To gain insights into the forage morphological and anatomical characteristics in a silvopastoral system (SPS) with Bolsa de Pastor (Zeyheria tuberculosa) and palisadegrass 'Marandu' (Urochloa brizantha) monoculture (MONO). The SPS was established through natural regeneration of the tree species. Treatments were a SPS and MONO distributed in a completely randomized design with six replicates and repeated measures were the harvest periods. Response variables were morpho-physiological and anatomical characteristicss: green: dead material ratio, leaf blade: stem+sheath ratio, leaf area index, chlorophyll and carotenoid concentrations, proportions of non-lignified and achlorophyllous areas, lignified areas in stems, proportions of non-lignified and achlorophyllous areas, lignified and chlorophyllous areas in leaves, as well as cell length in longitudinal section of stem. Morpho-physiological patterns were altered (p < 0.05) under natural shading conditions due to higher photosynthetic efficiency in the SPS. There was no effect (p > 0.05) of the systems on anatomical patterns, proportions of non-lignified and achlorophyllous, lignified and chlorophyllous tissues, these proportions were influenced only by the periods of the year, both for stems and leaves. Cells of the internodes of the grasses of the studied systems had the same length. The SPS alters morpho-physiological characteristics of palisadegrass and increases the concentration of chlorophyll a and b.(AU)
Fenômenos Fisiológicos Vegetais , Poaceae/anatomia & histologia , PastagensResumo
Logging and agricultural exploitation have led to the degradation of Araucaria Forest remnants and the alteration of its last preserved patches. This forest typology contains many endangered plant species, as is the case of the tree Oreopanax fulvus Marchal. To support conservation of this species and understand how different landscape matrices can influence its populations, we evaluated the demographic structure and spatial distribution of O. fulvus in two Araucaria Forest remnants in Paraná state. We delimited two plots (urban and rural population), each with 1 ha, subdivided them into 100 subplots (10 x 10 m), and recorded diameter at ground level (DGL), height, and coordinates of two post-germinative developmental stage of individuals. In each subplot, we measured slope, luminosity, and canopy height. We used Ripley's K function analysis to describe distribution patterns of the species and the spatial relationship between mature and juvenile trees. We performed correlations between abundance and environmental and structural variables of the O. fulvus populations. Abundance varied between remnants, from 183 individuals/ha (12 mature and 171 juvenile) to 1306 individuals/ha (10 and 1296). The remnants varied in abundance and plant frequency. The species showed an investment in seedling banks. Most juvenile had DGL up to 3.0 cm and height up to 1.0 m and presented aggregated spatial distribution, while adults had random distribution. In the rural population juvenile abundance were correlated with canopy height (positively) and distance to mature trees (negatively). The slope was correlated for both sites, but oppositely, indicating that other factors might have interfered in the regeneration abundance. The urban remnant showed a high abundance of this endangered species, calling attention for potential studies in urban arborization, management and conservation of these remnants.
A exploração madeireira e agrícola levou à degradação dos fragmentos de Floresta com Araucária e à alteração de seus últimos fragmentos preservados. Esta tipologia florestal contém muitas espécies de plantas ameaçadas, como é o caso de Oreopanax fulvus Marchal. Para apoiar a conservação desta espécie e entender como diferentes matrizes da paisagem podem influenciar suas populações, avaliamos a estrutura demográfica e a distribuição espacial de O. fulvus em dois remanescentes de Floresta com Araucária no estado do Paraná. Delimitamos duas parcelas (população urbana e rural), cada uma com 1 ha, subdivididas em 100 subparcelas (10 x 10 m), registrando-se o diâmetro ao nível do solo (DGL), a altura e as coordenadas de dois estágios de desenvolvimento pós-germinativo de indivíduos. Em cada subparcela, medimos declividade, luminosidade e altura do dossel. Utilizamos função K de Ripley para descrever os padrões espaciais da espécie e a relação espacial entre árvores maduras e juvenis. Realizamos análise de correlação entre a abundância e as variáveis ambientais e estruturais das populações de O. fulvus. A abundância variou entre os remanescentes, de 183 indivíduos/ha (12 maduros e 171 juvenis) a 1306 indivíduos/ha (10 e 1296). Os remanescentes apresentaram variações na abundância e frequência de indivíduos. A espécie demonstrou investimento na formação de banco de plântulas. A maioria dos juvenis tinha DGL até 3,0 cm e altura até 1,0 m e apresentaram distribuição espacial agregada, enquanto os adultos tiveram distribuição aleatória. Na população rural a abundância de juvenis foi correlacionada com altura do dossel (positivamente) e com a distância de árvores maduras (negativamente). A declividade foi correlacionada em ambos os locais, mas de forma oposta, indicando que outros fatores podem ter interferido na abundância da regeneração. O remanescente urbano mostrou elevada abundância desta espécie ameaçada, demonstrando um potencial para estudos de arborização urbana, manejo e conservação destes remanescentes.
