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Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219119


Histoplasmosis is a systemic fungal infection caused by H. capsulatum usually in immunocompromised individuals such as those with HIV-AIDS. Though oral manifestations are rare, they could be the only and initial manifestation of HIV-AIDS. We report the case of a 23-year-old female who presented with oral ulcer and palatal perforation and detected to be suffering from disseminated histoplasmosis. She also turned out to be HIV positive. Her CD4+ count was undetectable. She responded well to intravenous liposomal Amphotericin B, oral itraconazole and antiretroviral therapy. To the best of our knowledge, histoplasmosis presenting as palatal perforation as the first manifestation of HIV-AIDS has not been reported from South India previously. A high index of suspicion is needed in such cases of exaggerated oral lesions even in states like Kerala to avoid delay in diagnosis and therapy.

Arch. argent. pediatr ; 121(3): e202202715, jun. 2023. ilus
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1436135


La histoplasmosis es una micosis endémica producida por el hongo Histoplasma capsulatum. La forma diseminada en pediatría conlleva alta morbimortalidad. Reportamos el caso de una niña inmunocompetente con diagnóstico de histoplasmosis diseminada. Paciente de 3 años de edad con cuadro clínico de síndrome febril prolongado acompañado de hepatoesplenomegalia confirmada por ecografía. Laboratorio con anemia normocítica, normocrómica y leucopenia. Se arribó al diagnóstico por biopsia de ganglio periportal y periesplénico. El cultivo fue positivo para Histoplasma capsulatum y en estudios histopatológicos se observó linfadenitis granulomatosa con elementos levaduriformes intracelulares. Realizó tratamiento con anfotericina B 1 mg/kg/día durante 6 semanas con favorable resolución clínica. Se debe considerar histoplasmosis diseminada en aquellos pacientes provenientes de zonas endémicas que presentan la tríada de fiebre, hepatoesplenomegalia y citopenias, para poder brindar un tratamiento oportuno, mejorar el pronóstico y disminuir la mortalidad de la enfermedad.

Histoplasmosis is an endemic fungal infection caused by the fungus Histoplasma capsulatum. The disseminated form is associated with a high morbidity and mortality in pediatrics. Here we report the case of an immunocompetent female patient diagnosed with disseminated histoplasmosis. She was 3 years old and presented with protracted febrile syndrome and hepatosplenomegaly confirmed by ultrasound. Lab tests showed normocytic anemia and leukopenia. Diagnosis was made by periportal and perisplenic lymph node biopsy. The culture was positive for Histoplasma capsulatum and histopathological studies showed granulomatous lymphadenitis with intracellular yeast-like elements. Amphotericin B was administered at 1 mg/kg/day for 6 weeks, with a favorable clinical course. Disseminated histoplasmosis should be considered in patients from endemic areas who present the triad of fever, hepatosplenomegaly, and cytopenias so as to provide a timely treatment, improve prognosis, and reduce the mortality from this disease.

Humans , Female , Child, Preschool , Histoplasmosis/complications , Histoplasmosis/diagnosis , Histoplasmosis/drug therapy , Amphotericin B/therapeutic use , Fever/etiology , Histoplasma , Immunocompetence
Rev. chil. infectol ; 40(3): 245-250, jun. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515130


Introducción: La histoplasmosis es una micosis sistémica que afecta a humanos, su agente Histoplasma capsulatum, hongo dimorfo, es ubicuo en la naturaleza. Frecuentemente se presenta como reactivación en personas con infección por VIH/SIDA, con manifestaciones polimórficas y diseminadas. Las lesiones mucocutáneas son una importante llave diagnóstica. Objetivo: Contribuir al conocimiento de esta patología a través del reporte de los diagnósticos de laboratorio de histoplasmosis realizados en Uruguay en los últimos 10 años. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, retrospectivo de las histoplasmosis diagnosticadas en el laboratorio de referencia de Micología de Facultad de Medicina y dos laboratorios clínicos. Se enrolaron los registros clínicos y analíticos asociados. Resultados: Fueron 69 los diagnósticos de histoplasmosis. Más de 80% correspondió a personas con infección por VIH/SIDA. El 62,3% del total presentó lesiones de piel y/o mucosas y en 58% el diagnóstico se realizó mediante el estudio de estas. El 62,3% de los diagnósticos se realizaron mediante la visualización al microscopio óptico de frotis coloreados. Conclusiones: La mayoría de las histoplasmosis se vinculan a la infección por VIH/SIDA. El estudio micológico de las lesiones de piel y/o de mucosas, es accesible, mínimamente invasivo, rápido y presenta una excelente performance diagnóstica.

