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Rev. méd. Chile ; 151(8): 980-991, ago. 2023. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565693


ANTECEDENTES: Tanto el gen FTO (Fat-mass and obesity-associated-gene) y el tiempo sedente se asocian a obesidad, sin embargo, se desconoce si el tiempo sedente puede modificar la predisposición genética a la obesidad. Por ende, el objetivo de este estudio fue investigar si la asociación entre el polimorfismo rs9939609 del gen FTO y marcadores de adiposidad podrían ser modificados por el tiempo sedente. MÉTODOS: Este estudio de corte transversal incluye a 409 participantes del estudio GENADIO. Los marcadores de adiposidad estudiados fueron peso corporal, índice de masa corporal (IMC), perímetro de cintura (PC) y porcentaje masa grasa. El tiempo sedente se determinó mediante acelerometría de movimiento. La interacción entre el gen FTO (rs9939609) y el tiempo sedente sobre los marcadores de adiposidad se determinó mediante análisis de regresión múltiple. RESULTADOS: Tanto la variante de riesgo del gen FTO como el tiempo sedente se asociaron a mayor peso corporal, IMC, PC y masa grasa. Sin embargo, la asociación entre tiempo sedente y marcadores de adiposidad fue mayor en personas portadoras del alelo de riesgo del gen FTO. Por cada 1 hora de incremento en tiempo sedente, el peso corporal incrementa en 1,36 kg ([95% IC: 0,27; 2,46], p = 0,015) y 2,95 kg ([95% IC: 1,24; 4,65], p = 0,001) en personas con la variante protectora (TT) versus aquellos con la variante de riesgo (AA), respectivamente. Resultados similares se encontraron para (PC). CONCLUSIÓN: La asociación entre la variante de riesgo de FTO y mayor nivel de adiposidad es más acentuada en individuos que presentan mayores niveles de sedentarismo.

BACKGROUND: The Fat-mass and obesity-associated-gene (FTO gene) and sedentary behavior time are associated with obesity. However, whether sedentary behavior time can modify the genetic predisposition to obesity in the Chilean population is unknown. Therefore, this study investigated the association between sedentary behavior, adiposity markers, and the FTO gene. METHODS: This cross-sectional study included 409 participants from the Genes, Environment, Diabetes, and Obesity (GENADIO) study. Adiposity markers studied included body weight, body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), and fat mass. Sedentary behaviors were measured using accelerometers. Using multiple regression, we evaluated the interaction between sedentary behaviors and the FTO gene (rs9939609) on adiposity markers. RESULTS: Sedentary behaviors and the FTO genotype were positively associated with higher body weight, BMI, WC, and fat mass. However, the association between time of sedentary behavior and adiposity markers was higher in carriers of the risk variant for the FTO gene. For each hour of increment in sedentary behaviors, body weight increases by 1.36 kg ([95% CI: 0.27; 2.46], p = 0.015) and 2.95 kg ([95%CI: 1.24; 4.65], p = 0.001) in non-risk carriers (TT) versus risk carriers (AA), respectively. We observed similar results for WC, BMI, and body fat, but the interaction was significant only for WC. CONCLUSION: The association between sedentary behaviors and adiposity markers, especially body weight and WC, is higher in individuals who carry the risk variant of the FTO gene.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Body Mass Index , Genetic Predisposition to Disease/genetics , Adiposity/genetics , Waist Circumference/genetics , Sedentary Behavior , Alpha-Ketoglutarate-Dependent Dioxygenase FTO/genetics , Obesity/genetics , Chile , Cross-Sectional Studies , Risk Factors , Polymorphism, Single Nucleotide/genetics , Genotype
Rev. méd. Chile ; 151(4): 469-477, abr. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560203


