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Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 20(2): e20230026, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1452312


Mitigation of the widely known threats to the world's biodiversity is difficult, despite the strategies and actions proposed by international agreements such as the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). Nevertheless, many scientists devote their time and effort to finding and implementing various solutions to the problem. One potential way forward that is gaining popularity involves the establishment of biobank programs aimed at preserving and storing germplasm from threatened species, and then using it to support the future viability and health of threatened populations. This involves developing and using assisted reproductive technologies to achieve their goals. Despite considerable advances in the effectiveness of reproductive technologies, differences between the reproductive behavior and physiology of widely differing taxonomic groups mean that this approach cannot be applied with equal success to many species. Moreover, evidence that epigenetic influences and developmental plasticity, whereby it is now understood that embryonic development, and subsequent health in later life, can be affected by peri-conceptional environmental conditions, is raising the possibility that cryopreservation methods themselves may have to be reviewed and revised when planning the biobanks. Here, I describe the benefits and problems associated with germplasm biobanking across various species, but also offer some realistic assessments of current progress and applications.(AU)

Criopreservação/veterinária , Antozoários/genética , Adaptação Fisiológica , Comportamento Reprodutivo , Biodiversidade
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol ; 11(3): e2023021, 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1509897


Water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) production in Mexico has generated particular interest in understanding the bases of the development of this species. As a result, alliances have emerged between scientific, governmental, industrial, and productive sectors and other organisms involved with this species nationally and internationally. We must recognize that thanks to specific anatomical characteristics, water buffaloes present a low incidence of complications during calving, though they are not exempt from obstetric and perinatological problems that can end in morbidity and mortality for mother and/or offspring, with losses for both branches of dual-purpose production systems: calves-milk and meat, and draft animals. This article analyzes scientific advances related to water buffalo production in Mexico, including productivity, thermoregulation, behavior, and physiology, and key subthemes like obstetric and perinatological handling, imprinting, milking, and dual-purpose production systems. It highlights features inherent to milk production and the neurophysiological and metabolic processes involved in obtaining meat and milk. Finally, it presents a brief overview of current legislation and summarizes key areas of opportunity.(AU)

Animais , Comportamento Animal , Regulação da Temperatura Corporal/fisiologia , Búfalos/fisiologia , México
Rev. bras. reprod. anim ; 47(3): 536-543, jul.-set. 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1436726


Na prática, compreender a anatomia reprodutiva, a fisiologia e o comportamento do macho, da espécie selvagem com a qual se está trabalhando, é essencial para a avaliação andrológica e para a reprodução bem sucedida. Neste artigo damos especial ênfase à andrologia de felídeos selvagens. O profissional pode ser chamado para solucionar problemas quando a espécie apresenta dificuldade de reprodução em cativeiro e/ou encontra-se ameaçada de extinção. Baixas taxas de fertilidade e de prenhez podem estar associadas ao macho, com influências do estresse pelo cativeiro, nutrição inadequada e erros de manejo reprodutivo. E também, as instituições que mantêm essas espécies sob cuidado humano poderão ser auxiliadas no manejo reprodutivo com o exame andrológico periódico, que pode ser acompanhado de criopreservação de sêmen para formação ou manutenção de um banco de reserva genômica. Como componente de um programa holístico de conservação, incluindo os estudos de ecologia de campo, esta estratégia fortalece ainda mais o vínculo entre as populações ex situ e in situ.(AU)

In practice, understanding the male reproductive anatomy, physiology and the behavior, of the wild species that you are working, is essential for andrological assessment and successful reproduction. In this article we give special emphasis to the andrology of wild felids. The professional can be called to solve problems when the species has difficulty reproducing in captivity and/or is threatened with extinction. Low fertility and pregnancy rates may be associated with the male, with influences from stress in captivity, inadequate nutrition and reproductive management errors. Also, the institutions that keep these species under human care can be assisted in reproductive management with periodic andrological examination, which can be accompanied by semen cryopreservation for the formation or maintenance of a genome resource bank. As a component of a holistic conservation program, including field ecology studies, this strategy further strengthens the link between ex situ and in situ populations.(AU)

Animais , Felidae/embriologia , Animais Selvagens/embriologia , Andrologia/tendências
Braz. j. biol ; 83: e274719, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1505857


This article presents the results of the culling of cows of the Simmental and Holstein breeds in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The purpose of the research was to study the actual number of culled cows of dairy productivity in the farms of the Republic of Kazakhstan to determine its norm. The object of research were cows of Simmental (18,462 heads) and Holstein (17,862 heads) breeds in various regions of the republic. The research was carried out according to generally accepted zootechnical methods using statistical data processing using RStudio. The results of the studies showed that the percentage of culling increases in cows of the Simmental and Holstein breeds and amounts to 19.7 and 22.9%, respectively. The analysis of the retirement of full-aged cows of the Simmental breed showed that the main causes are hoof diseases (up to 26%), low reproductive function (up to 21%), low productivity (up to 18%). Holstein cows had an increase in disposals in all categories except for disposals for various reasons, for problems with reproduction, the disposal is up to 21%. The determination of the relationship between productivity and retirement in the Simmental breed cows showed that with age and increased lactation, the proportion of retired cows also increases, in the Holstein breed, with increased productivity, the percentage of culled animals also increases.

Este artigo apresenta os resultados do abate de vacas Simental e Holstein na República do Cazaquistão. O objetivo do estudo foi estudar o número real de vacas abatidas na direção da produtividade leiteira nas fazendas da República do Cazaquistão para determinar sua norma. O estudo incluiu vacas Simental (18.462 cabeças) e Holstein (17.862 cabeças) em diferentes regiões da República. A pesquisa foi conduzida de acordo com métodos zootécnicos geralmente aceitos, adotando o processamento estatístico de dados, usando o RStudio. Os resultados da pesquisa mostraram que as vacas Simental e Holstein aumentaram a taxa de abate para 19,7% e 22,9%, respectivamente. A análise da alienação de vacas Simental de meia-idade mostrou que as principais causas são doenças dos cascos (até 26%), baixa função reprodutiva (até 21%) e baixa produtividade (até 18%). As vacas Holstein tiveram um aumento na alienação em todas as categorias, exceto a alienação por várias razões; devido a problemas reprodutivos, a alienação é de até 21%. A determinação da relação entre a produtividade e a alienação em vacas Simental mostrou que a proporção de vacas eliminadas aumenta com a idade e o aumento da lactação, enquanto a porcentagem de animais eliminados aumenta com a produtividade na raça Holstein.

