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Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-211435


Tras la Segunda Guerra Mundial, Hungría cayó bajo la esfera de la influencia rusa. Durante la represión del levantamiento que tuvo lugar en Hungría en octubre de 1956, más de 200.000 húngaros huyeron como refugiados a otros países, entre ellos, Inglaterra. La Cruz Roja dispuso el bienestar de 7.500 refugiados húngaros en su llegada al país. Este trabajo dará a conocer algunos de los cuidados que realizó esta institución, concretamente, en la provincia de Hampshire. Para ello, se consultan fuentes documentales primarias de los Archivos Históricos de Winchester y la Universidad de Southampton (AU)

História do Século XX , Cruz Vermelha/história , Refugiados/história , Gravação em Vídeo , Inglaterra , Hungria
Farm. hosp ; 45(4): 204-209, julio-agosto 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-218705


Desde hace décadas se conoce que el uso de los medicamentos inyectables en los hospitales europeos se encuentra asociado a numerosos errores de medicación, algunos de los cuales provocan daños graves y muertes prevenibles. Se han publicado investigaciones e informes nacionales yeuropeos sobre la mejora de la seguridad del paciente que recomiendanuna mayor utilización de las unidades de preparación aséptica de los servicios de farmacia y la provisión de los medicamentos inyectables listos parasu administración, recomendaciones que apenas se han implementado.En Inglaterra, la experiencia de tratar a los pacientes con infecciónpor COVID-19 ha puesto de manifiesto otros beneficios que conlleva laampliación de las unidades de preparación aséptica de los servicios defarmacia. Estos beneficios incluyen ahorrar tiempo de enfermería, disponerde sistemas con mayor resiliencia y capacidad, reducir la variabilidad enla práctica, mejorar la satisfacción del personal clínico y del paciente, yfacilitar la administración de más medicamentos inyectables a los pacientesen sus domicilios. También se ha reconocido que se precisan actuacionesdirigidas a estandarizar las directrices y procedimientos de utilización delos medicamentos inyectables e implementar el uso de dispositivos de infusión inteligentes con software de reducción de errores de dosis, con el finde minimizar los errores en la administración de estos medicamentos. Los farmacéuticos de hospital tienen un papel clave en el desarrollo de estasactividades para que los servicios que prestan las farmacias hospitalarias europeas estén más en consonancia con los que se proporcionan en Norteamérica. (AU)

It has been known, for decades, that the use of injectable medicines inEuropean hospitals has been associated with frequent medication errors,some of which cause preventable severe harms and deaths. There havebeen national and European inquiries and reports concerning improvingpatient safety by recommending greater use of pharmacy aseptic preparation services and provision of ready-to administer injectables, which havenot been widely implemented.In England experience of treating patients with COVID-19 infectionshas brought into focus other benefits of significantly extending pharmacyaseptic preparation services. These benefits include saving nursing time,having systems in place which have resilience and capacity, reducingvariation in practice, improving clinical staff and patient experience, andenabling more injectable medicines to be administered to patients athome. It has also been recognised that more action is required to standardise policies and procedures for injectable medicines and implement theuse of smart infusion devices with dose error reduction software, to helpminimise drug administration errors.Hospital pharmacists have a key role in developing these servicesto bring European hospitals more in line with those provided by hospitalpharmacies in North America. (AU)

Humanos , Coronavírus Relacionado à Síndrome Respiratória Aguda Grave , Preparações Farmacêuticas/administração & dosagem , Hospitais , Bombas de Infusão , Injeções , Inglaterra , Erros de Medicação/prevenção & controle
Int. j. clin. health psychol. (Internet) ; 21(2): 1-10, may.-ag. 2021. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-211236


Healthcare workers play a critical role in the health of a nation, yet rates of healthcare worker stress are disproportionately high. We evaluated whether mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for life (MBCT-L), could reduce stress in healthcare workers and target a range of secondary outcomes. Method: This is the first parallel randomised controlled trial of MBCT-L. Participants were NHS workers, who were randomly assigned (1:1) to receive either MBCT-L or wait-list. The primary outcome was self-reported stress at post-intervention. Secondary variables were well-being, depression, anxiety, and work-related outcomes. Mixed regressions were used. Mindfulness and self/other-compassion were explored as potential mechanisms of effects on stress and wellbeing. Results: We assigned 234 participants to MBCT-L (n = 115) or to wait-list (n = 119). 168 (72%) participants completed the primary outcome and of those who started the MBCT-L 73.40% (n = 69) attended the majority of the sessions. MBCT-L ameliorated stress compared with controls (B = 2.60, 95% CI = 1.63‒3.56; d = -0.72; p < .0001). Effects were also found for well-being, depression and anxiety, but not for work-related outcomes. Mindfulness and self-compassion mediated effects on stress and wellbeing. Conclusions: MBCT-L could be an effective and acceptable part of a wider healthcare workers well-being and mental health strategy. (AU)