Background: Histoplasmosis is a systemic mycosis that affects humans, its agent Histoplasma capsulatum, a dimorphic fungus, is ubiquitous in nature. It frequently presents as reactivation in people with HIV/AIDS infection, with polymorphic and disseminated manifestations. Mucocutaneous lesions are characteristic and an important diagnostic key. Aim: To contribute to the knowledge of this pathology through the report of histoplasmosis laboratory diagnosis made in Uruguay in the last 10 years. Methods: We conducted an observational, retrospective study of diagnosed histoplasmosis in the Mycology reference laboratory of the Faculty of Medicine and two clinical laboratories. Associated clinical and analytical records were obtained. Results: There were 69 histoplasmosis diagnoses. More than 80% corresponded to people with HIV/AIDS infection. 62.3% of the total presented skin and/or mucosal lesions and in 58% the diagnosis was made by studying them. 62.3% of the diagnoses were initially made by viewing colored smears under an optical microscope. Conclusions: Most histoplasmosis is linked to HIV/AIDS infection. Exposure to a high fungal load is a constant in cases of immunocompetent individuals. The mycological study of skin and/or mucosal lesions is accessible, minimally invasive, fast and has excellent diagnostic performance.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Histoplasmosis/diagnosis , Histoplasmosis/microbiology , Uruguay/epidemiology , Retrospective Studies , Clinical Laboratory Techniques , Histoplasma , Histoplasmosis/epidemiology
Rev. cuba. med. trop ; 75(1)abr. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1550867


La histoplasmosis es una micosis profunda de distribución mundial causada por el Histoplasma capsulatum var. capsulatum. Se caracteriza por una variabilidad clínica que depende principalmente de la carga fúngica, del estado inmunológico del paciente y de la virulencia del germen. Se describe un brote de histoplasmosis pulmonar aguda en militares, producido en el contexto epidemiológico de la COVID-19. El episodio tuvo lugar a partir de actividad laboral en cuevas donde participaron cuatro militares, tres de los cuales desarrollaron síntomas y fueron admitidos en el Hospital Dr. Gustavo Aldereguía Lima de Cienfuegos en enero de 2022. La información fue obtenida a través de la entrevista médica y la historia clínica. Se evidenció que en el contexto epidemiológico de la pandemia por COVID-19 no se debe subestimar el diagnóstico de otras enfermedades respiratorias, incluidas las micosis endémicas(AU)

Histoplasmosis is a deep mycotic infection of worldwide distribution caused by Histoplasma capsulatum var. capsulatum. It is characterized by clinical variability that depends mainly on the fungal load, the patient's immune status and the virulence of the germ. We describe an outbreak of acute pulmonary histoplasmosis among military officers, which occurred in the epidemiological context of COVID-19. The episode occurred during work activities in caves in which four soldiers participated, three of whom developed symptoms and were admitted to the "Dr. Gustavo Aldereguía Lima" Hospital in Cienfuegos in January 2022. The information was obtained through medical interviews and clinical records. It was evidenced that in the epidemiological context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the diagnosis of other respiratory diseases, including endemic mycoses, should not be underestimated(AU)

Humans , Male , Adult , Middle Aged , Caves/virology , COVID-19/complications , Histoplasmosis/complications
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1507400


ABSTRACT Histoplasmosis is a systemic mycosis prevalent in the Americas. Humans become infected via the respiratory route by inhaling aerosols from soil contaminated with bird and bat excretions. Acute pulmonary histoplasmosis is usually asymptomatic and is more often a self-limiting illness. We report a series of seven acute pulmonary cases in adults during an outbreak in Nova Friburgo city, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, in a group of volunteers who were cleaning an old, abandoned house without using personal protective equipment. The patients had a favorable evolution after suitable treatment, but all required hospitalization.

Rev. cuba. med. trop ; 74(3)dic. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1449986


Introducción: La infección por Histoplasma capsulatum ocurre con frecuencia en pacientes con inmunosupresión por VIH o en trasplantados que reciben tratamiento inmunosupresor. La infección primaria se adquiere por vía inhalatoria con afectación pulmonar y posteriormente puede diseminarse a otros órganos como hígado, intestinos, corazón, riñones, piel o tejido óseo. Es muy raro que ocurra en pacientes con trasplante renal, aunque sí es común en el trasplante pulmonar. Objetivo: Presentar el caso de un paciente con antecedente de trasplante renal 9 años antes que ingresó por presentar lesiones cutáneas no típicas de histoplasmosis, quien desarrolló 2 semanas después histoplasmosis diseminada, sin compromiso pulmonar. Caso clínico: Paciente masculino de 65 años de edad postrasplante renal, que desarrolló manifestación cutánea caracterizada por pápulas y placas eritematodescamativas con superficies costrosas y atróficas, acompañado de fiebre persistente y adenopatías. No presentó signos o síntomas pulmonares como manifestación de infección primaria. El diagnóstico definitivo se estableció mediante histopatología de piel y ganglios cervicales, además del crecimiento de H. capsulatum en hemocultivos específicos para hongos. Recibió tratamiento con anfotericina B liposomal y posteriormente con itraconazol de forma ambulatoria con evolución favorable. Conclusión: El caso descrito es importante, ya que no se asemeja a la presentación típica de esta entidad, es decir, con afectación pulmonar primaria y posteriormente cutánea. Se espera haber enriquecido el conocimiento de esta enfermedad en pacientes trasplantados.

