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Rev. homeopatia (São Paulo) ; 85(1): 50-58, 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, HomeoIndex (homeopathy), MTYCI | ID: biblio-1562976


Este artigo tem como objeto o papel da narração das histórias de vida dos pacientes durante a consulta homeopática na promoção da saúde e produção de autonomia dos sujeitos. Objetivos e Metodologia: A partir da abordagem sócio-histórica, foi realizada revisão de literatura narrativa, a fim de identificar os limites e as possibilidades do ato de narrar na racionalidade médica homeopática para a produção de subjetividades e autonomia na trajetória singular de cada indivíduo levar sua vida. Considerações Finais: Há atualidade e consonância de conceitos da racionalidade médica homeopática com o paradigma contemporâneo da promoção da saúde; as narrativas produzidas no ato da anamnese homeopática têm a potencialidade de ampliar a compreensão médica e do indivíduo para além da doença, analisando o fenômeno existencial do adoecimento. A anamnese homeopática, ao valorizar as experiências existenciais relatadas no âmbito de uma consulta, concorre para uma valorização dos sujeitos, o que contribuiria para a construção de sua subjetividade, autonomia e emponderamento.

This article focuses on the role of narrating patients' life stories during homeopathic consultations in promoting health and producing autonomy for subjects. Objectives and Methodology: Using a socio-historical approach, a narrative literature review was carried out in order to identify the limits and possibilities of the act of narrating in homeopathic medical rationality for the production of subjectivities and autonomy in the unique trajectory of each individual. your life. Final Considerations: The concepts of homeopathic medical rationality are current and consistent with the contemporary paradigm of health promotion; The narratives produced in the act of homeopathic anamnesis have the potential to expand medical and individual understanding beyond the disease, analyzing the existential phenomenon of illness. Homeopathic anamnesis, by valuing the existential experiences reported in the context of a consultation, contributes to an appreciation of the subjects, which would contribute to the construction of their subjectivity, autonomy and empowerment.

Rationalization , Professional Autonomy , Patient-Centered Care , Health Promotion
Rev. homeopatia (São Paulo) ; 84(2): 32-35, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, HomeoIndex (homeopathy), MTYCI | ID: biblio-1519110


A consulta médica tem um lugar especial no tratamento homeopático. Diferente do aprendido durante a formação hegemônica, em que as técnicas semiológicas se concentram na busca de sintomas para realizar o diagnóstico clínico, e daí estabelecer um tratamento para patologias pré-classificadas com protocolos pré-existentes, na Homeopatia é preciso reconfigurar alguns conceitos, que começam no ato da consulta. Na abordagem homeopática, onde a visão mecanicista deve ser acoplada ao paradigma vitalista, busca-se padrões e causas relacionados aos sintomas, acrescentando ao diagnóstico clínico também a individualidade, entre outros diagnósticos, para tratamento de forma integrada, em busca da cura ideal. O objetivo deste texto é analisar a consulta homeopática de acordo com as peculiaridades da racionalidade homeopática, construída por Samuel Hahnemann, em consonância com a epistemologia da complexidade, que embasa muitas outras áreas de conhecimentos na contemporaneidade, estudada por Edgar Morin.

Medical consultation has a special place in homeopathic treatment. Unlike what was learned during hegemonic formation, in which semiological techniques focus on searching for symptoms to make a clinical diagnosis, and then establishing a treatment for pre-classified pathologies with pre-existing protocols, in Homeopathy it is necessary to reconfigure some concepts, which begin at the time of consultation. In the homeopathic approach, where the mechanistic vision must be coupled with the vitalist paradigm, patterns and causes related to symptoms are sought, adding individuality to the clinical diagnosis, among other diagnoses, for integrated treatment, in search of the ideal cure. The objective of this text is to analyze homeopathic consultation according to the peculiarities of homeopathic rationality, constructed by Samuel Hahnemann, in line with the epistemology of complexity, which underpins many other areas of knowledge in contemporary times, studied by Edgar Morin.