Los trabajadores sanitarios juegan un papel fundamental en la salud de una nación, pero sus tasas de estrés son desproporcionadamente altas. Se evaluó si la terapia cognitiva basada en mindfulness para la vida (MBCT-L) podría reducir el estrés y otras variables secundarias en trabajadores sanitarios. Método: Primer ensayo controlado aleatorizado de MBCT-L. Los participantes fueron asignados aleatoriamente (1:1) a un grupo MBCT-L o a una lista de espera. La variable principal fue estrés percibido (post-intervención), y las variables secundarias bienestar, depresión, ansiedad, y otras relativas al trabajo. Se utilizaron regresiones mixtas. Mindfulness y autocompasión fueron explorados como potenciales mediadores del estrés y bienestar. Resultados: 234 participantes fueron asignados a MBCT-L (n = 115) o grupo control (n = 119) y 168 (72%) participantes completaron la variable principal. Un 74% (n = 69) de quienes empezaron MBCT-L atendieron la mayoría de las sesiones. MBCT-L mejoró el estrés comparado con lista de espera (B = 2,60; 95% CI = 1,63‒3,56; d =-0,57; p < 0,0001). También se encontraron efectos en bienestar, depresión y ansiedad, pero no en variables del trabajo. Mindfulness y autocompasión mediaron efectos sobre estrés y bienestar. Conclusiones: MBCT-L podría ser una pieza eficaz y aceptable dentro de una estrategia más amplia de bienestar y salud mental para trabajadores sanitarios. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto Jovem , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Mão de Obra em Saúde , Estresse Psicológico/terapia , Saúde Mental , Atenção Plena , 16360 , Inglaterra , Inquéritos e Questionários
Rev. psicopatol. salud ment. niño adolesc ; (37): 43-58, abr. 2021. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-202160


Los objetivos de este estudio son evaluar la asociación del ciberbullying en adolescentes con su salud mental y funcionamiento mediante una en­cuesta transversal de 2.218 estudiantes de secundaria de Londres (Reino Unido). Se encontraron síntomas emo­cionales, conductuales, somáticos y deterioro en el funcionamiento escolar y relacional en los involucrados en ciberbullying, más severo en los ciberagresores-cibervíctimas. El ciberbullying se asocia a consecuencias graves para la salud mental y el funcionamiento de los adolescentes

This study aims at assessing the asso­ciation of cyberbullying in adolescents with their mental health and functioning through a cross-sectional survey of 2,218 secondary school students in London (UK). Emotional, behavioural, somatic symptoms and impairment in school and relational functioning were found in those involved in cyberbullying, more severe in cyberbullying perpetrators- cyber victims. Cyberbullying is associated with serious consequences for adolescents' mental health and functioning

Els objectius d'aquest estudi són avaluar l'associació del ciberassetjament en adolescents amb la seva salut mental I funcionament mitjançant una enquesta transversal de 2.218 estudiants de secundària de Londres (Regne Unit). Es van trobar símptomes emocionals, conductuals, somàtics I deteriorament en el funcionament escolar I relacional en els involucrats en ciberassetjament, més sever en els ciberagressors-cibervíctimes. El ciberassetjament s'associa a conseqüències greus per a la salut mental I per al funcionament dels adolescents

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Cyberbullying/psicologia , Comportamento do Adolescente/psicologia , Saúde Mental , Estudantes/psicologia , Vítimas de Crime/psicologia , Estudos Transversais , Inquéritos e Questionários , Fatores Sexuais , Inglaterra , Escalas de Graduação Psiquiátrica
Asclepio ; 72(2): 0-0, jul.-dic. 2020. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-199286


Resulta sorprendente que algunas publicaciones periódicas, editadas por personas con enfermedad mental en diversos entornos psiquiátricos, se remontan a hace casi dos siglos. Primero en las grandes instituciones psiquiátricas como parte integrante del tratamiento moral, para más recientemente dar el salto a otros entornos asistenciales y comunitarios, como son hospitales de día y comunidades terapéuticas. Sin embargo, a pesar de su dilatada historia y haber sobrevivido a las diferentes corrientes teóricas y asistenciales, siendo un fiel reflejo de sus postulados y métodos, llama la atención el poco caso e interés despertado en los ámbitos académicos en relación con su estudio y conservación, habiéndose perdido irremediablemente muchas de ellas para el futuro. El trabajo pretende rescatar del olvido dos de aquellos pioneros periódicos. Uno, "un periódico de considerable interés" en Essex (Inglaterra), que reclamaría para sí el honor de ser el primero de esas características en la historia, desplazando de esa posición a la Retreat Gazette de Connecticut (Estados Unidos). El segundo, el Sotto-Pancia, en Florencia, que precedió en el tiempo al Diario dell' ospizio di San Benedetto promovido por Lombroso en Pesaro y considerado hasta ahora el primero en Italia

