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Braz. j. biol ; 82: e263745, 2022. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1420658


During a parasite survey in Brazilian amphibians from São Paulo state, Brazil, Gorgoderina parvicava Travassos, 1922 was found in the urinary bladder (11 adult worms) and (five juvenile worms) in the kidneys of the pepperfrog Leptodactylus labyrinthicus (Spix, 1824). Parasites were examined by microscopy and 28S rDNA and COI gene were sequenced and analyzed for the molecular study. The phylogenetic reconstructions resulted in identical topologies with highly supported values in the nodes in most clades using Maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference methods and positioned G. parvicava in the subclade formed by species of subfamily Gorgoderinae parasitizing the urinary bladder of amphibians. Molecular phylogenetic data showed that this species is related to other species of Gorgoderina. In addition, new molecular data and the analyses of genetic distances provide extra comparative data, which can be applied in further investigations on the taxonomic status and the diversity among Gorgoderina spp. and host-parasite relationships.

Durante o levantamento de parasitas de anfíbios brasileiros do estado de São Paulo, Brasil, Gorgoderina parvicava Travassos, 1922 foi encontrado na bexiga urinária (11 vermes adultos) e nos rins (cinco vermes juvenis) da rãpimenta Leptodactylus labyrinthicus (Spix, 1824). Os parasitas foram examinados por microscopia e os genes 28S rDNA e COI foram sequenciados e analisados para o estudo molecular. As reconstruções filogenéticas resultaram em topologias idênticas com valores suportados nos nós na maioria dos clados, usando métodos de máxima verossimilhança e inferência bayesiana e posicionaram G. parvicava no subclado formado por espécies da subfamília Gorgoderinae parasitando a bexiga urinária de anfíbios. Dados filogenéticos moleculares mostraram que esta espécie está relacionada a outras espécies de Gorgoderina. Além disso, novos dados moleculares e as análises de distâncias genéticas fornecem dados comparativos extras, que podem ser aplicados em futuras investigações sobre o status taxonômico e a diversidade entre Gorgoderina spp. e relações parasita-hospedeiro.

Animais , Anuros/parasitologia , Filogenia , Trematódeos/classificação , Brasil
Bol. Inst. Pesca (Impr.) ; 48: e711, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1417241


The use of biological indicators has increased in recent years with the aim of investigating environ-mental pollution in aquatic environments that are vulnerable to the constant use of pesticides. Some biomarkers can help assess the health status, indicating physical, metabolic, and behavioral changes under acute and sublethal poisoning. The mixture of the active ingredients cyproconazole and pico-xystrobin is a widely used fungicide for the control of pests in cotton, rice, coffee, sugarcane, corn, soybean, and wheat. The objective of this study was to verify the occurrence of possible histopatholo-gical lesions in the liver and kidneys of bullfrog tadpoles (Lithobates catesbeianus) caused by a fungi-cide commercial formula composed of picoxystrobin and cyproconazole. The animals were subjected to different concentrations of the fungicide to determine the median lethal concentration (LC50-96h = 0.05 mg L-1), that is, the lethal dose for 50% of the animals in 96 h. After determining the value of LC50-96h, the animals were subjected to three sublethal concentrations (LC50-96h/2, LC50-96h/10, and LC-50-96h/100). Through histological biomarkers, it was verified that this fungicide changed the morphology of the animals' kidney and liver tissues in a chronic way, impairing the functioning of organs that are essential for their survival and metamorphosis, which can result in an imbalance in the biodiversity of aquatic ecosystems.(AU)

O uso de indicadores biológicos tem aumentado nos últimos anos, com o intuito de investigar a po-luição ambiental em ambientes aquáticos que são vulneráveis ao constante uso de pesticidas. Alguns biomarcadores podem ajudar a avaliar o estado de saúde, indicando alterações físicas, metabólicas e comportamentais de intoxicações agudas e subletais. A mistura dos ingredientes ativos picoxistrobina e ciproconazol é amplamente usada como fungicida para o controle de pragas da cultura de algodão, arroz, café, cana-de-açúcar, milho, soja e trigo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a ocorrência de possíveis lesões histopatológicas em fígado e rins de girinos de rã-touro (Lithobates catesbeianus) causadas pela mistura dos fungicidas picoxistrobina e ciproconazol. Os animais foram submetidos a diferentes concentrações do fungicida para determinação da concentração letal mediana (CL50-96h = 0,05 mg L-1), ou seja, a dose letal para 50% dos animais em 96 horas. Após a determinação do valor da CL50-96h, os animais foram submetidos a três concentrações subletais (CL50-96h/2, CL50-96h/10 e CL50-96h/100). Através dos biomarcadores histológicos, a pesquisa verificou que esse fungicida alterou a morfolo-gia dos tecidos renais e hepáticos dos animais de maneira crônica, prejudicando o funcionamento de órgãos que são fundamentais para sua sobrevivência e metamorfose, o que pode resultar em um desequilíbrio para a biodiversidade dos ecossistemas aquáticos.(AU)

Animais , Praguicidas/efeitos adversos , Biomarcadores/análise , Anfíbios/anatomia & histologia , Ecotoxicologia , Rim/fisiopatologia , Fígado/fisiopatologia
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 28(1): 3-8, jan./mar. 2021. il.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1368217