INTRODUCTION: Recent studies have shown that low vitamin D levels constitute a potential risk factor for the development of cognitive impairment. The present study aimed to investigate the association between vitamin D levels and the suspicion of cognitive impairment in Chilean older adults. MATERIAL AND METHOD: We performed a cross-sectional study, including 1,287 participants ≥ 65 years (56.8% were women, age range 65 to 97 years) from the Chilean National Health Survey. Cognitive impairment was assessed using the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE). Participants were classified into three groups according to their vitamin D levels (> 29 ng/ml sufficient, 12-29 ng/ml deficit, and < 12 ng/ml severe deficit). The association between vitamin D levels and cognitive impairment was explored using logistic regression analysis, adjusted for confounding factors. RESULTS: The prevalence of vitamin D deficit and vitamin D severe deficit was 37.7% and 21.0%, respectively. Compared to older adults with sufficient levels of vitamin D, those with severe deficits had a 94% (OR: 1.94 [95% IC: 1.27; 1.66], p = 0.002) higher odds of cognitive impairment (unadjusted model). Adjusting according to sociodemographic factors, lifestyle, adiposity, sunlight exposure, and multimorbidity slightly attenuated the association to 61% (OR: 1.61 [95%IC: 1.03; 2.19], p = 0.046), but remain significant. CONCLUSION: A severe deficit of vitamin D was associated with higher odds of cognitive impairment in Chilean older adults independent of major confounding factors. Future studies are needed to provide causal evidence between vitamin D and the suspicion of cognitive impairment.

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Vitamin D Deficiency/blood , Vitamin D Deficiency/epidemiology , Cognitive Dysfunction/blood , Cognitive Dysfunction/epidemiology , Socioeconomic Factors , Vitamin D/blood , Chile/epidemiology , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Risk Factors , Health Surveys , Mental Status and Dementia Tests , Sociodemographic Factors
Rev. méd. Chile ; 150(2): 163-171, feb. 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1389635


BACKGROUND: Appetite regulation is integral to food intake and is modulated by complex interactions between internal and external stimuli. Hormonal mechanisms which stimulate or inhibit intake have been characterized, but the physiologic effects of serum levels of such hormones in short-term appetite regulation have received little attention. AIM: To evaluate whether fasting levels of orexigenic/anorexigenic hormones were associated with energy intake at breakfast, served soon after drawing a fasting blood sample, in a group of adolescents. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Anthropometry, body composition and fasting blood levels of leptin, insulin, ghrelin, and orexin-A were measured in 655 Chilean adolescents aged 16.8 ± 0.3 years (52% males). Energy intake was measured at a semi-standardized breakfast. Associations between hormone levels and energy intake were studied using multivariate linear models. RESULTS: Thirty nine percent of participants were overweight/ obese. After an overnight fast, median values for leptin, insulin, ghrelin and orexin-A were 7.3 ng/mL, 6.7 IU/dL, 200.8 pg/mL, and 16.1 pg/mL, respectively. Participants ate on average 637 ± 239 calories at breakfast. In multivariable models, insulin levels were inversely and independently associated with caloric intake at breakfast (β = −18.65; p < 0.05), whereas leptin, ghrelin and orexin-A levels were positively and independently associated with intake: β= 5.56, β = 0.34 and β = 8.40, respectively, p < 0.05. CONCLUSIONS: Fasting leptin, ghrelin and orexin-A were positively associated with energy intake during breakfast provided soon after the blood draw. Insulin was negatively associated with energy intake. Modifiable factors influencing levels of appetite regulating hormones could be a potential target for influencing food intake.

ANTECEDENTES: La regulación del apetito es parte integral de la ingesta alimentaria y es modulada por complejas interacciones entre estímulos internos y externos. Se han caracterizado los mecanismos hormonales que estimulan o inhiben la ingesta, pero los efectos fisiológicos de los niveles séricos de tales hormonas en la regulación del apetito a corto plazo han recibido poca atención. OBJETIVO: Evaluar si los niveles en ayunas de hormonas orexigénicas/ anorexigénicas se asocian con la ingesta energética en el desayuno, entregado inmediatamente después de una muestra de sangre en ayunas, en un grupo de adolescentes. MATERIAL Y MÉTODO: Se efectuaron mediciones antropométricas, composición corporal y medición de niveles en ayunas de leptina, insulina, grelina y orexina-A en 655 adolescentes de 16,8 ± 0,26 años. La ingesta energética se midió en un desayuno semiestandarizado. Se estudiaron las asociaciones entre los niveles hormonales y la ingesta energética mediante modelos lineales multivariados. RESULTADOS: Los valores de leptina, insulina, grelina y orexina-A fueron 7,3 ng/mL, 6,7 UI/dL, 200,8 pg/mL y 16,1 pg/mL respectivamente. Los participantes comieron un promedio de 637 ± 239 calorías en el desayuno. Los niveles de insulina se asociaron inversa e independientemente con la ingesta del desayuno (β = −18,65; p < 0,05), mientras que los niveles de leptina, grelina y orexina-A se asociaron positiva e independientemente con la ingesta: β = 5,65; β = 0,34; β = 8,40, (p < 0,05). CONCLUSIONES: La leptina, grelina y orexina-A en ayunas se asociaron positivamente con la ingesta de energía durante el desayuno proporcionado poco después de la muestra de sangre. La insulina se asoció negativamente con la ingesta de energía. Los factores modificables que influyen en las hormonas reguladoras del apetito podrían ser un objetivo potencial para influir en la ingesta de alimentos.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Appetite/physiology , Breakfast , Energy Intake/physiology , Chile , Fasting , Leptin , Ghrelin , Orexins , Insulin
Rev. chil. nutr ; 48(6)dic. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388553


