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Braz. J. Psychiatry (São Paulo, 1999, Impr.) ; 44(6): 602-610, Nov.-Dec. 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1420522


Objective: The process of detecting faces can be considered one of the initial steps in face recognition, which is essential for human interaction. We sought to investigate whether a face perception task reliably detects subtle perceptual disturbances between patients with bipolar disorder (BD) and healthy controls. Methods: In this multisite study, we examined differences between BD patients and matched healthy controls. Participants were instructed to detect the orientation (either left or right) of a face when it was presented as a face/non-face pair on a computer screen using Bayesian entropy estimation. Data analyses compared performance between the groups. Results: Overall, BD patients exhibited more perceptual disturbances compared with controls. BD patients who took olanzapine had better performance and faster reaction times (RTs) than patients who took lithium or were medication-naive. BD patients who took lithium had better performance and faster RTs than medication-naive patients. The medication-naive BD group exhibited greater disturbances than all other groups. Conclusion: These findings highlight the reliability of the face perception task used herein and may be important for public health initiatives and follow-up studies that seek to understand the diverse effects of other variables that can affect sensory processing in this population.

Acta odontol. Colomb. (En linea) ; 12(2): 26-37, Jul-Dec. 2022. tab, ilus, graf, graf, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1396372


Objective: To study the infuence of age, sex, and occupation in determining the aesthetic perception of the facial profle in the Chilean population through the analysis of silhouettes. Methods: From a profle photograph, a digital silhouette was designed, which was modifed with 2mm movements from the original position of the chin, simulating mandibular protrusion and retrusion. The use of silhouettes allows for eliminating various distractions, prejudices, and predispositions when making an aesthetic judgment. All participants accepted informed consent. Results: 112 participants with a mean age of 33.99 ± 8.28 years were surveyed. When analyzing the most aesthetic option was a straight profle, followed by a slight retrusion of -2mm and a protrusion of +2mm. The least esthetic option was a severe protrusion of +12mm. Both results were repeated in all the groups analyzed. Conclusions: The results present similarities with the literature, however, the low concordance in this study may be due to possible indirect infuences due to the contrast of the images that made up each set and the limited size of the studied sample. The present study was the frst of these characteristics in a Chilean population.

Objetivo: estudiar la infuencia de la edad, sexo y ocupación en la determinación de la percepción estética del perfl facial en la población chilena mediante el análisis de siluetas. Métodos: a partir de una fotografía de perfl se diseñó una silueta digital la cual se modifcó con movimientos de 2mm desde la posición original del mentón simulando una protrusión y retrusión mandibular. El uso de siluetas permite eliminar diversas distracciones, prejuicios y predisposiciones al momento de emitir un juicio estético. Todos los participantes aceptaron el consentimiento informado. Resultados: se encuestaron 112 participantes con una edad media de 33.99 ± 8.28 años. Al analizar la opción más estética fue un perfl recto, seguido de una leve retrusión de -2mm y una protrusión de +2mm. La opción menos estética fue una protrusión severa de +12mm. Ambos resultados se repitieron en todos los grupos analizados. Conclusiones: los resultados presentan similitudes con la literatura, sin embargo, la baja concordancia en este estudio puede deberse a posibles infuencias indirectas por contraste de las imágenes que compusieron cada set y el limitado tamaño de la muestra estudiada. El presente estudio fue el primero de estas características en la población chilena.

Humans , Adult , Esthetics , Orthodontics , Photography, Dental
Estud. psicol. (Natal) ; 22(3): 247-256, Sept. 2017. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-891937


Facial composites are crucial in the criminal justice system. In this archival study, we investigated the assumption that the success of facial composites depends partly on variables related to the crime, which either impairs or facilitates mnemonic processes. When a facial composite is successful in taking an offender to court it is sometimes archived as a positive facial composite, including a photo of the culprit and information about the crime. A total of 88 positive facial composites were investigated. The accuracy of facial composites was tested as a function of five variables related to the crime: type of crime, presence of weapon, retention interval, exposure duration, and disguise. Participants judged the resemblance of the perpetrators' photo with their correspondent facial composite. The results pointed out that only exposure duration was significantly associated with facial composites accuracy. Possible implications and future directions for research using archived facial composites are discussed.

