This study aimed to evaluate the relationship of edaphic fauna under a no-tillage system with different levels of soybean productivity [High (NTH), Medium (NTM) and Low (NTL)] in the west of Santa Catarina (Brazil), identifying which chemical and physical variables most affect them, and the best indicators that can be used. Native forest (NF) areas were used as a reference. A total of 207 samples of soil fauna were collected by soil monolith and pitfall trap methods over two years of evaluation in four municipalities. Based on edaphic fauna data, Shannon-Wiener (H), Pielou (J), Dominance (D), Margalef and Fisher Alpha (α) indices were generated, in addition to the average richness and abundance. Data from NTs were submitted to analysis of variance and compared by Tukey's test (p > 0.05). The NF was used as a reference and compared with the agriculture system by Dunnett test (p > 0.05), and regressions between soybean productivity and diversity indices. The H, Margalef, α indices, and average richness for soil fauna sampled by soil monoliths followed the productivity gradient NTH > NTM > NTL, showing a positive correlation with the increase of soybean productivity. NTH has a diversity index similar to that of NF. Soybean productivity is affected by the richness and diversity of edaphic fauna, but abundance was not sensitive in predicting treatments under no-tillage; Fisher's alpha index was more sensitive in treatment separation with soil monoliths. The environmental variables aluminum, organic matter, phosphorus, potassium and penetration resistance affect the fauna edaphic.
Biologia do Solo/análise , Qualidade do Solo , Glycine max/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Agricultura SustentávelResumo
Spiders are part of the soil biodiversity, considered fundamental to the food chain hierarchy, directly and indirectly influencing several services in agricultural and forest ecosystems. The present study aimed to evaluate the biodiversity of soil spider families and identify which soil properties influence their presence, as well as proposing families as potential bioindicators. Native forest (NF) and reforested sites (RF) with Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol.) Kuntze were evaluated in three regions of the state São Paulo, both in the winter and summer. Fifteen soil samples were collected from each forest to evaluate the biological (spiders and microbiological), chemical and physical soil properties, in addition to properties of the litter (dry matter and C, N and S contents). For soil spiders, two sampling methods were used: pitfall traps and soil monoliths. In total, 591 individuals were collected, and distributed in 30 families, of which 306 individuals (22 families) came from pitfall traps and 285 individuals (26 families) from monoliths. Only samples obtained by the monolith method revealed seasonal differences in the mean density and richness of spiders between NF and RF. Canonical discriminant analysis showed the separation of these forests of Araucaria. Principal Component Analysis demonstrated the correlation of a number of spider families with certain soil properties (organic carbon, basal respiration, metabolic quotient, litter carbon, total porosity, bulk density and soil moisture). We identified 10 families (Anapidae, Corinnidae, Dipluridae, Hahniidae, Linyphiidae, Lycosidae, Nemesiidae, Palpimanidae, Salticidae, Scytodidae) that contributed most to separating native forest from the replanted forest, indicating the possibility of the spiders being used as bioindicators.
Animais , Aranhas , Biodiversidade , Características do Solo/análise , Qualidade do SoloResumo
This study aimed to evaluate the relationship of edaphic fauna under a no-tillage system with different levels of soybean productivity [High (NTH), Medium (NTM) and Low (NTL)] in the west of Santa Catarina (Brazil), identifying which chemical and physical variables most affect them, and the best indicators that can be used. Native forest (NF) areas were used as a reference. A total of 207 samples of soil fauna were collected by soil monolith and pitfall trap methods over two years of evaluation in four municipalities. Based on edaphic fauna data, Shannon-Wiener (H), Pielou (J), Dominance (D), Margalef and Fisher Alpha (α) indices were generated, in addition to the average richness and abundance. Data from NTs were submitted to analysis of variance and compared by Tukey's test (p > 0.05). The NF was used as a reference and compared with the agriculture system by Dunnett test (p > 0.05), and regressions between soybean productivity and diversity indices. The H, Margalef, α indices, and average richness for soil fauna sampled by soil monoliths followed the productivity gradient NTH > NTM > NTL, showing a positive correlation with the increase of soybean productivity. NTH has a diversity index similar to that of NF. Soybean productivity is affected by the richness and diversity of edaphic fauna, but abundance was not sensitive in predicting treatments under no-tillage; Fisher's alpha index was more sensitive in treatment separation with soil monoliths. The environmental variables aluminum, organic matter, phosphorus, potassium and penetration resistance affect the fauna edaphic.(AU)
Glycine max/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Qualidade do Solo , Biologia do Solo/análise , Agricultura SustentávelResumo