Características de Residência , Demografia , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , AraucariaResumo
The Brazilian Atlantic Forest is considered one of the most threatened tropical forests in the world due to the extensive environmental impact it has endured throughout history. Only 12.4% of its original vegetation is estimated to remain. Even though reduced and highly fragmented, it houses enormous biodiversity, and its preservation is paramount to the maintenance of the country's fauna, flora, funga and microbiota. One of the most efficient measures adopted by public agencies aimed at protecting biodiversity has been the creation of conservation units. To evaluate the preservation state of protected areas, several environmental studies have been performed; species inventories are one among them. Ants are excellent bioindicators, for they are not only sensitive to environmental changes, but they also have a history of being used in impact assessment (i.e., fragmentation). In this study we assessed the ant communities inhabiting the leaf litter in areas with different regeneration states at the RPPN Botujuru Serra do Itapety (Mogi das Cruzes, São Paulo Brazil). Mini-Winkler traps were used in the ant survey, and diversity analyses were performed. In total, we recorded 86 species of ants, with a highlight to Camponotus cillae Forel, 1912, a species that remained unrecorded for the state of São Paulo for over 100 years, and a possible new species of Octostruma Forel, 1912. Overall, the species found show that the areas are in the process of natural regeneration. Our data on RPPN Botujuru is unprecedented, and our species list has the potential of being used as an effective monitoring tool for this conservation unit.(AU)
Animais , Regeneração/fisiologia , Biodiversidade , Himenópteros/anatomia & histologia , Especificidade da Espécie , Brasil , Conservação dos Recursos NaturaisResumo
Mulching use in agriculture has been known since 1802 as the practice of spreading dry leaves and straw on the soil to prevent erosion and water loss. Our study evaluated the mulch effectiveness in the establishment of regenerating seedlings and its contribution to the control of exotic grasses. The studies were carried out in an ecological restoration area in the municipality of Itapira-SP. The treatment with mulching consisted in chemical desiccation with glyphosate herbicide application, keeping the dry grass on the ground. In the control treatment, after chemical weeding, the grass was removed with manual mowing, exposing the soil. Eight months after implantation, we sampled all regenerating seedlings in 100 plots of 50 x 50 cm in each treatment. We considered as seedlings all individuals of tree species less than 100 cm tall. We calculated richness, abundance, similarity, and the relationship of the frequency of seedlings to the height of the mulch. We sampled eight species with 42 seedlings, with only one not identified. The highest abundance and species richness were found in the treatment with mulch (n = 34 individuals; eight species), the most abundant being Schinus terebinthifoliaRaddi (14 individuals) followed by Solanum mauritianumScop. (11 individuals), and Platypodium elegansVog. (three individuals). The presence of exoticgrasses was lower in the plots of the mulching (13%) compared to the control treatment (67%). The highest frequency of seedlings was obtained with mulch height from 21 to 37 cm. We suggest that adaptive management practices, such as the use of the mulching technique, can be implemented in ecological restoration areas, because they favor the natural regeneration of native seedlings and can contribute to the control of exotic grasses, but the height of the layer must be controlled.(AU)
Regeneração , Árvores , Erosão , Plântula , PoaceaeResumo
Purpose: Poultry by-products can contribute as an innovative natural source for the development of composites based on polymers and minerals aiming at bone regeneration. The objective of this study was the physicochemical and biological characterization of collagen-based hydrogels crosslinked with ultraviolet (UV)-riboflavin. Methods: Pure hydrogels of 100% collagen (G1) or hybrid hydrogels, 90% collagen:10% apatite (G2), 90% collagen:10% nanokeratin (G3), and 90% collagen:5% apatite:5% nanokeratin (G4) were characterized by scanning electron microscope, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, swelling degree and quali-quantitative histological analysis. Ectopic implantation in subcutaneous tissue in mice at one, three and nine weeks allowed to assess the inflammation (neutrophils, lymphocytes, macrophages, and giant cells) and repair (neovascularization, and connective tissue) to determine biocompatibility and the integrity of biomaterials to score their biodegradability. Histomorphometry on critical size defects in rat calvaria at one and three months evaluated the percentage of bone, connective tissue, and biomaterials in all groups. Results: The hydrogels presented porous microstructure, water absorption and physicochemical characteristics compatible with their polymeric and/or mineral composition. All materials exhibited biocompatibility, biodegradability, and low osteoconductivity. G2 showed greater density of new bone and biomaterial than the G1, G3 and G4. Conclusions: The collagen-apatite group formulation suggests potential for development as osteopromoting membrane.
Animais , Ratos , Apatitas , Aves Domésticas , Materiais Biocompatíveis , Regeneração Óssea , Colágeno , HidrogéisResumo
ABSTRACT: This study describes the spontaneous and experimental salinomycin poisoning associated with the use of florfenicol and warns about the effects of the administration of antibiotics to animals that receive ionophores in the feed as growth promoters. A batch with 1,200 finishing pigs fed a diet containing 30ppm of salinomycin received florfenicol (60ppm via feed) to control respiratory diseases. Twenty-seven pigs had difficulty walking, tip-toe walking, muscle tremors, and anorexia seven days after the start of treatment. Twenty-two animals died, 10 recovered, and two were sent to the Laboratory of Animal Pathology of CAV-UDESC to be necropsied. The experimental reproduction of the disease was carried out to clarify the possible influence of florfenicol on salinomycin poisoning using 12 pigs divided into four groups with three animals each, treated for 16 days with diets containing no additives (Group 1), 50ppm of salinomycin (Group 2), 40ppm of florfenicol (Group 3), and 50ppm of salinomycin and 40ppm of florfenicol (Group 4). Only animals in Group 4 became ill. The clinical disease was reproduced from the ingestion of 24.67mg/kg/LW of salinomycin and 19.74mg/kg/LW of florfenicol. Both natural and experimental salinomycin poisoning associated with the use of florfenicol caused a condition of myopathy characterized in histology by hyaline degeneration and floccular necrosis of skeletal fibers, with macrophage infiltrate, associated with the figures of regeneration in skeletal muscles and multifocal areas of the proliferation of fibroblasts, being more intense in the longissimus dorsi and semimembranosus muscles. Therefore, florfenicol can cause the accumulation of ionophore salinomycin in the animal organism, resulting in a condition of toxic myopathy.
