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Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 75(3): 451-454, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1436934


Hamster breeding is becoming increasingly popular, mainly because of the simplicity of breeding, low cost, and characteristics of these animals: they are small, quiet, and do not require a large space. Because of this ease of keeping, some people choose to keep more than one animal of the same species in a single enclosure. In some cases, this sociability can lead to fights, because hamsters are extremely territorial animals, which can cause significant injuries. Knowledge of the most efficient methods for wound healing is essential in medicine for wild and exotic animals, as it allows faster clinical treatment and thus, stress reduction. The present case report refers to the therapeutic treatment of an extensive skin lesion in a golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) using ozonized sunflower oil. The treatment, which lasted 23 days, allowed complete healing of the lesion.

A criação de hamsters tem se tornado cada vez mais popular, especialmente pela facilidade de criação, pelo baixo custo e pelas características desses animais: são pequenos, silenciosos, e não necessitam de um grande espaço. Por essa facilidade de manejo, algumas pessoas decidem manter mais de um animal da mesma espécie em um único recinto. Em alguns casos, esse convívio pode causar brigas, visto que hamsters são animais extremamente territorialistas, podendo resultar em injúrias cutâneas significativas. O conhecimento sobre os métodos mais eficientes para a cicatrização de lesões é fundamental na medicina de animais silvestres e exóticos, possibilitando um manejo clínico mais rápido, consequentemente, redução do estresse. O presente relato refere-se ao manejo terapêutico de uma extensa lesão cutânea em um hamster sírio (Mesocricetus auratus) com o uso do óleo de girassol ozonizado. O tratamento, que teve 23 dias de duração, possibilitou a cicatrização total da lesão.

Animais , Cicatrização , Mesocricetus/lesões , Óleo de Girassol/uso terapêutico , Ozonioterapia
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 844, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1415268


Background: Hepatocellular carcinoma is a primary malignant tumor of the liver tissue and its occurrence in birds is considered rare. The tumor can occur as a single mass leading to hepatomegaly, or as multiple nodules in the liver. In animals of the genus Amazona, only 1 case of metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma has been reported in the United States, therefore, little is known about its epidemiology and clinicopathological aspects in these species. In this context, the aim of this work was to describe a case of metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma in an Amazona aestiva. Case: A blue-fronted amazon parrot (Amazona aestiva) was referred to necropsy after being found dead in its enclosure. On examination, it presented cachectic body score. Examination of the coelomic cavity, revealed a serous translucent fluid and adhesions between the liver and peritoneum.A red mass restricted to the right hepatic lobe and raised to the capsular surface, interspersed with whitish and dark red multifocal areas was observed. When cut, this mass was soft, protruding, multilobulated, whitish and with a friable reddish center. Additionally, on the dorsal surface of the left lung lobe, there was a rounded, well defined, whitish, and soft nodule. Microscopically, partial replacement of the hepatic parenchyma was observed by neoplastic proliferation of cuboidal epithelial cells, organized in mantle and supported by a scarce fibrovascular stroma. Cells have large, eosinophilic, well-delimited cytoplasm, with a central, oval nucleus, loose chromatin, and evident nucleolus. Moderate pleomorphism was characterized by anisocytosis, anisokaryosis, and aberrant nuclei. In the lung, a focally extensive mass with a pattern similar to that seen in the liver was observed. In the kidney, multifocal neoplastic emboli were noted. Liver immunohistochemistry was performed. Positive and negative controls were used to validate the reaction; however, there was no immunolabelling for the evaluated antibodies. Discussion: The histopathological characteristics observed in this study favored the diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) with metastasis to kidney and lung. Primary liver tumors are rare in wild birds. In ducks, experimental studies have pointed aflatoxins and the duck hepatitis B virus as oncogenic agents, however, in birds of the genus Amazona, there are no studies that evaluate predisposing factors to the development of liver carcinoma. Macroscopically, hepatocellular carcinoma may present in massive, nodular or diffuse forms. In birds, the right lobe is the largest, which may suggest that this lobe is more prone to the development of HCC, as seen in the present case. The solid form, similar to that observed in this report, seems to be more commonly observed, as seen in the wild bird reports consulted. Metastases most often spread hematogenous, and in the present report there was metastasis to kidneys and lungs, which is a common feature for this neoplasm. In the present case, there was no labeling by any of the antibodies, perhaps because of their aggressiveness, associated with autolytic factors that prevent the labeling of antibodies, in addition to the specificity in the antibodyantigen relationship. This tumor must be differentiated from other liver tumors such as cholangiocarcinoma, and also the well-differentiated hepatocellular adenoma, in addition to non-neoplastic conditions. HCC should be considered as a differential diagnosis for Amazona aestiva found dead in the enclosure without previous clinical signs. This neoplasm is rare in Amazon parrots and reports should be encouraged in order to contribute to the understanding of the epidemiological and clinicopathological aspects of the tumor.

Animais , Carcinoma Hepatocelular , Amazona , Neoplasias Hepáticas/veterinária , Metástase Neoplásica , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária
Clín. Vet. (São Paulo, Ed. Port.) ; 28(164): 44-55, mai.-jun. 2023.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434776


Um lobo-guará (Chrysocyon brachyurus) macho com 15 anos de idade apresentou dificuldade ao se levantar e deitar, relutância ao caminhar e aspecto arqueado da coluna vertebral. Após contenção química, o paciente foi examinado e submetido a exames radiográficos e colheita de material biológico para análises laboratoriais. Os resultados dos exames apontaram um animal saudável, porém visualizaram-se espondiloses em coluna vertebral na região cervical e torácica. Foi iniciado protocolo para controle de dor, inflamação e uso de regenerador articular, a fim de estabilizar o quadro do paciente. Novo manejo foi agendado para implante de filamentos de ouro em pontos de acupuntura. Após essa terapia, o paciente foi acompanhado pela equipe veterinária, e alguns dias após o tratamento houve melhora do quadro clínico o animal deixou de apresentar dificuldade para caminhar, deitar, levantar e ficar em estação. O paciente retornou ao recinto, dividindo o local com a fêmea, e até o momento está assintomático.(AU)