Spiders are part of the soil biodiversity, considered fundamental to the food chain hierarchy, directly and indirectly influencing several services in agricultural and forest ecosystems. The present study aimed to evaluate the biodiversity of soil spider families and identify which soil properties influence their presence, as well as proposing families as potential bioindicators. Native forest (NF) and reforested sites (RF) with Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol.) Kuntze were evaluated in three regions of the state São Paulo, both in the winter and summer. Fifteen soil samples were collected from each forest to evaluate the biological (spiders and microbiological), chemical and physical soil properties, in addition to properties of the litter (dry matter and C, N and S contents). For soil spiders, two sampling methods were used: pitfall traps and soil monoliths. In total, 591 individuals were collected, and distributed in 30 families, of which 306 individuals (22 families) came from pitfall traps and 285 individuals (26 families) from monoliths. Only samples obtained by the monolith method revealed seasonal differences in the mean density and richness of spiders between NF and RF. Canonical discriminant analysis showed the separation of these forests of Araucaria. Principal Component Analysis demonstrated the correlation of a number of spider families with certain soil properties (organic carbon, basal respiration, metabolic quotient, litter carbon, total porosity, bulk density and soil moisture). We identified 10 families (Anapidae, Corinnidae, Dipluridae, Hahniidae, Linyphiidae, Lycosidae, Nemesiidae, Palpimanidae, Salticidae, Scytodidae) that contributed most to separating native forest from the replanted forest, indicating the possibility of the spiders being used as bioindicators.(AU)
Animais , Aranhas , Biodiversidade , Características do Solo/análise , Qualidade do SoloResumo
ABSTRACT Studies of the successive application of manure as fertilizer and its combined effect with long-term soil management systems are important to the identification of the interdependence of physical attributes. The aim of this study was to evaluate changes in the physical properties of a Rhodic Kandiudox under management systems employing successive applications of pig slurry and poultry litter, and select physical indicators that distinguish these systems using canonical discriminant analysis (CDA). The systems consisting of treatments including land use, management and the application time of organic fertilizers are described as follows: silage maize under no-tillage (NT-M7 years); silage maize under conventional tillage (CT-M20 years); annual pasture with chisel plowing (CP-P3 years); annual pasture with chisel plowing (CP-P15 years); perennial pasture without tillage (NT-PP20 years); and no-tillage yerba mate (NT-YM20 years) and were compared with native forest (NF) and native pasture (NP). Soil samples were collected from the layers at the following depths: 0.0-0.05, 0.05-0.10, and 0.10-0.20 m, and were analyzed for bulk density, porosity, aggregation, flocculation, penetration resistance, water availability and total clay content. Canonical discriminant analysis was an important tool in the study of physical indicators of soil quality. Organic fertilization, along with soil management, influences soil structure and its porosity. Total porosity was the most important physical property in the distinction of areas with management systems and application times of manure for the 0.0-0.05 and 0.10-0.20 m layers. Soil aeration and micropores differentiated areas in the 0.05-0.10 m layer. Animal trampling and machinery traffic were the main factors inducing compaction of this clayey soil.
Background: Even though insecticides are managed and the period of sanitary emptiness in poultry is respected, the elimination of Alphitobius diaperinus may not be successful. The use of essential oils of plant origin presents as a good alternative in the substitution of insecticides with synthetic molecules, since they are easy to obtain, with rapid degradation and without risk of residues for non-target organisms. The main objective of the present study was to examine whether Cinnamomum zeylanicum oil reduces Alphitobius diaperinus (Panzer) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) infestations under experimental conditions, without causing toxicity to broilers chicks exposed to treated litter.Materials, Methods & Results: The experimental design was completely randomized, with four replications per treatment. The treatments were as follows: solvent control using the diluent Dimethyl Sulfoxide 5% (oil diluent); chemical control using 5 g/m² cypermethrin; one spray of C. zeylanicum 5% oil; and two sprays of C. zeylanicum 5% oil. Each experimental unit was infested with 150 lesser mealworm adults. At 15 days of the broiler chicks life, blood was collected for biochemical analysis (alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, total protein, albumin, globulin, triglycerides and uric acid), and liver fragments were isolated for histopathological analysis. Using TupeTrap devices, we counted lesser mealworm 40 days after treatment. The treatments did not alter biochemical variables, and did not cause histopathological lesions in liver. The treatments with C. zeylanicum 5% oil with one and two sprays efficiently reduced lesser mealworm infestation compared with solvent control. Cypermethrin treatment had no effect. Discussion: Many of the commercial products present low effectiveness in the control of A. diaperinus, since the target organisms develop resistance to the product.[...]