Vitalism , Homeopathic Anamnesis , Symptomatology , Knowledge
Int. j. high dilution res ; 21(1): 26-26, May 6, 2022.
Article in English | LILACS, HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: biblio-1396560


Undergraduate students of UNIFASE/FMP, through the Academic League of Human Physiology and Pathophysiology (Liga Acadêmica de Fisiologia e FisiopatologiaHumana -LAFFH), participate in a supervised internship to outpatient at the Infectious and Parasitic DiseasesService of FMP/FASE, authorized by Clinical Direction (October 2018). Patients received conventional therapy in addition to complementary therapy with Homeopathy, for external use for cleaning skin lesions and modulating inflammatory responses, whose mechanisms of action are already described in the scientific literature and authorized by ANVISA. Aims: Make approach of undergraduate students to Homeopathic pathophysiology. Methodology: The supervised clinical internship of LAFFH students is in two service rooms with 6 students in each, based on prior appointment due to spontaneous demand, with medical records registered by the IPD outpatient service secretary. Outpatient clinical care addresses the pathophysiology and miasms of the symptoms and signs of neglected chronic parasitic diseases prevalent in our country, identified by anamnesis and physical examination. They are correlated to biological activities in plant chemistry classes, besides official homeopathic pharmacopoeia. So, it was adopted the external use of HUD Ledum palustre 6ch for the cleansing of skin lesions with torpid evolution at IPD. Results and discussion: Two patients with edemaand varicose ulcers were treated with the ointment offered. Edema extension which was +++/4+ to both patients diminished to +/4+ in 30 days of interval. Indeed, ulcers remained at the same shape and size, but their bases were cleaned, without purulence. Novel clinical sessions did not occur because of social distancing needed. Conclusion: It has been developed a positive perception among patients and students about the action of homeopathic remedies. The practical teaching activity initiated encourages students in clinical reasoning about complementary therapeutic association with Homeopathy for patients whose evolution is below the expected prognosis with conventional therapy. Project of clinical observation will be elaborated to research ethics committee.

Neglected Diseases , Homeopathy/education
Int. j. high dilution res ; 21: 4-17, June 20, 2022.
Article in English | LILACS, HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: biblio-1396377


Since the initiation of vaccine rollout, breakthrough COVID-19 infections have been reported. While conventional therapy is the accepted mode of treatment, there has been little recognition of the role played by the alternative therapies like homeopathy. The purposes of this study were to identify the clinico-symptomatic profile of the vaccine breakthrough covid-19 infections and to assess the response of individualized homoeopathic treatment in these breakthrough cases. A retrospective data analysis of patients treated with homoeopathic medicines who confirmed the breakthrough infection criteria: positive infection ≥14 days after completion of both the recommended doses of an authorized COVID-19 vaccine was conducted. IBM SPSS Statistics 21.0 was used for data analysis with a p-value below 0.05 defined as significant. WHO Clinical Progression Scale and Outcome in Relation to Impact on Daily Living score were used as outcome measures. In total 73 cases were reported to be vaccine breakthrough infections. The median recovery time reported in the data set was 9 ± 2 days. While 5 patients dropped out, 68 (93.15%) patients responded positively to homeopathic treatment, and 55 (75.34%) recovered completely with normalized serological markers/ nasal swabs/ HRCT Chest. About 29 (39.72%) of these presented with mild clinical manifestations, 26 (35.61%) moderate, 17 (23.28%) severe and 1 (1.36%) was critical. 10 homeopathic remedies were prescribed to these 73 patients. Majority of the patients attained an ORIDL score of 4. Maximum patients reported a WHO clinical Progression score of 3. Statistical analysis showed a significant response to homeopathic treatment in the study group. Vaccine breakthrough cases occur in a fraction of vaccinated people. Despite the limited number of study subjects, homoeopathy showed some promising results in the present setup. The response rate was highest in the moderate and severe cases which suggest the importance of consideration of alternative medicine in the current pandemic. Further exploratory research studies and comparative clinical trials may be encouraged.

