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Int. j interdiscip. dent. (Print) ; 15(1): 20-24, abr. 2022. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385243


RESUMEN: Objetivo: Sintetizar los resultados de estudios epidemiológicos sobre Traumatismo Dentoalveolar (TDA) en la población chilena. Material y métodos: Se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura para identificar estudios poblacionales a nivel nacional, regional, provincial y comunal, además de datos de servicios dentales de atención primaria y secundaria sobre TDA en Chile. Resultados: Se incluyeron 2 estudios con representatividad nacional y 8 realizados en centros de atención en salud. A nivel nacional, la prevalencia de TDA a los 6 años fue de un 2.57%, y a los 12 años, 4.97%. En los estudios realizados en centros de salud, el diagnóstico más prevalente en dentición primaria fueron las lesiones de tejidos de soporte y en dentición permanente, la fractura coronaria. Fue más frecuente la afectación de un solo diente, y los incisivos centrales superiores fueron los dientes más afectados. Conclusiones: Los estudios representativos de la población en Chile son escasos, realizados hace más de una década y representativos sólo de la población de 6 y 12 años, lo cual pone de manifiesto la necesidad de mayor información epidemiológica sobre el TDA en la población chilena.

ABSTRACT: Aim: To summarize the evidence on epidemiological studies about traumatic dental injuries (TDI) in Chile. Methods: A systematic literature review was carried out in two databases to identify population studies at national, regional, provincial and community levels, as well as reports from primary and secondary dental care services, regarding TDI in Chile. Results: Two studies with national representation and eight studies from primary and secondary healthcare centers were included in the analysis. National prevalence for 6-year-old children was 2.57%, and 4.97% for 12-year-old children. While the most frequent diagnosis in primary dentition was traumatic injury involving tooth-supporting tissues, the most commonly reported diagnosis in permanent dentition was crown fracture. Single tooth affection was more frequent, and the upper central incisors were the most affected teeth. Conclusions: Data on representative studies about TDIs in Chile are scarce. Few studies, carried out more than a decade ago and only on 6- and 12-year-old children are available. There is a need for further epidemiological information about TDIs in Chile.

Humans , Male , Female , Oral Health , Tooth Injuries , Dental Health Services/statistics & numerical data , Chile
Int. j interdiscip. dent. (Print) ; 13(3): 140-147, dic. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385162


RESUMEN: Este artículo realiza una revisión y síntesis de las principales encuestas poblacionales de salud en Chile. Se describen sus principales características y hallazgos con el objetivo de orientar a los profesionales odontólogos en el conocimiento de material existente para el diagnóstico odontológico objetivo, así como el impacto de la salud oral en la calidad de vida, a nivel poblacional.

ABSTRACT: This article makes a brief review and synthesis of national health surveys in Chile. The article describes the main characteristics and findings in order to guide dental professionals with the knowledge of the existing material for an objective population oral health diagnosis, as well as the impact of oral health on quality of life of the population.

Humans , Oral Health , Health Surveys , Mouth Diseases/epidemiology , Quality of Life , Chile/epidemiology , Prevalence , Dental Care/statistics & numerical data , Mouth Diseases/psychology
Int. j interdiscip. dent. (Print) ; 13(2): 88-94, ago. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1134348


RESUMEN: Objetivo: Sintetizar los resultados sobre los estudios epidemiológicos de caries dental, enfermedad periodontal, desdentamiento y lesiones de mucosa oral de base poblacional con representatividad nacional y regional en adultos chilenos (≥15 años). Materiales y métodos: Se realizó una revisión narrativa para identificar aquellos estudios de diagnóstico de salud bucal, a nivel nacional y/o regional, en población adulta de Chile (≥15 años), con el objetivo de establecer prevalencias para las patologías bucales de mayor relevancia nacional. Resultados: Se identificaron 6 estudios de representatividad nacional y 7 estudios de representatividad regional. Se reporta una disminución en la prevalencia de caries cavitadas y de dentición no funcional, correspondiendo a un 54.6% y 27.0%, respectivamente. La prevalencia de pérdida de inserción clínica ≥4mm., es cercana al 100%. La lesión de mucosa oral más prevalente fue la estomatitis subprotésica (22.3%). Se observaron inequidades socieconómicas y culturales en la distribución de las patologías orales en la población adulta chilena. Conclusiones: Existe una alta prevalencia de enfermedad periodontal, caries, desdentamiento y lesiones de mucosa oral en adultos y adultos mayores chilenos.