Animais , Bovinos , Doenças dos Bovinos , Abate de Animais , Cazaquistão
Rev. Bras. Parasitol. Vet. (Online) ; 32(2): e017422, 2023. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1418918


Physaloptera Rudolphi, 1819 is a genus of nematodes that includes approximately 100 species parasitic in vertebrates around the world. From these, approximately 30 occur in the Neotropical region, with nine reported from neotropical reptiles. Physaloptera spp. are recognized by their distinct morphology of the apical end and characters of the reproductive system. However, despite the fact that the morphological characters for species diagnosis have been firmly established, we frequently find identification problems regarding poorly detailed descriptions and poorly preserved specimens. These may lead to taxonomic incongruencies. Physaloptera retusa (Rudolphi, 1819) is the most common species of the genus and has been reported from several species of neotropical reptiles. Based on our reexaminations of nematode specimens identified as P. retusa from different museum collections, we provide a detailed redescription including the type material, voucher specimens and new specimens recovered currently and showed in this study with new morphological data obtained using light and scanning electron microscopy tools.(AU)

Physaloptera Rudolphi, 1819 é um gênero de nematódeos que inclui aproximadamente 100 espécies parasitárias em vertebrados em todo o mundo. Destes, aproximadamente 30 ocorrem na região Neotropical, e nove foram reportados para répteis neotropicais. Physaloptera spp. são reconhecidas por sua morfologia distinta na extremidade apical e por caracteres do sistema reprodutivo, especialmente nos machos. No entanto, embora os caracteres morfológicos para o diagnóstico de espécies tenham sido estabelecidos, frequentemente são encontrados problemas de identificação em relação a descrições pouco detalhadas e espécimes mal preservados. Isto pode levar a incongruências taxonômicas e erros de identificação. Physaloptera retusa (Rudolphi, 1819) é a espécie mais comum do gênero e tem sido reportada para várias espécies de répteis neotropicais. Com base nos estudos das revisões de espécimes de nematódeos, identificados como P. retusa de diferentes coleções de museus, foi providenciada uma redescrição detalhada, incluindo-se o material-tipo, espécimes "voucher" e novos espécimes obtidos neste estudo com novos dados morfológicos, obtidos a partir de microscopia eletrônica de luz e varredura.(AU)

Spiruroidea/classificação , Exposições Científicas , Répteis/parasitologia
Rev. bras. reprod. anim ; 47(3): 616-624, jul.-set. 2023. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1436800


Esta revisão pretende discorrer sobre a estrutura social dos bovinos e sua relação com o comportamento sexual, a fisiologia reprodutiva e a fertilidade de touros a campo e em regime de coleta de sêmen, levando em consideração as diferentes fases do desenvolvimento sexual, os processos de aprendizado envolvidos e os efeitos do estresse social. À luz do conhecimento etológico serão feitas reflexões sobre o fitness (sucesso reprodutivo) de touros mantidos em manejo extensivo de criação e touros em Centrais de Coleta e Processamento de Sêmen (CCPS), a organização arquitetônica dos piquetes e área de coleta e a influência da proximidade de outros touros sobre a qualidade de todo o processo.(AU)

This review intends to discuss the cattle social structure and its relationship with sexual behavior, reproductive physiology, and fertility of bulls in the field and under semen collection regime, taking into account the distinct stages of sexual development, the learning processes involved and the effects of social stress. In the light of ethological science, we will reflect on the fitness (reproductive success) of bulls in extensive breeding management or bulls in Semen Collection and Processing Centers, their architectural organization of paddocks and collection area, and the influence of the proximity of other bulls on the quality of the entire process.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Comportamento Sexual Animal/fisiologia , Bem-Estar do Animal , Bovinos/fisiologia , Fertilidade
Arq. Ciênc. Vet. Zool. UNIPAR (Online) ; 26(1cont): 167-181, jan.-jun. 2023. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1437899


Atualmente muitos répteis se tornaram animais de companhia e são mantidos como pet's exóticos. A espécie Trachemys scripta elegans, Wied (1839) é um animal exótico da América do Norte, sua identificação é realizada pelas marcas avermelhadas encontradas lateralmente a sua cabeça. Na rotina clínica as principais enfermidades que acometem os quelônios são as de origem reprodutiva, como a estase folicular e distocia. O objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar um caso recorrente de distocia em um tigre d'água fêmea, para isso, a anamnese, o histórico da paciente, e seus sinais clínicos, em conjunto com os exames complementares de imagem foram essenciais para se obter diagnóstico definitivo. O tratamento foi realizado com a indução medicamentosa utilizando borogluconato de cálcio, seguida da aplicação de ocitocina, esta trouxe resultados positivos para a eliminação dos ovos. Porém devido ao histórico do paciente, optou-se pela intervenção cirúrgica de ovariossalpingectomia, sendo está a maneira permanente de resolução da patologia. O protocolo terapêutico escolhido proporcionou um resultado satisfatório e bem estar ao animal.(AU)

Currently, many reptiles have become companion animals and are kept as exotic pets. The species Trachemys scripta elegans, Wied (1839) is an exotic animal from North America, and its identification is based on the reddish markings found laterally on its head. In routine clinical practice, the main diseases that affect chelonians are those of reproductive origin, such as follicular stasis and dystocia. The aim of this study was to report a recurrent case of dystocia in a female red-eared slider turtle. For this purpose, the patient's anamnesis, history, and clinical signs, along with complementary imaging exams, were essential to obtain a definitive diagnosis. The treatment involved medical induction using calcium borogluconate, followed by the administration of oxytocin, which yielded positive results in egg elimination. However, due to the patient's history, surgical intervention in the form of ovariosalpingectomy was chosen as the permanent solution to the pathology. The chosen therapeutic protocol provided a satisfactory outcome and improved the animal's well-being.(AU)

