Pheochromocytoma is a functional neoplasm that produces catecholamines, located in the medullary region of the adrenal glands. As it presents nonspeciÀ c signs, scarcity of diagnostic tools and is still associated with concomitant diseases, it may not be easily considered as a differential condition among veterinarians. This is an uncommon neoplasm that usually affects dogs, with medium to advanced age and without racial predilection, being very rare in cats. Clinical manifestations vary according to the effects of catecholamines and/or circulatory impairment due to the local invasion of the tumor into adjacent structures. In this way, systemic arterial hypertension and consequences in target organs such as the central nervous system and kidneys can be observed, in addition to ocular changes. The deÀ nitive diagnosis is given by the histopathological analysis of the excised adrenal gland. However, the increase in the serum concentration of catecholamine metabolites may contribute to the conÀ rmation of the disease. Adrenalectomy is the therapy of choice, but if this is not feasible, α and ß adrenergic blocking drugs should be used. The prognosis varies from reserved to favorable, based on surgical success and the presence of metastases.(AU)
Animais , Feocromocitoma/veterinária , Doenças do Gato/diagnóstico , Neoplasias das Glândulas Suprarrenais/diagnóstico , Doenças do Cão/diagnóstico , Gatos , CãesResumo
O objetivo desta revisão foi descrever as principais técnicas de avaliação e achados ultrassonográficos da próstata canina. A ultrassonografia é o método de escolha para avaliação da glândula prostática, sendo imprescindível como auxílio no diagnóstico na detecção de anormalidades, principalmente quando há suspeita da presença de tumores. Com inovação dos equipamentos, surgiram técnicas complementares à ultrassonografia modo Bidimensional (B), tais como Doppler, ultrassonografia contrastada e elastografia, que aumentam a acurácia diagnóstica. O Doppler fornece informações sobre arquitetura vascular e aspectos hemodinâmicos dos vasos sanguíneos. A ultrassonografia contrastada permite determinar parâmetros relacionados à perfusão sanguínea das estruturas pelos agentes de contraste (ex.: microbolhas), definindo, portanto, padrões de alta e baixa intensidade da arquitetura vascular. A elastografia proporciona a avaliação da rigidez tecidual tanto de forma qualitativa, por meio de elastogramas, quanto quantitativa, por meio das velocidades de cisalhamento. Espera-se que esta revisão possa contribuir com informações relevantes aos leitores e veterinários da área de ultrassonografia e reprodução animal.(AU)
The purpose of this review was to describe the main assessment techniques and ultrasound findings of the canine prostate. Ultrasonography is the method of choice for assessing the prostate gland, being essential as an aid in the diagnosis in the detection of abnormalities, especially when the presence of tumors is suspected. With the innovation of the equipment, complementary techniques to B-mode ultrasonography have emerged, such as Doppler, contrasted ultrasound and elastography, which increase the diagnostic accuracy. Doppler provides information on vascular architecture and hemodynamic aspects of blood vessels. Contrast ultrasonography allows to determine parameters related to the blood perfusion of structures by contrast agents (eg, microbubbles), thus defining high and low intensity patterns of vascular architecture. ARFI elastography provides assessment of tissue stiffness both qualitatively, using elastograms, and quantitative, using shear speeds. It is hoped that this review can contribute with relevant information to readers and veterinarians in the area of asound and animal reproduction.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Próstata/diagnóstico por imagem , Neoplasias da Próstata/diagnóstico por imagem , Imageamento por Ressonância Magnética/métodos , Ultrassonografia Doppler/métodos , Equipamentos para Diagnóstico/veterinária , Técnicas de Imagem por Elasticidade/métodos , Vasos Sanguíneos/diagnóstico por imagem , Meios de Contraste/efeitos adversos , Microbolhas/veterinária , Imagem de Perfusão/veterinária , Rigidez Vascular/fisiologiaResumo