RESUMEN Introducción: La lactancia materna (LM) es un factor protector contra la obesidad infantil; sin embargo, los mecanismos a través de los cuales ejerce este efecto aún no están claros. El objetivo fue describir los mecanismos asociados al efecto protector que ejerce la lactancia materna contra la obesidad infantil. Métodos: Se utilizaron los buscadores PUBMED, SCOPUS, Cochrane Library y Scielo para desarrollar una revisión descriptiva de la evidencia científica. Las palabras clave fueron: lactancia materna, obesidad, mecanismo y dieta. Se revisaron artículos en español e inglés, desde 1977 hasta el 2020. Resultados: El efecto protector de la LM contra la obesidad infantil está dado por una combinación de varios mecanismos, se destaca su composición nutricional y el aporte de sustancias bioactivas, algunas de ellas reguladoras de la ingesta energética. Los lactantes que reciben LM por más tiempo seleccionan alimentos más saludables en etapa preescolar, independiente de factores sociodemográficos. También han sido descritos efectos en la adiposidad, el control del peso corporal y la ingesta energética mediante regulación de la programación epigenética y de la microbiota intestinal. Conclusión: La LM es un proceso único, que interacciona de forma compleja con factores del crecimiento y desarrollo de los lactantes y preescolares. Su rol protector contra la obesidad ha sido asociado a diversos mecanismos. Sin embargo, se requiere de nuevas investigaciones para comprender los alcances que puede presentar la LM en la etapa pediátrica y su rol en la prevención de la obesidad.

ABSTRACT Background and aim: Breastfeeding (BF) is a protective factor against childhood obesity; however, the mechanisms associated with this effect have not yet been elucidated. This study aimed to describe the mechanisms related to the protective effect of breastfeeding against childhood obesity. Methods: A search on PUBMED, SCOPUS, Cochrane Library and SCIELO databases was carried out to develop a descriptive review of the scientific evidence. The key words were breastfeeding; obesity; mechanism and diet. Articles were reviewed in Spanish and English from 1977 to 2020. Results: The protective effect of BF against childhood obesity is given by a combination of several mechanism. Its nutritional composition and the contribution of bioactive substances stand out, some of them regulated by the energy intake. Infants who are breastfed choose healthier foods in preschool, regardless of sociodemographic factors. Effects on adiposity, control of body weight and energy intake have also been described by epigenetic regulation programming and the intestinal microbiota. Conclusion: BF is a unique process that interacts in a complex way with infants and preschoolers' growth and developmental factors Its protective role against childhood obesity has been associated with various mechanisms. New research is still required to understand the implications of BF in pediatric age and its role in preventing obesity.

ARS med. (Santiago, En línea) ; 46(2): 60-66, jun. 10,2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1353348


A pesar de que son muchos los suplementos deportivos que se etiquetan como ergogénicos, pocos son los que realmente demuestran su efectividad. Si bien estos suplementos están destinados principalmente para deportistas de élite, su uso se ha masificado en la po-blación general, esto debido a la falta de regulación en uso y venta, así como por los potenciales beneficios que podrían otorgar. Frente a estas limitantes ¿cuál es la efectividad de estos productos más allá de la moda? En esta comunicación breve se revisa la evidencia respecto al efecto y la efectividad de 11 suplementos y plantas utilizados como ayuda ergogénica. A pesar de los múltiples beneficios en los suplementos ergogénicos identificados, es necesario tener precaución al momento de generalizar los resultados obtenidos por algunos ergogénicos, ya que su efecto podría ser secundario y/o estar condicionado por otros factores. Es necesario mayores estudios clínicos que permitan asociar una relación causa-efecto en el rendimiento deportivo y la población general.