A 15-year-old male maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus) showed difficulty getting up and lying down, reluctance to walk and an arched aspect of the spine. After chemical containment, the patient underwent physical examination and was submitted to radiographic examens and collection of biological material for laboratory analysis. The test results indicated a healthy animal, but spondylosis was seen in the cervical and thoracic spine. A protocol was started to pain control, inflammation, and use of condroprotective to stabilize the patient's condition. A new management was scheduled for the implantation of gold filaments in acupuncture points. After this therapy, the patient was followed up by the veterinary team, and days after the treatment, there was an improvement in the clinical condition- the animal had no more difficulty walking, lying down, getting up and standing still. The patient returned to the enclosure, sharing the place with the female, and so far, the clinical signs presented are absent and/or reduced.(AU)

Un aguará guazú (Chrysocyon brachyurus) macho de 15 años mostró dificultad para levantarse y acostarse, renuencia a caminar y un aspecto arqueado de la columna vertebral. Después de la contención química, el paciente fue examinado y sometido a exámenes radiográficos y recolección de material biológico para análisis de laboratorio. Los resultados de la prueba indicaron un animal sano, pero se observó espondilosis en la columna cervical y torácica. Se inició protocolo de control del dolor, inflamación y uso de protectores articulares, con el fin de estabilizar el estado del paciente. Con el objetivo de brindar una mejor calidad de vida, ya que se trata de un animal salvaje, incapaz de realizar ordinariamente terapias invasivas, se implantaron filamentos de oro en puntos de acupuntura. Posteriormente a esta terapia, el paciente fue acompañado por el equipo veterinario, y dias después del tratamiento hubo una mejoría en el estado clínico - el animal no tuvo dificultad para caminar, acostarse, levantarse y estar de pie. El paciente regresó al recinto, compartiendo el lugar con una hembra, y hasta el momento los signos clínicos anteriormente presentados están ausentes y/o reducidos.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Terapia por Acupuntura/veterinária , Canidae , Espondilose/veterinária
Rev. Bras. Parasitol. Vet. (Online) ; 32(3): e004823, 2023. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434869


Increased interaction between wild and urban environments owing to human population growth, increased anthropization of biomes, and habitat loss for wild animals increases the spread of infectious and parasitic agents. The present study reports on the occurrence of gastrointestinal parasites in carnivorous mammals at two conservation institutions in the state of Goiás, Brazil. Fecal samples from 39 adult carnivores were collected after spontaneous defecation and analyzed by flotation and sedimentation. The structure and management data of each institution were recorded. Parasitism prevalence, binomial confidence intervals (CI) at 95%, variables associated with the presence of contact animals, size of the enclosure and type of food were recorded. The overall prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in the samples analyzed was 71.8% (CI 55.1­83.0; 28/39). Ancylostomatidae, Toxocara spp., Toxascaris leonina, Strongyloides spp., Calodium hepaticum, and Trematoda eggs, and Cystoisospora spp. oocysts were detected. Environmental conditions were not correlated with parasitism prevalence; however, the parasites found could be managed, considering their biology, such as controlling synanthropic and domestic animals in captivity, feeding with healthy feed.(AU)

A crescente urbanização e a perda de hábitat para animais selvagens tem levado a uma maior interação entre ambientes selvagens e humanos, o que pode favorecer a disseminação de agentes infecciosos e parasitários. O presente estudo relata a ocorrência de parasitas gastrointestinais em mamíferos carnívoros em duas instituições de conservação no estado de Goiás, Brasil. Amostras fecais de 39 carnívoros adultos foram coletadas após a defecação espontânea e analisadas por flotação e sedimentação. Foram registrados os dados de estrutura e gestão de cada instituição. Prevalência de parasitismo, intervalo de confiança binomial (IC) a 95% e variáveis associadas a presença de animais de contato, tamanho do recinto e tipo de alimento foram registrados. A prevalência geral de parasitas gastrointestinais nas amostras analisadas foi de 71,8% (IC 55,1­83,0; 28/39). Foram detectados ovos de Ancylostomatidae, Toxocara spp., Toxascaris leonina, Strongyloides spp., Calodium hepaticum e de Trematoda e oocistos de Cystoisospora spp.. As condições ambientais não apresentaram correlação com a prevalência de parasitismo; entretanto, os parasitos encontrados podem ser manejados, considerando-se sua biologia, como controlar animais sinantrópicos e domésticos em cativeiro, e uso de alimentos livres de contaminantes.(AU)

Animais , Doenças Parasitárias em Animais , Gastroenteropatias/parasitologia , Animais Selvagens/parasitologia , Brasil
Vet. zootec ; 29: 1-7, 2022.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1433679


El albinismo es una anomalía genética recesiva en la que la produccíon de la melanina está reducida o ausente, lo que interfiere com la  pigmentación de la piel, pelaje y los ojos de los individuos. Se considera un fenómeno natural raro, principalmente en animales salvajes. Los albinos son muy susceptibles al daño de la piel por el sol, ya que la exposición acumulada a los rayos ultravioleta (UV) puede ser dañina. Este reporte discute la ocurrencia de seborrea seca en un tapir albino (Tapirus terrestris), mantenida bajo cuidado humano. La seborrea seca es una enfermedad crónica de la piel en la que falla la queratinización de la epidermis, formándose descamaciones excesivas y alterando la oleosidad de la piel y la pelaje. El tratamiento clínico instituido se basó en la aplicación tópica de uma solución dermatológica hidratante en spray y em la modificación del recinto para reducir la incidencia de la luz solar sobre el individuo.  El resultado fue satisfactorio y tuvo como ayuda un miscroscopio digital portátil que se utilizó periódicamente hasta la recuperación del animal.

Albinism is a recessive genetic disorder in which melanin prodution is reduced or absent, interfering with pigmentation of the skin, hair and eyes of individuals. It is considered to be of rare natural occurrence, mainly in wild animals. Albino individuals are highly susceptible to skin damage caused by the sun, once cumulative exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays can be harmful. This report discusses the occurrence of dry seborrhea in an albino lowland tapir (Tapirus terrestris), kept under human care. Dry seborrhea is a chronic skin disease in which there is a failure in the keratinization of the epidermis, forming excessive scales and altering the oiliness of the skin and hair. The clinical treatment instituted was based on topical application of a moisturizing dermatological spray solution and on changes made to the enclosure in order to reduce the incidence of sunlight on the individual. The result was satisfactory and had as na aid a portable digital microscope that was used periodically until the recovery of the animal.