Background: Juvenile panhypopituitarism is an endocrinopathy that affects young dogs and must be differentiated from other causes of height disorders, as one could have a deficiency of one or more adenohypophysis hormones, besides growth hormone. Diagnosis consists of excluding endocrine and non-endocrine causes. Treatment requires administration of heterologous porcine growth hormone or progestins, as well as supplementing other hormones that are deficient in the circulation. The prognosis for these patients tends to be unfavorable and they have a shorter life expectancy. The present case aimed to report the therapeutic challenges in a dog diagnosed with juvenile panhypopituitarism. Case: This study presents the case of a 6-month-old crossbred Labrador/Brazilian Fila dog, not neutered, 6.7 kg of body weight (body condition score 5/9), with a growth disorder and persistence of the puppy coat, when compared to other members of the same litter. During inspection, it was possible to observe an undersized dog and soft puppy coat, besides no bone irregularities or joint tenderness was noted. The other physical examination parameters were within the normal range for the species. No changes in complete blood count and only increases in urea, cholesterol and alkaline phosphatase activity were observed. Thyroid and abdominal ultrasound (US) examination did not reveal any remarkable changes. After serum dosage of insulin-like growth factor, thyroxine, thyrostimulating hormone, and cortisol, the patient was diagnosed with juvenile panhypopituitarism and underwent therapy with medroxyprogesterone and thyroid hormone supplementation. Monitoring was instituted at intervals of 3, 6, and 12 weeks, and currently every 3 or 4 months and the IGF-1 values normalized after 6 months with. After 8 months of therapy, the patient had good body growth and bone mineralization compared to the time of diagnosis. However, skeletal development was completed only 12 months after hormone replacement, accompanied by the presence of vertebral osteophytes and coxofemoral osteoarticular alterations. Considering chronic use of progestins, ovariosalpingohysterectomy (OSH) was recommended, but for personal reasons, the owners chose to do not submit her to surgery. After 18 months of treatment, the dog starts to exhibit prostration, selective appetite, and increased abdominal volume. After imaging exam, she was forwarded for OSH, due to consistent findings of pyometra. Subsequently, even the supervision of possible comorbidities involved in the chronic use of progestins was maintained at half-yearly intervals, the bitch returned to the service with skin thickening, increased limb volume, and macroglossia after 60 months of therapy. At this point IGF-1 values were higher when compared to the previous measurements and the application of medroxyprogesterone was suspended. Its supplementation was reintroduced only after 8 months when IGF-1 was significantly reduced. To date, the patient is close to 6 years of age and with a good quality of life. Discussion: The greatest therapeutic challenge for these patients involves dealing with the adverse effects of progestins, mainly related to reproductive disorders and alopecia at the application site, as well as maintaining adequate hormone replacement in order to avoid hypersomatotropism. Although longevity is lower in these individuals, the patient in this report has achieved 6 years of age and has had an excellent quality of life so far.
Animais , Cães , Glândula Tireoide/diagnóstico por imagem , Hormônio do Crescimento/uso terapêutico , Nanismo Hipofisário/veterinária , Hipopituitarismo/veterinária , Medroxiprogesterona/administração & dosagem , Adeno-Hipófise/anormalidades , Doenças do Sistema Endócrino/veterináriaResumo
Background: Biofilms have been reported as important virulent markers associated with drug resistance in urinary tractinfections (UTIs) in humans and dogs. However, in veterinary medicine, researches involving biofilm formation, treatments and preventions have been limited; yet, it is still possible to find few studies demonstrating biofilm-forming bacteriaassociated with different comorbidities such as otitis, wound infections, UTIs, and endometritis. These studies generallyselect dogs with chronic and recurrent infections, which could be an important factor in antibiotic resistance. We aimed toevaluate biofilms in sporadic cystitis regarding prevalence and drug resistance.Materials, Methods & Results: Urine samples were collected by cystocentesis from 36 client-owned dogs under clinicaland laboratory suspicion of non-recurrent urinary bladder infection (cystitis). Urine was aseptically plated onto bloodagar, MacConkey, and CLED, followed by incubation for 24 to 48 h. Definitive identification of a potential pathogen wasmade by subculture collected from an isolated colony to obtain a pure culture. The gram staining method and specificbiochemical tests (phenol red fermentation, lysine, phenylalanine, citrate, sulfide-indole-motility, and urease) were usedto distinguish and classify the bacteria. After identification, the bacteria were tested for antimicrobial susceptibility by astandard disk diffusion method, using the following antimicrobials: amoxicillin with clavulanic acid, ampicillin, ceftriaxone, ciprofloxacin, clindamycin, cefazolin, cephalothin, erythromycin, gentamicin, norfloxacin, and sulfamethoxazoletrimethoprim. The biofilm-forming ability was determined based on a culture...