It is surprising that some periodicals, edited by people with mental illness in various psychiatric settings, date back almost two centuries. First in large psychiatric institutions as an integral part of moral treatment, to make the leap more recently to other community settings, such as day hospitals and therapeutic communities. However, despite its long history and having survived the different theoretical and clinical models, being a faithful reflection of its postulates and methods, it is striking the little case and interest aroused in academic fields in relation to its study and conservation, having lost many of those publications for the future. The work aims to rescue from oblivion two of those pioneering periodicals. One, "a newspaper of considerable interest" in Essex (England), which would claim for itself the honour of being the first of these characteristics in history, displacing from that position the Retreat Gazette of Connecticut (United States). The second, the Sotto-Pancia, in Florence, which preceded to the Diario dell 'ospizio di San Benedetto promoted by Lombroso in Pesaro, that was considered so far the first in Italy

Humanos , História do Século XIX , História do Século XX , História do Século XXI , Publicações Periódicas como Assunto/história , Pessoas Mentalmente Doentes , Hospitais Psiquiátricos , Inglaterra , Itália
An. pediatr. (2003. Ed. impr.) ; 93(4): 266.e1-266.e6, oct. 2020. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-201504


El parto extrahospitalario es un tema controvertido que genera dudas a obstetras y pediatras sobre su seguridad. El nacimiento hospitalario fue la pieza clave en la reducción de la mortalidad materna y neonatal. Esta reducción en la mortalidad ha derivado en considerar el embarazo y el parto como fenómenos seguros, lo que, unido a una mayor conciencia social de la necesidad de humanización de estos procesos, ha conducido a un aumento en la demanda del parto domiciliario. Estudios en países como Australia, Holanda y Reino Unido muestran que el parto en casa puede aportar ventajas para la madre y el recién nacido, pero es necesario que se dote de los suficientes medios materiales, que sea atendido por profesionales formados y acreditados, y que se encuentre perfectamente coordinado con las unidades de obstetricia y neonatología hospitalarias, para poder garantizar su seguridad. En nuestro medio, no hay suficientes datos de seguridad ni evidencia científica que avalen el parto domiciliario en la actualidad

Home birth is a controversial issue that raises safety concerns for paediatricians and obstetricians. Hospital birth was the cornerstone to reduce maternal and neonatal mortality. This reduction in mortality has resulted in considering pregnancy and childbirth as a safe procedure, which, together with a greater social awareness of the need for the humanisation of these processes, have led to an increase in the demand for home birth. Studies from countries such as Australia, the Netherlands, and United Kingdom show that home birth can provide advantages to the mother and the newborn. It needs to be provided with sufficient material means, and should be attended by trained and accredited professionals, and needs to be perfectly coordinated with the hospital obstetrics and neonatology units, in order to guarantee its safety. Therefore, in our environment, there are no safety data or sufficient scientific evidence to support home births at present

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Recém-Nascido , Adulto , Parto Domiciliar/mortalidade , Parto Domiciliar/estatística & dados numéricos , Mortalidade Perinatal , Parto Humanizado , Segurança do Paciente , Assistência Perinatal , Morte Perinatal/prevenção & controle , Fatores de Risco , Canadá , Inglaterra , Islândia , Estados Unidos , Austrália
Rev. esp. quimioter ; 33(2): 87-93, abr. 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-197709


We describe the infections that appeared in the life and work of John Donne (1572-1631), the English metaphysical poet, mainly the exanthematic typhus that suffered and gave arise to his work Devotions upon emergent occasions, and several steps in my sickness. We discuss the vector of transmission of this disease, in comparison of other infections in that period, that Donne's scholars have related to the flea without mentioning the body louse, the true vector of the exanthematic typhus. Likewise, we mention the exanthematic typhus's symptoms in his Devotions in comparison with the Luis de Toro's or Alfonso López de Corella's works, Spanish doctors in those times and the first doctors in write books about the disease, and the singular treatment of pigeon carcasses on the soles of the feet in English Doctors but not in Spanish Doctors