Although many sports supplements have been identified as ergogenic, few have demonstrated their effectiveness. They were originally created for high-performance athletes, but their consumption has incremented in the general population. Lack of regulation to sell and use these products is one of the main problems in our society. In this context, what is the effectiveness of ergogenic supplements beyond the trends? In this short communication, 11 ergogenic supplements and plants will be discussed regarding their effect and efficacy. However, considering that their effect could be a side effect of other factors, findings should be analyzed with caution. Further clinical trials are needed to estimate the causal effect in sports performance and the general population.

Sports , Review , Performance-Enhancing Substances , Dietary Supplements , Diet
Rev. chil. nutr ; 47(4): 650-657, ago. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1138600


RESUMEN Cumplir las recomendaciones incluidas en las Guías Alimentarias permite un acercamiento hacia un estilo de vida saludable. El objetivo de este estudio fue caracterizar los estilos de vida de la población chilena y su asociación al cumplimiento de 5 recomendaciones de las Guías Alimentarias Basadas en Alimentos (GABA) chilenas. Se utilizaron datos de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud 2016-2017. Los participantes fueron divididos en 4 grupos: aquellos que no cumplieron con ninguna recomendación, los que cumplían una, los que cumplían con 2 y los que cumplían con 3 o más recomendaciones saludables, estableciendo a este último como grupo de referencia. El 43,3% de la muestra no cumplió ninguna de las recomendaciones incorporados en esta investigación. De los que cumplían a lo menos 3, el 35,9% presentó un estado nutricional normal, el 38,9% reportó nunca haber fumado y el 82% se auto percibía como saludable. Además, los que cumplían las recomendaciones, presentaron niveles más altos de actividad física. Personas que incorporan y aplican las recomendaciones de las GABA, tienden a presentar conductas de vida más saludable. Estrategias comunicacionales efectivas y formativas en educación alimentaria sobre estas recomendaciones son claves para prevenir el acelerado y temprano crecimiento de las patologías crónicas.

ABSTRACT Compliance with dietary guidelines is essential for adoopting a healthy lifestyle. This study aimed to characterise the lifestyles of the Chilean population according to the fulfilment of 5 recommendations of the Food-Based Dietary Guidelines (GABA in Spanish) established in Chile according to WHO definition. Data from the 2016-2017 National Health Survey were used. Participants were divided into four groups: those who did not meet any recommendations, those who met one, those who met two and those who met three or more (reference group) GABA health recommendations. 43.3% of the sample did not meet any of the recommendations incorporated into this study. Of those who fulfilled at least three recommendations, 35.9% had a normal nutritional status, 38.9% reported never having smoked, and 82% perceived themselves as healthy. In addition, those who fulfilled the recommendations presented higher levels of physical activity (1343.5 MET/min/day [95% CI: 1049.9 - 1637.2]). From the results, it is inferred that people who incorporate and apply GABA recommendations tend to present healthier life behaviours. Consequently, effective and formative communication strategies in food education on these recommendations are crucial to preventing a fast and early growth of chronic diseases.

Humans , Nutritional Status , Food , Life Style , Exercise , Health , Chronic Disease
Rev. méd. Chile ; 148(7): 947-955, jul. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1139396