O albinismo é uma desordem genética recessiva em que a produção de melanina é reduzida ou ausente, o que interfere na pigmentação da pele, pelos e olhos dos indivíduos. É considerada de rara ocorrência natural, principalmente em animais selvagens. Indivíduos albinos são altamente suscetíveis a injúrias na pele causadas pelo sol, já que a exposição aos raios ultravioletas (UV) de forma cumulativa pode ser prejudicial. Este relato discorre sobre a ocorrência de seborreia seca em uma anta albina (Tapirus terrestris), mantida sob cuidados humanos. A seborreia seca é uma enfermidade cutânea de caráter crônico em que ocorre falha na queratinização da epiderme, formando excessivamente escamas e alterando a oleosidade da pele e pelos. O tratamento clínico instituído foi baseado na aplicação tópica de solução dermatológica hidratante spray e em mudanças realizadas no recinto a fim de diminuir a incidência de luz solar no indivíduo. O resultado foi satisfatório e teve como auxílio um microscópio digital portátil que foi utilizado periodicamente até a recuperação do animal.

Vet. zootec ; 29: 1-7, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1380801


O albinismo é uma desordem genética recessiva em que a produção de melanina é reduzida ou ausente, o que interfere na pigmentação da pele, pelos e olhos dos indivíduos. É considerada de rara ocorrência natural, principalmente em animais selvagens. Indivíduos albinos são altamente suscetíveis a injúrias na pele causadas pelo sol, já que a exposição aos raios ultravioletas (UV) de forma cumulativa pode ser prejudicial. Este relato discorre sobre a ocorrência de seborreia seca em uma anta albina (Tapirus terrestris), mantida sob cuidados humanos. A seborreia seca é uma enfermidade cutânea de caráter crônico em que ocorre falha na queratinização da epiderme, formando excessivamente escamas e alterando a oleosidade da pele e pelos. O tratamento clínico instituído foi baseado na aplicação tópica de solução dermatológica hidratante spray e em mudanças realizadas no recinto a fim de diminuir a incidência de luz solar no indivíduo. O resultado foi satisfatório e teve como auxílio um microscópio digital portátil que foi utilizado periodicamente até a recuperação do animal.(AU)

Albinism is a recessive genetic disorder in which melanin prodution is reduced or absent, interfering with pigmentation of the skin, hair and eyes of individuals. It is considered to be of rare natural occurrence, mainly in wild animals. Albino individuals are highly susceptible to skin damage caused by the sun, once cumulative exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays can be harmful. This report discusses the occurrence of dry seborrhea in an albino lowland tapir (Tapirus terrestris), kept under human care. Dry seborrhea is a chronic skin disease in which there is a failure in the keratinization of the epidermis, forming excessive scales and altering the oiliness of the skin and hair. The clinical treatment instituted was based on topical application of a moisturizing dermatological spray solution and on changes made to the enclosure in order to reduce the incidence of sunlight on the individual. The result was satisfactory and had as na aid a portable digital microscope that was used periodically until the recovery of the animal.(AU)

El albinismo es una anomalía genética recesiva en la que la produccíon de la melanina está reducida o ausente, lo que interfiere com la pigmentación de la piel, pelaje y los ojos de los individuos. Se considera un fenómeno natural raro, principalmente en animales salvajes. Los albinos son muy susceptibles al daño de la piel por el sol, ya que la exposición acumulada a los rayos ultravioleta (UV) puede ser dañina. Este reporte discute la ocurrencia de seborrea seca en un tapir albino (Tapirus terrestris), mantenida bajo cuidado humano. La seborrea seca es una enfermedad crónica de la piel en la que falla la queratinización de la epidermis, formándose descamaciones excesivas y alterando la oleosidad de la piel y la pelaje. El tratamiento clínico instituido se basó en la aplicación tópica de uma solución dermatológica hidratante en spray y em la modificación del recinto para reducir la incidencia de la luz solar sobre el individuo. El resultado fue satisfactorio y tuvo como ayuda un miscroscopio digital portátil que se utilizó periódicamente hasta la recuperación del animal.(AU)

Animais , Perissodáctilos/genética , Albinismo/diagnóstico , Dermatite Seborreica/diagnóstico , Animais Selvagens/genética
Clín. Vet. (São Paulo, Ed. Port.) ; 27(158): 22-32, mai.-jun. 2022.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1390981


Mesoteliomas são neoplasias malignas que causam lesões graves e extensas em peritônio, pleura, pericárdio e órgãos adjacentes. O presente estudo de caso discorre sobre o óbito de uma onça-pintada (Panthera onca) mantida sob cuidados humanos em um zoológico do estado de São Paulo, com idade estimada de 19 anos, que apresentou aumento de volume abdominal, ascite, diminuição de deslocamento pelo recinto, inapetência e polidipsia. O paciente foi submetido a exames clínicos, laboratoriais e de diagnósticos por imagem, e em curto espaço de tempo foi a óbito. Os resultados anatomopatológicos e imuno-histoquímicos indicaram o diagnóstico conclusivo de mesotelioma peritoneal, com metástase em linfonodo mesenterico.(AU)

Mesotheliomas are malignant neoplasms and cause severe and extensive lesions in the peritoneum, pleura, pericardium and adjacent organs. The present case study discusses the death of a jaguar (Panthera onca) kept under human care in a zoo in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, with an estimated age of 19-years-old. He presented increased abdominal volume, ascites, decreased displacement by the enclosure, inappetence and polydipsia. The patient underwent clinical, laboratory and diagnostic imaging tests and died after a short period of time. The anatomopathological results indicated the diagnosis of peritoneal mesothelioma, with metastasis in the mesenteric lymph node.(AU)

Los mesoteliomas son neoplasias malignas y provocan lesiones graves y extensas en el peritoneo, pleura, pericardio y órganos adyacentes. El presente estudio de caso presenta la muerte de un jaguar (Panthera onca) mantenido bajo cuidado humano en un zoológico en el estado de São Paulo, Brasil, con una edad estimada de 19 años. El animal presentó aumento de volumen abdominal, ascitis, disminución del desplazamiento por el recinto, inapetencia y polidipsia. Al paciente se le realizaron pruebas clínicas, de laboratorio y de diagnóstico por imágenes, pero en poco tiempo falleció. Los resultados anatomopatológicos indicaron el diagnóstico de mesotelioma peritoneal, con metástasis en el ganglio mesenterico.(AU)

