This study aimed to evaluate the hematologic response and the serum and peritoneal fluid (PF) proteinogram of cattle affected by digestive diseases. Twenty-seven animals were distributed in two groups: GI (intestinal diseases) and GII (traumatic reticuloperitonitis, TRP). The animals were previously submitted to a physical exam. Subsequently, blood samples were collected to perform the complete blood count, determine the plasma protein and fibrinogen, and obtain the serum for proteinogram in polyacrylamide gel (SDS-PAGE). Simultaneously, PF was collected to perform physical and chemical evaluation and the electrophoretic profile (SDS-PAGE). ANOVA at the 5% probability level was used to compare the groups. The animals showed signs of apathy, dehydration, and gastrointestinal hypomotility in both groups. However, GI animals showed more significant clinical changes. The blood count of both groups (P > 0.05) showed leukocytosis due to neutrophilia and a regenerative left shift with hyperfibrinogenemia. The proteinogram of both body fluids allowed the identification of proteins albumin (ALB), transferrin (TRF), ceruloplasmin, haptoglobin, α1-acid glycoprotein (α1-AGP), MW 23000 Da, α1-antitrypsin, IgA, and IgG. The [PT] PF/[PT] blood serum ratio of each of the identified proteins increased, showing statistical differences between groups (P < 0.05) regarding PT, ALB, TRF, α1-AGP, and IgG values, with GI animals showing the highest ratio. Intestinal diseases and TRP triggered a systemic and local response characterized by clinical, hematological, and serum and PF proteinogram alterations. The proteins α1-GPA, haptoglobin, and TRF measured in PF were good inflammation biomarkers and useful as an auxiliary tool for the diagnosis and prognosis of digestive diseases in cattle.(AU)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a resposta hematológica e o proteinograma sérico e do líquido peritoneal (LP) de bovinos acometidos com doenças digestivas. Foram avaliados 27 bovinos distribuídos em dois grupos, GI (enfermidades intestinais) e GII (reticuloperitonite traumática-RPT). Os animais foram previamente submetidos ao exame físico. Posteriormente foram colhidas amostras de sangue para realização do hemograma, determinação plasmática da proteína e do fibrinogênio e obtenção do soro para realização do proteinograma em gel de poliacrilamida (SDS-PAGE). Simultaneamente foi colhido o LP para avaliação física e química, assim como a realização do perfil eletroforético (SDS-PAGE). Empregou-se a análise de variância ao nível de 5% de probabilidade visando à comparação entre os grupos. Em ambos os grupos os animais demonstraram sinais de apatia, desidratação e hipomotilidade gastrointestinal, no entanto, os animais do GI apresentaram alterações clínicas mais expressivas. No hemograma observou-se em ambos os grupos (P > 0,05) leucocitose por neutrofilia e desvio à esquerda regenerativo com hiperfibrinogenia. O proteinograma de ambos os fluidos corpóreos permitiu a identificação das proteínas albumina (ALB), transferrina (TRF), ceruloplasmina, haptoglobina, α-1 glicoproteína ácida (α1-GPA), PM 23.000 Da, α-1 anti-tripsina, IgA e IgG. Os valores da relação [PT] LP / [PT] soro sanguíneo de cada uma das proteínas identificadas demonstrou elevação dos mesmos, bem como diferença estatística entre grupos (P < 0,05) nos valores da PT, ALB, TRF, α1-GPA e IgG, nos quais a relação foi mais elevada nos animais do GI. As enfermidades intestinais e a RPT desencadearam resposta sistêmica e local caracterizada pelas alterações clínicas, hematológicas, e do proteinograma sérico e do LP. A α1-GPA, a haptoglobina e a TRF, mensuradas no LP se mostraram bons biomarcadores de inflamação, sendo úteis como recurso auxiliar de diagnóstico e prognóstico das doenças digestivas dos bovinos.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Biomarcadores , Análise de Variância , Gastroenteropatias , Testes Hematológicos , Líquido AscíticoResumo
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar simultaneamente biomarcadores no sangue e no líquido peritoneal (LP) de bovinos com enfermidades intestinais (GI n=14) e reticulites traumáticas (GII n=13). O exame clínico e a coleta de sangue e de LP foram realizadas e, posteriormente, análise física e citológica do LP, bem como as determinações bioquímicas no sangue e no LP. Empregou-se a análise de variância ao nível de 5% de probabilidade comparando os grupos e comparando o sangue e o LP. Em ambos os grupos foram evidenciados sinais de apatia, desidratação e hipomotilidade reticuloruminal, porém os animais do GI apresentaram alterações clínicas mais expressivas. À análise citológica do LP No sangue as concentrações de PT, globulina, colesterol e GGT foram superiores no GII (P<0,05), e a relação A/G foi maior no GI (P<0,05). No LP a albumina e a CK foram superiores no GI (P<0,05). Na comparação entre o sangue e LP, destacou-se o aumento significativo do lactato L no LP de ambos os grupos (P<0,05), caracterizando a gravidade das alterações presentes na cavidade abdominal. Recomendase a avaliação simultânea no sangue e no LP do lactato L como informação de auxílio diagnóstico e prognóstico das enfermidades digestivas dos bovinos.
The objective of this study was to simultaneously evaluate biomarkers in the blood and peritoneal fluid (PF) of cattle with intestinal diseases (GI n=14) and traumatic reticulitis (GII n=13). A clinical examination and blood collection and PF were performed and subsequently, physical and cytological analysis of PF, as well as biochemical determinations in blood and PF. The analysis of variance was used at a 5% probability level comparing the groups and comparing blood and PF. In both groups, signs of apathy, dehydration and reticuloruminal hypomotility were evidenced, but the GI animals presented more expressive clinical alterations. In the cytological analysis of PF, a predominance of polymorfhonuclear was observed in both groups. Blood TP, globulin, cholesterol and GGT concentrations were higher in GII (P<0.05), and the A/G ratio was higher in GI (P <0.05). In PF, albumin and CK were higher in GI (P<0.05). In the comparison between blood and PF, the significant increase of L-lactate in the PF of both groups (P<0.05) was observed, characterizing the severity of the alterations present in the abdominal cavity. It is recommended the simultaneous evaluation of L-lactate in the blood and PF, as a tool for diagnosis and prognosis of bovine digestive diseases.