Animais , Cães , Biofilmes , Cistite/veterinária , Sistema Urinário/virologia , Farmacorresistência ViralResumo
Transplants for cats with naturally occurring renal disease have been introduced into clinical practice, but canine renal transplantation represents a greater challenge because of the lack of a balanced immunosuppressive protocol, difficulty in selecting compatible canine kidney donors, and absence of transplantation monitoring protocols. This and other important factors will be discussed in this review to help improve short- and long-term outcomes for renal transplantation in dogs.(AU)
O transplante renal em gatos com doença renal naturalmente adquirida está cada vez mais sendo introduzido na prática clínica. O transplante renal em cães, por sua vez, representa um desafio maior devido a falta da definição de um protocolo imunossupressor equilibrado, dificuldade na seleção de doadores compatíveis e ausência de protocolos de monitoramento de transplantes. Esses e outros fatores serão abordados nesta revisão afim de melhorar os resultados, tanto a curto quanto a longo prazo do transplante renal em cães.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Transplante de Rim/veterináriaResumo
It was evaluated the different methodologies for glomerular enumeration described in the literature in a quantitative, double-blind study on the number of glomeruli present in kidney biopsy specimens obtained using a Tru-cut-type biopsy needle. Eighteen samples were taken (n=18) from various regions of canine kidneys harvested immediately after euthanasia. Sample collection was carried out using Tru-cut-type, semi-automated, 16 gauge needles. Reading and evaluation of the specimens were performed independently by four researchers by means of eye loupe inspection, light microscopy, light microscopy with a reduced condenser aperture, and dissection microscopy. Samples were also subjected to histopathological evaluation for comparison purposes. There was no inter-researcher variation for any of the tested methods. The glomerular counts obtained using light microscopy with reduced condenser aperture were similar to those reported in the histopathological evaluation (P=0.44);whereas, the other glomerular enumeration methods yielded significantly lower counts when compared to the histopathological analysis (eye loupe inspection: P<0.01; conventional light microscopy: P=0.02; dissection microscopy: P<0.01).Light microscope with lowering of the condenser lens delivers better results than conventional light microscopy and eye loupe inspection. Results obtained using dissection microscopy and eye loupe inspection did not correlate well with those provided by histopathological evaluation; consequently, these two methods should be avoided.(AU)
Avaliou-se as diferentes metodologias de quantificação glomerular descritas na literatura em um estudo quantitativo, duplo-cego, sobre o número de glomérulos presentes em amostras de biópsias renais obtidas com agulha de biópsia tipo Tru-cut. Dezoito amostras foram coletadas (n=18) de várias regiões de rins caninos colhidos imediatamente após a eutanásia. A coleta das amostras foi realizada com agulhas semi-automáticas de calibre 16, tipo Tru-cut. A leitura e avaliação das amostras foram realizadas de forma independente por quatro pesquisadores por meio de inspeção visual, microscopia de luz, microscopia de luz com redução da lente condensadora e microscopia de dissecção. As amostras também foram submetidas à avaliação histopatológica para fins de comparação e variação do pesquisador para qualquer um dos métodos testados. As contagens glomerulares obtidas por microscopia de luz com redução da lente condensadora foram semelhantes àquelas encontradas na avaliação histopatológica (P=0.44), enquanto que os outros métodos de quantificação glomerular produziram contagens significativamente mais baixas a análise histopatológica (inspeção da lupa dos olhos: P<0.01; microscopia de luz convencional: P=0.02; microscopia dissecação: P<0.01). Microscópio de luz com abaixamento da lente condensadora fornece melhores resultados do que microscopia de luz convencional e inspeção da lupa. As contagens obtidas usando microscopia de dissecção e inspeção de lupa de olho não se correlacionaram bem com aqueles fornecidos pela avaliação histopatológica; consequentemente, estes dois métodos devem ser evitados.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Glomerulonefrite/diagnóstico , Glomerulonefrite/veterinária , Glomérulos Renais , Microscopia/veterináriaResumo
Background: Persistent urachus conditions in calves are related to umbilical pathologies and might lead to uroperitoneum abnormalities, especially persistent urachus itself and bladder rupture. Videosurgery could be an interesting option for diagnoses of the genitourinary tract, given the relevance of genitourinary affections in calves. The aim of this report is to describe videosurgery resolution and performance in a case of external urinary meatus obstruction and persistent urachus in a heifer.Case: An eight-month-old Girolando heifer was admitted in the UNIFRAN Veterinary Hospital with the suspicion of persistent urachus. The owner reported that the animal was not urinating, and after a few days, it was noticed the presence of urine leaking from the umbilical site. It was also informed that another veterinarian had previously performed pure iodine infusion in probable urachus area for 5 days in a row in an attempt to obliterate the canal. Significant higher levels of urea, creatinine and fibrinogen were noticed in the exams executed, also leukocytosis and signs of pain when performed abdominal palpation. When urethral sounding was implemented, it showed difficulties and resistance in the introduction of the sound. In the vaginourethrocystoscopy, it was noticed a thin membrane in the external urinary meatus causing complete obstruction, which was easily perforated by the cystoscope sheath, allowing the attainment of urethra and part of cranial bladder inspection. In order to evaluate the flow of the urine, it was applied methylene blue by the cystoscope working channel in the interior of the urethra and the bladder, which was collected by sounding the urachus, confirming presence of persistent urachus. When realized a contrasted x-ray of the bladder, it was noticed extravasation of the contrast into the peritoneum, indicating that a surgical approach should be performed; however the owner did not authorize the realization of any surgical intervention...