Introduction: Histoplasma capsulatum infection frequently occurs in patients with HIV immunosuppression or in transplant recipients receiving immunosuppressive therapy. Primary infection is acquired by inhalation with pulmonary involvement, and may subsequently spread to other organs such as liver, intestines, heart, kidneys, skin or bone tissue. It is very rare in renal transplant patients, although it is common in lung transplantation. Objective: To present the case of a patient with a history of renal transplantation nine years earlier, who was admitted for presenting skin lesions not typical of histoplasmosis, developing disseminated histoplasmosis two weeks later, without pulmonary involvement. Clinical Case: Post-renal transplant male patient, aged 65, who developed cutaneous manifestations characterized by erythematous and scaly papules and plaques with crusty and atrophic surfaces, accompanied by persistent fever and lymphadenopathy. There were no pulmonary signs or symptoms of a primary infection. The definitive diagnosis was made by histopathology of skin and cervical nodes, in addition to the growth of H. capsulatum in specific blood cultures for fungi. The patient was treated with liposomal amphotericin B and later with itraconazole on an outpatient basis with favorable evolution. Conclusion: The case described is important since it does not resemble the typical presentation of this entity, that is, with primary pulmonary and subsequently cutaneous involvement. It is expected to have enriched the knowledge of this disease in transplanted patients.

Humans , Male , Aged
Indian J Exp Biol ; 2022 Oct; 60(10): 781-788
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-222544


Microbes residing in the internal tissues of a plant are called endophytes, and are known for producing phytochemicals such as taxol, podophyllotoxin, azadirachtin and vinca alkaloids. In this study, out of five isolates from Salacia species, two fungi Penicillium capsulatum and Aspergillus fumigatus have been evaluated and confirmed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification for their endophytic action to produce mangiferin. Mangiferin has been reported to possess protective properties, including antioxidant, antidiabetic and immunomodulatory. It has been reported that the content of mangiferin is 7-9% in Mangifera indica, and is also present in other plants like Swertia chirata, Salacia chinensis, and Hypericum aucheri. Therefore, an attempt was made to explore the biotechnological approach and regulation studies to increase the production of mangiferin in S. chinensis and S. oblonga. Endophytes were isolated, screened, and analyzed, to evaluate the mangiferin in fungal extracts in comparison with crude plant extracts. An HPLC analysis was used to determine the mangiferin content present in the fungal extract of S. chinensis stem (74.74 g/mL), followed by fungi extracts of S. oblonga root (33.75 g/mL) and S. chinensis root (30.50 g/mL), compared with the plant extracts. These results were confirmed by FTIR analyses

Rev. argent. microbiol ; 54(3): 71-80, set. 2022. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1407197


Abstract We report a case of disseminated histoplasmosis and COVID-19 infection in a renal transplant recipient in Argentina. The patient exhibited respiratory symptoms, and a chest computed tomography scan (CT) showed multiple bilateral centrilobular opacities with a tree-in-bud pattern in both lobes. The patient was initially treated as having bacterial community-acquired pneumonia, and then tuberculosis. A month later, histoplasmosis was diagnosed, and Histoplasma capsulatum LAmB clade was isolated from sputum, skin and oral lesions. The patient was hospitalized and treatment was started with intravenous liposomal amphotericin B. During the course of the antifungal therapy the respiratory symptoms worsened, a new chest CT showed a unilateral lesion with a ground glass appearance and SARS-CoV-2 was detected in a new nasopharyngeal sample. In addition, plasma therapy was administered, and the immunosuppressive regimen was adjusted (everolimus was interrupted, mycophenolate mofetil reduced, and meprednisone increased). Finally, the patient's progress was favorable and was discharged after five days on oral itraconazole treatment for histoplasmosis.

Resumen Se presenta un caso de histoplasmosis diseminada e infección por COVID-19 en un paciente trasplantado renal en Argentina. El paciente presentó un cuadro clínico respiratorio, y la tomografía computarizada (TC) de tórax mostró múltiples opacidades centrolobulillares bilaterales con patrón de árbol en brote. El paciente fue tratado inicialmente con antibióticos para agentes causantes de neumonía bacteriana adquirida en la comunidad y luego como tuberculosis. Un mes después se le diagnosticó una histoplasmosis diseminada y el hongo fue aislado del esputo, la piel y la mucosa oral. El hongo fue tipificado molecularmente como Histoplasma capsulatum clado LAmB. El paciente fue hospitalizado y se inició tratamiento con anfoteric-ina B liposomal vía intravenosa. Durante el transcurso de la terapia antifúngica los síntomas respiratorios del paciente empeoraron, una nueva TC de tórax mostró una lesión unilateral con apariencia de vidrio esmerilado y se detectó SARS-CoV-2 en el hisopado nasofaríngeo. El paciente fue tratado con plasmoterapia y se modificó el régimen de inmunosupresión (se interrumpió everolimus, se redujo micofenolato de mofetilo y se incrementó la meprednisona). La evolución del paciente fue favorable y fue dado de alta con tratamiento oral con itraconazol.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1407802