Retratos falados são de extrema importância no sistema de justiça criminal. Neste estudo, nós investigamos a hipótese de que o sucesso de retratos falados depende parcialmente de variáveis relacionadas ao crime, que podem tanto facilitar quanto dificultar processos mnemónicos na elaboração de retratos falados. Quando um retrato falado obtém sucesso em levar um infrator à corte ele é comumente arquivado como um retrato falado positivo, incluindo uma foto do culpado e informações sobre o crime. Um total de 88 retratos falados positivos foram investigados. A acurácia de cada retrato falado foi testada de acordo com cinco variáveis relacionadas ao crime: tipo de crime, presença de arma, intervalo de retenção, tempo de exposição e disfarce. Participantes avaliaram a semelhança entre a foto do culpado e seu respectivo retrato falado. Os resultados apontaram que somente o tempo de exposição foi associado com a acurácia dos retratos falados. Possíveis aplicações e futuras pesquisas usando retratos falados reais são discutidos.

Retratos hablados son de suma importancia en el sistema de justicia criminal. En este estudio, se investigó la hipótesis de que el éxito de los retratos hablados depende en parte de las variables relacionadas con el delito, que pueden facilitar o dificultar los procesos mnemotécnicos en el desarrollo de los retratos hablados. Cuando un retrato hablado tiene éxito en llevar un transgresor a la justicia este es archivado como un retrato hablado positivo, incluyendo una foto del culpable y la información sobre el crimen. Se estudió un total de 88 retratos hablados positivos. La precisión de cada imagen se puso a prueba en función de cinco variables relacionadas con el crimen: tipo de delito, la presencia de armas, intervalo de retención, tiempo de exposición y el encubrimiento. Participantes evaluaron la similitud entre la imagen del culpable y su respectivo retrato hablado. Los resultados mostraron que sólo el tiempo de exposición se asoció con la precisión de retratos hablados. Se discuten las posibles aplicaciones y futuras investigaciones utilizando retratos hablados reales.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Mental Recall , Portrait , Facial Recognition , Memory , Mental Processes , Brazil , Cognition , Crime/psychology
Psicol. reflex. crit ; 28(2): 388-396, abr.-Jun. 2015. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | INDEXPSI, LILACS | ID: lil-746601


Na ilusão da máscara côncava, o reverso côncavo da máscara é percebido como uma face convexa. Esta pesquisa objetivou investigar a robustez dessa ilusão em fotografias de estereogramas da máscara côncava sob variações de cor, iluminação e rotação. Quarenta observadores julgaram como côncava, plana ou convexa máscaras côncavas cinza e policromada, iluminadas por cima, baixo, direita, esquerda, e invertida iluminada por baixo, apresentadas num monitor. A maioria julgou a máscara côncava como convexa. Eles também reproduziram, em centímetros, a profundidade percebida entre a ponta do nariz da máscara e sua base. Não foi observado efeito para a cor, F(1,39)=0,22; p>0,05, mas ocorreu um efeito principal para a direção da iluminação, F(4,156)=11,35; p<0,05. Observou-se uma diferença significativa entre estimativas da posição da máscara côncava monocromada, t(39)=2,12; p<0,05. Maiores estimativas foram designadas às máscaras côncavas posicionadas verticalmente iluminadas por baixo. Estes resultados indicaram a atuação dos processos top-down sobre os bottom-up. (AU)