A ingestão de corpos estranhos em aquários artificiais é uma ocorrência frequente observada na clínica cirúrgica de anfíbios criados como pets, o que inclui os axolotes (Ambystoma mexicanum). O presente relato descreve um caso de ingestão de sete corpos estranhos em um axolote macho, de cinco meses de idade, com histórico de abaulamento irregular e irredutível da superfície corpórea ventral, de consistência firme. Na anamnese foi informado que o animal habitava um aquário com substrato de cascalhos. Ao exame físico, o axolote apresentou bom estado geral e parâmetros vitais dentro da normalidade para a espécie. Os materiais deglutidos foram identificados em região gástrica por meio de exame radiográfico corpóreo total, e suas características condiziam com o substrato utilizado no aquário do paciente. Como protocolo anestésico, foi priorizada a imersão em Isofluorano e gás oxigênio, com o objetivo de atingir a via branquial e, ocasionalmente, transdérmica. A remoção cirúrgica foi feita através de celiotomia e gastrotomia em ambiente aquático com temperatura, pH e coleção bacteriana controlados, conforme literatura disponível e tendo em consideração a natureza, diâmetro e localização dos corpos estranhos. Após cinco e quinze dias do procedimento, acompanhou-se a cicatrização da ferida cirúrgica, sendo possível constatar bom restabelecimento da continuidade dos tecidos e bom estado geral do paciente.

The ingestion of foreign bodies in artificial aquariums is a frequent occurrence observed in the surgical clinic of amphibians raised as pets, which includes axolotls (Ambystoma mexicanum). The present report describes a case of ingestion of seven foreign bodies in a male axolotl, five months old, with a history of irregular and irreducible bulging of the ventral body surface, with firm consistency. In the anamnesis, it was reported that the animal inhabited an aquariums with gravel substrate. On physical examination, the axolotl showed good general condition and vital parameters within the normal range for the species. The swallowed materials were identified in the gastric region by means of total body radiographic examination, and their characteristics were consistent with the substrate used in the patient's aquarium. As anesthetic protocol, immersion in Isofluorane and oxygen gas was prioritized, in order to reach the branchial and, occasionally, transdermal route. Surgical removal was performed through celiotomy and gastrotomy in an aquatic environment with controlled temperature, pH and bacterial collection, according to available literature and taking into account the nature, diameter and location of foreign bodies. After five and fifteen days of the procedure, the healing of the surgical wound was monitored, showing a good restoration of tissue continuity and a good general condition of the patient.

Animais , Cirurgia Veterinária/métodos , Ambystoma mexicanum/cirurgia , Anfíbios/cirurgia , Anestesia/veterinária , Salamandra/cirurgia , Cicatrização , Ambiente Aquático/métodos , Corpos Estranhos/veterinária
Iheringia. Sér. Zool. ; 111: e2021013, 2021. mapas, ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-764763


Climatic conditions and microhabitat characteristics, such as the substrate and type of vegetation, influence the choice of male anurans for calling sites that optimize their reproductive success. We evaluated the structure and selection of vocalization microhabitat of 17 individuals of Phyllomedusa distincta Lutz, 1950 and 25 of Boana leptolineata (Braun & Braun, 1977), in a subtropical forest in southern Brazil. We measure the height of the perch, the distance between the perch and the edge of the body of water and the structure of the microhabitat of quadrants used by individuals. The same attributes were measured in the quadrants available (but not used) by the individuals. We classified the microhabitats by visual estimate, assigning percentages of coverage for each quadrant by herbaceous, shrub, tree and wetland vegetation. We observed that both species selected their microhabitat, since the characteristics of the quadrants occupied by the individuals were different from those available. Phyllomedusa distincta was more associated with heterogeneous microhabitats, while B. leptolineata occurred in environments with greater coverage of tree strata. Additionally, we observed that both species used shrubs more frequently as a perch site. The selection of these microhabitat characteristics must be associated with strategies to optimize the use of the reproductive habitat, based on the morphological and behavioral characteristics of the species. Finally, it is possible to infer that the differences observed in the microhabitat structure selected by the species can facilitate the coexistence of both in the context of the heterogeneity of the environment.(AU)

Seleção e uso de sítios de vocalização por Boana leptolineata e Phyllomedusa distincta durante o período reprodutivoAs condições climáticas e as características de micro-habitat, como o substrato e o tipo de vegetação, influenciam a escolha de anuros machos por sítios de vocalização que otimizem seu sucesso reprodutivo. Avaliamos a estrutura e a seleção de micro-habitat de vocalização de 17 indivíduos de Phyllomedusa distincta Lutz, 1950 e 25 de Boana leptolineata (Braun & Braun, 1977), em uma floresta subtropical no sul do Brasil. Medimos a altura do poleiro, a distância do poleiro até a margem do corpo dágua e a estrutura do micro-habitat de quadrantes utilizados pelos indivíduos. Os mesmos atributos foram mensurados nos quadrantes disponíveis (mas não utilizados) pelos indivíduos. Classificamos os micro-habitats por estimativa visual, atribuindo-se porcentagens de cobertura de cada quadrante por vegetação herbácea, arbustiva, arbórea e de área alagada. Observamos que ambas as espécies selecionaram seu micro-habitat, uma vez que as características dos quadrantes ocupados pelos indivíduos foram distintas daquelas disponíveis. Phyllomedusa distincta esteve mais associada a micro-habitats heterogêneos, enquanto B. leptolineata ocorreu em ambientes com maior cobertura de estrato arbóreo. Adicionalmente, observamos que ambas as espécies utilizaram mais frequentemente arbustos como local do poleiro. A seleção destas características de micro-habitat deve estar associada a estratégias para otimização do uso do habitat reprodutivo, baseadas em características morfológicas e comportamentais das espécies. Por fim, é possível inferir que as diferenças observadas na estrutura de micro-habitat selecionadas pelas espécies podem facilitar a coexistência de ambas no contexto da heterogeneidade do ambiente.(AU)