RESUMO: O presente trabalho descreve as intoxicações espontânea e experimental por salinomicina associada ao uso de florfenicol e alerta sobre os efeitos da administração de antibióticos aos animais que recebem ionóforos na ração como promotores de crescimento. Um lote com 1.200 suínos em fase de terminação, alimentados com ração contendo 30ppm de salinomicina, recebeu florfenicol (60ppm via ração) para o controle de doenças respiratórias. Sete dias após o início do tratamento, 27 suínos apresentaram dificuldade de locomoção, caminhar em brasa, tremores musculares e anorexia. Vinte e dois animais morreram, 10 recuperaram-se e dois foram encaminhados ao Laboratório de Patologia Animal (CAV-UDESC) para serem necropsiados. Para esclarecer a possível influência do florfenicol na toxicidade da salinomicina foi realizada a reprodução experimental da doença utilizando 12 suínos, divididos em 4 grupos com 3 animais cada, tratados por 16 dias com rações contendo: Grupo 1 = sem aditivos, Grupo 2 = 50ppm de salinomicina, Grupo 3 = 40ppm de florfenicol e Grupo 4 = 50ppm de salinomicina e 40ppm de florfenicol. Somente os animais do Grupo 4 adoeceram. A doença clínica foi reproduzida a partir da ingestão de 24,67mg/kg/PV de salinomicina e 19,74 mg/kg/PV de florfenicol. Tanto a intoxicação natural quanto a experimental por salinomicina associada ao uso de florfenicol provocaram um quadro de miopatia caracterizado na histologia por degeneração hialina e necrose flocular das fibras esqueléticas, com infiltrado macrofágico, associada às figuras de regeneração na musculatura esquelética e áreas multifocais de proliferação de fibroblastos, sendo mais intensas nos músculos longissimus dorsi e semimembranoso. Conclui-se que, o florfenicol tem a capacidade de ocasionar o acúmulo do ionóforo salinomicina no organismo animal, resultando em um quadro de miopatia tóxica.
This study describes the spontaneous and experimental salinomycin poisoning associated with the use of florfenicol and warns about the effects of the administration of antibiotics to animals that receive ionophores in the feed as growth promoters. A batch with 1,200 finishing pigs fed a diet containing 30ppm of salinomycin received florfenicol (60ppm via feed) to control respiratory diseases. Twenty-seven pigs had difficulty walking, tip-toe walking, muscle tremors, and anorexia seven days after the start of treatment. Twenty-two animals died, 10 recovered, and two were sent to the Laboratory of Animal Pathology of CAV-UDESC to be necropsied. The experimental reproduction of the disease was carried out to clarify the possible influence of florfenicol on salinomycin poisoning using 12 pigs divided into four groups with three animals each, treated for 16 days with diets containing no additives (Group 1), 50ppm of salinomycin (Group 2), 40ppm of florfenicol (Group 3), and 50ppm of salinomycin and 40ppm of florfenicol (Group 4). Only animals in Group 4 became ill. The clinical disease was reproduced from the ingestion of 24.67mg/kg/LW of salinomycin and 19.74mg/kg/LW of florfenicol. Both natural and experimental salinomycin poisoning associated with the use of florfenicol caused a condition of myopathy characterized in histology by hyaline degeneration and floccular necrosis of skeletal fibers, with macrophage infiltrate, associated with the figures of regeneration in skeletal muscles and multifocal areas of the proliferation of fibroblasts, being more intense in the longissimus dorsi and semimembranosus muscles. Therefore, florfenicol can cause the accumulation of ionophore salinomycin in the animal organism, resulting in a condition of toxic myopathy.
O presente trabalho descreve as intoxicações espontânea e experimental por salinomicina associada ao uso de florfenicol e alerta sobre os efeitos da administração de antibióticos aos animais que recebem ionóforos na ração como promotores de crescimento. Um lote com 1.200 suínos em fase de terminação, alimentados com ração contendo 30ppm de salinomicina, recebeu florfenicol (60ppm via ração) para o controle de doenças respiratórias. Sete dias após o início do tratamento, 27 suínos apresentaram dificuldade de locomoção, "caminhar em brasa", tremores musculares e anorexia. Vinte e dois animais morreram, 10 recuperaram-se e dois foram encaminhados ao Laboratório de Patologia Animal (CAV-UDESC) para serem necropsiados. Para esclarecer a possível influência do florfenicol na toxicidade da salinomicina foi realizada a reprodução experimental da doença utilizando 12 suínos, divididos em 4 grupos com 3 animais cada, tratados por 16 dias com rações contendo: Grupo 1 = sem aditivos, Grupo 2 = 50ppm de salinomicina, Grupo 3 = 40ppm de florfenicol e Grupo 4 = 50ppm de salinomicina e 40ppm de florfenicol. Somente os animais do Grupo 4 adoeceram. A doença clínica foi reproduzida a partir da ingestão de 24,67mg/kg/PV de salinomicina e 19,74 mg/kg/PV de florfenicol. Tanto a intoxicação natural quanto a experimental por salinomicina associada ao uso de florfenicol provocaram um quadro de miopatia caracterizado na histologia por degeneração hialina e necrose flocular das fibras esqueléticas, com infiltrado macrofágico, associada às figuras de regeneração na musculatura esquelética e áreas multifocais de proliferação de fibroblastos, sendo mais intensas nos músculos longissimus dorsi e semimembranoso. Conclui-se que, o florfenicol tem a capacidade de ocasionar o acúmulo do ionóforo salinomicina no organismo animal, resultando em um quadro de miopatia tóxica.