The hollow-face illusion is an optical illusion in which the perception of a concave mask appears as a convex face. The goal of this study was to investigate the strength of this illusion under different sources of illumination, face color and positioning into stereographic photos. Forty participants judged, in a computer screen, the hollow-face illuminated from above, below, left, and right, and in the upside-down position illuminated from below, as concave, plain or convex. Most of them judged the reverse mask as convex. They also reproduced, in centimeters, the perceived depth of the mask using a retractable tape measure. No significant difference was observed between the colors, F(1,39)=.22; p>.05. But there was an effect in the illumination directions, F(4,156)=11.35; p<.05. The position affected the depth perception of a monochrome hollow-face, t(39)=2.12; p<.05. Higher estimates were designated to the hollow-face in the upright position. These results indicated top-down overlapped bottom-up processing. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Color , Face , Lighting , Optical Illusions , Visual Perception
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 73(5): 383-389, 05/2015. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-746495


Facial recognition is one of the most important aspects of social cognition. In this study, we investigate the patterns of change and the factors involved in the ability to recognize emotion in mild Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Through a longitudinal design, we assessed 30 people with AD. We used an experimental task that includes matching expressions with picture stimuli, labelling emotions and emotionally recognizing a stimulus situation. We observed a significant difference in the situational recognition task (p ≤ 0.05) between baseline and the second evaluation. The linear regression showed that cognition is a predictor of emotion recognition impairment (p ≤ 0.05). The ability to perceive emotions from facial expressions was impaired, particularly when the emotions presented were relatively subtle. Cognition is recruited to comprehend emotional situations in cases of mild dementia.

O reconhecimento da expressão facial é um dos aspectos mais importantes relacionados à cognição social. Foram investigados os padrões de mudança e os fatores envolvidos na habilidade de reconhecer emoções na doença de Alzheimer (DA) leve. Em um estudo longitudinal foram avaliadas 30 pessoas com DA. Para a avaliação da capacidade de reconhecimento facial na DA foi utilizada uma tarefa experimental que inclui a combinação de expressões com uma figura estímulo, rotulação da emoção e reconhecimento emocional de uma situação estímulo. Foi encontrada diferença significativa entre os momentos 1 e 2 na tarefa de reconhecimento situacional (p ≤ 0.05). A regressão linear mostrou que a cognição (p ≤ 0.05) é o fator preditor para o prejuízo do reconhecimento emocional, o que sugere um recrutamento da cognição para a compreensão de situações emocionais mais complexas. Houve comprometimento na percepção de emoções em expressões faciais, particularmente, quando as emoções eram sutis.

Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Female , Humans , Male , Alzheimer Disease/psychology , Cognition/physiology , Emotions/physiology , Facial Expression , Recognition, Psychology , Alzheimer Disease/physiopathology , Epidemiologic Methods , Neuropsychological Tests , Quality of Life , Task Performance and Analysis , Time Factors
Estud. psicol. (Campinas) ; 31(3): 359-366, jul.-set. 2014. graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-725433


Under monocular conditions, 40 students observed the reverse of polychrome and monochrome masks and judged them to be concave, convex or flat. The mask was presented upright and illuminated from above, below, right and left and in the upside down position illuminated from below. The magnitude of the perceived depth or relief was estimated using a retractable tape measure. Regardless of color, lighting and orientation, the majority of responses indicated that the hollow masks were perceived to be convex. No significant differences were observed between the depth or convexity of the metric magnitudes and scalar magnitudes of the concave masks in relation to variations in the light source direction, color, and position. The illusory depth, seeing the concave mask as convex, is a robust phenomenon that suggests the predominant role of higher-order processes over the low-order processes in visual face perception...

Em condição de observação monocular, 40 estudantes universitários julgaram como côncavo, plano ou convexo os reversos de uma máscara monocromada e de uma policromada, iluminados por cima, por baixo, pela direita e pela esquerda, na posição vertical, e na posição invertida com iluminação por baixo. A magnitude da profundidade percebida foi estimada por meio de uma trena retrátil. Independentemente da cor, da iluminação e da orientação das máscaras, a maioria das respostas indicou que os reversos das máscaras foram percebidos como convexos. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas entre as magnitudes escalares e métricas de profundidade ou relevo das máscaras côncavas em relação às variações da direção da fonte de iluminação, cor e posição. A máscara côncava percebida ilusoriamente como convexa é um fenômeno robusto que sugere atuação predominante de processos de alta ordem sobre os processos de baixa ordem na percepção visual de faces...

