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Adicciones (Palma de Mallorca) ; 36(1): 63-68, 2024. tab
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-231971


El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar el rechazo hacia los fumadores decara al establecimiento de una relación de pareja estable. La muestra constó de 445 participantes que fueron reclutados mediante el método de bola denieve. Se utilizó un cuestionario elaborado ad hoc que fue aplicado en líneade forma individual. Se evaluó la influencia del tabaquismo en la elecciónde pareja estable, estable con convivencia en el mismo hogar y estable conconvivencia en el hogar e hijos en común. Los resultados mostraron unimportante rechazo hacia personas fumadoras para los distintos tipos derelación. Se hallaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en funcióndel nivel de estudios, el tabaquismo de los participantes y el tabaquismo desus parejas. Se encontró mayor nivel de rechazo hacia personas fumadorasen los participantes con estudios universitarios, en los no fumadores y enaquellos con pareja no fumadora. Los principales motivos de rechazohicieron referencia a higiene, salud y gasto económico. En conclusión, eltabaquismo puede obstaculizar el establecimiento de una relación de parejaestable. Este argumento podría ser incorporado al listado de inconvenientesasociados al tabaquismo de cara a la prevención y el tratamiento. (AU)

This study aimed to analyze the rejection towards smokers when considering a stable relationship. The sample included 445 participants who were recruited using the snowball method. A questionnaire created adhoc was answered online by each participant. The effect of tobacco usewas evaluated in choosing a stable partner, a stable partner to live with,and a stable partner to live with and have children. The results showed asignificant rejection towards smokers for the different types of relationships.Statistically significant differences were found depending on the participants’educational background and tobacco use, and their partner’s tobacco use.A higher level of rejection towards smokers was found in participants withuniversity studies, in non-smokers, and those with a non-smoker partner. Themain reasons for rejection were related to hygiene, health, and householdeconomy. In conclusion, tobacco use can interfere with the establishment ofa stable relationship. This argument could be added to the list of drawbacksassociated with tobacco use for prevention and treatment. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto Jovem , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Tabagismo/prevenção & controle , Casamento/psicologia , Fumar/psicologia
Quad. psicol. (Bellaterra, Internet) ; 26(1): e1879, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-232353


The present study proposes an evaluation of the therapeutic process in relation to the follow-ing aspects: the therapist adherence, the items which are more and less characteristic in the treatment and the interaction structures, along the therapeutic process of two cases of couple therapy,one with significant positive clinical change and one with significant negative clinical change, in the couple's evaluation. This work used Integrative Behavioral Couple Therapy mod-el, one of the approaches of the third wave therapies.The method was a study of contrasting cases. The similarities and differences between the cases were discussed, reaching the conclu-sion that there are aspects of the couple, the therapist, the therapeutic relationship and the context that may have contributed to the different outcomes. (AU)

El presente estudio propone una evaluación del proceso terapéutico en relación con los siguientes aspectos: la adherencia del terapeuta, los ítems más y menos característicos en el tratamiento y las estructuras de interacción, a lo largo del proceso terapéutico de dos casos de terapia de pareja, uno con cambio clínico positivo significativo y otro con cambio clínico negativo significativo, en la evaluación de la pareja. En este trabajo se utilizó el modelo de Terapia de Pareja Conductual Integrativa, uno de los enfoques de las terapias de tercera ola. El método fue un estudio de casos contrastados. Se discutieron las similitudes y diferencias entre los casos, llegando a la conclusión de que hay aspectos de la pareja, del terapeuta, de la relación terapéutica y del contexto que pueden haber contribuido a los diferentes resultados. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto Jovem , Adulto , Terapia de Casal/instrumentação , Casamento/psicologia , Psicoterapia
Span. j. psychol ; 26: e14, May - Jun 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-221999


Being married has been associated with a better attitude to aging and a buffer against stressful situations, factors that influence mental health. The study analyzes the role of self-perceptions of aging and stress related to the COVID–19 pandemic in the association between marital satisfaction and participants’ mental health. 246 people older than 40 years in a marital/partner relationship were assessed. A path analysis was tested, where self-perceptions of aging and stress from the COVID–19 situation were proposed as mechanisms of action in the association between marital satisfaction and anxious and depressive symptoms. Marital satisfaction, self-perceptions of aging, and stress associated with the COVID–19 pandemic significantly contributed to the model and explained 31% of the variance in participants´ anxious symptomatology, and 42% of the variance in depressive symptomatology. The indirect path of self-perceptions of aging and stress associated with the COVID–19 pandemic in the link between marital satisfaction and anxious and depressive symptoms was statistically significant for both outcome variables. The findings of this study suggest that lower perceived marital satisfaction is associated with higher levels of negative self-perceptions of aging and with higher anxiety and depressive symptoms. Public significance statements: This study suggests that higher marital satisfaction may be a buffer for negative self-perception of aging, and both factors are related with experiencing less stress from COVID–19. These links are associated with less anxious and depressive symptoms. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Satisfação Pessoal , Casamento/psicologia , Saúde Mental/etnologia , Autoimagem , Depressão/psicologia , Envelhecimento/psicologia , Pandemias , Infecções por Coronavirus/epidemiologia
Rev. med. cine ; 18(4): 391-404, dic. 2022. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-213921