Animais , Antibacterianos/toxicidade , Intoxicação/veterinária , Ionóforos/toxicidade , Miotoxicidade/etiologia , Sus scrofa , Dieta/veterinária , Ração Animal , Transtornos Respiratórios/veterináriaResumo
This study describes the spontaneous and experimental salinomycin poisoning associated with the use of florfenicol and warns about the effects of the administration of antibiotics to animals that receive ionophores in the feed as growth promoters. A batch with 1,200 finishing pigs fed a diet containing 30ppm of salinomycin received florfenicol (60ppm via feed) to control respiratory diseases. Twenty-seven pigs had difficulty walking, tip-toe walking, muscle tremors, and anorexia seven days after the start of treatment. Twenty-two animals died, 10 recovered, and two were sent to the Laboratory of Animal Pathology of CAV-UDESC to be necropsied. The experimental reproduction of the disease was carried out to clarify the possible influence of florfenicol on salinomycin poisoning using 12 pigs divided into four groups with three animals each, treated for 16 days with diets containing no additives (Group 1), 50ppm of salinomycin (Group 2), 40ppm of florfenicol (Group 3), and 50ppm of salinomycin and 40ppm of florfenicol (Group 4). Only animals in Group 4 became ill. The clinical disease was reproduced from the ingestion of 24.67mg/kg/LW of salinomycin and 19.74mg/kg/LW of florfenicol. Both natural and experimental salinomycin poisoning associated with the use of florfenicol caused a condition of myopathy characterized in histology by hyaline degeneration and floccular necrosis of skeletal fibers, with macrophage infiltrate, associated with the figures of regeneration in skeletal muscles and multifocal areas of the proliferation of fibroblasts, being more intense in the longissimus dorsi and semimembranosus muscles. Therefore, florfenicol can cause the accumulation of ionophore salinomycin in the animal organism, resulting in a condition of toxic myopathy.(AU)
O presente trabalho descreve as intoxicações espontânea e experimental por salinomicina associada ao uso de florfenicol e alerta sobre os efeitos da administração de antibióticos aos animais que recebem ionóforos na ração como promotores de crescimento. Um lote com 1.200 suínos em fase de terminação, alimentados com ração contendo 30ppm de salinomicina, recebeu florfenicol (60ppm via ração) para o controle de doenças respiratórias. Sete dias após o início do tratamento, 27 suínos apresentaram dificuldade de locomoção, "caminhar em brasa", tremores musculares e anorexia. Vinte e dois animais morreram, 10 recuperaram-se e dois foram encaminhados ao Laboratório de Patologia Animal (CAV-UDESC) para serem necropsiados. Para esclarecer a possível influência do florfenicol na toxicidade da salinomicina foi realizada a reprodução experimental da doença utilizando 12 suínos, divididos em 4 grupos com 3 animais cada, tratados por 16 dias com rações contendo: Grupo 1 = sem aditivos, Grupo 2 = 50ppm de salinomicina, Grupo 3 = 40ppm de florfenicol e Grupo 4 = 50ppm de salinomicina e 40ppm de florfenicol. Somente os animais do Grupo 4 adoeceram. A doença clínica foi reproduzida a partir da ingestão de 24,67mg/kg/PV de salinomicina e 19,74 mg/kg/PV de florfenicol. Tanto a intoxicação natural quanto a experimental por salinomicina associada ao uso de florfenicol provocaram um quadro de miopatia caracterizado na histologia por degeneração hialina e necrose flocular das fibras esqueléticas, com infiltrado macrofágico, associada às figuras de regeneração na musculatura esquelética e áreas multifocais de proliferação de fibroblastos, sendo mais intensas nos músculos longissimus dorsi e semimembranoso. Conclui-se que, o florfenicol tem a capacidade de ocasionar o acúmulo do ionóforo salinomicina no organismo animal, resultando em um quadro de miopatia tóxica.(AU)
Animais , Intoxicação/veterinária , Sus scrofa , Miotoxicidade/etiologia , Ionóforos/toxicidade , Antibacterianos/toxicidade , Transtornos Respiratórios/veterinária , Dieta/veterinária , Ração AnimalResumo
Here, we investigated the relationship between Plant communities and the environment from the moist temperate vegetation of Lakoo mountainous forest District Swat. We sampled data from 162 sampling units (Quadrates) using 1x1m2 for herbs 5x5m2 and shrubs, while 10 x10m2 for trees, systematically considering six elevation gradients between the altitudinal from 1970m to 3095m. We performed statistical analysis like Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) and TWINSPAN (two-way indicator species analysis) for ecological assessment and clustering of plant communities. To check upon the correlation of species (CR) with topographic and edaphic variables we used statistical software PC-ORD version 7. We recognized 264 species plants belonging to thirty families. We recorded key sampling measurements of density, frequency, and cover for all these species which are vital for community description. The results showed Shannon-Winner,s, and Simpson diversity values as 19.18 and 3.17 respectively. The importance value indexes (IVI) were used to identify the leading and rare species of plant in each community or cluster group. In total we recognized eleven different communities as: Berberis- Abies- Bergeni, Picea - Indigofera- Poa,Abies- Parrotiopsis- Poa, Quercus- Viburnum- Poa, Picea- Salix- Primula, Abies- Viburnum- Poa, Viburnum- Taxus- Poa, Pinus- Viburnum- Lithospermum, Abies-Berberis- carex, Pinus- Viburnum- Poa and Parrotiopsis- Picea- Poa through hierarchical cluster analysis (TWINSPAN). CCA analysis revealed that of all studied edaphic and topographic variables altitude, silt, calcium carbonate, and organic matter were the strongest factors determining plant community diversity and composition in each microclimate of the eleven communities. Visually the vegetation of the forest was dominated by small-sized trees followed by shrubs, and regenerates indicating the stage of secondary regeneration. We found severe human interference in disturbing the existing biodiversity, which requires immediate conservation to ensure sustainable management and utilization of natural resources of the Lalkoo moist temperate forest.
Aqui, investigamos a relação entre as comunidades vegetais e o meio ambiente da vegetação temperada úmida da floresta montanhosa de Lalkoo, distrito de Swat. Foram amostrados dados de 162 unidades amostrais (quadrados) utilizando 1 x 1 m2 para ervas, 5 x 5 m2 para arbustos e 10 x 10 m2 para árvores, considerando sistematicamente seis gradientes de altitude entre 1.970 m e 3.095 m. Realizamos análises estatísticas, como análise de correspondência canônica (CCA) e TWINSPAN (análise de espécies indicadoras de duas vias), para avaliação ecológica e agrupamento de comunidades de plantas. Para verificar a correlação das espécies (CR) com as variáveis topográficas e edáficas, foi utilizado o software estatístico PC-ORD, versão 7. Foram reconhecidas 264 espécies de plantas pertencentes a 30 famílias. Registramos as principais medições de amostragem de densidade, frequência e cobertura para todas essas espécies que são vitais para a descrição da comunidade. Os resultados mostraram valores de diversidade de Shannon-Wiener e Simpson de 19,18 e 3,17, respectivamente. Os índices de valor de importância (IVI) foram usados para identificar as espécies de plantas principais e raras em cada comunidade ou grupo de cluster. No total, reconhecemos 11 comunidades diferentes, como: Berberis-Abies-Bergeni, Picea-Indigofera-Poa, Abies-Parrotiopsis-Poa, Quercus-Viburnum-Poa, Picea-Salix-Primula, Abies-Viburnum-Poa, Viburnum-Taxus-Poa, Pinus-Viburnum-Lithospermum, Abies-Berberis-Carex, Pinus-Viburnum-Poa e Parrotiopsis-Picea-Poa, por meio de análise de agrupamento hierárquico (TWINSPAN). A análise de CCA revelou que, de todas as variáveis edáficas e topográficas estudadas, altitude, silte, carbonato de cálcio e matéria orgânica foram os fatores mais fortes na determinação da diversidade e composição da comunidade vegetal em cada microclima das 11 comunidades. Visualmente a vegetação da floresta foi dominada por árvores de pequeno porte, seguidas de arbustos, e se regenera, indicando o estágio de regeneração secundária. Encontramos grave interferência humana na biodiversidade existente, o que requer conservação imediata para garantir o manejo sustentável e a utilização dos recursos naturais da floresta temperada úmida de Lalkoo.