ABSTRACT Aim: To synthesize results of epidemiologic national and regional studies about dental caries, periodontal diseases, tooth loss and oral mucosa lesions in Chilean adults (≥15 years- old). Methods: A narrative revision was made in order to identify epidemiologic national or regional studies in Chilean adults (≥15 years- old). The objective was to establish the prevalence of the most common oral diseases. Results: Six national and seven regional studies were identified. The prevalence of non-treated caries and non- functional dentition was reduced to 54.6% and 27.0%, respectively. The prevalence of periodontal attachment loss ≥4mm. was almost 100%. The most frequent oral mucosa lesion was denture stomatitis (22.3%). Socioeconomic and cultural disparities were observed in the distribution of oral diseases in Chilean adults. Conclusions: The prevalence of dental caries, periodontal diseases, tooth loss and oral mucosa lesions was high in Chilean adults and elderly people.

Humans , Periodontal Diseases , Oral Health , Dental Caries , Diagnosis , Chile
Rev. clín. periodoncia implantol. rehabil. oral (Impr.) ; 11(3): 187-190, dic. 2018. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-978205


RESUMEN: El presente artículo realiza una breve revisión y síntesis sobre las Garantías Explícitas en Salud Bucal vigentes en Chile y las Guías de Práctica Clínica asociadas a su ejercicio. Se muestra una breve cronología de la reforma de salud de la cual se originan, describiendo sus principales pilares de desarrollo. Esta actualización tiene como objetivo orientar a los profesionales odontólogos de los Servicios de Salud, Sociedades Científicas, Universidades y entidades públicas y privadas que desarrollan la práctica odontológica en Chile, en el conocimiento del material existente, validado y disponible a la fecha.

ABSTRACT This article makes a brief review and synthesis of the Explicit Guarantees in Oral Health in force in Chile and the Clinical Practice Guidelines associated with their practice. It shows a brief chronology of the health reform from which they originate, describing their main pillars of development. The purpose of this update is to guide the dental professionals of the Health Services, Scientific Societies, Universities and public and private services that develop the dental practice in Chile, with the knowledge of the existing material, validated and available to date.

Humans , Oral Health , Practice Guideline , Health Care Reform , Dentistry , Dentists , Chile
Rev. méd. Chile ; 144(4): 426-433, abr. 2016. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-787112


Background: Rural areas have scarce medical resources. Initiatives to address this situation in Latin America exist, but have been poorly evaluated. The Chilean Rural Practitioner Program, a policy of recruitment and retention of physicians in rural areas, has been stable over time. Aim: To examine how physicians who participate in this program evaluate it. Material and Methods: Nationally representative cross sectional study. Physicians were chosen to respond online or by telephone a specially designed questionnaire about the Program. Results: 202 participants answered (response rate of 60%). The overall experience was evaluated with 5.75 points (in a 1 to 7 scale). Participants gave the best scores to climatic conditions and economic income, and rated infrastructure, human resources and workload the worst. The evaluation of social relationships at the destination place was the only condition associated significantly with the overall assessment of the experience. Seventy percent of physicians would return to the destination place as a specialist. The value given to social relations and infrastructure were associated positively with this potential return. Conclusions: Overall, the experience was positively evaluated. This study provides information to improve retention policies for human resources for health care in rural areas.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Professional Practice Location/statistics & numerical data , Program Evaluation , Rural Health Services/statistics & numerical data , General Practitioners/statistics & numerical data , Rural Population , Social Environment , Linear Models , Chile , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Workload , Workplace , Social Determinants of Health
Rev. méd. Chile ; 137(11): 1463-1468, nov. 2009. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-537009