Resumen Introducción: La histoplasmosis es una micosis sistémica en pacientes inmunodeprimidos y su epidemiología es desconocida en el país. Objetivo: Describir los datos demográficos y clínicos de pacientes con infección por VIH (IpVIH) e histoplasmosis diagnosticadas en el Laboratorio Central de Salud Pública, Asunción-Paraguay. Pacientes yMétodos: Estudio retrospectivo y transversal de pacientes con muestras positivas a Histoplasma capsulatum diagnosticados en el período 1993-2017. Resultados: Fueron diagnosticados 162 pacientes con IpVIH e histoplasmosis. El origen de los pacientes en orden de prevalencia fue: la capital Asunción, Central, Cordillera y San Pedro. La relación hombre/mujer fue 4:1 y la edad media 34,1 ± 7,7 años con un rango de 18 a 61 años. La fiebre, las lesiones en piel y las úlceras en mucosa fueron los síntomas y manifestaciones más frecuentes. Los métodos para diagnósticos más utilizados fueron las escarificaciones de piel, úlceras muco-cutáneas y las punciones de médula ósea. Conclusión: Por ser el primer reporte nacional de histoplasmosis en pacientes con IpVIH, consideramos este trabajo relevante para la base de otros estudios de micosis profunda.

Abstract Background: Histoplasmosis is a systemic mycosis in immunosuppressed patients and its epidemiology is unknown in the country. Aim: To describe the demographic and clinical data of patients with HIV infection and histoplasmosis diagnosed in the Central Public Health Laboratory, Asunción-Paraguay. Methods: Retrospective and cross-sectional study of patients with Histoplasma capsulatum positive samples diagnosed in the period 1993-2017. Results: 162 patients with HIV infection were diagnosed as histoplasmosis. The origin of the patients in order of prevalence were the capital Asunción, Central, Cordillera and San Pedro departments. The male/female ratio was 4: 1 and the mean age was 34.1 ± 7.7 years with a range of18 to 61 years. Fever, skin lesions and mucosal ulcers were the most frequent symptoms and manifestations. The most widely used diagnostic methods were scarification of skin, mucocutaneous ulcers and bone marrow punctures. Conclusion: As it is the first national report of histoplasmosis in patients with HIV infection, we consider this work relevant for the basis of other studies of deep mycosis.

Pediátr. Panamá ; 49(2): 41-47, Agosto-Septiembre 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1141508


Introducción: La histoplasmosis es una enfermedad causada por el hongo Histoplasma capsulatum descrita por primera vez por Samuel Taylor Darling en un trabajador de la zona del canal de Panamá. La exposición al hongo es frecuente en áreas tropicales y subtropicales, la mayoría son infecciones asintomáticas o ligeramente sintomáticas Los pacientes pediátricos son más vulnerables a padecer formas graves de histoplasmosis, especialmente menores de dos años. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio transversal retrospectivo, en pacientes diagnosticados con histoplasmosis en el Hospital Materno Infantil José Domingo de Obaldía de enero de 2008 a diciembre 2018. Resultados:Se analizaron 8 casos en 11 años (2008-2018), El principal grupo afectado fueron los menores de 2 años (n=7). Las características clínicas encontradas fueron: hepatomegalia y esplenomegalia en todos los pacientes, además, fiebre, adenopatías, anorexia, y astenia Se encontró trombocitopenia en todos los casos, seguido de anemia y leucopenia; e infiltrado alveolo intersticial en la radiografía de tórax de 6 pacientes. No se encontraron pacientes con infección por VIH. El método diagnóstico fue a través de estudios histopatológicos en el aspirado de médula ósea. El tratamiento utilizado fue anfotericina B, seguido de Itraconazol. De los 8 pacientes, 6 fallecieron con una letalidad del 75%. Conclusiones: Es una entidad poco frecuente en nuestra institución. Tiene una alta letalidad, siendo los más vulnerables los menores de 2 años; representando el 89% de las defunciones. Los pacientes presentaron datos de infección diseminada. Se debe sospechar histoplasmosis en pacientes con hepatomegalia, esplenomegalia, trombocitopenia, anemia y/o leucopenia.