Biota , Floresta Úmida , PaquistãoResumo
ABSTRACT Rodents and marsupials together, form the most rich group of mammals in Brazil, they are distributed in all biomes, including Atlantic Forest, and can be used to analyze environmental quality. The Araucaria Forest is a threatened formation of the Atlantic forest with few areas remaining intact and a huge lack of knowledge about the potential of its secondary forest fragments to act as habitat refuges to native fauna. This study evaluated the species richness and diversity of non-volant small mammals among five vegetation types within a protected area in an Araucaria Forest area from southern Brazil. The sampling was made in six bimonthly campaigns during a year, by pitfall and live traps. This effort resulted in 875 captures of 625 individuals from 16 species. The most common species in Pine Plantation was Oligoryzomys nigripes, in Natural Regeneration forest was Thaptomys nigrita and Akodon montensis was most often captured in the other vegetation. Although differences in species composition were found among the different vegetation types, there was no significant difference in species richness. Nevertheless, true diversity values were significantly lower in the Pine Plantation. The results demonstrated that the substitution of native for exotic vegetation generated a negative impact on the group diversity. More studies, in other Araucaria Forest areas are necessary to allow better understanding of the processes driving this loss of diversity in this biome threatened by antropic action.
This study analyzed natural regeneration floristic patterns in spring habitats submitted to different ecological restoration actions in the seasonal forest in Atlantic Forest biome, Rio Grande do Sul. We assessed floristic composition in six springs before restoration actions and 12 months later. We identified and counted all regenerating individuals with height greater than or equal to 30 cm and diameter at breast height less than or equal to 5 cm in eight plots in each spring. The richness and abundance of each spring and assessment were compared by the Kruskal-Wallis test (P<0.05). Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) was performed to verify floristic patterns and association between species. Results showed an increase in richness and abundance after ecological restoration implementation. The DCA showed a distinct floristic composition between springs. The springs remaining natural vegetation and the successional stage of these vegetation influenced the natural regeneration floristic composition pattern. Passive restoration, which was effective by enclosure, favored natural regeneration recruitment.
O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar os padrões florísticos da regeneração natural em habitats de nascentes submetidos a diferentes ações de restauração ecológica na floresta estacional do bioma Mata Atlântica, Rio Grande do Sul. A composição florística foi avaliada em seis nascentes antes das ações de restauração e 12 meses depois. Todos os indivíduos regenerantes com altura maior ou igual a 30 cm e diâmetro à altura do peito menor ou igual a 5 cm foram contados e identificados em oito parcelas em cada nascente. A riqueza e abundância de cada nascente em cada avaliação foram comparadas pelo teste de Kruskal-Wallis (P <0,05). A Análise de Correspondência Retificada (DCA) foi realizada para verificar os padrões florísticos e a associação entre as espécies. Os resultados mostraram um aumento na riqueza e abundância após a implementação da restauração ecológica. A DCA apresentou uma composição florística distinta entre as nascentes. A vegetação natural remanescente nas áreas de nascente e o estágio sucessional da vegetação influenciaram o padrão de composição florística. A restauração passiva, efetivada pelo cercamento, favoreceu o desenvolvimento da regeneração natural.
Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/métodos , Monitoramento Ambiental , Recuperação e Remediação Ambiental/métodos , Recursos NaturaisResumo
This study analyzed natural regeneration floristic patterns in spring habitats submitted to different ecological restoration actions in the seasonal forest in Atlantic Forest biome, Rio Grande do Sul. We assessed floristic composition in six springs before restoration actions and 12 months later. We identified and counted all regenerating individuals with height greater than or equal to 30 cm and diameter at breast height less than or equal to 5 cm in eight plots in each spring. The richness and abundance of each spring and assessment were compared by the Kruskal-Wallis test (P<0.05). Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) was performed to verify floristic patterns and association between species. Results showed an increase in richness and abundance after ecological restoration implementation. The DCA showed a distinct floristic composition between springs. The springs remaining natural vegetation and the successional stage of these vegetation influenced the natural regeneration floristic composition pattern. Passive restoration, which was effective by enclosure, favored natural regeneration recruitment.(AU)
O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar os padrões florísticos da regeneração natural em habitats de nascentes submetidos a diferentes ações de restauração ecológica na floresta estacional do bioma Mata Atlântica, Rio Grande do Sul. A composição florística foi avaliada em seis nascentes antes das ações de restauração e 12 meses depois. Todos os indivíduos regenerantes com altura maior ou igual a 30 cm e diâmetro à altura do peito menor ou igual a 5 cm foram contados e identificados em oito parcelas em cada nascente. A riqueza e abundância de cada nascente em cada avaliação foram comparadas pelo teste de Kruskal-Wallis (P <0,05). A Análise de Correspondência Retificada (DCA) foi realizada para verificar os padrões florísticos e a associação entre as espécies. Os resultados mostraram um aumento na riqueza e abundância após a implementação da restauração ecológica. A DCA apresentou uma composição florística distinta entre as nascentes. A vegetação natural remanescente nas áreas de nascente e o estágio sucessional da vegetação influenciaram o padrão de composição florística. A restauração passiva, efetivada pelo cercamento, favoreceu o desenvolvimento da regeneração natural.(AU)
Recuperação e Remediação Ambiental/métodos , Monitoramento Ambiental , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/métodos , Recursos NaturaisResumo
Birds play a key role in ecosystem dynamics, including urban and rural areas, bringing environmental quality improvements and ecological stability. Species contribute directly to natural regeneration of vegetation and succession processes, by offering ecosystem services as seed dispersal, an important role in human-modified areas. We studied the assemblages of fruit-eating birds in riparian environments of Monjolinho basin, central São Paulo state, southeastern Brazil. Birds were recorded in 41 points distributed in riparian ecosystems alongside waterbodies, in landscapes with five types of surrounding matrices: urban, periurban, farmland, and native vegetation. We described how assemblages are structured aiming to evaluate the possible influence of seasonality and landscape type. We recorded 39 bird species that can play a role as seed-dispersers, 32 in wet season and 32 in dry season. There were no significant differences in the diversity and dominance of species between seasons considering the entire area, indicating stability of basic assemblage structure. However, total number of individuals of all species recorded in different landscapes were influenced by seasonality. Also, the composition and abundance of species significantly changed between seasons, leading to a high dissimilarity with almost 50% of the species contributing with almost 90% of the observed variation. A higher taxonomic diversity and distinctness pointed to a wider array of possible seed dispersal services in natural areas, while the lowest values of indexes were found in human-modified areas. The higher number of non-related bird species during dry season contrasted with the higher number of individuals during wet season, indicating that there is more possible ecosystem services offered by frugivorous birds in driest period of the year, while in the rainy period the carrying capacity of the riparian environments was increased.(AU)
As aves desempenham um papel chave na dinâmica dos ecossistemas, incluindo áreas urbanas e rurais, e trazem melhorias na qualidade ambiental e estabilidade ecológica. As espécies contribuem diretamente com a regeneração natural da vegetação e processos de sucessão por oferecerem serviços ecossistêmicos como a dispersão de sementes, um papel fundamental em áreas alteradas. Nós estudamos a assembleia de espécies de aves que se alimentam de frutos em ambientes ripários da bacia do rio Monjolinho, região central do estado de São Paulo, sudeste do Brasil. As aves foram registradas em 41 pontos distribuídos em ecossistemas ripários ao longo dos corpos dágua, em paisagens com quatro tipos de matrizes em seu entorno: urbana, periurbana, rural e vegetação nativa. Nós descrevemos como as assembleias estão estruturadas, objetivando avaliar a possível influência da sazonalidade e do tipo de paisagem do entorno. Foram registradas 39 espécies de aves que podem desempenhar o papel de dispersoras de sementes, sendo 32 espécies no período chuvoso e 32 no período seco. Não foi detectada diferença significativa na diversidade e dominância de espécies entre estações em toda área de estudo, indicando estabilidade da estrutura básica das assembleias. Entretanto, o número total de indivíduos de todas as espécies registrados nas diferentes paisagens foi influenciado pela sazonalidade. Além disso, a composição e abundância de espécies mudou significativamente entre as estações, levando a uma alta dissimilaridade com quase 50% das espécies contribuindo com quase 90% da variação observada. A diversidade e distinção taxonômicas mais altas apontam para maior variedade de serviços ecossistêmicos possíveis relacionados à dispersão de sementes em áreas naturais, enquanto os menores valores desses índices foram encontrados em áreas antropizadas. Um maior número de espécies distintas com menor proximidade taxonômica durante a estação seca, em contraste com um alto número de indivíduos observados na estação chuvosa, indica que existe uma maior gama de possíveis serviços ecossistêmicos oferecidos pelas aves frugívoras no período mais seco do ano, enquanto no período de maior pluviosidade os ecossistemas apresentaram maior capacidade suporte.(AU)
Animais , Aves , Dispersão de Sementes , Bacias Hidrográficas , Biodiversidade , BrasilResumo
This study provides a list of the ground-dwelling ant species in Nhecolândia, Pantanal, Mato Grosso Sul, Brazil. The Pantanal is the largest tropical wetland in the world and is currently under strong anthropic pressure. Ground-dwelling ants were collected in three sites: (1) a forest regeneration area; (2) a pasture area; and (3) an area of secondary native vegetation. In each site, 120 samples were collected using pitfall traps in the dry and rainy seasons of 2016. Additional samplings were performed with Winkler extractors (30 leaf-litter samples) and manually, also in dry and rainy seasons of 2016. In total, we collected 172 species, which, summed with the additional records from literature, raise the number of ant species recorded in Nhecolândia to 184 in 42 genera and nine subfamilies. Eleven species were recorded for the first time in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul. Also, the survey adds two new species records to Brazil. Besides contributing to the inventory of the ant species present in the Pantanal biome, the present study provides an important resource for future conservation plans for this threatened ecoregion.(AU)
Animais , Himenópteros/anatomia & histologia , Himenópteros/classificação , Biodiversidade , Conservação dos Recursos NaturaisResumo
After the formation of Itaipu Reservoir, the invader Trachelyopterus galeatus colonized the upper Paraná River. Light microscopy was used to describe gametogenesis and the reproductive phases of females and males. The following data were verified: diameter of the oocytes, spawning type, batch fecundity by ovary weight, standard length, and total weight of the fish, along with the regions where this species reproduced in the upper Paraná River floodplain. A total of 470 specimens were collected quarterly in 2016, 2018 and 2019, and bimonthly in 2017. The gonads were fixed in a Karnovsky solution, dehydrated, infiltrated, and embedded in historesin. The histological slides were stained using PAS + iron hematoxylin + metanil yellow, analyzed and photographed under an image-capturing microscope. As regards diameter of the oocytes and fecundity estimates, ovaries whose oocytes were measured under a stereomicroscope were sampled. In the oogenesis, undifferentiated and differentiated oogonia, early primary growth oocytes, secondary growth oocytes, full-grown oocytes and maturing oocytes were recorded. In the spermatogenesis, primary and secondary spermatogonia, primary and secondary spermatocytes, spermatids and spermatozoa were recorded. The reproductive phases found for females and males were: immature, early development, late development, spawning/sperm-releasing capable, regression, and regeneration. Trachelyopterus galeatus prefers to occupy and reproduce in the Ventura, Patos, Guaraná, Fechada, Garças, and Pau Véio lagoons. The diameter of the oocytes varied from 0.4 to 2.9 mm. Females spawn, on average, 113 oocytes per batch. Batch fecundity variation shows that the larger the ovary, standard length, and total weight, the larger the number of oocytes to be spawned. This invader possesses reproductive success in the upper Paraná River floodplain, especially in lagoons.