La enfermedad, especialmente las enfermedades crónicas y graves, pueden resultar abrumadoras no sólo para el enfermo sino también para la pareja y el entorno familiar. No resulta extraño, pues, que se produzcan disensiones en las relaciones intrafamiliares que abarcan todo el espectro posible, desde el divorcio a la reconciliación. Este artículo es una aproximación a algunas de las situaciones que pueden darse en este difícil equilibrio generado por la irrupción de una enfermedad real o imaginaria. La base del artículo son historias tomadas de la literatura si bien se incluye alguna anécdota ilustrativa tomada de la vida cotidiana, algún hecho real que añade verosimilitud a no pocas historias de ficción. En concreto, se comentan historias relacionadas con parejas que no se constituyen por la aparición de enfermedades, parejas que se rompen de forma muy precoz sin oportunidades para consolidarse. Otras veces, es el rechazo del enfermo a su propio medio lo que rompe la relación de pareja. Pero también hay parejas que se forman a pesar de la enfermedad o a causa de ella, o parejas en riesgo de separación que se consolidan cuando aparece la enfermedad, sin que sea anecdótico un doble comportamiento: ruptura inicial y reconciliación posterior. Tan compleja es la relación de pareja y tanta zozobra aporta la enfermedad a la misma. (AU)

The disease, especially chronic and serious diseases, can be overwhelming not only for the patient but also for the couple and the family environment. It is not surprising, then, that dissensions occur in intra-family relationships that cover the entire possible spectrum, from divorce to reconciliation. This article is an approach to some of the situations that can occur in this difficult balance generated by the outbreak of a real or imaginary disease. The basis of the article are stories taken from literature, although some illustrative anecdotes taken from everyday life are included, some real event that adds plausibility to many fictional stories. Specifically, stories related to couples that do not form due to the appearance of illnesses, couples that break up very early without opportunities to consolidate are discussed. Other times, it is the patient's rejection of his own environment that breaks the couple's relationship. But there are also couples that are formed despite the disease or because of it, or couples at risk of separation that are consolidated when the disease appears, without a double behavior being anecdotal: initial breakup and subsequent reconciliation. So complex is the couple's relationship and so much anxiety brings the disease to it. (AU)

Humanos , Relações Interpessoais , Doença , Inteligência Emocional , Casamento
Enferm. clín. (Ed. impr.) ; 31(3): 156-165, May-Jun. 2021. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-220577


Objetivo: Determinar si el apoyo social, el ciclo vital familiar, la transición familiar y los acontecimientos estresantes se relacionan con el ajuste diádico de parejas con hijos en edad pediátrica. Método: Estudio descriptivo, observacional y de corte transversal. Noventa y cinco parejas de la provincia de Sevilla fueron escogidas mediante muestreo consecutivo estratificado por cuotas, y cumplimentaron un cuestionario con las variables de estudio y las escalas Ajuste Diádico Conyugal y Apoyo Social Percibido. La recogida de datos se realizó en el último trimestre del 2015 con el visto bueno del Comité Ético de Investigación de la Universidad de Sevilla. Se aplicaron los test no paramétricos U de Mann-Whitney y Kruskal-Wallis. Para la relación entre variables se utilizó el test de correlación de Spearman y para demostrar correlaciones significativas se comprobó que p<0,05. Resultados: Las parejas mayoritariamente eran matrimonios con buen ajuste diádico y apoyo social. El 26,3% tenían hijos lactantes y el 73,7% en edad escolar. No existe influencia del ciclo vital y la transición familiar sobre el ajuste diádico. El comienzo-fin de la escolaridad influye en la cohesión conyugal y existen correlaciones positivas entre ajuste diádico y apoyo social, y negativas entre el número de hijos y el apoyo social, el consenso y la satisfacción de la pareja. Conclusiones: El apoyo social y el número de hijos se identifican como los principales factores condicionantes del ajuste diádico. En este sentido, es fundamental conocer los recursos de los que dispone cada pareja para hacer frente a las dificultades donde el apoyo social y la unión entre los cónyuges pueden ayudarles a enfrentar los desafíos.(AU)

Aim: To identify a relationship between social support, family life cycle, family transition and stressful events; and the dyadic adjustment among couples from Seville with children of pediatric age. Method: Descriptive, observational and cross-sectional study. Ninety-five Sevillian couples were recruited following a consecutive stratified sampling by quotas. They filled in a questionnaire with the study variables and the Dyadic Adjustment and Social Support scales. Data collection was carried out in 2015. The project was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the University of Seville. Mann-Whitney U and Kruskall-Wallis non-parametric tests were used for statistical analysis, and Spearman test for correlation between variables. Significance was stated for P<.05. Results: The couples were mostly marriages with good dyadic adjustment and social support. A percentage of 26.3 had infant and 73.7% children of school age. No relationship between the life cycle nor the family transition and the dyadic adjustment were identified. The beginning-end of schooling was related to spousal cohesion and there were positive correlations between dyadic adjustment and social support; and negative correlations between the number of children and social support, consensus and satisfaction of the couple. Conclusions: Social support and the number of children are identified as the main conditioning factors of dyadic adjustment. In this sense, it is essential to know the resources available to each couple to face the difficulties where social support and the union between the spouses can help them face the challenges.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Apoio Social , Família , Casamento , Acontecimentos que Mudam a Vida , Pediatria , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Estudos Transversais , Espanha
Quad. psicol. (Bellaterra, Internet) ; 23(1): e1671-e1671, 2021. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-217269


El objetivo del presente artículo es identificar los recursos con los que las personas de la diver-sidad sexo-afectiva (PDSA) enfrentan el ejercicio de la maternidad/paternidad en Chile. Utili-zamos el método biográfico desde un abordaje interseccional, en un proceso dialógico-recursivo, realizamos entrevistas a diversos informantes clave y PDSA. Encontramos que las PDSA aplican tácticas de resistencia respecto al ejercicio de la maternidad/paternidad, que se articulan recursivamente en el ámbito estructural/institucional, social y personal. En el prime-ro encontramos: modificaciones legislativas, red de apoyo formal y acceso al poder político ins-titucional. En el segundo, hallamos: cambios sociales, recursos formativos e informativos y re-des de apoyo social. En el tercero se encuentran: capital cultural y económico, camuflaje y ca-racterísticas personales. Concluimos que, para dar cumplimiento a los compromisos adquiridos por Chile en el respeto a los derechos humanos, es urgente promover políticas públicas que eliminen las discriminaciones que sufren las PDSA al maternar/paternar.(AU)