Introduction: Histoplasmosis is a disease caused by the Histoplasma capsulatum fungus, first described by Samuel Taylor Darling in a worker in the Panama Canal area. Exposure to the fungus is common in tropical and subtropical areas, most are asymptomatic or slightly symptomatic (self-limited) infections. Pediatric patients are more vulnerable to severe forms of histoplasmosis, especially under two years. Materials and methods: A retrospective cross-sectional study was carried out in patients diagnosed with histoplasmosis at Hospital Materno Infantil José Domingo de Obaldía from January 2008 to December 2018. Results: 8 cases were analyzed in 11 years (2008-2018), mostly of the male sex (n = 5). The main age group affected were those under 2 years of age (n = 7). The clinical features found were hepatomegaly and splenomegaly in all patients, in addition, fever, lymphadenopathy, anorexia, and asthenia. In the complementary studies thrombocytopenia was found in all cases, followed by anemia and leukopenia, in addition to alveolo-interstitial infiltrate on the chest radiograph of 6 patients. The diagnostic method was histopathological studies in bone marrow aspirate. The treatment used was amphotericin B, followed by Itraconazole. Of the 8 patients, 6 died with a lethality of 75%. Conclusions: It is a rare entity in our institution. It has a high lethality, the most vulnerable being those under 2 years. Patients presented disseminated infection data. Histoplasmosis should be suspected in patients with hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, thrombocytopenia, anemia and (or ) leukopenia.

Braz. j. infect. dis ; 24(1): 44-50, Feb. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1089329


ABSTRACT The yeast phase of 22 Histoplasma capsulatum clinical isolates from Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, and Guatemala and three reference strains, one from Panama and two from the United States of America (USA), were screened for thermosensitivity characteristics using different analyses. Growth curves at 0, 3, 6, 12, 24, and 30 h of incubation at 37 and 40 °C, the growth inhibition percentage at 40 °C, and the doubling time at 37 and 40 °C were determined for all yeasts studied. Most of the isolates examined exhibited thermotolerant phenotypes at 40 °C, whereas a thermosensitive phenotype at 40 °C was only detected in the Downs reference strain from the USA. Growth inhibition values lower than 33.8% supported the predominance of the thermotolerant phenotype at 40 °C. The doubling time means found for the different isolates were 5.14 h ± 1.47 h at 37 °C and 5.55 h ± 1.87 h at 40 °C. This is the first report to underscore the predominance of thermotolerant and delayed doubling time phenotypes in H. capsulatum clinical isolates from different regions of Latin America.

Thermotolerance/physiology , Histoplasma/isolation & purification , Histoplasma/growth & development , Phenotype , Phylogeny , Reference Values , Temperature , Time Factors , Histoplasma/genetics , Histoplasmosis/microbiology , Latin America
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-750455


@#Introduction: Histoplasmosis can present in a myriad of clinical manifestations, which often makes its diagnosis difficult and occasionally, deceptive. Case Report: We describe a case of a 33 years old gentleman who was clinically diagnosed as acute appendicitis at initial presentation in view of a one-week history of fever, right lower quadrant abdominal pain- and guarding at right iliac fossa. He had thrombocytopenia and lymphopenia on presentation. Mesenteric lymphadenitis and small bowel lesion were found intraoperatively, which was respectively biopsied and resected. Histopathological result confirms disseminated histoplasmosis. Retroviral screen was positive. He was treated with amphotericin B for one week, subsequently switched to oral itraconazole, followed by initiation of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). Discussion: This case illustrates the various nature of histoplasmosis presentation. A high index of suspicion is needed to clinch the diagnosis and subsequently institute prompt treatment as disseminated disease can be fatal if left untreated in an immunosuppressed host.

Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 51(2): 155-161, Mar.-Apr. 2018. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-897065


Abstract INTRODUCTION: Disseminated histoplasmosis (DH) is a systemic mycosis caused by Histoplasma capsulatum (H. capsulatum) and is characterized by progressive and fatal evolution in immunocompromised patients. Moreover, it is considered an AIDS-defining disease. METHODS: We performed an observational, analytical, retrospective study to identify the clinical outcomes and risk factors for death from DH in patients with AIDS at an infectious diseases service facility in Brazil between September 2011 and July 2016. Patients with a positive serology for HIV and DH were diagnosed via direct examination and/or positive cultures for H. capsulatum. RESULTS: Twenty-three patients were included in this study. Approximately, 82.6% were men, with a mean age of 41.0±11.5 years, and 52.2% had a concomitant diagnosis of AIDS and DH. The median CD4+ T cell count was 19 cells/mm3, and 56.5% of the patients died. The most frequently observed symptoms were fever, dyspnea, and skin lesions. On the basis of a comparative analysis of those who died and survived, the absence of splenomegaly and hepatomegaly and the presence of H. capsulatum in the peripheral blood were considered as risk factors for death. Those who died had a higher leukocyte count; CRP, urea, and lactate dehydrogenase levels; AST index; and international normalized ratio prothrombin time. The serum total protein and albumin levels of the patients were lower. CONCLUSIONS: The mortality rate for DH is high among severely immunocompromised patients with AIDS. The risk factors for death were those traditionally associated with blood dyscrasia, inflammatory activity, as well as increased renal and nutritional impairment.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , AIDS-Related Opportunistic Infections/mortality , Histoplasmosis/mortality , Brazil/epidemiology , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Immunocompromised Host
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-764854