Feminino , Animais , Bovinos , Biomarcadores/sangue , Líquido Ascítico , Peritonite/veterinária , Ácido Láctico , Análise de Variância , Sistema Digestório/patologiaResumo
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar simultaneamente biomarcadores no sangue e no líquido peritoneal (LP) de bovinos com enfermidades intestinais (GI n=14) e reticulites traumáticas (GII n=13). O exame clínico e a coleta de sangue e de LP foram realizadas e, posteriormente, análise física e citológica do LP, bem como as determinações bioquímicas no sangue e no LP. Empregou-se a análise de variância ao nível de 5% de probabilidade comparando os grupos e comparando o sangue e o LP. Em ambos os grupos foram evidenciados sinais de apatia, desidratação e hipomotilidade reticuloruminal, porém os animais do GI apresentaram alterações clínicas mais expressivas. À análise citológica do LP No sangue as concentrações de PT, globulina, colesterol e GGT foram superiores no GII (P<0,05), e a relação A/G foi maior no GI (P<0,05). No LP a albumina e a CK foram superiores no GI (P<0,05). Na comparação entre o sangue e LP, destacou-se o aumento significativo do lactato L no LP de ambos os grupos (P<0,05), caracterizando a gravidade das alterações presentes na cavidade abdominal. Recomendase a avaliação simultânea no sangue e no LP do lactato L como informação de auxílio diagnóstico e prognóstico das enfermidades digestivas dos bovinos.(AU)
The objective of this study was to simultaneously evaluate biomarkers in the blood and peritoneal fluid (PF) of cattle with intestinal diseases (GI n=14) and traumatic reticulitis (GII n=13). A clinical examination and blood collection and PF were performed and subsequently, physical and cytological analysis of PF, as well as biochemical determinations in blood and PF. The analysis of variance was used at a 5% probability level comparing the groups and comparing blood and PF. In both groups, signs of apathy, dehydration and reticuloruminal hypomotility were evidenced, but the GI animals presented more expressive clinical alterations. In the cytological analysis of PF, a predominance of polymorfhonuclear was observed in both groups. Blood TP, globulin, cholesterol and GGT concentrations were higher in GII (P<0.05), and the A/G ratio was higher in GI (P <0.05). In PF, albumin and CK were higher in GI (P<0.05). In the comparison between blood and PF, the significant increase of L-lactate in the PF of both groups (P<0.05) was observed, characterizing the severity of the alterations present in the abdominal cavity. It is recommended the simultaneous evaluation of L-lactate in the blood and PF, as a tool for diagnosis and prognosis of bovine digestive diseases.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Biomarcadores/sangue , Líquido Ascítico , Ácido Láctico , Peritonite/veterinária , Sistema Digestório/patologia , Análise de VariânciaResumo
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of green tea extract (GTE) on the spermatic parameters of Wistar rats, submitted or not to testicular heat shock (HS). For this, 48 animals were treated according to the experimental groups (G1: not exposed to HS and untreated; G2: exposed to HS and untreated; G3: not exposed to HS and treated with GTE; G4: exposed to HS and treated with GTE). Subgroups of rats were euthanized on days 15, 30, and 60 to recover the spermatozoa. The total motility (TM), vigor, spermatic morphology and concentration, mitochondrial membrane potential, plasma membrane integrity, and acrosome integrity (ACi) were analyzed. The TM was higher in G1 and G3 than in G2 and G4 on day 30, and higher in G4 on day 60. The overall means of TM and vigor were higher in G1 and G3 than in G2 and G4, as well as TM on day 60. For the morphology, G2 and G4 were lower than G1 and G3 on day 15, and G4 was lower than G1 and G3 on day 30. Moreover, in G1 and G3 morphology was higher on days 15 and 30, and in G4 it was lower on day 30, with the overall means being higher in G1 and G3 than in G2 and G4, as well as on days 15 and 60 compared to day 30. The overall mean of ACi, on day 30, was lower than on days 15 and 60 for all the groups. Therefore, HS is shown to be widely deleterious to the gametes, and the daily administration of 100 mg/kg green tea extract does not improve the spermatic parameters of Wistar rats, submitted or not to testicular HS, although it leads to better recovery of spermatic motility and morphology at 60 days.
Animais , Ratos , Camellia sinensis/efeitos adversos , Camellia sinensis/química , Espermatozoides/classificação , Ratos Wistar/fisiologia , Catequina , Resposta ao Choque TérmicoResumo
Background: Displaced abomasum (DA) is a common and economically important disorder that affects dairy cattle. Nutritional factors and adaptive responses that occur in the peripartum play a central role in the pathogenesis. The measurement of blood metabolites represents a useful tool for monitoring and prognostic determination in affected animals. Therefore, the objective was to evaluate cardiac, energy and hormonal blood markers, lactatemia, and insulin sensitivity in cows diagnosed with right displaced abomasum (RDA) and left displaced abomasum (LDA), comparing them with each other. Materials, Methods & Results: Nineteen cases of abomasum displacement in cows were studied, including 9 cases of RDA and 10 cases of LDA. The diagnosis was established by means of physical examination and measurement of the concentration of chlorides in the ruminal fluid (> 30 mEq/L). After diagnosis, clinical-surgical therapeutic management was instituted. At the time of diagnosis (M1) and at the resolution of the case (M2), blood samples were collected to assess the variables: non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), beta hydroxybutyrate (βHB), L-lactate, creatine kinase (CK), creatine kinase MB (CK-MB), cardiac troponin I (cTnI), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), glucose, insulin, and cortisol. In addition, insulin sensitivity was estimated using the Revised Quantitative Insulin Sensitivity Check Index (RQUICKI) and RQUICKI-βHB. The means of the variables were compared, separating the effects of groups (RDA and LDA) and moments (M1 and M2), at the level of 5% probability. The concentrations of NEFA, CK-MB, L-lactate, glucose, insulin, and cortisol were higher at M1 and the RQUICKI and RQUICKI-βHB indices were lower at this moment. L-lactate, CK, and CK-MB were higher in the RDA group, while cTnI, βHB, and LDH did not present a group or moment effect. Cardiac markers correlated with the energy profile metabolites, L-lactate, and cortisol. Discussion: The high...