Animais , Neoplasias Peritoneais/diagnóstico , Mesotelioma/diagnóstico , Pericárdio/anatomia & histologia , Peritônio/anatomia & histologia , Pleura/anatomia & histologia , Panthera , Animais de Zoológico
Acta Vet. Brasilica ; 16(2): 112-116, maio 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1392532


The maintenance of pumas under human care imposes different conditions from those found in the natural environment, which may result in stress and impaired welfare. The objective was to evaluate the effects of environmental enrichment on the welfare of four jaguar specimens (Puma concolor), kept under human care. The enrichment techniques addressed were food, sensory, and mixed (physical-cognitive) enrichment. The research was divided into three phases: Phase 1, pre-enrichment; Phase 2, application of enrichment; and Phase 3, post-enrichment. The observation of the activities was performed using the focal animal method, and the behaviors were recorded to compose an ethogram. The sampling effort totaled 96 hours, with a 24-hour observation time for each specimen. During phases 2 and 3, the animals showed increased expression of natural behaviors, increased exploration and interaction with the enclosure, as well as, with other individuals. In addition, the applied activities provided cognitive challenges and reduced the animals' idle time. Although puma 4 showed stereotyped behavior, during the three phases of this study, this individual was healthy and active. Thus, the results demonstrate the beneficial effects of environmental enrichment on the well-being of pumas held in captivity.(AU)

A manutenção de onças-pardas mantidas sob cuidados humanos impõe condições diferentes daquelas encon-tradas no ambiente natural, o que pode resultar em estresse e prejuízo ao bem-estar. Objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos do enriquecimento ambiental no bem-estar de quatro espécimes de Onça-parda (Puma concolor), mantidos sob cuidados humanos. As técnicas de enriquecimento abordadas foram o enriquecimento alimentar, sensorial e misto (físico-cogni-tivo). A pesquisa foi dividida em três fases: Fase 1; Pré-enriquecimento, Fase 2; Aplicação dos enriquecimentos e Fase 3; Pós-enriquecimento. A observação das atividades foi realizada através do método animal focal, sendo registrados os comportamentos para composição de um etograma. O esforço amostral totalizou 96 horas, com o tempo de observação de 24 horas para cada espécime. Durante as fases 2 e 3, os animais apresentaram aumento da expressão de comporta-mentos naturais, aumento da exploração e interação com o recinto, assim como, com os outros indivíduos. Além disso, as atividades aplicadas proporcionaram desafios cognitivos e reduziram o tempo ocioso dos animais. Embora a Onça-parda 4 tenha apresentado comportamento estereotipado, durante as três fases deste estudo, este indivíduo mostrou-se saudável e ativo. Dessa forma, os resultados demonstram os efeitos benéficos do enriquecimento ambiental no bem-estar de onças-pardas mantidas em cativeiro.(AU)

Animais , Estresse Fisiológico/fisiologia , Comportamento Animal/fisiologia , Bem-Estar do Animal , Puma/fisiologia , Alimentos Fortificados , Ecossistema
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50(suppl.1): Pub.753-4 jan. 2022. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458561


Background: Botulism is a disease caused by the ingestion of neurotoxin produced by Clostridium botulinum, characterizedby flaccid paralysis, which can lead to high mortality. They have seven types of neurotoxins (A, B, C, D, E, F, and G) and,in birds, most cases are attributed to type C. They are considered sources of botulinum toxins where the decomposition oforganic matter occurs, like stagnant water and rotting food. The main feature of the disease in birds is ascending symmetricflaccid paralysis. The present study aims to describe an outbreak of type C botulism in backyard poultry in the state ofSanta Catarina, Southern Brazil.Case: A visit was made to the property with 160 backyard poultry with a history of high mortality in the municipality ofAgrolândia, Santa Catarina. Clinical signs were characterized by paralysis of the pelvic limbs, neck and pendular wings,which progressed to death within 48 h. There was a mortality rate of 37.5% (60/160) between March and May 2019. Thesebirds were kept in an overcrowded environment, with different species (chickens, ducks, teals, and turkeys) fed irregularly.The water supplied was provided from kitchen exhaust, accumulating in puddles on the floor that contained organic matterresidues such as animal feces, food waste and bone fragments. The disposal of the carcasses of birds that died was in thesame enclosure, buried superficially, facilitating the access of other birds to dig them up and consume them. Necropsywas performed on 2 chickens and one duck, no macroscopic or histopathological lesions were observed. Blood, liver, andgastrointestinal content samples were sent for research and identification of botulinum toxin through the serum neutralization test in mice. The presence of type C botulinum toxin was confirmed in the liver chicken of one sampled animals.Discussion: The identification of type C botulism toxin enabled the characterization of the outbreak, which is...

Animais , Botulismo/epidemiologia , Botulismo/veterinária , Clostridium botulinum tipo C/isolamento & purificação , Galinhas/microbiologia , Neurotoxinas , Brasil , Surtos de Doenças/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 50(suppl.1): Pub. 753, 15 fev. 2022. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765212


Background: Botulism is a disease caused by the ingestion of neurotoxin produced by Clostridium botulinum, characterizedby flaccid paralysis, which can lead to high mortality. They have seven types of neurotoxins (A, B, C, D, E, F, and G) and,in birds, most cases are attributed to type C. They are considered sources of botulinum toxins where the decomposition oforganic matter occurs, like stagnant water and rotting food. The main feature of the disease in birds is ascending symmetricflaccid paralysis. The present study aims to describe an outbreak of type C botulism in backyard poultry in the state ofSanta Catarina, Southern Brazil.Case: A visit was made to the property with 160 backyard poultry with a history of high mortality in the municipality ofAgrolândia, Santa Catarina. Clinical signs were characterized by paralysis of the pelvic limbs, neck and pendular wings,which progressed to death within 48 h. There was a mortality rate of 37.5% (60/160) between March and May 2019. Thesebirds were kept in an overcrowded environment, with different species (chickens, ducks, teals, and turkeys) fed irregularly.The water supplied was provided from kitchen exhaust, accumulating in puddles on the floor that contained organic matterresidues such as animal feces, food waste and bone fragments. The disposal of the carcasses of birds that died was in thesame enclosure, buried superficially, facilitating the access of other birds to dig them up and consume them. Necropsywas performed on 2 chickens and one duck, no macroscopic or histopathological lesions were observed. Blood, liver, andgastrointestinal content samples were sent for research and identification of botulinum toxin through the serum neutralization test in mice. The presence of type C botulinum toxin was confirmed in the liver chicken of one sampled animals.Discussion: The identification of type C botulism toxin enabled the characterization of the outbreak, which is...(AU)