Humans , Homeopathic Anamnesis , Homeopathic Therapeutics , COVID-19/therapy
Int. j. high dilution res ; 20(2/3): 24-33, June 4, 2021.
Article in English | LILACS, HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: biblio-1396356


Anamnesis and homeopathic repertorization are essential steps for collecting symptoms and selecting the suitable medicine to cure vegetables presenting pathologies or changes in homeostasis. Aims: The objective of this study was to carry out observation, anamnesis, and homeopathic repertorization of bell pepper plants and their cultivation environment and select thesimillimummedicine for the culture. Methods The study was performed at the Research and Extension Center in Agroecology of Ressacada Experimental Farm -Center of Agrarian Sciences, Federal University of Santa Catarina,Florianópolis, Brazil. The selection of symptoms was based on the characteristics of the diseases observed in the plants and modalized by evidenced characteristics in the environment. Symptomswere chosen by the mechanical method without hierarchization and a master symptom, and after their analogy with the symptoms described in the Homeopathic Materia Medica. Results The choice forCalcarea carbonicaandSulphurdrugs was based on the number of covered symptoms and the score obtained during the digital repertorization performed by the software HomeoPro®. The chosen dilution, 30 CH, was based on the miasmatic magnitude presented by the symptoms. Conclusion: The analogy of symptoms found in the agricultural organism with the symptoms described in the Homeopathic Materia Medica presents a promising path for choosing medicine to cure diseases in vegetables. The choice of the appropriate homeopathic medicine for crops must represent the symptomatic totality presented by the plant and by the environment in the homeopathic repertorization.

Capsicum , Repertorization , Solanaceae , Homeostasis
São Paulo; s.n; 2023. 53 p.
Thesis in Portuguese | MTYCI, HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: biblio-1560995


Este trabalho se refere a um tratamento homeopático de uma paciente adolescente, com manifestação de asma desde a infância e sem sucesso com o tratamento alopático, cuja evolução era de piora progressiva do quadro clínico. Foi optado a introdução de medicação homeopática com único medicamento inicialmente, pulsatilla conforme reatorização e estudo do quadro clínico e anamnese homeopática. Num segundo tempo, optou por introdução de medicação bioterápica para melhorar o quandro clínica desencadeado por alérgenos ambientais. Exatamente como se faz de acordo com os últimos guidelines de tratamento alopático para asma. Paciente evoluiu bem, com controle e remissão completa do quadro clínico, quase 2 anos de evolução incio do tratamento homeopático e controle completo dos sintomas respiratórios superiores e inferiores podemos falar em remissão ou cura da asma.

This work refers to a homeopathic treatment of an adolescent patient, with manifestations of asthma since childhood and without success with allopathic treatment, whose evolution was of progressive worse of the clinical condition.The introduction of hyomeopathic medication was opted with a single drug initially, pulsatilla according to repertorization and study of the clinical framework and homeopathic anamnesis. secondly, she chosen to introduce biotherapy medication to improve the clinical condition triggered by environmental allergens. exactly as it is done according to the latest allopathic treatment guidelines for asthma. Patient evolved well, with control and complete remission of the clinical condition, almost 2 years of evolution beginning of homeopathic treatment and complete control of upper and lower respiratory symptoms. we can talk about remission or cure for asthma.

Humans , Child , Asthma/drug therapy , Homeopathic Remedy , Homeopathic Therapeutics , Pulsatilla
São Paulo; s.n; 2023. 37 p.
Thesis in Portuguese | HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: biblio-1511067


A homeopatia é uma especialidade odontológica, componente das práticas integrativas e complementares sendo regida pelo princípio da similaridade. Sua prática é geralmente utilizada no controle de doenças, sendo muito indicada naquelas que acometem os idosos de forma crônica, como a Doença de Alzheimer que pode causar a xerostomia (secura bucal) nos pacientes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar uma revisão de literatura sobre a homeopatia como uma opção terapêutica na secura bucal em pacientes com Doença de Alzheimer. A Homeopatia pode atuar de forma interdisciplinar junto ao tratamento convencional não substituindo um pelo outro, sendo necessário uma anamnese minuciosa para coleta de sintomas, tornando imprescindível incluir manifestações mentais, gerais e locais na repertorização, individualizando-a ao máximo, já que a escolha do medicamento homeopático e o sucesso no tratamento está na dependência da totalidade dos sintomas com as suas modalidades. Entretanto como não há estudos suficientes que relacionam a homeopatia com a melhora da secura bucal em pacientes com Doença de Alzheimer, mais pesquisas são indicadas para comprovar a efetividade no tratamento.