Feminino , Animais , Bovinos , Abomaso/patologia , Biomarcadores , Creatina Quinase Forma MB , L-Lactato Desidrogenase/sangue , Antagonistas da Insulina , Troponina IResumo
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of green tea extract (GTE) on the spermatic parameters of Wistar rats, submitted or not to testicular heat shock (HS). For this, 48 animals were treated according to the experimental groups (G1: not exposed to HS and untreated; G2: exposed to HS and untreated; G3: not exposed to HS and treated with GTE; G4: exposed to HS and treated with GTE). Subgroups of rats were euthanized on days 15, 30, and 60 to recover the spermatozoa. The total motility (TM), vigor, spermatic morphology and concentration, mitochondrial membrane potential, plasma membrane integrity, and acrosome integrity (ACi) were analyzed. The TM was higher in G1 and G3 than in G2 and G4 on day 30, and higher in G4 on day 60. The overall means of TM and vigor were higher in G1 and G3 than in G2 and G4, as well as TM on day 60. For the morphology, G2 and G4 were lower than G1 and G3 on day 15, and G4 was lower than G1 and G3 on day 30. Moreover, in G1 and G3 morphology was higher on days 15 and 30, and in G4 it was lower on day 30, with the overall means being higher in G1 and G3 than in G2 and G4, as well as on days 15 and 60 compared to day 30. The overall mean of ACi, on day 30, was lower than on days 15 and 60 for all the groups. Therefore, HS is shown to be widely deleterious to the gametes, and the daily administration of 100 mg/kg green tea extract does not improve the spermatic parameters of Wistar rats, submitted or not to testicular HS, although it leads to better recovery of spermatic motility and morphology at 60 days.(AU)
Animais , Ratos , Camellia sinensis/efeitos adversos , Camellia sinensis/química , Espermatozoides/classificação , Ratos Wistar/fisiologia , Resposta ao Choque Térmico , CatequinaResumo
Los estudios sobre la toxemia de la prenhez (TP) en ovejas han sido constantes y inovadoradores en algunos conceptos, pero no hay estudios en Brasil sobre las concentraciones de proteína de casos clínicos naturales de la enfermedad en esta especie. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar las concentraciones de proteína en sangre de casos clínicos naturales de TP en ovejas y comparar los resultados de acuerdo a la presencia sólo de TP y TP con enfermedades infecciosas intercurrentes. Evaluamos 35 ovejas se reunieron en la Clínica Bovina, Campus Garanhuns/UFRPE diagnosticado con TP en el período de 2007 a 2013. Los animales fueron sometidos a un examen clínico y ultrasonido, seguida de la recogida de sangre y orina para análisis de laboratorio. Todos los animales mostraron síntomas clínicos compatibles con un marco de TP. Los niveles séricos de betahidroxibutirato (BHB) y ácidos grasos no esterificados (NEFA) que se encuentran a ser altos en todas las ovejas. Cortisol sérico y la glucosa también eran altas, mientras que la insulina reducida, además, todos los animales mostraron cetonuria. Entre las ovejas 35 evaluados, 25 manifestaron sólo el marco TP (G1), y 10 más allá de la TP también tenía otras enfermedades infecciosas concomitantes (G2). En proteinograma, hubo un aumento en la haptoglobina sérica, glucoproteína alfa1-ácido y transferrina en ambos grupos [...](AU)
Studies on pregnancy toxemia in ewes have been constant and innovative in some respects. However, there are no previous reports on the protein profile of ewes naturally affected by this condition in Brazil. Thus, the aim of the present study was to determine the protein profile of Brazilian ewes affected with pregnancy toxemia and compare the results with ewes affected with concomitant diseases. Thirty-five ewes with a diagnosis of pregnancy toxemia were evaluated at the Bovine Clinic of the Rural Federal University of Pernambuco, Garanhuns Campus, between 2007 and 2013. The animals were submitted to clinical and ultrasound exams, followed by blood and urine collection for laboratory exams. All animals exhibited clinical symptoms of pregnancy toxemia, with elevated beta-hydroxybutyrate acid and non-esterified fatty acids. Ketonuria was found in all animals. The hormone profile revealed high levels of cortisol and low levels of insulin. Among the 35 ewes analyzed, 25 only exhibited pregnancy toxemia (G1) and ten also exhibited concomitant infectious illnesses (G2). The protein test revealed increased serum levels of haptoglobin, alfa1-acid glycoprotein and transferrin as well as reduced PM 23000 Da (protein not yet nominally identified) in both groups, whereas IgG was slightly elevated in the animals in G1 and fibrinogen was elevated in G2. Based on the present findings, the severe [...](AU)
Os estudos sobre a toxemia da prenhez (TP) na espécie ovina têm sido constantes e inovadoradores em alguns conceitos, porém não há relatos no Brasil sobre o proteinograma em ovelhas acometidas por casos naturais da doença. Diante disso, objetivou-se avaliar o proteinograma de ovelhas com a enfermidade e comparar os resultados de acordo com a presença apenas da TP e de outras doenças concomitantes. Foram avaliadas 35 ovelhas atendidas na Clínica de Bovinos, campus Garanhuns/UFRPE, diagnosticadas com TP, no período de 2007 a 2013. Os animais foram submetidos ao exame clínico e ultrassonográfico, seguido de coleta de sangue e urina para exames laboratoriais. Todos os animais exibiram uma sintomatologia clínica condizente com um quadro de TP. Os níveis séricos de betahidroxibutirato (BHB) e ácidos graxos não esterificados (AGNE) encontraram-se elevados em todas as ovelhas. Os valores de cortisol e glicose também estavam elevados e os de insulina reduzidos, além disso, todos os animais apresentaram cetonúria. Das 35 ovelhas avaliadas, 25 apresentaram apenas o quadro de TP (G1), e 10 além da TP apresentaram também outras enfermidades infecciosas concomitantes (G2). No proteinograma, houve aumento nos níveis séricos de haptoglobina, alfa1-glicoproteína ácida e transferrina e redução da PM 23000 Da (proteína ainda não identificada nominalmente) nos dois grupos, enquanto que os de IgG [...](AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Toxemia/sangue , Toxemia/diagnóstico , Toxemia/veterinária , Reação de Fase Aguda/veterinária , Ovinos/metabolismo , Proteínas Sanguíneas , Eletroforese/veterináriaResumo
Los estudios sobre la toxemia de la prenhez (TP) en ovejas han sido constantes y inovadoradores en algunos conceptos, pero no hay estudios en Brasil sobre las concentraciones de proteína de casos clínicos naturales de la enfermedad en esta especie. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar las concentraciones de proteína en sangre de casos clínicos naturales de TP en ovejas y comparar los resultados de acuerdo a la presencia sólo de TP y TP con enfermedades infecciosas intercurrentes. Evaluamos 35 ovejas se reunieron en la Clínica Bovina, Campus Garanhuns/UFRPE diagnosticado con TP en el período de 2007 a 2013. Los animales fueron sometidos a un examen clínico y ultrasonido, seguida de la recogida de sangre y orina para análisis de laboratorio. Todos los animales mostraron síntomas clínicos compatibles con un marco de TP. Los niveles séricos de betahidroxibutirato (BHB) y ácidos grasos no esterificados (NEFA) que se encuentran a ser altos en todas las ovejas. Cortisol sérico y la glucosa también eran altas, mientras que la insulina reducida, además, todos los animales mostraron cetonuria. Entre las ovejas 35 evaluados, 25 manifestaron sólo el marco TP (G1), y 10 más allá de la TP también tenía otras enfermedades infecciosas concomitantes (G2). En proteinograma, hubo un aumento en la haptoglobina sérica, glucoproteína alfa1-ácido y transferrina en ambos grupos [...]