Depth Perception , Facial Expression , Social Perception , Visual Perception
Psychol. neurosci. (Impr.) ; 7(2): 65-72, Jan.-June 2014. ilus, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-718323


Self-face perception plays an important role in self-consciousness and personal identity as well as in social exchanges and well-being. Despite its significance, little is known about how individuals represent their faces internally. This study explored mechanisms of self-face perception in three experiments. First, participants chose from two images (self-face image vs. self-image with manipulated facial features) which one was their veridical image and which one they liked most. Afterwards, participants could (digitally) manipulate their facial features to increase their attractiveness (either to themselves or to an imagined other/s). Results showed that self-face recognition was better when veridical faces were paired with 'clones' with larger facial features or when all facial features were enlarged concurrently. Moreover, up to half of the participants preferred smaller noses and larger eyes and manipulated their self-images accordingly. State (but not trait) self-esteem was inversely correlated with eye, mouth and nose size manipulations made to increase one's attractiveness. The results indicate that a certain tolerance for error in self-face recognition might be required to maintain a consistent facial identity during one's lifespan. The discovered preference for neotenous features and discrepancies between one's perceived and one's veridical face and their link to state self-esteem are discussed...

Humans , Female , Adult , Facial Expression , Individuality , Self Concept
Estud. psicol. (Natal) ; 19(2): 119-127, abr.-jun. 2014. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-722623


Sinais não verbais de comunicação emocional são frequentes em diferentes culturas. Esta pesquisa buscou traduzir e adaptar uma bateria (Florida Affect Battery) de avaliação de expressões faciais e prosódia emocional, bem como avaliar o desempenho de uma amostra populacional brasileira em seus subtestes, incluindo uma comparação entre participantes do sexo feminino e masculino e por escolaridade. Os resultados da amostra brasileira foram avaliados e, posteriormente, comparados aos da amostra estadunidense, fornecidos no manual da bateria. Não foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre o desempenho da amostra brasileira e da amostra estadunidense, bem como entre homens e mulheres, com altas taxas de acerto para todos os grupos avaliados, evidenciando um bom reconhecimento de expressões faciais e prosódia emocional...

Nonverbal signs of emotional communication are common in different cultures. This study aimed to translate and adapt a battery (Florida Affect Battery) of evaluation of facial expressions and emotional prosody, as well as evaluate the performance of a Brazilian sample in their subtests, including a comparison of men and women and of education level. The results of the Brazilian sample were compared to the results of United States sample provided in battery's manual. There were no significant differences between the performance of Brazilian sample and the United States sample as well as between men and women, with high success rates for all groups evaluated...

Señales no verbales de comunicación emocional son comunes em diferentes culturas. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo traducir y adaptar una batería (Florida Affect Battery) de evaluación de expresiones faciales y prosodia emocional, así como evaluar el desempeño de una muestra de la población brasileña en sus subpruebas, incluyendo uma comparación entre participantes hombres y mujeres e entre los diferentes níveles de educación. Los resultados de la muestra brasileña fueron evaluados, y posteriormente, se compararon con los resultados de la muestra estadounidense, proporcionados en el manual de la batería. No hubo diferencias significativas entre el desempeño de la muestra brasileña y la muestra estadunidense, así como entre hombres y mujeres, con altas tasas de acierto para todos los grupos evaluados, evidenciando un buen reconocimiento de expresiones faciales y prosodia emocional...