Animais , Espermatogênese , Fertilidade , Inseminação , Peixes-Gato/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Peixes-Gato/embriologia , ReproduçãoResumo
After the formation of Itaipu Reservoir, the invader Trachelyopterus galeatus colonized the upper Paraná River. Light microscopy was used to describe gametogenesis and the reproductive phases of females and males. The following data were verified: diameter of the oocytes, spawning type, batch fecundity by ovary weight, standard length, and total weight of the fish, along with the regions where this species reproduced in the upper Paraná River floodplain. A total of 470 specimens were collected quarterly in 2016, 2018 and 2019, and bimonthly in 2017. The gonads were fixed in a Karnovsky solution, dehydrated, infiltrated, and embedded in historesin. The histological slides were stained using PAS + iron hematoxylin + metanil yellow, analyzed and photographed under an image-capturing microscope. As regards diameter of the oocytes and fecundity estimates, ovaries whose oocytes were measured under a stereomicroscope were sampled. In the oogenesis, undifferentiated and differentiated oogonia, early primary growth oocytes, secondary growth oocytes, full-grown oocytes and maturing oocytes were recorded. In the spermatogenesis, primary and secondary spermatogonia, primary and secondary spermatocytes, spermatids and spermatozoa were recorded. The reproductive phases found for females and males were: immature, early development, late development, spawning/sperm-releasing capable, regression, and regeneration. Trachelyopterus galeatus prefers to occupy and reproduce in the Ventura, Patos, Guaraná, Fechada, Garças, and Pau Véio lagoons. The diameter of the oocytes varied from 0.4 to 2.9 mm. Females spawn, on average, 113 oocytes per batch. Batch fecundity variation shows that the larger the ovary, standard length, and total weight, the larger the number of oocytes to be spawned. This invader possesses reproductive success in the upper Paraná River floodplain, especially in lagoons.(AU)
Animais , Peixes-Gato/embriologia , Peixes-Gato/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Inseminação , Reprodução , Fertilidade , EspermatogêneseResumo
Rodents and marsupials together, form the most rich group of mammals in Brazil, they are distributed in all biomes, including Atlantic Forest, and can be used to analyze environmental quality. The Araucaria Forest is a threatened formation of the Atlantic forest with few areas remaining intact and a huge lack of knowledge about the potential of its secondary forest fragments to act as habitat refuges to native fauna. This study evaluated the species richness and diversity of non-volant small mammals among five vegetation types within a protected area in an Araucaria Forest area from southern Brazil. The sampling was made in six bimonthly campaigns during a year, by pitfall and live traps. This effort resulted in 875 captures of 625 individuals from 16 species. The most common species in Pine Plantation was Oligoryzomys nigripes, in Natural Regeneration forest was Thaptomys nigrita and Akodon montensis was most often captured in the other vegetation. Although differences in species composition were found among the different vegetation types, there was no significant difference in species richness. Nevertheless, true diversity values were significantly lower in the Pine Plantation. The results demonstrated that the substitution of native for exotic vegetation generated a negative impact on the group diversity. More studies, in other Araucaria Forest areas are necessary to allow better understanding of the processes driving this loss of diversity in this biome threatened by antropic action.(AU)
Animais , Mamíferos , Didelphis , Sigmodontinae , Biodiversidade , Floresta Úmida , Biota , EcossistemaResumo
Rodents and marsupials together, form the most rich group of mammals in Brazil, they are distributed in all biomes, including Atlantic Forest, and can be used to analyze environmental quality. The Araucaria Forest is a threatened formation of the Atlantic forest with few areas remaining intact and a huge lack of knowledge about the potential of its secondary forest fragments to act as habitat refuges to native fauna. This study evaluated the species richness and diversity of non-volant small mammals among five vegetation types within a protected area in an Araucaria Forest area from southern Brazil. The sampling was made in six bimonthly campaigns during a year, by pitfall and live traps. This effort resulted in 875 captures of 625 individuals from 16 species. The most common species in Pine Plantation was Oligoryzomys nigripes, in Natural Regeneration forest was Thaptomys nigrita and Akodon montensis was most often captured in the other vegetation. Although differences in species composition were found among the different vegetation types, there was no significant difference in species richness. Nevertheless, true diversity values were significantly lower in the Pine Plantation. The results demonstrated that the substitution of native for exotic vegetation generated a negative impact on the group diversity. More studies, in other Araucaria Forest areas are necessary to allow better understanding of the processes driving this loss of diversity in this biome threatened by antropic action.