Actualmente muchos reptiles se han convertido en animales de compañía y se mantienen como mascotas exóticas. La especie Trachemys scripta elegans, Wied (1839) es un animal exótico de América del Norte, su identificación se realiza por las marcas rojizas que se encuentran lateralmente a su cabeza. En la rutina clínica, las principales enfermedades que afectan a los quelonios son las de origen reproductivo, como la estasis folicular y la distocia. El objetivo de este trabajo fue reportar un caso recurrente de distocia en una hembra de tigre de agua, para ello la anamnesis, la historia de la paciente y sus signos clínicos, junto con los exámenes imagenológicos complementarios fueron fundamentales para obtener un diagnóstico definitivo. El tratamiento se realizó con inducción farmacológica con borogluconato de calcio, seguido de la aplicación de oxitocina, que arrojó resultados positivos con la eliminación de huevos. Sin embargo, debido a los antecedentes de la paciente, se optó por la intervención quirúrgica de ovarialpingectomía, que es la forma definitiva de resolución de la patología. El protocolo terapéutico elegido proporcionó un resultado satisfactorio y bienestar al animal.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Tartarugas , Distocia/diagnóstico , Folículo Ovariano/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Ocitocina/análise , Salpingectomia/métodos
Braz. j. biol ; 82: e238180, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1278486


Urinary tract infections are responsible for most human infections, these are caused by bacteria, fungi, protozoa and associated microorganisms. The goal of this study was to determine the rate of vaginal infection-causing agents in routine cytological exams and also to evaluate the characteristics of positive tested Pap smears. A retrospective documental with descriptive aspect research was performed in a Clinical Pathology laboratory from Maceió-AL. The results of the Pap smears exams for Trichomonas vaginalis, Gardnerella vaginalis, Candida spp and HPV were arranged in a database as well as other data such as bacterial, protozoan, fungal and viral coinfections. The sample was composed by 18.645 women who have undergone Pap smear exams from 2013 to 2017. Of these analyzed exams, 27.4% in 2013, 10.9% in 2014, 10.6% in 2015, 15.2% in 2016 and 13.67% in 2017 were within normal range, however more than half of these exams presented some infections caused by unspecific or microbiological agents. By analyzing all the reports, 4.073 (21.84%) presented inflammations caused by some species of infectious agent with the following rate order: G. vaginalis and T. vaginalis. Furthermore, it was possible to confirm high rates of coinfection by and Candida spp. The rate of genital infections in this study highlights that there is a public health matter that must be controlled, which points a greater need for monitoring, guidance and actions towards greater awareness in order to prevent these problems.

Infecções do trato urinário são responsáveis pela maior parte das infecções humanas, sendo causadas por bactérias, fungos, protozoários, e por microrganismos associados. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a frequência de agentes causadores de infecções vaginais nos exames citológicos de rotina, bem como avaliar as características dos esfregaços positivos. Foi realizada uma pesquisa do tipo documental retrospectiva de aspecto descritivo, com abordagem quantitativa, em um Laboratório de Patologia Clínica de Maceió-AL. Nesse sentido, os resultados dos exames colpocitológicos para Trichomonas vaginalis, Gardnerella vaginalis, Candida spp e HPV foram organizados em um banco de dados, contendo os resultados para estes agentes, bem como a coinfecção bacteriana, protozoária, fúngica e viral. A amostra foi composta por 18.645 mulheres que realizaram exame colpocitológico, no período de 2013 a 2017. Destes exames analisados 27,4% em 2013, 10,9% em 2014, 10,6% em 2015, 15,2% em 2016 e 13,67% em 2017, estavam dentro do limite da normalidade, porém mais que a metade desses exames analisados apresentou algumas infecções causadas por agentes inespecíficos ou microbiológicos. Do total de laudos analisados, 4.073 (21,84%), apresentaram inflamações causadas por algum tipo de agente infeccioso, com a seguinte ordem de frequência: G. vaginalis, e T. vaginalis. Além disto, foi possível confirmar a elevada frequência de coinfecção entre G. vaginalis e Candida spp. Os índices de infecções genitais nesse trabalho mostram que há um problema de saúde pública que deve ser controlado, apontando uma necessidade maior de acompanhamento, orientações e de ações para uma maior conscientização para prevenir esses problemas.

Humanos , Feminino , Infecções Urinárias , Teste de Papanicolaou , Esfregaço Vaginal , Estudos Retrospectivos , Genitália
Vet. zootec ; 29: 1-9, 2022.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1433666


Teniendo uno de los rebaños comerciales de ganado más grandes del mundo, Brasil se destaca entre otros países, sin embargo, entre los problemas sanitarios que afectan a estos rebaños, la tripanosomosis ha ido ganando espacio y gran trascendencia, debido a los grandes problemas económicos y reproductivos que son que viene provocando en el rebaño brasileño. El agente causal más importante es Trypanosoma vivax, que son protozoos diseminados a través de vectores mecánicos, como tábanos y moscas hematófagas como las del género Stomoxys. Estos agentes se distribuyen por todo el mundo, pero preferentemente en las zonas de clima tropical de Brasil, afectando tanto al ganado lechero como al vacuno, causando grandes daños a los ganaderos. Los signos clínicos de esta enfermedad son inespecíficos, lo que ha suscitado preocupación por la diseminación y falta de diagnóstico de esta enfermedad, pero principalmente incluyen anemia o pérdida progresiva de peso, además de pérdida de productividad en los animales afectados. El diagnóstico se realiza mediante pruebas parasitológicas, como frotis de sangre, pruebas serológicas y moleculares y, principalmente, mediante el método Woo. Finalmente, el tratamiento y control de esta enfermedad consiste en tratamientos de quimioterapia y control de los vectores causantes. En este sentido, esta breve revisión de la literatura tiene como objetivo levantar d

Having one of the largest commercial herds of cattle in the world, Brazil stands out among other countries, however, among the sanitary problems that affect these herds, Trypanosomosis has been gaining space and great significance, due to the major economic and reproductive problems that are coming causing in the brazilian herd. The most important and causative agent is Trypanosoma vivax, which are protozoa disseminated by mechanical vectors, such as horseflies and hematophagous flies such as those of the genus Stomoxys. These agents are distributed all over the world, but preferentially in tropical climate areas in Brazil, affecting both dairy and beef cattle, causing great damage to farmers. The clinical signs of this disease are nonspecific, which has raised concern about the spread and lack of diagnosis of this disease, but mainly include anemia or progressive weight loss, in addition to loss of productivity in affected animals. Diagnosis is made through parasitological tests, such as blood smears, serological and molecular tests, and, mainly, using the Woo method. Finally, the treatment and control of this disease consists of chemotherapy treatments and control of the causative vectors. In this sense, this brief literature review aims to raise data on this disease, such as: etiological agent, clinical signs, epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment, in order to contribute wit