Humans , Male , Female , Young Adult , Facial Expression , Nonverbal Communication , Speech Perception
Ciênc. cogn ; 19(3): 315-324, fev. 2014. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1017018


A ilusão da máscara côncava caracteriza-se pela inversão visual da profundidade durante a observação do reverso de uma máscara da face humana, que é percebido como convexo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar a percepção monocular da profundidade ou relevo de uma máscara côncava, sob quatro condições de iluminação distintas, em 8 indivíduos com a Síndrome de Abstinência do Álcool (SAA) leve comparativamente a 8 participantes saudáveis. As contribuições nesta área de investigação são escassas e os resultados encontrados são controversos. Além disso, resta investigar a condição monocular de observação do estímulo. A máscara côncava foi posicionada no interior deuma caixa e observada através de um visor. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas entre os indivíduos com a SAA leve e os observadores saudáveis. A maioria dos observadores realizou a inversão visual da profundidade da máscara côncava, percebendo a face ilusória convexa. Ressalta-se a supremacia dos processos cognitivos, de alta ordem (top-down), sobre os processos sensoriais, de baixa ordem (bottom-up), na ilusão da máscara côncava. A observação monocular facilitou a ilusão e não foi adequada para investigar os prejuízos no processamento cognitivo de informações visuais causados pela SAA leve

The hollow-face illusion is the visual depth inversion that happens when a hollow mask of a human face is perceived as convex. The aim of thiswork was to investigate the monocular perception of depth or relief of a hollow mask, under four distinct illumination conditions, in 8 individuals with mild alcohol withdrawal, comparing to 8healthy participants. Scientific contributions in this research area are scarce and the results are controversial. Furthermore, it remains to investigate the status of monocular observationof the stimulus. The hollow mask was placed inside of a box and observed through a viewfinder. There was not significant differences between the individuals with mild alcohol withdrawal and the healthy observers. The significant majority of the observers made the visual depth inversion,perceiving the convex illusory face. It is important to notice the dominance of the high order, cognitive process (top-down) over low ordersensorial process (bottom-up) in the hollow-face illusion. The monocular observation facilitated illusion and it was not suitable to investigate the impairments in the cognitive processing of visual information caused by mild SAA

Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Perceptual Distortion/drug effects , Alcohol Abstinence , Depth Perception/drug effects
Rev. latinoam. psicol ; 44(2): 27-38, mayo-ago. 2012. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-669259


La percepción y el reconocimiento de caras como funciones cerebrales complejas de gran relevancia psicobiológica son objeto de estudio por parte de la comunidad neurocientífica desde hace varias décadas. En este artículo se revisan los datos existentes sobre potenciales evocados y procesamiento de caras y se discute la significación funcional de cada una de las respuestas psicofisiológicas analizadas en relación con las diferentes etapas o módulos descritos en los modelos cognitivos y neurales sobre el procesamiento de rostros familiares y desconocidos. El procesamiento inicial de las caras está relacionado con respuestas electrofisiológicas muy tempranas como la onda occipital P120, asociada a la detección de aspectos estructurales primarios sugerentes, grosso modo, de la presencia de una cara en nuestro campo visual. La onda temporal posterior N170 es más sensible a la configuración facial (vs. otros objetos) y a la presencia de rasgos faciales distintivos antes de que se produzca la individualización intra-categorial (reconocimiento visual de la identidad), mientras que las respuestas de latencia más tardía como la temporal anterior N250r y la topográficamente más distribuida N400 son las que reflejan, respectivamente, los procesos de acceso y recuperación de información relativa a las caras conocidas en la memoria a largo plazo.

The perception and recognition of faces are complex brain functions of great psychobiological relevance and have been studied by the neuroscientific community for decades. This paper reviews existing data on event-related potentials and facial processing, therefore, the functional significance of each psychophysiological response, in relation with the different stages or modules described in cognitive and neural models regarding the processing of familiar and unknown faces are discussed. The initial processing of faces is related to early electrophysiological responses as occipital P120 wave, associated with the detection of primary structural features suggestive of, basically, the presence of a face in our visual field. The posterior temporal N170 wave is more sensitive to facial configuration (vs. other objects) and to the presence of specific facial features before the intra-categorical identification takes place (visual recognition of identity), while the later latency responses as the anterior temporal N250r and the more topographically distributed N400 are those that reflect, respectively, the access and retrieval of information on familiar faces in long-term memory.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-12697