Animais , Anfíbios/embriologia , Comportamento Reprodutivo , Ecossistema
R. bras. Ci. Vet. ; 28(1): 3-8, mai. 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31560


A ingestão de corpos estranhos em aquários artificiais é uma ocorrência frequente observada na clínica cirúrgica de anfíbios criados como pets, o que inclui os axolotes (Ambystoma mexicanum). O presente relato descreve um caso de ingestão de sete corpos estranhos em um axolote macho, de cinco meses de idade, com histórico de abaulamento irregular e irredutível da superfície corpórea ventral, de consistência firme. Na anamnese foi informado que o animal habitava um aquário com substrato de cascalhos. Ao exame físico, o axolote apresentou bom estado geral e parâmetros vitais dentro da normalidade para a espécie. Os materiais deglutidos foram identificados em região gástrica por meio de exame radiográfico corpóreo total, e suas características condiziam com o substrato utilizado no aquário do paciente. Como protocolo anestésico, foi priorizada a imersão em Isofluorano e gás oxigênio, com o objetivo de atingir a via branquial e, ocasionalmente, transdérmica. A remoção cirúrgica foi feita através de celiotomia e gastrotomia em ambiente aquático com temperatura, pH e coleção bacteriana controlados, conforme literatura disponível e tendo em consideração a natureza, diâmetro e localização dos corpos estranhos. Após cinco e quinze dias do procedimento, acompanhou-se a cicatrização da ferida cirúrgica, sendo possível constatar bom restabelecimento da continuidade dos tecidos e bom estado geral do paciente.(AU)

The ingestion of foreign bodies in artificial aquariums is a frequent occurrence observed in the surgical clinic of amphibians raised as pets, which includes axolotls (Ambystoma mexicanum). The present report describes a case of ingestion of seven foreign bodies in a male axolotl, five months old, with a history of irregular and irreducible bulging of the ventral body surface, with firm consistency. In the anamnesis, it was reported that the animal inhabited an aquariums with gravel substrate. On physical examination, the axolotl showed good general condition and vital parameters within the normal range for the species. The swallowed materials were identified in the gastric region by means of total body radiographic examination, and their characteristics were consistent with the substrate used in the patients aquarium. As anesthetic protocol, immersion in Isofluorane and oxygen gas was prioritized, in order to reach the branchial and, occasionally, transdermal route. Surgical removal was performed through celiotomy and gastrotomy in an aquatic environment with controlled temperature, pH and bacterial collection, according to available literature and taking into account the nature, diameter and location of foreign bodies. After five and fifteen days of the procedure, the healing of the surgical wound was monitored, showing a good restoration of tissue continuity and a good general condition of the patient.(AU)

Animais , Anfíbios/cirurgia , Anestesia , Ambystoma mexicanum , Cicatrização , Imersão
Iheringia, Sér. zool ; 111: e2021013, 2021. map, ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1483419


Climatic conditions and microhabitat characteristics, such as the substrate and type of vegetation, influence the choice of male anurans for calling sites that optimize their reproductive success. We evaluated the structure and selection of vocalization microhabitat of 17 individuals of Phyllomedusa distincta Lutz, 1950 and 25 of Boana leptolineata (Braun & Braun, 1977), in a subtropical forest in southern Brazil. We measure the height of the perch, the distance between the perch and the edge of the body of water and the structure of the microhabitat of quadrants used by individuals. The same attributes were measured in the quadrants available (but not used) by the individuals. We classified the microhabitats by visual estimate, assigning percentages of coverage for each quadrant by herbaceous, shrub, tree and wetland vegetation. We observed that both species selected their microhabitat, since the characteristics of the quadrants occupied by the individuals were different from those available. Phyllomedusa distincta was more associated with heterogeneous microhabitats, while B. leptolineata occurred in environments with greater coverage of tree strata. Additionally, we observed that both species used shrubs more frequently as a perch site. The selection of these microhabitat characteristics must be associated with strategies to optimize the use of the reproductive habitat, based on the morphological and behavioral characteristics of the species. Finally, it is possible to infer that the differences observed in the microhabitat structure selected by the species can facilitate the coexistence of both in the context of the heterogeneity of the environment.

