, nests were monitored in three wetlands Oued Al Jawahir river, Mahrazand El Gaada dams. In addition, nesting vegetation and nest's dimensions were analysed to characterise the Eurasian coot nests. As results, 46 nests (74%) were found in Oued al Jawahir, compared with 15 nests (24%) in Mahraz dam. In El Gaada dam only 2 nests were built by the Eurasian coots. On the other hand, all nests were built on the riparian vegetation of the river and dams. Besides, nests were located in the periphery of the river stream. Many plants were used entirely or special parts, such as stems and roots in nesting activity. Typha angustifolia is used in 45.3% of nests and J. acutus in38.6% of nests. Other plants are found with a minor presentation in nests, including P. stratiotes (9.6 %) of nests,Phragmites australis (5.6%), and Tamaris sp. (0.9%). These plants form the structure of nests and support. Besides nesting in river's periphery, the nests were constructed at an averageheight of 14.5 ± 0.05 away from the stream of water. Concerning nest success, nest predation ranged from 57% (2018) to 60% (2019). Nests were lost due to water stream and human disturbance. Finally, Eurasian coots build its nests in the periphery of water ecosystems and in an important high toavoid flooding periods and human disturbances.(AU)

Animais , Reprodução , Aves , Ecossistema
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol ; 8(4): 282-287, Oct. 2020. ilus, map, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1484329


The current study was intended to investigate the breeding habitats and ecology of the Eurasian coot Fulica atrain Fez region Morocco. To achieve our goals, nests were monitored in three wetlands Oued Al Jawahir river, Mahrazand El Gaada dams. In addition, nesting vegetation and nest's dimensions were analysed to characterise the Eurasian coot nests. As results, 46 nests (74%) were found in Oued al Jawahir, compared with 15 nests (24%) in Mahraz dam. In El Gaada dam only 2 nests were built by the Eurasian coots. On the other hand, all nests were built on the riparian vegetation of the river and dams. Besides, nests were located in the periphery of the river stream. Many plants were used entirely or special parts, such as stems and roots in nesting activity. Typha angustifolia is used in 45.3% of nests and J. acutus in38.6% of nests. Other plants are found with a minor presentation in nests, including P. stratiotes (9.6 %) of nests,Phragmites australis (5.6%), and Tamaris sp. (0.9%). These plants form the structure of nests and support. Besides nesting in river's periphery, the nests were constructed at an averageheight of 14.5 ± 0.05 away from the stream of water. Concerning nest success, nest predation ranged from 57% (2018) to 60% (2019). Nests were lost due to water stream and human disturbance. Finally, Eurasian coots build its nests in the periphery of water ecosystems and in an important high toavoid flooding periods and human disturbances.

Animais , Aves , Ecossistema , Reprodução
Pap. avulsos zool ; 60: e20206008, Feb. 14, 2020. ilus, map, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1487223


The rio da Dona is an important water body in the Recôncavo Sul basin used as a water supply for the neighboring towns and for agriculture, recreation and subsistence fishing. The knowledge about the ichthyofauna of this river is scarce. In this paper, an inventory of the fish fauna from rio da Dona basin and an identification key for the species recorded are presented. Additionally, taxonomic and conservationist issues are discussed. The specimens were collected in different sites along the upper, middle and lower courses of the rio da Dona. The fishes were anesthetized, fixed in formalin, conserved in ethanol, and identified. In addition to the material collected, specimens previously deposited in the ichthyological collection of the Museu de História Natural da Bahia were also analyzed. Twenty species, distributed into 16 genera, ten families, and four orders were recorded. One of these species, Aspidoras kiriri, is endemic to the rio da Dona. Four species, Cichla pinima, Coptodon rendalli, Poecilia reticulata and Serrasalmus brandtii, have been introduced into the river. Higher richness of native species has been recorded in the upper course of the rio da Dona, while in the middle and lower parts non-native species were also representative. Along the river, a series of anthropic impacts were observed, such as deforestation of native forest including the riparian vegetation, silting and dams, which can probably compromised the resident ichthyofauna.

Animais , Bacias Hidrográficas , Distribuição Animal , Peixes , Rios , Brasil