Studies on pregnancy toxemia in ewes have been constant and innovative in some respects. However, there are no previous reports on the protein profile of ewes naturally affected by this condition in Brazil. Thus, the aim of the present study was to determine the protein profile of Brazilian ewes affected with pregnancy toxemia and compare the results with ewes affected with concomitant diseases. Thirty-five ewes with a diagnosis of pregnancy toxemia were evaluated at the Bovine Clinic of the Rural Federal University of Pernambuco, Garanhuns Campus, between 2007 and 2013. The animals were submitted to clinical and ultrasound exams, followed by blood and urine collection for laboratory exams. All animals exhibited clinical symptoms of pregnancy toxemia, with elevated beta-hydroxybutyrate acid and non-esterified fatty acids. Ketonuria was found in all animals. The hormone profile revealed high levels of cortisol and low levels of insulin. Among the 35 ewes analyzed, 25 only exhibited pregnancy toxemia (G1) and ten also exhibited concomitant infectious illnesses (G2). The protein test revealed increased serum levels of haptoglobin, alfa1-acid glycoprotein and transferrin as well as reduced PM 23000 Da (protein not yet nominally identified) in both groups, whereas IgG was slightly elevated in the animals in G1 and fibrinogen was elevated in G2. Based on the present findings, the severe [...]
Os estudos sobre a toxemia da prenhez (TP) na espécie ovina têm sido constantes e inovadoradores em alguns conceitos, porém não há relatos no Brasil sobre o proteinograma em ovelhas acometidas por casos naturais da doença. Diante disso, objetivou-se avaliar o proteinograma de ovelhas com a enfermidade e comparar os resultados de acordo com a presença apenas da TP e de outras doenças concomitantes. Foram avaliadas 35 ovelhas atendidas na Clínica de Bovinos, campus Garanhuns/UFRPE, diagnosticadas com TP, no período de 2007 a 2013. Os animais foram submetidos ao exame clínico e ultrassonográfico, seguido de coleta de sangue e urina para exames laboratoriais. Todos os animais exibiram uma sintomatologia clínica condizente com um quadro de TP. Os níveis séricos de betahidroxibutirato (BHB) e ácidos graxos não esterificados (AGNE) encontraram-se elevados em todas as ovelhas. Os valores de cortisol e glicose também estavam elevados e os de insulina reduzidos, além disso, todos os animais apresentaram cetonúria. Das 35 ovelhas avaliadas, 25 apresentaram apenas o quadro de TP (G1), e 10 além da TP apresentaram também outras enfermidades infecciosas concomitantes (G2). No proteinograma, houve aumento nos níveis séricos de haptoglobina, alfa1-glicoproteína ácida e transferrina e redução da PM 23000 Da (proteína ainda não identificada nominalmente) nos dois grupos, enquanto que os de IgG [...]
Feminino , Animais , Gravidez , Ovinos/metabolismo , Reação de Fase Aguda/veterinária , Toxemia/diagnóstico , Toxemia/sangue , Toxemia/veterinária , Eletroforese/veterinária , Proteínas SanguíneasResumo
Background: With the continuously increasing release of heavy metals in the environment, mostly from anthropogenic sources, there is a need to find ways of evaluating and managing the issuance of these contaminants and correct its damages. The birds being at the top of some food chains reflect the presence of metals in the environment, keeping this in perspective, raptors have been successfully used for heavy metals biomonitoring studies in the past. The purpose of this study was to identify and quantify cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg), lead (Pb), copper (Cu), and chromium (Cr) in the feathers and livers of free-living southern caracaras, live and dead, from Recife, Pernambuco state, Northeast of Brazil. Material, Methods & Results: Sixty-two feathers from live and dead southern caracaras and 21 livers from dead southern caracaras were analyzed by atomic absorption spectrometry for Hg and by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry for Cd, Cr, Pb, and Cu. Concentrations of Cr and Cu elements were detected in all feather and liver samples analyzed from live and dead caracaras. There was no difference in the concentration of metals between feathers of dead and live caracaras: Pb (P = 0.3576), Cd (P = 0.0792), Cr (P = 0.5475), and Cu (P = 0.3603), but significant variation was observed for Hg (P = 0.0459). The highest concentrations of Pb (P < 0.0001) and Cr (P < 0.0001) were found in the feathers than in the liver. On the other hand, the highest concentrations of Cu were found in liver samples (P = 0.0011). No significant variation in the concentrations of Cd (P = 0.7770) and Hg (P = 0.3669) was found between feathers and liver samples. Discussion: Chromium, as well as Hg, and Cu have a high affinity for keratin, which may explain the higher concentrations of Cr in caracaras feathers in this research. Lead was detected in all liver samples analyzed. Elevated levels were also found in the feathers of dead (95.2%) and live (75.6%) caracaras.[...]