Animais , Cinnamomum zeylanicum/toxicidade , Controle de Pragas , Galinhas/parasitologia , Inseticidas , Tenebrio , Óleos VoláteisResumo
ABSTRACT Studies of the successive application of manure as fertilizer and its combined effect with long-term soil management systems are important to the identification of the interdependence of physical attributes. The aim of this study was to evaluate changes in the physical properties of a Rhodic Kandiudox under management systems employing successive applications of pig slurry and poultry litter, and select physical indicators that distinguish these systems using canonical discriminant analysis (CDA). The systems consisting of treatments including land use, management and the application time of organic fertilizers are described as follows: silage maize under no-tillage (NT-M7 years); silage maize under conventional tillage (CT-M20 years); annual pasture with chisel plowing (CP-P3 years); annual pasture with chisel plowing (CP-P15 years); perennial pasture without tillage (NT-PP20 years); and no-tillage yerba mate (NT-YM20 years) and were compared with native forest (NF) and native pasture (NP). Soil samples were collected from the layers at the following depths: 0.0-0.05, 0.05-0.10, and 0.10-0.20 m, and were analyzed for bulk density, porosity, aggregation, flocculation, penetration resistance, water availability and total clay content. Canonical discriminant analysis was an important tool in the study of physical indicators of soil quality. Organic fertilization, along with soil management, influences soil structure and its porosity. Total porosity was the most important physical property in the distinction of areas with management systems and application times of manure for the 0.0-0.05 and 0.10-0.20 m layers. Soil aeration and micropores differentiated areas in the 0.05-0.10 m layer. Animal trampling and machinery traffic were the main factors inducing compaction of this clayey soil.
Background: Even though insecticides are managed and the period of sanitary emptiness in poultry is respected, the elimination of Alphitobius diaperinus may not be successful. The use of essential oils of plant origin presents as a good alternative in the substitution of insecticides with synthetic molecules, since they are easy to obtain, with rapid degradation and without risk of residues for non-target organisms. The main objective of the present study was to examine whether Cinnamomum zeylanicum oil reduces Alphitobius diaperinus (Panzer) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) infestations under experimental conditions, without causing toxicity to broilers chicks exposed to treated litter.Materials, Methods & Results: The experimental design was completely randomized, with four replications per treatment. The treatments were as follows: solvent control using the diluent Dimethyl Sulfoxide 5% (oil diluent); chemical control using 5 g/m² cypermethrin; one spray of C. zeylanicum 5% oil; and two sprays of C. zeylanicum 5% oil. Each experimental unit was infested with 150 lesser mealworm adults. At 15 days of the broiler chicks life, blood was collected for biochemical analysis (alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, total protein, albumin, globulin, triglycerides and uric acid), and liver fragments were isolated for histopathological analysis. Using TupeTrap devices, we counted lesser mealworm 40 days after treatment. The treatments did not alter biochemical variables, and did not cause histopathological lesions in liver. The treatments with C. zeylanicum 5% oil with one and two sprays efficiently reduced lesser mealworm infestation compared with solvent control. Cypermethrin treatment had no effect. Discussion: Many of the commercial products present low effectiveness in the control of A. diaperinus, since the target organisms develop resistance to the product.[...](AU)
Animais , Cinnamomum zeylanicum/toxicidade , Inseticidas , Tenebrio , Galinhas/parasitologia , Controle de Pragas , Óleos VoláteisResumo
Studies of the successive application of manure as fertilizer and its combined effect with long-term soil management systems are important to the identification of the interdependence of physical attributes. The aim of this study was to evaluate changes in the physical properties of a Rhodic Kandiudox under management systems employing successive applications of pig slurry and poultry litter, and select physical indicators that distinguish these systems using canonical discriminant analysis (CDA). The systems consisting of treatments including land use, management and the application time of organic fertilizers are described as follows: silage maize under no-tillage (NT-M7 years); silage maize under conventional tillage (CT-M20 years); annual pasture with chisel plowing (CP-P3 years); annual pasture with chisel plowing (CP-P15 years); perennial pasture without tillage (NT-PP20 years); and no-tillage yerba mate (NT-YM20 years) and were compared with native