Se describen las infecciones que aparecieron en la vida y la obra de John Donne (1572-1631), el poeta metafísico inglés, principalmente el tifus epidémico que padeció y que dio lugar a su obra "Devotions upon emergent ocassions, and several steps in my sickness". Discutimos el vector transmisor de la enfermedad, en comparación de otras infecciones en ese periodo, que los estudiosos de Donne han relacionado a las pulgas y sin mencionar el piojo del cuerpo que es el verdadero vector del tifus epidémico. Además, mencionamos los síntomas de la enfermedad en su obra "Devotions" en comparación con los trabajos de Luis de Toro o Alfonso López Corella, médicos españoles de su tiempo y los primeros en escribir los tratados sobre la enfermedad, y el tratamiento singular de las carcasas de palomas en las palmas y plantas de los pies en los médicos ingleses pero no presente en los médicos españoles

Humanos , História do Século XVI , História do Século XVII , História do Século XX , Tifo Endêmico Transmitido por Pulgas/história , Tifo Epidêmico Transmitido por Piolhos/história , Inglaterra , Peste/história , Poesia como Assunto/história , Tifo Endêmico Transmitido por Pulgas/epidemiologia , Tifo Epidêmico Transmitido por Piolhos/epidemiologia
Pharm. pract. (Granada, Internet) ; 18(1): 0-0, ene.-mar. 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-195730


The United Kingdom health and care system is changing dramatically to meet the health challenges of the 21st century. People will increasingly have multiple morbidities. The focus of service delivery is changing from hospital to community, patient to population and curative to preventive. This paper describes the NHS and primary care and community pharmacy in England at the start of 2020, a time of great change. The 10-year vison for the NHS is that everyone gets the best start in life, world class care for major health problems supporting people to age well. It has over 40 mentions of pharmacists and pharmacy. The key aims of the plan are to improve 'out-of-hospital' care, and finally dissolve the historic divide between primary and community health service in England. All of England is covered by integrated care systems and the newly formed primary care networks which will form the foundation of these new systems. Pharmacy is involved at multiple levels. There are 11,569 community pharmacies and most of their total income comes from the NHS (range 68-85%). Around 60% pharmacies are part of multiple chains, with the remaining 40% independents or small chains of less than six outlets. The new five-year community pharmacy contract provides an opportunity to develop community pharmacy and move towards service delivery away from dispensing volume. The new services are described under medicines optimisation, prevention and urgent care. The pharmacy quality scheme is also described. The new deal will help many community pharmacies to plan their future, particularly for those pharmacies who are ready and able to change and work closely with pharmacists and other health professionals in collaboration with Primary Care Networks. There will be specific challenges around: dispensing efficiencies, freeing up pharmacists' time, wider use of clinical skills of community pharmacists, community pharmacy viability and consolidations

No disponible

Humanos , Atenção Primária à Saúde/organização & administração , Política de Saúde/tendências , Serviços Comunitários de Farmácia/organização & administração , Inglaterra , Atenção à Saúde/organização & administração , Segurança do Paciente , Vacinação/tendências
Dynamis (Granada) ; 40(1): 23-47, 2020.
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-200300


Cuando, en enero de 1939, el fin de la República se volvió trágicamente inevitable, miles de personas tanto civiles como militares, huyeron al norte, a Francia, en lo que se conocería como la «Retirada». Fueron acompañadas por voluntarios de varias agencias humanitarias, entre las cuales destacaron los cuáqueros británicos. Éstos distribuyeron alimentos y ropa, y proporcionaron ayuda médica a las muchedumbres de refugiados a lo largo del camino hacia la frontera. Los cuáqueros atendieron, por un lado, a las mujeres y los niños que fueron diseminados por la amplia geografía francesa y, por otro, prestaron ayuda a los centenares de miles de refugiados que fueron Conducidos a las playas y cercados por alambradas de espino, sin cobijo, ni comida, ni letrinas. Los cuáqueros fueron los primeros en conseguir los permisos necesarios para acceder a los campos de internamiento a fin de paliar, en la medida de lo posible, la magnitud de la tragedia, aportando no solamente los elementos más básicos, como alimentos y ropa, sino también lápices y cuadernos para escribir, así como herramientas y materiales de todo tipo para trabajar. Además, la intervención de los cuáqueros fue decisiva, en muchos casos, para librar de la pesadilla de los campos a numerosos refugiados

No disponible

Humanos , História do Século XX , Campos de Concentração/história , Socorro em Desastres/história , Protestantismo/história , França , Espanha/etnologia , Inglaterra/etnologia , Conflitos Armados/história
Gac. sanit. (Barc., Ed. impr.) ; 33(2): 148-155, mar.-abr. 2019. tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-183677