Seleção e uso de sítios de vocalização por Boana leptolineata e Phyllomedusa distincta durante o período reprodutivoAs condições climáticas e as características de micro-habitat, como o substrato e o tipo de vegetação, influenciam a escolha de anuros machos por sítios de vocalização que otimizem seu sucesso reprodutivo. Avaliamos a estrutura e a seleção de micro-habitat de vocalização de 17 indivíduos de Phyllomedusa distincta Lutz, 1950 e 25 de Boana leptolineata (Braun & Braun, 1977), em uma floresta subtropical no sul do Brasil. Medimos a altura do poleiro, a distância do poleiro até a margem do corpo d’água e a estrutura do micro-habitat de quadrantes utilizados pelos indivíduos. Os mesmos atributos foram mensurados nos quadrantes disponíveis (mas não utilizados) pelos indivíduos. Classificamos os micro-habitats por estimativa visual, atribuindo-se porcentagens de cobertura de cada quadrante por vegetação herbácea, arbustiva, arbórea e de área alagada. Observamos que ambas as espécies selecionaram seu micro-habitat, uma vez que as características dos quadrantes ocupados pelos indivíduos foram distintas daquelas disponíveis. Phyllomedusa distincta esteve mais associada a micro-habitats heterogêneos, enquanto B. leptolineata ocorreu em ambientes com maior cobertura de estrato arbóreo. Adicionalmente, observamos que ambas as espécies utilizaram mais frequentemente arbustos como local do poleiro. A seleção destas características de micro-habitat deve estar associada a estratégias para otimização do uso do habitat reprodutivo, baseadas em características morfológicas e comportamentais das espécies. Por fim, é possível inferir que as diferenças observadas na estrutura de micro-habitat selecionadas pelas espécies podem facilitar a coexistência de ambas no contexto da heterogeneidade do ambiente.

Animais , Anfíbios/embriologia , Comportamento Reprodutivo , Ecossistema
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1483449


ABSTRACT Climatic conditions and microhabitat characteristics, such as the substrate and type of vegetation, influence the choice of male anurans for calling sites that optimize their reproductive success. We evaluated the structure and selection of vocalization microhabitat of 17 individuals of Phyllomedusa distincta Lutz, 1950 and 25 of Boana leptolineata (Braun & Braun, 1977), in a subtropical forest in southern Brazil. We measure the height of the perch, the distance between the perch and the edge of the body of water and the structure of the microhabitat of quadrants used by individuals. The same attributes were measured in the quadrants available (but not used) by the individuals. We classified the microhabitats by visual estimate, assigning percentages of coverage for each quadrant by herbaceous, shrub, tree and wetland vegetation. We observed that both species selected their microhabitat, since the characteristics of the quadrants occupied by the individuals were different from those available. Phyllomedusa distincta was more associated with heterogeneous microhabitats, while B. leptolineata occurred in environments with greater coverage of tree strata. Additionally, we observed that both species used shrubs more frequently as a perch site. The selection of these microhabitat characteristics must be associated with strategies to optimize the use of the reproductive habitat, based on the morphological and behavioral characteristics of the species. Finally, it is possible to infer that the differences observed in the microhabitat structure selected by the species can facilitate the coexistence of both in the context of the heterogeneity of the environment.

RESUMO Seleção e uso de sítios de vocalização por Boana leptolineata e Phyllomedusa distincta durante o período reprodutivoAs condições climáticas e as características de micro-habitat, como o substrato e o tipo de vegetação, influenciam a escolha de anuros machos por sítios de vocalização que otimizem seu sucesso reprodutivo. Avaliamos a estrutura e a seleção de micro-habitat de vocalização de 17 indivíduos de Phyllomedusa distincta Lutz, 1950 e 25 de Boana leptolineata (Braun & Braun, 1977), em uma floresta subtropical no sul do Brasil. Medimos a altura do poleiro, a distância do poleiro até a margem do corpo dágua e a estrutura do micro-habitat de quadrantes utilizados pelos indivíduos. Os mesmos atributos foram mensurados nos quadrantes disponíveis (mas não utilizados) pelos indivíduos. Classificamos os micro-habitats por estimativa visual, atribuindo-se porcentagens de cobertura de cada quadrante por vegetação herbácea, arbustiva, arbórea e de área alagada. Observamos que ambas as espécies selecionaram seu micro-habitat, uma vez que as características dos quadrantes ocupados pelos indivíduos foram distintas daquelas disponíveis. Phyllomedusa distincta esteve mais associada a micro-habitats heterogêneos, enquanto B. leptolineata ocorreu em ambientes com maior cobertura de estrato arbóreo. Adicionalmente, observamos que ambas as espécies utilizaram mais frequentemente arbustos como local do poleiro. A seleção destas características de micro-habitat deve estar associada a estratégias para otimização do uso do habitat reprodutivo, baseadas em características morfológicas e comportamentais das espécies. Por fim, é possível inferir que as diferenças observadas na estrutura de micro-habitat selecionadas pelas espécies podem facilitar a coexistência de ambas no contexto da heterogeneidade do ambiente.

Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 28(1): 3-8, jan./mar. 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1491692


A ingestão de corpos estranhos em aquários artificiais é uma ocorrência frequente observada na clínica cirúrgica de anfíbios criados como pets, o que inclui os axolotes (Ambystoma mexicanum). O presente relato descreve um caso de ingestão de sete corpos estranhos em um axolote macho, de cinco meses de idade, com histórico de abaulamento irregular e irredutível da superfície corpórea ventral, de consistência firme. Na anamnese foi informado que o animal habitava um aquário com substrato de cascalhos. Ao exame físico, o axolote apresentou bom estado geral e parâmetros vitais dentro da normalidade para a espécie. Os materiais deglutidos foram identificados em região gástrica por meio de exame radiográfico corpóreo total, e suas características condiziam com o substrato utilizado no aquário do paciente. Como protocolo anestésico, foi priorizada a imersão em Isofluorano e gás oxigênio, com o objetivo de atingir a via branquial e, ocasionalmente, transdérmica. A remoção cirúrgica foi feita através de celiotomia e gastrotomia em ambiente aquático com temperatura, pH e coleção bacteriana controlados, conforme literatura disponível e tendo em consideração a natureza, diâmetro e localização dos corpos estranhos. Após cinco e quinze dias do procedimento, acompanhou-se a cicatrização da ferida cirúrgica, sendo possível constatar bom restabelecimento da continuidade dos tecidos e bom estado geral do paciente.

The ingestion of foreign bodies in artificial aquariums is a frequent occurrence observed in the surgical clinic of amphibians raised as pets, which includes axolotls (Ambystoma mexicanum). The present report describes a case of ingestion of seven foreign bodies in a male axolotl, five months old, with a history of irregular and irreducible bulging of the ventral body surface, with firm consistency. In the anamnesis, it was reported that the animal inhabited an aquariums with gravel substrate. On physical examination, the axolotl showed good general condition and vital parameters within the normal range for the species. The swallowed materials were identified in the gastric region by means of total body radiographic examination, and their characteristics were consistent with the substrate used in the patient’s aquarium. As anesthetic protocol, immersion in Isofluorane and oxygen gas was prioritized, in order to reach the branchial and, occasionally, transdermal route. Surgical removal was performed through celiotomy and gastrotomy in an aquatic environment with controlled temperature, pH and bacterial collection, according to available literature and taking into account the nature, diameter and location of foreign bodies. After five and fifteen days of the procedure, the healing of the surgical wound was monitored, showing a good restoration of tissue continuity and a good general condition of the patient.

Animais , Ambystoma mexicanum , Anestesia , Anfíbios/cirurgia , Cicatrização , Imersão
Zoologia (Curitiba, Impr.) ; 37: e38877, Feb. 7, 2020. map, tab, ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1504589


Different spatial and temporal factors can influence the species richness and abundance of leaf anurans that are fundamental for the ecosystem functioning, as they act as predators and integrate the trophic chain as prey of other animals. There are relatively few studies that aimed to understand the spatio-temporal variation and the influence of environmental factors on leaf litter communities. We studied parameters of the anuran community living in the forest leaf litter in the Duas Bocas Biological Reserve (DBBR), Espírito Santo, Brazil. We sought to understand the extent to which richness, abundance, biomass and density varied between two locations with different stages of preservation (primary and secondary forest). In addition, we tested the effect of temperature and local humidity on abundance. We conducted the samplings monthly from October 2017 to September 2018, establishing 98 4 x 4 m plots (16 m2 each) demarcated on the DBBR forest leaf litter. We measured temperature (°C) and relative air humidity (%), and each plot was carefully surveyed by four observers. We tested for differences in anuran density between the two sampled locations and estimated the effects of environmental variables in the community. We recorded 102 individuals of anurans from 11 species belonging to eight families. The DBBR anuran community parameters significantly differed between the two studied locations, with the highest values of anuran richness and abundance occurring in the area covered by primary forest, probably due to differences in the preservation of each area. However, temperature and humidity did not affect the abundance of anurans in the sampled areas. Our results provide the first information about spatial variation and influence of environmental factors, directed to the community of leaf litter anurans in DBBR, and represents the second study on this group of anurans in the state of Espírito Santo.

Animais , Anuros , Análise Espaço-Temporal , Biodiversidade
Zoologia (Curitiba) ; 37: e38877, 2020. mapas, tab, ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-30513


Different spatial and temporal factors can influence the species richness and abundance of leaf anurans that are fundamental for the ecosystem functioning, as they act as predators and integrate the trophic chain as prey of other animals. There are relatively few studies that aimed to understand the spatio-temporal variation and the influence of environmental factors on leaf litter communities. We studied parameters of the anuran community living in the forest leaf litter in the Duas Bocas Biological Reserve (DBBR), Espírito Santo, Brazil. We sought to understand the extent to which richness, abundance, biomass and density varied between two locations with different stages of preservation (primary and secondary forest). In addition, we tested the effect of temperature and local humidity on abundance. We conducted the samplings monthly from October 2017 to September 2018, establishing 98 4 x 4 m plots (16 m2 each) demarcated on the DBBR forest leaf litter. We measured temperature (°C) and relative air humidity (%), and each plot was carefully surveyed by four observers. We tested for differences in anuran density between the two sampled locations and estimated the effects of environmental variables in the community. We recorded 102 individuals of anurans from 11 species belonging to eight families. The DBBR anuran community parameters significantly differed between the two studied locations, with the highest values of anuran richness and abundance occurring in the area covered by primary forest, probably due to differences in the preservation of each area. However, temperature and humidity did not affect the abundance of anurans in the sampled areas. Our results provide the first information about spatial variation and influence of environmental factors, directed to the community of leaf litter anurans in DBBR, and represents the second study on this group of anurans in the state of Espírito Santo.(AU)