forest (NF) and native pasture (NP). Soil samples were collected from the layers at the following depths: 0.0-0.05, 0.05-0.10, and 0.10-0.20 m, and were analyzed for bulk density, porosity, aggregation, flocculation, penetration resistance, water availability and total clay content. Canonical discriminant analysis was an important tool in the study of physical indicators of soil quality. Organic fertilization, along with soil management, influences soil structure and its porosity. Total porosity was the most important physical property in the distinction of areas with management systems and application times of manure for the 0.0-0.05 and 0.10-0.20 m layers. Soil aeration and micropores differentiated areas in the 0.05-0.10 m layer. Animal trampling and machinery traffic were the main factors inducing compaction of this clayey soil.(AU)
Zonas Agrícolas/métodos , Esterco , Qualidade do SoloResumo
Background: Alphitobius diaperinus, known as the lesser mealworm, is recognized as a problem for the poultry production sector. Several chemical methods have been employed in an attempt to control it, without successful results. Thus, alternative methods should be considered as an interesting approach to control this type of infestation. A recent study showed that glycerol monolaurate (GML) possesses insecticidal effect against bees. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate, for the first time, the effect of GLM against the larval and adult forms of the lesser mealworm in vitro, and to verify whether GLM treated poultry litter used as soil fertilizer exerts any negative effect on its fauna.Materials, Methods & Results: In vitro tests were performed using three concentrations of GLM: 0.2, 0.4 and 1 mg mL-1, and the number of dead larvae and adults of A. diaperinus was counted on days 0, 2, 5 and 8 post-treatment. Poultry litter was pulverized with 1 mg mL-1 of GML, maintained under controlled conditions for 20 days and revolved every two days. Two ecotoxicological tests were performed using Enchytraeus crypticus. In the first test, GML was applied directly into the soil at doses of 0.5, 1 and 2 mg kg-1 of soil, while the second test used poultry litter as soil fertilizer at concentrations of 0, 2, 4 and 8 tons per hectare. Insecticidal action of GML against larvae and adults of A. diaperinus where only the 1 mg mL-1 concentration showed positive effect. GML caused 100% mortality of larvae two days after the beginning of treatment. Similarly, GML showed high efficacy to control adult forms of A. diaperinus, causing 83 and 90% of mortality on days 5 and 8 post-treatment, respectively.[...]
Besouros , Glicerol/análogos & derivados , Inseticidas/análise , Inseticidas/toxicidade , Oligoquetos , Microbiologia do SoloResumo
Background: Alphitobius diaperinus, known as the lesser mealworm, is recognized as a problem for the poultry production sector. Several chemical methods have been employed in an attempt to control it, without successful results. Thus, alternative methods should be considered as an interesting approach to control this type of infestation. A recent study showed that glycerol monolaurate (GML) possesses insecticidal effect against bees. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate, for the first time, the effect of GLM against the larval and adult forms of the lesser mealworm in vitro, and to verify whether GLM treated poultry litter used as soil fertilizer exerts any negative effect on its fauna.Materials, Methods & Results: In vitro tests were performed using three concentrations of GLM: 0.2, 0.4 and 1 mg mL-1, and the number of dead larvae and adults of A. diaperinus was counted on days 0, 2, 5 and 8 post-treatment. Poultry litter was pulverized with 1 mg mL-1 of GML, maintained under controlled conditions for 20 days and revolved every two days. Two ecotoxicological tests were performed using Enchytraeus crypticus. In the first test, GML was applied directly into the soil at doses of 0.5, 1 and 2 mg kg-1 of soil, while the second test used poultry litter as soil fertilizer at concentrations of 0, 2, 4 and 8 tons per hectare. Insecticidal action of GML against larvae and adults of A. diaperinus where only the 1 mg mL-1 concentration showed positive effect. GML caused 100% mortality of larvae two days after the beginning of treatment. Similarly, GML showed high efficacy to control adult forms of A. diaperinus, causing 83 and 90% of mortality on days 5 and 8 post-treatment, respectively.[...](AU)
Glicerol/análogos & derivados , Inseticidas/análise , Inseticidas/toxicidade , Besouros , Oligoquetos , Microbiologia do SoloResumo