Homeopathy is a dental specialty, a component of integrative and complementary practices, governed by the principle of similarity. Its practice is generally used in the control of diseases, being highly indicated in those that affect the elderly in a chronic way, such as Alzheimer's disease, which can cause xerostomia (dry mouth) in patients. The objective of this work was to carry out a literature review about homeopathy as a therapeutic option for dry mouth in patients with Alzheimer's disease. Homeopathy can act in an interdisciplinary way together with conventional treatment, not substituting one for the other, requiring a thorough anamnesis to collect symptoms, making it essential to include mental, general and local manifestations in the repertorization, individualizing it to the maximum, since the choice of the homeopathic medicine and the success of the treatment depends on the totality of the symptoms with their modalities. However, as there are not enough studies that relate homeopathy with the improvement of dry mouth in patients with Alzheimer's disease, more research is indicated to prove the effectiveness of the treatment

Humans , Xerostomia/therapy , Homeopathic Remedy , Homeopathic Therapeutics , Alzheimer Disease/complications
São Paulo; s.n; 2023. 39 p.
Thesis in Portuguese | HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: biblio-1437759


A Asma Brônquica é uma patologia de elevada prevalência e mortalidade, definida como uma doença inflamatória cronica das vias aéreas, caracterizada pela presença de broncoespasmo, inflamação da mucosa brônquica e hipersecreção brônquica decorrentes de hiper-reatividade pulmonar a diversos fatores. Clinicamente manifesta-se por episódios recorrentes de sibilância, dispneia e aperto no peito e tosse, ocorrendo mais pelo período noturno e manha. O tratamento é dividido em duas fases: tratamento do episódio agudo e tratamento de manutenção. Foi realizado um relato de caso no qual após uma anamnese detalhada na busca da individualização da paciente e da repertoriarão dos sintomas foi prescrito o medicamento homeopático Pulsatilla, associado ao tratamento convencional da asma. Observou-se uma melhora significativa do quadro clínico da paciente. Este relato de caso ressalta como a Homeopatia como proposta terapêutica coadjuvante pode contribuir para a diminuição das crises asmáticas recorrentes, assim como diminuir ou a retirada mais precoce das medicações de controle com melhora na qualidade de vida dos pacientes portadores de asma.

Bronchial Asthma is a pathology of high prevalence and mortality, defined as a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways, characterized by the presence of bronchospasm, inflammation of the bronchial mucosa and bronchial hypersecretion resulting from pulmonary hyperreactivity to various factors. Clinically it is manifested by recurrent episodes of wheezing, dyspnea and chest tightness and coughing, occurring more at night and in the morning. Treatment is divided into two phases: treatment of the acute episode and maintenance treatment. A case report was carried out in which, after a detailed anamnesis in the search for the individualization of the patient and the repertoire of the symptoms, the homeopathic medicine Pulsatilla was prescribed, associated with the conventional treatment of asthma. There was a significant improvement in the patient's clinical status. This case report highlights how Homeopathy as an adjuvant therapeutic proposal can contribute to the reduction of recurrent asthmatic crises, as well as the reduction or earlier withdrawal of control medications with an improvement in the quality of life of patients with asthma.

Humans , Female , Child , Asthma/drug therapy , Homeopathic Therapeutics , Pulsatilla nigricans/therapeutic use
Homeopatia Méx ; 86(706): 5-12, 2017. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, HomeoIndex (homeopathy), MTYCI | ID: biblio-880108


A través de un análisis estadístico tanto de los síntomas mentales registrados en 568 archivos clínicos resguardados en la base de datos de la Universidad Libre Internacional de Medicina Homeopática (Libera Università Internazionale di Medicina Omeopatica), como de los medicamentos que se prescribieron, pudo determinarse que la sycosis y la psora son los miasmas predominantes en los pacientes con enfermedad autoinmune. Esto significaría que, como han señalado algunos connotados médicos homeópatas, dicha afección no se debe a una perversión del sistema biológico (syphilis), sino a un estado hipo o híper alterado de una función biológica normal. Además, de lo anterior se deduce que las sustancias implicadas en la respuesta autoinmune (auto-anticuerpos) no serían proteínas "extrañas" o "pervertidas" en nuestro cuerpo, sino que son normales y se encuentran al servicio del sistema inmunológico, por ejemplo, para eliminar células viejas, reparar tejidos dañados y destruir malignidades.