Feminino , Animais , Bovinos , Cordão Umbilical/patologia , Sistema Urogenital/patologia , Técnicas de Diagnóstico Urológico/veterinária , Uretra/patologia , Úraco/patologiaResumo
The aims of this study were compare the electrocardiogram (ECG) and cardiopulmonary effects of methadone or morphine, both injected intravenously (IV) in dogs anesthetized with continuous infusion of propofol. Sixteen healthy female mongrel dogs were used in this study for elective ovariohysterectomy. The animals were allocated in random order into two groups assigned GME (methadone 0.3 mg kg-1, IV) or GMO (morphine 0.3 mg kg-1, IV). Parameters were evaluated: heart rate (HR), P-wave amplitude (Ps and PmV), interval between Ps and R waves (PR), QRS duration (QRS), R-wave amplitude (R), duration the interval between the Q and T waves (QT), systolic blood pressure (SBP), rectal temperature (RT), respiratory rate (RR), end tidal of carbon dioxide (ETCO2 ) and periferic oxyhemoglobin saturation (SpO2 ). Postoperative analgesia was assessed by mechanical nociceptive stimulus based on the scale proposed by Firth and Haldane (1999) and rescue analgesia based on the visual analogue scale. HR was lower in GME in relation to GMO. The P, PmV, PR, QRS, R and QT values remained within their normality tracks, showing no clinical importance. Apnea and ETCO2 increased in both groups. There was no difference between groups of the analgesic effects. It can be concluded that methadone and morphine promote similar cardiovascular effects after IV injection during surgery in dogs anesthetized with propofol by continuous rate infusion, however, when methadone used, assisted ventilation is required. In addition, both drugs promote postoperative analgesia until six hours.(AU)
O presente estudo teve como objetivo comparar as alterações no eletrocardiograma (ECG) e nos parâmetros cardiorrespiratórios da metadona ou morfina administrada pela via intravenosa (I.V.) em cães anestesiados com infusão intravenosa contínua de propofol. Foram utilizados 16 cadelas, sem raça definida submetidos ao procedimento de ovário-histerectomia. Os animais foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em dois grupos, designados como GME (metadona 0,3 mg kg-1, I.V.) ou GMO (morfina 0,3 mg kg-1, I.V.). Os parâmetros avaliados foram frequência cardíaca (FC), tempo e amplitude da onda P (Ps e PmV), intervalo entre as ondas P e R (PR), duração do complexo QRS (QRS), amplitude da onda R (R), duração do intervalo entre as ondas Q e T (QT), pressão arterial sistólica (PAS), temperatura retal (TR), frequência respiratória (f), tensão de dióxido de carbono no final da expiração (ETCO2 ) e saturação de oxigênio na hemoglobina (SpO2 ). A analgesia pós-operatória foi verificada seguindo a proposta de Firth e Haldane (1999) e o regaste analgésico baseado na escala análoga visual. A FC foi menor no GME comparativamente ao GMO. Os valores de Ps, PmV, PR, QRS, R e QT mantiveram-se dentro da normalidade em ambos os grupos e sem significado clínico. Apneia e incremento da ETCO2 em ambos os grupos. Não houve diferença nos efeitos analgésicos entre os grupos. Podemos concluir que a metadona e a morfina promovem efeitos cardiovasculares similares quando administradas I.V. durante o procedimento cirúrgico em cães anestesiados com propofol via infusão continua intravenosa, no entanto, quando a metadona é empregada, ventilação assistida é necessária. Além disso, os dois opioides promoveram analgesia por 6h00 no pós-operatório.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Cães/metabolismo , Cães/cirurgia , Eletrocardiografia/métodos , Eletrocardiografia/veterinária , Período Perioperatório/veterinária , Histerectomia/veterinária , Propofol/análise , Propofol/síntese químicaResumo