Background: AUDIT is a self-reported questionnaire used to detect problem drinkers. It must be translated into Spanish and validated in order to be used in Chile. Aim: To assess the validity of a Chilean version of the AUDIT questionnaire. Material and methods: The English version of the questionnaire was translated into Spanish and adapted to the Chilean cultural environment. Using the Delphi method, an expert group examined the text and then decided on which would be the definitive version. This test was translated to English again and was approved by one of the original authors. It was then applied to 93 subjects aged 37 ± 12 years (60 percent males) consulting at a primary health care center These subjects also answered the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI), version 2.1 that was used as the gold standard for the diagnosis of hazardous drinking and alcohol dependence. Cronbach alpha and test-retest validity were analyzed. Sensitivity and specificity were determined using receiver operating (ROC) curves. Results: The internal consistency of AUDIT was 0.93, its test re-tests reliability was 0.97 (95 percent confidence intervals 0.96-0.98). Using a cutoff point of 6 for hazardous consumption, its sensitivity and specificity were 83 percent and 88 percent, respectively. The figures for dependence and harmful consumption, using a cutoff point of 9, were 87 percent and 85 percent, respectively. Conclusions: AUDIT is a valid questionnaire to detect problem drinkers.

Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Alcohol-Related Disorders/diagnosis , Surveys and Questionnaires/standards , Alcohol-Related Disorders/epidemiology , Chile/epidemiology , Epidemiologic Methods , Reference Values , Translating
Cienc. Trab ; 9(24): 51-54, abr.-jun. 2007. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-489173


Diseño. Se realizó un estudio de tipo transversal en 135 funcionarios fiscalizadores de una repartición pública del Estado de Chile. Se estudió si existía asociación entre las dimensiones de Burnout, Inteligencia Emocional y Factores de Riesgos Psicosociales Laborales y se estimaron los predictores de las distintas dimensiones de Burnout. Resultados. Se encontró que Agotamiento Emocional correlacionó positivamente con Exigencias Psicológicas, Inseguridad Laboral y Atención a los Sentimientos, e inversamente con Estima de Superiores. Despersonalización correlacionó positivamente con Exigencia Psicológica, Inseguridad Laboral, e inversamente con Apoyo Social y con Reparación Emocional. El Logro Personal se asoció positivamente a Apoyo Social, Claridad de los Sentimientos y Reparación Emocional. Como predictores positivos de Agotamiento Emocional se encontraron la Exigencia Psicológica, Inseguridad Laboral y Atención a los Sentimientos, y como predictor negativo la Claridad de los Sentimientos. Para Despersonalización se encontró como predictor positivo a la Exigencia Psicológica y como negativo a la Reparación Emocional. Para el Logro Personal sólo se encontró como predictor positivo el Apoyo Social. Conclusión. A partir de los hallazgos realizados se desprende que la Inteligencia Emocional y los Factores de Riesgo Psicosocial Laboral son predictores de las dimensiones Burnout.

Design. A cross-sectional study was made of 135 employees performing overseeing functions at a Governmental Organization in Chile. It was studied whether there was an association between the dimensions of burnout, emotional intelligence and occupational psychosocial risk factors, and the predictors of the different dimensions of burnout were estimated. Findings. It was found that emotional exhaustion correlated positively with psychological requirements, work insecurity and attention to feelings, and inversely with superiors esteem. Depersonalization correlated positively with psychological requirement, occupational insecurity and inversely with social support and emotional repair. Personal achievement was positively associated with social support , clarity of feelings and emotional repair. As positive predictors of emotional exhaustion were found the psychological requirement, labor insecurity and attention to feelings and as negative predictor the clarity of feelings. For depersonalization the psychological requirement was found as positive predictor and the emotional repair as a negative one. For personal achievement only the social support was found as a positive predictor. Conclusion. From the findings made it follows that emotional intelligence and labor psycho-sociological risk factors are predictors of burnout dimensions.

Humans , Burnout, Professional , Psychosocial Impact , Risk Factors , Stress, Psychological , Workplace , Chile , Cross-Sectional Studies
Cienc. Trab ; 9(24): 61-63, abr.-jun. 2007.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-489175


En el sistema de seguridad social chileno, el ausentismo laboral y, de manera más específica, el ausentismo laboral mediado por la licencia médica, ha sido un importante tema de controversia. Sin embargo, la situación de estar físicamente presente en el trabajo sin estar en condiciones adecuadas para poder desempeñarlo bien no ha recibido atención por parte de sectores laborales, académicos ni políticos del país. Esto contrasta claramente con la tendencia que se observa en el escenario internacional por el impacto en productividad que tiene esta situación. Estar presente en el trabajo, pero no encontrarse en condiciones de funcionamiento pleno debido a una enfermedad o condiciones de salud, se ha denominado Presenteeism en la literatura anglosajona. En este artículo se hace un análisis conceptual y operacional que busca generar interés por el estudio de la misma en Chile.