Ao possuir um dos maiores rebanhos comerciais de bovinos do mundo, o Brasil destaca-se entre os demais países, entretanto, dentre os problemas sanitários que acometem esses rebanhos a tripanossomose vem ganhando espaço e grande significância, devido aos grandes problemas econômicos e reprodutivos que vem causando no rebanho brasileiro. O agente de maior importância e causador é o Trypanossoma vivax, que são protozoários disseminados por meio de vetores mecânicos, como tabanídeos e moscas hematófagas como as do gênero Stomoxys. Esses agentes estão distribuídos por todo o mundo, mas preferencialmente em áreas de clima tropicais no Brasil, acometendo tanto bovinos leiteiros quanto bovinos de corte, causando grandes prejuízos aos criadores. Os sinais clínicos desta doença são inespecíficos, o que tem gerado preocupação pela disseminação e falta de diagnóstico dessa enfermidade, mas incluem, principalmente, anemia ou perda progressiva de peso, além de perda da produtividade dos animais acometidos. O diagnóstico é feito por meio de exames parasitológicos, como esfregaços sanguíneos, exames sorológicos e molecular e, principalmente, pelo método de Woo. Por fim o tratamento e controle dessa doença consiste em tratamentos quimioterápicos e controle dos vetores causadores. Neste sentido, esta breve revisão de literatura tem por objetivo levantar dados sobre tal doença, como: agente etiol

Semina ciênc. agrar ; 43(6): 2657-2670, nov.-dez. 2022. mapas, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1425821


Toxoplasmosis is a cosmopolitan disease caused by Toxoplasma gondii and is of great significance in animal production and public health, as evidenced by the two major outbreaks of the disease that occurred in Brazil at the cities of Santa Izabel do Ivai, Paraná and Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Suu. Neospora caninum is the etiological agent of neosporosis, and Brucella spp. causes brucellosis, two of the major causes of reproductive failure in ruminants, causing problems such as abortion, and are responsible for significant economic losses in Brazilian sheep farming. Considering the scarcity of data available on the subject in the study region, the objective of our study was to evaluate seroprevalence of antibodies against T. gondii, N. caninum, and B. abortus in sheep in the municipality of Toledo, Paraná, Brazil. From August 2017 to July 2018, 22 properties were visited, and 240 blood samples were collected from females and males of reproductive age. For detecting antibodies against T. gondii and N. caninum, an Indirect Immunofluorescence technique was utilized, using cutoff points ≥64 and ≥50, respectively. For detecting antibodies against B. abortus, screening was conducted with Acidified Buffered Antigen and verification of reagent samples using the Slow Agglutination and 2-Mercaptoethanol test. Of the analyzed samples, 27.08% (65/240) had antibodies against T. gondii, which were distributed in 81.82% (18/22) of the properties; for N. caninum, there was a prevalence of 15.41% (37/240), and over 68.18% (15/22) of the properties. For B. abortus test results, all samples were considered negative. Our study demonstrated that most properties had animals positive for the protozoa, of which, majorly T. gondii, could cause abortion problems, it being one of the major agents. These epidemiological data provide a basis for strategic programs to implement monitoring and control measures to avoid economic losses in sheep farming.

A toxoplasmose é uma doença cosmopolita, causada pelo Toxoplasma gondii, com grande importância no contexto de produção animal e saúde pública como evidenciado nos dois maiores surtos da doença que ocorreram nas cidades brasileiras de em Santa Izabel do Ivai-PR e Santa Maria-RS. Enquanto o Neospora caninum é o agente causador da neosporose e a Brucella spp. causadora da brucelose, duas das principais causas de falhas reprodutivas em ruminantes, ocasionando problemas como abortamento, e responsáveis por significativas perdas econômicas na ovinocultura brasileira. Considerando a escassez de dados disponíveis sobre o tema para a região estudada, o objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a soroprevalência de anticorpos contra T. gondii, N. caninum e B. abortus em ovinos do município de Toledo, Paraná, Brasil. Durante o período de agosto de 2017 a julho de 2018 foram visitadas 22 propriedades e coletadas 240 amostras de sangue de fêmeas e machos em idade reprodutiva. Para a detecção de anticorpos contra o T. gondii e N. caninum foi utilizada a técnica de Imunofluorescência Indireta empregando ponto de corte ≥64 e ≥50, respectivamente. Para a detecção de anticorpos contra B. abortus foi realizada a triagem com o Antígeno Acidificado Tamponado e confirmação das amostras reagentes com o teste de Soroaglutinação Lenta e do 2-Mercaptoetanol. Das amostras analisadas, 27,08% (65/240) apresentaram anticorpos contra o T. gondii, estes se encontravam distribuídas em 81,82% (18/22) das propriedades, para N. caninum observou-se uma prevalência de 15,41% (37/240), distribuídas em 68,18% (15/22) das propriedades. Quanto ao resultado dos testes da B. abortus todas as amostras foram consideradas negativas. O presente estudo mostrou que a grande maioria das propriedades apresentaram animais positivos para os protozoários, os quais, principalmente T. gondii, poderiam estar causando problemas de abortamentos. Estes dados epidemiológicos fornecem embasamento para programas estratégicos a fim de realizar medidas de monitoramento e controle, evitando perdas econômicas na ovinocultura.

Animais , Doenças dos Ovinos , Toxoplasma , Brucella abortus , Brucelose , Toxoplasmose Animal , Neospora
Braz. j. biol ; 82: e264139, 2022. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1403825


The aphid Melanaphis sorghi (Theobald) (Hemiptera: Aphididae), which infest the sorghum crop, has been an economically important pest which have been causing severe damage to sorghum crops in Brazil since 2019. These species have been observed mainly at the end of vegetative stage and beginning of reproductive stage of plants. Their high reproductive rate on sorghum raises concerns about these pests. Therefore, the present study aimed to estimate the life expectancy and fertility tables of Melanaphis sorghi fed on 15 hybrids of grain sorghum, in order to know the resistance characteristics of these materials and understand how plant resistance can help manage this insect. This study was carried out in a laboratory at 26±2 ºC and 60±10% R.H (relative humidity). Fifty insects were kept in each hybrid, each insect was considered one repetition. According to biological parameters and fertility life table, hybrids BRS373, DKB590 and 50A10 were less suitable for the sugarcane aphid multiplication. Thus, these hybrids could be useful to manage this pest, since the population growth speed is one of the worst problems for the implementation of cropping systems. Genotypes AG1090, MSK327 and XGN1305 favored the development of this pest and, when chosen within a cropping system, other management strategies should be considered.