Animais , Biodiversidade , Didelphis , Floresta Úmida , Mamíferos , Sigmodontinae , Biota , EcossistemaResumo
Forest fires are a natural element in many terrestrial ecosystems, in Mexico one of the main causes of loss of vegetation coverage is related to them. Nevertheless, no research has been carried out in the Tamaulipan thornscrub communities regarding post-fire regenerative strategies of plant species, therefore, is important to generate knowledge about the ecological role of fire in them. The aim of this study is to characterize the arboreal and shrub vegetation of a Tamaulipan thornscrub community in the Northeast of Mexico after a fire. To determine the composition, diversity and structure of the floral community consisting of trees and shrubs, 6 square-shaped sampling sites of 1,600 m2 were established 3 years after the fire. Margalef (DMg), Shannon-Weiner (H) and Pretzsch (A) indices were calculated to determine the richness, diversity and vertical stratification of species, respectively.23 species, 21 genera and 14 families of vascular plants were registered. The most species were Fabaceae (6) and Rhamnaceae (3) and Cordia boissieri was the specie with greater ecological weight (IVI = 20.3%). The indexes of richness and true diversity (DMg = 3.16; D = 16.44) showed high values, which suggests that the post-fire area has a good regeneration and a high species diversity. With these results we can conclude that the fire is an important agent of change in successional stages of Tamaulipan thornscrub with high values of regeneration after a surface fire.(AU)
Os incêndios florestais são um elemento natural em muitos ecossistemas terrestres, no México uma das principais causas de perda de cobertura vegetal está relacionada a eles, no entanto, nenhuma pesquisa foi realizada nas comunidades de espinheiros de Tamaulipan sobre as estratégias regenerativas pós-fogo de espécies de plantas, portanto, é importante gerar conhecimento sobre o papel ecológico do fogo neles. O objetivo deste estudo é caracterizar a vegetação arbórea e arbustiva de uma comunidade de plantas espinhosas no Tamaulipas, nordeste do México após um incêndio. Para determinar a composição, diversidade e estrutura da comunidade vegetal constituída por árvores e arbustos, seis locais de amostragem em forma de quadrado de 1.600 m2 cada um, foram estabelecidos três anos após o incêndio. Índices de Margalef (DMg), Shannon-Weiner (H) e Pretzsch (A) foram calculados para determinar a riqueza, diversidade e estratificação vertical das espécies, respectivamente. Foram registradas 23 espécies, 21 gêneros e 14 famílias de plantas vasculares. As mais ricas foram Fabaceae (6) e Rhamnaceae (3), Cordia boissieri foi a espécie com maior peso ecológico (IVI = 20,3%). Os índices de riqueza e diversidade verdadeira (DMg = 3,16; D = 16,44) apresentaram valores elevados, o que sugere que a área pós-fogo apresenta boa regeneração e alta diversidade Vegetal. Com estes resultados podemos concluir que o fogo é um importante agente de mudança nos estágios sucessionais do espinho de Tamaulipan com altos valores de regeneração após um incêndio na superfície.(AU)
Incêndios Florestais , Incêndios , Biodiversidade , MéxicoResumo
Abstract Birds play a key role in ecosystem dynamics, including urban and rural areas, bringing environmental quality improvements and ecological stability. Species contribute directly to natural regeneration of vegetation and succession processes, by offering ecosystem services as seed dispersal, an important role in human-modified areas. We studied the assemblages of fruit-eating birds in riparian environments of Monjolinho basin, central São Paulo state, southeastern Brazil. Birds were recorded in 41 points distributed in riparian ecosystems alongside waterbodies, in landscapes with five types of surrounding matrices: urban, periurban, farmland, and native vegetation. We described how assemblages are structured aiming to evaluate the possible influence of seasonality and landscape type. We recorded 39 bird species that can play a role as seed-dispersers, 32 in wet season and 32 in dry season. There were no significant differences in the diversity and dominance of species between seasons considering the entire area, indicating stability of basic assemblage structure. However, total number of individuals of all species recorded in different landscapes were influenced by seasonality. Also, the composition and abundance of species significantly changed between seasons, leading to a high dissimilarity with almost 50% of the species contributing with almost 90% of the observed variation. A higher taxonomic diversity and distinctness pointed to a wider array of possible seed dispersal services in natural areas, while the lowest values of indexes were found in human-modified areas. The higher number of non-related bird species during dry season contrasted with the higher number of individuals during wet season, indicating that there is more possible ecosystem services offered by frugivorous birds in driest period of the year, while in the rainy period the carrying capacity of the riparian environments was increased.
Resumo As aves desempenham um papel chave na dinâmica dos ecossistemas, incluindo áreas urbanas e rurais, e trazem melhorias na qualidade ambiental e estabilidade ecológica. As espécies contribuem diretamente com a regeneração natural da vegetação e processos de sucessão por oferecerem serviços ecossistêmicos como a dispersão de sementes, um papel fundamental em áreas alteradas. Nós estudamos a assembleia de espécies de aves que se alimentam de frutos em ambientes ripários da bacia do rio Monjolinho, região central do estado de São Paulo, sudeste do Brasil. As aves foram registradas em 41 pontos distribuídos em ecossistemas ripários ao longo dos corpos dágua, em paisagens com quatro tipos de matrizes em seu entorno: urbana, periurbana, rural e vegetação nativa. Nós descrevemos como as assembleias estão estruturadas, objetivando avaliar a possível influência da sazonalidade e do tipo de paisagem do entorno. Foram registradas 39 espécies de aves que podem desempenhar o papel de dispersoras de sementes, sendo 32 espécies no período chuvoso e 32 no período seco. Não foi detectada diferença significativa na diversidade e dominância de espécies entre estações em toda área de estudo, indicando estabilidade da estrutura básica das assembleias. Entretanto, o número total de indivíduos de todas as espécies registrados nas diferentes paisagens foi influenciado pela sazonalidade. Além disso, a composição e abundância de espécies mudou significativamente entre as estações, levando a uma alta dissimilaridade com quase 50% das espécies contribuindo com quase 90% da variação observada. A diversidade e distinção taxonômicas mais altas apontam para maior variedade de serviços ecossistêmicos possíveis relacionados à dispersão de sementes em áreas naturais, enquanto os menores valores desses índices foram encontrados em áreas antropizadas. Um maior número de espécies distintas com menor proximidade taxonômica durante a estação seca, em contraste com um alto número de indivíduos observados na estação chuvosa, indica que existe uma maior gama de possíveis serviços ecossistêmicos oferecidos pelas aves frugívoras no período mais seco do ano, enquanto no período de maior pluviosidade os ecossistemas apresentaram maior capacidade suporte.