Background: Depression has been previously associated with cognitive impairment in high income country populations. However, its association in the Chilean population has not been investigated. Aim: To investigate the association between depression and cognitive impairment. Material and Methods: Data from 1384 Chilean adults aged > 60 years, participating in the National Health Survey 2009-2010 was analyzed. Cognitive impairment was assessed using the Mini Mental Examination score. The medical diagnosis of depression was self-reported. The association between depression and cognitive impairment was assessed using a logistic regression. Results: Depression was positively associated with cognitive impairment. However, the magnitude of the association was higher in men (Odds ratio (OR) = 4.02 [95% confidence intervals (CI): 1.44; 6.61], p < 0.01]) than in women (OR = 2.23 [95%CI: 1.03; 3.43], p = 0.04). Older adults who were diagnosed for the first time with depression after 65 years of age, showed a stronger association with cognitive impairment (OR = 6.65 [95% CI: 2.39; 10.9], p < 0.01) than those diagnosed before 55 years. Conclusions: Our study confirms the association between depression and cognitive impairment. Further research is needed to elucidate the nature and potential mechanisms that link depression with cognitive impairment.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Depression/epidemiology , Cognitive Dysfunction/epidemiology , Chile/epidemiology , Health Surveys
Rev. chil. nutr ; 47(2): 307-316, abr. 2020. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1115502


Chile tiene una de las tasas de obesidad más altas del mundo. Se estima que para el año 2030 las muertes atribuidas a esta enfermedad alcanzarían a 204 mil personas, incrementándose además los costos económicos asociados a esta patología. Las causas y los factores de riesgo asociados al desarrollo de obesidad son diversos. Sin embargo, existe consenso que una de las maneras más eficaces de prevenir y/o disminuir su prevalencia es abordando los factores de riesgo modificables, a través del fomento de hábitos de vida saludable con un enfoque integral, centrados en la alimentación saludable, práctica de actividad física, prevención del tabaquismo y consumo de alcohol, como también en el cuidado de la salud mental del individuo. No obstante, el desafío es cómo hacer realidad estos buenos propósitos. En este contexto, el objetivo de esta revisión, parte 2, fue investigar los principales factores modificables, con énfasis en los factores individuales, que han repercutido en el desarrollo de obesidad: desde una mirada global hasta el caso particular de Chile.

Chile has one of the highest rates of obesity worldwide. Deaths attributed to obesity are likely to increase to 204,000 by 2030. There will be also a higher economic burden associated with this disease. There are many factors associated with obesity; however, it is known that one of the most effective strategies to decrease its prevalence is reducing modifiable risk factors, such as improving dietary patterns, performing physical activity, avoiding smoking and drinking alcohol as well as improving mental health. Nevertheless, how to make realize these changes is one of the biggest challenges. In this context, the aim of this literature review, chapter 2, was to investigate the main modifiable risk factors, with emphasis on individual factors, associated with the development of obesity in Chile: from a global view to the Chilean context.

Humans , Obesity/prevention & control , Obesity/epidemiology , Stress, Psychological , Tobacco Use Disorder , Alcohol Drinking , Exercise , Chile/epidemiology , Risk Factors , Sleep Hygiene , Diet, Healthy
Rev. chil. nutr ; 47(1): 125-134, feb. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1092752


Actualmente los edulcorantes no nutritivos (ENN) son ampliamente usados para endulzar los alimentos en reemplazo de los azúcares simples, con la ventaja de no aportar energía. A pesar de que en general no presentan efectos tóxicos, los estudios epidemiológicos no han podido evidenciar que su uso contribuya a mejorar la pérdida de peso, sino por el contrario, han revelado que los ENN pueden inducir alteraciones metabólicas como intolerancia a la glucosa. Estudios in vivo e in vitro han mostrado que muchos ENN activan a receptores del sabor dulce no sólo en los botones gustativos, sino que también en los receptores presentes en tejidos como el adiposo y pancreático, interfiriendo con su función normal. Además, el consumo ENN se ha asociado a alteraciones de la composición de la microbiota intestinal que conducen a una respuesta inflamatoria de bajo grado. La nueva evidencia disponible sobre los ENN hace necesario evaluar el uso cada vez más intenso de los ENN en Chile. Debido a que el gusto exacerbado por el sabor dulce que cultivamos desde la infancia es un potente catalizador del uso de ENN, proponemos que una oportuna educación del sentido del gusto puede contribuir a mejorar las elecciones alimentarias.