Animais , Falconiformes , Fígado , Indicadores Ambientais , Intoxicação/veterinária , Metais Pesados/análise , Plumas , Chumbo , Cobre , Cromo , Cádmio , MercúrioResumo
Background: Urolithiasis is a metabolic disease of complex and multifactorial etiology, characterized by uroliths formation in the urinary system. It becomes clinically important when obstruction occurs, with little chance of reversal of the situation, and prevention is the best option for maintaining the integrity of the reproductive capacity. For this, the aim of this research was to know the clinical and biochemical profile of urolithiasis and predict the evolution of the disease in Santa Ines sheep breed fed with calculogenic diet, as well as to evaluate the prevention potential of vitamin C. Materials, Methods & Results: In this study, 14 healthy male Santa Ines sheep, aged approximately 90 days, were divided into two groups (G1- without vitamin C and G2 - with vitamin C, 1 g/dayly/orally) fed on calculogenic diet for 120 days. The animals were examined weekly, including observation of clinical signs, and blood and urine analysis were performed. Final leukogram revealed leukocytosis by neutrophilia in G2. There was aciduria in 57.14% (G1) and 71.43% (G2) and the presence of blood cells, bacteria and sperm to the urinary sediment. There were hyperproteinemia and proteinuria, but no significant elevation in serum albumin and globulin, urea and creatinine concentrations. Urine urea remained high. Serum uric acid was higher in M15 and M16, although inferior to those obtained in urine. No hyperglycemia was reported and urine concentrations remained stable over time, with a peak observed at M16. Serum AST presented a significant increase in M12 and M13, but returned to normal just after. Urine revealed significant turbidity and density changes for G1 and G2. Haematuria was observed in G1 and G2; however, changes in color and odor were evidenced only in G2. It was verified that, although most of the animals presented aciduria, 42.86% of G1 and 28.57% of G2 presented alkaline urinary pH.[...]
Animais , Acidificação , Ovinos , Urolitíase/fisiopatologia , Urolitíase/veterinária , Ácido Ascórbico/uso terapêutico , Leucocitose/veterináriaResumo
Background: With the continuously increasing release of heavy metals in the environment, mostly from anthropogenic sources, there is a need to find ways of evaluating and managing the issuance of these contaminants and correct its damages. The birds being at the top of some food chains reflect the presence of metals in the environment, keeping this in perspective, raptors have been successfully used for heavy metals biomonitoring studies in the past. The purpose of this study was to identify and quantify cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg), lead (Pb), copper (Cu), and chromium (Cr) in the feathers and livers of free-living southern caracaras, live and dead, from Recife, Pernambuco state, Northeast of Brazil. Material, Methods & Results: Sixty-two feathers from live and dead southern caracaras and 21 livers from dead southern caracaras were analyzed by atomic absorption spectrometry for Hg and by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry for Cd, Cr, Pb, and Cu. Concentrations of Cr and Cu elements were detected in all feather and liver samples analyzed from live and dead caracaras. There was no difference in the concentration of metals between feathers of dead and live caracaras: Pb (P = 0.3576), Cd (P = 0.0792), Cr (P = 0.5475), and Cu (P = 0.3603), but significant variation was observed for Hg (P = 0.0459). The highest concentrations of Pb (P < 0.0001) and Cr (P < 0.0001) were found in the feathers than in the liver. On the other hand, the highest concentrations of Cu were found in liver samples (P = 0.0011). No significant variation in the concentrations of Cd (P = 0.7770) and Hg (P = 0.3669) was found between feathers and liver samples. Discussion: Chromium, as well as Hg, and Cu have a high affinity for keratin, which may explain the higher concentrations of Cr in caracaras feathers in this research. Lead was detected in all liver samples analyzed. Elevated levels were also found in the feathers of dead (95.2%) and live (75.6%) caracaras.[...](AU)
Animais , Falconiformes , Metais Pesados/análise , Plumas , Fígado , Indicadores Ambientais , Intoxicação/veterinária , Cádmio , Mercúrio , Chumbo , Cobre , CromoResumo
Background: Urolithiasis is a metabolic disease of complex and multifactorial etiology, characterized by uroliths formation in the urinary system. It becomes clinically important when obstruction occurs, with little chance of reversal of the situation, and prevention is the best option for maintaining the integrity of the reproductive capacity. For this, the aim of this research was to know the clinical and biochemical profile of urolithiasis and predict the evolution of the disease in Santa Ines sheep breed fed with calculogenic diet, as well as to evaluate the prevention potential of vitamin C. Materials, Methods & Results: In this study, 14 healthy male Santa Ines sheep, aged approximately 90 days, were divided into two groups (G1- without vitamin C and G2 - with vitamin C, 1 g/dayly/orally) fed on calculogenic diet for 120 days. The animals were examined weekly, including observation of clinical signs, and blood and urine analysis were performed. Final leukogram revealed leukocytosis by neutrophilia in G2. There was aciduria in 57.14% (G1) and 71.43% (G2) and the presence of blood cells, bacteria and sperm to the urinary sediment. There were hyperproteinemia and proteinuria, but no significant elevation in serum albumin and globulin, urea and creatinine concentrations. Urine urea remained high. Serum uric acid was higher in M15 and M16, although inferior to those obtained in urine. No hyperglycemia was reported and urine concentrations remained stable over time, with a peak observed at M16. Serum AST presented a significant increase in M12 and M13, but returned to normal just after. Urine revealed significant turbidity and density changes for G1 and G2. Haematuria was observed in G1 and G2; however, changes in color and odor were evidenced only in G2. It was verified that, although most of the animals presented aciduria, 42.86% of G1 and 28.57% of G2 presented alkaline urinary pH.[...](AU)