Humans , Autoimmune Diseases , Homeopathic Anamnesis , Homeopathic Remedy , Mexico
Homeopatia Méx ; 86(707): 17-23, 2017. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, HomeoIndex (homeopathy), MTYCI | ID: biblio-880105


Se presenta un caso de Encephalomyelitis disseminata a la toma y el análisis del caso de acuerdo con la metodología de Clemens von Boenninghausen, considerando también las particularidades de los síntomas "genio", de las polaridades de los síntomas y los avances hechos por Boenninghausen en el tratamiento de los miasmas crónicos.

Humans , Homeopathic Anamnesis , Repertory, Boenninghausen , Encephalomyelitis
São Paulo; s.n; 2020. 29 p.
Thesis in Portuguese | HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: biblio-1122681


Relato de caso clínico de um paciente com Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA), através de anamnese e entrevista seguindo os critérios diagnósticos do DSM-V e o CID-10 6. Foram realizadas consultas, utilizando o Repertorio de Homeopatia5. Feita uma revisão bibliográfica, enfocando no tema do TEA e a homeopatia. Optou-se pela homeopatia como tratamento auxiliar no paciente autista do ambulatório-escola da Associação Paulista de Homeopatia.(AU)

Clinical case report of a patient with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD), through anamnesis and interview following the diagnostic criteria of DSM-V and ICD-10. Consultations were carried out, using the Homeopathy Directory. A bibliographic review was made, focusing on the topic of ASD and homeopathy. Homeopathy was chosen as an auxiliary treatment for autistic patients at the outpatient school of the Associação Paulista de Homeopatia.(AU)

Humans , Male , Child , Atropa belladonna , Autism Spectrum Disorder/therapy , Homeopathy
São Paulo; s.n; 2020. 49 p.
Thesis in Portuguese | HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: biblio-1122967


Trabalho realizado a partir de um relato de caso clínico de Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade, a autora procura demonstrar a eficácia de tratamento Homeopático, respeitando a individualidade de cada paciente e observando os princípios da Homeopatia. Comenta brevemente sobre o tema que vem assumindo a cada dia, mais importância na sociedade. Conclui pelo sucesso, obtido com a abordagem homeopática, que inclui minuciosa anamnese e individualização.(AU)

Work carried out from a clinical case report of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, the author seeks to demonstrate the effectiveness of Homeopathic treatment, respecting the individuality of each patient and observing the principles of Homeopathy. Briefly comment on the theme that has been assuming more importance in society every day. It concludes with the success obtained with the homeopathic approach, which includes a detailed anamnesis and individualization.(AU)

Humans , Male , Child , Phosphorus/therapeutic use , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity , Homeopathy
São Paulo; s.n; 2018. 68 p.
Thesis in Portuguese | HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: hom-12076


A Paralisia Cerebral é doença grave e incapacitante que acomete entre 20 e 40 crianças entre 1000 nascidos vivos em todo o mundo. Até o momento, há poucas pesquisas publicadas sobre a contribuição da Homeopatia para esses pacientes. Este trabalho tem o objetivo de relatar uma experiência para introduzir o uso de Homeopatia no tratamento de portadores de Paralisia Cerebral em uma instituição de apoio no município de Santos, SP, Brasil. Entre dezembro de 2017 e abril de 2018 foram atendidos e acompanhados sete pacientes, indicados previamente pela diretoria da instituição e quatro trabalhadores que solicitaram o mesmo benefício. Entre casos de Paralisia Cerebral, foram observadas comorbidades com predominância dos sintomas de deficiência mental (100%); dificuldade de deglutição (57,1%); espasticidade, dor aguda e crônica, entre outros. Pacientes tratados com vários medicamentos alopáticos e atendidos em diferentes abordagens de psicologia, fisioterapia, fonoaudiologia, psicologia e enfermagem receberam tratamento homeopático individualizado apresentando melhora parcial (71,4%) e, em um caso, nenhuma melhora. A homeopatia foi viável e complementar aos recursos terapêuticos já estabelecidos. Os desafios para a melhora da qualidade de vida dos pacientes estendem-se a múltiplos fatores clínicos, ambientais e sociais envolvidos na abordagem de cada caso. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Homeopathy , Cerebral Palsy , Homeopathic Anamnesis , Homeopathic Remedy
São Paulo; s.n; 2018. 28 p.
Thesis in Portuguese | HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: hom-12087