The objective of this article is to identify the resources LGBT people use to perform materni-ty/paternity. We applied the biographical method from an intersectional approach through a dialogical-recursive process. Key informants and LGBT people were interviewed. We found that, in Chile, LGBT people apply resistance tactics that are recursively articulated in the structural/institutional, social, and personal spheres. In the first sphere, we found: legislative changes, a formal support network and access to institutional political power. In the second sphere, we found: social changes, educational resources and information, as well as social support networks. In the third sphere, we found: cultural and economic capital, camouflage, and personal characteristics. We conclude that to fulfill international legal commitments re-lated to human rights signed by Chile, it is urgent to promote public policies that eliminate the discriminations LGBT people suffer to become mother/father.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Diversidade de Gênero , Sexo , Poder Familiar , Direitos Humanos , Apoio Social , Sexismo , Minorias Sexuais e de Gênero , Casamento , Psicologia Social , Chile , Inquéritos e Questionários
Gac. sanit. (Barc., Ed. impr.) ; 35(supl. 2): S561-S563, 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-221151


Objective: The study was conducted to explain the role of markobar (speech) in mangalap boru toward the bride (specifically) and women (generally) mental health in Mandailingnese. This study is concerned with explaining the phenomenon of using language used to console and strengthen the bride who will move into the groom's house. Methods: This study used the ethnography model. The data were taken using a recording, interview, and observation. The steps in markobar of mangalap boru were analyzed based on its structure and explaining the speech that consists of advice for the bride. Results: Markobar in mangalap boru produced the utterances to advise the bride to face her new situation with her groom's big family. The speech consists of an introduction by telling the steps of knowing the bride. It was then continued by a speech of accepting the bride to the grooms’ big family and advice from both sides. It is covered by giving speeches of the bride's family's requests to take care of their daughter and promise from the groom's family. Conclusion: Tradition markobar in mangalap boru affected the bride's mental health to release her life custom with her family and move forward with her new husband. The advice pieces in markobar strengthen her spirit and mental to accept the new situation and adapt it sincerely. The language used and performance in delivering markobar is Mandailing local wisdom that should be maintained toward an agreed life system in Mandailingnese. (AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Casamento/etnologia , Saúde Mental , Antropologia Cultural , Indonésia , Cultura , Cônjuges
Cult. cuid ; 24(58): 165-177, sept.-dic. 2020.
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-200396


El noreste de la India, la tierra de los habitantes originales, sigue una cultura y tradición únicas y fascinantes, ya que sus habitantes están estrechamente vinculados a la naturaleza. El noreste de la India es uno de esos pocos lugares en el mundo donde todavía se practica la cultura matrilineal. En Meghalaya, uno de los estados del noreste, la práctica de la matrilinealidad existe desde hace casi 2000 años entre algunas tribus. Khasi, Jaintia y Garo, las primeras comunidades étnicas de Meghalaya parecen ser homogéneas, ya que la hija menor se convierte en la custodia de las perspectivas ancestrales. Esta práctica en la que las mujeres se convierten en custodias de los artefactos culturales y naturales tiene fuertes paralelos en la teoría del ecofeminismo. Al emplear una perspectiva ecofeminista para leer la cultura matrilineal de las tribus, el documento tiene como objetivo hacer un estudio paralelo sobre la afinidad de las mujeres étnicas con la naturaleza. El ecofeminismo celebra la sólida conexión entre las mujeres y la naturaleza y afirma que las mujeres sirven como defensoras de la naturaleza en lugar de los hombres. Por lo tanto, el documento tiene como objetivo investigar los elementos ecofeministas entre las tribus Khasi, Jaintia y Garo de Meghalaya y trata de expresar una visión ecofeminista sobre la familia, el matrimonio, la religión y la cultura alimentaria de las tribus Meghalaya

Northeast India, the land of original inhabitants, follows a unique and fascinating culture and tradition as its inhabitants are closely attached to nature. Northeast India is one of those few places in the world, where matrilineal culture is still practiced. In Meghalaya, one of the northeastern states, the practice of matrilineality has been in existence for almost 2000 years among a few tribes. Khasi, Jaintia and Garo, the earliest ethnic communities of Meghalaya appear to be homogenous ones, as the youngest daughter becomes the custodian of the ancestral prospects. This practice where the womenfolk become the custodians of the cultural and natural artifacts has strong parallels in the theory of ecofeminism. By employing ecofeministic perspective to read the matrilineal culture of the tribes, the paper aims to make a parallel study on the ethnic women's affinity towards nature. Ecofeminism celebrates the robust connect between women and nature and asserts that women serve as the advocates for nature rather than men. The paper, therefore, aims to investigate ecofeministic elements among the Khasi, Jaintia and Garo tribes of Meghalaya and tries to express an ecofeministic view concerning family, marriage, religion, and food culture of the Meghalaya tribes