Animais , Botulismo/epidemiologia , Botulismo/veterinária , Clostridium botulinum tipo C/isolamento & purificação , Neurotoxinas , Galinhas/microbiologia , Brasil , Surtos de Doenças/veterinária
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 42: e06733, 2022. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1375996


The aim of the present study was to evaluate the post-vaccinal reaction to two lentogenic vaccine strains of Newcatle disease virus (NDV) and a recombinant turkey herpesvirus (rHVT) vaccine expressing the fusion glycoprotein of NDV in broiler chickens through histomorphometric and histopathologic analyses of the trachea. The experiment involved 245 chicks housed in randomized blocks with three different enclosures under controlled conditions of temperature, light and ventilation. Each enclosure represented a vaccine strain and was divided into groups according to the administration route. Each block also had its own control group composed of unvaccinated birds. The vaccine strains PHY.LMV.42 (PL42) and La Sota (LS) were selected according to the Intracerebral Pathogenicity Index (ICPI) and the rHVT-NDV Serotype 3 strain (ST3) was selected for representing non-NDV infection. At two, four, seven, 14 and 21 days post vaccination, fragments from the middle third of the trachea were collected and submitted to routine histological processing. For the histomorphometric analysis, the slides were photographed, and the thickness of the tracheal mucosa was measured. Statistical analysis involved two-way ANOVA and Tukey's post-hoc test with a 5% significance level. For the histopathological evaluation, lesions were described as to the degree of intensity and distribution. At four and 14 days post vaccination with the LS strain administered by the ocular route, the means of thickening of the tracheal mucosa (20.85±7.31µm and 26.97±5.50µm, respectively) were significantly higher (p<0.05) than for all other strains, which was related to the severe histopathological lesions found in this group, characterized by hyperemia, hyperplasia of the mucous glands, moderate deciliation and multifocal lymphohistiocytic inflammatory infiltrate. At 21 days, broiler chickens vaccinated with the ST3 strain showed more discrete lesions and less thickening of the tracheal mucosa (23.23±7.62µm; p<0.05) in comparison with other studied strains. The lesions found in this group were only hemorrhage, deciliation and mild focal lymphocytic inflammatory infiltrate. The results of the histomorphometry and histopathology of the trachea indicated that vaccination with rHVT-NDV Serotype 3 strain induced lower degree post-vaccine tracheal lesions compared to other vaccine strains analyzed in this study.

Objetivou-se avaliar a reação pós-vacinal de duas estirpes lentogênicas do vírus da doença de Newcastle (VDN) e uma vacina recombinante de herpesvirus de perus (rHVT) que expressa a glicoproteína de fusão de VDN em frangos de corte por meio da histomorfometria e histopatologia da traqueia. Foram utilizados 245 pintos alojados em blocos ao acaso, sendo três galpões distintos em condições controladas de temperatura, luz e ventilação. Cada galpão representou uma cepa vacinal, onde foram divididos por grupos de acordo com a via de administração. Todos os blocos possuíam um grupo controle composto por aves não vacinadas. As cepas vacinais PHY.LMV.42 (PL42) e La Sota (LS) utilizadas foram selecionadas de acordo com o Índice de Patogenicidade Intracerebral (IPIC) e a cepa Sorotipo 3 (ST3), da vacina rHVT-VDN foi selecionada por não representar infecção do VDN. Aos dois, quarto, sete, 14 e 21 dias pós-vacinação, fragmentos do terço médio da traqueia foram coletados e posteriormente processados conforme rotina histológica. Para análise histomorfométrica da mucosa traqueal, as lâminas foram fotografadas e realizadas as mensurações da espessura da mucosa traqueal sendo aplicado teste de análise de variância a dois critérios (ANOVA) e utilizando o post-hoc de Tukey com nível de significância de 5%. Para a avaliação histopatológica foram observadas a presença de lesões microscópicas e estas foram descritas quanto ao grau de intensidade e distribuição. Aos quatro e quatorze dias pós-vacinação com a cepa LS administrada por via ocular, as médias do espessamento da mucosa traqueal (20,85±7,31µm e 26,97±5,50µm, respectivamente) foram significativamente maiores (p<0,05) quando comparada a todas as demais cepas utilizadas, isto se deve às severas lesões histopatológicas encontrados neste grupo, caracterizadas por hiperemia, hiperplasia das glândulas mucosas, deciliação moderada e infiltrado inflamatório linfohistiocitário multifocal moderado. Já aos 21 dias as aves vacinadas com a cepa ST3 apresentaram lesões mais discretas e menor espessamento da mucosa da traqueia (23,23±7,62µm; p<0,05) em comparação às demais cepas estudadas. As lesões encontradas neste grupo foram apenas hemorragia, deciliação e infiltrado inflamatório linfocitário focal discreto. Os resultados da histomorfometria e da histopatologia da traqueia indicou que a vacinação com a rHVT-NDV, cepa Sorotipo 3 induziu menor grau de lesões pós-vacinais na traqueia comparada a outras cepas vacinais analisadas nesse estudo.

Animais , Traqueia/efeitos dos fármacos , Traqueia/patologia , Vírus da Doença de Newcastle/imunologia , Vacinas/efeitos adversos , Galinhas/virologia , Doença de Newcastle/imunologia , Vacinação/efeitos adversos
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49(supl.1): Pub. 693, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363345