O pulgão Melanaphis sorghi (Theobald) (Hemiptera: Aphididae), que infesta a cultura do sorgo, tem sido uma praga economicamente importante que vem causando sérios danos às lavouras de sorgo no Brasil desde 2019. As infestações têm sido observadas principalmente no final do estádio vegetativo e início do período reprodutivo das plantas. A alta taxa de reprodução destes insetos no sorgo aumenta a preocupação com a praga. Nesse sentido, o presente estudo teve por objetivo estimar as tabelas de esperança de vida e fertilidade para Melanaphis sorghi, alimentados com quinze híbridos de sorgo granífero, afim de conhecer as características de resistência desses materiais e entender como a resistência de plantas pode ajudar no manejo do inseto. O estudo foi conduzido em laboratório com temperatura de 26±2ºC e UR (Umidade Relativa) de 60±10%, foram mantidos 50 insetos em cada hibrido, cada inseto, considerado uma repetição. Com as estimativas dos parâmetros biológicos e mediante tabela de vida de fertilidade, verificamos que os híbridos BRS373, DKB590 e 50A10 foram menos adequados para a multiplicação da praga o que poderia ser considerado melhor para uso em sistemas de manejo da praga, uma vez que a velocidade de crescimento populacional pode ser vista como um dos piores problemas para implementação do sistema de manejo. Os genótipos AG1090, MSK327 e XGN1305 favoreceram o desenvolvimento da praga e, ao ser escolhido dentro do sistema de produção devem ser considerados outras estratégias de manejo.

Afídeos , Sorghum
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50: Pub. 1895, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1414923


Background: Buffalo breeding is common in many countries. Buffalo's milk is used in the production of mozzarella, yoghurt, ice cream, and various dairy desserts; meat is preferred in sausage production. The female buffaloes are bred to benefit from their milk and to obtain offspring. These animals, which are not suitable for feeding in barns, generally live in pastures, especially on wet land, and are very difficult to follow. Therefore, diseases occur randomly in slaughterhouses. Studies on genital system problems are very limited. Water buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) are animals with economic value as many buffalo products are provided. In this respect, inspection and control of female genital disorders is fundamental to ensure good reproductive performance of female buffaloes. The aim of the study was to investigate pathomorphological lesions occurring in the ovaries of water buffaloes which were sent to slaughterhouses. Materials, Methods & Results: A total of 198 ovaries of water buffaloes were collected from various slaughterhouses located in Adapazari, Istanbul, Kocaeli, Samsun and Trabzon cities of Turkey. After macroscopic examination; tissue samples were fixed in 10 % buffered formalin, processed routinely and were stained with hematoxylin-eosin (HE). As a histochemical staining, Masson's trichrome staining was applied to characterize the lesions. Immunohistochemistry (IHC) was performed on 10 % neutral formalin fixed, paraffin-embedded, 4-6-µm-thick sections from ovaries using progesterone receptor (PR) with streptavidin-biotin complex peroxidase (StrepABC-P) method. Histopathologically, follicular cysts (n:147) and luteal cysts (n:22) were seen. While the cyst lumens were sometimes surrounded by granulosa and/or luteal cells, most of them were limited by the connective tissue capsule structure. This capsule structure was shown in blue by Masson's trichrome staining. Hemorrhage was observed in some cystic corpus luteum, diagnosed as corpus hemorrhagicum. In addition, cysts giving papillary extension into the lumen and inflammation of some ovaries were observed. Immunohistochemically, the staining with PR antibody in ovarian cysts showed no immunolabelling around the follicular cyst, while the nuclei of some of the luteal cells forming the luteal cyst had strongly nuclear positivity and slightly cytoplasmic positivity. In the biochemical examination of the fluids obtained from cystic ovaries (n: 37), the average of estradiol was 2.84 ng/mL (min: 0.01 ng/mL, max: 4.30 ng/mL) and progesterone average is 49.09 ng/mL (min: 1.88 ng/mL, max: 254.2 ng/mL). Discussion: Ovarian cysts in buffaloes seem to be among the serious fertility problems as in cattle. Although the exact cause of ovarian cyts has not been determined yet, it is known that the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis is disrupted in cyst formation in general. In this study, the mean estradiol value was within the standard range but close to the lower limit; progesterone value was above the limit. The increase in progesterone level was compatible with the pathogenesis of cyst genesis. Beside this result, staining with PR was positive in the luteal cells that formed the luteal cyst immunohistochemically. In addition, although the hemorrhages observed in the corpus luteum are considered physiological, it should not be forgotten that they can be vital if they rupture. All these results show us the animals sent for slaughtering mostly have serious genital problems threatening their fertility.

Animais , Feminino , Cistos Ovarianos/veterinária , Ovário/lesões , Búfalos/lesões , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária , Infertilidade Feminina/prevenção & controle
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50: Pub. 1898, 2022. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1414959