O Nordeste da Índia, a terra dos habitantes originais, segue uma cultura e tradição únicas e fascinantes, pois seus habitantes estão intimamente ligados à natureza. O Nordeste da Índia é um dos poucos lugares do mundo onde a cultura matrilinear ainda é praticada. Em Meghalaya, um dos estados do Nordeste, a prática da matrilinearidade já existe há quase 2.000 anos entre algumas tribos. Khasi, Jaintia e Garo, as primeiras comunidades étnicas de Meghalaya, parecem ser homogêneas, pois a filha mais nova se torna a guardiã das perspectivas ancestrais. Essa prática em que as mulheres se tornam guardiãs dos artefatos culturais e naturais tem fortes paralelos na teoria do ecofeminismo. Ao empregar a perspectiva ecofeminista para ler a cultura matrilinear das tribos, o artigo tem como objetivo fazer um estudo paralelo sobre a afinidade das mulheres étnicas com a natureza. O ecofeminismo celebra a conexão robusta entre as mulheres e a natureza e afirma que as mulheres atuam como defensoras da natureza ao invés dos homens. O artigo, portanto, tem como objetivo investigar elementos ecofeminísticos entre as tribos Khasi, Jaintia e Garo de Meghalaya e tenta expressar uma visão ecofeminista sobre família, casamento, religião e cultura alimentar das tribos Meghalaya

Humanos , Feminino , Feminismo , Natureza , Grupos Populacionais , Características da Família/etnologia , Características Culturais , População Branca/etnologia , Religião , Casamento/etnologia , Índia
Enferm. clín. (Ed. impr.) ; 30(supl.5): 88-91, jun. 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-196482


The brain undergoes very rapid growth and development among toddler below 5 year of age. The fault in their upbringing during this period of time will cause them to undergo growth and development disorder, and parents who get married too young early have lack of knowledge of raising their young children. As a result, the latter become vulnerable during their growth and development. The objective of the research was to analyze the correlation between early marriage and teenager pregnancy to stunting in growth among toddlers. The research used descriptive analytic method with cross-sectional design. It was conducted at Bangun Rejo Village, Tanjung Morawa District, Deli Serdang regency from June to September 2019. The population consisted of 645 toddler aged between 0 and 59 months. The sample was chosen by using systematic random sampling technique. The data were gathered by using questionnaires in order to get the information about early marriage and by conducting observation in order to find out toddler stunting. The result of univariate analysis showed that 87 (82.1%) infants had normal growth. The result of bivariate analysis, using chi-square test, showed that there was correlation between early marriage and toddler stunting, teenager pregnancy (p = 0.000) and marriage age (p = 0.001). The conclusion of the research was that there was correlation between early marriage and teenager pregnancy to stunting in toddler. The study showed that toddlers in case of parent with early marriage was more vulnerable to growth and development disorder. It is recommended that health service of care for adolescents and integrated monitoring of toddler be established in order to decrease the risk of incidence of early marriage and toddler stunting

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Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Gravidez , Recém-Nascido , Lactente , Pré-Escolar , Adolescente , Gravidez na Adolescência/psicologia , Casamento/psicologia , Complicações na Gravidez , Comportamento Sexual , Educação Sexual , Estudos Transversais , Características da Família , Nutrição Materna , Nutrição do Lactente , Indonésia
Actas dermo-sifiliogr. (Ed. impr.) ; 110(7): 521-525, sept. 2019. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-185523


Las verrugas anogenitales (VAG) debidas al virus papiloma humano son una de las enfermedades de trasmisión sexual más comunes en todo el mundo. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar los efectos de las VAG en la satisfacción matrimonial y en la actividad sexual de los pacientes. Presentamos un estudio transversal que incluyó 74 pacientes consecutivos, de los cuales 37 presentaban VAG y los 37 sujetos restantes eran controles sanos. Todos los pacientes completaron y fueron analizados por la Escala de satisfacción matrimonial de ENRICH y la Escala Arizona de experiencias sexuales. Los ítems de la escala ENRICH no mostraron diferencias significativas entre los 2 grupos. La actividad sexual fue menor en las mujeres que en los hombres (p<0,001). De acuerdo con nuestros hallazgos la satisfacción conyugal no se vio afectada por las VAG. Sin embargo, el tratamiento previo del virus del papiloma humano redujo la satisfacción marital. A todo ello hay que añadir que la VAG mostró más efectos adversos sobre la actividad sexual de las mujeres que sobre la de los hombres. Nuestros hallazgos sugieren que se debe considerar el uso de tratamientos psiquiátricos en el manejo del paciente con VAG

Anogenital wart (AGW) resulting from human papilloma virus (HPV) is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases worldwide. Herein, we aimed to evaluate the effects of AGW on patients' marital satisfaction and sexual function. This cross-sectional study was consisted of 74 consecutive patients including 37 patients with AGW and 37 healthy controls. ENRICH Marital Satisfaction Scale and Arizona Sexual Experience Scale were completed and analyzed for all patients. ENRICH scale items were not significantly different between the two groups. Sexual function was found to be lower in female than male patients (P<.001). According to our findings marital satisfaction was not affected by AGW. However, a history of previous treatment for HPV decreased the marital satisfaction. In addition, AGW had more adverse effects on females' sexual function compared to males. Our findings suggest that the psychiatric treatments should be considered when managing an AGW patient

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto Jovem , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Sexualidade , Verrugas/complicações , Doenças do Ânus , Doenças dos Genitais Femininos , Doenças dos Genitais Masculinos , Infecções por Papillomavirus/terapia , Estudos Transversais , Casamento , 28599 , Coito/psicologia , Qualidade de Vida
Aten. prim. (Barc., Ed. impr.) ; 50(4): 205-212, abr. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-173173