Background: The gray brocket deer (Mazama gouazoubira) is a specie that shows great adaptability in different habitats and it is the most abundant deer specie in South America. The present work describes for the first time a case of abortion followed by death associated with colloid goiter, massive hemonchosis and necrotizing rumenitis in a captive female gray brocket deer. Case: A 4-year-old female gray brocket deer (M. gouazoubira) raised in captivity had a history of abortion during the last third of gestation. The animal was kept in an enclosure together with 3 other gray brockets deers, being 1 male of the same age and 2 juvenile brocket deer of approximately 1 and 2 years old. The animals were fed with concentrated used as cattle feed and dewormed annually with 1% Ivermectin. The animals' enclosure had vegetation cover formed by grasses and soil. The animals appeared healthy with no behavioral changes. The day after the stillbirth, the mother was found dead in the enclosure and sent to the animal pathology sector of the University of Vila Velha (UVV), Brazil. Necropsy revealed that thyroid lobules were highly increased in volume and histopathological findings were compatible with colloid goiter. A large number of nematodes were found in the abomasal content, totalizing 11,626 helminths, which were morphologically characterized as Haemonchus contortus. Grossly, the serous and ruminal mucosa exhibited an extensively reddish focal area with irregular contour, surface ulceration and a firm consistency. Microscopically, a severe necrotizing rumenitis was diagnosed. The liver showed pale multifocal areas on the subcapsular surface, friable to the touch which deepened when cut. Histopathological analysis revealed an accentuated multifocal panlobular coagulative necrosis, characterizing an acute liver necrosis. Discussion: Iodine is a mineral of great importance for thyroid hormones synthesis and your requirements are higher during pregnancy and lactation. Diets deficient in iodine causes a reduction in the basal activity of the hormones triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) and over-stimulation of the thyroid by thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), resulting in goiter. In the present case, it is possible that the shortage of iodine in diet caused a goiter and, as a consequence, triggered the abortion. Haemonchus contortus is a pathogenic nematode of small ruminants, leading to decreased productivity and death in some cases as a result of anemia and hypoxia. The contact between domestic and wild animals, resulting in the emergence of infectious diseases and the spread of pathogens among species. In the present case, manual counting accounted for 11,626 H. contortus larvae, characterizing a massive infection and justifying the condition of severe anemia. The high parasitic load shown in this case points out this parasite's importance related to this species in captivity. In general, inflammatory lesions in the rumen are results of excessive intake of fermentable carbohydrates, which leads to a considerable decrease in ruminal pH and leads to a high proliferation of lactic acid bacteria. This lesion has been previously reported in cervids. This case of comorbidities demonstrates that failures in nutritional and health handling, may cause simultaneous multiple diseases leading to death. Preventive measures for helminth parasite control and a proper feeding management with an adequate diet must be provided in order to preserve the species in captivity.

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Cervos/parasitologia , Aborto Animal/etiologia , Bócio/veterinária , Hemoncose/veterinária , Rúmen/patologia , Deficiência de Iodo/complicações , Haemonchus
R. bras. Parasitol. Vet. ; 30(1): e022320, 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-30418


The objective of the present study was to identify the intestinal parasites with the highest prevalence in anatids that were reared extensively in the city of São Paulo, through coproparasitological examinations. Fecal samples (n=108) were collected at two times, with an interval of two months between them, during the year 2018. The samples were constituted from a pool of feces, and one sample was collected from each enclosure. The samples were identified as belonging to 13 species of anatids (Aix galericulata, Aix sponsa, Anser abyssinia, Chenonetta jubata, Chloephaga melanoptera, Chloephaga picta, Lophodytes cucullatus, Tadorna cana, Tadorna ferrugínea, Tadorna radjah, Tadorna tadorna, Tadorna tadornoide and Tadorna variegata). Samples of birds with or without clinical symptoms of endoparasitosis were then collected. The Coproplus® test was used to make the coproparasitological diagnosis and subsequently the material was examined individually, at Santo Amaro University in São Paulo. It was observed that 48.14% of the enclosures had birds infected by one or more endoparasites. Parasites of the order Coccidia presented the highest prevalence (22.22%), followed by those of the orders Trichuroidea (10.18%) and Ascaridia (4.63%). Moreover, Balantidium sp. was found, the cycle and relevance of these ciliates in birds is uncertain.(AU)

O objetivo do presente estudo foi identificar os parasitos intestinais de maior prevalência em anatídeos provenientes de uma criação extensiva no município de São Paulo, por meio da realização de exame coproparasitológico. Foram coletadas 108 amostras fecais em dois momentos, com intervalo de dois meses entre eles, durante o ano de 2018. As amostras foram constituídas de um pool de fezes, e coletada uma amostra para cada recinto por coleta. Foi realizada a identificação das espécies e estas pertenciam a 13 espécies de anatídeos (Aix galericulata, Aix sponsa, Anser abyssinia, Chenonetta jubata, Chloephaga melanoptera, Chloephaga picta, Lophodytes cucullatus, Tadorna cana, Tadorna ferrugínea, Tadorna radjah, Tadorna tadorna, Tadorna tadornoide e Tadorna variegata). Em seguida foram coletadas as amostras de aves com sintomatologia clínica ou não de endoparasitoses. Para o diagnóstico coproparasitológico e coleta foi utilizado o teste Coproplus® e posteriormente, o material foi examinado individualmente na Universidade Santo Amaro. Observou-se que 48,14% dos recintos possuíam animais infectados por um ou mais endoparasitos. Houve maior prevalência para parasitos da ordem Coccidia (22,22%), seguido pela ordem Trichuroidea (10,18%) e Ascaridia (4,63%) e como achado o Balantidium sp. que possui ciclo e relevância incerta em aves.(AU)

Animais , Aves/parasitologia , Balantidíase/classificação , Balantidíase/diagnóstico , Balantidíase/parasitologia , Oocistos , Balantidium
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 51(08): 1-9, 2021. map, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1480182


This study analyzed natural regeneration floristic patterns in spring habitats submitted to different ecological restoration actions in the seasonal forest in Atlantic Forest biome, Rio Grande do Sul. We assessed floristic composition in six springs before restoration actions and 12 months later. We identified and counted all regenerating individuals with height greater than or equal to 30 cm and diameter at breast height less than or equal to 5 cm in eight plots in each spring. The richness and abundance of each spring and assessment were compared by the Kruskal-Wallis test (P<0.05). Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) was performed to verify floristic patterns and association between species. Results showed an increase in richness and abundance after ecological restoration implementation. The DCA showed a distinct floristic composition between springs. The springs remaining natural vegetation and the successional stage of these vegetation influenced the natural regeneration floristic composition pattern. Passive restoration, which was effective by enclosure, favored natural regeneration recruitment.