Background: Blue tongue (BT) is a noncontagious viral disease transmitted by hematophagous arthropods, especially of the genus Culicoides. The economic impact of the disease is related not only to deaths in sheep herds but also to the possible correlation of virus infection with the development of other diseases, such as pneumonia, abortion and movement problems. The economic losses caused by Blue Tongue are linked to restrictions on the import and export of animals and their genetic material and to the reproductive disorders associated with this disease. In addition, the fact that cattle take the role of reservoir, combined with the care by other countries with outbreaks of infection and biological contamination of their products, hinders trade in Mercosul, United States and Europe. Cattle are affected by Blue Tongue Virus in endemic areas and in some epidemic areas, but the development of clinical disease is rare. The clinical signs, when evident, range from reproductive losses, such as embryonic death, abortion, fetal malformation, temporary sterility, infertility in bulls, stillbirths and the birth of weak animals. The objective of this study was to determine the epidemiological aspects of Blue Tongue Virus (BTV) infection in dairy cattle in the Lavras region, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Materials, Methods & Results: A cross-sectional study was conducted to evaluate the frequency of cattle and herds seropositive for Blue Tongue in the southern region of Minas Gerais. In this study, 54 dairy farms were visited. A total of 586 serum samples were collected from cows of reproductive age. Sampling was random, and serum samples were collected from lactating cows over 24 months of age by puncture of the jugular vein and/or coccidian vein. The samples were transported and stored at the Setor de Patologia Veterinária, at the Universidade Federal de Lavras (SPV-UFLA), where they were centrifuged, and the serum aliquots were obtained, transferred to microtubes and kept at -20°C until the serological tests were performed. The samples were tested with the agarose gel immunodiffusion test (AGID) for anti-blue tongue virus antibodies. The AGID test is more practical and is the main method used to identify Blue Tongue Virus seroprevalence in different ruminant species. They are considered important tools for epidemiological surveillance of the disease. A prevalence of 83.28% was observed among animals that were seropositive for Blue Tongue Virus (488/586; IC 95% = 80.0 - 86.21). In addition, 100% (54/54; IC 95% = 93.4 - 100.0) of the farms had at least 1 positive animal, with rates ranging from 45.45% to 100% within the herds and where 22.22% of the farms had rates of 100% of the animals being positive. Discussion: Blue Tongue is a disease known to affect domestic and wild ruminants in Brazil. However, there is a lack of more precise information about its epidemiology and occurrence in the country and of joint efforts of researchers, producers and the government to understand in detail both the biology of vectors and the viral biology of Blue Tongue Virus in Brazil. This is the first record of detection of anti-blue tongue virus antibodies in cattle in the southern region of Minas Gerais. The results suggest that Blue Tongue Virus is present in cattle in the study area.

Animais , Bovinos , Reoviridae/isolamento & purificação , Orbivirus/isolamento & purificação , Bluetongue/epidemiologia , Testes Sorológicos/veterinária , Imunodifusão/veterinária
Vet. zootec ; 29: 1-9, 2022.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1381408


Ao possuir um dos maiores rebanhos comerciais de bovinos do mundo, o Brasil destaca-se entre os demais países, entretanto, dentre os problemas sanitários que acometem esses rebanhos a tripanossomose vem ganhando espaço e grande significância, devido aos grandes problemas econômicos e reprodutivos que vem causando no rebanho brasileiro. O agente de maior importância e causador é o Trypanossoma vivax, que são protozoários disseminados por meio de vetores mecânicos, como tabanídeos e moscas hematófagas como as do gênero Stomoxys. Esses agentes estão distribuídos por todo o mundo, mas preferencialmente em áreas de clima tropicais no Brasil, acometendo tanto bovinos leiteiros quanto bovinos de corte, causando grandes prejuízos aos criadores. Os sinais clínicos desta doença são inespecíficos, o que tem gerado preocupação pela disseminação e falta de diagnóstico dessa enfermidade, mas incluem, principalmente, anemia ou perda progressiva de peso, além de perda da produtividade dos animais acometidos. O diagnóstico é feito por meio de exames parasitológicos, como esfregaços sanguíneos, exames sorológicos e molecular e, principalmente, pelo método de Woo. Por fim o tratamento e controle dessa doença consiste em tratamentos quimioterápicos e controle dos vetores causadores. Neste sentido, esta breve revisão de literatura tem por objetivo levantar dados sobre tal doença, como: agente etiológico, sinais clínicos, epidemiologia, diagnóstico e tratamento, a fim de contribuir com informações sobre a enfermidade que está ganhando espaço e necessita de maior disseminação de conhecimentos, para que não seja esquecida e subdiagnosticada.(AU)

Having one of the largest commercial herds of cattle in the world, Brazil stands out among other countries, however, among the sanitary problems that affect these herds, Trypanosomosis has been gaining space and great significance, due to the major economic and reproductive problems that are coming causing in the brazilian herd. The most important and causative agent is Trypanosoma vivax, which are protozoa disseminated by mechanical vectors, such as horseflies and hematophagous flies such as those of the genus Stomoxys. These agents are distributed all over the world, but preferentially in tropical climate areas in Brazil, affecting both dairy and beef cattle, causing great damage to farmers. The clinical signs of this disease are nonspecific, which has raised concern about the spread and lack of diagnosis of this disease, but mainly include anemia or progressive weight loss, in addition to loss of productivity in affected animals. Diagnosis is made through parasitological tests, such as blood smears, serological and molecular tests, and, mainly, using the Woo method. Finally, the treatment and control of this disease consists of chemotherapy treatments and control of the causative vectors. In this sense, this brief literature review aims to raise data on this disease, such as: etiological agent, clinical signs, epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment, in order to contribute with information about the disease that is gaining ground and needs further dissemination of knowledge, so that it is not forgotten and underdiagnosed.(AU)

Teniendo uno de los rebaños comerciales de ganado más grandes del mundo, Brasil se destaca entre otros países, sin embargo, entre los problemas sanitarios que afectan a estos rebaños, la tripanosomosis ha ido ganando espacio y gran trascendencia, debido a los grandes problemas económicos y reproductivos que son que viene provocando en el rebaño brasileño. El agente causal más importante es Trypanosoma vivax, que son protozoos diseminados a través de vectores mecánicos, como tábanos y moscas hematófagas como las del género Stomoxys. Estos agentes se distribuyen por todo el mundo, pero preferentemente en las zonas de clima tropical de Brasil, afectando tanto al ganado lechero como al vacuno, causando grandes daños a los ganaderos. Los signos clínicos de esta enfermedad son inespecíficos, lo que ha suscitado preocupación por la diseminación y falta de diagnóstico de esta enfermedad, pero principalmente incluyen anemia o pérdida progresiva de peso, además de pérdida de productividad en los animales afectados. El diagnóstico se realiza mediante pruebas parasitológicas, como frotis de sangre, pruebas serológicas y moleculares y, principalmente, mediante el método Woo. Finalmente, el tratamiento y control de esta enfermedad consiste en tratamientos de quimioterapia y control de los vectores causantes. En este sentido, esta breve revisión de la literatura tiene como objetivo levantar datos sobre esta enfermedad, tales como: agente etiológico, signos clínicos, epidemiología, diagnóstico y tratamiento, con el fin de aportar información sobre la enfermedad que está ganando terreno y necesita una mayor difusión del conocimiento. para que no sea olvidado e infradiagnosticado.(AU)

Animais , Tripanossomíase Bovina/diagnóstico , Trypanosoma vivax/patogenicidade , Tripanossomíase/veterinária , Bovinos/microbiologia
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 52(4): e20210157, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1339686