Background: Persistent urachus conditions in calves are related to umbilical pathologies and might lead to uroperitoneum abnormalities, especially persistent urachus itself and bladder rupture. Videosurgery could be an interesting option for diagnoses of the genitourinary tract, given the relevance of genitourinary affections in calves. The aim of this report is to describe videosurgery resolution and performance in a case of external urinary meatus obstruction and persistent urachus in a heifer.Case: An eight-month-old Girolando heifer was admitted in the UNIFRAN Veterinary Hospital with the suspicion of persistent urachus. The owner reported that the animal was not urinating, and after a few days, it was noticed the presence of urine leaking from the umbilical site. It was also informed that another veterinarian had previously performed pure iodine infusion in probable urachus area for 5 days in a row in an attempt to obliterate the canal. Significant higher levels of urea, creatinine and fibrinogen were noticed in the exams executed, also leukocytosis and signs of pain when performed abdominal palpation. When urethral sounding was implemented, it showed difficulties and resistance in the introduction of the sound. In the vaginourethrocystoscopy, it was noticed a thin membrane in the external urinary meatus causing complete obstruction, which was easily perforated by the cystoscope sheath, allowing the attainment of urethra and part of cranial bladder inspection. In order to evaluate the flow of the urine, it was applied methylene blue by the cystoscope working channel in the interior of the urethra and the bladder, which was collected by sounding the urachus, confirming presence of persistent urachus. When realized a contrasted x-ray of the bladder, it was noticed extravasation of the contrast into the peritoneum, indicating that a surgical approach should be performed; however the owner did not authorize the realization of any surgical intervention...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Técnicas de Diagnóstico Urológico/veterinária , Úraco/patologia , Sistema Urogenital/patologia , Cordão Umbilical/patologia , Uretra/patologiaResumo
Although many information has been published regarding canine urolithiasis, sensitivity of radiography, ultrasound and urinary parameters have been poorly correlated with number, size, and composition of the stones. One hundred and thirteen clinical files of dogs with diagnosis of urolithiasis were retrospectively selected. Information regarding number, appearance, location, size, and composition of the stones were noted after surgical removed. Urolithiasis data was compared with radiographs and ultrasound images and urinalysis parameters. Pure struvite was found in 42.4% and calcium oxalate in 35.6%. Survey radiographs enabled the detection of radiopaque stones and when an ultrasound examination was also performed, the sensitivity was increased. Double contrast radiography enabled identification in 100% of radiolucent stones, and allowed for size measurement and number counts in 76.9% of radiolucent stones. Crystalluria had low sensitivity (31.5%) and specificity (58.8%). Hematuria (96.3%) and leukocyturia (61.1%) were the most common parameters found. We concluded that double contrast radiography can be considered the method of choice for detection of radiolucent stones. Crystalluria is not a good parameter to detect or predict type of stone. Hematuria and leukocyturia, although non-specific findings, can be used as triage for investigation of urolithiasis.
Embora várias informações já tenham sido publicadas sobre a urolitíase canina, a sensibilidade dos exames radiográficos, ultrassonográficos e urinários é pouco correlacionada com a composição, número e tamanho dos urólitos. Dessa forma, objetivou-se com esse estudo, analisar retrospectivamente cento e treze prontuários de cães com diagnóstico de urolitíase. Após a remoção cirúrgica dos cálculos, informações sobre o número, aspecto, localização, tamanho e composição foram comparados com os exames de imagens (raio-x e ultrassom) e achados da urinálise. Cálculos de estruvita foram encontrados em 42,4% dos pacientes e de oxalato de cálcio em 35,6%. Exames radiográficos foram capazes de detectar cálculos radiopacos e quando associado ao ultrassom tiveram melhores resultados. A radiografia de duplo contraste permitiu a identificação de 100% dos urólitos radiolucentes e foi capaz de estimar o tamanho e o número em 76,9% desses. Na urinálise a cristalúria apresentou baixa sensibilidade (31,5%) e especificidade (58,8%) na detecção de urólitos, já a hematúria (96,3%) e leucocitúria (61,1%) foram os parâmetros mais observados. Conclui-se que a radiografia de duplo contraste é o método de escolha para a detecção de urólitos radiolucentes e que a cristalúria não pode ser considerada um bom parâmetro para detectar ou prever o tipo de urólitos. Embora a hematúria e leucocitúria não sejam achados específicos,podem ser utilizados como triagem para a investigação da urolitíase.