Animais , Anuros , Biodiversidade , Análise Espaço-Temporal
J. Venom. Anim. Toxins incl. Trop. Dis. ; 25: e20190029, Aug. 19, 2019. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-21884


Background:Bufonid parotoid macrogland secretion contains several low molecular mass molecules, such as alkaloids and steroids. Nevertheless, its protein content is poorly understood. Herein, we applied a sample preparation methodology that allows the analysis of viscous matrices in order to examine its proteins.Methods:Duttaphrynus melanostictus parotoid macrogland secretion was submitted to ion-exchange batch sample preparation, yielding two fractions: salt-displaced fraction and acid-displaced fraction. Each sample was then fractionated by anionic-exchange chromatography, followed by in-solution proteomic analysis.Results:Forty-two proteins could be identified, such as acyl-CoA-binding protein, alcohol dehydrogenase, calmodulin, galectin and histone. Moreover, de novo analyses yielded 153 peptides, whereas BLAST analyses corroborated some of the proteomic-identified proteins. Furthermore, the de novo peptide analyses indicate the presence of proteins related to apoptosis, cellular structure, catalysis and transport processes.Conclusions:Proper sample preparation allowed the proteomic and de novo identification of different proteins in the D. melanostictus parotoid macrogland secretion. These results may increase the knowledge about the universe of molecules that compose amphibian skin secretion, as well as to understand their biological/physiological role in the granular gland.(AU)

Animais , Bufonidae , Secreções Corporais , Proteômica , Glândulas Sebáceas , Cromatografia
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 25: e20190029, 2019. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1020025


Bufonid parotoid macrogland secretion contains several low molecular mass molecules, such as alkaloids and steroids. Nevertheless, its protein content is poorly understood. Herein, we applied a sample preparation methodology that allows the analysis of viscous matrices in order to examine its proteins. Methods: Duttaphrynus melanostictus parotoid macrogland secretion was submitted to ion-exchange batch sample preparation, yielding two fractions: salt-displaced fraction and acid-displaced fraction. Each sample was then fractionated by anionic-exchange chromatography, followed by in-solution proteomic analysis. Results: Forty-two proteins could be identified, such as acyl-CoA-binding protein, alcohol dehydrogenase, calmodulin, galectin and histone. Moreover, de novo analyses yielded 153 peptides, whereas BLAST analyses corroborated some of the proteomic-identified proteins. Furthermore, the de novo peptide analyses indicate the presence of proteins related to apoptosis, cellular structure, catalysis and transport processes. Conclusions: Proper sample preparation allowed the proteomic and de novo identification of different proteins in the D. melanostictus parotoid macrogland secretion. These results may increase the knowledge about the universe of molecules that compose amphibian skin secretion, as well as to understand their biological/physiological role in the granular gland.(AU)

Animais , Esteroides , Bufonidae/parasitologia , Proteômica , Alcaloides
Pap. avulsos zool ; 58: 1-4, 2018. map, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1487096


Forest fragments in urban areas have many habitat resources that frogs use for refuge, reproduction and growth. Knowledge of an anuran assembly is the first step towards understanding the importance of these forest fragments in areas highly threatened by anthropogenic actions. We sampled anurans during the day and night from November 2012 to August 2013 through visual and acoustic surveys. We found 333 individuals belonging to 19 species. The highest richness and abundance were recorded in January whereas the lowest richness and abundance were recorded in June. Most species were found in open areas. Our results highlight the importance of well-studied urban fragments for the anuran community. The conservation of these habitats may ensure the viability of the ecological functions of this anuran community for the future.

Animais , Anuros , Biota , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Ecossistema , Refúgio de Vida Selvagem , Brasil , Equilíbrio Ecológico , Florestas
Pap. avulsos Zool. ; 58: 1-4, 2018. mapas, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-728227


Forest fragments in urban areas have many habitat resources that frogs use for refuge, reproduction and growth. Knowledge of an anuran assembly is the first step towards understanding the importance of these forest fragments in areas highly threatened by anthropogenic actions. We sampled anurans during the day and night from November 2012 to August 2013 through visual and acoustic surveys. We found 333 individuals belonging to 19 species. The highest richness and abundance were recorded in January whereas the lowest richness and abundance were recorded in June. Most species were found in open areas. Our results highlight the importance of well-studied urban fragments for the anuran community. The conservation of these habitats may ensure the viability of the ecological functions of this anuran community for the future.(AU)

Animais , Anuros , Refúgio de Vida Selvagem , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Ecossistema , Biota , Florestas , Equilíbrio Ecológico , Brasil
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-954807


