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Nutr. clín. diet. hosp ; 43(1): 73-80, Mar 23, 2023. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-217976


The complexity of globalization, including the global food trade market, has the side effect that various raw foodstuffs are vulnerable to intentional and unintentional adulteration. However, food validation and standardization approaches are still unclear and challenging and need to be explored. Through this opinion article, the author would like to introduce a foodomics approach (Food, -Omics) to facilitate integrated food authenticity verification through biosensors. This approach is potentially suitable and offers more valuable accuracy as it combines biological analysis methods spanning genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics. Meanwhile, several subdisciplines of Foodomics, such as metallomics, volatomics, and lipidomics, which are considered feasible to facilitate the verification of food authenticity, are also explored in this critical opinion. Foodomics consists of four main omics technologies, namely genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics. This is an integration of promising approaches to provide standardized food matrices, thus becoming the most likely strategy to verify the authenticity of food. However, after trying to uncover this food authentication problem and provide a Foodomics approach, we felt the need for synergies in building a database capable of storing food matrices in the form of unique genes, bioactive peptides, and secondary metabolites. We hope that through this opinion article, the target database can be formed, although databases such as MEDLINE and PubChem have provided this data facility. In particular, we suggest the development of nanobiosensors that should undoubtedly be environmentally friendly and portable (making use of smartphones) and creating a cloud database capable of storing food matrices in the form of unique genes, bioactive peptides, and secondary metabolites, integrated with smartphone biosensors.(AU)

Humanos , Técnicas Biossensoriais , Contaminação de Alimentos , Proteômica , Nutrigenômica , Alimentos Crus/toxicidade , 52503
Nutr. clín. diet. hosp ; 39(1): 162-168, 2019. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-184202


Introducción: El Kebbe Naihe o kipi crudo es un producto cárneo que tiene como ingredientes la carne bovina u ovina molida y trigo burgol, condimentos y especias y se consume crudo. La carne es el vehículo de microorganismos que causan brotes de enfermedades, infecciones e intoxicaciones microbianas y resulta riesgosa su incorporación, dada la frecuencia con la que se pueden aislar bacterias patógenas a partir del producto crudo. El uso de diferentes sustancias controla el número de microorganismos en preparaciones alimenticias. Objetivos: Determinar el efecto del jugo de limón sobre los microorganismos presentes en el kipi crudo, analizar la aceptabilidad y satisfacción del kipi crudo con limón, y la preferencia del kipi crudo con limón respecto del kipi crudo sin limón. Metodología: Estudio de tipo descriptivo, correlacional y explicativo, y con un diseño en dos etapas, una etapa experimental- experimento puro y en otra etapa experimental-preexperimento. Resultados: Los análisis microbiológicos indicaron que en el momento de elaboración y a las 6, 12 y 24hs, el número de microorganismos fue menor en el kipi crudo tratado con limón, comparado con el que no recibió este tratamiento. Asimismo, el jugo de limón disminuyó el número de bacterias del kipi crudo a medida que el tiempo de exposición a este fue mayor. El kipi crudo con jugo de limón resultó ser más aceptado, satisfactorio y preferido por la población no árabe, en comparación con la población árabe. El kipi crudo es un producto apto para el consumo desde el punto de vista microbiológico si se consume antes de las 6hs posteriores a su elaboración, lo cual permite a la población árabe continuar consumiendo este plato sin el agregado de limón. Conclusión: Es posible, para quienes les resulta agradable el kipi crudo con limón, incrementar su inocuidad mediante el agregado de esta sustancia natural