Histoplasmosis is a common endemic mycosis in North, Central, and South America, but Korea is not known as an endemic area. We treated an immunocompetent Korean patient who had histoplasmosis. A 65-year-old Korean man presented with multiple pulmonary clumps of tiny nodules in the both lungs. He had been diagnosed 40 years earlier with pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) and a fungus ball had been diagnosed 4 years earlier. He denied any history of overseas travel. The patient visited our hospital with dyspnea, blood-tinged sputum, and weight loss, which had appeared 2 months earlier. The patient underwent video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) lung biopsy. The biopsy sample showed necrotizing granuloma and the presence of multiple small yeast-like fungi. Tissue culture confirmed Histoplasma capsulatum, and he was finally diagnosed with pulmonary histoplasmosis. Therapy was initiated with 200 mg itraconazole orally once per day. The symptoms disappeared 1 week after the start of treatment. After 4 months, low-dose chest computed tomography showed improvement in the ground glass opacity and size of the lung lesions. In conclusion, we report a case of an immunocompetent patient who developed histoplasmosis in Korea. When a patient shows unexplainable progressive infiltrative lung lesions, histoplasmosis should be considered as one of differential diagnoses although Korea is not an endemic area.

Aged , Humans , Biopsy , Diagnosis, Differential , Dyspnea , Fungi , Glass , Granuloma , Histoplasma , Histoplasmosis , Itraconazole , Korea , Lung , South America , Sputum , Thoracic Surgery, Video-Assisted , Thorax , Tuberculosis, Pulmonary , Weight Loss
Rev. chil. infectol ; 35(6): 671-679, 2018. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-990850


Resumen La histoplasmosis diseminada es una micosis sistémica endémica, causada por el hongo dimórfico Histoplasma capsulatum. Las manifestaciones clínicas dependen de la carga fúngica inhalada, del estado inmunológico del paciente y de la virulencia de la cepa infectante. La variante diseminada es más frecuente en inmunocomprometidos, registrándose 90% de los casos en pacientes con serología positiva para VIH. En esta serie se evaluaron 37 pacientes con diagnóstico de infección por VIH e histoplasmosis diseminada. El 43,2% de los pacientes no sabía su serología en forma previa a la consulta por histoplasmosis. Las principales manifestaciones clínicas fueron síndrome de impregnación (67,6%), fiebre (64,9%), síntomas respiratorios (62,2%) y manifestaciones muco-cutáneas (67,6%), entre otras. El 94,6% de los pacientes presentó anemia, 75,7% tenía bicitopenia y 32,4% pancitopenia. La sensibilidad de los hemocultivos fue de 70,4%. El 86,5% no tuvo otra infección oportunista concomitante al momento del diagnóstico. En 83,8% de los pacientes la histoplasmosis diseminada fue la primera enfermedad marcadora de SIDA. Se registró una mortalidad de 14,7%.

Disseminated histoplasmosis is an endemic systemic mycosis, caused by the dimorphic fungus Histoplasma capsulatum. The clinical manifestations depend on the inhaled fungal load, the immunological state of the patient and the virulence of the infecting fungal strain. The disseminated variant is most frequent in immunocompromised patients, with 90% of cases in patients with positive serology for HIV, In this series, 37 patients with diagnosis of HIV and disseminated histoplasmosis were evaluated. The 43.2% of the patients did not know their serology prior to the consultation due to histoplasmosis. The main clinical causes were impregnation syndrome (67.6%), fever (64.9%), respiratory symptoms (62.2%) and mucocutaneous manifestations (67.6%), among others. The 94.6% of the patients presented anemia, 75.7% had bicytopenia and 32.4% pancytopenia. The sensitivity of the blood cultures was 70.4%. The 86.5% of the patients did not have another opportunistic infection concomitant at the time of diagnosis. In 83.8% of patients, disseminated histoplasmosis was the first AIDS disease. A mortality of 14.7% was recorded.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , AIDS-Related Opportunistic Infections/diagnosis , Histoplasmosis/diagnosis , Retrospective Studies , Immunocompromised Host , AIDS-Related Opportunistic Infections/drug therapy , Histoplasmosis/drug therapy
Rev. chil. infectol ; 35(5): 560-565, 2018. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-978070