Animais , Cães , Cães/anormalidades , Radiografia/veterinária , Ultrassonografia/veterinária , Urolitíase/diagnósticoResumo
Although many information has been published regarding canine urolithiasis, sensitivity of radiography, ultrasound and urinary parameters have been poorly correlated with number, size, and composition of the stones. One hundred and thirteen clinical files of dogs with diagnosis of urolithiasis were retrospectively selected. Information regarding number, appearance, location, size, and composition of the stones were noted after surgical removed. Urolithiasis data was compared with radiographs and ultrasound images and urinalysis parameters. Pure struvite was found in 42.4% and calcium oxalate in 35.6%. Survey radiographs enabled the detection of radiopaque stones and when an ultrasound examination was also performed, the sensitivity was increased. Double contrast radiography enabled identification in 100% of radiolucent stones, and allowed for size measurement and number counts in 76.9% of radiolucent stones. Crystalluria had low sensitivity (31.5%) and specificity (58.8%). Hematuria (96.3%) and leukocyturia (61.1%) were the most common parameters found. We concluded that double contrast radiography can be considered the method of choice for detection of radiolucent stones. Crystalluria is not a good parameter to detect or predict type of stone. Hematuria and leukocyturia, although non-specific findings, can be used as triage for investigation of urolithiasis.(AU)
Embora várias informações já tenham sido publicadas sobre a urolitíase canina, a sensibilidade dos exames radiográficos, ultrassonográficos e urinários é pouco correlacionada com a composição, número e tamanho dos urólitos. Dessa forma, objetivou-se com esse estudo, analisar retrospectivamente cento e treze prontuários de cães com diagnóstico de urolitíase. Após a remoção cirúrgica dos cálculos, informações sobre o número, aspecto, localização, tamanho e composição foram comparados com os exames de imagens (raio-x e ultrassom) e achados da urinálise. Cálculos de estruvita foram encontrados em 42,4% dos pacientes e de oxalato de cálcio em 35,6%. Exames radiográficos foram capazes de detectar cálculos radiopacos e quando associado ao ultrassom tiveram melhores resultados. A radiografia de duplo contraste permitiu a identificação de 100% dos urólitos radiolucentes e foi capaz de estimar o tamanho e o número em 76,9% desses. Na urinálise a cristalúria apresentou baixa sensibilidade (31,5%) e especificidade (58,8%) na detecção de urólitos, já a hematúria (96,3%) e leucocitúria (61,1%) foram os parâmetros mais observados. Conclui-se que a radiografia de duplo contraste é o método de escolha para a detecção de urólitos radiolucentes e que a cristalúria não pode ser considerada um bom parâmetro para detectar ou prever o tipo de urólitos. Embora a hematúria e leucocitúria não sejam achados específicos,podem ser utilizados como triagem para a investigação da urolitíase.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Cães/anormalidades , Urolitíase/diagnóstico , Ultrassonografia/veterinária , Radiografia/veterináriaResumo
Background: The squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the second most common cancer in the oral epithelium of dogs and rarely involves the retrobulbar area. The diagnosis is confirmed with cytological and histopathological exam. Faced with the unusual occurrence of retrobulbar tumors in dogs, we report a case of SCC in the left maxilla, with ipsilateral retrobulbar metastasis, and also highlight clinical aspects of the neoplasia, exams, early diagnosis and therapeutic possibilities.Case: A male dog, 17 years old, with a history of visual loss, enlargement of left eye and prostration after 25 days of a dental treatment. The patient had exophthalmia of the left eye with mild lateral deviation, meibomitis, lagophthalmos, moderate conjunctival hyperemia and episcleral congestion, protrusion of the third eyelid, epiphora, moderate purulent discharge, paracentral corneal degeneration, absence of pupillary reflex to light (direct and consensual) and presence of immature cataract. The Schirmer test and intraocular pressure were normal, as well as complete blood count and biochemical profile. Due to the testy temperament of the animal, the intraoral examination was limited to two-thirds of the jaw in the first appointment. Ocular vitreous ultrasound was performed showing moderate amount of membranous and punctate echoes, as well as medium-high reflectivity were present in all meridians...(AU)