To be present at work but not fully functional due to a disease or health conditions has been called Presenteeism . This paper discusses this concept and makes an analysis focused on Occupational Health. In the Chilean social security system, work absenteeism and, more specifically, work absenteeism mediated by a medical leave has been an important subject of controversy. However, the condition of being physically present at the workplace without being in adequate conditions for performing well has not received attention from labor, academic and political sectors of the country. This contrasts sharply with the trend observed at global level due to the impact on productivity resulting from this situation. To be present at work but not fully functional due to a disease or health conditions has been called Presenteeism in English world literature. In this article, a conceptual and operational analysis is made that seeks to generate an interest in its study in Chile.

Humans , Efficiency, Organizational , Health Status , Occupational Health
Cienc. Trab ; 8(21): 151-153, jul.-sept. 2006. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-452481


En la última década se ha observado un creciente uso de métodos cualitativos en la investigación en salud (Moffatt et al. 2006; Love et al. 2005; Meléndez et al. 2004). Sin embargo, esto no significa que en el campo de la salud estos métodos sean igualmente valorados que los métodos cuantitativos y, especialmente, los métodos experimentales. En efecto, en la investigación biomédica, clínica o epidemiológica, estos últimos métodos prevalecen sin contrapeso. Los métodos cualitativos de investigación se han venido usando por largo tiempo en las ciencias sociales. Sin embargo, su tránsito hacia el campo de la salud para integrarse al arsenal metodológico disponible para la investigación en esta área ha sido lento y dificultoso. Probablemente, una de las razones que ha contribuido a este fenómeno es que el grado de conocimiento general sobre la investigación cualitativa es aún escaso en esta área. Existe poca masa crítica de investigadores en salud que manejen adecuadamente este tipo de investigación, ya sea para desarrollar estudios o para participar como pares evaluadores de trabajos desarrollados por otros investigadores. El presente artículo se plantea como objetivo hacer un análisis de la investigación cualitativa en salud que contribuya a un mejor conocimiento de sus alcances y métodos entre los profesionales e investigadores en salud.

Health , Qualitative Research , Data Collection/statistics & numerical data , Data Collection/methods , Data Collection/trends , Research/methods
Cad. saúde pública ; 18(4): 1053-1066, jul.-ago. 2002.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-330956


From 1997 to 1999, the Chilean Ministry of Health conducted studies on the health care networks in each of the country's 13 regions in order to help plan regional health sector development and define investment projects. Health insurance coverage displayed major geographic, age, and gender variations. Out-patient and in-patient medical care in the public sector showed substantial geographic variations. According to patient discharge records from national referral hospitals, only some 20 of total health care capability is used to treat 60 of the Chilean population living in regions outside the Greater Metropolitan area. Analysis of primary care funding shows that municipalities allocating the highest per capita funds are not the ones with the greatest health care needs. New reform proposals must address the issue of complementarity between the public and private health sectors and strengthen the Ministry of Health's leadership role in order for the health system to improve its overall response to the population's health care needs.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Public Health Administration/standards , Regional Health Planning/standards , Social Justice , Aged, 80 and over , Ambulatory Care , Chile , Insurance, Health , Investments , National Health Programs
Rev. panam. salud pública ; 11(5/6): 374-385, maio-jun. 2002.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-323711