Viruses exhibit rapid mutational capacity to trick and infect host cells, sometimes assisted through virus-coded peptides that counteract host cellular immune defense. Although a large number of compounds have been identified as inhibiting various viral infections and disease progression, it is urgent to achieve the discovery of more effective agents. Furthermore, proportionally to the great variety of diseases caused by viruses, very few viral vaccines are available, and not all are efficient. Thus, new antiviral substances obtained from natural products have been prospected, including those derived from venomous animals. Venoms are complex mixtures of hundreds of molecules, mostly peptides, that present a large array of biological activities and evolved to putatively target the biochemical machinery of different pathogens or host cellular structures. In addition, non-venomous compounds, such as some body fluids of invertebrate organisms, exhibit antiviral activity. This review provides a panorama of peptides described from animal venoms that present antiviral activity, thereby reinforcing them as important tools for the development of new therapeutic drugs.(AU)

Animais , Antivirais , Peptídeos , Venenos , Produtos Biológicos , Fauna Marinha/análise
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-33076


Viruses exhibit rapid mutational capacity to trick and infect host cells, sometimes assisted through virus-coded peptides that counteract host cellular immune defense. Although a large number of compounds have been identified as inhibiting various viral infections and disease progression, it is urgent to achieve the discovery of more effective agents. Furthermore, proportionally to the great variety of diseases caused by viruses, very few viral vaccines are available, and not all are efficient. Thus, new antiviral substances obtained from natural products have been prospected, including those derived from venomous animals. Venoms are complex mixtures of hundreds of molecules, mostly peptides, that present a large array of biological activities and evolved to putatively target the biochemical machinery of different pathogens or host cellular structures. In addition, non-venomous compounds, such as some body fluids of invertebrate organisms, exhibit antiviral activity. This review provides a panorama of peptides described from animal venoms that present antiviral activity, thereby reinforcing them as important tools for the development of new therapeutic drugs.(AU)

Animais , Antivirais , Peptídeos , Venenos , Produtos Biológicos , Fauna Marinha/análise
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1484691


Abstract Viruses exhibit rapid mutational capacity to trick and infect host cells, sometimes assisted through virus-coded peptides that counteract host cellular immune defense. Although a large number of compounds have been identified as inhibiting various viral infections and disease progression, it is urgent to achieve the discovery of more effective agents. Furthermore, proportionally to the great variety of diseases caused by viruses, very few viral vaccines are available, and not all are efficient. Thus, new antiviral substances obtained from natural products have been prospected, including those derived from venomous animals. Venoms are complex mixtures of hundreds of molecules, mostly peptides, that present a large array of biological activities and evolved to putatively target the biochemical machinery of different pathogens or host cellular structures. In addition, non-venomous compounds, such as some body fluids of invertebrate organisms, exhibit antiviral activity. This review provides a panorama of peptides described from animal venoms that present antiviral activity, thereby reinforcing them as important tools for the development of new therapeutic drugs.

Iheringia. Sér. Zool. ; 106: e2016018, 2016. ilus, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | VETINDEX | ID: vti-19005


La temperatura ambiental es un factor determinante en los procesos fisiológicos y comportamentales de los anfibios ya que son ectotérmos y consecuentemente dependen de una fuente de calor externa para alcanzar su temperatura corporal óptima. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar la dependencia térmica de la salamandra endémica de Colombia Bolitoglossa ramosi Brame & Wake, 1972 con respecto a las temperaturas del aire y del sustrato. Para esto se realizaron diferentes muestreos en el municipio de Líbano, Tolima, Colombia, entre las 18:00 y las 24:00 horas, en Abril y Mayo de 2015. Allí se capturaron 34 individuos a los cuales se les registró directamente en campo: la temperatura corporal, la masa corporal y la longitud corporal. También, se midió la temperatura del sustrato y la temperatura del aire en el lugar donde fue encontrado el animal. La temperatura corporal de los individuos tuvo una media de 18.3±0.55°C, mostrando una relación positiva y significativa con la temperatura del sustrato y la temperatura del aire, lo que demuestra que la especie es termoconformadora. Además, la temperatura corporal mostró una dependencia térmica mayor con la temperatura del sustrato que con la del aire, indicando que B. ramosi presenta una regulación tigmotérmica. Finalmente, la temperatura corporal no se relacionó con la longitud corporal ni con la masa corporal. Esta información es importante para el conocimiento de la biología térmica de la especie y las posibles respuestas fisiológicas ante el incremento de las temperaturas ambientales.(AU)

Environmental temperature is a determining factor in the physiological and behavioral processes of amphibians because they are ectotherms and consequently depend on external heat sources to achieve optimal body temperatures. The aim of this study was to determine the thermal dependence of the Colombian endemic salamander Bolitoglossa ramosi Brame & Wake, 1972 with respect to the air and substrate temperatures. Field samples were carried out in the municipality of Líbano, Tolima, Colombia, between 18:00 and 24:00 hours, in April and May 2015. 34 individuals were captured and for each salamander it was recorded: the body temperature, body mass and body length. The substrate and air temperatures were also measured in the place where the animals were found. Body temperature of the individuals had a mean of 18.3±0.55°C, showing a positive and significant relationship to the substrate and air temperatures, which demonstrates that the species is thermoconformer. Furthermore, the body temperature showed a higher thermal dependence on the substrate than the air temperature indicating that B. ramosi presents a tigmothermal regulation. Finally, the body temperature was not related to body length or body mass. This information is useful for understanding the thermal biology of the species and the possible physiological responses to the increase in environmental temperatures.(AU)