OBJETIVO: Analizar si las variables familiares tales como tipo de relación de pareja, años de matrimonio, existencia de hijos, número de miembros de la unidad familiar, etapas del ciclo vital familiar, transición entre etapas, apoyo social percibido y/o acontecimientos vitales estresantes se relacionan con el ajuste conyugal. DISEÑO: Estudio transversal y correlacional mediante encuestas. Emplazamiento: Consultas de atención primaria y unidades de hospitalización de los centros seleccionados de la provincia de Sevilla, España. PARTICIPANTES: Muestra consecutiva estratificada por cuotas de 369 parejas, mayores de 18años, heterosexuales, que mantenían una relación de pareja, con o sin hijos, residentes en Sevilla. Mediciones principales: Se emplea cuestionario autoadministrado con las variables sociodemográficas y las escalas Versión Breve de la Escala de Ajuste Diádico, Cuestionario de MOS de Apoyo Social Percibido y Escala de Reajuste Social. Se realizó análisis descriptivo e inferencial con estadísticos de correlación y regresión multivariante. RESULTADOS: Relaciones estadísticamente significativas entre el ajuste conyugal y los años de matrimonio (r = -0,10; p < 0,05), la etapa del ciclo vital familiar (F = 2,65; p < 0,05), la transición entre etapas (rpb = 0,11; p < 0,05) y el apoyo social percibido (r = 0,44; p < 0,001). El modelo de regresión mostró la capacidad predictiva del apoyo social percibido y etapa del ciclo vital familiar (etapa madura-anciana) sobre el ajuste conyugal (R2 = 0,21; F = 9,9; DF = 356; p < 0,001). CONCLUSIONES: Desde atención primaria, se puede valorar a las parejas, ofrecer recursos y proporcionar apoyo. También pueden identificarse variables que ayuden a mejorar la relación conyugal

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether family variables, such as type of relationship, years of marriage, existence of offspring, number of members of family, stage of family life cycle, transition between stages, perceived social support, and/or stressful life events are related to conjugal adjustment. DESIGN: A cross-sectional and correlational study using questionnaires. LOCATION: Primary care and hospital units of selected centres in the province of Seville, Spain. PARTICIPANTS: Consecutive stratified sampling by quotas of 369 heterosexual couples over 18 years of age, who maintained a relationship, with or without children, living in Seville. MAIN MEASUREMENTS: A self-report questionnaire for the sociodemographic variables, and the abbreviated version of the Dyadic Adjustment Scale, Questionnaire MOS Perceived Social Support, and Social Readjustment Rating Scale, were used. Descriptive and inferential statistics were performed with correlation analysis and multivariate regression. RESULTS: Statistically significant associations were found between conjugal adjustment and marriage years (r = -10: P < .05), stage of family life cycle (F = 2.65; P < .05), the transition between stages (RPB = .11; P < .05) and perceived social support (r = .44; P < .001). The regression model showed the predictive power of perceived social support and the family life cycle stage (mature-aged stage) on conjugal adjustment (R2 = .21; F = 9.9; df = 356; P < .001). CONCLUSIONS: Couples may be assessed from Primary Care and be provide with resources and support. In addition, it can identify variables that may help improve the conjugal relationship

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto Jovem , Adulto , Ajustamento Emocional , Estado Conjugal , Família , Apoio Social , Atenção Primária à Saúde , Cônjuges , Casamento/psicologia , Inquéritos e Questionários , Estudos Transversais/métodos
Rev. bioét. derecho ; (36): 5-22, 2016.
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-149260


Este artículo analizará ciertas problemáticas sexuales y reproductivas en poblaciones que han sido tradicionalmente postergadas. Se pasará revista a la actual legislación del aborto, a leyes que atañen a las personas lesbianas, gay, bisexual y transgénero (LGBT) respecto del matrimonio igualitario y la identidad de género y a la legislación recientemente sancionada respecto de las técnicas de reproducción asistida (TRA). En estos tres casos se enfrentaron serios desafíos para su regulación. El artículo explicitará que aunque algunas legislaciones son sumamente progresistas e innovadoras, aquellas que conciernen al aborto mantienen el estatus quo y una mirada conservadora. Se argumentará que en la Argentina existe un notable doble estándar en relación a las mujeres y sus derechos sexuales y reproductivos. Y que hay una discriminación muy fuerte, especialmente, hacia las mujeres pobres. Éstas son postergadas, silenciadas y olvidadas (AU)

This article examines the direction the laws have taken in three related "non-traditional" areas. The first one will consider the current situation of abortion, the second will analyze the legislative changes concerning some marginalized populations - the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) collective. It will focus on same sex marriage and gender identity. Finally it will consider a set of practices that has also been highly questioned and faced significant legal challenges as assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs). The article will show that even if in recent years some of these legislations are innovative and respectful of human rights, those regarding abortion maintain status quo and continue endorsing a conservative view. Thus it will argue that there is a double‐standard towards the sexual and reproductive rights of women. This is specially the case for scarce resources women who are postponed, silenced and forgotten (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Direitos Sexuais e Reprodutivos/legislação & jurisprudência , Aborto , Homossexualidade , Técnicas de Reprodução Assistida/legislação & jurisprudência , Argentina , Grupos Minoritários/legislação & jurisprudência , Direitos Sexuais e Reprodutivos , Discriminação Social , Casamento/legislação & jurisprudência
Dynamis (Granada) ; 36(1): 211-231, 2016.
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-151093


A principios del siglo XX, Egas Moniz, insigne neurólogo y Premio Nobel portugués, emitió un informe pericial sobre homosexualidad para un caso de anulación matrimonial que constituye un material de gran valor como ejemplo de aplicación efectiva del conocimiento sexológico disponible en la época. En este mismo periodo la flamante legislación republicana estableció la anulación del matrimonio contemplando causas de carácter médico y se tipificaron penalmente las relaciones entre personas del mismo sexo, o contra natura. En su informe, Egas Moniz interpretó desde las categorías sexológicas de la época distintos elementos de la vida del sujeto estudiado, ilustrando la interacción entre estas categorías y las formas cambiantes que adoptó la homosexualidad (o las personas homosexuales) de la época (AU)