Resumen Antecedentes: La histoplasmosis es una micosis de gran relevancia en pacientes con SIDA. El cuadro clínico puede ser muy variado y, en enfermos que no desarrollan lesiones cutáneas, el diagnóstico suele demorar varias semanas. Objetivo: Establecer pautas que permitan emplear un tratamiento empírico y precoz en pacientes con histoplasmosis asociada al SIDA sin manifestaciones tegumentarias y determinar las características clínicas, microbiológicas y algunos parámetros bioquímicos en los casos de difícil diagnóstico. Métodos: Se analizaron las historias clínicas de 86 pacientes con histoplasmosis. Fueron seleccionados 31 enfermos con histoplasmosis asociada con SIDA sin lesiones cutáneas. Resultados: La fiebre fue el síntoma más frecuente (96,7%), el compromiso pulmonar se comprobó en 22 enfermos (70,9%). El patrón radiológico más frecuentemente hallado en las radiografías de tórax fue el miliar o micronodulillar bilateral [(12/22), 54,5%]. Diecinueve enfermos presentaron esplenomegalia. Los hemocultivos demostraron una sensibilidad de 93,3% (28/30) y la serología fue positiva en 23,5% de los casos. Fallecieron ocho pacientes (25,8%). Los pacientes con recuentos de linfocitos T CD4+ menores a 50 céls/μl, albúmina menor a 2,5 g/dl y pancitopenia evidenciaron un pronóstico desfavorable. Conclusiones: En los pacientes con infección por VIH, fiebre asociada a esplenomegalia y lesiones micronodulillares bilaterales en la radiografía de tórax debe considerarse el tratamiento empírico con anfotericina B cuando existan signos o síntomas de mal pronóstico, debido al tiempo de demora hasta el diagnóstico definitivo. Previo a iniciar el tratamiento deben tomarse todas las muestras para los estudios microbiológicos que permitan confirmar luego la presunción diagnóstica.

Background: Histoplasmosis is a mycosis with a high prevalence in HIV/AIDS patients. Clinical presentation includes a wide spectrum of manifestations and diagnosis usually takes up to several weeks in patients who do not present cutaneous lesions. Aim: To determine the clinical and microbiological characteristics as well as some biochemical parameters in patients with AIDS-associated histoplasmosis without tegumentary lesions, in order to develop a guideline which enables an early empiric treatment in cases of difficult diagnosis. Methods: Medical records of 86 patients with histoplasmosis were reviewed; 31 patients with diagnosis of AIDS-associated histoplasmosis without cutaneous lesions were analyzed. Results: Fever was the most frequent symptom (96.7%), lung involvement was observed in 22 patients (70.9%), the most commonly radiological pattern was miliary pattern [(12/22), 54.5%]. Nineteen patients presented with splenomegaly. Blood culture sensitivity was 93.3% (28/30) and serology was positive only in 23.5% of the cases. Eight patients died (25.8%). Patients in which CD4+ T cell lymphocytes count was < 50 cells/μl, albumin levels < 2.5 g/dl and who presented with pancytopenia had an unfavorable outcome. Conclusions: In HIV seropositive patients with fever associated to splenomegaly and bilateral miliar pattern in chest radiography, the empiric treatment with amphotericin B must be considered if signs and symptoms of unfavorable outcome are present and due to the time that it takes to arrive at an accurate diagnosis. In order to confirm the diagnosis, all microbiological samples should be collected prior to initiating therapy.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , AIDS-Related Opportunistic Infections/diagnosis , Dermatomycoses/diagnosis , Histoplasmosis/diagnosis , Acute Disease , Retrospective Studies
Rev. chil. infectol ; 35(3): 309-311, 2018. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-959445


Resumen En los últimos 11 meses, nuestro laboratorio ha diagnosticado 9 casos de histoplasmosis de presentación clínica en el territorio nacional. Todos los pacientes asociados a los cuadros clínicos son inmigrantes. Por medio del presente trabajo deseamos difundir y alertar a los profesionales de los laboratorios clínicos de nuestro país de la presencia y circulación de cepas de Histoplasma capsulatum en muestras clínicas. Asimismo, deseamos concientizar en el reforzamiento de las medidas de bioseguridad al interior de los laboratorios clínicos.

In the last eleven months, we have diagnosed 9 cases of Histoplasmosis in our country. All patients affected were from endemic areas of South-America. Here, we wish to inform and prevent to all clinical laboratories from Chile about the presence of Histoplasma capsulatum in clinical samples. In the same way we want to prepare and raising awareness of the strengthening of biosecurity measures.

Humans , Histoplasma/isolation & purification , Histoplasmosis/diagnosis , Chile , Communicable Diseases, Emerging
Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 113(10): e180340, 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1040583


Histoplasmosis is a systemic mycosis infection caused by Histoplasma capsulatum, a heterothallic ascomycete. The sexual reproduction of this fungus is regulated by the mating type (MAT1) locus that contains MAT1-1 and MAT1-2 idiomorphs, which were identified by uniplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR). This study aimed to optimise single-step multiplex PCR for the accurate detection of the distinct mating types of H. capsulatum. Among the 26 isolates tested, 20 had MAT1-1 genotype, while six showed MAT1-2 genotype, in agreement with the uniplex PCR results. These results suggest that multiplex PCR is a fast and specific tool for screening H. capsulatum mating types.