Objective: To explore general practitioner (GP) training, continuing professional development, scope of practice, ethical issues and challenges in the working environment in three European countries. Method: Qualitative study of 35 GPs from England, Germany and Spain working in urban primary care practices. Participants were recruited using convenience and snowball sampling techniques. Semi-structured interviews were recorded, transcribed and analysed by four independent researchers adopting a thematic approach. Results: Entrance to and length of GP training differ between the three countries, while continuing professional development is required in all three, although with different characteristics. Key variations in the scope of practice include whether there is a gatekeeping role, whether GPs work in multidisciplinary teams or singlehandedly, the existence of appraisal processes, and the balance between administrative and clinical tasks. However, similar challenges, including the need to adapt to an ageing population, end-of-life care, ethical dilemmas, the impact of austerity measures, limited time for patients and gaps in coordination between primary and secondary care are experienced by GPs in all three countries. Conclusion: Primary health care variations have strong historical roots, derived from the different national experiences and the range of clinical services delivered by GPs. There is a need for an accessible source of information for GPs themselves and those responsible for safety and quality standards of the healthcare workforce. This paper maps out the current situation before Brexit is being implemented in the UK which could see many of the current EU arrangements and legislation to assure professional mobility between the UK and the rest of Europe dismantled

Objetivo: Analizar la formación, el desarrollo profesional continuado, el ámbito de práctica, las cuestiones éticas y los retos en el entorno laboral de los médicos de atención primaria en tres países europeos. Método: Estudio cualitativo de 35 médicos de atención primaria de Inglaterra, Alemania y España que trabajan en centros urbanos de atención primaria. Se reclutó a los participantes utilizando técnicas de muestreo de oportunidad y con efecto multiplicador. Se registraron, transcribieron y analizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas realizadas por cuatro investigadores independientes, quienes adoptaron un enfoque temático. Resultados: El acceso y la duración de la formación del médico de atención primaria difieren entre los tres países, mientras que se requiere desarrollo profesional continuado en los tres, aunque con características diferentes. Las variaciones clave en el ámbito de la práctica incluyen la existencia de un papel curativo, si el trabajo de médico de atención primaria se realiza en equipos multidisciplinarios o de manera individual, la existencia de procesos de valoración, y el equilibrio entre las tareas administrativas y clínicas. Sin embargo, los médicos de atención primaria en los tres países se enfrentan a retos similares, que incluyen la necesidad de adaptarse al envejecimiento de la población, la atención al final de la vida, el impacto de las medidas de austeridad, la limitación del tiempo de dedicación al paciente, y las brechas en cuanto a coordinación entre la atención primaria y secundaria. Conclusión: Las variaciones de la atención primaria tienen fuertes raíces históricas, que se derivan de las diferentes experiencias nacionales y el rango de los servicios clínicos proporcionados por los médicos de atención primaria. Existe una necesidad de fuentes de información accesibles para dichos médicos, y aquellos responsables de los estándares de seguridad y calidad del personal sanitario. Este trabajo esboza la situación actual que está siendo implementada en el Reino Unido con anterioridad al Brexit, que podría vislumbrar muchos de los acuerdos y legislaciones actuales de la UE para garantizar la movilidad profesional entre el Reino Unido y el resto de la Europa desmantelada

Humanos , Medicina de Família e Comunidade/educação , Atenção Primária à Saúde/tendências , Temas Bioéticos , Competência Profissional/estatística & dados numéricos , Capacitação Profissional , Inglaterra/epidemiologia , Espanha/epidemiologia , Alemanha/epidemiologia , Desenvolvimento de Pessoal/tendências , Pesquisa Qualitativa
An Real Acad Farm ; 85(1): 20-48, ene.-mar. 2019. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-186114


La contribución de Teophilus Redwood tanto a la Farmacopea Británica como a la Farmacia Práctica son perfiladas en esta parte del trabajo. El galés Redwood es uno de los héroes de la farmacia británica, y la Escuela de Farmacia de la Universidad de Cardiff lleva su nombre: Edificio Redwood. Se consideran los comienzos de la "Pharmaceutical Society" y de la "Chemical Society", ambas fundadas el mismo año, en 1841. La fundación de ambas instituciones fue un hecho decisivo en el establecimiento de la farmacia y la química como disciplinas académicas distintivas. Seis de los veintitrés miembros honorarios elegidos por la "Pharmaceutical Society" en 1841, se encontraban entre los fundadores de la "Chemical Society". Redwood ocupó durante unos veinte años seguidos puestos directivos en la "Chemical Society": miembro del Consejo (1849-50), Secretario (1851-65), Tesorero (1865-69) y Vicepresidente (1869-72). Se ofrece un breve resumen de los Congresos Internacionales de Farmacia. Redwood fue Presidente del 5º Congreso internacional de Farmacia, celebrado en Londres, que puede considerarse como una de las etapas previas en la creación de la Federación Farmacéutica Internacional (FIP)