Através do relato de um caso clínico de Tartamudez o autor procura demonstrar a eficácia do tratamento homeopático, respeitadas as individualidades de cada paciente. Comenta a restrita bibliografia referente ao tema e discute o resultado obtido por tratamento fonoaudiológico associado a Homeopatia. Conclui pelo sucesso obtido com a abordagem homeopática, que inclui minuciosa anamnese e individualização. (AU)

Through the report of a clinical case of stuttering the autor tries to demonstrate the effectiveness of the homeopatic treatment, respeting the individualities of each patient. It comments the narrow biobliography that refers to the subject and discuss the obtained result by speech therapy associated with Homeopathy. It concludes by the sucess with homeopathic approach, which includes detailed anamnesis and individualization. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Stuttering/therapy , /therapeutic use , Homeopathy
São Paulo; s.n; 2017. 52 p.
Thesis in Portuguese | HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: hom-11719


A Constipação Intestinal Infantil é um sintoma muitas vezes negligenciado pela família. O retardo no diagnóstico e tratamento leva a uma série de complicações, podendo inclusive ser responsável pelo elevado índice de recidivas. Neste presente trabalho procurei ressaltar como a Homeopatia, através de sua anamnese detalhada na busca da individualização do paciente, contribui para a identificação do sintoma precocemente, evitando que o caso evolua para uma cronificação. Para dar exemplos da prática homeopática cito dois casos clínicos onde mostro como o tratamento homeopático pode ser eficaz no controle do sintoma. Na sequência foi realizada breve explanação sobre os medicamentos homeopáticos que apresentam a constipação intestinal como sintoma significativo na infância. (AU)

Infantile Intestinal Constipation is a symptom often overlooked by the family. The delay in diagnosis and treatment leads to a series of complications, and may even be responsible for the high relapse rate. In this present work I have tried to highlight how Homeopathy, through its detailed anamnesis in the search of the patient's individualization, contributes to the identification of the symptom early, avoiding that the case evolves into a chronification. To give examples of homeopathic practice I cite two clinical cases where I show how homeopathic treatment can be effective in controlling the symptom. A brief explanation was given on homeopathic medicines that present intestinal constipation as a significant symptom in childhood. (AU)

Humans , Female , Child, Preschool , Homeopathy , Constipation/therapy , Lycopodium clavatum/therapeutic use
São Paulo; s.n; 2017. 36 p. tab.
Thesis in Portuguese | HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: hom-11784


Através do relato de um caso clínico de transtorno de atenção e déficit de hiperatividade o autor procura demonstrar a eficácia do tratamento homeopático, respeitadas as individualidades de cada paciente.Comenta a restrita bibliografia referente ao tema e discute o resultado obtido por tratamentos alopáticos. Conclui pelo sucesso obtido com a abordagem homeopática, que inclui minuciosa anamnese e individualização.(AU)

Through the report of a clinical case of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder the author is studious to demonstrate the effectiveness of homeopathic treatment, with special attention to individualities of each patient. It comments the narrow bibliography that refers to the subject and discuss the obtained result by allopathic treatment. It concludes by obtained success with homeopathic boarding that includes detailed anamnesis and individualization. (AU)

Humans , Child , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity , Homeopathy
Homeopatia Méx ; 85(701): 36-39, mar.-abr. 2016.
Article in Spanish | HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: hom-11645


La historia clínica es una herramienta imprescindible para todo aquel que se precie de ser un buen médico homeópata, toda vez que en ella se concentra una visión sintetizada del enfermo que hace posible internarse en su personalidad y, por ende, establecer un diagnóstico certero. Es fundamental que maestros y alumnos estudien a profundidad los tratados clásicos de la ciencia hahnemanniana, de tal modo que, como recomendaba el doctor Proceso Sánchez Ortega, procedan en su labor profesional “solamente después de haber asimilado por completo la filosofía sobre lo que es el ser humano”. Este artículo destaca la explicación en torno a los 5 diagnósticos que se elaboraron al interior de la escuela de posgrado Homeopatía de México, los cuales son muy útiles para sintetizar la historia clínica de los pacientes. (AU)

Medical history is an essential tool for anyone who claims to be a good homeopathic doctor, each time that a synthesized view of the patient gets concentrated thatenables to go deep into his personality and therefore, to establish an accurate diagnosis. It is essential that teachers and students study the classical agreementsof hahnemannian science deeply in such way as recommended by Dr. Proceso Sanchez Ortega, to proceed in their professional work “only after having digested completely the philosophy about what the human being is”. This article highlights the explanation about 5 diagnoses that were drawn inside the graduate Homeopathy school in Mexico, which are very useful for synthesizing medical history of patients. (AU)