DNA, Fungal/genetics , DNA Primers/genetics , Histoplasma/genetics , Reproducibility of Results , Sequence Analysis, DNA , Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction , Genotype , Histoplasma/classification
Rev. patol. trop ; 46(2): 135-145, jun. 2017. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-913455


Histoplasmosis is a systemic mycosis frequently affecting patients infected with HIV, appearing as acute or subacute disseminated forms. Early diagnosis is simple when muco-cutaneous lesions are present; but in their absence the use of non-culture based methods is usually required presenting a fundamental challenge for the management and prognosis of this infection. The aim of this study was to analyze the sensitivity and specificity of an Elisa kit for the detection of the galactomannan antigen of Histoplasma capsulatum in different clinical samples. A total of 98 clinical samples obtained from different organic fluids were analyzed: 66 sera, 28 urine samples, 3 bronchoalveolar lavages and one cerebrospinal fluid. They corresponded to a total of 61 patients: 27 with histoplasmosis associated with AIDS, 7 histoplasmosis in nonreactive HIV individuals and 27 patients with other diseases but which were clinically similar to histoplasmosis. The sensitivity of the detection of the galactomannan antigen in serum of patients with histoplasmosis and AIDS was 76% and the specificity was 56%. In urine samples of this group of patients the sensitivity was 75%

Histoplasmosis , Histoplasma , Mycoses , Antigens
Mem. Inst. Invest. Cienc. Salud (Impr.) ; 14(3): 121-125, dic. 2016. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDNPAR | ID: biblio-869097


La coinfección Leishmania/VIH es frecuente y por lo general son casos de leishmaniosis visceral (LV), sin embargo, Leishmania infantum, el agente etiológico, también puede causar formas cutáneas en pacientes VIH-positivos. Los parásitos llegan a la piel por difusión, en una nueva infección o reactivación de una infección latente. Existen técnicas moleculares que confirman el diagnóstico y caracterizan a la especie. En estos pacientes también se presenta como infección oportunista la histoplasmosis, reconocida como marcador de SIDA y causada por Histoplasma capsulatum. En este trabajo describimos un caso de coinfección SIDA, histoplasmosis y LV asociado a lesiones cutáneas. Paciente de sexo masculino, adulto, residente en J.A. Saldívar, VIH positivo (2010), sin tratamiento antirretroviral. En el 2012 es internado en el Instituto de Medicina Tropical (IMT) con fiebre, anemia, hepato-esplenomegalia, frotis de médula ósea y rk39 negativos para Leishmania, recibe tratamiento con Anfotericina B. En el 2013 presenta síndrome febril prolongado y en médula ósea se encuentran amastigotes de Leishmania sp. En el 2014 presenta úlceras en el rostro en las que se observan es porosmicóticos de H. capsulatum y amastigotes de Leishmania sp. Se confirma L. infantum por técnicas de biología molecular. En el caso estudiado concluimos que la presentación dérmica es causada por L. infantum, caracterizada por técnicas moleculares, eH. capsulatum que se presenta en concomitancia debido al estado inmunológico. Cabe resaltar la importancia del diagnóstico diferencial para aplicar el tratamiento correcto y además la manifestación clínica que normalmente no es asociada a esta especie de Leishmania.

Leishmania/HIV coinfection is frequent and generally they are visceral leishmaniasis cases(VL). However, Leishmania infantum, the etiological agent, could also cause cutaneousforms in HIV-positive patients. The parasites reach the skin through diffusion, a newinfection or a reactivation of a latent infection. There are molecular techniques that confirmthe diagnosis and characterize Leishmania species. These patients also present otheropportunistic infections like histoplasmosis, well known as an AIDS marker and caused byHistoplasma capsulatum. In this work, we describe one HIV/histoplasmosis/VL coinfectioncase associated to cutaneous lesions. The patient was a male, adult, coming from the city ofJ.A. Saldívar, HIV positive (since 2010), without antiretroviral treatment. He was hospitalized in 2012 at the Instituto de Medicina Tropical (IMT) with fever, anemia,hepatosplenomegaly, bone marrow smear and rK39 both negative for Leishmania. He wastreated with Amphotericin B. In 2013, he presented a prolonged febrile syndrome andLeishmania amastigotes were observed in the bone marrow. In 2014, the patient presentedulcerations on the face where H. capsulatum fungal spores and Leishmania amastigoteswere observed. L. infantum was confirmed by molecular methods. In the case under studywe can conclude that the dermal manifestation was caused by L. infantuma ccording to thecharacterization by molecular techniques, and simultaneously H. capsulatum was presentdue to his immunological status. It should be emphasized the importance of the differentialdiagnosis in order to apply the right treatment and also the uncommon clinicalmanifestation that is not associated to this Leishmania species.

Humans , Male , Adult , HIV , Histoplasma , Leishmania infantum