Theophilus Redwood contribution to both the British Pharmacopeia and Practical Pharmacy are outlined in this part of the paper. The Welsh Redwood is one of the heroes of the British pharmacy and the building of the School of Pharmacy of the University of Cardiff takes his name: Redwood building. The beginnings of the Pharmaceutical Society and Chemical Society, both institutions founded in the same year, 1841, are outlined. The founding of both was a decisive event in the establishment of pharmacy and chemistry as distinctive academic disciplines. Six of the twenty-three honorary members elected by the Pharmaceutical Society in 1841 were among the founders of the Chemical Society. Redwood held executive positions in the Chemical Society for twenty consecutive years: Council member (1849-50), Secretary (1851-65), Treasurer (1865-69) and Vicepresident (1869-72). An overview of the International Congresses of Pharmacy is given. Redwood was President of the fifth International Congress of Pharmacy celebrated in London, one of the stages in the creation of the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP)

Humanos , História do Século XIX , História da Farmácia , Farmacopeias como Assunto/história , Inglaterra , Farmacêuticos , Sociedades Farmacêuticas
Rev. esp. investig. quir ; 22(3): 119-121, 2019. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-186043


La participación de la mujer en determinadas profesiones y oficios a lo largo de la historia en muchas ocasiones le ha sido restringida y a veces prohibida. Una de las profesiones que en pasado presentaba múltiples dificultades para ser ejercida por la mujer, ha sido la medicina y muy especialmente la cirugía. Existe un caso insólito que tuvo lugar en el siglo XIX y fue el de una mujer Margaret Ann Bulkley, que ejerció la cirugía como varón con el nombre de James Barry, ostentando cargos de responsabilidad en el ejército británico y que su situación y sexo, no fue descubierto hasta después de su muerte. Su historia se puede considerar insólita y extraña, y más teniendo en consideración, el periodo de tiempo y el perfil de la sociedad en la que la toco vivir

The participation of women in certain professions and trades throughout history has often been restricted and sometimes prohibited. One of the professions that in the past presented multiple difficulties to be exercised by women, has been medicine and especially surgery. There is an unusual case that took place in the nineteenth century and was that of a woman Margaret Ann Bulkley, who performed surgery as a man by the name of James Barry, holding positions of responsibility in the British army and that her situation and sex, not He was discovered until after his death. Its history can be considered unusual and strange, and more taking into consideration, the period of time and the profile of the society in which I live it

Humanos , História do Século XVIII , História do Século XIX , Identidade de Gênero , Medicina Militar/história , Retratos como Assunto , Inglaterra
Sanid. mil ; 74(4): 260-262, oct.-dic. 2018. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-182309


La misión principal del Royal Centre for Defence Medicine es proporcionar apoyo sanitario a las operaciones militares, actuando como último escalón sanitario con capacidad de Role 4 en Reino Unido. Además, proporciona atención secundaria y especializada para miembros de las Fuerzas Armadas Británicas. Es un centro de formación para el personal sanitario militar y un núcleo de investigación médica militar

The mission of the Royal Centre for Defence Medicine is to provide medical support to all military operations, acting as the last echelon of treatment; in its capacity as the Role 4 hospital in the United Kingdom (UK). In addition, it provides secondary care and specialist opinions for members of the UK Armed Forces. It is a training centre for defence medical personnel, and a focus for military medical research

Instalações Militares/organização & administração , Hospitais Militares/organização & administração , Serviços Hospitalares , Instalações Militares/história , Hospitais Militares/história , Medicina Militar , Inglaterra
Cir. mayor ambul ; 23(1): 23-27, ene.-mar. 2018. tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-173484


Introduction: The development of a new cohort of procedures suitable for Ambulatory Surgery has been recently mooted by the International Association of Ambulatory Surgery.This paper describes a ten year audit of performance of such operations in England, calculating rates for admission, treatment and discharge over the same calendar day. Methods: Data were extrapolated from NHS Digital information for the years 2006-7 to 2016-17, by subtracting emergency operations from the total number of finished consultant episodes, and then calculating the ambulatory surgery rate. Results: There has been a consistent increase in the rates of ambulatory surgery for the periods evaluated. Procedures can be divided into "mature", "rapidly rising" and "low threshold" categories, dependent upon their relative rates. Conclusion: Retrospective audit of ambulatory surgery performance allows assessment of national status to facilitate further development of the speciality

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Humanos , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Ambulatórios/estatística & dados numéricos , Complicações Pós-Operatórias/epidemiologia , Inglaterra , Auditoria Clínica/estatística & dados numéricos , Estudos Retrospectivos , Hospitalização/estatística & dados numéricos
Dynamis (Granada) ; 38(2): 453-476, 2018.
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-177194