Animais , Ovinos , Urolitíase/fisiopatologia , Urolitíase/veterinária , Ácido Ascórbico/uso terapêutico , Acidificação , Leucocitose/veterináriaResumo
The objective was to evaluate the inclusion of alfalfa hay in diets for growing sheep on testicular parameters and sperm kinetics sheep. Forty non-castrated male sheep were used, with body weight around 26 kg, ± 1.85 and eight months of age, approximately, evaluated for 100 days (it being 44 days for adaptation at management more diets and 56 for fattening) in feedlot. Treatments were four levels of alfalfa hay 0%, 20%, 40% and 60 %, so that was maintained proportion 60% of roughage for all rations. The type of diet offered to sheep did not affect testicular weight and serum testosterone concentration. The kinetics of sperm ejaculated and epididymal semen recovered also not influenced by the experimental diets. The inclusion of alfalfa hay in sheep diet did not change testicular parameters as well as the kinetics of ejaculated sperm and recovered from epididymal sperm tail may be recommended for nutritional management of breeding.(AU)
Objetivou-se avaliar a inclusão de feno de alfafa em rações para ovinos em crescimento sobre parâmetros testiculares e de cinética espermática de ovinos. Utilizaram-se 40 ovinos em crescimento, com peso corporal médio inicial de 26 ± 1,85 kg e oito meses de idade, aproximadamente, avaliados durante 100 dias (sendo 44 dias para adaptação ao manejo e 56 dias para a terminação) em confinamento. Os tratamentos foram compostos por quatro níveis de feno alfafa: 0%, 20%, 40% e 60%, de modo que foi mantida proporção de 60% de volumoso para todas as rações. O tipo de dieta oferecida aos ovinos não influenciou o peso testicular, bem como a concentração sérica de testosterona. A cinética espermática do ejaculado e do sêmen recuperado do epidídimo também não sofreu influência das dietas experimentais. A inclusão de feno de alfafa na dieta de ovinos não altera parâmetros testiculares, bem como a cinética espermática do ejaculado e também dos espermatozoides recuperados da cauda do epidídimo, podendo ser recomendado em manejo nutricional de reprodutores.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Ovinos , Testículo , Espermatozoides , Medicago sativa , Ração Animal , Sêmen , ReproduçãoResumo
The objective was to evaluate the inclusion of alfalfa hay in diets for growing sheep on testicular parameters and sperm kinetics sheep. Forty non-castrated male sheep were used, with body weight around 26 kg, ± 1.85 and eight months of age, approximately, evaluated for 100 days (it being 44 days for adaptation at management more diets and 56 for fattening) in feedlot. Treatments were four levels of alfalfa hay 0%, 20%, 40% and 60 %, so that was maintained proportion 60% of roughage for all rations. The type of diet offered to sheep did not affect testicular weight and serum testosterone concentration. The kinetics of sperm ejaculated and epididymal semen recovered also not influenced by the experimental diets. The inclusion of alfalfa hay in sheep diet did not change testicular parameters as well as the kinetics of ejaculated sperm and recovered from epididymal sperm tail may be recommended for nutritional management of breeding.
Objetivou-se avaliar a inclusão de feno de alfafa em rações para ovinos em crescimento sobre parâmetros testiculares e de cinética espermática de ovinos. Utilizaram-se 40 ovinos em crescimento, com peso corporal médio inicial de 26 ± 1,85 kg e oito meses de idade, aproximadamente, avaliados durante 100 dias (sendo 44 dias para adaptação ao manejo e 56 dias para a terminação) em confinamento. Os tratamentos foram compostos por quatro níveis de feno alfafa: 0%, 20%, 40% e 60%, de modo que foi mantida proporção de 60% de volumoso para todas as rações. O tipo de dieta oferecida aos ovinos não influenciou o peso testicular, bem como a concentração sérica de testosterona. A cinética espermática do ejaculado e do sêmen recuperado do epidídimo também não sofreu influência das dietas experimentais. A inclusão de feno de alfafa na dieta de ovinos não altera parâmetros testiculares, bem como a cinética espermática do ejaculado e também dos espermatozoides recuperados da cauda do epidídimo, podendo ser recomendado em manejo nutricional de reprodutores.
Masculino , Animais , Espermatozoides , Medicago sativa , Ovinos , Ração Animal , Sêmen , Testículo , ReproduçãoResumo
The study was carried out to analyze the effect of monensin supplementation during 60 days prior to parturition, and 30 days postpartum, on the metabolic and hormonal profile of ewes. Pregnant ewes (n=13) were randomly divided into two groups: monensin group (n = 7; 30 mg/day) and control group (n = 6). Blood and ruminal fluid samples were collected 60, 50, 40, 30, 20 and 10 days prior to parturition, at the time of parturition and on 10, 20 and 30 days postpartum. The following variables were analyzed: glucose, fructosamine, non-esterfied fatty acids, ?-hydroxybutyrate, cholesterol, triglycerides, total protein, albumin, urea and ketone bodies in the urine. The hormonal determinations were cortisol and insulin. The analysis of the ruminal fluid involved pH and concentration of volatile fatty acids. The statistical analysis involved ANOVA and correlation studies (P 0,05). Monensin increased (P 0,05) the propionic acid concentration in the rumen and blood fructosamine and insulin. The administration of monensin improved some indicators of energy balance
O estudo foi realizado com o intuito de avaliar o efeito da monensina, suplementada a partir de 60 dias antes do parto (dap) e por 30 dias pós-parto, sobre o perfil metabólico e hormonal de ovelhas. As ovelhas prenhas (n=13), foram divididas, de forma aleatória, em dois grupos, um que recebeu a monensina (n=7) (30 mg/dia) e o controle (n=6). Amostras de sangue e fluido ruminal foram colhidas aos 60, 50, 40, 30, 20 e 10 dias antes do parto, no momento do parto e nos 10, 20 e 30 dias pós-parto. As variáveis mensuradas foram: glicose, frutosamina, ácidos graxos não esterificados (AGNEs), ?-hidroxibutirato, colesterol, triglicérides, proteína total, albumina, ureia e pesquisa de corpos cetônicos na urina. As determinações hormonais foram cortisol e a insulina. No fluido ruminal foi determinado o pH e a concentração dos ácidos graxos voláteis. Na análise estatística foi empregada a ANOVA e estudo de correlação (P 0,05). A monensina elevou (P 0,05) a concentração do propionato no rúmen e frutosamina e insulina no sangue. A administração da monensina promoveu melhora em alguns indicadores do balanço energético