At the beginning of the 20th century, the noted Nobel prize-winning Portuguese neurologist Egas Moniz made an expert analysis on homosexuality in a marriage annulment case of major value as an example of the effective application of sexological knowledge of that period. Contemporary republican legislation established marriage annulment in medical terms and punished relations between persons of the same sex, or contra natura. In his report, Moniz attempted to interpret distinctive elements of the life of the subject using sexological categories, illustrating the interaction between these categories and the changing forms adopted by homosexuality (or homosexual people) of the time (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Homossexualidade/história , Casamento , Sexologia/história , Sexologia/instrumentação , Sexologia/legislação & jurisprudência , Fala/fisiologia , Medicina Legal/instrumentação , Medicina Legal/legislação & jurisprudência , Medicina Legal/métodos , Psiquiatria Legal/história , Psiquiatria Legal/instrumentação , Psiquiatria Legal/métodos , Prêmio Nobel , Portugal
Span. j. psychol ; 19: e72.1-e72.8, 2016. tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-160287


In this study, we examined married individuals’ relationship satisfaction in relation to their emotional dependency and dysfunctional relationship beliefs. Our participants consisted of 203 female and 181 male, a total of 384 married individuals from urban cities of Turkey. Controlling the effects of gender and length of marriage, we performed a hierarchical regression analysis. Results revealed that married Turkish individuals’ relationship satisfaction was significantly explained by their emotional dependency (sr2 = .300, p < .001), and perceptions of interpersonal rejection (sr2 = .075, p < .001) and unrealistic relationship expectations (sr2 = .028, p < .001). However, interpersonal misperception did not make a significant contribution to the participants’ relationship satisfaction (p > .05). When compared to perceptions of interpersonal rejection and unrealistic relationship expectations, emotional dependency had the largest role in explaining participants’ satisfaction with their marriages. We discuss the results in light of current literature as well as cultural relevance. We also provide implications for future research and mental health practices (AU)

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Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Idoso , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto Jovem , Casamento/psicologia , Relações Interpessoais , Dependência Psicológica , Emoções , Inteligência Emocional/fisiologia , Codependência Psicológica/fisiologia , Turquia
Apuntes psicol ; 34(2/3): 151-159, 2016.
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-164203


En este artículo se pretende conocer el efecto en las familias homoparentales españolas de la aprobación del matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo en 2005. Se entrevistó a 66 familias, encabezadas por parejas de lesbianas (48) o de gays (18), que llevaban juntas al menos desde 2004 y tenían hijos o hijas menores de edad en común. Se buscaba evaluar su grado de apertura (coming out) y la aceptación que percibían en distintos contextos antes y después de la legalización del matrimonio, con el objetivo de saber si se vieron influidos por ello. Los resultados obtenidos indican que, tras aprobarse la ley, aumentó tanto el grado de apertura como la aceptación percibida en todos los contextos estudiados (amistades, familia y ámbito laboral). Los datos se relacionan con la literatura científica y se discuten a la luz de sus implicaciones para el desarrollo de políticas de integración de las familias homoparentales

This article intends to know the effect on Spanish homoparental families of the approval of same sex marriage in 2005. We interviewed 66 same-sex families either made of gay fathers (18) or lesbian mothers (48) that were together at least since 2004 and had children under 18. The aim was to evaluate each context in relation with the degree of coming out before and after the marriage approval with the purpose of understanding whether there were any differences. The obtained results indicate that both coming out and acceptance increased after the law was approved in those three areas in which it was analyzed: among their friendships, at workplace and with their families. The data are related to scientific literature and are discussed in the light of their implications for the development of homoparental family integration policies

Humanos , Características da Família , Casamento/tendências , Homossexualidade/psicologia , Adoção/psicologia , Casamento/legislação & jurisprudência , Adoção/legislação & jurisprudência , Ansiedade/epidemiologia , Depressão/epidemiologia , Autoimagem , Entrevista Psicológica , Psicometria/estatística & dados numéricos
Rev. esp. drogodepend ; 40(4): 48-60, oct.-dic. 2015.
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-146676


En el presente trabajo se describe el diagnóstico, tratamiento y evolución de una persona con adicción al deporte. Esta y otras adicciones no tóxicas comparten la peculiaridad de desarrollarse sobre conductas saludables y en ausencia de sustancias que crean adicción física. Esto dificulta el enfoque terapéutico al no poder contar con el control de estímulos como técnica principal en el proceso de deshabituación. En este caso clínico la perspectiva terapéutica utilizada fue la cognitiva conductual. Una evaluación profundizando en la historia de aprendizaje de la adicción y el análisis funcional de la conducta del cliente fueron las herramientas para determinar el plan de entrenamiento. Las técnicas utilizadas fueron: autorregistros del tiempo dedicado al deporte, toma de conciencia de las consecuencias e interferencia en otras áreas importantes de la vida del sujeto, establecimiento de objetivos, modificación de pensamientos irracionales, estrategias de comunicación, expresión de sentimientos y asertividad. El tratamiento tuvo una duración de 16 sesiones, a razón de una por semana con una duración aproximada de 60 minutos por sesión. Posteriormente se realizó un seguimiento de una sesión al mes durante dos meses y otra sesión tres meses después. En los resultados obtenidos se observa la toma de conciencia de la naturaleza de la adicción y su interferencia en la relación de pareja y el rol parental. El cliente aprende a identificar los mecanismos de falta de tolerancia a la frustración y se constata una reducción significativa del tiempo dedicado al deporte y un aumento de satisfacción y plenitud del tiempo dedicado a la pareja y a su paternidad