Tumors are rarely diagnosed in swine specie because of the short lifespan of production animals. Normally, these tumors do not present any clinical signs and are often detected at the time of slaughter. A 2-year-old Large White boar, used in the reproductive management of a farm and without a history of pre-existing problems, was examined for skin lesions on the scrotum. Samples were collected from skin segments containing lesions for histopathological and immunohistochemical diagnosis. Microscopically, the nodes in the scrotum pouch consisted of poorly demarcated, highly cellular, expansile, and multifocally invasive neoplasms, composed of immature endotheliocytes organized into neovascular formations. The tumor cells were pleomorphic, slightly oval to spindle-shaped, with eosinophilic cytoplasm and hyperchromatic nuclei with one to three nucleoli. All the nodules analyzed were compatible with hemangiosarcoma. After immunohistochemical evaluation, for the quantification of tissue angiogenesis the neoplastic cells immunoexpressed the CD31 monoclonal antibodies and factor VIII, through the identification of proteins expressed on the surface of endothelial cells. The Ki67 cell proliferation marker was positive in approximately 10% of the neoplastic cells, demonstrating a high degree of malignancy. Hemangiosarcoma in swine species has already been identified in several organs and tissues; however, to date, no study has demonstrated the diagnosis of this condition on the skin of the scrotum, as reported in this study. Therefore, it is expected that this report will contribute to the knowledge of the frequency of neoplasms in swine species.

Na espécie suína os tumores são pouco diagnosticados devido a curta vida útil dos animais de produção. Normalmente não causam sinais clínicos, sendo, muitas vezes, encontrados no momento do abate. Um reprodutor com dois anos de idade, da raça Large White, utilizado no manejo reprodutivo de uma granja, sem histórico de problemas pré-existentes, foi examinado em função de lesões na pele da bolsa escrotal. Foram coletadas amostras de segmentos de pele contendo lesões para o diagnóstico histopatológico e imunohistoquímico. Microscopicamente os nodos em bolsa escrotal consistiam em neoplasias mal demarcadas, altamente celulares, expansivas e multifocalmente invasivas composta por endoteliócitos imaturos organizados em formações neovasculares. As células tumorais eram pleomórficas, levemente ovais a fusiformes com citoplasma eosinofílico e núcleos hipercromáticos e com um a três nucléolos. Todos os nódulos analisados foram compatíveis com hemangiossarcoma. Para a quantificação da angiogênese tecidual, após a avaliação imunohistoquímica, as células neoplásicas imunoexpressaram os anticorpos monoclonais CD31 e Fator VIII, através da identificação de proteínas expressas na superfície das células endoteliais. Observou-se o marcador de proliferação celular Ki67 positivo em aproximadamente 10% das células neoplásicas, demonstrando um alto grau de malignidade. O hemangiossarcoma na espécie suína já foi identificado em vários órgãos e tecidos, mas, até o momento, nenhum trabalho demonstrou o diagnóstico na pele da bolsa escrotal, como reportado, ineditamente, neste estudo. Face o exposto, espera-se que este relato contribua para a frequência de neoplasias encontradas na espécie suína.

Animais , Masculino , Escroto/anormalidades , Escroto/lesões , Doenças dos Suínos/diagnóstico , Hemangiossarcoma/veterinária , Suínos
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 43(3): 1283-1296, maio.-jun. 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1369505


Brucellosis is a infectious zoonosis with important health and economic impacts, both for animal production and public health. We aimed to determine the prevalence of brucellosis in beef cattle in the microregions of Araguaína and Bico do Papagaio in northern Tocantins and to verify whether there are post-mortem changes suggestive of brucellosis in the carcasses. A total of 2,871 serum samples (2,203 males and 668 females) were collected in the municipality of Araguaína between October and November 2019, from 76 beef cattle herds in 25 municipalities in the north of Tocantins. The screening for buffered acidified plate antigen test (BAPA) and confirmation test for 2-mercaptoethanol (2-ME) were conducted as recommended by the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Supply (MAPA). Of the samples, 37.31% were reactive in the BAPA test, and of these, 26.24% were confirmed for 2-ME. Thus, 9.79% (281) of the total evaluated samples tested positive for the presence of brucellosis. The prevalence in males and females was 6.45% (142) and 20.81% (139), respectively. Among the herds evaluated, 77.6% (59) had at least one individual test positive for brucellosis, and at least one herd tested positive in each of the 25 municipalities sampled. As this study evaluated animals in a slaughterhouse, the higher prevalence of positive females may have been related to the disposal of animals with reproductive problems. There was no significant difference in the prevalence of brucellosis in slaughter cattle between the microregions evaluated (p > 0.05). No animals were reagent for brucellosis in ante-mortem documentation, and no anatomopathological changes suggestive of brucellosis were observed during post-mortem inspection. The most frequent post-mortem findings were contamination (43.91%), blood aspiration (17.36%), and pulmonary emphysema (15.98%). Considering the official results of the monitoring programs of the state of Tocantins and previous studies, post-mortem macroscopic inspection of carcasses may not be enough to detect animals with this zoonosis, and it may be necessary to take measures to promote animal and public health.(AU)

A brucelose é uma doença infectocontagiosa tendo impacto sanitário e econômico, tanto na produção animal quanto na saúde pública por ser uma zoonose. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi determinar a prevalência de brucelose em bovinos de corte nas microrregiões de Araguaína e Bico do Papagaio no norte do Tocantins e verificar se havia ocorrência de alterações post mortem sugestivas de brucelose nas carcaças. Foram coletadas 2.871 amostras de soro, 2.203 de machos e 668 de fêmeas, durante a sangria em frigoríficos do município de Araguaína, entre outubro e novembro de 2019. Os animais foram oriundos de 76 rebanhos de corte de 25 municípios do norte do Tocantins. Foi realizada a prova de triagem do Antígeno Acidificado Tamponado (AAT) e a prova confirmatória do 2-mercaptoetanol (2-ME) conforme preconizado pelo Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA). Das 2.871 amostras avaliadas, 37,31% foram reativas na prova do AAT, destas 26,24% foram confirmadas no 2-ME, o que representa 9,79% (281) do total avaliado. A prevalência em machos foi de 6,45% (142) e em fêmeas foi de 20,81% (139). Entre os rebanhos avaliados foi observada prevalência de brucelose em 77,6% (59), com pelo menos um rebanho com animais positivos em cada um dos 25 municípios amostrados. Como este estudo avaliou animais em frigorífico, a maior prevalência de fêmeas positivas pode estar relacionada com o descarte de animais com problemas reprodutivos. Não foi observada diferença significativa entre a prevalência de brucelose nos bovinos abatidos entre as microrregiões do estado de Tocantins avaliadas (p > 0,05). Durante o período de coleta de amostras nenhum animal foi notificado como positivo na documentação ante mortem e nenhuma alteração anatomopatológica sugestiva de brucelose foi observada durante a inspeção post mortem das carcaças de animais amostrados no presente estudo. Os achados post mortem mais frequentes foram contaminação (43,91%), aspiração de sangue (17,36%) e enfisema pulmonar (15,98%). Considerando os resultados oficiais dos programas de monitoramento do estado do Tocantins e estudos anteriores, foi possível observar que é preciso aprimorar e intensificar as ações para promoção de sanidade animal e, nesse caso, de saúde pública, uma vez que o processo de inspeção macroscópico post mortem das carcaças pode não ser suficiente para detectar animais com essa zoonose.(AU)