O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar os padrões florísticos da regeneração natural em habitats de nascentes submetidos a diferentes ações de restauração ecológica na floresta estacional do bioma Mata Atlântica, Rio Grande do Sul. A composição florística foi avaliada em seis nascentes antes das ações de restauração e 12 meses depois. Todos os indivíduos regenerantes com altura maior ou igual a 30 cm e diâmetro à altura do peito menor ou igual a 5 cm foram contados e identificados em oito parcelas em cada nascente. A riqueza e abundância de cada nascente em cada avaliação foram comparadas pelo teste de Kruskal-Wallis (P <0,05). A Análise de Correspondência Retificada (DCA) foi realizada para verificar os padrões florísticos e a associação entre as espécies. Os resultados mostraram um aumento na riqueza e abundância após a implementação da restauração ecológica. A DCA apresentou uma composição florística distinta entre as nascentes. A vegetação natural remanescente nas áreas de nascente e o estágio sucessional da vegetação influenciaram o padrão de composição florística. A restauração passiva, efetivada pelo cercamento, favoreceu o desenvolvimento da regeneração natural.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/métodos , Monitoramento Ambiental , Recuperação e Remediação Ambiental/métodos , Recursos Naturais
Vet. Not. (Online) ; 27(1): 68-84, 2021. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1502531


Brazil is considered the country which holds the largest number of known primate species. At captives without environmental enrichment program, especially in zoos, it is common for the animals to be easily discouraged from captive life, being bound to develop chronic stress condition. This review aimed to provide veterinary professionals and students with updated bibliography on stress in zoo captive primates, focusing on reactions resulting from these changes, as well as their implications for behavior and well-being. Integrative literature review using descriptors "Captivity", "Stress", "Primates", "Zoos" and "Wellbeing", on the main scientific research bases. The present work highlighted stress responses and its consequences on primate’s health and behavior captive in zoo through bibliographic survey, performing selected articles analysis, results interpretation, and discussion. It is concluded behavioral profile individual variations expose primates differently to stressful conditions. Public visitation, lack of structure, reduced enclosure, improper nutritional management, and unstimulated environment may be potential stress sources for some housed primates in zoo.

Animais , Bem-Estar do Animal , Comportamento Animal , Primatas , Sistema Hipotálamo-Hipofisário , Teste de Esforço/veterinária , Hidrocortisona
Ci. Rural ; 51(08): 1-9, 2021. mapas, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765653


This study analyzed natural regeneration floristic patterns in spring habitats submitted to different ecological restoration actions in the seasonal forest in Atlantic Forest biome, Rio Grande do Sul. We assessed floristic composition in six springs before restoration actions and 12 months later. We identified and counted all regenerating individuals with height greater than or equal to 30 cm and diameter at breast height less than or equal to 5 cm in eight plots in each spring. The richness and abundance of each spring and assessment were compared by the Kruskal-Wallis test (P<0.05). Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) was performed to verify floristic patterns and association between species. Results showed an increase in richness and abundance after ecological restoration implementation. The DCA showed a distinct floristic composition between springs. The springs remaining natural vegetation and the successional stage of these vegetation influenced the natural regeneration floristic composition pattern. Passive restoration, which was effective by enclosure, favored natural regeneration recruitment.(AU)

O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar os padrões florísticos da regeneração natural em habitats de nascentes submetidos a diferentes ações de restauração ecológica na floresta estacional do bioma Mata Atlântica, Rio Grande do Sul. A composição florística foi avaliada em seis nascentes antes das ações de restauração e 12 meses depois. Todos os indivíduos regenerantes com altura maior ou igual a 30 cm e diâmetro à altura do peito menor ou igual a 5 cm foram contados e identificados em oito parcelas em cada nascente. A riqueza e abundância de cada nascente em cada avaliação foram comparadas pelo teste de Kruskal-Wallis (P <0,05). A Análise de Correspondência Retificada (DCA) foi realizada para verificar os padrões florísticos e a associação entre as espécies. Os resultados mostraram um aumento na riqueza e abundância após a implementação da restauração ecológica. A DCA apresentou uma composição florística distinta entre as nascentes. A vegetação natural remanescente nas áreas de nascente e o estágio sucessional da vegetação influenciaram o padrão de composição florística. A restauração passiva, efetivada pelo cercamento, favoreceu o desenvolvimento da regeneração natural.(AU)

Recuperação e Remediação Ambiental/métodos , Monitoramento Ambiental , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/métodos , Recursos Naturais
Vet. Not. ; 27(1): 68-84, 2021. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-30614


Brazil is considered the country which holds the largest number of known primate species. At captives without environmental enrichment program, especially in zoos, it is common for the animals to be easily discouraged from captive life, being bound to develop chronic stress condition. This review aimed to provide veterinary professionals and students with updated bibliography on stress in zoo captive primates, focusing on reactions resulting from these changes, as well as their implications for behavior and well-being. Integrative literature review using descriptors "Captivity", "Stress", "Primates", "Zoos" and "Wellbeing", on the main scientific research bases. The present work highlighted stress responses and its consequences on primates health and behavior captive in zoo through bibliographic survey, performing selected articles analysis, results interpretation, and discussion. It is concluded behavioral profile individual variations expose primates differently to stressful conditions. Public visitation, lack of structure, reduced enclosure, improper nutritional management, and unstimulated environment may be potential stress sources for some housed primates in zoo.(AU)

Animais , Bem-Estar do Animal , Teste de Esforço/veterinária , Primatas , Comportamento Animal , Sistema Hipotálamo-Hipofisário , Hidrocortisona
Ars vet ; 36(1): 12-19, 2020. ilus, map, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1463515


Estudos sobre parasitos gastrintestinais de primatas não-humanos em situação de cativeiro são importantes na rotina clínica de animais silvestres para o manejo sanitário das colônias e para evitar a disseminação de parasitos entre tratadores e animais, pois muitos destes parasitos são causadores de zoonoses. Neste contexto, objetivou-se identificar por exames coproparasitológicos instares parasitários gastrintestinais em amostras fecais de primatas neotropicais no Criadouro Conservacionista Ararajuba do Ipê, Estado do Maranhão, Brasil e identificar qual tipo de recinto (gaiola suspensa ou recinto com piso de terra) os animais se apresentaram mais parasitados. Foram analisadas 20 amostras fecais de primatas neotropicais, sendo 18 em pools e duas amostras individuais (P. monachus e S. apella), uma coleta no período seco e outra no chuvoso. Totalizando 69 primatas neotropicais de 12 espécies diferentes sob estudo. As técnicas utilizadas foram de sedimentação espontânea e flutuação e observados em microscopia de luz. Foram identificados ovos de Hymenolepidiidae, Strongyloides spp., Trichuris spp., Protospirura spp., Ascaris spp., Ancylostomatidae e oocistos de coccídeos. As gaiolas, em sua maioria, eram suspensas (0,5 m do solo) e estas não permitiam o acúmulo de fezes. Os resultados demonstram uma diversidade de parasitos gastrintestinais em primatas neotropicais em situação de...