BACKGROUND: Metamorphopsia includes a broad spectrum of visual perceptual distortions, such as alteration of perceived object size or, rarely, altered perception of faces, termed prosopometamorphopsia. CASE REPORT: This report describes a patient who complained of metamorphopsia restricted to the center of the face, particularly the lower part of the face (nose and mouth), following infarction of the right medial temporooccipital lobe that included the fusiform face area. CONCLUSIONS: The fusiform face area is commonly believed to be a face-selective cortical region dedicated to the visual analysis of face stimuli. We speculate that any injury to this brain area could bring about prosopometamorphopsia involving whole or unilateral face perception, or very rarely, as in our case, distortion restricted to the central area of the face. Furthermore, there could be topographical correspondences between facial structures and the fusiform face area.

Humans , Brain , Infarction , Mouth , Nose , Perceptual Distortion , Vision Disorders
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-388906


Objective To study early face processing of mild cognitive impairment patients by using ERP method.Methods Sixteen healthy old man(normal group)and sixteen mild cognitive impairment patients(MCI group)served as subjects in experiment.Two runs of 300 stimuli(duration:50ms)of 3 facial and 3 non-facial pictures were randomly presented with equal probability(ISI:from 1000ms to 1500ms randomly),and the subjects were asked to react to facial stimuli and non-facial stimuli by pressing the left button and risht button respectively as quickly as possible.Thirty-two channels electroencephalogram(EEG)Was recorded by Neuroscan Nuamps Systern.Results 1)Specific-face component N170 was found in both groups.Which was distributed at the temporal-occipital region.2)Compared with N170 in normal group,N170 amplitude Was significantly lower((-4.42±0.28)Μv vs(-7.00±0.28)Μv,F=41.52,P<0.01)at temporal-occipital region and delayed((158.91±2.17)ms vs(140.97±2.17)ms,F=34.09,P<0.01) in mild cognitive impairment group.Conclusion The early face processing mechanism of mild cognitive impairment patients may be different from normal people.

Psicol. reflex. crit ; 23(3): 466-475, 2010. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-572557


Com a finalidade de investigar se a simetria está relacionada à atratividade facial, vinte fotos em preto e branco de faces frontais de jovens adultos (10F, 10M) foram manipuladas por um editor gráfico de maneira a gerar faces simétricas pela reflexão de suas hemifaces direita e esquerda. Sessenta e dois voluntários julgaram a atratividade das faces simétricas e naturais por meio de uma escala visual analógica em dois experimentos. Em um experimento as faces foram apresentadas com os elementos faciais externos e no outro sem eles. Em ambos experimentos as faces naturais foram geralmente julgadas mais atrativas que as simétricas. Conclui-se que a simetria facial por reflexão das hemifaces não é fator preponderante na atratividade facial.

In order to investigate whether symmetry is related to facial attractiveness, a computer graphic software generated symmetrical faces by reflecting the right and the left hemiface of twenty frontal faces (10F, 10M) of young adults from black-and-white pictures. Applying an analogical visual scale, sixty two volunteers judged the attractiveness of the symmetrical and natural faces in two experiments. In one experiment the faces were presented with external elements and in the other without them. In both experiments, the natural faces were generally judged more attractive than the symmetrical ones. In conclusion, symmetry from reflections of the hemifaces is not a preponderant factor for facial attractiveness.