Las relaciones entre medicina y poder han sido parte fundamental de las preocupaciones de la historia de la medicina, muy especialmente desde los trabajos de Michel Foucault, alrededor del concepto de biopoder. En este artículo nos desmarcamos ligeramente de este programa de investigación y buscamos una aproximación distinta. Partiendo de un caso sobradamente conocido (la alimentación forzada de las presas sufragistas en la Inglaterra eduardiana), buscamos reconocer y analizar aquellas prácticas materiales que relacionan a la medicina, en tanto que disciplina de conocimiento, con la práctica del poder por parte del Estado. En nuestro análisis empleamos la metáfora dramatúrgica, en la que entendemos que determinadas formas de poder son, sobre todo, representación. O lo que es lo mismo, lo son en tanto que se ejecutan frente a un "público", de una forma determinada y con el "atrezo" adecuado. En este artículo entendemos que la forma de poder que ejerce la medicina, y que identificamos como "paternalismo", es un poder de este tipo. Para explorar su funcionamiento ponemos en relación dos fenómenos: por un lado, la estrategia paternalista, analizada a través de diversos estudios de historia de las relaciones laborales; y por otro, las prácticas materiales y los objetos con los que se realizó la alimentación forzada de las sufragistas. Nuestras conclusiones son dobles: en primer lugar, concluimos que el paternalismo (entendido como una relación de poder determinada históricamente) se encuentra embebido en la cultura material médica, hasta el punto de que no podemos pensarlo sin incluir los objetos concretos en los que se actualiza. En segundo lugar, proponemos entender las relaciones entre medicina y poder a través de la idea de "poder pastoral" desarrollado por Foucault en sus últimos años, lo que facilita una lectura distinta y potencialmente muy productiva del devenir de la disciplina durante los siglos XIX y XX

Relationships between medicine and power have been a major concern in the History of Medicine, especially in the works of Michel Foucault around the concept of biopower. In this article, we slightly distance ourselves from this research program and seek a distinct approach. Starting from an extremely well-known case, the force feeding of suffragettes in Edwardian England, our aim was to identify and analyze material practices that relate medicine, as a knowledge discipline, to the practice of power by the State. In our analysis, we use the metaphor of the theater, understanding that certain forms of power are above all representation, in that they are performed in front of an "audience" in a certain manner and with the appropriate "props". In this article, we understand that the form of power exerted by medicine, which we identify as paternalism, is power of this type. We explore its functioning in relation to two phenomena: on one hand, the paternalist strategy, analyzed through various studies on the history of labor relationships; and on the other hand, the material practices and objects by which suffragists were force-fed. We draw dual conclusions: first, that paternalism (understood as a historically determined power relationship) is embedded in medical material culture, to the point that we cannot think of it without including the specific objects in which it in actualized; and second, that the relationships between medicine and power can be understood through the idea of pastoral power developed by Foucault in his final years, facilitating a distinct and potentially highly productive reading of the progression of the discipline during the 19th and 20th centuries

Humanos , Feminino , História do Século XX , Fome , Prisioneiros/história , Feminismo/história , Direitos Humanos , Poder Psicológico , História da Medicina , Direitos da Mulher , Inglaterra
Dynamis (Granada) ; 38(2): 477-504, 2018. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-177195


Este ensayo analiza el proceso de cambio que experimentó el Natural History Museum (NHM) de Londres en su programa expositivo a lo largo de la década de 1970 durante el desarrollo del denominado New Exhibition Scheme (NES), que pasó de un discurso basado en especímenes reales a uno centrado en medios audiovisuales, dispositivos interactivos y guiones altamente estructurados. El NES contemplaba diez exposiciones permanentes, comenzando con la exposición Human Biology, an Exhibition of Ourselves, inaugurada en 1977 y que es el caso de estudio del artículo. Una serie de factores, como aquí se sugiere, alentaron y aceleraron un cambio tan significativo, ya que el Museo tuvo que justificar que se trataba de una institución responsable socialmente. A partir de ese momento, el visitante adquirió un mayor protagonismo, por encima, incluso, de las colecciones y las exposiciones. Nuevos profesionales del museo se incorporaron al proceso de creación expositiva, desplazando a los conservadores, que tradicionalmente se habían encargado de dichas labores, desde valores y prácticas muy distintas. Recurrieron a los dispositivos audiovisuales e interactivos para combinar educación y entretenimiento y buscaron una aproximación pedagógica que equilibrara dos teorías educativas recientes como el aprendizaje programado y el aprendizaje por descubrimiento

This article analyzes changes made in the exhibition program of the London Natural History Museum (NHM) throughout the 1970s, moving from a discourse based on real specimens to one centered on audiovisual media, interactive devices, and highly structured scripts. We explore the difficult economic state of the United Kingdom at this time, which impacted on the funding for museums in general and for the NHM in particular. We suggest that this situation encouraged and accelerated these major changes, given that the Museum had to demonstrate that it was a socially responsible institution. From this time on, the visitor acquired greater importance, even above that of the collections. Designers of exhibitions turned to the latest education and communication theories and exhibition techniques in order to combine education and entertainment. New professionals at the Museum were incorporated into the exhibition creation process, replacing curators who were traditionally responsible for this work and had very different values and practices