O carcinoma de células escamosas (CCE) é considerado a segunda neoplasia oral não odontogênica, maligna, mais frequente em cães [6] e raramente acomete a região retrobulbar nesta espécie [3,11]. Neoplasias retrobulbares têm representatividade de 4% quando comparadas as de outras estruturas oculares [2] e em 74% das vezes, representam metástases [8].Diante da ocorrência incomum de neoplasias na região retrobulbar em cães, objetivou-se relatar o caso de CCE na maxila esquerda, com metástase retrobulbar ipsilateral, não obstante, ressaltar importantes aspectos da neoplasia que auxiliem no rápido diagnóstico e na escolha terapêutica...(AU)
Animais , Cães , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/veterinária , Neoplasias Maxilares/veterinária , Exoftalmia/veterinária , Hiperemia/veterinária , Metástase Neoplásica , ética , Doenças do Aparelho Lacrimal/veterináriaResumo
Background: The squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the second most common cancer in the oral epithelium of dogs and rarely involves the retrobulbar area. The diagnosis is confirmed with cytological and histopathological exam. Faced with the unusual occurrence of retrobulbar tumors in dogs, we report a case of SCC in the left maxilla, with ipsilateral retrobulbar metastasis, and also highlight clinical aspects of the neoplasia, exams, early diagnosis and therapeutic possibilities.Case: A male dog, 17 years old, with a history of visual loss, enlargement of left eye and prostration after 25 days of a dental treatment. The patient had exophthalmia of the left eye with mild lateral deviation, meibomitis, lagophthalmos, moderate conjunctival hyperemia and episcleral congestion, protrusion of the third eyelid, epiphora, moderate purulent discharge, paracentral corneal degeneration, absence of pupillary reflex to light (direct and consensual) and presence of immature cataract. The Schirmer test and intraocular pressure were normal, as well as complete blood count and biochemical profile. Due to the testy temperament of the animal, the intraoral examination was limited to two-thirds of the jaw in the first appointment. Ocular vitreous ultrasound was performed showing moderate amount of membranous and punctate echoes, as well as medium-high reflectivity were present in all meridians...
O carcinoma de células escamosas (CCE) é considerado a segunda neoplasia oral não odontogênica, maligna, mais frequente em cães [6] e raramente acomete a região retrobulbar nesta espécie [3,11]. Neoplasias retrobulbares têm representatividade de 4% quando comparadas as de outras estruturas oculares [2] e em 74% das vezes, representam metástases [8].Diante da ocorrência incomum de neoplasias na região retrobulbar em cães, objetivou-se relatar o caso de CCE na maxila esquerda, com metástase retrobulbar ipsilateral, não obstante, ressaltar importantes aspectos da neoplasia que auxiliem no rápido diagnóstico e na escolha terapêutica...
Animais , Cães , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/veterinária , Exoftalmia/veterinária , Hiperemia/veterinária , Metástase Neoplásica , Neoplasias Maxilares/veterinária , Ética , Doenças do Aparelho Lacrimal/veterináriaResumo
The aims of this study were compare the electrocardiogram (ECG) and cardiopulmonary effects of methadone or morphine, both injected intravenously (IV) in dogs anesthetized with continuous infusion of propofol. Sixteen healthy female mongrel dogs were used in this study for elective ovariohysterectomy. The animals were allocated in random order into two groups assigned GME (methadone 0.3 mg kg-1, IV) or GMO (morphine 0.3 mg kg-1, IV). Parameters were evaluated: heart rate (HR), P-wave amplitude (Ps and PmV), interval between Ps and R waves (PR), QRS duration (QRS), R-wave amplitude (R), duration the interval between the Q and T waves (QT), systolic blood pressure (SBP), rectal temperature (RT), respiratory rate (RR), end tidal of carbon dioxide (ETCO2 ) and periferic oxyhemoglobin saturation (SpO2 ). Postoperative analgesia was assessed by mechanical nociceptive stimulus based on the scale proposed by Firth and Haldane (1999) and rescue analgesia based on the visual analogue scale. HR was lower in GME in relation to GMO. The P, PmV, PR, QRS, R and QT values remained within their normality tracks, showing no clinical importance. Apnea and ETCO2 increased in both groups. There was no difference between groups of the analgesic effects. It can be concluded that methadone and morphine promote similar cardiovascular effects after IV injection during surgery in dogs anesthetized with propofol by continuous rate infusion, however, when methadone used, assisted ventilation is required. In addition, both drugs promote postoperative analgesia until six hours.