Animais , Ionóforos/metabolismo , Metabolismo Energético , Ovinos/metabolismo , Suplementos Nutricionais/análise , Dieta/veterináriaResumo
Studies on pregnancy toxemia (TP) in goats, when compared with ovine, have been less common, and there are no reports in Brazil that include serum protein electrophoresis in goats with the naturally occurring form of the disease. As such, serum protein electrophoresis in goats with TP was performed to evaluate the biological behavior of acute phase proteins (PFA), as well as biochemical and hormonal indicators of this disease. Thirty-six goats diagnosed with TP were evaluated in the Bovine Clinic Garanhuns Campus/UFRPE and private properties. The goats underwent physical exam and ultrasound, followed by collection of blood and urine for laboratory exams. The goats had clinical signs of TP, with elevated levels of beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) and non-esterified fatty acids (AGNE), and normal glucose levels. Ketonuria was seen in all animals. On serum protein electrophoresis, there were elevated levels of haptoglobin. The hormone profile showed elevated levels of cortisol and decreased levels of insulin. In conclusion, the severe metabolic disturbance caused by TP in goats causes an elevation of serum levels of haptoglobin, as well as changes in the biochemical and hormonal profiles, which reflect significant alterations in lipid metabolism.(AU)
Os estudos sobre a toxemia da prenhez (TP) em caprinos, quando comparados aos ovinos, têm sido menos frequentes, não havendo relatos no Brasil sobre o proteinograma de cabras acometidas por casos clínicos naturais da doença. Assim, realizou-se o proteinograma de cabras com TP, visando avaliar o comportamento biológico das proteínas de fase aguda (PFA), além de indicadores bioquímicos e hormonais nesta enfermidade. Foram avaliadas 36 cabras diagnosticadas com TP, na Clínica de Bovinos - campus Garanhuns/UFRPE e em propriedades. Os animais foram submetidos ao exame clínico e ultrassonográfico, seguido de coleta de sangue e urina para exames laboratoriais. As cabras apresentaram sinais clínicos de TP, com valores de beta-hidroxibutirato (BHB) e ácidos graxos não esterificados (AGNE) elevados e glicose normal. Cetonúria foi observada em todos os animais. No proteinograma, houve aumento nos níveis séricos de haptoglobina. O perfil hormonal revelou níveis séricos elevados de cortisol e reduzidos de insulina. Em conclusão, o severo transtorno metabólico provocado pela TP em cabras provoca elevação dos níveis séricos de haptoglobina, além das alterações no perfil bioquímico e hormonal, refletindo marcantes modificações no metabolismo lipídico.(AU)
Animais , Gravidez , Cabras/sangue , Pré-Eclâmpsia/veterinária , Eletroforese das Proteínas Sanguíneas/veterinária , Hemoglobinas/análise , Transtornos do Metabolismo dos Lipídeos/veterinária , Hidrocortisona/sangue , Haptoglobinas/análise , Cetose/veterinária , Insulina/análiseResumo
Background: Heat directly applied to the testis has been providing information regarding the damage triggering mechanisms on spermatogenesis and possible treatments to prevent testicular changes. Testis submitted to heat-shock have inhibition of the local antioxidant defense mechanisms against lipid peroxidation and free radicals. Vitamin E and Selenium protect biological membranes against free radicals to prevent membrane lipid peroxidation. The current assay evaluated the effect of dietary supplementation with Selenium and Vitamin E on testicular parenchyma and testosterone levels of goats submitted to heat shock by scrotal insulation.Materials, Methods & Results: The effect of dietary selenium and vitamin E supplementation on testicular parameters and serum testosterone concentration was evaluated in goats subjected to scrotal insulation. The animals were randomly allocated into two groups (n = 6) to receive either a control diet (CO) or a diet supplemented with selenium and vitamin E (SE). The animals received supplementation for 120 days: 60 days prior to scrotal insulation, 18 days during scrotal insulation and 42 days after scrotal insulation. Orchiectomy was performed on three animals from each group, immediately after the end of scrotal insulation. The remaining animals were neutered at the end of the experimental period (120 days). Testicles were routinely process [...](AU)
Animais , Cabras/fisiologia , Selênio/administração & dosagem , Vitamina E/administração & dosagem , Testículo/anatomia & histologia , Testosterona/sangue , Resposta ao Choque Térmico/fisiologia , Escroto/fisiologia , Antioxidantes/análiseResumo
The study was carried out to analyze the effect of monensin supplementation during 60 days prior to parturition, and 30 days postpartum, on the metabolic and hormonal profile of ewes. Pregnant ewes (n=13) were randomly divided into two groups: monensin group (n = 7; 30 mg/day) and control group (n = 6). Blood and ruminal fluid samples were collected 60, 50, 40, 30, 20 and 10 days prior to parturition, at the time of parturition and on 10, 20 and 30 days postpartum. The following variables were analyzed: glucose, fructosamine, non-esterfied fatty acids, ?-hydroxybutyrate, cholesterol, triglycerides, total protein, albumin, urea and ketone bodies in the urine. The hormonal determinations were cortisol and insulin. The analysis of the ruminal fluid involved pH and concentration of volatile fatty acids. The statistical analysis involved ANOVA and correlation studies (P 0,05). Monensin increased (P 0,05) the propionic acid concentration in the rumen and blood fructosamine and insulin. The administration of monensin improved some indicators of energy balance(AU)