Humans , Male , Female , Young Adult , Esthetics/psychology , Face , Visual Perception
Paidéia (Ribeiräo Preto) ; 19(44): 349-356, set.-dez. 2009. tab, ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-536361


Novas possibilidades promissoras de avaliação vêm sendo estudadas nos Transtornos Invasivos do Desenvolvimento (TID) como, por exemplo, análise dos movimentos oculares. O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar crianças com TID e crianças com desenvolvimento normal na percepção de faces humanas, por meio da análise do rastreamento visual. Foram avaliados 10 participantes com TID, idade média de 11,9 anos (DP=3,22), pareados por idade e sexo, com 10 crianças com desenvolvimento normal. Dez faces neutras em branco e preto foram observadas por 10 segundos, controlando-se nos estímulos: gênero (masculino ou feminino); posição (normal ou invertida) e presença dos olhos (presente ou ausente). Observaram-se diferenças significativas: o grupo TID olhou menos tempo para a região dos olhos nas figuras masculinas; gastou menos tempo na face e nos olhos em figuras invertidas; além de utilizar menos tempo na fixação da face com olhos presentes e ocultados; já o grupo controle olhou mais na região dos olhos, quando os estes estavam ocultados.

New promising assessment possibilities have been studied in Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDD) such as eye tracking analysis. This study compares the perception of human faces in children with PDD and children with typical development through the analysis of eye-tracking patterns. Ten participants with PDD, mean age of 11.9 years (SD=3.22), were matched by age and gender with 10 participants with typical development. Ten neutral faces, in black-and-white, were observed per 10 seconds each while some stimuli were controlled: gender (male or female); position (normal or upside-down); presence of eyes (present or absent). Significant differences were found: PDD participants spent less time looking at eyes of male faces; spent less time with faces and eyes in upside-down figures and spent less time looking at faces with eyes and faces with occulted eyes; and control group spent more time looking at the eyes region when these were occulted.

Nuevas posibilidades de evaluación, como análisis de los movimientos oculares, estan siendo estudiadas en el Trastorno Invasivo del Desarrollo (TID). El objetivo de este trabajo fue comparar niños con TID y niños con desarrollo normal en la percepción de rostros humanos por medio de un análisis de rastreamiento visual. Fueron evaluados 10 participantes con TID, edad media de 11,9 años (DP=3,22), pareados por edad y sexo con 10 niños controles. Fueron observados 10 rostros en blanco y negro por 10 segundos, controlandose: género (masculino o femenino); posición (normal o invertida); presencia de los ojos (presente o ausente). Se observaron diferencias significativas: el grupo TID miro menos para la región de los ojos en las figuras masculinas; gastaron menos tiempo en el rostro y en los ojos en figuras invertidas y gastaron menos tiempo en la fijación del rostro con ojos presentes y ocultos; y controles miraron más la región de los ojos en rostros con ojos ocultos.

Humans , Male , Child , Adolescent , Young Adult , Autistic Disorder , Eye Movements , Face , Social Behavior
Estud. psicol. (Natal) ; 14(2): 97-105, maio-ago. 2009. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-540714


Em condição monocular, 40 observadores julgaram o reverso côncavo de uma máscara facial monocromada cinza e de outra policromada (iluminados por cima, por baixo, pela direita e pela esquerda na posição vertical e na posição vertical invertida, iluminado por baixo) como côncavos, planos ou convexos. Além disso, as magnitudes dos seus relevos percebidos foram reproduzidas ao se esticar uma trena retrátil. Independente da cor, iluminação e orientação das máscaras, a maioria das respostas indicou que os reversos das máscaras foram percebidos como convexos. E mesmo nas poucas respostas em que as máscaras foram classificadas como planas, houve atribuição de relevo mensurável. Estes resultados confirmam que a ilusória profundidade da máscara facial côncava como convexa é robusta sob influência de variáveis diversas, o que sugere atuação predominante de processos de alta ordem sobre os processos de baixa ordem na percepção visual de faces.

With monocular viewing, forty observers judged a monochrome-gray and a polychrome hollow face mask (illuminated from above, from below, from the right and from the left, and upside-down illuminated form below) as inward deep, flat or outward deep. They were also asked to reproduce the perceived depth of the mask by pulling out a tape measure. Regardless of color, illuminating condition and mask orientation, most of the responses indicated that the hollow faces were perceived as outward deep. Even in the few occasions in which the masks were reported flat, measurable depths were assigned on the tape measure. These results support that the hollow face illusion is robust even under diverse variable effects, which suggest preponderant top-down over bottom-up processes on visual face perception.