Introduction: Kebbe Naihe or raw kipi is a meat-derived food, which has bovine or ovine ground meat and wheat burgol, condiments and spices as ingredients, and is consumed in raw state. Meat is the vehicle of microorganisms that cause diseases outbreaks, infections and microbial poisoning and its incorporation is risky given the frequency of isolation of pathogenic bacteria from raw products. The use of different substances controls the number of microorganisms in food preparations. Objectives: to determine the effect of lemon juice on the microorganisms present in raw kipi, to analyze the acceptability and satisfaction of raw kipi with lemon, and the preference of raw kipi with lemon compared to raw kipi without lemon. Methodology: Descriptive, correlational and explanatory type study, with a two-stage design, a pure experimental-experimental stage and pre-experiment in another stage. Results: The microbiological analysis indicated that at the time of elaboration and at 6, 12 and 24 hours, the number of microorganisms was lower in the raw kipi treated with lemon, compared to the one that did not receive this treatment. The lemon juice decreased the number of bacteria of the raw kipi at higher exposure times. The raw kipi with lemon juice resulted highly accepted, satisfactory and preferred by the non- Arabic population, compared to the Arabic group. Raw kipi is a suitable product for consumption from the microbiological point of view only if consumed before 6 hours after its preparation, which allows the Arabic population to continue consuming this plate without the addition of lemon. Conclusion: It is possible, for those who like the raw kipi with lemon, to increase its safety by adding lemon juice, a natural substance

Comportamento Alimentar/classificação , Citrus , Manipulação de Alimentos/métodos , Preferências Alimentares , Carne Vermelha/microbiologia , Microbiologia de Alimentos , Argentina , Alimentos Crus/microbiologia , Sucos de Frutas e Vegetais , Conservação de Alimentos
Rev. bioét. derecho ; (42): 71-87, mar. 2018.
Artigo em Catalão | IBECS | ID: ibc-170958


Des que tenia cinc anys en Tom Watkins s'alimentava seguint exclusivament una dieta crudivegana. L'any 2008 nombroses veus es van alçar en contra de la seva mare per la manera com aquesta l'alimentava, ja que consideraven tenia conseqüències negatives per la salut del menor. L'estudi d'aquest cas ens permetrà, prenent com a referència els principis de la bioètica i la deontologia professional, discutir quines són les possibilitats de les que disposem per abordar conflictes com aquest. Debatrem les característiques del model alimentari actual, i veurem com d'allunyat n'està de poder-se considerar saludable i respectuós tant amb el medi ambient com amb els animals. I finalment ens preguntarem sobre quin ha de ser el paper del dietista-nutricionista a l'hora de tractar qüestions com aquestes

Desde que tenía cinco años, Tom Watkins se alimentaba siguiendo exclusivamente una dieta crudivegana. El año 2008, numerosas voces se alzaron en contra de su madre por la manera en que lo alimentaba, ya que consideraban que tenía consecuencias negativas para la salud del menor. El estudio de este caso nos permitirá, tomando como referencia los principios de la bioética y la deontología profesional, discutir cuáles son las posibilidades de las que disponemos para abordar conflictos como este. Debatiremos las características del modelo alimentario actual y veremos cuán alejado está de poder considerarlo saludable y respetuoso tanto con el medio ambiente como con los animales. Finalmente nos preguntaremos cuál debe ser el papel del dietista-nutricionista a la hora de tratar cuestiones como éstas

Since he was five years old, Tom Watkins was exclusively fed following a raw vegan diet. In 2008, many people started criticizing his mother for the way she was feeding her son, as they considered this diet had negative consequences for the minor's health. Analysing this case will allow us, taking as a point of reference the principles of bioethics and professional ethics, to discuss the available possibilities to tackle such conflicts. We will also discuss the characteristics of the current food model and we will see how distant it is from being healthy and respectful with the environment and the other animals. Finally, we will analyse the role of the dietician-nutritionists in dealing with this type of issues

Humanos , Masculino , Pré-Escolar , Dieta Vegana/ética , Qualidade dos Alimentos , Nutrição da Criança , Ética Médica , Dieta Vegetariana/ética , Necessidades Nutricionais/fisiologia , Comportamento Alimentar/ética , Temas Bioéticos , Desenvolvimento Infantil/fisiologia , Alimentos Crus