Hahnemannian Method , Homeopathy , Homeopathic Anamnesis , Mexico
Homeopatia Méx ; 85(704): 16-23, Sept-Oct. 2016.
Article in Spanish | HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: hom-11654


Mucho son los médicos homeópata que concuerdan con la afirmación de que una buena anamnesis significa el 50% de la cura. Sin embargo, la configuración de una buena historia clínica es más completa cuando se trata de un paciente pediátrico. El doctor José Antonio Menéndez González, uno de los pocos especialistas en pediatría y homeopatía que existen en México, dictó una interesante conferencia en el marco del Primer Congreso Internacional Médico Farmacéutico Homeopático (celebrado entre el 3 y el 7 de septiembre de 2013, en la Ciudad de México), en la que analizó diversos tópicos que están ausentes de las aulas académicas y que solamente se pueden comprender a través de los años con la práctica clínica cotidiana. El expositor habló del respeto que se le debe mostrar al niño, tomando en cuenta su opinión y sus manifestaciones, pero sin caer en la trampa de darle un trato de un "adulto chiquito". De igual manera, ofreció diversos datos de investigaciones relacionadas con la "tipología" de las madres y las actitudes, muchas de ellas inconscientes, que asumen ante el nacimiento de sus hijos. A lo largo de esta charla, el autor oferece un sinnúmero de recomendaciones para que la toma del caso de los pequeños pacientes sea certera, lo que implica un amplio conocimiento de las actitudes y las emociones que afectan a niño, las cuales, necesariamente, están influidas por su entorno más cercano y, de manera específica, por la relación con sus padres.(AU)

Many homeopaths agree with the statement that a correct anamnesis means 50% of the cure. However, setting a good clinical record is more complex when it comes to a pediatric patient. Dr. José Antonio Menéndez González, one of the few hoemopathic pediatricians that practice in Mexico, gave an interestung lecture at the First International Homeopathic Medical Pharmaceutical Congress (held between september 3 through 7, 2013, in Mexico City), in which he discussed various topics that are not taught in academic classrooms and which can only be acquired through the years, with the daily clinical practice.In his lecture he spoke about the respect that the physician should show the child, considering his opinions and manifestations, but without falling into the trap of treating him as a "small adult". Similarly, he offered various research datarelated to the "mothers and their attitudes", amny of them unconscious, that they take upon with the birth of their chieldren.Thtoughout this discussion, the author offers a number of recommendations for make accurate taking of the case in their young patients which implies a broad understanding of the attitudes and emotions that affect the child, wich necessarily are influenced by their immediate environment and, specifically, by the relationship with their parents.(AU)

Humans , Homeopathy , Pediatrics , Homeopathic Anamnesis
Homeopatia Méx ; 84(698): 12-22, sept.- oct. 2015.
Article in Spanish | HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: hom-11211


Se realizan algunas reflexiones sobre el ejercicio diario de la medicina, especialmente en cuanto a ciertos tópicos de la consulta diaria en los que se piensa pocas veces, pero que merecen que se haga una pausa para reconsiderar y mejorar, como la comunicación médico-paciente, la realización de una buena exploración física, la repertorización y el uso de métodos auxiliares de diagnóstico, los cuales, aunque no se incluyen en la semiología clásica homeopática, son en la actualidad de gran ayuda para el médico. Además, se habla de la necesidad de mantenerse al tanto de la evolución de los pacientes, reconociendo la modificación de la sintomatología después de la prescripción, las limitaciones propias del médico y la posibilidad de apoyarse en el especialista; asimismo, se expone la importancia de admitir que en muchas ocasiones la apuesta para la curación, tanto del médico como del paciente, se dirige únicamente a encontrar el simillimum, olvidándose de todos los obstáculos que impiden la curación y de la enorme variabilidad en la sensibilidad de cada paciente al medicamento homeopático. Finalmente, se mencionan aspectos pocas veces tratados en el ejercicio profesional, como el desgaste que produce en los médicos la atención de los pacientes, la educación médica continua y la importancia del consultorio como un elemento más para una consulta adecuada. (AU)