Young Adult , Color Perception , Depth Perception , Perceptual Masking , Visual Acuity , Visual Perception
Psychol. neurosci. (Impr.) ; 1(1): 15-20, Jan.-June 2008.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-614710


Significant advances in the understanding of processes involved in face perception have been achieved. This study aims to review the literature of face perception in neurobiological and social contexts. The review focused on the mechanisms of mediation of face perception by neural substrates, and discussed some of the social signals provided by faces. We showed that psychological, neurophysiological and neuroimaging studies have demonstrated that a dedicated neural system for face perception exists in primates, which includes the fusiform face area (FFA), anterior superior temporal sulcus (STS) and anterior inferior temporal gyrus (ITG). But it remains to be understood how the integration of face perception occurs in the neurobiological context and in the social context.

Psychol. neurosci. (Impr.) ; 1(1): 27-34, Jan.-June 2008. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-614712


The Multiple-Faces Configuration Illusion is observed by staring at a black dot while paying attention to a face in the peripheral visual field (Simas, 2000). Changes of facial expressions, movements, depth (EMF) or different face identities (MF) are observed in this illusion. Forty participants took part in the study: 20 outpatients diagnosed with schizophrenia, and 20 people helping friends or relatives in a hospital clinic. The face-stimulus was placed in a partition stand and participants instructed to describe any visual event occurring during 90 s, one eye at a time. Results showed that 100 percent of women in the experimental group (EG) reported perceiving events related to MF with the left eye. Significantly fewer women saw these events with the right eye. Also, fewer men in the experimental group and men and women in the control group saw these events with either eye.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-576370


Objective To study early face processing of internet addiction patients by using ERP method. Methods Ten healthy young man 18~21 years and 10 internet addiction patients 17~22 years served as subjects in experiment. Two runs of 300 stimuli (duration: 50 ms) of 3 facial and 3 non-facial pictures were randomly presented with equal probability (ISI: from 1 000 ms to 1 500 ms randomly), and the subjects were asked to react to facial stimuli and non-facial stimuli by pressing the left button and right button respectively as quickly as possible. Thirty two channel electroencephalogram (EEG) was recorded by Neuroscan Nuamps System. Results 1) Specific-face component Nd170 (face N170 minus object N170) was found in both groups, which was distributed at the temporal-occipital region in control groups but at occipital region in internet addiction group; 2) Compared with Nd170 in internet addiction group, Nd170 was significantly lower at occipital negion and delayed in control group. Conclusion The early face processing mechanism of internet addiction patients may be different from normal people.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-973840


@#ObjectiveTo explore the neural basis of visual completion for the occluded faces.Methods2 types of visual stimuli were presented randomly: pictures of complete faces,pictures of incomplete faces(the occluded part was the left-top quadrant).Subjects were instructed to perform a gender discrimination task while event-related potentials(ERPs) were recorded.ResultsCompared with complete faces,incomplete faces enhanced the amplitude of N1 on the occipito-temporal scalp bilaterally,with the right hemisphere advantage.The peak latency of N2 elicited by incomplete faces was delayed compared with that of complete faces.ConclusionThe enhancement of N1 is related to visual completion processing that requires additional time.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-973844


@#ObjectiveTo explore the neural basis of visual completion for the occluded faces.Methods2 types of visual stimuli were presented randomly: pictures of complete faces,pictures of incomplete faces(the occluded part was the left-top quadrant).Subjects were instructed to perform a gender discrimination task while event-related potentials(ERPs) were recorded.ResultsCompared with complete faces,incomplete faces enhanced the amplitude of N1 on the occipito-temporal scalp bilaterally,with the right hemisphere advantage.The peak latency of N2 elicited by incomplete faces was delayed compared with that of complete faces.ConclusionThe enhancement of N1 is related to visual completion processing that requires additional time.