Animais , Brucelose , Saúde Pública , Carne Vermelha , Mercaptoetanol
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50: Pub.1857-2022. map, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458532


Background: Cattle are susceptible to chronic leptospirosis infection, that results in reduced milk production and reproductive disorders such as abortions, stillbirths, fetal malformation, and mummified fetuses, causing significant economic losses.Commercially available vaccines against leptospirosis offer limited protection to cattle because they contain only the mostprevalent serovars worldwide, even though they are not prevalent in the specific region. This study aimed to evaluate theprevalence of specific antibodies against Leptospira serogroups, reproductive disorders and the risk factors in dairy herdsfrom different mesoregions of Rio Grande do Sul State, Southern Brazil.Materials, Methods & Results: An epidemiological survey was conducted, and serum samples from the bovine population representative of three mesoregions (MR1, MR2, and MR3) were studied; the samples were collected and tested forleptospirosis using the microscopic agglutination test (MAT) for 12 serogroups checking for the presence of agglutination.A total of 442 blood samples were collected from dairy cattle from November to December 2019 (MR1, 187; MR2, 88;and MR3, 167), including cows vaccinated with different commercial vaccines during the three months before sample collection (n = 295) and non-vaccinated against leptospirosis (n = 147). At the time of collection, an interview was conductedwith the owners with questions about the health of the animals, management, habitat, feeding and reproduction. Chi-squaretests univariate analysis with the SPSS® version 20.0 were performed to estimate the association of serogroup Djasimanseroreactivity with the occurrence of reproductive problems and related risk factors. The mean prevalence of antibodiesagainst leptospires was 78.7% (MR1, 74.9 %; MR2, 84.1 %; and MR3, 80.2 %). Serogroup prevalence was different in...

Animais , Bovinos , Aborto Animal/etiologia , Fatores de Risco , Leptospirose/epidemiologia , Leptospirose/etiologia , Leptospirose/veterinária , Brasil , Inquéritos Epidemiológicos/métodos , Áreas Alagadas
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1462497


ABSTRACT Toxoplasmosis is a zoonosis of reproductive nature that is transmitted to humans mainly by ingestion of undercooked meat or drinking oocyte-contaminated water. The slaughter of small ruminants in clandestine slaughterhouses and the presence of companion animals in these locations may be epidemiologically important for the dissemination of the disease. The objective of the present study was to determine toxoplasmosis prevalence by researching anti- Toxoplasma gondii antibodies in meat sheep herds from farms in Teresina microregion, Piauí, Brazil. A total of 450 blood samples were collected from sheep of both sexes, belonging to 28 herds from the 14 municipalities that comprise the microregion. The samples were analyzed by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and the presence of anti-T. gondii antibodies was observed in 62% (279/450) of the animals in all the municipalities and on at least one farm in each municipality. The high occurrence of positive animals is an indication of reproductive problems in these herds, characterizing a problem for both sheep rearing and public health.

Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1462505


ABSTRACT The present research evaluated the seroprevalence of anti-zika virus (anti-ZIKV) antibodies by virus neutralization test (VNT) in 529 bovines from Andradina city, São Paulo state, Brazil. The reading was performed in an inverted optical microscope, considering reagents when the antibodies were capable to neutralize the ZIKV. Of the 529 samples, 53 (10.01%) were reagents. The animals were healthy at the time of collection. The samples were collected in February 2018, a favorable period for the multiplication of the vector and the highest risk of disease transmission. None of the animals showed anti-bovine viral diarrhea virus (anti-BVDV) antibodies, ruling out a possible cross-reaction, reinforcing the possible contact of the bovine with the ZIKV. In the herd, 88 pregnant females were evaluated; of these, 12 cows were reactive, with no history of reproductive problems or fetal malformations. This is the first research on the seroprevalence of ZIKV in cattle in Brazil, and studies should continue to evaluate cattle as a possible host of this arbovirus and its possible consequences for unique health and agribusiness.

Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 18(1): e20200032, 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1285127


Abstract Bulls frequently display male-male mounts, with consequences in the incidence of injuries, and possibly affecting the reproductive performance of the bulls. This behavior is known as the "buller syndrome" when appears in steers, with several individuals mounting one or a few penmates. The study aimed to collect information on the incidence of bull-bull mounts, the possible associated factors, the productive consequences, and management applied by distributing a survey to Holstein bull breeders in Uruguay. A survey was applied and responded by most Holstein breeders in Uruguay (30/33). Nineteen of the 30 breeders observed mounting behavior among bulls, and 15 of them considered it as a relevant problem. The breeders that observed the behavior had a greater number of bulls than those that did not observe it (P = 0.002). All of them observed that mounts were persistently directed towards the same individual (considering a specific period, while it remained in the group). Of these, 11 (58%) considered that this stopped only when the "buller" bull was removed from the group, mentioning that the behavior was frequently redirected to another individual. The mounts between bulls are a major problem in the breeding of Holstein bulls, with important consequences on weight gain and animal health, reproductive problems such as low libido and seminal quality, and even provoking the death of animals. Although not all breeders reported the existence of the problem, those with the bigger herds did. While some management and/or environmental conditions seem to influence (higher density, regrouping, managements that involve movement of animals, and spring) the incidence of bull-bull mounts, there are no standardized managements to avoid this behavior. Considering that most breeders were interested in including practices to minimize this problem if available, it would be essential to understand better the causes and predisposing factors to decrease its negative impacts.