Some reflections are often made of the practice of medicine, specially on certain topics like the daily consultation and for which we need to pause and reconsider, as the doctor-patient communication, the performing of a good physical examination, making a fine repertorization and the fact of using auxiliary diagnostic methods, which although these are not included in classical homeopathic semiology, nowadays the methods are of great support to the physician. Also we talk about the need to keep abreast of the progress of patients, recognizing that they modify their symptoms after prescription, the limitations that a doctor may have and the need to rely on the specialist. Recognizing that many. (AU)

Humans , Physician-Patient Relations , Homeopathic Physicians , Burnout, Professional , Homeopathic Anamnesis
Homeopatia Méx ; 83(690): 26-34, mayo-jun. 2014. tab
Article in Spanish | HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: hom-10994


Introducción y objetivos: la determinación del grado de satisfacción de los pa¬cientes de un hospital homeopático puede producir un impacto sustancial en los esfuerzos para mejorar el estado de salud y la calidad de la atención proporcionada. En este trabajo, los investigadores evaluaron el grado de satisfacción de los pacientes después de recibir consulta médica, al igual que la validez y la confiabilidad del interrogatorio al que se sometieron. Métodos: estudio transversal con diseño observacional realizado en febre¬ro de 2013, con 390 voluntarios, en cinco unidades de consulta externa de la Facultad y Hospital de Medicina Homeopática Mahesh Bhattacharyya, perteneciente a la red pública de Bengala Occidental (Howrah, India). Fue auto-aplicado un breve cuestionario de satisfacción con consultas médicas, elaborado en Japón y traduci¬do al bengalí, con 12 ítems de respuesta múltiple en una escala tipo Likert de cinco puntos. El cuestionario generó cinco subescalas: satisfacción general, examen completo, cuidado completo de la persona, duración de la consulta y centralidad en el paciente. Las respuestas de cada ítem y sub-escala también incluían una escala visual analógica (EVA) de 100 mm. Resultados: el cuestionario se mostró válido y confiable. Su consistencia interna fue comprobada por valores entre 0.7 y 0.9 del coeficiente alfa de Cronbach (α), y la confiabilidad test-retest por el coeficiente kappa de Cohen (κ), cuyo valor fue superior a 0.7 en todos los ítems. La validez concurrente del coeficiente r de Pearson correspondiente al puntaje total del cuestionario y las EVA fue de 0.60, p<0.001; puntaje de cada escala 0.8 < r < 0.9, p<0.0001, y puntaje de cada ítem 0.8 < r < 0.9, p<0.0001.[...] En general, los pacientes reportaron alta satisfacción. Nuevos estudios son necesarios para adaptar el cuestionario utilizado en este trabajo a otros idiomas para uso global. (AU)

Discovering the degree of patient satisfaction in a homeopathic hospital setting may put substantial impact in improving health status and quality of care provided. In this study, the researchers evaluated the degree of patient satisfaction following medical encounters and re-examined the validity and reliability of the used questionnaires. An institutional, cross-sectional, observational study was carried out involving 390 participants in February, 2013 in five out-patient clinics of Mahesh Bhattacharyya Homeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Govt. of West Bengal, Howrah, India. A 12-item Japanese short-form self-administered consultation satisfaction questionnaire translated into Bengali with a five-point Likert scale was used. The questionnaire generated five subscales - overall satisfaction, complete examination, whole person care, examination time, and patient centeredness. Visual analogue scales (VASs) of 100 mm were provided with each single question item and each subscale. The questionnaire appeared reliable and valid. Internal consistency scores Cronbach’s alpha (α) were between 0.7-0.9 and test-retest reliability Cohen’s kappa (κ) was greater than 0.7 for each item. Concurrent validity Pearson’s r between total questionnaire and VASs was 0.60, p<0.001; each subscale scores 0.8 < r < 0.9, p<0.0001, and each question score 0.8 < r < 0.9, p<0.0001. Comparison of mean scores of five different subscales for five different outpatient clinics yielded F ratios between 4.3-9.8 (p< 0.05, df=4.95% CI) establishing discriminant validity. Overall, the patients’ satisfaction appeared to be high. Further works should be undertaken adapting the questionnaire globally in different languages. (AU)

Homeopathy , Homeopathic Anamnesis , Patient Satisfaction/statistics & numerical data , Consumer Behavior/statistics & numerical data , India