O estudo foi realizado com o intuito de avaliar o efeito da monensina, suplementada a partir de 60 dias antes do parto (dap) e por 30 dias pós-parto, sobre o perfil metabólico e hormonal de ovelhas. As ovelhas prenhas (n=13), foram divididas, de forma aleatória, em dois grupos, um que recebeu a monensina (n=7) (30 mg/dia) e o controle (n=6). Amostras de sangue e fluido ruminal foram colhidas aos 60, 50, 40, 30, 20 e 10 dias antes do parto, no momento do parto e nos 10, 20 e 30 dias pós-parto. As variáveis mensuradas foram: glicose, frutosamina, ácidos graxos não esterificados (AGNEs), ?-hidroxibutirato, colesterol, triglicérides, proteína total, albumina, ureia e pesquisa de corpos cetônicos na urina. As determinações hormonais foram cortisol e a insulina. No fluido ruminal foi determinado o pH e a concentração dos ácidos graxos voláteis. Na análise estatística foi empregada a ANOVA e estudo de correlação (P 0,05). A monensina elevou (P 0,05) a concentração do propionato no rúmen e frutosamina e insulina no sangue. A administração da monensina promoveu melhora em alguns indicadores do balanço energético(AU)
Animais , Suplementos Nutricionais/análise , Ovinos/metabolismo , Ionóforos/metabolismo , Metabolismo Energético , Dieta/veterináriaResumo
Abstract The study was carried out to analyze the effect of monensin supplementation during 60 days prior to parturition, and 30 days postpartum, on the metabolic and hormonal profile of ewes. Pregnant ewes (n=13) were randomly divided into two groups: monensin group (n = 7; 30 mg/day) and control group (n = 6). Blood and ruminal fluid samples were collected 60, 50, 40, 30, 20 and 10 days prior to parturition, at the time of parturition and on 10, 20 and 30 days postpartum. The following variables were analyzed: glucose, fructosamine, non-esterfied fatty acids, -hydroxybutyrate, cholesterol, triglycerides, total protein, albumin, urea and ketone bodies in the urine. The hormonal determinations were cortisol and insulin. The analysis of the ruminal fluid involved pH and concentration of volatile fatty acids. The statistical analysis involved ANOVA and correlation studies (P 0,05). Monensin increased (P 0,05) the propionic acid concentration in the rumen and blood fructosamine and insulin. The administration of monensin improved some indicators of energy balance.
Resumo O estudo foi realizado com o intuito de avaliar o efeito da monensina, suplementada a partir de 60 dias antes do parto (dap) e por 30 dias pós-parto, sobre o perfil metabólico e hormonal de ovelhas. As ovelhas prenhas (n=13), foram divididas, de forma aleatória, em dois grupos, um que recebeu a monensina (n=7) (30 mg/dia) e o controle (n=6). Amostras de sangue e fluido ruminal foram colhidas aos 60, 50, 40, 30, 20 e 10 dias antes do parto, no momento do parto e nos 10, 20 e 30 dias pós-parto. As variáveis mensuradas foram: glicose, frutosamina, ácidos graxos não esterificados (AGNEs), -hidroxibutirato, colesterol, triglicérides, proteína total, albumina, ureia e pesquisa de corpos cetônicos na urina. As determinações hormonais foram cortisol e a insulina. No fluido ruminal foi determinado o pH e a concentração dos ácidos graxos voláteis. Na análise estatística foi empregada a ANOVA e estudo de correlação (P 0,05). A monensina elevou (P 0,05) a concentração do propionato no rúmen e frutosamina e insulina no sangue. A administração da monensina promoveu melhora em alguns indicadores do balanço energético.
Abstract The transplacental transmission is the primary route of Neospora caninum infection in bovine herds around the world. This study aimed to determine the frequency of transplacental transmission of the parasite in dairy cattle of Agreste region of Pernambuco through serological tests (IFAT and ELISA). Three hundred sixteen serum samples from cows and heifers and their offspring were analyzed. The transplacental transmission rate was 72.22% (13/18) for cows and 69.23% (9/13) for heifers by IFAT. ELISA test showed transplacental transmission rate of 43.58% (17/39) for cows and 50% (9/18) for heifers. The transplacental transmission rates were similar, in both groups in test, but a higher seropositivity was found in cows by IFAT. Data were statistically analyzed using the chi-square and Fishers exact test. A significant relationship of dependence between seropositivity of mothers and their offspring was found. The more frequent IFAT antibody titers and ELISA levels for N. caninum were, respectively, 200 and between four (cows) and five (heifers and offspring). In the Spearman correlation, no association was found between the magnitude of antibody titers for N. caninum between mothers and their offspring. The kappa test showed an index of 0.35, indicating a mild correlation between the serological tests used. The study suggests that cows and heifers are the main transmitters of N. caninum in the studied region and that vertical transmission is the major form of transmission in dairy herds of the Agreste region of Pernambuco.(AU)
Resumo A transmissão transplacentária é a principal via de infecção do Neospora caninum nos rebanhos bovinos em todo o mundo. O presente estudo teve como objetivo determinar a frequência da transmissão transplacentária do parasita em bovinos leiteiros do Agreste Pernambucano, por meio de testes sorológicos (RIFI e ELISA). Foram analisadas 316 amostras de soro de fêmeas bovinas (vacas e novilhas) e de suas crias. A taxa de transmissão transplacentária pela RIFI foi de 72,22% (13/18) para vacas e 69,23% (9/13) para as novilhas. O ELISA teste mostrou taxa de transmissão transplacentária de 43,58% (17/39) para as vacas e 50% (9/18) para as novilhas. As taxas de transmissão transplacentária foram similares para os dois testes em geral, porém uma maior soropositividade foi encontrada nas vacas pela RIFI. Os dados foram estatisticamente analisados pelo teste de qui-quadrado e teste exato de Fischer. Foi encontrada uma relação significativa de dependência entre a soropositividade das mães e de suas crias. Os títulos de anticorpos anti- N. caninum foi de 200 na RIFI e posicionados entre o nível quatro (vacas) e cinco (novilhas e bezerros) pelo ELISA. Pela correlação de Spearman, não foi observada associação entre a magnitude de títulos de anticorpos anti- N. caninum de fêmeas com o de suas crias. O teste de concordância kappa revelou um índice de 0,35, indicando uma concordância leve entre os testes sorológicos utilizados. O estudo sugere que vacas e novilhas são as principais transmissoras do N. caninum na região estudada, sendo a transmissão vertical, a principal forma de transmissão do agente em rebanhos leiteiros do Agreste de Pernambuco.(AU)