Objectives. To estimate the magnitude of geographical health inequalities in Chile through key indicators based on data and information that are routinely collected and easily obtained, and to characterize the current situation with respect to the availability, quality, and access to information on health equity that official sources routinely collect. Methods. A conceptual framework proposed by the World Health Organization was used to study health equity in terms of four dimensions: 1) state of health, 2) health determinants, 3) resources for and the supply of health system services, and 4) utilization of health system services. For each of these four dimensions, indicators were selected for which there was available information. The information was aggregated according to geographical and administrative units in the country: communes (342 in Chile), sanitary districts called "Health Services" (28), and regions (13). The aggregated information was analyzed using univariate analysis (distribution characteristics), bivariate analysis (correlations and frequency tables), and tabulation of values for selected indicators for the communes. Results. With respect to the first dimension, state of health, we found an inverse relationship between mortality and average family income in the communes (r = ­0.24; P < 0.001; n = 191 communes). With health determinants, there were important differences among the communes with regard to average household income, years of schooling, literacy, quality of housing, drinking water supply, and the wastewater disposal system. In terms of resources for and the supply of health system services, the municipal governments of the communes with higher average household incomes tended to contribute more funds per beneficiary (r = 0.19; P = 0.013). The financial contributions from the national government were targeted well, but they only partially compensated for the morelimited resources available in poorer communes. With respect to the utilization of health care services per beneficiary in the different sanitary districts, we found some large differences. In terms of the ratio between the highest rate of utilization in any of the districts and the lowest rate in any other district, the ratio for primary-care visits per beneficiary was 2.8, the ratio for emergency-care visits was 3.9, and the ratio for hospitalizations was 2.0. Conclusions. There are important geographical differences in Chile with respect to mortality and other health outcomes, income and environmental conditions, and the financing and utilization of health care services. The information that is collected regularly and is available to characterize the health-related variables frequently has limitations in terms of quality, sustainability, and access. In Chile it would be pointless to focus the greatest efforts on reorganizing the information systems. The existing indicators showing marked inequalities are adequate to support the planning of interventions aimed at making urgently needed improvements in the situation of the worst-off Chileans

Objetivos. Estimar la magnitud de las desigualdades geográficas de salud en Chile mediante indicadores clave basados en datos e información de fácil obtención recolectada de forma rutinaria, y caracterizar la situación actual con respecto a la disponibilidad, calidad y accesibilidad de la información sobre equidad en salud recolectada de forma rutinaria por fuentes oficiales. Métodos. Se usó un marco conceptual propuesto por la Organización Mundial de la Salud para el estudio de la equidad en salud que consta de cuatro dimensiones: I. estado de salud, II. determinantes de la salud, III. recursos y oferta del sistema de salud, y IV. utilización de servicios del sistema de salud. Para cada una de estas dimensiones se hizo una selección de indicadores para los cuales existía información disponible. La información, agregada por unidad geográfica (comuna, Servicio de Salud o región), fue analizada usando los siguientes métodos: análisis univariado (características de las distribuciones); análisis bivariado (correlaciones y tablas de frecuencia); tabulación de valores comunales para indicadores seleccionados. Resultados. Estado de salud: encontramos una relación inversa entre la mortalidad y el ingreso familiar medio en la comuna (r = ­0,24; P < 0,001; n = 191 comunas). Determinantes de la salud: hay importantes variaciones entre las comunas con respecto al ingreso doméstico medio, años de escolarización, analfabetismo, calidad de la vivienda, abastecimiento de agua potable y sistemas de eliminación de aguas residuales. Recursos y oferta del sistema de salud: los gobiernos municipales de las comunas con mayores ingresos domésticos medios tienden a aportar mayores recursos financieros por beneficiario (r = 0,19; P = 0,0130). El aporte del gobierno central, aunque se encuentra bien orientado, solo compensa parcialmente esta situación en beneficio de las comunas pobres. Utilización de servicios de atención de salud: entre los servicios de salud, el uso de los servicios de atención médica en el nivel primario es 2,8 veces mayor en unos que en otros, la atención médica de urgencia 3,9 veces mayor, y los egresos hospitalarios 2 veces más numerosos. Conclusiones. Existen importantes variaciones geográficas en lo que se refiere a la mortalidad y a otros resultados de salud, en ingresos y condiciones ambientales, y en el financiamiento y utilización de los servicios de asistencia sanitaria. La información recolectada regularmente y que se encuentra disponible para caracterizar las variables relacionadas con la salud presenta con cierta frecuencia limitaciones de calidad, sostenibilidad o accesibilidad. En el contexto chileno, sería infructuoso centrar los mayores esfuerzos en la reorganización de los sistemas de información, toda vez que las pruebas ya existentes de marcadas desigualdades son suficientes para apoyar la planificación de intervenciones orientadas a mejorar con urgencia la situación de los chilenos más desprotegidos

Access to Information , Chile , Health Status , Health Services