Animais , Salamandra/fisiologia , Regulação da Temperatura Corporal , Temperatura
Iheringia, Sér. zool ; 106: e2016018, 2016. ilus, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1482928


La temperatura ambiental es un factor determinante en los procesos fisiológicos y comportamentales de los anfibios ya que son ectotérmos y consecuentemente dependen de una fuente de calor externa para alcanzar su temperatura corporal óptima. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar la dependencia térmica de la salamandra endémica de Colombia Bolitoglossa ramosi Brame & Wake, 1972 con respecto a las temperaturas del aire y del sustrato. Para esto se realizaron diferentes muestreos en el municipio de Líbano, Tolima, Colombia, entre las 18:00 y las 24:00 horas, en Abril y Mayo de 2015. Allí se capturaron 34 individuos a los cuales se les registró directamente en campo: la temperatura corporal, la masa corporal y la longitud corporal. También, se midió la temperatura del sustrato y la temperatura del aire en el lugar donde fue encontrado el animal. La temperatura corporal de los individuos tuvo una media de 18.3±0.55°C, mostrando una relación positiva y significativa con la temperatura del sustrato y la temperatura del aire, lo que demuestra que la especie es termoconformadora. Además, la temperatura corporal mostró una dependencia térmica mayor con la temperatura del sustrato que con la del aire, indicando que B. ramosi presenta una regulación tigmotérmica. Finalmente, la temperatura corporal no se relacionó con la longitud corporal ni con la masa corporal. Esta información es importante para el conocimiento de la biología térmica de la especie y las posibles respuestas fisiológicas ante el incremento de las temperaturas ambientales.

Environmental temperature is a determining factor in the physiological and behavioral processes of amphibians because they are ectotherms and consequently depend on external heat sources to achieve optimal body temperatures. The aim of this study was to determine the thermal dependence of the Colombian endemic salamander Bolitoglossa ramosi Brame & Wake, 1972 with respect to the air and substrate temperatures. Field samples were carried out in the municipality of Líbano, Tolima, Colombia, between 18:00 and 24:00 hours, in April and May 2015. 34 individuals were captured and for each salamander it was recorded: the body temperature, body mass and body length. The substrate and air temperatures were also measured in the place where the animals were found. Body temperature of the individuals had a mean of 18.3±0.55°C, showing a positive and significant relationship to the substrate and air temperatures, which demonstrates that the species is thermoconformer. Furthermore, the body temperature showed a higher thermal dependence on the substrate than the air temperature indicating that B. ramosi presents a tigmothermal regulation. Finally, the body temperature was not related to body length or body mass. This information is useful for understanding the thermal biology of the species and the possible physiological responses to the increase in environmental temperatures.

Animais , Regulação da Temperatura Corporal , Salamandra/fisiologia , Temperatura
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1482954


RESUMEN La temperatura ambiental es un factor determinante en los procesos fisiológicos y comportamentales de los anfibios ya que son ectotérmos y consecuentemente dependen de una fuente de calor externa para alcanzar su temperatura corporal óptima. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar la dependencia térmica de la salamandra endémica de Colombia Bolitoglossa ramosi Brame & Wake, 1972 con respecto a las temperaturas del aire y del sustrato. Para esto se realizaron diferentes muestreos en el municipio de Líbano, Tolima, Colombia, entre las 18:00 y las 24:00 horas, en Abril y Mayo de 2015. Allí se capturaron 34 individuos a los cuales se les registró directamente en campo: la temperatura corporal, la masa corporal y la longitud corporal. También, se midió la temperatura del sustrato y la temperatura del aire en el lugar donde fue encontrado el animal. La temperatura corporal de los individuos tuvo una media de 18.3±0.55°C, mostrando una relación positiva y significativa con la temperatura del sustrato y la temperatura del aire, lo que demuestra que la especie es termoconformadora. Además, la temperatura corporal mostró una dependencia térmica mayor con la temperatura del sustrato que con la del aire, indicando que B. ramosi presenta una regulación tigmotérmica. Finalmente, la temperatura corporal no se relacionó con la longitud corporal ni con la masa corporal. Esta información es importante para el conocimiento de la biología térmica de la especie y las posibles respuestas fisiológicas ante el incremento de las temperaturas ambientales.

ABSTRACT Environmental temperature is a determining factor in the physiological and behavioral processes of amphibians because they are ectotherms and consequently depend on external heat sources to achieve optimal body temperatures. The aim of this study was to determine the thermal dependence of the Colombian endemic salamander Bolitoglossa ramosi Brame & Wake, 1972 with respect to the air and substrate temperatures. Field samples were carried out in the municipality of Líbano, Tolima, Colombia, between 18:00 and 24:00 hours, in April and May 2015. 34 individuals were captured and for each salamander it was recorded: the body temperature, body mass and body length. The substrate and air temperatures were also measured in the place where the animals were found. Body temperature of the individuals had a mean of 18.3±0.55°C, showing a positive and significant relationship to the substrate and air temperatures, which demonstrates that the species is thermoconformer. Furthermore, the body temperature showed a higher thermal dependence on the substrate than the air temperature indicating that B. ramosi presents a tigmothermal regulation. Finally, the body temperature was not related to body length or body mass. This information is useful for understanding the thermal biology of the species and the possible physiological responses to the increase in environmental temperatures.