Background: The main challenge in raising cattle in Brazil is related to ectoparasites, that cause negative effects on milk and meat production, and in severe cases, animal death. Sheds known as crèches attracts large number insects mainly due to milk residues in the environment. The housefly is a major problem due to act as vectors of many other diseases, and so there is the possibility of control of infestations with natural products. Andiroba and copaiba oils may act as natural biocides, there are only a few studies on their effect on biological soil parameters. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the repellent effect of andiroba and copaiba oils against flies and on biological soil parameters. Materials, Methods & Results: The repellency effect of oils of andiroba and copaiba was tested at a concentration of 5% in lambs shed maternity, containing 64 bays (1.8 m2 ). It was sprayed 30 mL per pen, where they were housed five lambs each. Pre-treatment counts were taken before the treatment (mean 46 per pen after Musca domestica), and post-treatment count was made on 2, 24 and 48 h. The data collected at 2 and 24 h was evaluated and the number of flies was reduced significantly (P < 0.001) in the pens treated with oil of copaiba and andiroba compared to control (untreated) pen. After 48 h, no difference was observed between treatments in relation to fly numbers [...](AU)
Animais , Repelentes de Insetos/análise , Repelentes de Insetos/toxicidade , Moscas Domésticas , Fenômenos Toxicológicos , Óleos Voláteis/análiseResumo
Background: The main challenge in raising cattle in Brazil is related to ectoparasites, that cause negative effects on milk and meat production, and in severe cases, animal death. Sheds known as crèches attracts large number insects mainly due to milk residues in the environment. The housefly is a major problem due to act as vectors of many other diseases, and so there is the possibility of control of infestations with natural products. Andiroba and copaiba oils may act as natural biocides, there are only a few studies on their effect on biological soil parameters. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the repellent effect of andiroba and copaiba oils against flies and on biological soil parameters. Materials, Methods & Results: The repellency effect of oils of andiroba and copaiba was tested at a concentration of 5% in lambs shed maternity, containing 64 bays (1.8 m2 ). It was sprayed 30 mL per pen, where they were housed five lambs each. Pre-treatment counts were taken before the treatment (mean 46 per pen after Musca domestica), and post-treatment count was made on 2, 24 and 48 h. The data collected at 2 and 24 h was evaluated and the number of flies was reduced significantly (P < 0.001) in the pens treated with oil of copaiba and andiroba compared to control (untreated) pen. After 48 h, no difference was observed between treatments in relation to fly numbers [...]
Animais , Moscas Domésticas , Repelentes de Insetos/análise , Repelentes de Insetos/toxicidade , Fenômenos Toxicológicos , Óleos Voláteis/análiseResumo
Background: The main challenge in raising cattle in Brazil is related to ectoparasites, that cause negative effects on milk and meat production, and in severe cases, animal death. Sheds known as crèches attracts large number insects mainly due to milk residues in the environment. The housefly is a major problem due to act as vectors of many other diseases, and so there is the possibility of control of infestations with natural products. Andiroba and copaiba oils may act as natural biocides, there are only a few studies on their effect on biological soil parameters. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the repellent effect of andiroba and copaiba oils against flies and on biological soil parameters.Materials, Methods & Results: The repellency effect of oils of andiroba and copaiba was tested at a concentration of 5% in lambs shed maternity, containing 64 bays (1.8 m2). It was sprayed 30 mL per pen, where they were housed five lambs each. Pre-treatment counts were taken before the treatment (mean 46 per pen after Musca domestica), and post-treatment count was made on 2, 24 and 48 h. The data collected at 2 and 24 h was evaluated and the number of flies was reduced significantly (P 0.001) in the pens treated with oil of copaiba and andiroba compared to control (untreated) pen. After 48 h, no difference was observed between treatments in relation to fly numbers (P >
This study aimed to evaluate the relationship between economic indicators of soybean crops ( Glycine max L .) cultivated with Crop-Livestock Integration (CLI) or with grain production in winter, and the chemical, physical and biological attributes of the soil. It was selected ten agricultural sites in Santa Catarina to measure economic results and edaphic attributes, data was submitted to a Principal Components Analysis (PCA). Results indicated that soybean production in the summer and grain production in the winter yielded better economic results compared with summer soybean and CLI in winter. This reflects the higher productivity of the crops (9.1%) and the improved chemical, physical, and biological attributes of the soil (with the exception of organic matter content and macroporosity, which were better under the soybean system with CLI).(AU)
O estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a relação entre resultados econômicos de lavouras de soja ( Glycine max L.) cultivadas com Integração Lavoura-Pecuária (ILP) ou produção de grãos no inverno e atributos químicos, físicos e biológicos do solo. Foram selecionadas dez propriedades rurais, consideradas referência em Santa Catarina, para a determinação dos resultados econômicos das lavouras de soja e dos atributos edáficos, que foram submetidos à análise de componentes principais (ACP). Os resultados indicam que o sistema de produção de soja no verão e grãos no inverno apresentou melhores resultados econômicos em comparação com o sistema de soja no verão e ILP no inverno. Este resultado decorre da maior produtividade das lavouras (9,1%), devido às melhores condições químicas, físicas e biológicas do solo, com exceção do teor de matéria orgânica e da macroporosidade, que ficaram mais associadas ao sistema soja com ILP.(AU)
Glycine max/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Análise do Solo , Grão Comestível/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Integração de Sistemas , Indústria Agropecuária/métodos , Análise MultivariadaResumo
Successive applications of pig slurry and poultry manure can improve the soil structure, according to the land use conditions and amounts applied. This study evaluated the effect of manure fertilization on the physical properties and organic carbon of a Rhodic Kandiudox. Treatments included land use and management and time of pig slurry and poultry litter application, namely: native forest (NF); yerba mate after 20 years of animal waste application (YM20); pasture after 15 years of application (P15); grassland after 20 years of manuring (PP20); grassland after 3 years of manuring (P3); pasture without application (P0), maize after 20 years of application (M20); and maize after 7 years of application (M7). Soil samples were collected in the 0-5, 5-10 and 10-20cm layers, in which density, porosity, aggregate stability, flocculation, penetration resistance, available water, and total clay content, total and particulate organic carbon, and C:N ratio were analyzed. The total organic carbon is sensitive to management and was not related to waste application, except in the 10-20cm layer of ryegrass pasture after three years of manuring. Reponses to waste application and land use and management systems were observed in the variables soil density and penetration resistance.(AU)
Aplicações sucessivas de dejeto líquido de suínos e cama de aviário podem melhorar a estrutura do solo conforme as condições de uso do solo e quantidades adicionadas. Neste estudo, avaliou-se o efeito da aplicação desses fertilizantes sobre os atributos físicos e teores de carbono orgânico de um Nitossolo Vermelho. Os tratamentos contemplam sistemas de uso e manejo do solo e tempo de aplicação de dejeto líquido de suínos e cama de aviário, a saber: mata nativa (MN), erva mate com 20 anos de aplicação de dejetos animais (EM20), pastagem com 15 anos de aplicação (P15), pastagem com 20 anos de aplicação (PP20), pastagem com 3 anos de aplicação (P3), pastagem sem aplicação (P0), milho com 20 anos de aplicação (M20) e milho com 7 anos de aplicação (M7). As amostras de solo foram coletadas nas camadas 0-5, 5-10 e 10-20cm, nas quais foram analisadas: densidade, porosidade, estabilidade de agregados, grau de floculação, resistência à penetração, água disponível, argila total e os teores de carbono orgânico total e particulado e relação C:N. O carbono orgânico total é sensível ao manejo e não teve relação com a adição de dejetos, exceto na camada de 10-20cm na pastagem de azevém 3 anos. A densidade do solo e a resistência à penetração foram as variáveis que tiveram relação com a adição de dejetos e sistemas de uso e manejo do solo.(AU)
Qualidade do Solo , Usos do Solo , Carbono , Esterco , Gerenciamento de ResíduosResumo
The objective was to evaluate the presence of meso-fauna soil in constructed soil after open pit coal mining in the Lauro Müller region, SC, Brazil. An experimental area of the Mina do Apertado and two reference areas (naturalized field and native forest) were used. The meso-fauna was collected using a 17 cm diameter metal cylinder, at 5 cm depth, and the extraction was performed by using the modified Berlese method, followed by the identification of organisms. The soil fauna was assessed by individual density and richness of groups and submitted to variance analysis and multivariate analysis of the data by correspondence analysis. A total of 19 taxa were found, and Acari, Collembola and Formicidae showed higher densities. The correspondence analysis showed a clear separation of anthropogenic sites (Mina do Apertado and naturalized field) from the reference area (native forest). Mina do Apertado recovery model groups showed similar reference to the native forest, satisfying the ecosystem services provided by them, promoting a suitable environment for groups of mesofaunal soil.