Humanos , História do Século XX , Exposições Científicas , Educação/métodos , Centros Interativos e Exposições de Ciência e Tecnologia , Museus/história , Inglaterra
Pharm. pract. (Granada, Internet) ; 15(3): 0-0, jul.-sept. 2017. tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-165681


Background: Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) are a major public health problem. Prompt reporting of suspected ADRs is fundamental in the post-marketing surveillance of medicines and helps in ensuring medicine safety. However, fewer ADRs are reported in general and in particular by community pharmacists. There is limited knowledge about the factors which are preventing community pharmacists in the UK from reporting an ADR. Objectives: To identify the barriers to ADR reporting among community pharmacists practicing in the UK. Methods: A cross sectional study using a 25-items questionnaire (both online and paper based) including 10 barriers to ADR reporting was conducted from 1st April 2012 to September 2012. Community pharmacists practicing in the West Midlands, UK, were approached for the participation in this study. Chi-Square and regression were applied to identify covariates for the barriers to ADR reporting. A significant value of 0.05 was assigned for analysis. Results: Of the 230 invited community pharmacists, 138 pharmacists responded (response rate 60%). The median age of respondents was 31 years. All pharmacists reported that they would report both serious and mild ADRs from drugs with black triangle among children as well as adults. About 95% (n=131) of the pharmacists were familiar with the paper based ADR reporting system. Store-based pharmacists were more likely to be more confident about which ADRs to report [0.680, 95% Confidence Interval 0.43-3.59]. Lack of time 46.4% (n=64), and pharmacists perception that ADR is not serious enough to report (65.2%; n=90) were identified as barriers to ADR reporting. Majority 63.0% (n=87) of the pharmacists identified training and information about what to report and access to Information Technology (IT) (For example access to internet connection) 61.6% (n=85) as facilitators to ADR reporting process. Conclusion: Lack of time and ADRs considered not serious enough by pharmacists to report were barriers to ADR reporting. Further training and education about the types of ADRs to be reported can help to improve the reporting of ADRs (AU)

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Humanos , Efeitos Colaterais e Reações Adversas Relacionados a Medicamentos/epidemiologia , Farmácias/organização & administração , Atitude do Pessoal de Saúde , Estudos Transversais/métodos , Estudos Transversais , Inglaterra/epidemiologia , Inquéritos e Questionários , 28599
Pharm. pract. (Granada, Internet) ; 14(3): 0-0, jul.-sept. 2016. tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-156626


Objective: Patients' opinion about prevalence of pharmaceutical services available in a community pharmacy among patients living in a rural area of the United Kingdom. The secondary objective was to identify appropriate action(s) to enhance patients’ awareness of pharmaceutical services in rural areas. Methods: A self-administered, anonymous questionnaire was distributed to patients visiting a community pharmacy in Eye, Suffolk, United Kingdom between July and August, 2015. The main inclusion criterion was living in a rural area. Comparisons were performed using chi-square tests and logistic regression. Results: The study included 103 respondents: 70 women (69.0%) and 33 men (32.0%), aged 16-85 years. Most respondents declared the primary tasks of a community pharmacy were dispensing medicines (86.4% of respondents) and repeat dispensing (72.8% of respondents). Additionally, 23.3% of respondents treated minor ailments at the pharmacy, including bacterial/viral infections, minor injuries, stomach problems, and allergies. The Medicines Use Review service was the only advanced service used in this pharmacy (12.6% of respondents), primarily by men. Younger patients were more familiar with the term of pharmaceutical care (p<0.05; OR=0.33). Conclusions: Only a few pharmaceutical services are utilized by people living in rural areas in the UK, namely prescription dispensing, repeat dispensing, and sale of medications that support self-care for minor ailments. We found an overall poor awareness of the expanded variety of pharmaceutical services encouraged by the community pharmacy contract introduced in the UK in 2005. Therefore, politicians, pharmacists, and pharmacy experts should actively promote these advanced pharmaceutical services in rural areas (AU)

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Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto Jovem , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Farmácias/organização & administração , Serviço de Farmácia Hospitalar/métodos , Serviço de Farmácia Hospitalar , Serviços Comunitários de Farmácia/organização & administração , Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Prática em Saúde , População Rural/estatística & dados numéricos , Serviços de Saúde Rural/organização & administração , Inquéritos e Questionários , Inglaterra/epidemiologia , Razão de Chances , 28599