The diagnosis, treatment and evolution of a person addicted to sport are described in this paper. This addiction and other non-toxic ones share the peculiarity of being developed over healthy behaviors and in the absence of substances producing physical addiction. The therapeutic approach is thus difficult due to the lack of control of stimuli as the main technique in the process of breaking the habit. In this clinical case, cognitive behavioral therapy was used. An in-depth evaluation of the addiction-learning history and the functional analysis of the client’s behavior were the tools used to determine the training plan. The techniques used were: self-reports on the time devoted to sport; the raising of awareness about the consequences and how they interfere in other important areas of the person’s life; goal-setting; modification of irrational thoughts; communication strategies; expression of feelings and assertiveness. The treatment lasted for 16 weeks and consisted of one 60-minute session per week. Thereafter, one session per month during two months and one session three months later were held. A raising of awareness about the addiction dimension and how it interferes in the client’s relationship with his partner and his parental role was observed in the results of the study. The client learned how to identify the mechanisms of lack of tolerance to frustration. A significant reduction of the time devoted to sport and increased satisfaction and plenitude of the time dedicated to his partner and his paternity were confirmed

Adulto , Humanos , Masculino , Esportes/psicologia , Senso de Coerência/fisiologia , Amor , Comportamento Sexual/psicologia , Comportamento Aditivo/epidemiologia , Comportamento Aditivo/prevenção & controle , Comportamento Aditivo/psicologia , Transtorno Obsessivo-Compulsivo/epidemiologia , Transtorno Obsessivo-Compulsivo/psicologia , 34921 , Codependência Psicológica , Sexo , Transtornos da Personalidade/psicologia , Transtorno Obsessivo-Compulsivo/complicações , Relações Familiares , Casamento/psicologia , Conflito Familiar/psicologia , Carência Psicossocial
Pap. psicol ; 36(2): 145-152, mayo-ago. 2015.
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-140076


El artículo presenta información sobre una modalidad de dependencia emocional –para la que se acuña el término 'Síndrome de Fortunata'- que designa un tipo de relaciones afectivas que determinadas mujeres desarrollan repetidamente hacia hombres casados. En el síndrome son identificables varios patrones de conducta y varias actitudes características, como la fuerte y duradera dependencia emocional y la fidelidad hacia ese hombre, la ambivalencia de sentimientos hacia la pareja oficial (rencor por la creencia de que le ha arrebatado algo propio, pero también deseos de ser ella, de emularla o, incluso, de llevarse bien), el cuestionamiento de la validez de la unión del hombre con la otra mujer y la fantasía reiterada de que las circunstancias cambiarán y ambos acabarán juntos. Además de delimitar e ilustrar este tipo de relaciones, sus peculiaridades y sus diferencias respecto de otras situaciones con las que podría confundirse, se hipotetizan algunas posibles causas de esta forma de dependencia emocional y se presentan varias estrategias para ayudar a las mujeres que quieren terminar con esta modalidad de vinculación afectiva

This paper presents information about a form of emotional dependency, for which the term 'Fortunata syndrome' has been coined, designating a type of affective relationship that some women develop repeatedly with married men. Several patterns of behaviour and repeated attitudes can be identified in this syndrome, such us the strong and lasting emotional dependency and loyalty to the man, the ambivalence of feelings towards the official partner (resentment due to the belief that the partner has taken something which belongs to them, but also the desire to be her, to imitate her or even to get along with her), the questioning of the validity of the union of man with the other woman and repeated fantasies that their circumstances will change and they will end up together. In addition to defining and illustrating these relationships, their idiosyncrasies and their differences with regards to other situations with which they could be confused, we hypothesise some possible causes of this form of emotional dependence and we present several strategies to help women who wish to put an end to this form of affective linkage

Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Medicina na Literatura , Emoções Manifestas/fisiologia , Dependência Psicológica , Codependência Psicológica/fisiologia , Emoções/fisiologia , Psicoterapia/métodos , Psicoterapia/tendências , Relações Extramatrimoniais/psicologia , Casamento/psicologia , Sintomas Afetivos/psicologia , Psicologia Clínica/métodos , Psicologia Clínica/organização & administração , Apego ao Objeto , Psicanálise/métodos , Psicanálise/tendências
Span. j. psychol ; 17: e93.1-e93.9, ene.-dic. 2014. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-130505


The goal of the present research was to validate a Portuguese version of Pearl and Galupo’s (2007) Attitudes toward Same-Sex Marriage Scale (ATSM). Participants were 1,402 heterosexual men and women that completed an on-line questionnaire. The final 15-item scale formed a single factor showing high internal consistency (α = .95). This one factor structure was backed-up by a confirmatory factorial analysis. In a general way, the results indicate a clearly positive attitude toward same-sex marriage (overall mean was 63.79, SD = 12.66, above the scale mid-point, t(1401) = 55.55, p < .001). Furthermore, analysis of the scale’s predictors demonstrates how a left-wing orientation (β = .22, p < .001) and the level of denial of deservingness for lesbian/gay discrimination (β = .30, p < .001) prove to be the best predictors of attitudes towards same-sex marriage. On the whole, these results indicate that the Portuguese ATSM version is a reliable instrument for carrying out scientific research and measuring and monitoring public opinion on this subject (AU)

No disponible

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Homossexualidade/psicologia , Casamento/psicologia , Atitude , Homossexualidade Masculina/psicologia , Homossexualidade Feminina/psicologia , Comportamento Sexual/psicologia , Inquéritos e Questionários , Análise Fatorial
SD, Rev. med. int. Síndr. Down (Ed. castell.) ; 17(3): 39-42, sept.-dic. 2013. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-118460