O objetivo foi avaliar a presença da mesofauna edáfica em solos construídos após a mineração de carvão a céu aberto na região de Lauro Müller, SC, Brasil. Utilizou-se a área experimental da Mina do Apertado e duas áreas de referência (campo naturalizado e mata nativa). A fauna do solo foi coletada utilizando-se de um cilindro metálico de 17 cm de diâmetro, na profundidade de 5 cm, e a extração foi realizada pelo método de Berlese modificado, seguido da identificação dos organismos. A mesofauna foi avaliada pela densidade de indivíduos e riqueza de grupos submetidos à análise de variância e análise multivariada dos dados através da análise de correspondência. Ao total foram encontrados 19 táxons, sendo que Acari, Collembola e Formicidae apresentaram as maiores densidades. A análise de correspondência evidenciou clara separação dos locais antropizados (Mina do Apertado e campo naturalizado) da área de referência (mata nativa). Os modelos de recuperação da Mina do Apertado apresentaram grupos semelhantes à referência mata nativa, satisfazendo os serviços do ecossistema prestados por eles, promovendo um ambiente adequado para os grupos da mesofauna edáfica.
Análise do Solo , Biomarcadores Ambientais , Mineração , Química do SoloResumo
The objective was to evaluate the presence of meso-fauna soil in constructed soil after open pit coal mining in the Lauro Müller region, SC, Brazil. An experimental area of the Mina do Apertado and two reference areas (naturalized field and native forest) were used. The meso-fauna was collected using a 17 cm diameter metal cylinder, at 5 cm depth, and the extraction was performed by using the modified Berlese method, followed by the identification of organisms. The soil fauna was assessed by individual density and richness of groups and submitted to variance analysis and multivariate analysis of the data by correspondence analysis. A total of 19 taxa were found, and Acari, Collembola and Formicidae showed higher densities. The correspondence analysis showed a clear separation of anthropogenic sites (Mina do Apertado and naturalized field) from the reference area (native forest). Mina do Apertado recovery model groups showed similar reference to the native forest, satisfying the ecosystem services provided by them, promoting a suitable environment for groups of mesofaunal soil.(AU)
O objetivo foi avaliar a presença da mesofauna edáfica em solos construídos após a mineração de carvão a céu aberto na região de Lauro Müller, SC, Brasil. Utilizou-se a área experimental da Mina do Apertado e duas áreas de referência (campo naturalizado e mata nativa). A fauna do solo foi coletada utilizando-se de um cilindro metálico de 17 cm de diâmetro, na profundidade de 5 cm, e a extração foi realizada pelo método de Berlese modificado, seguido da identificação dos organismos. A mesofauna foi avaliada pela densidade de indivíduos e riqueza de grupos submetidos à análise de variância e análise multivariada dos dados através da análise de correspondência. Ao total foram encontrados 19 táxons, sendo que Acari, Collembola e Formicidae apresentaram as maiores densidades. A análise de correspondência evidenciou clara separação dos locais antropizados (Mina do Apertado e campo naturalizado) da área de referência (mata nativa). Os modelos de recuperação da Mina do Apertado apresentaram grupos semelhantes à referência mata nativa, satisfazendo os serviços do ecossistema prestados por eles, promovendo um ambiente adequado para os grupos da mesofauna edáfica.(AU)
Biomarcadores Ambientais , Análise do Solo , Química do Solo , MineraçãoResumo
Three experiments of the digestibility were carried out to determine the nutritional value, apparent digestibility and metabolizable coefficients and energy values for dual purpose wheat (BRS Tarumã) produced in agroecological or conventional system, for pigs in different stages (15, 45 and 75 kg of body weight -BW). Were used 15 barrows crossbreed of the commercial high-performance hybrids for each phase, allotted in three experimental groups, the first group received a diet specific to stage, called basaldiet (BD) the other groups received diet with 70% RR and 30% of dual-purpose wheat agroecological (Group 2) or conventional (Group 3). Were evaluated differences between the coefficients for each phase of the study. For the differences between phases were used descriptive analyzes. Production systems (conventional and agroecological) not affect the digestibility of wheat. The mean digestibility coefficients at 45 and 75 kg were higher. The digestible energy values were 3.25, 3.56 and 3.59 Mcal/kg for conventional and 3.14, 3.45 and 3.57 Mcal/kg for agroecological wheat for phases 15, 45 and 75 kg of BW, respectively. The use of wheat from the stage 45 kg showed better digestibility values, regardless of the production system.