Studies on gastrointestinal parasites of non-human primates in captivity are important in the clinic of wild animals for the sanitary management of colonies and to prevent the spread of parasites between keepers and animals, as many of these parasites are the cause of zoonoses. In this context, the objective was to identify parasitic gastrointestinal instar coproparasitological exams in fecal samples from neotropical primates at the Ararajuba de Ipê Conservation Center, Maranhão State, Brazil and to identify the type of enclosure (hanging cage or enclosure with earth floor) the animals were more parasitized. Twenty fecal samples from neotropical primates were analyzed, 18 in pools and two individual samples (P. monachus and S. apella), one in the dry season and other in the rainy season. Totaling 69 neotropical primates of 12 different species under study. The techniques used were spontaneous sedimentation and fluctuation and observed under light microscopy. Hymenolepidiidae eggs, Strongyloides spp., Trichuris spp., Protospirura spp., Ascaris spp., Ancylostomatidae and coccidian oocysts. Most cages were suspended (0.5 m from the soil) and did not allow feces to accumulate. The results demonstrate a diversity of gastrointestinal parasites in neotropical primates incaptivity. The most common parasites found in the study are not characterized as zoonotic, being important to becareful when handling closed packages and in the soil of neotropical primate enclosures.

Animais , Parasitos , Platirrinos/parasitologia , Trato Gastrointestinal/parasitologia
Ars Vet. ; 36(1): 12-19, 2020. ilus, mapas, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-26037


Estudos sobre parasitos gastrintestinais de primatas não-humanos em situação de cativeiro são importantes na rotina clínica de animais silvestres para o manejo sanitário das colônias e para evitar a disseminação de parasitos entre tratadores e animais, pois muitos destes parasitos são causadores de zoonoses. Neste contexto, objetivou-se identificar por exames coproparasitológicos instares parasitários gastrintestinais em amostras fecais de primatas neotropicais no Criadouro Conservacionista Ararajuba do Ipê, Estado do Maranhão, Brasil e identificar qual tipo de recinto (gaiola suspensa ou recinto com piso de terra) os animais se apresentaram mais parasitados. Foram analisadas 20 amostras fecais de primatas neotropicais, sendo 18 em pools e duas amostras individuais (P. monachus e S. apella), uma coleta no período seco e outra no chuvoso. Totalizando 69 primatas neotropicais de 12 espécies diferentes sob estudo. As técnicas utilizadas foram de sedimentação espontânea e flutuação e observados em microscopia de luz. Foram identificados ovos de Hymenolepidiidae, Strongyloides spp., Trichuris spp., Protospirura spp., Ascaris spp., Ancylostomatidae e oocistos de coccídeos. As gaiolas, em sua maioria, eram suspensas (0,5 m do solo) e estas não permitiam o acúmulo de fezes. Os resultados demonstram uma diversidade de parasitos gastrintestinais em primatas neotropicais em situação de...(AU)

Studies on gastrointestinal parasites of non-human primates in captivity are important in the clinic of wild animals for the sanitary management of colonies and to prevent the spread of parasites between keepers and animals, as many of these parasites are the cause of zoonoses. In this context, the objective was to identify parasitic gastrointestinal instar coproparasitological exams in fecal samples from neotropical primates at the Ararajuba de Ipê Conservation Center, Maranhão State, Brazil and to identify the type of enclosure (hanging cage or enclosure with earth floor) the animals were more parasitized. Twenty fecal samples from neotropical primates were analyzed, 18 in pools and two individual samples (P. monachus and S. apella), one in the dry season and other in the rainy season. Totaling 69 neotropical primates of 12 different species under study. The techniques used were spontaneous sedimentation and fluctuation and observed under light microscopy. Hymenolepidiidae eggs, Strongyloides spp., Trichuris spp., Protospirura spp., Ascaris spp., Ancylostomatidae and coccidian oocysts. Most cages were suspended (0.5 m from the soil) and did not allow feces to accumulate. The results demonstrate a diversity of gastrointestinal parasites in neotropical primates incaptivity. The most common parasites found in the study are not characterized as zoonotic, being important to becareful when handling closed packages and in the soil of neotropical primate enclosures.(AU)

Animais , Platirrinos/parasitologia , Parasitos , Trato Gastrointestinal/parasitologia
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 48(suppl.1): Pub.496-4 jan. 2020. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458323


Background: Phoenicopterus chilensis is a South American wild bird classified as a near threatened specie in the List ofEndangered Species of the International Union for Conservation of Nature. With the increase of the contact between human population and wild animals, this species’ habitat is becoming increasingly vulnerable, with a declining population.Due to the importance of its conservation, the knowledge of abnormalities that affect this species becomes essential. Thisreport aims to describe the first diagnosed case of unilateral renal agenesis in chilean-flamingo.Case: A captive male chilean-flamingo (Phoenicopterus chilensis) was found dead in its enclosure and then was referredat necropsy. The cause of death was the presence of tracheal fungal granuloma, caused by Aspergillus sp. Macroscopically,during the examination of the body cavity, the absence of the right kidney was noted, also evidencing the absence of thecaudal renal vein. Emerging from the caudal division of the kidney was noted a blind-end renal vessel. For the histopathological examination, the remaining kidney was fixed in 10% formalin, processed by paraffin embedding technique andstained with Hematoxylin and Eosin (HE). When analyzing the left kidney parenchyma, preserved histological architecturewas noted, without any changes in the tissue structures of the organ. Thus, no hypertrophy by compensatory mechanismsof the remaining kidney was observed.Discussion: Unilateral renal agenesis is a very rare congenital defect in dogs, cats and also in birds. It occurs in the complete absence of one of the kidneys, a situation with which the animal can live satisfactorily if there is a normal kidney toassume the functions. In association, ipsilateral ureteral agenesis and compensatory...

Animais , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterinária , Aves , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção , Rim Único/diagnóstico , Rim Único/veterinária , Animais Selvagens , Autopsia