O presente estudo teve como objetivo comparar as alterações no eletrocardiograma (ECG) e nos parâmetros cardiorrespiratórios da metadona ou morfina administrada pela via intravenosa (I.V.) em cães anestesiados com infusão intravenosa contínua de propofol. Foram utilizados 16 cadelas, sem raça definida submetidos ao procedimento de ovário-histerectomia. Os animais foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em dois grupos, designados como GME (metadona 0,3 mg kg-1, I.V.) ou GMO (morfina 0,3 mg kg-1, I.V.). Os parâmetros avaliados foram frequência cardíaca (FC), tempo e amplitude da onda P (Ps e PmV), intervalo entre as ondas P e R (PR), duração do complexo QRS (QRS), amplitude da onda R (R), duração do intervalo entre as ondas Q e T (QT), pressão arterial sistólica (PAS), temperatura retal (TR), frequência respiratória (f), tensão de dióxido de carbono no final da expiração (ETCO2 ) e saturação de oxigênio na hemoglobina (SpO2 ). A analgesia pós-operatória foi verificada seguindo a proposta de Firth e Haldane (1999) e o regaste analgésico baseado na escala análoga visual. A FC foi menor no GME comparativamente ao GMO. Os valores de Ps, PmV, PR, QRS, R e QT mantiveram-se dentro da normalidade em ambos os grupos e sem significado clínico. Apneia e incremento da ETCO2 em ambos os grupos. Não houve diferença nos efeitos analgésicos entre os grupos. Podemos concluir que a metadona e a morfina promovem efeitos cardiovasculares similares quando administradas I.V. durante o procedimento cirúrgico em cães anestesiados com propofol via infusão continua intravenosa, no entanto, quando a metadona é empregada, ventilação assistida é necessária. Além disso, os dois opioides promoveram analgesia por 6h00 no pós-operatório.
Animais , Cães , Cães/cirurgia , Cães/metabolismo , Eletrocardiografia/métodos , Eletrocardiografia/veterinária , Período Perioperatório/veterinária , Histerectomia/veterinária , Propofol/análise , Propofol/síntese químicaResumo
The aims of this study were compare the electrocardiogram (ECG) and cardiopulmonary effects of methadone or morphine, both injected intravenously (IV) in dogs anesthetized with continuous infusion of propofol. Sixteen healthy female mongrel dogs were used in this study for elective ovariohysterectomy. The animals were allocated in random order into two groups assigned GME (methadone 0.3 mg kg-1, IV) or GMO (morphine 0.3 mg kg-1, IV). Parameters were evaluated: heart rate (HR), P-wave amplitude (Ps and PmV), interval between Ps and R waves (PR), QRS duration (QRS), R-wave amplitude (R), duration the interval between the Q and T waves (QT), systolic blood pressure (SBP), rectal temperature (RT), respiratory rate (RR), end tidal of carbon dioxide (ETCO2) and periferic oxyhemoglobin saturation (SpO2). Postoperative analgesia was assessed by mechanical nociceptive stimulus based on the scale proposed by Firth and Haldane (1999) and rescue analgesia based on the visual analogue scale. HR was lower in GME in relation to GMO. The P, PmV, PR, QRS, R and QT values remained within their normality tracks, showing no clinical importance. Apnea and ETCO2 increased in both groups. There was no difference between groups of the analgesic effects. It can be concluded that methadone and morphine promote similar cardiovascular effects after IV injection during surgery in dogs anesthetized with pro
O presente estudo teve como objetivo comparar as alterações no eletrocardiograma (ECG) e nos parâmetros cardiorrespiratórios da metadona ou morfina administrada pela via intravenosa (I.V.) em cães anestesiados com infusão intravenosa contínua de propofol. Foram utilizados 16 cadelas, sem raça definida submetidos ao procedimento de ovário-histerectomia. Os animais foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em dois grupos, designados como GME (metadona 0,3 mg kg-1, I.V.) ou GMO (morfina 0,3 mg kg-1, I.V.). Os parâmetros avaliados foram frequência cardíaca (FC), tempo e amplitude da onda P (Ps e PmV), intervalo entre as ondas P e R (PR), duração do complexo QRS (QRS), amplitude da onda R (R), duração do intervalo entre as ondas Q e T (QT), pressão arterial sistólica (PAS), temperatura retal (TR), frequência respiratória (f), tensão de dióxido de carbono no final da expiração (ETCO2) e saturação de oxigênio na hemoglobina (SpO2). A analgesia pós-operatória foi verificada seguindo a proposta de Firth e Haldane (1999) e o regaste analgésico baseado na escala análoga visual. A FC foi menor no GME comparativamente ao GMO. Os valores de Ps, PmV, PR, QRS, R e QT mantiveram-se dentro da normalidade em ambos os grupos e sem significado clínico. Apneia e incremento da ETCO2 em ambos os grupos. Não houve diferença nos efeitos analgésicos entre os grupos. Podemos concluir que a metadona e a morfina pr