Foram conduzidos três ensaios de digestibilidade para determinar o valor nutricional, os coeficientesde digestibilidade aparente e os teores de energia do trigo de duplo propósito (cultivar BRS Tarumã),produzido em sistema agroecológico ou convencional, para suínos em diferentes fases da criação (15,45 e 75 kg de peso vivo-PV). Foram utilizados 15 suínos machos castrados, híbridos comerciais dealto desempenho para cada fase, divididos em três grupos experimentais, o primeiro recebeu uma raçãoespecífica para a fase, denominada de ração referência (RR), os demais grupos receberam uma raçãoexperimental com 70% de RR e 30% de trigo de duplo propósito dos sistemas agroecológico (Grupo 2)ou convencional (Grupo 3). Foram testadas diferenças entre os coeficientes para cada fase do estudo. Paraas diferenças entre as fases foram realizadas análises descritivas das médias. Os sistemas de produção(convencional ou agroecológico) não alteraram os coeficientes de digestibilidade do trigo. As médiasdos coeficientes de digestibilidade aos 45 e 75 kg foram maiores. Os valores de energia digestívelforam de 3,25; 3,56 e 3,59 Mcal/kg para o trigo convencional e 3,14; 3,45 e 3,57 Mcal/kg para o trigoagroecológico, para as fases de 15, 45 e 75 kg de PV, respectivamente. A utilização do trigo a partir dafase de 45 kg apresentou melhores valores de digestibilidade, independente do sistema de produção.
Animais , Digestão , Grão Comestível , Ração Animal/análise , Suínos , Triticum , Valor NutritivoResumo
Three experiments of the digestibility were carried out to determine the nutritional value, apparent digestibility and metabolizable coefficients and energy values for dual purpose wheat (BRS Tarumã) produced in agroecological or conventional system, for pigs in different stages (15, 45 and 75 kg of body weight -BW). Were used 15 barrows crossbreed of the commercial high-performance hybrids for each phase, allotted in three experimental groups, the first group received a diet specific to stage, called basaldiet (BD) the other groups received diet with 70% RR and 30% of dual-purpose wheat agroecological (Group 2) or conventional (Group 3). Were evaluated differences between the coefficients for each phase of the study. For the differences between phases were used descriptive analyzes. Production systems (conventional and agroecological) not affect the digestibility of wheat. The mean digestibility coefficients at 45 and 75 kg were higher. The digestible energy values were 3.25, 3.56 and 3.59 Mcal/kg for conventional and 3.14, 3.45 and 3.57 Mcal/kg for agroecological wheat for phases 15, 45 and 75 kg of BW, respectively. The use of wheat from the stage 45 kg showed better digestibility values, regardless of the production system.(AU)
Foram conduzidos três ensaios de digestibilidade para determinar o valor nutricional, os coeficientesde digestibilidade aparente e os teores de energia do trigo de duplo propósito (cultivar BRS Tarumã),produzido em sistema agroecológico ou convencional, para suínos em diferentes fases da criação (15,45 e 75 kg de peso vivo-PV). Foram utilizados 15 suínos machos castrados, híbridos comerciais dealto desempenho para cada fase, divididos em três grupos experimentais, o primeiro recebeu uma raçãoespecífica para a fase, denominada de ração referência (RR), os demais grupos receberam uma raçãoexperimental com 70% de RR e 30% de trigo de duplo propósito dos sistemas agroecológico (Grupo 2)ou convencional (Grupo 3). Foram testadas diferenças entre os coeficientes para cada fase do estudo. Paraas diferenças entre as fases foram realizadas análises descritivas das médias. Os sistemas de produção(convencional ou agroecológico) não alteraram os coeficientes de digestibilidade do trigo. As médiasdos coeficientes de digestibilidade aos 45 e 75 kg foram maiores. Os valores de energia digestívelforam de 3,25; 3,56 e 3,59 Mcal/kg para o trigo convencional e 3,14; 3,45 e 3,57 Mcal/kg para o trigoagroecológico, para as fases de 15, 45 e 75 kg de PV, respectivamente. A utilização do trigo a partir dafase de 45 kg apresentou melhores valores de digestibilidade, independente do sistema de produção.(AU)