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J Phys D Appl Phys ; 53(34)2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33071355


Measurements of fractional multiples of the ν = 2 plateau quantized Hall resistance (R H ≈ 12906 Ω) were enabled by the utilization of multiple current terminals on millimetre-scale graphene p-n junction devices fabricated with interfaces along both lateral directions. These quantum Hall resistance checkerboard devices have been demonstrated to match quantized resistance outputs numerically calculated with the LTspice circuit simulator. From the devices' functionality, more complex embodiments of the quantum Hall resistance checkerboard were simulated to highlight the parameter space within which these devices could operate. Moreover, these measurements suggest that the scalability of p-n junction fabrication on millimetre or centimetre scales is feasible with regards to graphene device manufacturing by using the far more efficient process of standard ultraviolet lithography.

Metrologia ; 57(1)2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32127725


The unique properties of the quantum Hall effect allow one to revisit traditional measurement circuits with a new flavour. In this paper we present the first realization of a quantum Hall Kelvin bridge for the calibration of standard resistors directly against the quantum Hall resistance. The bridge design is particularly simple and requires a minimal number of instruments. The implementation here proposed is based on the bridge-on-a-chip, an integrated circuit composed of three graphene quantum Hall elements and superconducting wiring. The accuracy achieved in the calibration of a 12 906Ω standard resistor is of a few parts in 108, at present mainly limited by the prototype device and the interferences in the current implementation, with the potential to achieve few parts in 109, which is the level of the systematic uncertainty of the quantum Hall Kelvin bridge itself.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32863578


A mathematical approach is introduced for predicting quantized resistances in graphene p-n junction devices that utilize more than a single entry and exit point for electron flow. Depending on the configuration of an arbitrary number of terminals, electrical measurements yield nonconventional, fractional multiples of the typical quantized Hall resistance at the v = 2 plateau (R H ≈ 12906 Ω) and take the form: a b R H . This theoretical formulation is independent of material, and applications to other material systems that exhibit quantum Hall behaviors are to be expected. Furthermore, this formulation is supported with experimental data from graphene devices with multiple source and drain terminals.

IEEE Trans Instrum Meas ; 1.633481E62020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33335333


Precision quantum Hall resistance measurements can be greatly improved when implementing new electrical contact geometries made from superconducting NbTiN. The sample designs described here minimize undesired resistances at contacts and interconnections, enabling further enhancement of device size and complexity when pursuing next-generation quantized Hall resistance devices.

Carbon N Y ; 1542019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32165760


We have demonstrated the millimeter-scale fabrication of monolayer epitaxial graphene p-n junction devices using simple ultraviolet photolithography, thereby significantly reducing device processing time compared to that of electron beam lithography typically used for obtaining sharp junctions. This work presents measurements yielding nonconventional, fractional multiples of the typical quantized Hall resistance at ν = 2 (R H ≈ 12906 Ω) that take the form: a b R H . Here, a and b have been observed to take on values such 1, 2, 3, and 5 to form various coefficients of R H. Additionally, we provide a framework for exploring future device configurations using the LTspice circuit simulator as a guide to understand the abundance of available fractions one may be able to measure. These results support the potential for drastically simplifying device processing time and may be used for many other two-dimensional materials.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32116346


In this paper, we show that quantum Hall resistance measurements using two terminals may be as precise as four-terminal measurements when applying superconducting split contacts. The described sample designs eliminate resistance contributions of terminals and contacts such that the size and complexity of next-generation quantized Hall resistance devices can be significantly improved.

Metrologia ; 56(6)2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32116392


This work presents precision measurements of quantized Hall array resistance devices using superconducting, crossover-free, multiple interconnections as well as graphene split contacts. These new techniques successfully eliminate the accumulation of internal resistances and leakage currents that typically occur at interconnections and crossing leads between interconnected devices. As a result, a scalable quantized Hall resistance array is obtained with a nominal value that is as precise and stable as that from single-element quantized Hall resistance standards.