Currently, non-nutritive sweeteners (NNS) are widely used to sweeten foods instead of simple sugars, as they possess the advantage of not contributing to energy intake. Although they do not present toxic effects in general, epidemiological studies have not been able to show benefits when they are used in weight loss programs. However, they could induce metabolic alterations such as glucose intolerance. In vivo and in vitro studies have shown that many NNSs activate sweet taste receptors not only in the taste buds, but also in receptors present in adipose and pancreatic tissues, interfering with their normal function. In addition, NNS consumption has been associated with an alteration in the composition of the gut microbiota that leads to a low-grade inflammatory response. Due to the wide use of NNS in Chile, it is necessary to evaluate the potential health effects of using NNS in the Chilean population. We propose that a timely education of the sense of taste can contribute to moderating the preference for higher levels of sweet taste that humans develop in childhood, which could help to improve food choices.

Humans , Glucose Intolerance/chemically induced , Non-Nutritive Sweeteners/adverse effects , Chile , Global Health , Diabetes Mellitus/chemically induced , Obesity
Rev. méd. Chile ; 147(10): 1247-1255, oct. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1058591


Background: Lifestyle factors could promote healthy ageing. Aim: To investigate the association between physical activity (PA), sedentary behavior and cognitive impairment in Chilean older adults. Material and Methods: We included 1,390 participants from the National Health Survey (2009-2010). The Mini-Mental State Examination was used to diagnose cognitive impairment. Physical activity and sedentary behavior were assessed with the Global Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPAQ). Logistic regression was performed to investigate the associations. Results: Compared with older adults with lower levels of PA (< 48 min/day), those with middle (48-248 min/day) and higher (>248 min/day) levels of PA had lower odds for cognitive impairment (Odds ratio (OR): 0.57 [95% confidence intervals (CI): 0.33; 0.82], p < 0.01 and 0.58 [95% CI: 0.32; 0.83], p < 0.01, respectively). Participants who reported spending more than 8 hours/day sitting had a high odds for cognitive impairment compared to those who spent < 4 hours/day (OR: 3.70 [95% CI: 1.37; 6.03], p = 0.01). Conclusions: Both PA and sedentary behavior were independently associated with cognitive decline independent of major confounding factors in Chilean older adults.

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Exercise/physiology , Sedentary Behavior , Cognitive Dysfunction/physiopathology , Time Factors , Logistic Models , Odds Ratio , Chile , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Mental Status and Dementia Tests
Rev. méd. Chile ; 147(9): 1144-1153, set. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1058657


Background: Housewives represent a important proportion of the Chilean population. However, there is limited evidence about their lifestyles. Aim: To characterize lifestyles and determine the level of compliance with healthy lifestyles guidelines of housewives in Chile. Material and Methods: Housewives from the 2009-2010 National Health Survey were included. The variables studied included levels of physical activity (PA), sedentary behavior, diet, hours of sleep and smoking. Compliance with healthy lifestyle behaviors was evaluated through logistic regression, granting a value of 1 for compliance and 0 for non-compliance. A healthy lifestyle was defined as meeting at least four healthy behaviors. Results: Housewives aged > 55 years had a higher BMI and waist circumference compared to those aged < 40 years. Housewives were also more likely to report moderate alcohol consumption and were more likely to meet a healthier lifestyle score (Odds ratio = 1.52 [95% confidence intervals: 1.09 to 2.11], p = 0.013). No significant age trends were observed for other lifestyle behaviors. Conclusions: Housewives had high levels of central obesity, excess body weight and high levels of salt intake but low alcohol intake. Their healthy lifestyles behaviors increased along with increasing age.

Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Exercise , Life Style , Chile/epidemiology , Health Surveys , Sedentary Behavior
Rev. méd. Chile ; 146(8): 894-901, ago. 2018. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-978772


Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFDL) includes fatty liver or simple steatosis, characterized by lipid deposits in hepatocytes and more advanced stages such as steatohepatitis (NASH) and non-alcoholic cirrhosis. Physical inactivity, hypercaloric and unbalanced diet together with aging play a key role in the pathogenesis of NAFLD and are strongly associated with metabolic and physical activity continue to be major components in prevention and first-line treatment to attenuate or reverse NAFLD. Dietary patterns, their composition and weight reduction would be the most relevant nutritional aspects in NAFDL treatment. Physical exercise, moderate to intense, aerobic and resistance type contributes to weight loss, improves metabolic control and body composition. Pharmacological therapy can be useful in clinical circumstances that require it and needs a medical evaluation when there is no adherence and success in non-pharmacological interventions.

Humans , Male , Female , Exercise , Diet Therapy , Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease/therapy , Life Style