La vida sexual de las personas con síndrome de Down (SD) u otros trastornos asociados con la discapacidad intelectual sigue siendo un tabú, con pocos relatos en la literatura. Los avances en el conocimiento de los aspectos causales y nosológicos, incluidas sus conquistas sociales, llevaron al fortalecimiento del movimiento inclusivo destinado a estas personas. En este artículo se presenta un caso inusual de un matrimonio de una mujer con SD que tiene un hijo. Esta mujer estudió en escuelas especiales y se comunica bien verbalmente. Presentó menarquía a los 13 años de edad, y demostró autonomía en el cuidado de su cuerpo. Ocho años atrás conoció a su actual esposo en una escuela especial. Después de 2 años de matrimonio, ella quedó embarazada de un varón sin este síndrome. La mujer es capaz de atender las necesidades de su hijo, responsabilidad que comparte con su madre, que fue la principal responsable de su educación hacia la autonomía. El cariotipo de la probanda reveló trisomía 21 con mosaicismo cromosómico. Se están produciendo nuevos logros sociales, incluido el establecimiento de relaciones afectivas perdurables. Las posibilidades de reproducción y el riesgo de recurrencia del SD de ben ser considerados en el consejo genético. El cuidado de todos los niños nacidos de estos matrimonios genera responsabilidades compartidas por estos padres especiales y sus familias (AU)

Sex life of people with Down syndrome (DS) or other conditions associated with intellectual disability is still a taboo, with few reports in the literature. Advances in knowledge of causal and nosological aspects, including its social achievements, have led to the strengthening of the inclusive movement aimed at those people. This paper presents an unusual case of successful marriage and reproduction of a woman with DS. The propositus studied in special schools and communicates well verbally. She presented menarche at age of 13, showing autonomy in caring for her body. Eight years ago she met her current husband at the special school she attended. Two years after the wedding, the proband became pregnant of a male child without the syndrome. She is able to take care of her child needs, sharing this responsibility with her own mother, who was primarily responsible for her education directed towards autonomy. The proband's karyotype revealed trisomy 21 with chromosomal mosaicism. New social achievements are occurring, among them the establishment of lasting emotional relationships. The reproductive chances and risks of recurrence of DS should be considered in genetic counseling. The breeding and rearing of any children born from these marriages become new responsibilities shared by these special parents and their families (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Gravidez , Síndrome de Down/epidemiologia , Síndrome de Down/genética , Síndrome de Down/fisiopatologia , Síndrome de Down/complicações , Síndrome de Down/diagnóstico , Mosaicismo/induzido quimicamente , Mosaicismo , Casamento/legislação & jurisprudência , Casamento/tendências , Deficiência Intelectual/epidemiologia , Deficiência Intelectual/genética , Deficiência Intelectual/prevenção & controle
Actas esp. psiquiatr ; 41(6): 340-348, nov.-dic. 2013. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-116978


Introducción: La literatura sugiere que existen factores que explican la asociación entre insatisfacción conyugal y Depresión Mayor. Analizamos si la personalidad actúa como factor determinante en la asociación entre insatisfacción conyugal y la aparición de un Primer Episodio de Depresión Mayor (PEDM). Además, estudiamos si hay factores de personalidad específicos que se relacionen con la insatisfacción conyugal en función de la evolución del PEDM. Metodología: Administramos la Escala de Hamilton para la Depresión y la Escala de Ajuste Diádico en el momento del diagnóstico del trastorno depresivo (T1) y seis meses más tarde (T2), en seis centros ambulatorios. Participaron 59matrimonios con un cónyuge diagnosticado de PEDM y otro cónyuge sano. Además, los pacientes deprimidos completaron el Inventario de Personalidad NEO-PIR. Resultados: Hay factores de personalidad que median entre el PEDM y la insatisfacción conyugal. El “neuroticismo” media tanto en T1 como en T2. Sin embargo, la relación entre los factores de personalidad y la insatisfacción conyugal depende de la evolución del episodio. Si éste ha remitido enT2, la personalidad puede no asociarse con la interacción conyugal, pero si persiste, la “apertura” y la “responsabilidad” se asocian con menor insatisfacción conyugal. Conclusiones: El “neuroticismo” es el factor de personalidad más importante como mediador entre insatisfacción conyugal y la evolución de un PEDM (AU)

Introduction: Prior research suggests that some factors account for the association between marital dissatisfaction and Major Depression. We examined whether personality determines the association between marital dissatisfaction and a First Episode of Major Depression (FEMD), and whether specific personality factors are linked to marital dissatisfaction depending on the outcome of the FEMD. Methods: The Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression and the Dyadic Adjustment Scale were administered both at baseline (T1) and six months later (T2), at 6 outpatient settings. We counted on the participation of 59 married couples with one member fulfilling DSM-IV criteria for a FEMD, and a healthy partner. Depressed participants also completed the NEO Personality Inventory-Revised. Results: Certain personality factors mediate the association of a FEMD and Marital Dissatisfaction. “Neuroticism” mediates the association both at T1 and T2. However, the relationship between personality factors and Marital Dissatisfaction depends on the outcome of the Episode. If it has remitted by T2, personality might not be associated with marital interaction. However, if depression persists, “openness” and “conscientiousness” are related to less marital dissatisfaction. Conclusion: The most important mediating personality factor between marital dissatisfaction and a First Episode of Major Depression is “neuroticism” (AU)

Humanos , Transtorno Depressivo Maior/psicologia , Determinação da Personalidade , Transtornos Neuróticos/psicologia , Casamento/psicologia , Conflito Familiar/psicologia , Relações Familiares , Perfil de Impacto da Doença , Satisfação do Paciente